PAGE NU TUE CtANADIA.N STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1930 COC The constant reliable service of Super Sbell and Sheil Gasoline and the lne-up of igh grade Qils we scîl wiil surely mnake you glad. You will find aur Service, wbat- ever the season, just as depend- able. We offer yon crank case and greasing service. For yonr lamps or coal ail stove we have a splendid bigb grade water white Coal Oil that will make you glad for it bas bigb quality witbont the price penalty. Let ns supply yonr needs. y II@L, eV x<LIANViLL5. Jeily Beans 20e lb. Humnbugs .......20e lb. Marshmallow Drops ...30e lb. Many others too. They're fresh Bowmanville Bakery A. W. Jacobs, Proprietor An Easy, Quick Get-Away It's a hectic job getting daddy off to work and the children off to sehool with a nourishing breakfast. Every- thing is calm and placid when Shredded Wheat is served. It's ready. cooked,*eat. Heat the biscuits in the oven a f ew moments to restore their erispness, then pour milk over them. They contain ail the energy- giving elements of the whole wheat grain-and are so palatable and easy to digest. Deliejous with fruit. SHREDDED I1~~~~F1 i McCLELLAN & Phone 15 BowmaIill reputatioti of 40 ealing to back Up ,L CO. le I p Everyone Likes Candy We are stîll runnlng our J Candy Specials thîs week. People bave been fiocking to our store and wbcn their supply was finisbed tbey J came back for more. They dlaim tbey received a bar- gain. We know they dld, and wby not you? We bave reduced the prices on many more of our fresb dliclous candies and trust you'll take advantage of ItL Here they are - Specilly for this week-end: with Mrs. H. Caldwell, Perrytown, at the piano. who was ably assisted by Neil Stewart in duet selections. Two former pastors, Rex' S. Salton, Lon- don, 83 years young, on his f irst xisit since 1886. and Rev. G. Gomm, Roth- say. who witb bis xif e rcturned for the f irst tirne in 18 years. as well as Rev. L. Henry, M.A. Toronto. wbom we delight to caîl our own, sat witb the pastor. ManY former pastors sent letters of greeting, and regret at in- ability to be present. It was a happy band of pilgrims xvho sang the openiisg hymn. "Al I Hall The Power," followed by Psalm 103. Rev. L. Henry invoked God's J blessing upon the gatbering. returis- ing due tbanks to Hlm. Rev. Thos. Wallace briefly extended a greeting ta alI present. in the hope that the meetings would prove unforgettable is the history of tbeir lives. The choir rendered very effcctively. 'Keep tbe Joybclls Ringing in Your Hearts." The rnorning gospel message was de- livcred by Rcv. S. Salton from Deut. 8:2, and xvas a marx'el of clear think- ing. f ull of evangelical fervour. A x'ery appropriate duet "Take Time to be Holy" followed. by Rev. and Mrs. Gomm. The closig Hymn and Ben- ediction were a fitting end ta sucb a service and the crowd dispersed with the sense 0f the presence of God -kcenly felt. In tbe evening the congregation is- creased is numbers. "Blest Be the Tic that Binds' was sung and prayer of- fered by Rex'. S. Salton. The speaker of the cvening, Rcv. G. Gorn, based biis message on 2 Tim. 2-12. He painted vixidly a brief word picture of the wretchcd conditions tbat sur- rounded the writer. the intensitY of his suffering and bis positive faitb in God's power to bclp. This was fol- lowed by a duet "'Abide Witb Me." by Mrs. W'. Patterson and Miss Len- ora Henry. Rev. L. Burgess xvas pres- cnt at this serv'ice. TO TAKE SARGON TO SISTER IN N. ONTARIO "Indigestion and constipation kept me terribly nervons and ruisdown and I hardly knew what to do. when MRS. HARRIE'fl BRODEN f ortunately, I got started on Sargon, and it took me ont of the most mis- erable three years I ever had. I'm enjoying ahl my food now witbant a sigis 0f indigestiaon. I've gained weigbt and arn world's stronger. "Notbing I ever took reached my liver and regulated me like Sargon Pilîs. I arn gaing ta take a f nl treatrnent of this medicine ta my ýister in Northern Ontario."-Mr5. Harriett Broden, 150 Argyle St., 'l'r- enta. Sargon may be obtained in Bau'- mnanville f rom Jury & Lovell. Services on Sept. 14tb were of at qimilar character and in spite of tbreatening skies and an intensely intenscly bot suni, the tent %Vas %yell bot suni, tbe tent was well occupied. A local choir of 22 members xvas un- der the able leadership of Mr. J. e,t Swarbrick witb Mrs. Swarbrick at the piano. On the platform were Revs. J. W. Bunner. S. Salton. L. Henry and the pastor. Ail joined LC heartily in the opening hymn -Wor- sbip the King." Aftcr the reading of wî rh Psalm 19. Rex'. Bunner led in prayer. The pastor expresscd regret at cer- tain omissions in the booklet and1 Follick and bis f amily who labored in p, this territory in 1850 under the aus 1 e r pices of the New Connexion Church lofe rmiclapeeg.Trrit also of the late Wm. Underwood who Lcse ii!ro-arai eVeet e im ryPraent. remembcred bis former cburch by Pratts Pouhtry Book FPEE legacy some montbs ago. Rex'. S PatFo oo aaa ,d Salton took as bis text Acts 1'l-18 PaTorodCo, ofCna, Ot. stressing the existence of God and 2-CrawAe our dependence on Him, and urging ail to seek after Hlm. Mr. Swar -__________________ bricks solo, "One Sweetly Solemn Tbought." was sung witb the remem- brance of one of the congregation wvbo lay still in death. The closing exercises werc performed by Rev. Buniner. The closlng evening service of the celebration began with a tent, 60'x3 0, wcll filled. The music was admir- ably rendered. and the gospel mes- sage delivered by Rev. L. Henry, f toma Prov. 4:23. The speaker said that i proper emphasis bad been laid dur-1 ing ail the services to the obligations of the past, but that be purposed to stress tbe duty of the present in re-r lation to the future. His presenta- tion of the trutb was clear and reas- onable as be spoke of the dangers Ench pad will kil ie i a n surroundlng the beart of life. He! every day for three Wek$. urged caution idealing witb sacred 1 pd i a ACKET. thlngs and revealed that the best, 10 CENTS PER PACE metbod of protection was in fiuing r * Druggios, Grocera, Ceneral Stores. the heart and 111e with good tbings. 1WIfY PAY MORE? Miss E. Bnpringham and Mrs. Neil THEi WILSON FLY PAD CO., Hamilton, Ont. 1- A] ar lx su t. W, gx unes and Witberidge; 3rd, Cooper and Glanville. Bctween tbree and four bundred coplc partaok 0f a well-provided supper. It was a real banquet, hanks ta the well organized band of women workers. The entertammient that followed, given by the old-tirners and others, ý;as a rare pleasure. Everyone was put ista a receptive mood witb the singing of "Kendal Old Boys." The following taok part in the pragram: Mdusicians-Williams Trio, Dr. E. G. Kerslake and Mrs. R. Brown; Elocut- ionists-Mrs. E. Trew, Mrs. M. Dun- bar, Mrs. H. Rowe and Miss E. Ster- ling; Soloists-Mr. F. Robinson, ac- companied by Mrs. J. Swarbrick, Mîiss R. Gadssby, accompanied by Neil Stewart; Quartet, Mrs. W. Fat- terson, Mrs. C. Quantrill, Messrs. M. Robinsois and Neil Stewart, accornp- anicd by Mrs. Swarbrick. Brief speeches by Revs. G. Qomm, Wm. Sterling, L. Henry and Dr. Whitelaw were full of good humor and sound counsel. The Diamand Jubilee Birthday Cake Cercmony refiected much credit -'n that committee. Its appearance wxas appetizing and it lookcd mag- a:icent with its illumination 0f sixty candiles. lit by Messrs. C. Quantrill. 0. Mercer. J. Wannan and F. Brlrn- ivýornbe, Mrs. C. Quantrill, Mrs. G. mercer. Mrs. N. Gordon and Mrs. J. ,tanton, with Mr. W. WVhite piercing ce. The committee were cer- w : i1agnïnimous with their help- ac*day ' brought suc-J P: -Iv to close xvith the DoxologY U .>j Antheni. Thils the o l r' Kndl has passed in- liacdr Ticuubles bt)thcrï^many past 40 ýit.r'a'zing Relief With' P.cntwed Vital Force Na a nc knows better than 1, the 'or-'r oro joyless days and slecpless Üiglit:;. There hav'e been tumes when feît hopeless and helpless-aiid m~en unzy xveakness caused me the inost int2nse humiliation. Only those :ho have gone through sucb tortures -an possibly realize mY great satis- faction wben Dr. Soutbworth's URA- I'ABS brought me quick relief. URA- TABS are truly wonderful, and I gîve rhem f ull praise." Such amazing cvidence serves as convinclrsg proof ,)f the power of URATABS to relievc those distresslng alments sa of ten a Jhandicap ta those In middle 111e. jOverworcetl sluggish Kidneys, and Bladder Weakness, bring on sa many dlstressing ailments whicb 50 often lead ta serious diseases tisat every suff e rer f rom Lamneness, Pains is back and dowis tbrougb groins, scanty but frequent urination, "«Get- ting-up-Nigbts," Nervous IrritablltY and Lack of Force-shoIld try the amnazing value of Dr. Soutbworth's IURATABS at once! Any go>od drug- glst wlll supply you on a guararitee of satisfaction or rnoney back. DIAMOND JUBILEE 0F KENDAL Stewart with their duet "Behold a UNITED CHURCH Stranger Knockiflg" gave toise to the: closing exercises. Mr. L. Bell, Cbair-;i Celebration Largely Attended and ui"' of the Cburcb Board, briefiy1 iProves B3enediction To Many- thanked all wbo bad belped to makeJ - itewaffrt aeordigstcewardMr.fJt!e Former Pastors Take Part. teite effort a bgsuceward Mr.thJ. _____circuit. made special ref erence to thei The Celebration of the Diamond 1joeasno h te ogea Jubilce of Kendal United Churcb on ,.unr f the charge and the efficient the Ncwtonville Circuit was crowned hel that the preachers had ýo ably with success f ar beyond the Most rendered. The pastor stat.ed tbat sanguine expectations of Use con- while the financial objective bad not 1 gregation and board. Great praise is yet been attained, it was casily witb- duc the various committees an iten reacb. Thse then unattained peak congregation Who worked so unitedly bas since been surmounted. Te and untiringly toward the bigb ob- Day Thou Gavest Lord is Ended" was1 jective set before hm sung, and after the benediction had tbem.been pronounced tbe United singing It was a stupendous task the Board of "God Be With You" expressed the committed to the care of the Pro- tbougbts and feelings of ail. It was gram and Managing Committe- a very fitting climax to a series of gatbcring authentie bistorical data, gatherings ricb in helpfulness and choosing facts of imtercst for public- blessing, the like of which bas neyer ation that would tbrill the reader before been experienced i Kendal. and cause the mmnd to reflect upon Wednesday Field Day, on Sept. the past witb quiet pleasure and ltb, was full of real sound sport. Warin gratitude to Cod. It was not The basebaîl gaine, Ellzabetbville vs until the bookiet appeared that their Newcastle, more thais fulfilled ex- diligent, persistent effort became pectations. Messrs. R. Burisham manifest. In addition to this was the and T. Johnssons unpired. New- gatbering of namnes and addresses of castle, wiiiig the tos. went to the those wbo in the past bad sbarcd the field witb G. Walton on the mound fellowship of Kendal 11e, as well as and T. Brown behind the plate. the present sojourners, and scnding Elizabethvillc announced their reg- tbcm the booklet. Misses M. Jack- ular battery, H. Trew pltcbing, L. son and K. Stewart and the pastor, Muldrew catching. Thse first two Rev. f05s Wallace, gave remarkable innings on botb sides were scorcless, assistance in this work, during but in the flrst of thse third Eliza- wbich Kendal was found to be rep- betbvillc crossed the plate twicc. This resentcd in ail parts of the Dominion was repeated in the fourtb, making and in lands across the sea. the score 4-0, and it looked as if tbey The little churcb un the dale sent bad the gamne weil bagged. However, out its cail far and near, not unbeed- in the last of the sixtb, witb one out, ed, for the response was most grat- Walton was given a f ree pass to flrst, ifying. Crowds gatbered for every and aftcr stealing second was ad- session of the program, and many vanceci to third on a sacrifice by fine letters, suppîemented witb do- Moise. Robeson brougbt Walton nations of money, bore umistakable across the plate for the first score. evidence of the loyal spirit abiding Tise first of the seventb saw the old in the bearts of those wbo are happy reliable Sbinny Moise on the moun, to caîl Kendal their old bome. The be flnished the gaine witb only one 1 secret of sucb a spectacular acbieve- bit recorded against him. In the Iment lay in the fact that each last of the clgbtb Newcastle tied the committee "had a mind to wôrk," score and witb two out in the tentb, witb the result that the old boys and tbey put the winniisg rn over the girls went back to their homes witb plate. It was a real good gaine, quickened memories, enricbed by a played in truc sportsmansbip style. unique experience. and the local The softball gaine. Elizabctbville workcrs inwardly blest and helped. girls i7 Kendal was interesting to watcb, but botb teauns sbowed lack The Sunday services on Septemnber of practice. Kendal won 11-7. The 7 were of a very bigb type. and were Tug-of -War, Elizabetbville nine conducted in the open spaces witb pitcbed against Kendal nine, was a only a tent covcring separating the real bard struggle, the former being jworsbippers f romn the glorious blue the winner un tbree pulls. There sky. The platform was dccorated were many entrants in the borse- i ihgreen shrubs, wbeat sheaves shoc pitcbing contests, tebnr Jand many fragrant flowers. Twenty going to: lst, Hooper and Davy; 2nd, OBITUARY Elizabeth Linton, Port Credit Elizabeth Lmnton, the last surviving member of the one time well-known Orono family of the late James Lin- ton, died at the home of her sister- in-law, Mrs. Adam Linton, Port, Credit, on Tuesday, Septeniber 2nd,, interment taking place at Dixie Cern- r etery near Port Credit, in the Linton f amily plot wbere deceased's brother, Rev. Mr. Linton is buried. Her mother was the only sister of the late Walter Riddell, Esq., Co- bourg. Miss Linton's deatb came as a great shock to ber relatives bere- abouts. The former Linton homestead known in recent years as the Her- man Davis place, is now owned by Mr. M. H. Staples, whose foreman, Mr. Cbarley Wood, occupies the resi- dence. A few weeks ago, Miss Belle Rid- deli, Orono, went to, Port Credit to spend some time with Miss Linton and the latter's sister-in-law, Mrs. Linton, and wbile there suffered a stroke f rom effects of wbicb she is now making some improvement. Richard B. Everson, Manitou, Man. There passed away at the Winni-i peg General Hospital, on Tuesday,' August 5tb, 1930, a hlgbly respected and well known pioncer of the Man- itou district, in the person of Mr. Richard B. Everson. Mr. Everson. wbo bad been failÏng in bealtb for some time, was taken to the hospital for treatmrent a week previously. He was 75 years, 10 montbs of age, was born in Ontario, and came West in 1880 f rom Bow- manville, takmng up a bomnestcad three miles f romn Manitou. He car- ried on farming operations until 15 ycars ago, wben lie retlred, and of late years resided in Morden. He is survivcd by one daugbter, Mrs. John Carswell, of Darlingford; andi three sons. Dr. C. C. Everson of Morden. Roy Everson of Cutknif e. Sask., and Maurice Everson of Win- Inipeg. The f uneral was held on Thursday, interment being made in the family plot at Manitou Cemetery. Services were conducted in the United Churcb and at the graveside by Rev. Haw of Darlingford.-The Western Canadian Mr. Everson will be rernembered by many old friends here as hie visited at various times with bis nieces, Mrs. Rd. Pooley, Mrs. Alex Wilkins, . .frs. iW. H. Yeo, and Mrs. W. J. Richards. t A INICER SUBSTITUTE "I have to go in now. I'm expect- ing a caîl," said Doris, as they ap- proached the bouse. "Oh, really,-l Bob coming?" asked ber friend. '"Not in person-by Long Distance.1 He telephones every Sunday even- ing after 8 o'clock. We find it heaps nicer than writing letters!" If You Think You'11 Act Now If you stop to fCHflj= realize that you're1, Sin line for Prompt-4e delivery and 100% " W efficient service if Ms you order youxmu coal at once, you will be sure to do .it. Later on, when people are rush- ing last minute orders to us, there is bound ta be a congestion which will delay deliveries. Have the best of service and prices by orderlng now. Stove.................. .... $15.50 per ton Egg ... . .. . . . . . .. . $15.00 per ton Chestnut --.........$15.00 per ton Pea.. ..................... $12.50 per ton Coke........ . $11.50 per ton A discount of 50c a ton will be allowed off tbese prices for cash witb order. J. A, HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel {Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanville -.7......... . . . . It Happened! Not his fault--he was crowded off the road. But he suiffers repair bis just the same. This rnay happen to you when you least ex- I)ect it. The only way to have your mind free of dîread is to carry complete auto insur- ance so that in case of damage you are fully protected agaiiist heavy financial loss. There is a p)o11cy to fit cvery requirement, and we shall be glad. to send a representative to tell von about thern. J. J. MASON & -SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King. St. E. Bowmanville Best Oats and Best Dishes New pattern O uAUR THOATS COOKS IN 21/ MINUTES ASTER TE WATER BOILS i&uir other bard coals, we chose ReadinÈ An- thracite as the most satisfactory in every way. You'IlIagree wîth us when you fry this cleaner, more carefully sized coal from America's richesi anthracite veins. How many tons, please? Henry Lathrope Phone 520 Bowmanville THAT BETTER PENNSYLVANIA liARD COAL 1 e Worms, by the irritation that they cause in the stomacb and intesties, deprive infants of the nourishment that they sbould derive from f ood, and mal-nutrition is the resuit. Miller's Worm Powders destroy worms and correct tbe morbid con- ditions in the stomach and bowels that are favorable to xorms. so Unit the f ull nutriment of the child is as- sured and dex'elopment is every way encouraged. O91SORES I MERLN Q ICKEEMWW u qnlh «,tu TL 0 quik.G