PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 25. 1930 LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.D. Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Money to loan on Farmi and Town property. Royal Bank Builing, BowmanviUle. Phone 351. W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan. Phone 91 Bowmanville, Ontario. W. F. WARD. B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to Loan. Bonds for Sale. Offces: Bieakley Block, King Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. Phones: Office 102, House 409. DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor graduate in Denistry, Toronto University. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of On- tario. Office: King St., Bowmanvile. Offce phone 40; house phone 22. X-Ray Equipment in Office. DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant Dr. E. WV. Sisson Oraduate of Royal Dental Goilege, Toronto. Office: King Street East, Bowmanville. Office hours 9 a. ni. to 6 p. ni. daiy except Sunday. Phone 90. Bouse phone 283. X-Ray Equipment in Office. MEDIGAL G. W. SLEMON. M.D.. .M. t Graduate of Trinty Medicai College, Toronto. Office and residence: Dr. Beith's former residence, Welington Street, Bowmanvllle. Phone 259. J. CLARK BELL M. D., Ch. B., F. R. C. S. (EdIn.), D. P. H. (Suecessor to Dr. A. S. Tilley> Bons. Graduate in Medicine, Aber- deen University; Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. Office and residence: Queen Street, Bowmanville. Phone 89. OfieeHours: 2to4 p. m.6 to 8.30). m. CHIROPRAGTIG AND DRUGLESS THEROPY DURWIN E. STEGKLEY Honor graduate off Toronto Coliege' of Chiropractics wil ne in the Bow- manviiie office Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday evenings, phone 141J. Residentiai cails made during fore- naon. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. âm Compiete Motor or i'nri Horse Equipment. Ail calis promptly attended to. Private Ambulance BowmanviUle phone: 10 and 34. Branch Stores: Orono & Newcastle. ALAN M. WILLIA1NIS Embalmer and Funerai Director. Cails given prompt and personai at- tention. No extra charge for dis- tance. Motor Ambulance at your service. Phone 58 or 159, Bowman- ville, Ont. 3-tf AUCTIONEERS THEO M. SLEMON Auctioneer Parn and House Sales a Specialty. Ternis noderate. Enniskillen P. O. Phone 197r3. 1-tf VETERIINARY E. G. KERSLAKE, V.S., B.V.Sc. Orono Honor Graduate oif the University off Toronto. Al cases given prompt and careful attention. Office: Dr. McE1roy's former office. Phones: Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. CARTING AND TRUCKING AIl kinds off Carting, Trucking an CI Mox<tng: loca! and long distance. H. BO MBARD Phone 630 Queen st., Bow Manville TREASURER'S SALE 0F LANDS FOR TAXES Town of Bowmanville THE EDITOR TALKS Compiaints are heard on ail sides, in the newspapers and among min- isters and church-goers over irreg-1 ularity off church attendance and s0 nîuch Sunday visiting. No person, young. middle-ageci or old shouldi neglect regular church attendance. The spiritual life is al-important to every one of us. Here is advice The MUethodist Times off London. England, gives its readers: Now the end off the hoiidays is here nment periîîd, the members were ad- ministers and church officiais wili be dressed by Prof. E. Goggio, B.A., MA., making programs for their autunin Ph.D., of Toronto University, on "ltaly and winter's work. It is a task that of T*oday,' wlîîch l)roved very inter- should be faced with prayer, prud- esting, as well as threw a great deal ence and pertinacity. A good plan off light on conditions in Italy, the of campaign goes a long way to en- past achievements, and the aims and sure success. ideals of Mussolini, picturesque dic- The work of every church is two- tator off Italy, and his followers, the fold: flrst, the conversion of sinners: Fascisti. second, the building Up off believers Esimi tityIainpout in their most holy faith. Te ur -ss astityItla pout pose of every programme should be i red the speaker ndcantbe to give a due proportion of time and îpre oay ohrcuty e attention to each of these. cause in Italy alone, conditions were * * *such that a dictatorship such as Mus- solinj's was practicable and necessary, It wouid be wise perhaps at the owing to the rottenness and depravity verY beginning to ask whether the off the 15 or 16 different political par- "Saints" have not demanded and re- ties in Italy. ceived more than their fair share off attention. A past president of a Since the Fascisti took the sceptre great church deciared in a soul- of power in their hands, Italy has searching sermon a few weeks ago been placed on a firm financial basis, 'that nine-teths of the thought and conditions in the southera part, where tume of the ministry are being given illiteracy, crime, poverty and squalor to-day to coddling saints, instead of were rampant, have been greatly i converting sinners." If that is true proved, miany problems arising f rom then now the new programme is iý the crowded population and limited the making it ought to be faced and resources of the country have been remedied. A church t.hat has ni solved. stoy 0 soi-svin toher credit is missing the most blessed part of her mission. At the very heart tif the Gospel Is the thrilling announcement: "For the Son oif man is corne to seek and to save that which was iost." A pro- gramme of any church that has in ;t no Provision ta reach the lost is w-oefuily incompiete. -It is they that are sick that need a physician." t is the lost sheep that requires the Shrpherd>s care. It is the sinner who wants a Saviaur. The church was once declared t be "the salvage corps of the Armye God." There is a reai danger ofi becoming "a select regiment for par ade days." So in the Programmet niaking there must be given, flot Place meroly. but the first place t the work of redeoming meln f rom th power of sin and maltîng them king The method must be determinei by local circumstances. The tez days' mission has fallon into disre pute. and the old type of evangelisr is largoiy discardod. But the aban donnient of a particular metho( 5houid not imply the dropping of re sponsibiiity. It is a challenge t( the consecrated ingenuity off thi church leaders. If the church cani nlot find contact with the masses wh( are at present indifferont to her - s pei, she is doomea. But having given the- premier Place in the activities off the churcli to soul-winning, next m-i t corne the work off clîaractor-builing among ho saints. 'That I mnay present you perfect,' is the groat word off the Apostle. And in the making oif thi programme we must steadfastly keep in mind the perfecting off the saints. It is a groat and glonlous task and anc that stamps the work off the ministry as oif first importance. Some churches arc snmply 'anî- guishing for lack off the tonic off a ,reat ideal. Thoy are content to go! on living and yot an-e unsensitive to the great challengeo of the times. They have lost the senseo of mission, jand have become littie mon-- tnan social institutions with a slight sav- our of pietism. Theso chuî-ches noed the stimulus that cornes through adventurous leadership. A littie church in a colliery village had lived through thirty ycars off undis- tinguished service. It had thr! or- sinîary services, but nothing happt-n- d. The pews wcre empît'. the chunch w-,,as crippled with debt. its contribut ion t- the missionary fuiîd'< dici not neach three pounds a 3'ear. Couny ofDurhm 1But an -nthusiast - foriegn mi.,- Gount of urha10113n, xen~t Io ive in the village. 1Ho To WîT:>a t-a' eni a ne conPeption off the Bs itia .," a warrant ,ssur-d biy tii-' Chu-1.tian.duty ,t(,the unsaved Mayor of t i.- "îo-în of Ol ianvO',-bear- ivc. Soon the chu-cli v-as hum- tmg i, i f ti.- aii .;i5' \igusi, i1ring with Effe. inI thee yean'- il paid salxî-f n, in itou<li'r;a ,.r oft-i-sin thmy cli a debt off a thousand pounds. It offiel, - T iu, of'.r ,!.,. i li,-- helpî'la n,-îclibccîtring chun-ch to do afi'-rn ~ ~ ~ ~~' e'on 1 î<'v lulus ifi. ' u t s-ane. Bel one long it uwa. sending 1930,un :S gu-lu00;1-ou:t~nd agear to the Mi.,,,ioiary that t,-ls '<Ln su t r reraî '-ItatT eniptod great things for- off ta- -s s 1- in' tti ill;l-j- iii ih.- (Jtarlo I ral ansI c-xpeelc-d great things fr-on Ga7z- T"-a <ei. i i, i. v c'.'î-iu:nîl ; asIct theini. It has sent on"' tat of uomce. aiis r-yi iu ..i vo,itsh ivoinen int, the uDeacon- Tn ur, -r" <ifii - tjis i 'ii dalv of: s:and one off rt.lboys into the Aua--. n1i. i iii fielcl. and the end is îîot yet. JOHN LYLE hI-t, nii ti'-udcty 10 discover I ý. (i"oi) the îrnused talentwhc - - .îîî',) ini -" ual th" chur-ch- T fi v an" recally doing'coai 0 ioi':,.and puhling thoîr xeight Thse ivîval that coui,'ct ù morne À N uIl of long '-"u i-() I - <lcte awakening imb act.- F i de!losfhvr n --'I the tailents that lie latent.c- made of pure chicle and other ;-s vraocon3u~Pai ingredients of the highcst quaîity Ian thle programme lot th'--e cornes to you in perfect condition. Ti-nakuiig rf the programme AIl of its goodnesç is sa! I iht : - I ministéîr the oppotunity in the cleanwax wrapped pi k gs. -. f V- -n.hi,; owuupreachîni' andi Thecdays work goes muc r e ,e -:, . f 1 refretuh. ~'-*Ly 3ARANDY for PCKS 5X A LOT FOR A NICKEL ilu'.I t isekitid of preachiîig I a- l.c ;it lfiîll iî i lin toU i hLuî vh'woln. rotin: clu of iidD,)s(u :iicoiahL il- tiros' "i:-T.iu w'a-. advised on - < îî-v i-.'-i.tto hum al!bus. I <-, Tu Fo n- t -iily hi e : <i-i te)f an older m.Ii q t"- V <,i5. Ny, onit set fini '<iV il~~<~II i<"i -Cet i cd yoirn- - "If A p'- ili ' c anl nhleîcmst i-~ u iai '-'-a' triheai Rî-v. Duý t'.! ra - hWi-sîhe came oltt he : h-m To - uvs-*Mm 1 thaît 'ý i mît ni m:' hiîi4e 'Thit' i, w1hn I i.- n ' ' toi of it a o ,d - )d, The p)eop)le of the north and south. between whoin there has always been a distinct dividing le, have come to know each other btter through a grc:,t increase ini trax el. Alniost everv year, somie town holds a centpnary celebration, in honor off somne illus- trious former citizen. Greek llays, grand opera productionîs, etc.. atre giveni leriodiralHy. T,) ail tliese aff,îir:ý cheap a-ýtes, whicheli i:e înacticadb everything else, are set by the goix ernuiient. are effective. Every year, thle best stuilew nt 0t le sclioîs are ta koi by tîeir teacliers on a tolur tliroughi Italy. Thus the italiarîs M'-, being tauglît 10 'Know Italy First. The area off Italy is just a ulitile iier <ne-third that off Ontario andl lier 1Piu latio1 n i s 4 2,01W ,îHo. I taI v las practically no raw matc-riais. To feed thlese rmillions of pleopIle, sue îîsed t" inruport 253 le)000 htSiiets lor w h ent y early. Now l)rizes are offered tii the fLarniers grow ing the largest arnoiun t i f grain on thle sanie anîjunt off soil. As aresult the importation off wheaIt luis been reduced already to 8 mail- lions. To) prox ide labor, roads and aque- ducts are conffinually heing huilt, tie la;ttef r uînivndng a nipanis (,f i rrigcaltion as well as water to drink to the na- For Sale by 1?!Qa lervso plnsoai-ebcbgdo loîjyr eedl , takeMOTTOES lin his oyes is a boniedîction. I aslcod 1- pantsarebeing deeloed t _^him once whether ho is worried about 10 Illeal aseor ito. adirnfw I Under the glass top off the desk of the future. "You give away ail you 3- intoresting New Yorker I saw a earn-. I said. "What wili you live As Itîly hases tlîe hiipes for lier. bit off white paper with these words: on when you are too old tel wonk?' future on the childron, 5700o welfare "The dog barks, but the caravan Foi- ans ver he puiled a slip off pap- soceteshae ee fîude. îrrepasses on." er out offis pocketbook, and passed are noire scliiiils and nmore kiiider-gar, Taken in conhiection with the it ovon to me. le tr mans charactor aeid career, the sen- "Trust in the Lord and do good. ýgtence is rovealing. S0 shaît thou dwoll in the land, and u Tlhe Escisti aimis tii do away withi Ho has been barked at plenty, but verily thou shalt be fed." ýe aIl Iclitical parties and ail the Oîieap, he has proceeded. He has done his That. he said. ns a promissory note ýe petty side off pîlitics. Instead of work, built a great onterprise. creat- fromn the Ownor off the tJniverse. On pelecting nîayîîrs ini tle tiiwns and cd employment for thousands off that promise ho has lived for seventy -. cilles, as citizen is clîîsen by the go%-- people. The barking long since be- years, and he has confidence that it d ernnuieni, tiibhoftle hlead off the t0wn came faint and very far behind. wiil continue to be good. e anîdii) be responsible te) ilie g<îxern-I The Fîrst National Bank of New Each off these throc men has con- aient. Exen tlhe prices of bread andl York is presided over by a white tinued in the w'orld a long time. and itlien gniceries, refit, etc., ai-e being whiskerod gentleman off more than paid a price for experience. Each is lîîwered by tlîe Fascisti govertiment. eighty, named George F. Baker. quite difen-ent from the others. Yet, 1 The keynote of the government is When his namne gets into the news- f romn thejir three mottoos one might i not týraniny, but discipline, and tîhe papers it is usuaily because some evoive somothing in the way oif a ) niairi idea froîîî tle standpîîint of la_ stock in which he is known to hold a philosophy. bîîr is thie co-ordinrition and co-olera-lag and permanent interest has ad- "If you are going to do anything tion off every mendier off thne working vanced a hundn-cd points in a week you must expect criticism, But it's Iclaiss aînd worli foi- aIl off them. Re- and added several million dollars to bettcr to ho a door than a cnitic. The proseritatixes off the various trades Ihis fortune. doer moves; the critie stands still. f mua sndicle upe-x ied y W A fîiend off mine visitod the bankI and is passed by. 3 fi-ii sndiatesuprvsedby heon btusiness. and came back with this 'You must helieve in sohin'r gierîîîîî, < luî atr tî îîkigsentence: in yourself. ini the countr-y- m nGoý:.1 iiiai',, interests. Strikes a-re illogal, "The vision to see thein; the cour- ý_uu nu.u-T have courago th ha ,i-1Zth.-t and llydisute ilustbe etteilage to buy them; the patience to beitef with youn- înoncyv and _y:ir hlfe, eilier wiîhî ttîe enmploîyer (jr by i hîold them." oId patience to wvait for- fulfiliînien,.' Hligli t'ori iIf Labi, whiîse w, ndI s Whether il caine from Mn. Baker, This is olci stifl you say. And I l;iw. Wtieiî eniplîynent is scarce, in- orn fot. it is lus pliilosophy, and the an.axx'er that ev>eryting inmportant us '<Ta eaof liing off a nibvr iof wiîrh- ecrI ioff his fortune. niod st'iff. Love i, old 'tuf! B-îld- all re inpoý,e f, l I Boston theî-c is aiîolher old 1iî.,ý's ahme is old i-tuff Becoining f.'ni. liv if, îu ns ail dcy. sociilIif- man. pei-haps the most unseîfish aî t.îtli.eni-is old stuif. ii .>h <iii,., liai e îen fIrnl , 1um.î beîng I have lever knowni. Hîs' BelaIl old thin"ýs becolne thn:ýllinig-' aiîî~~~~~~~ iî Ii-w'rhiocha, liîl lin lfe has been devoted to sou-- eiy niew as each man discoveis tlîeîn ý:l i i i i 'le îile ;andiî ittl nîcti*e,l-il vice to the ,.n,-'s poor, nnd t e 'oo-'- iiis!f iii! i. Virii. ti uethe etlilîl, yîi('nt DEATII DUE TO IIEART FAILURE PENNY BANK DEPOSITS s tl, iieliare a place finor___________ lu-.: lIlii ;I ls owfix-l liart if tIi' :Jury's Finding in Suddon Death off Show Bowma.nville Schoola Beloý, 'Iv andt .îii t1liin'- a colii "ij i Mns. L. Greenaway off Hampton erage and Newcastle Near T jp i i i i< .1 iiOiil iis ii i 'i. Xi i A coonn sjury presideci over b.- At th li-'e f ti,- suîî nr ,, tv.i iiist. , it 1,17ii i ' u iiig di Uti ; Du .V.H. Storey îiith Crowvu Altor- . lii-, i'îî-iîli- l't t- uP 'î' îil 1nîcy F.C. Boggs, Cobourg. iii attend- i-lt: ' ni rî i ini.,I i'l'î-n 'iiI ii I-n i 'uit I .uIIi w ii'î ' 1 i - i-c'vins lîeld in Counicîl Rooi on hlîuî iii, 27 Mî.î Cii. ':Il h . lttii n< Iiil) tZIly 'is ii lli T 'dynight to dotermîne. if 11, f JSi < t< <. I.iiii', <" - is, - (',si a jul i lati ii. ls I U i'the cause off the dcath ofM0, ru, '1îî Iîî'f tui;uls 1, - hi lii iia<--iii-i r iiî' iai i- L G e na wv ywho passod a way whiie Ili ini n ie(,vea- wi, - S2 (V<e < i h1 Ireilîiu-4': 1 leîai-i-L li1'.V.- ie- unen goi n" an olsrat ion at* the local sj h i l.îw i -, e i;i. n:-' f '. r- i f Tu-- li 1 ii :.i-ss e ho~etai on Sept. lth. an --tNi, v p i1t1,îl 1;, ri i 'rl'li a t'Ie- 'i I~ - n A îo t lie itnesses called iena 1 W i . -:î 111tu t-il ;.%.:' Il ' 1ix îî itîîi biî- uit 111,_,W. Sîcinion, Box'.'nanviile, Dr. E. G. S. a<hIr. l'htaii ilien n'iglits. i)t t-iu HIaniey. To:'on'o. Miss Aunra Rnî. PUPLIC SCH-OOL FlELr,-i ,î, - if i. lWI Othi.igli :itiiabîî and iinuise. and idV<lred Greeniay. eldeÏt i - :0-i- lqialui liiion off e-~0( Mi i, -v', -'<u-l ti" lîi-e IAitr-r ii'uening to al thoeviidenic, Citizens I:îvited to Tti'< A-n.- t F iftIi-cil ti nIlle<siîreiigri tiCtii xlîc wa on.:- - ff Frlday A'tc-r.loon, Sept. 216î1, iiii fu gat tius î n wcluc ti 1 l:iin[,T. Hamilton, Roy Jones, F. A Pîn u'Slic iiul-il Ii i xi l 1),- Ili f-%îî s a d el tf-e lenni'ings. W. E. Booth, Geor-ge tIeqd titi l-'iîî;Iy gui .2 ,u. n 1I jT.P-oirip.esn). W. E. Tait and J. Mohuni. eiîlg-îînî iiiinn i l l, ________________ i 'so'rht lu this verdict: A fonl] linl, îîf atillie c fei , f nI .1 1i **, -. lia- jury summoned to in- II vs:Ii']gt rsoit tk lllc. Pîiî(s 1 catir î tiio the- death off Lillian re ien- iilJ 1,hi. K i 1Tu iii a <f Hamipton, find that she îîîîîîîîî , seil ',. çiqu-) o len death on Sopteruber i0th wîi t lir oydiirs hido <ithe Bciiwni:tnviile Hospital duo toi' etf-îliir-e, while under an anales- -tI ti- hfor an operation rendu-rec nec- -sa y b 'n intestinal obstruction J ER O ,n I h>',:it e--<qry procatition neceeasary Jn ' i M N %p Iaki ni h.' the attending physic- want l'av Yon Ees ,~amncd r.i-~POULTRY and PEARS R' -<,Lr-ed Optomtrikt Rt . .MITCHELL. - Latestt Methods- -Mssdern In'tnuments- V the¶ &Co., -t iT~o ~ h-t -Optuuetrists Phone 92 FIlIN '-6 TO $10 FER DAY int.,u.reliable men wanted at once.ý '-< t ?î<-y whie training for A viation! Mýc',nluis, (t irage Wiirk. Oriv ng9. Bat- -'Et-crrc Acetylent WeIdingl..ou, i î r' Ini-trial Etectricity. Machiriit, '3<r;I'y>nr-, Piastcrimg, Orafting, Barber- ,is iril H irdressing. Act quick, ge-t your- i r rt.'in ow. Write or cati for In. rnm'Nîn'N TPADE SCHOOLS, LTD. V il -q-i'uu .--ns 791 Qti !]'-a F_. I "m-nt s rvce-coast 10 coisSI a t Fair Prices Phones: Bovwrnanvlle-23i To'fronto>-Triiiity 3915.J AçhIrrsv.q 274 Augusta Avc. Tironto. 37 -lyr & oe. LISTEN TO THE COAL MAN The coal man knows why it is advantageous for you to huy your coal at the very begin- îiinog of the winter season » and if you heed t a ;w and order p)1ompt1y, you will get Éli- o-, service, immediate delivery, and sJ)ecial prices that are in effeet. Phone us to-day andi specify your î.equirements. -D. L. & W. Scranton Coal - The Standard Anthracite Stove ...................$15.50 per ton Evcg & Chestnit ........$ 15.00 per ton Pea ......................$12.50 p2r ton biLe a ................ $ 9.50 per ton ................$11-50 1per ton A (lizeOLInt ef 50C l pr tn xîll b r~1 .) cash I'dr(er. MeClelFan & Co., Lirnited _hac1,5 1ownni FREE I3RÂKE TESTrî I safcty l-irst! Watch viour brakî'u.3Mn. Pr;ix-r: if yov %%.-nt to hbc, re thev are ini the bed t'onjiitifin d-tve ini ais-i;e' tui give theun our FREE BRAKE TEST. Ac- <uratts --ows ju'ut howi strong vour brakt.s realli- are. Tigltening off the brake bandl mai- ho aIl tha:t's nccded to put thei'i in good order, or if they lnei rel;iusing, we can offer ynu a first class job at the m- csnlI î-ost in town. LCLEMENS' West End GARAGEj jKing St. West --vma n 'i e J B E a man of action-lt doesn't pay to delay when a new roof is needed -The "ýsizzling" days of summer have bake d shingles to a crisp. Braniford Asphait Sial> Siates 3iînl These extra heavy Asphait New Colour-"York Red", borrowed from the hues Slats ma be aid ight of the Yorkshire aunset-"Banff", the reds and Siatesmay b laid ight of the majestie Rockies conspire to make a over old shingles. Labour roof of unique charm-'Dýevon", the deep buif is plentiful. Do it NOW shading nto reds will be famiiar to those who know -at lo os hetat" roof s of Deiunshie--"lincoin Green", kaf grensblend m itohe tomes of mossy batiks and thkk soft turf. COMUsaiYour Brmatord Dealer BranUd Roofigc Co. Limiited; Head Office and Factory: Brantford, Ont. Stancli.. Md Warebou... att Toroto, VWriow Wuiu,.g.Montreal.l H&baz Saint Johz, N.B. mSd St. Jolin', N d. "BUY NORMALLY"' AND THERE WILL BE NO UNEMPLOYM1ENT! 'e s e ITALY OF TODAY Women'à Canadian Club Hear Partace. Iarly Informative Addres by Prof. E. Goggia (Crowded out iast week) The Womnen's Canadian Club held the firi meeting off the season in St., John's Parisu Hall on Monday after-. noon. Mrs. Geo. Mason was in thel chair. After the usuai social and nef reshi- PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 25,1930