PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVIILLEI, THIURSDAY, OCTOBER 2nd. 1930 I OMEN'S INSTITTJTE TalIs by three memes r.B Th N W AS LE I DE EN E Ti WM. Warnica took l<ererrstEa- s T ~~Three Members Give T1ravel Taiks ern and Northerfntal;M.A W. Pickard to thie PcfeCat M A I L_ _ _ _ _ _ __TH I S_ _ _ _ _ _ __CO U P O N_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ B o w m a n v ille W o m e n s I n s titu te M rs . E . R . B o u n s a l t t e C nt a THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2nd, 1930 held the regular meeting in the S. o. States. The talkswraldfern E. Hall on Friday afterfloon with a inl observation, YEtvr nestg ...NEWCASTLE RALLY DAY SERVICE Rev. W. P. Rogers spent the fore goosdeatede. Mee.Hat n pn- and witru ctiear.H .Fse part of last week in Toronto attend- pes idet cpresied. Meeingoe ng saolos.wth acopee o eypes Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gomme, Toron- The United Church Sunday School ing the annual convention of the ed A.With cmufli t h pian.ed by g olospRfr4 h a n, swr ev 10, ~~~sric ast Sun- Mrs. A. W. Emmaaudlat the piano ed. ru n oiltm n tspent the weekend with Mr. and heîd its Rafly Day sevceia n fEmaue olee ter the business, roll eall was con- 2oed Mrs. Walter Crowther. day and reverted to its cool weather Mr. and Mrs. W. J. S. !iekard, utdb Mrs. F. C. Colrner. In the MsC.CGrbe Wetn weeienetTo.ARogronducted Cooke, Tweed, motored to Toronto Thickson acted as secrea The Statesman 2cfrblneo guests of their sister, Mrs. P. F. Le- the session following closelY the pro- on Friday with Misses Marion Rick-I The programn consisted of Travel 1930. .................................Gresley. last week. gram on the printed leaflets prepar- ard and Eileen Cooke who are at -__________________________________ ................................................. I Public School concert and cistri- ed by the Board of Religious Educa- tending University. Pleae snd he anaian tatsma tothebution o! prizes will take place on tiors he themofi the seveaso The fine, warm weather of las Pleae snd he anaian tatsma totheFriday evening, Oct. 24h, and the"orhpteLd iteBauY0 week with a slightly humid atmos-! high schooi commencement exercises Holiness." Miss Minflie Pearce, who, phere promoted a good growtb ofi above address (in Canada) for balance of jNov 7tb. Keep these dates in mind. is leavmng for Toronto and who was'mushrooms. The weather was also No other orefgPe o vpeetdblirformer classmates fvrbefrtegot !pfbU ~ce~ Rvt. Rev.D. O'Connor, D. D., Bis- presentbdey her theagequal tof. la flavou 1930 fo whieh1 encloe 25 cnts. hp of ýýer*bor, willadminis of ofTTee Gleaners"ith ithxaofbox - o!ista-rewagechywerehteagerlyalmsoughtl a"flert 1930 for hich I eclose 25 ents. ho o! Peteroro, wIl adxnlnit ioney, was pianist for the several M.RyWbeMs or.Ms Confirmation in St. John's R. C. hynins. Four little boys o! the prim- . C Lk n Mr. and bbr, ld M -Churchi, Sunday mnorning. Oct. fih.axy clan. Boss Alun, Lloyd Hancock, .C.Lk1adMr-n -s Hrl at 8.30 o'clock. ErverybOdy welcomne. Carl Fisher and Douglas Walton, col- Allun took a motor trip through west- p Mr. Pete Holubenko visited bis wif e lected the pca offeriflg. Mrs. J. ern Ontario during the autumn, an ona heSckCidrnsHo-Cspnoc ae e"Pur al " qumnox and visited Mrs. Lake's bro- ORANGE and on t te Sck hilden' H0 tC.Hanokv the cue"Picntur e BLACKSTOCK FAIR WHY 1 BUT AT HOME 'as been having surgical attentionstro!tepcue"nfgte County. at the hospital and will be there for Lowly" which adorned the flrst page Three young people have gone 10 (Cniudfo aeoe Because my interests are here. another week. o! the leaflet. It was a picture o! Toronto !rom here durlng the past!t (Cntnud ro pgeon) Because the community tbat is Miss Laura McQueen, nurse-i- the Christ i the humble home o!fa week to pursue various educational Cattie good enougb for me to live in is good training at the Ontario Hospital, eastern shepherd. Mrs. (Rev.) W. lunes, Miss Marion Rickard at Tor- Shorthorn Bull-A. W. Wright, J. enougb for me to buy i. Whitby, spent a f ew days witb Major P. Rogers gave a thoughtful and very onto University; Mr. Richard CowanS H. Forder. Cow-A. W. Wright 1 2 Because I believe in transacting and Mrs. H. W. Duidley. Mr. Broomn- helpful address on "0 Come, Let Us at the School of Practical Science; &3. Heifer-2 yrs.-A. W. Wright. business with my friends. field, Oshawa, was also a visitor at Worhip," making clear the true and Miss Minnie Pearce at the Can- We f r ri h . -Ca l ! , .ud e r i y r - A . W - B e c a u s e I w a n t t 1 0 e t b nthe g o M j r D e C b u r c b - R e v . . R o - p a s i z n g b e rd p i n t s w i h a n el c h ou nes - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __Mg_ _ Wright, 1 & 2, J. H. Wright. Bull wBenas I sy f or t wa buy ers, Pastor. Sunday, October 5th: en illustrations. The prograin con- Calf-Â. W. Wright, F. G. Pugh, J. ilnIpa o i.1 a. m.-Morning Worship and Sac- cluded with a tribute to the lif!e and H. Wright. Herd-A. W. Wright, 1 Because every dollar 1 spend at ramnent o! the Lord's Supper; 2.30 work o! the late Dr. J. C. Robertson, & 2. Hostein, bull-M. C. Smith. home stays at borne and works for p. m,.-Sunday School, Missionary for twenty-five years a leader ini Bull. 1 yr.-E. Dorrell. Cow-M. C. the welfare of the commiunity. prograni with lanterti slides; 7 p. mi. Sunday School and Young People's Smth, L. Henderson, R. Wall. Heifer, Beeause the man I buy from stands -Evening Service. Work. HT 2 yrs.-L. Henderson, M. C. Smith, baek o! the goods. Miss Aima Woodford, owing 10 ilii 2&3. Heifer, 1 yr.-L. Henderson, Because I seil what I produce bere. health, bas resigned ber pasition as ST. JOHN'S 95th ANNIVERSAR M. C. Smth, 2 & 3. Calf-L. Hender- Because the man I buy f romi helps teacher o! the junior room o! the son, 1 & 2 , M. C. Smith. Hereford, support my sebool, my eburcb, my public school, mucb to the regret o!fE B E S S A pSALSI bull-N. C. Marlow. Cow-N. C. Mar- lodge. my home. bier pupils and the Board o! Educa- (Continued f rom page one) Havstwthal t bountiff lnycne but once a year, but at aRU low. leifr, 2yrs.-N. C. Marlow lck lso tunion. The Board will mneet at8toeagldnbrs fsvi lw nuc-nlY 10w. A hwhentores a goldiSforrynetThe choir coOWSion unceaod musi Helfer, i yr.-N. C. Marlow. Cal- Bcus 1n l o'cîockTusa evenmng 10 consîder Th hi otiue odmscWhen nature bas liniched ber task--fld the stores of golden grain and ETsI H.ei.fro. Bs ru ar 2 eevmn oes h a ,tbroughout the day, renderig the the fruts of the.goil and the orchard are gatbered-tiien A & P serviee Cos-.C mt.GaeCwR o bseremet crthe an I bu Iet evacancy. antliem, "How Bright those Glorious carrnes on. It delivers theme necesWes of lite as requfred throughOUt thie E. Mountjoy, Rupert Werry, J. H. ifg, is words o! ceer and is poc h e te grepakt pprt Shine.", in the morning, and year to the homes o! lis custoers, bringlg the produlcts of Canadian Wright. Helter, 2 yr.-J. H. Wihkto fnedb.ibridge with iron tubing raiîmng, buiît in the evenig Miss Jane Mason sang sud.ito, aa ia. brea ne eholi la ....~eyw bringa HR COOYsi C.Hd,2&3Wefr rigC.Ht,, 1liean hrII uby Mr. John Henry of Orono over How Lovely are Thy Dwellings." harit o! !eatheh foodat nffi *COU«et Awe&kP. bavert y pe clatedR EO C. H y e, 2 . ei er y .- . er l ve a n er I b u .t e c ree k a I B e lm o n t M il s . is p ro v - A c n r g t o l l a b rh a arv ins . f f e h f o s u f v r e k a h r e t o p r c a e Hyde,1 & . Cal- Rup rt W e ry, ng a great convenience to users o o en ng re a i sb al l on Moi n a y ain Trewin Bro., G. M. Marlow. Baby the old back road. It alon iecedi h aiefHllo Mn Be-.H. Wright, Rupert Werry, A. B. H. S. ATHLETES CAPTURE since there bas been a real saf e, rningo the mhe eaueoitrte W. Wigh Bes Caf, fd o Royl FELD AY ONOS ATOSHWA tustorth brdge verthecreek atbeing the ungoftemrae Purple Stock Food-A. Henderson. a yM.Js aelteods en (Contiued f rom page one) Ibis point, ber o! Ibis cburch, who bas been Sheep Higb jump, senior - 1, Bagnell, The secretary of the Board of Ed- most faithful during the past 58 Ah P ENCORE-Machinle Wrapped and Beaied Cotswold, aged Ram-F. B. GlaspelI. Bowmanville; 2, SotWi ;3 ucation received a communication years, and the presentation 10 the Sbearling Ram-F. B. Glaspeli, i & 2, Colmer, Bowmanville. Wigtby5; 'e lasI week f romn a former public sehool departing beloved rector. Rev. R. J.___ UA . B. Pugh. Ram Lamb-F. B. Glas- 2'2/ inches. prniaM.R .-uts eus-SieM.A h hi a byLarge 24--oz. Loal pel, &2, . . ug. AedEwý- asetal thow jnio-1 Wl-ing a certificate o! the tbree years' fllled by Mr. R. M. Cotton, wbo car- 13 1 E A 11 P.B.Gasei,1,2 . herin sn Wity 2 WgtBomnvll;services lbe rendered here. Mr. ried out bis duties in a most gnil onir the finest ingredienta are used In making this wonder!ul lbat ...every ste» in Il maldihcrt EF. B. Glaspell, 1 & . Seamnb Wib; ,WgbBwmnil Coutts is Vice Principal o! the Pro- and capable mariner. watched by A & p master bakers. Insist on machine eftapped bead and protec y1r he th. w-F B Gasel.i 2 Ee am 3, Wilson, Whitby. Distance, 65 feet vnilNra Scbool aI Moose Jaw, Addresses were mnade by Rev. T. A. -F. E. Pugh, F. B. Glaspeil, 2 & 3. Ï i5 iriia Noma Leicester, aged Ram-W. R. Robins, Saske.atrW sno and is contemplatiflg retiring Nind, Rector of Port Perry n O ETRPSEH N AE R U W 12, A. W. Wright. Shearliflg Ram borne, Whitby; 2, Hamilton, oi on pension f rom tbe teacbiiig pro- Brooklin . congregaîions, who was for -W Ra oab-JsH. & o2, er.W.rh. Dianle, 63 f, 6lincs. owavile esioUNNYWIELDrcorofS. oh', -R. RoabinsH.i &2 , W. WR-it anice,;63 f, Wiincs, omi. J. H. Gibson and son bave been gave a very pleasing and reminiscent S N I IIiDL Roblis, 2 & 3. Aged Ewe-W. R. Ro-I Hal-mile, junior-i. Hunt, Bow- engaged the past week in paintig review o! is work wile in Iis town.1U bins, 1 & 2. Ewe Lamb-J. H. Forder, maniville; 2, Scott, Whitby; 3, Hoop- and redecorating the interior o! St. Rev. F. H. Mason. Reclor o! New- i12b a W. Hl. Robins. 2 & 3. Shropshire, agederBwavîe e2mius John's Cburcb in anticipation o! the cas/e,-roug. geetngILron5th Ram-H. Skinner, 1 & 2. Shearling ,1iSscod.vsto! the Bisbop and the confirma- Da ery o! Durhami and Northuml- 5 I.b a Ram-H. Skinner, 1 & 2. Ram Lamb- Pole-vault junior-, Colmer, Bow- ion service on Sunday nex. Mr. berlad. 291- H. Skinner, i & 2. Aged Ewe-H. 5kin- mnil;2 onPr er~3Gibson bas worked on all tbree R r . B-.1mînLie o.St Pag'27 lir 1&2.Serln EeH Si- et omnvle.Hiht fechurch properîies in the village Ibis and Rev. J. U. Robinis, pastorTrnt_____________________ ner, i & 2.Shaig Ewe -H. Skia-er,1 ntBwmnileeeih,8 et season, painting and papering at tbe United Churches. Rev. W. J. Todd, MAKIS BETTER SHORTENING-PURE 1IENDIÈRED C i2. OxodDwae a-. Pî-alsnior-i. Scot, Whi- United Churcb, painting inister o! SI. Andrew's Presbyter-EXP W7' Oer foi& d2. w L gd ainbH. kinner,10 inch seg. ins W. Balson & Son. Shearling Ram- by; 2, Bagneli, Bowmanville; 3, Col- St. George's rectory, and now St. an Cburch, also brougbt greetiflgs J. W. Baison & Son, i & 2. Ram Lamb mer, Bowmanville. Helght, 9 f eet, John's Cburcb. Il looks as if the and good .wishes froni Ibeir respect-M.P ur§ -J. W. Balson & Son. Aged Ewe- 61/2 inees. churches ad adopted a certain paint 1ive congregations on Iis annive1rsLiLR -49 J. W. Balson & Son, 1 & 2. Shearling~ Basebaîl th.row, junor-i, Wilson, manufacturiflg company's slogan, occasion. A letter was read f rom Ewe L-J. W. Balson & Son, 1, 2 .Whty 2, Wight, Bowmanville; 3, "Save the surface and you save ail"! Rev. C. P. Muirbead, Willowdale, an- jD Ewe amb-. W.Balon &Son,1, Neskil, Wblhtby. Distance, 166 feet, The Girls' Unity Class o! the Unit- other former rector, wbo regretted r i " M &haln a-îatHli&2 3. Suffolk, aged Ram-Stuart Hall,. 1 inch. ed Cburch S. S., witb tbeir teacher, bis inability 10 be present. Rham Ln am-Stuart Hall, i & 2. e Basebal trow, senior - 1, Sykes, Mrs. N. L. Rickard, and Mr. Rikard, Rev. Mr. Sires gave a short is- gj~~f -StuartHall, & 2 .Bowmanvile; 2, Conlin, Witby; 3, entertained temselves and a nun- tory o! the curcb. showing the l K A] Ewe-tuat Hlli & . SearingAdamis, Bowmanville. Distance, 148 ber o!f friends at a jolly weinradtoeusdilangtecnr Ee-tuat Hll, & . Eed Lamb feet, 7 inches. marsbmallow roast on the "sandbar" stone 75 years ago, and the srieU u Z ~ ~ " b I -Stuart Hall, 1 & 2. MakdLm 4 adjno-.Clnr o- at tbe lake lasI Thursday evening. sheet used on thal occasion. He also % . eT& m.ra manville; 2, Scott, Wbltby; 3, Hunt, Both the setting and the weatber referred 10 the pbotograpbs o! the Swin 44 yadssenior-i, Coirner, Bow- ening was brougbt 10 a close witb a closing witb a message 10 the con- Bers e , oa -e. B a oc , H. Boanville TD ve ,itS94 3,ec o - h eiea fr I is o The: Teiin ev io to in n th e dw ork. 1, esT BNDI M, Nof Lee CHOIAbenUAo mx hty ie58scns aî tended by a mone ur n Mr. CottonInCEeQUALIfTtheO.on G. Mar. SowA. L.Byers G. H Mile ace, enior- 1, cpersonhespo!on tof t redoubtabie horsorse- gtgregalionted Rpresented. 3Rev.23andIMMr G.Mark & SonB, udW m.oy. 50wWitby; 2, Wood, Bowmanville , , men, Ralpb Gibson and Albert Sbires witb a purse o! gold, also a1 B ud@#d INS2 3 y * G.nderk & on, Wi. Hooey G H i Bagnell, Bowmianville. Timne, 5 min- Pearce. Among those present was bouquet o! roses to the latter, andi 1A Mark & Son. Yorkshire, Boar-N C. utes, 32 seconds. Miss Laura MacQueen, a former 10 tbeir son John, a purse o! money.t Marlow. Sow-J. A. Johnston, 1 î2 Girls' 220-yard relay, junior - 1 menbe oftbe class, wbo is in train- These gifîs and good wisbes were WORLD'S 'T LLlr SA Boar, under 7 montbs-E. Dorreil N. Whitby; 2, Bowmanville; 3 , Port îng aI Ontario Hospital, Wbitby. suitably acknowledged by tbe Rector f a C. Marlow. Sow, under 7months-E. er. m,4 - eod. an i Io wf.,Ail o Dorrell . JA. Johnston. Tamworth, Girls' 220-yard relay, senior - 1EIN Pleasirig musical numbers were %Il A & P mneat ;are cief uib selected y expert.Your ALvE HCE BorWse ae n-elyBowmanville; 2, Wbitby; 3, Port contributed durlng the evening by satisfaction s laan . AYL1ER i I ~~~~~~ M i s s J a n e M a b o n a n d M r s . A . C o lS G R C R D R A F S ÀPage, 1 & 2. Boai~, under 7 nonths-lPerry. Tue. 30 seconds. Jeffery-Harrs 1 ville. UA-RE BEKFS J. H. Forder, Wesley Page. Soun 440-yard relay, junior - i1,110w- - ersmft eesred by the 2. ,1 der 7 months-Wesley Page, 1 av&l;2 2ib; .PrtPry The Metropolitan UJnited Church,lais nd bepaaî evening IIIqECr I QUIC!,;S:)S WHAT LAST Dorrell. g 5440-rdecoay. Trotadwsiessen o apndy rog t h e a ls I i ~~~Three Bacon Hogs-Wesley Page .Trno a h cn fapet ,uh oacoe 2, Port Perry. Tume, Si 2-S seconds. Verna May, daugliter of Mr. andd .. ... .. b.32 Pouî,y ________________ Arclibald Harris, 72 Belhavefi Rd-. Ahl along the road-slde is every- 1 urESTI Barred Rock, Cock-E. Gibson, A.'- Toronto, was wedded to Mr. Wallace body's gardent LU ~ S2 l. 5 Welsh. Hen-Mrs. A. L. ByersJ.(and rut-r FRies, MrJ.lîl Jeffery, 75 Alexandra BI%*(., There the wild-rose blossons' L. Crydermati. Cockerel-Cecil Hyde, E.Dorel Ms.F B Lvki. , son o! M. Wi. Jeffey, for- tbrougbt the summer days; - M.14 BKERY Mrs. A. L. Byers. Pullet Ccii Collection of Jellies-Mrs. F. Raines, moîly o! Hamfpton, Rev. Dr. W~- Bounded by fleld-fences, and ever7-T Hyde, J. W. Balson & Son. Wyan- MIrs. F. Stinson, M.Nrs. F. B. Lovekin. Sedgewick nfficiating. The bride, who stretching onward. LA:.',îiv , x~ieia C ake b 9 dote Wit, oc-J L ryderman, iikeMs onEfrMs .L was given in mari-iage by lier father, Il is God's own garden. for il gives i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~- R.C.Bman, -J'..rdenanClei ui rs.F B oekin. n'as hcmigYatt ireil in eggsliell Him praise. Rin.C.ntiown.l o flotL.aught wlh a -Gulledea L- - e* HAV/ES' FLOO W............1 R. C. Brown. Cockerel-J. L. C y el-, I-ney in C t- b M s M. Ar nstro fg,,satn a d el f e ,c ugi w th- G ilm Z li g r.c ý man. Pullet-J. L. Ciyerfll. Legý- M s. R. Taylor. Maple Sy-up-Mr. ,wlrabl of (rng, b sOMS. She cra- - A E ' L O A i I Mr~ ~ ed a o iel buqet of talisman roses boraWliit, Coc-R. . Bi-,n-n,~ (i<t. Nshitt Mrs F. CoZler~ ~ MALL Tir C ES" A SicTIL.....BA Campbell, Mrs. F. Crozier. Cake, liglit the rules of physic; a man's owfl0b- points. On their ro.tîrn tliey will re- O pTOMETIRISTt -Mrs. R. J. Crozier, Mrs. Nor~manï raionToîh-t hOffice " "d'of nd ýd'( e ar A oictll !alntve. LM Talo~,M s.R.R Bcr. Caecoc ~îvaio, ht e ldsgodo!an sie i247 Eglimîgon Av. W., To--,ever ,-.ood'sStore fru~. ~ ~ ills and ,egtablets dellvee olate Ms-.E Mulo.Ms G v.hat he fnds hurt o, iS the best <,oo; Vte tt t) ton guists ere ort ope .,r.ue Bower, Mr. R.J. Cozie. Grhar ~ic to 10preserve heath.' aB ano,~i d Mis.trelPreston, Mitlanti ] ton r, M rs. R .JTayl o z e . G a r W h n Mr. u p i i - ' o t a u h s a t e s t i k o i It w M. and M rs. E Sam ueY e P. M lI- T or ourOf ic : ir s. e e u e e e e b . . Ii ems-Mrs. L. B. Lovekin, Mrs. Roy Weyogosoon'!hsm-M.ndr.FE.JfryWsttî WEDNESDAY eh weeGk A"i 'TI & 11C'UIC r Taylor. M rs. Jas. Parc. Apple Pie- one to help you decide sum n ' a d .1 J. R ue,î Hl iss RuthPark r s. I t -9.0F0Ca. m.- --9.30______m . Mrs. Wes. Campbell, Mrs. Robt. Hamniluge okn o oe - nde Eben. "Remember dai OaeF.Pryat Ms uhPry 1 .3 .m o93 .m Mrs. Norman Taylor, Mrs. F. B. Love-1 reliable advice as it would 10 niake'j if w. Lus Angeles; Mc. and Mcs. 2143 Daforth Ave. BOWMANVILLE STORE: PH-ONE 83 kin, Mrn. L. E. MountJoy. Collection'up yob own mind.' 1 Garnel. Flynn, Montreal. ________________ 'i