PT1 'rflTH CNAIA SATSMN. lCWMmNv'TLh TIJSDV.OCTfl&Vau. ~ moi pro] Baiç ma M Ofn HO] Un col bzi c Gri TOI Bol ta ph( C. W. SLEMON, M.D., C.M. ciraduate of Trinity Medical College, Toronto. Office and residence: Dr. Beith's former residence, Wellngtoni Street, Bowmanville. Phone 259. J. CLARK BELL1 M. D., Ch. B., F. R. C. S' (Edin.), D. P. H. (Saccessor ta Dr. A. S. Tilley) Hans. Graduate in Medicine, Aber-j deen University; Fellow of the Royal College o! Surgeons, Ednburgh. Office and residence: Queen Street, Bowmanville. Phone 89. Office Hours: 2 to 4 p. m., 6 to 8.30 p. in. CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS THEROPY DURWIN E. STECKLEY Honor graduate of Toronto Collegeil of Chiropractics wiil be i the Bow- manville office Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenlngs, phone 141J.f Residential calîs made during fore-1 naon.t FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. Complete Motor or Horse Ecuipment. AU cals promptly attended to. Private Ambulance Bowrnanville phone. 10 and 34. Branch Stores:at Orono & Newcastle. Embalmer and Funeral Direetor. tention. No extra charge f or dis- tance. Motor Ambulance at your1 service. Phone 58 or 159, Bowman-1 ville, Ont. 3-t! AUCTIONEERS THEO M. SLEMON Auctioneer Farm and House Sales a Speclalty. Terms moderate. Enniskillen P. O. Phone 197r3. 1-tf VETERINARY E. G. KERSLAKE, V.S., B.V.Se. Orono Haonor Graduate o! the University o! Taronto. AIl cases given prompt and careful attention. Office: Dr. Mcelr1oy's former office. Phones: Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. CABTIG AND TRUCIN Al kinds of Carting, Trucking and Movng; local and long distance. H. BOMBARD Phone 630 Queen St., Bowmanvllle TREASURER'S SALE 0F LANDS FOR TAXES Town of Bowmanville f County of Durham1 To Wit: By virtue of a warrant issued by the Mayor of the Town of Bowinanville bear-t Ing th, lat, of the 1th day of August,i saie of lands in arrears of taxe in the Town of Bowmanville will eh h-d et my office at the hour of two oclock in thel atternoon on the sixth day of Dee.rberl 1930, unifas the tax-santi costs are foonfàr rail. Notic,ý isli er-lI,y given that tlh- Ilit of lande for sal. for arreare of taxes is being publiie in the Ontario Gazette, on the 23rdl day of Auguet and tbat coî,ic- of the- sali Ilet may l)e had 16t My office. Treasurers Officce, thia lth day of August, 1930 JOHN LYLE, Treasurer. EARN $6 TO $10 FER DAY Ambitious, reliable men wanted at once.i Part time pay white tralning for Aviation Mechanlos, Garage Work, Driving, Bat. tory, Electric Acetylene Weiding, House WirIng, Industrial Electricity, Machinist, Bricklaying, Plastering, Drafting, Barber. Iiig and Hairdressing. Act quick, get your application in now. Write or cati for in. formation. DOMINION TRADE SCHOOLS, LTD. Eastern H-,adsiuarterq, 79 Qticc-n West, Toronto, Empioyment servce-coagt to coast. Best ofaU ilfly kiliers. Clean, quick, sure, cheap. Ask your Drug- gist, Grocer or General Store. THE WILSON FLY PAO CO., HAMlILTON, ONT. ?EDICAL1 Possibly there is no greafer or more reliable authorif y on faods f lan Dr. McCollum o! Johns Hopkins Uni-I versity. IHe says: 'Allich evdento froun botb animal expeîirnontation and human oxper- icncr- supports, in a manner whirh can uic'. er ho broken down, the view- point thaf mont is nof nocossary ini flic human diet. If also supports' flic conclusion tUai the besi type o! cit is a acto-vegefarian diot. I arn convinced thaf anyone wli a ots the a'verage arnount o! mont consumed in fUis cauntry wll Improve rather than is wbat Dr. Kress writes: The human body mny be fitly coin- pared f0 a boiler. Food is its fuel. It is the food fed ta ibis buman boil- or that maintains ifs vital fires, pro- ducing boat nnd enorgy. The human body is more than a more boilor. It may bo said ta be a boiler, engine and rnachinory, alh in anc. Food, too, is more than moere fuel. Food i addition to being fuel is body-building and repair material. In ootaining fuel for aur furnacos and boilers '.e aum to got the bost. Wo select the fuel that bas the least waste, and wich produces the east arnount o! clinkers. The saine care sliould ho exercised in the seection o! fuel for the body. To obtain f ood una.ssociated witb impurities, we must secure it ai the source o! its supply. All food primnrily cornes f rom the vegetable kingdorn, the fruits, the nuts, the cereals, the eg- unes. the tubers, and leaf y voge- tables. Those foods contain alh the elernents needed ta rnaintain beat, energy and to build and repair tis- sue. The milk furnisbed ta the young has ibose eemonts in just the right proportion ta meet their noeds and in the most available foi-i. But l o! the elernents found in the milk are obtainod f rom the vogtable! kingdorn. A deflcioncy of any one' elornn in the food, menas a defic- îency o! that saine elemont. iii the rnilk. Whilo meat is a food, if contains organic wastes and impuritios form- ed in tbe body o! the animal froîn the breaking down of tissues. The body o! an animal is in f act, a f ac- tory o! poisons. It may bo compar- ed ta a largo modern city. Liko ai eity made ut, a! tbausands and mil- lions o! individuals, the body o! an animal is made ut, o! living individ- unîs. known as colIs. EacU one a! these cehîs possessos a distinct h! e o! uts awn. These clIs, just as individuals in a city, must bo fod, and provision must be made to carry away the wastos they produco in ordor for thern ta livo. The artorial system conveys the food ta the celîs. The venous circulation corresponds fo the sewago systom o! aur cities. It con- veys the wastos ta the organs of! ohm- inatian. When an animal is saugb- torod, the celîs continue f0 ivo for a tirne. but wbon the circulation ceases, the sewer is blocked up, and wastes accumulato. Thon, death o! the cehîs occurs. The individual colîs die from the rtentian o! their own poison.- A dead animal body may, thoro- fore. be compared ta a cernefory. Affor death those celîs rapidly under- go pufrefaction. This nocessitatos mnent bing kepf on ice in warrn wveaflier. Mont undergoos the saine changes within the human alirnn- fary canal under suitablo conditions that if undergoes ouf side o! the body, andit produces the saine offensive odors and flicsaame dendly toxins. It is flic toxins thus formed thaf cause dscase and shorion lite. Dr. Arnold Lorand, in is excellent book -Old Age Deferrod,' says: -Arteriosclerosis is vory sldom found in persons wlio bave been ad- dîcted for many years to vegetarian- ism. Wifli a vegefarian dief coupled wif h mîlk there is iiuch ess intes- tinal îrnfrefacfion than with a mont dief.' He adds, *We have seon fliaf a '.egefariiaîî diet, witl inilk and a few eggs, can givo flic besf results not only in flic pro',enfion anîd cure of mian's diseases, but also in fthe preser'.ation of healh ii unod age.' Sir Arbuthniot Laneo0f England. a noted surgeon, affribufes flie rapid increase of cancer anîd the bigh mor- f aiy !rorn the disoase cbiefly fa the l)rev.alcnt u;e o! ment. Ho snid: "Wlat wc slîould do if wce wouhd a'.oid cancer is f0 Caf whole wheat bread and raw fruits. and '.ogetables, shunuîing ahI monts, firsi. fliat vo may ho btter nourished, anîd second, thai we uîay more readuly el'minafe waste praducts, and drain adoquately the bouse in whîîcb aur ceIls live." Hlave Your Eyes Examined Consult our Registered Optometrist R. M. MITCHELL - Latest Methods - -Modern Instruments - R. Ni.Mitchell & Co. Drugglsts - Optometrists Phone 92 LEGAL THIE EDITOR TALKS : sufer by cutting it ail out of bis M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.D. S orne eeks ago we gave OUI' read- dit'1 ers a synopsis of an acidress deliver-1 Franklin, the philosopher. early i' Barrl.ster, Solicitor, Notary ed at Winnipeg Medical Convention lif e it seerns adopted a strictly veg- ney ta boan on Farmi and Town i y an old London physician ini which etarian diet. and drank water wbile )perty. Royal Bank Building.ei erenîany surprises. Now we have: those about him ate meat and drank wmanville. Phione 351. read a health treatise that says thei beer. He says in bis biography, -I practice of iuedcine in the past bas made the greater progress f rom that W. R. STRIKE been directed toward the curing c- greater clearness o! head and appre- 1 Barrister, Solicitor, Notary disease and phiysical ailinents already hension, which generally attend Solicitor for Bank o! Montreal developed. The practice of medicine temperance in eating and drinking." ney to Loan. Phone 91 in the future is to be along preventa- He ate meat when better f oods wereI Bowrnanville, Ontario. tive lines, and bere is a golden pre-, not obtainable. In his eightietth y" scription ailnay learn and practise! of life. he said, "It rnay be well rnY W. F. WARD, B. A. thernselves: Qood Air, Good Water, posterîty sbould be inforrned that to Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Good Sunshine. Good Fod, Czood temperance 1 ascribe my long contin- aney to Loan. Bonds for Sale. Exorcise, Good Cheer, Good Rest, ued hoalth and what is still le! t to1 Rces: Bleakley Block, King Street, Good Thoughts. These should make me o! a good constitution."1 Bowmanx'ille, Ontario. you who practise tborn faithfuily a *à Phones: Office 102, House 409. giauit ini braili and brawfl strength. Dr. Stephen Smith, who at the age Ithe Canadian Watcbmafl for of ninety-nine gave an address be- Octobor D. H. Kross, M. D., writes an fore the members o! the Amnerican DENTAL interesting article on eating. The Public Health Association a few years DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE majority of people eat too much. The ago. attributed his long and use! ul jamount o! food a person should eat if e to his manner o! living. He was ,nor graduate i Denistry, Toronito jsbould be i exact accord with the a weakling i infancy and early iverslty. raduate o! the Royal1 body's requirements-no rnore nor childhood and consequently f ound it lege o! Dental Surgeonis o! On-i less. necessary to eat sparinghy and only io. Office: King St., Bowmfanlffi. o! the sîmplest f oods. Sbortly before )ffice phone 40; bouse phone 22. Tis writer tells us the advantages bis death, in speaking o! bis personal X-Ray EquipmOIt in office. o! a meatless diet, saymng an average habits, hie said: DR. J. C. DEVITT longer life by ten years and 50 per "In the hast forty years I have be- Assistant Dr. E. W. Sissali cent ess sickness for the strict veg- corne an addict to natural !oods, -aduate o! Royal Dental Coflege, etarian over the habitual meat-eater grains, vegotablos, and fruits. Only ,ronto. office: King Street East: is bis opinion. But we cannot inag- occasionahly do I eat ment. and my ,wmanville. office bours 9 a. m. mne the ordinary fariner or otber bealtb has been better than ever be- 6 p. m. daihy except Sunday. bard working man giving ut, bis roast fore. Neither freshi air nor physical1 Sre 90. House phone 283. beef, fried bacon or mutton chop and culture can prolong il e to any great1 X-Ray Equlpment in office. substitute vogetables and fruit for extent if one persists in eating the1 ___ ___ __-..--.-them, although we have done so witb wrong kind o! food." hpnf ..*,,1+* ts ofar. But fher.*r A WORLD-WIDE PRACTICE There are riearly thirty-three mil- lion telephones i the world today. And the habit of telephoning far and DIRECTNESS Yoars ago it became necessary to discharge a man from a certain company with whicb I bappened to ho associated. His sbort-comings dld not reflect upon bis character or ability; he was just temperarnentally out o! place. Everybody liked him. Nobody wanted to burt bis feelings. Hence many conferenoes; were beld. It was suggested that we might get some other company ta off er him a position. Or be might be given a year' s eave o! absence. in the hope that he wouhd not corne back. Or we migbt persuade sorne one to speak to some one else wbo could suggest to him in a round-about way that be ougbt ta resign. Meanwbihe. time drifted on. Finally it occurred to us that in scbomlng around ta flnd a way ta be kind ta this man we were actuahhy boing very cruel. We were allowlng him to waste procious days in a posi- tion wbore he couhd have no future. Whereupon we sent for him. drew a long breath. and spoke as f olhaws: "Joe. it is necessary to tell you tbat you are tbrough. . . . Now tbat's ovor, and we don't noed ta talk about it any more. Let us. therefore. sit down ta a seriaus discussion about your future phans, because everY man in the company wants ta see you happy and successful." We helped him flnd the propor en- vironrnent; be is today prosperous and contonted. and I behieve that hie counts us ahi as arnong bis very good friends. The incident wns recalled the other ,,ay by a conforence in aid o! an im- portant cbarity., The question was haw ta obtain a large donation f rom a certain rich man. Ail the usual expedients were suggested. Wo might "approach" bim through bis bankers. Perhaps same one couhd induce some one ta spenk ta bis wife. It might ho possible ta bave a good friend o! bis in Las Angeles Put us in tauch with a !riend o! bis in Chicago. Finally a large and resthess mem- ber~ o! the committeo rose. "This makes me tired." he exclaimed. "I knaw this fellow. Ho gets ta bis office every morning at cight o'clack. l'Il go in to-marrow morning and tell bim I have corne ta ask for a million dollars. And I tbink he'hh hike it." Said Walt Whitmn, speaking o! Sheridan. "Genius is ninety per cent directness. and Phil Sheridan was a genius. If one could gather up alh the time that is wasted annually in scbemîng how to do the choyer or polite thing, ho would have hours enough ta re- hieve aIl the farmers. kill ench fruit fly individually, and dig the canal f roin the ocoan ta the lakes. Millions o! dollars wouhd be saved Count Llya L. Tolstoy, the son of the farnous Leo Tolstoy. referring to the personal habits of his f ather as well as his own, says: "My father wvas a strict vegetarian for the last thirty-flve years of bis if e. He lived in the cold clirnate of Moscow and Tula, and he neyer feit better than after he ceased to eat mneat. He was a vegetarian tili the hour of his death, and neyer had to give it up. Neither did he give Up total abstinence. Iiarn flfty-seven years old now, and the longer I live the more I be- corne persuaded that people who really use their brains corne to real- ize the harm of eating meat. "Both ethicaily and scientifically, vegetarianisrn is proved. Vegetarian- ism is recommended by ahl the best physicians of ail civilized countries. "Preaching or writing against veg- mindedness and ignorance." A knowledge of food. and the con- fidence which accornpanies an intel- ligent selection of food, are very es- sential in obtaining the good out of food that is eaten. The good we get out of even good food depends largely upon the good we see in it. Food must appeal to the mmnd i order to get out of it the best there is in It. Eating should not be rnerely mechan- ical. Food should be enjoyed. A :knowlIedge that the food we are eat- ing is the puî'est. and best will afford this enjoyment. For forty years, I have been living on what. for lack of a better name mnay be terrned a vegetarian diet. I arn not a vegetarian, as the term would indicate. for I eat very few cooked vegetables. I live rnostly on fruits, grains. rnilk, nuts. and raw, leafy vegetables at times. Knowing that fruits and cooked vegetables do flot as a rule combine well when eat- en at the same meal. as they tend to encourage fermentation. and being fond of fruits and knowing their medicinal value. f rom choice. 1 ex- clude cooked vegetables largely from my meals. For forty years I have adhered strictly to a vegetarian diet. and it is a source of satisfaction to have lived to see the day when the best authorities are agreed that a vegetarian diet is preferable toaa meat diet or mixed diet. DECLABES THAT CANADA IS BECOMING ONE 0F GREATEST DRINKING NATIONS Dr. Wilson Returning FrontTnip With Darrow Gives Dominion Bad Name. A recent despatch f rorn Lincoln, Neb., states Dr. Clarence True Wil- son. secretary of the board of public Morals and prohibition o! the Meth- odi.d Chur-ch, tolci the Nebraska con- ference here last nîght that Canada is becoming one of the greatest drinking nations in the world." Dr. Wilson explained that he had just returned with Clarence Darrow of Chicago, f rom a tour of the var- ious provinces of the Dominion as eye-witnesses to the operations o! the Governiment liquor control systemns. With the exception of France, he declared, the Canadians consume more liquor than any other country in the world. 'This rnay be in sorne part due to the influx of thirsty American tour- ists, but the roads leading into Can- adla are flot lined i wth Amnericans wating an opportunity to buy liquor, as many o! the enernies of prohibi- tion are Pleased to point out," Dr. Wilson added. Denouncîng this method of con- trol. lie declared: -Surely a Christian ciovrnment shîould not be in the business of selling liquor. These two countries should Join hands In pro- hibition. whicb would make this the rreatest dry continent in the world." "4Why Can't We Save?" H 0W often do you say this as o find that your expenses eat up ail your salary ? Other people, with no larger in- cornes than yours, buy mnany things you cannot afford. Is it because you have no definite plan of allotting your money? The Royal Bank Budget Book will help you to plan your expenses with sornething to spare. Ask for a copy. if every business con! erenco opened with the blunt inquiry. "Wbat is the simphest and most direct way by which this tbing can bo done?" TUBERCULOSIS AND CHILDREN Health Service of the Canadian Medical Association Tuborculosis is a disease wbicb oc- curs at aîl ages and which may a! - fect any part o! the body. It is one o! the communicable diseases and by this we mean that it is caused by a germ called the tubercuhe bacillus wbicb is passed f!romn tbe sick to the well. There are two sources o! the dis- ease - persons suffering f rom the tuberculosis and tuberculous animals. More tban one case o! tubercuhosis !requently occurs in a family but this does flot mean that the disease is hereditary. It usuahly indicates that the disease bas been passed f rom one member o! the !amily to another. When a case o! tuberculosis is found in a child, a careful iquiry wilh nearly ahways revoal anotber case in the borne or amongst rela- tives or friends witb wbom the cbild bas been in frequent contact. Tuberculosis occurs in the hower animaIs. and cows are very frequent- ly found to be afected with the dis- ease. Tubercle bacilli may gain on- france to the rilk as it heaves the cow*s udder or by way o! dirt off the cow during milking. Childrn are susceptible to the gorm whicb causes the tuberculosis in the cow. Tis is known as tbe bovine type and diff ers somewbat f rom the buman type. Children must be protected from infection from these two sources if tuberculosis is to be provented in childhood. The danger f rom milk can be avoided by baving the mihk pasteur- ized. Pasteurization o! milk sut,- pies is advisable for inany 'good reasons, one o! tbese being that througb pasteurization. cbildren who should use milk freely are protected f rom any danger o! contracting tub- erculosis f rom the mihk. The danger from hurnan beings can be overcorne providing tbat those who have the disease know it and take the necessary care to prevent the spreading o! Infection. The germ o! tubercuhosis eaves the body in the sputum o! the sick per- son, and it is tbe dissemination o! this germ laden sputum that is re- sponsible for the spread of tubercul- sosis !rorn one buman being ta an- other. Cougbing, sneozing and spitting in a careless manner are responsible for the spread o! the germs o! tubercul- osis. because in these actions a spray o! droplets is scattered, and sa the seed o! dis-ease is spread. The case who spends some time in sanatorium learns bow to ive and bow to control the cough, or if it is necessary for bim to cougb. how to collect and de- stroy the sputurn 50 as not to en- danger others. AIl adults should protect chiudren by the observance a! common dec- ency in re!raining from spitting. Bowmanville Branch - - L G. Hefkey, Manager A RO00F with louse, curled up shingles-lirittie from summer's heat- their value gone from years of service -will be a troublemaker when winter storms assail it-it's poor economy to patch a faulty roof. Erantford jOLC fasten together to form a ONE - PIECE roof that is immune to ragîng winds. Labour is plentiful and il you need a new roof there neyer was a better Urne to get it on. New Colours-Add to the appear. ance of youir barn by Iaying "Cornwall" or "Dorset" Arro.. Lock Siates-attractive, harmon. ions eolour-blends that cout no more. Solid Coloursu Green, Red., or Bhae-Blaek. Brantford Roofing Co. Lirnit.d SMmm Office and Factorys Brantford, Ont. Br&nche and Waehousss at: Tornto, WIndso. Wnniog Haida. Saint John. N.B. wbd St. John's ..»7 "B UY NORMALLY" AND THERE WILL BE NO UNEMPLOYMENT! For Sale by R ICE & cýCG.(D The RylBank of Canada noar is growing daily. Residonts o! iewooeaedtemI o iOliteiwhanaporaed tUe mifi for Ontaio nd uebe alne akoLife is but thaught; more than 70,000 out-of-town calîs'Sa think I will, that Youth and I a day. Are bouse-mates still.--Coleridge. Il FREE BRAKE TEST Safety First! Watch your brakes, Mr. Driver! If you isant ta be sure tbey are in the best condition, drive in and let us give them our FREE BRAKE TEST. Ac- curately shows just how strong your brakes really are. Tightening of the brake band may ho ail that's needed to put them ini good arder, or if they need relining, we can offer you a first elass jab at the most reasanable cost lu town. CLEMENS' West End GARAGE lOc WHY PAY MORE PAGE TWO iril THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVE=, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2nd, 1930 0 il d y v a c f: p Il a F b b n k d s d 9 t JE King St. West Bowmanville