WA.OE EIGET THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILL, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1930 The flaveur et BALADA le the umoit delightful of ail "SALADA! TEA 9Freeh fronm the gardons' The Highway Traffic Amendiment Act 1930 MOTOR VEFHCLE No 0 87;8ý 19300-you may 1NOe hoth if you fail to ohey the law. DoYou Knowthe New Sa! ety Responsibility Law? It provides that If you bave committed any cf the offences men- tioned ln THSE HIO1IWAY TR-AFFC ACT or bave failed to pay 5fly judgment recordled agaiflst you ln case of accdeflt. your license will be suspended and you wilI be barred from the road. A permit or license sa0 suspended may be reinstated wben the judg- ment against the offender has been satisfied. but, even then, not until he has given proof of financlal responsibllity by Giving a bond of a Surety Company for $11,000. Giving a personal bond, guaranteeing ability to pay up ta $11.000. Depositing moneyv or securities f0 the amorant of $11,000. or Presentiniz PROOF 0F INSIJRANCE against per. aonal in.vury ani proverty damage. Bo umiess a motorist la prepared to pay for the damage he May do to the person or property of others. lie sbould flot drive a car wthout the protection of Insurance. Pamphlets explaning the conditions of the Ne-w Law can be pro- cured wthout chare from the agent of any Company a member of The Canadian Automobile Underwriters Associationl W E feature only one make of tire - Goodyears. But what a range of them! And from the lowest to the highest of tire price classes, our Goodyears offer far and away the biggest value. Sending away for tires is the "bunk" when you can get Good- year quality and our service right here at the saine or lower prices. Drive over and let's talk turkey. KEMP BROS. GARAGE Bowmanville TELEPHU NE 248 ORONO a bouquet of flowers, a silver role tray and a carving set were presented to (FrOm The News of September llth) the couple by Mildred and Ruby Ai- Miss Joe Armnstronlg, Hartford, len and John Lowery. Speeches wereb Conn., is home for a month's vaca- given by prominent ctjzens,of Kirby, n tion. and Sidney Rutherford acted as aP Mrs. G. H. Linton is visiting her very able chairman. son, Mr. G. M. Linton, at the Foresta Station. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. West and fa... NEWTONVILLEr ily spent Sunday at his father's, at Infantile Paralysis took its first toli Beaverton.1t Mrs. J. J. Gilffilan, with lier bro- in this locality on the afternoon of 1 ther, Walter, were recent guests of Sunday, September 7th. when theS relatives in Port Hope. home and bearts of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. iltn Wlke ofWinnipeg, Geo. Stapleton were saddened by the Mrn. MiltonheWlke o! ___ isloss of Ewart Clare, their eidest son,f Mane, Msentthe eeked wih h' aged 3 years and 3 months. Nothing1t Mr. Pierpont Armnstrong is enjoy- wssae osv i ieadhs ing a holiday with Mr. Carl Burn- passing was very untimely and sud- hart, a classmate, in Detroit, Micb.dn ewsasweafcint Mrs Thomas H. Powers and daugli- and knowing child. much loved by ter elenleftforToroto, r-fri ends and neighbors alike. A brie! Helen will enter in training at Wel-pr vate service was heid on the iawn lesley Hospital. of their home on the afternoon o! Mr. and Mrs. Will Gilbertson and Monday, with Rev. T. Wallace in daughter Wilda, of Eden MiUls, were charge, a! ter which ail that was mor- Sunday visitors at Mr. Arthur Allen's. tai was conveyed to the Bowmanville Mr. R. Z. Hall and sister, Miss Cemetery to wait the resurrection Minnie Hall, spent the past week -i morn. Floral wreaths were evident1 Tornto an a thir iser', Ms.from The Family, Grandpa Martin, J. B. Moat, Oakvllle. Mrs.lan M rtin, mritandMrs.n Miss Bella Watson returned home r.AlnMti, r.ad rs last week. accompanied by Mr. and Gordon Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Wel- Mrs. Jas. Patton, Toronto, after vs alndtoMiss JewanderrinM.andMr. F iting relatives in Michigan. and~ MitchJelnPrinl. adMs Mrs. S. Cutteil attended a trous-C.JMicel seau tea, Wednesday. at the home o! Miss Massie, Port Hope, whose mar- HOMING PIGEON CLUB niage is announced for next week. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. (Lorne) Hos Bowmanviile Homing Pigeon Club kins moved last week to Newcastle, flew their sixth Young bird race on and the residence here vacated by Saturday fromn Kentbridge. Ont., 1961 them is now occupied by Mr. Dean miles air line, with the following re- and f amily.. suit: Mr. William Armstrong, S.' Len. Richards, 5 hrs, 52 mins, 30 sec. spending a f ew days with his niece Len. Richards, 5 hrs, 56 mins, 57 sec. Mrs. Thornton Wilson, Ottawa, and Woolner Bros. 6 hrs, 16 mins, 40 sec. while there will visit the House Of Woolner Bros. 6 hirs, 16 mins, 40 sec. Commons. now in session. P . Bottreil 6 hrs, 31 mins, 49 sec. Mothers can easily know when P. Bottreli 6 hrs, 32 mins, 19 sec. their children are troubled withl Woolner Bros. win the silver cup worms, and tbey lose no time ini ap- 'for best old and Young bird average. plyîng a reliable remedy-Mother ____ Graves' Worm Exterminator. Mr.Richard Smith, an oîd and B a d r W a n s muhesteemed resident at Newton- B a d rW a n ville section, passed away Sundayc morning, September 7th, at the home Getting-Up-Nights o! bier son, Mr. George Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Bellwood and Mr. and Mrs. Bristol of Stayner, Mr. Q ikyR le e and Mrs. Chris Law of Newcastle, called on their cousin, Mr. Jas. Dicit- Pleasant Home Treatment Works son. and Mrs. Rena Faîrbairn re- Fine; Mand y Dear For cently. 1Mn er The Misses Walsh, daughters of What a wonderf ul comfort it is to the late Rev. A. R. Walsh, who have sleep ail night and flot get up once been spending their vacation bere f rom Bladder Weakness and Irrita- with their aunt, Miss Margaret tion. Walsh. are leaving to take a course The daily annoyance, restless of study at Stanstead University, nights of misery, backacbes and Quebec. nervous irritability that resuit f rom Mr. Norman A. Scott, formerl1y of f unctional Bladder Troubles are Pontypool, who bas been managing a wrecking the lives of thousands who miuskrat ranch on the Trent River might otherwise be in the best of the past year, bas severed bis con- health. nection therewith, and with his wif e To be at your best, you must have and !amiiy is visiting his brother Al- peaceful, health-giving sleep and bert at Newtonville. freed'im f rom daily irritation-that's Mr. and Mrs. E. Benson, of Tor- why 'Dr. Southworth's URATABS onto, Mr. and Mrs. White and Mr. give such wonderful satisfaction. and Mrs. Vogt, o! Rochester, N. Y., Made from a special formula and were weekend visitors at Mr. O. W. used by the Doctor for many years- Rolph's. It was Mr. Vogt's frst visit URATABS. now obtainable !rom in Canada. and he was delighted witb your druggist for inexpensive home the country, and also with Orono. use, have brougbt quick belp and Mr. Kenneth Werry, Salem, has comfort to many tbousands. been substituting since the opening No matter what your age may be of the school for Miss Adams, who or how many medicines you have was cailed to the bedside of hier aunt, used without success, if you want to Mrs. Rowan, at Regina, Sask., whoI forget you have a Bladder and enjoy bas since passed away. Miss Adams the rest o! peaceful, unbroken sleep, accompanied bier body home to Ome- try URATABS today. Your druggist mee. Tuesday, for burial. will refund the small cost If you are Mr. James A. Henry and son not weîî plpased! IGeorge, o! Ripley, Ont., spent a few ____________ Idays the past week with relatives and friends in Orono and district. Mr. Henry and family left the old Sixth 1 Line about fifty years ago. He is a , brother of the late Joseph and George Henry o! that town. Gilbank have leased the John Henry ~ f arm. Sixth Line. to take possession ... in April next. Mr. George Hoy, who bas been tenant on this farmn for some years past, bas bought the Amos McMullin f arm. originaliy the property of the late Robert Hodge. Requisite on the Farm.-Every 'farmer and stock-raiser should keep . a supply of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil on hand, not only as a ready rem- edy for ilis in the famnily. but because it is a horse and cattie mecicine of ...... I great potency. As a substitute for i sweet oil for horses and cattie affect- ed by coiic it far surpasses anythingi icti eo that can be adminlstered. 1 Glen, Young son of Mr. and Mrs. e-it o M. J. Tamblyn, was pain!ully burned "nM n a when hie f ell with bis tricycle into a "I , n une1 a smouldering bonfire at their home, badiy rundlown and had faint and being entangled in the wheels, spella unti it was a drag to do ha nbet elp himself. Ris 1 my w ork. In July and August I mother quickly pulled him to safety. ddn't seem ta ipick up so 1 de- but one band and arm was deeply cded to rry Lydia E. Pink- aburn. H s porsig fv ham s Vegetable Com poud The Last Asthma Attack may real- because1 aitdvr ly be the iast one if prompt measures took two botdes and now I arn Council met in the Council Chaln- ber, Orono, on Sept. 2nd, Reeve Hol- man presiding, and ail members present. Minutes o! iast meeting were read and on motion adopted. Foilowing communications were read: Dept. o! Public Hlgbways re electric lights in Newtonvllle, Cen- tral Ont. Power Association; E. L. MacNachtan gave notice o! admis- sion o! Johnny Turner to Bowmall- ville Hospital on Aug. 7th; Frank S. Ebbs, barrister, Oshawa, re account for Ogden and Johnston o! Oshawa to whlch Clerk was lnstructed to send cheque accordlng to Road Supt. account; Workmen's Compensation Board ask.ing information as to oper- ation o! gravel pît, etc. S. R. Hart & Co. Ltd. was given order for assessment and collector's roils for year 1931. Messrs. H. G. Macdonald and C. Reglnald Lovekin made application for the office of coilector o! rates for 1930, and under by-law 937 Mr. Mac- donald recelved the appolntment. Road Supt. and his foremen !rom this date were lnstructed not to pay more than 10e per yard for gravel from any pit or beach i this town- sbip. mhat no further relief be allowed to Mrs. Albert Wright as she is now receivlng Motber's Allowance. Clarke Agr. Society will be per- mitted at their own expense to police Park St. on two days o! the exhibi- tion--Sept. 30 and Oct. 1. That Clarke township council ob- ject to condition o! crosslngs be- tween lots 32 and 33, also lots 34 and 35, B. F. Clerk instructed to write asking that the condition be cor- rected. mhat C. J. Thornton, collector o!f rates for the year 1929, havlng col- lected all taxes for the above year save and except $1005.53 resident land taxes and $25.27 non-collectable, receive a rebate for such sums; that his bondsmen be released, and that the Reeve grant bis order on the Treasurer for the sum. o! $300, in f ull compensation for bis services. Following bis were passed and paid: Workmen's Comp. Bd., 2nd provisional. payment . $ 75.00 A. E. West, charity Jessie Waddell ..- 1.50 Mrs. E. J. Randail, niontbly payment R. vs F. 48.00 S. Cutteli, ptg. voters' li.sts 78.00 J. E. Richards, electric work on hall. . 1.30 R. H. Wood, caretaker. 4.00 Edward Dean, fence-viewer Lots 24, 25, Con. 2. 2.00 Jno. Middleton, fence-viewer Lots 24, 25, Con. 2.-. 2.00 Austin Turner, !ence-viewer Lots 24, 25, Con. 2. 2.00 Peter Laing, sheep damages. 15.00 Norm. Allin, sheep inspector 6.00 J. Henry & Son, supplies.. 4.60 Rolph Hardware, cernent.. 54.62 J. G. Samis, gravel road 1C 33.00 Metallic Rooflng Co....... 10051 Ont. Bridge Co. steel.......-39800 Orono Coal Co. cedar for bridges................ 119.35 Jno. Henry, Road Supt. for August ... ... 134.25 R. H. Wood, weed inspector. 60.00 Jno. Henry, road mainten- ance for August --- 1354.86 Coundil adjourned f0 meet Tues- day, Oct. 7th, at 10 a. m. A.3. Stapies, M.. Holman, Clerk. Reeve. for ANY CHILD W E can neer be ure just e-at makes a child restiess, but the remedy can ahways be the same. Good ohd Castorial There's comfort in everr drop (J this pure vegetable preparation. iand flot the slightest harmn in its frequeni use. As oflen as.yur ild basa To preach and practice before ail the word-I The freedom and divinity o! man, The glorious dlaims o! human bro- therhood, And the soul's fealty to none but God. -James Russell Lowel N 0WThoumndsa write uer- F EELconiaioin i~estined verU5 FIN E u -tes fromdiiggi5t .0.1 Immediate Relief ! One tasteless spoonful in water neu -__ tralizes many times its volume in acid. The resuits are immediate, with no bad1 after-effects. Once you learn this, fact, you will never deal with excess acid in the crude ways. Go hearn-now-hy this method is supreme. Be sure to get the genuine Phillipe Milk of Magnesia prescribed by phyul. -cians for 50 years in correcting erau acidg. Each bottie contains MIuhi druF tions-mnay drugstore. LOV E IYe1 MAN DJ Busy bands-at hard tasks day in and day out. Persian Balm keeps the skin sot and pliable. Removes iredness and relieves hirtation. At ieur v p-- ,ook'& Regulating Compound Asafse. t diable cedm sidicn,. od in dies de 1M,1Jý f es treî.th-No. 1, $If '.283; No. 3.,6.5 per boa, Seld Ldral druggists* or sent eeipmbe.Adeion recept of prias. THE COOK MEDICINEC064 W OD'S PHOSPHODIN4e~ *tories aiid i nvigorates th whol nervous system. maaiez new Blood in oid Veins. Used for Nert'ous mDebitty, Mental and Drain Wonyt Dkspnndencv, Lau of Enerv Palpitation o i'e Heart, aiti eealo7y. riot stpedboo3 lt 150 SoId by ait druggists, or nîailed ýn plain pkg. on re,.eipi af pnice.Nw6mhem "«-IVE WOOD WD IECO..OROeTO.NT PINKY KNOWS WHEN TO VANISH THE eOý,' COUL- ) GE:T AL-0N6 WJI."HC(. 'f-M ARC- LOOKIN' For ANY. WINP OF A JOB EANIS' ~SI(N~GLeS TOS. HE 'iEtDWIYNg THE PAIN No'5IN tE VýMOtJ'T 1-MPON 15 rniHi Terry Gilkison PROTECTION M ADE from Gypsumn rock, Gyproc Wall- board does not burn. And this year it bas a new sniooth Ivory finish that needs no decoration (when panelled) al- tbough you can tint, paper or plaster it if you wish. Structurally strong, in- HH expensive, easily and 1tII~;Ii ~ quickly put up, Gvproc Wallboard giv.es pernia. ;î the nalls, ceilings and ;1 partitions of vour home. AYotîr dcaler's nare ss listcd below. Ask !~i :1fcir complete deta1ils . :f t;,îs pioncer Canadli:a l ill- safe Gypsuin Lboa2rd or write for frue interesting book, 'L}uiIdinig .p_1Re- modelIit xv'th Gý proc:. GX'PSUýM, LIMî . \.D ALABAx'1IN,,(.N-l X Paris .-. For Sale By John A. Holgate & Son, Bowmanville, Ont. Ti pý ^CID WC) RW' MEAD> What most people eall indigestion in uually excess acid in the stonach. The food bas soured. The instant remedy is an aikai which neutraizes acids. But don't use cmude beipa. Use what your doctor would advise. The bet help is Pbiilips' Mile of Magnesia. For the 50 years sinoe ito invention it bas remained standard with physicians. You will find nothing jelse Bo quice in its effet, 60 harmie-B., @o efficient. Son-ehow we must give what we get, or soon we will get no more. If Li!e's a gamne that ail mnust Play, May it be mine to find alway, 'Mid ail its trials and its bumps That hearts are trumps. -John Kendrick Bangs. As wth a swamp, so wlth the mmd, an inlet is useless without an outiet. since be who gets f0 keep can in the end get nothing good. -Harry Emerson Fosdick, D.D. To wander, and dream, and listen, To the wind among the trees; To roam wbere the sweet brooks gsten, 'MTo heis God's voice i the breeze, Mur country ahas ao se !hron 1 %0 à-% 1%.P a ý - - - - - a ..... ..... iIY ,W ioo