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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Oct 1930, p. 9

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TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9th, 1930 PAGE Nfl~ READ 0F AÀCASE UKHER OWN Dmi&d to take Lydia F. Pnham's Vogetable Compound MoêNM, 3 w rnck-"Before mylatbaby wus born I waa very weak norvous and dis- 1 gcjaoi in the paper about a woenan who had bouçht a botle of *~ LydiaE. Pink- . h ... n'. a Vegetable Comoud. Itook trebttlea and it carrned nme safe- ly throuph that bave three children te cure for and 1 feel well and strong. 1 have told two ether women about your medicine"- hMas. Gus ARSENAtTLT, 82 Albert Stu.*, WMoncton, New Brunswick. ENJOYRD BY ~ MILLIONS Persian Balm - the deligbt of The Proven Astbma Remedy. Since damnty femininity. Imparts a frag- asthma existed there bas been no rOpt charm to the complexion. Tones lack of much heralded remedies, but up the skin and makes it velvety soft'they have proved short lived and in texture. Coolmng, refresbin,,g, it is worthless. The ever-growing repu- delightful to use. Neyer leaves a tation of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma vestige of stickiness. Invaluable for Remedy has given it a place in the hands. face. and as a bair fixative., field of medicine wbicb no other can Wonderfully soothing and protective.! approacb. It bas neyer been pushec Especially recommended in cases of 1 by sensational metbods, but has roughness or chaflng caused by: simply gone on effecting relief anc weather conditions. making new converts. GOODYEAR HEAV1Y UTY à À Super Tire for Super Servic~e T HIS great Goodyear Tire is specially designed for Isard service - ad roada, high speeds, heavy loads, heavy cars, day and night service. Its use may greatly cut down your tire expense. Ask us about it. And get our prices. KEMP BROS. GARAGE Bowmanville TELEPH('NE 248 I Many people, two hours after est- ing, suffer indigestion as they call it. Rt k uisuaill cxccss acid. Correct it with an aikati. The best way, the quick, hariess and efficient way, 13 Phillips' Mill, of Magnesia. It bas reînained for -)0 years the standard with physicians. One spoonful in water neutruilizes niany timitis volume in stomach acds, and at once. The symptoins, such as hond- aches. gas, beartburn, etc., wilI ilisappear in lve minutes Too muck ACID You wll nover use crude methods when you know tisa btter method. And you wuil nover sufer frein ex- cess acid when you prove out this easy relief. Please do that-for your ovin sake-noW. Be amret get the genuine, pro- scribed by doctors for conditions due to excess acid. It ia always a iquid; it cannet be made in tablet form. Look for the name Phillip' and the word genuiné in red. là-Made of pure mater. lala in modern sunit factorjea. No expense apared te have it dlean, wtolsome and fil flavored. WRIGLEYS l0a w a d sesaled to keep ik as good a wen it leaves the factory. WRIGoe.zys j, bound to be the best that mon and machines and mone'y eau make. 'Me doudcous peppermint flavor freshens the mouta and aide digstin She turned ber head slowly andi '. mitake Imade. Ad It ws qucm looked at hm i blank amazment. lem .Ui@. .6 fer yourself to-aRigbt. They're very "1be ou pron"she sd a pardonable on my part. You'il ses Schofleld's henest eyes met bers know them Véry weil.'" un! alteringly. 1 U It was qulte true. Giles found him- "II said there was one here," ho re-~ self unable to keep bis eyes off the peated. III suppose you are surpris- "other Julie" when they met at di- ed. I have not forgotten that we met ner that night. night for the firat time, but di- Continued Nost Woek SIXTH INSTALLMENT rectly I saw you everytbing was,'II liked hilm," Scbofteld said again cbanged for mie. I have iiever-nev- i meditatlvely. 'II belleve I've met 1dm What Has Gone Before er f elt f or any woman what I f elt f or1 before somewhere, but I can't quite Giles Chittenham swears to avenge you last night. I daresay You thlnk 1 remember. If I were a woman, he is the death of bis young half-brother it presumption on mY Part to have - the kind of man who would attract Rodney, driven to suicide by the no- said as mucb as I have done, but me." torious Julie Farrow who had sprn some day if there is no other mani "He detests ail women." ed bis love. He wiil make Julie love you care for . . ." "Nonsense? a man like that-"2 him. then throw ber aside as she Julie gasped. Julie broke ini excitedly: tbrew Rodney. He meets her i "You're not're flot asking 'II tell you he does-ask any one Switzerland, goes witb ber te the me te marry you?" wbo knows him! be's a woman- botel on the St. Bernard Pass, and "Some day I want to ask you if bater." succeeds in wmnning ber love. To bis you wil." "Then there must be a good reason amazement, be discovers that ho bas Julie feit as if she were dreammng. for it." fallen overwbelmlngly in love with She broke out desperately: "Conceit. I sbould think!" Julie ber bimself! And be is married, to "But you know notbiflg about me said flippantly. "He imagines that an American girl witb whom be bas -iothing!" ail women are runnlng after hlm."I nothmng in common. 'II know you are the woman witb Scbofleld looked surprised at ber Then be discovers that this girl is wbom I could be perfectly happy.", vebemence. not tbe rame Julie Farrow who ruin.. She laugbed derisively. "It sounds rather as if you dlslike ed Rodney. but ber cousin of the "That is a bold statement. If I hlm." samne namne. She scorns hlm wben were to tell you . . ." Julie sbrugged ber shoulders. ho confesses bis love and bis mnabil- Ho just teucbed ber band with There was a little bard look in ber ity to marry ber. Tbey meet later his. pretty eyes. in London, wbere she is golng the "Notbing would maire any differ- 'II don't dlslike hlm," she said, pace that kils. Another man, Law- ence."1 "I'rn lust quite indifferent." trence Scboflold, wants te marry ber, She foît ber eyes wet wtb sudden i spie0f ber wild life. r. Since bis introduction te Doris at Now Go On Wth the Story eIni tbe rorning ho rang ber up. 2Blm Lennox answerod: d "Julie? Oh, I'm sorry--sbo's not sup yet. Who is it?" cl "Lawrence Scbofleld. Sbe told me I migbt ring." "Oh . .. well-if you wlll walt a moment. May I givo ber a message?" III want ber to lunch witb me if she wiil." 'II will tell ber." It soemod an eternity tiil Birn re- turned. "Julie will be deligbted. Will you cail for ber at hall -past one?" III shail be delighted also." So that was tbat! Schofield f oit a boy as be turned away f rom the telephone. Nearly flfty! Nonsense! ho was a young man, and i love for the flrst time. Hoernugbt have beon less elated bad Giles found hsmnsel unable te keep bis eyes off the "«other Julie" when he beard Julie's comment wben bis they met at dinner that night. message was conveyed to ber. "Are you... just . .. Jokig?" sbe the Faun, Giles saw a good deal more "Scbofleld! who on earth... don't asked. of ber than ho wisbed te see. At know the man." "No" flrst ho bad acceptod ber invitations Julie was hall asleep Stijl; ber bead She looked at hlm for a long mo- in the hope that perbaps Julie migbt was splittig, and there was a queer ment in silence; she felt as if she saw also be lncluded, but ho bad always "ed was ber e at ngb ehlm now for the flrst timo. He was been disappointed. bruHt you hoe," Bt i sai.pat not young, as be had told ber, and be Once wbon be bad rnentîoned ber ient H t you to lunch wsidptb was not good-looking, but there was name to Doris sbe bad frowned. ienly."Hewans yu t luch ithsomotbing in bis face-a steadfast- "Oh, Julie! I thik I've sbown ber him. He is waiting on the 'phone." ness and sicerity wblch was like at last that ber room is preferable to "OCh-woll, say wbat you like-afly- balm poured into ber aching heart. ber cornpany. Sbe's reaily too impos- him ong wa.itot t5IIig I don't want you to say anythlng sible . You know wbo sbe is runnlng and when sho returned Julie was Stijl now," ho was tollig ber. "If you wiII ab out witb now?" sitting up ibed, ber hands clasped Just lot me see"yourftee! and be "No. round ber knees, a little f rown of your red""arec coll. painbetwen hr eys. I don't know why you are so kid '"I don't know hlm." pai bewoe be me." "'You do. You were introduced at "What did you say?" 'II arn boing kind to mysell." the Faun one nigbt. He's a barmless "I said you would be deligbted to Sho looked away, wnking tbe tears sort o! man witb beaps o! money, but lunch with hlm, and he is cailig for from ber lashes. his wif e bas only been dead about a you at hall -past one." He was so simple and sicere. He montb, and it's a bit soon, don't you Julie scowled. ,1 was like a breatb f rom ber old peace- think?", III told you to send hlm away.' f uilife. Lately she bad seen so little "Soon for what?" whIlikedd'. Y o Isad you wold eof simple bonesty and sincerity. "To get marrled agamn." dea lied, oI setat man." ldbeSornetimes sho tbought she bad lbIt There was a little silence, then "0<> hed. hlm yur thetm nail thoso tbings beblnd her on the Chittenham asked quletly: -GI wul bave onre iftbe ba ake snow-<apped mountain tops. "lIs be te marry Miss Farrow, I wuldhav doe f h ha ased "Whore have you been biding ail then?", me.,. these years?" she asked impuisively. "So people ray. He's years toc, old Julie lay back on ber pillows. He told ber qulte f rankly. for ber, of course, but he seerns ab- "Where's the tea?" "I've îived in a country town-I've solutely devoted, and she says lt's ",just comig. Is your head very just been a nobody, a junior partner only bis money she wants, and as bd"evrdei"Juefowe in a bighly respectable fIrm o! solic- it's what we ail want, I suppose you B"Te vtho door itbJulevious eye itors. My wif e dled-sbe was neyer can't blame ber."1 -Ho onearh d yo maagete look very strong, and then a distant rela- 'II suppose not' thougb I under- "ow oesarthisdod y manag e tion dîed too and lef t me some money stand Miss Farrow to ray that she so res atthi unodl hor?"she-quite a lot of money-"ý neyer lntended to marry." grumbled. "Lucky you!" Julie said. Drslubd Blmtured oun wlh afait Yes" be answered. III thinit I was It was the next day bis mother onieti."IIIhe sadigtly. h ori very lucky," and bis eyes were on ber telephoned him. He could not go one thng-" forsa ulie in l blg'face. 'Ihope my luck wil continue with ber. Scbfled cmete hold," be added. Giles wondered as he hung up the car. 'II think you deserve that it receiver, wbat bis mother would have "its awfully good cf you te comne,' should," Julie said. "'You are the said bad be told ber that bis engage- he said nervously. idoma h ol pia on metwst e heC rJue "-It's awful good of you to ask me,"kidcmawbwudsplawo- enwsto etteobrJle Julie said. She looked at bim and an terribly," Julie sald. Farrow wborn bis brother bad loved. wastoubedby he enune leaure "It would give me great bappiess The invitation had corne about i wastouhe bYth geuin peasreif I had the rigbt to spoil you." quite a casual way. in bis eyes. She laughed rather sadly. Only the nigbt before Lombard "Are you living i towfl?" she "It's such early days. Soon-per- bad caled i at the botel wbere be asked. asqieso-o ilko mewssang Iarn only staying in an hotel at h aqi onyuwilko ewssaig the omet,"Scbefleld ans wered, btter, and then you will wonder wby "Will you corne along and bave the1moment," you ever thought me nice at all. I've some dinner witb me this evenlng? and thon added: " bi ody got aIl sorts of vices." Quite a smalParty," ho said. last night." II o' eiv u.IU e? abutl at nigt eopt yth ittle They spoko of the others who had 'ITwo-one o! them Julie Farrow- amotcf pan in wicb Giles Cit- beon at the Faun. the real Julie this time," ho added cames ofpainin hichGile Chi- 'I tell you wbe I did like," Scbo- rather maliclously. tenhamn had featured. field said. "That taîl f ellow-wbat Giles frowned. "0f course you dld," she sald bur- was his name-Chlt.tenbam?" 'Did you tel ber I was comig?" riedly, and racked ber brais t re- Julie caught ber breath. -I said I sbould ask you if I could member wbat else ho had told ber. "Oh, ys-I forgot that you mot find yeu." They lunched at Clarldge's. hlm" "And she made ne objection?" "It was perfect waste -ul _________________ Norte. I think sho was entertai- told Birn afterwards. e"Sinhefulgh o meaigste. takig me to sucb a place. I had no d thethoughlt o! eetlnge you." apptite-tho slght of the f ood al- 111 the e as a lite slne hc most unnerved me. Howovor, I man- M Etenairo. agedto Iake-omosorto!_# sho- WTi erc's one point I can'tgtquo Think of k,ý the New Majestic Models for 1931 are 50% more sensitive... 35% more seectve. .. than ever before!1 This graceful Highboy with shaped front bas sien tubes, including four screen grid tubes. Handsome legs and stretchers. Speaker grille at top. Make it your radio! 15 See i't at our store today! A. L DARCH King St. E. Bowmaavffle NO SMOKE-LESS ASH. You'11 get ** a new idea of heating satisfaction when * youftry our Famous Readind Anthracite. dust or anoke. And you'lI be amazed to v e owtte ash it leaves. Cal us TODAY. Henry Lathrope Phone 520 Bowmanville THAT BETTER PENNSYLVANIA HARD COAL W1ieu1àN frets> RED1ROSE TuK e . . ~ A J, 804 Introducing The New 11k-sM of If You Think You'l Act Now raIet you' et hi lino fat orprmp de live frypndo100 deficierndrvie0I you order yt>ur coal at once, you wll ho sure to do it. Later on, wben people ars rush- lng iat minute orders te un, ther is bound te ho a congestion whlch will delay deliverles. Have the boat o! service and prices bY ordering now. Steve ....................... $1.00 per ton pau..-....................... $15.00 per ton Chestnut ........... $15.00 per ton pea .... .... .... .... .. ...$1 .5 per ton Coke ..............$11.50 pertoni A discount of 50c a ton will bo aflowed off thoso pricos for cash wlth order. J. A. HOLGATE & SON BuildeWs Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or20 Bowmanvilk 94 Super-Screen Grid Super-Colortu.ra Dynamic. Speaker A New Motif ini Cabinet Design 1298 COMPLETE WITH TUBES THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9th, 1930 PAGE MM

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