PAGE NINE TEE CANADIAN STATESBAN. BOWILANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER l6th, 1930 ' Wh&Iyou reàlly ixeed is âniewroof .<.. WpaJchùx* is wmIseful/ 0 WJ HEN yaur roof begins to leak it is really worn out. You may patch it, but ta do so is onl y an extravagant wey of postponing the. purchase of that new roof you reaily need. You wil end your roofing troubles at the lowest cast per yeer by re-roofing with colourful, fire- proof and durable Johns.Manviile Shingles. If you select J-M Asbestos Shingles yau vii end roofing trouble forever-because these roofs wili stili be turning back fire and weather when your children's children have gravn ta matursty. Or, at lover cost, you may buy many yeers of perfect roof protection, unmarred by repair expense, in J-M Asphait Shingles. In bath types of J-M Roofs you are offered a rare beauty l in.neand calour that is flot obtain- able in mou aother raafings. Architects who are expert in colour - decoration worked out thes. lavely blends and harmonies ta give distinctive charm ta every type of house. See a rooflng material or lumber dealer nov. look et these beautiful J-M Shingles-and dedide ta give your rouf their perfect, durable protec- tion againt fire and weather. .UV' 1>Jhns-ManviIle Roofs X"toswaoes-spwShingles AUTHORIZED DISTUIBUTOU *Bowmanvile - McCLELLAN &CO. Necessities-Not Luxuries KITCIMN slnk with running water under A trang pressreA Modern Emco equipped bathroom-lCIldryfacilties--a faucet et *vorrquired point on your proerty-are ail alla-ble with an Empire Dura Water Supply systens. Em I rao Water Sapply Systema are ual expeusive-some models prrced aulow as $125.00, mnd tbey contain the lateut improvements of anY Water Supply Sytem on tUe market. Ou dealer vil! b.e plessed ta advise you on your Water Supply problema and demonstrate a model ta met your every need. R.E. LOGAN, Plumber Phones 264 Mmd 453 BOWMMaVM Pressure Wa-ter Systeme and batibrocin lttlni> SEVENTH INSTALLMENT ' Wbat Has Gone Betore h Giles Cbittcnliem svears ta avenge S the death of bis Young balf-brotherd Rodney, driven ta suicide by tUe no-M torlous Julie Farrow vba had spurn-n ed bis love. He vil make Julie love s hlm, then tbrow ber aside as sUea tbrew Rodney. He meets ber ina Swtzerland, goes wtb ber te ther hotel on the St. Bernard Pessand t succeeds in vinnlng ber love. Ta bis amazement, be discovers that be bas f allen overwhelmlngly ln love vith ber hiniseif! And h. la marrled, te an American girl vith vbom be has notblng ini comm-on. Then be discovers tbat this girl is not the same Julile arrow vho ruin- t ed Rodney, but ber cousin of tbe same name. She scorns hlm vben he confesses bis love and bis inabil- lty ta marry ber. They meet later in London, vbere she Is going thet pace thet kils. Another man, Lav-È rence Schofleld, vants ta merry ber, in spite o! ber vid 11e. Tbrough bis friend Lombard, Giles. Chittenhsax meets the "other Julie,"( the notarious vomen vbo bad rulnei Rodney's l11.. Nov Go On Wlth the Story She set beside him, and ber voice and ber laugh, and ber little tricks of mnanner sometimes made it seem im- possible tbat sbe vas not the same waman who hed corne so beppily to bis erms in the cod, bleak roam o! tbe lttie botel higb Up in the moun- tains. She told Giles frankly that she bad been a little nervous of meeting hlm. "I tbaught perbaps the family bat- red had extended Itself ta you," sbe seid bitterly. "Lii e is very unkind to some o! us, Mr. Chittenhein. I amn glad you do flot hate me as badly as I bad expected yau vould." Chittenham besitated. "Wben I was on tbe other side of the world my batred for you vas a very reel and vital tbing." Uc sald grevely. "I used to bope for an op- portunity ta. vel-" He sbrugged bis shoulders end smiled. "'Avenge' is sucb a melodramatlc yard, isn't it?" "There is na other word that gives Iquite the same explanation," sbe an- see. "Don't you StiR hope for it?"N" "Wbat made you change?" Giles looked away f rom ber dovn the crawded llttle restaurant, and in an acbing imagination be sev again tUe bare. ugly room of tUe mounitaîn, botel, and heard the wnd hovllngi as it flung tUe soft snow agalnst the 1 windows. "Sometblng appened-" b e said. Sh. dld not ansver et once, tben she said quietly: "Weil, wbatever it vas, I am glad. I don't vent ta be bated any more. I dan't tblnk any one--even your motber-could bate me any more if sbe knew what I knov." "WUat do you mean?" Julie lowered ber voice. "If yau vould 1k. ta drive home wtb me afterwards I vil tel you." "'Wbat is it you vere golng ta tel me?" Giles esked efter tbey got inta Uer car. Hre f elt an immense curios- lty la this voman, and also an Inex- plicable plty for ber, whlcb somebov angered hlm. According toa ai accounts sUe vas vortbiess and heartlcss, and yet ... once before be Uad blundcred into tragedy tbrougb Uistenlng te .and be-i Uievlng the tblngs other people sald.1 The car» stepped. "We are Just home," Julie said. l'Corne in,and I vil tell you." Julie tbrew hersel! down inte a big chair vith a hat slgh. Giles seld nothlng. He stood lean- lng agait the mantel-shelf sookng dova at ber, vaguely cansciaus o! something traglc tbat seemed ta bave stolen inta the room during the last 1 ev moments. Suddenly Julie raised ber eyes. -rm glad you don't ask thousands a! questions," she sald. I'You're such a restfui persan. Mr. Cittenham. I cen be qulte sure that you won't say «Oh, my God!' or anything like that vhen I tel you that I arn golng ta die." III don't look 1ke It, do I?" she queried vblmislcafly. "But 1V.s true. ail tbe same. It's qulte slgned and sealed, vlth no hope of a reprieve. I'y. been ta ev.ry speclaliat in Lon- don vho vouid take my money, and they ail say tbe saine thlng. There could be an operation, but I von't have It. I hate the idea af the knlf e especilly as it can be a cure-but only Just a vay o! pralonglng 111e for a llttle vhile. 1 don't tblnkI vant te prolang it elther. It's nol been such funs vhen ane looks back.' "IWbat are you golng te do then?' "I'm golng ebroad. Couldn't bear the Idea o! dylng Ucre ln London, well enough to sce it or recognise it,, eff ect that sh. Ued gone abraad, and but I do! I knew directly she came vould be absent for some time, and home fram Svitzerland. . . . We've that no letters vould b. forwardcd. never been great friends-I told you It vas tUe smc night that bis Uce didn't apprave o! me! But the' mother rang up on tUe telepbone te iay a! ter sh. came home-about six inforin hlm that sUe vas givlng ea weeks ega, I suppose it must be, or party. nore--she carne ta see me, and she "WUen?" Uc asked. rutblessly cut- said: 'I want ta ask your pardon for ting short ber voluble explanations. ail tUe bard things I've seid ta you "To-night. Twelve midnlght, Giles. and tbought o! you. You've been Tbcre'll be hem and eggs and bot right. and I've been vrang ail tUe caffce about four." tine. It's noa use trylng ta be good "Caod Lord! " -it's no use trying ta leed a decent "Don't talk like thet. It viii be lif e. The only way is ta get every such funs. Every one's caming!" ounce o! pleasure possible, neyer "Who is 'every one'?" nlnd et vhose expense. Tbat's vbat1 "Doris, o! course-sbe's bringlng a ['in going ta do in tUe future-tbat's Party. And Lawrence Scbofleld-" what sh. said." "Wbet made you ask hlm?" "I said: 'You poor little f00!- "Ta please Miss Farrow, o! course. tUere's no man li ailtUe varld vorth They're alvays together! I really be- breaking your heert over' - sUeieve tbey vill make e match a! It." wouldn't admit anytblng. of course, "I thought you didn't Uike Miss but I knev!-" Juil augbed softly. Farrow?" "And nov there is something I vent "Weil, just betveen ourselves, I to ask you--somethlng. I vent you ta don't! But I find that anc must be dIo f or mc. Wil you b. klnd ta broad-mlncled la these matters. You n "îsn't it a scream?" Sadie demanded. "Fancy meeting you ln your own niother's bouse and she not knowlng that she's entertaining a daughter- in-Iaw unawares?" Julie?-tbe other Julie? I'm sa sor- se ry for her. I know just what sbe's wi gomng through. I've been through it ail myseif, you see. And I think yau could help ber. You're the sort of man who understands. If you'U sa just be f riends with ber- co "Tll do anything I can, but ." "She's got amongst a horrible set su of people," Julie said. "Not really ai viciaus people, but silly and worth- M less! They make ber drink too much, ci and swear-and sit Up ail night, and pi she's nat that sort!I She won't be w able ta bear it as well as I used to. I saw her the other night. She's got se hold of a new frlend-" ci "You mnean-Schofield. He's not a bad f elow-" Pi "No. It's a girl-a conimon litteie American-" s "Amerianci "Yes-a girl named Sadie Barrow a -wby, do you know her?" for Giles bad made a sudden convulsive move- J ment,.. "No-yes .et least no. IW don't know her" Not knov ber! a Sadie BarroW? Ris own wif e. h So Sadie had corne ta London witU- out acqualnting hlm of the fact. Giles feit cold with anger. How the devil must be laugbing at this succesaful double-cross whlch i bad flot only brougbt Sadie ta Eng- land when he least wlshed te se. ber, f( but had throvn lier across Julie'sh path. Confound ail women! Cittenhamh thought, then lie looked again at the one stting crouchlng in the chairt bel ore hlm. Re stooped impulsivelyb towards ber and took her band. y "I should lk. te be your frlend, too, if I may. I should 1k. te b. able ta Uelp yau."l "lThank you, and, Giles-"t "Yes."I "I vas neyer quite 80 vicked as people have made out. It vas not my f ault about-RodleY. I teld hlm so many tirnes it vas useles-vhy. he vas only a boy compared with me --a spojit, weak boy." «.I amn afrald he was."t ,sa don't tblnk too badly o! me." *She drew ber band gently avay.1 «And nov-please go. I'm so tlred." She dld .mot look at hlm or rise1 f rom ber chair, and ies walked re-1 luctantly te the door, pauslng vhen he reached It to look back. It seem- *ed horrible ta leave ber like tbat- alone! Horrible te thlnk that o! aU the !riends and loverasUe had known there vas .,not one ta stand by bier tnov and hold ber band as she went througb the dark valeY lylng bel ore tber. e A day or tvo later he sav a smasl Iannouncement in a nevspaper te the bowNo athor - et ho 00 long, Om 90 ittie or dom §0 --Meéor leu- WWIGLY Prooem oe. - hn w 1 regariby a fier eeym-&l le deauaca teogli and thaoe*, aweeeffm ,nouch and brumé, mMd etrengdhen the gume, Yom bhcalth le mldd -fwS Plau- k moew ce, ft tekes ail sorts te make a world." "It certailiy does. Who else?" "A lot o! people you don't know-" SUe rang off and Giles turned away f rom the phone vith a sbrug of bis shouiders. It vas only vben se vas la bis mother's bouse thet h. suddcnly realised that la ail prob- ability Sedie vould b. there alsa. "or a moment b. hesltated, a sudden chil feeling et bis hcart, then Uc phiiosopbically pushed the thought aside and vent on. SUe vas elmost tUe first persan Uc sav vhen b. enter.d Mrs. Ardron's crowded dravlng-room. She vas talklag ta a group o! people vhlcb includcd Juil. Farrov and severel athers vbom Oiles knev sllghtly. and it vas Julie.vho first xaugbt sight o! hlm and veved an ulry band. Oiles vent strelgbt across ta ber. e. did not knov ln the least vhat sort o! reception ta expect fram bis alf e, but aiter be bad greeted Julie and the others vhom he knev, it vas hE who seld la Uer insistent vay: "Present your friend." It vas Juie vho obeyed. -Mr. Chittenham. Miss Barrow-"ý "Pleased ta meet you," Sadie sald impudently. Tbere vas a twlakle In Uer eyes for vUlcU Oiles couid have shaken her. Schofield vas vith Julie, beaining tsappily upon every ane. "IW. haven't met latelY, Mr. Chit- tenham,"1 Julie vas saylag. "Where have you been hlding? Sa klnd of your motber te ask me Uer.te- night."l "'Sa kind o! you te corne,1" Olles ansvered formafly. He could sSe tbat Sadie vas mianaeuvrîng ta reach bis side. and presentlY they vere a Uittie apart tram the reat. "lIsn't it e scresm?" Sadie demand- cd. "Fancy meeting you la your ovn mothcr's bouse, and sUe not knov- lng tbat she's entertalning a daugh- ter-in-Iav unavares?" "lYou arce t perfect liberty te tel coolly. though lavardlY he vas rag- lng. III have no doubt that you have told otber people alredY." Sadie gave e UIttie scresm o! repu- dCation. "Tel eny one! Not me!1 It vould ccok my little goose once and for ail [f it vas knovn tbat I'd got such kslgbly respectable relations. No, hUanks. Freedom for me ail the time. ind if there's anytblag left over. ,reedora agea." "Why have you corne to London?" lier face changed subtly. "Not to find you. my lambkla, 50 don't worrY! I've corne to have a good time, and don't you Inter! cre, or it will b. the vorse for you." "'Sadie. the situation is impossible." She laughed la bis face. "Rubbisb! Dan't pretend thet you vent me ta corne back ta you." Sedie shrugged ber nakcd should- ers. MTmes change!" sue sald. SUe maved avay f rom hlm, Uer sim, scantlly-clad bady swaylng vlth a little impudent moivensent. Oiles watched Uer vith bard eyes. And this vas bis vIf e! This common little ... Uc puiled bis thoughts UP sbarply. ashamed a! tbem. Aiter ail, Uc bed once thougbt Uer gaad enougb te merry. ailes turned agala te Juie. III suppose it would b. utterly use- lcss for me te ask yau to drap tbiS damnable play-acting?" 1"wy dear man, vhat on eartb do you mean?" "What I sey. You'rc neyer naturel for a single moment. You hate this sort af-aof piffle-as much as I hate it. You-you despise people like-like these people bere-" Julil. laughed serencly. III brought Lawrence and Sedie Barrav. By the vay, what do you tblnk o! Sadie?" 'Ils she a nev fricnd o! yours?" Contlntnd NexI Weok Children say "'great" You can eat Shredded Wheat Biscuit right out of the package with milk or cream-but it tastes better if you crisp the biscuits ini the oven and pour bot milk over them. The flavory shreds of baked wheat are so, crisp and delicious-children always ask for more and it is so good for them. Contains everything their growing bodies need. Delicious with fruits. SHREDDED Ly ýl i i r 1 I l -, When ' w BABIES' ore Upfet Se rotection 0t1H you au e-. for you ova peme.en"im-k th old, rlal rearain wasonanmd. Butdot kekj t foremroas 'et it eVudyadIt influ2enem sueand o$00eh 0ma Who cannot a""p.Il i léMd rglto vi e older chld w uetongue l 2th" use of lughhbovd Au drugglsts have Catora W9O3 PHOSPHODINE.11 - he Great Englush Preparation >ook's Regulating Compound tance and ,r.vigorales the woÀ #off.çjd5 urutdmo U n~levotiBsysterm. makes acu Blood «- o 801od in roedé aInod Velus. Uaed for NeVoru, _%_ma ofutb-No. 1. 819 DwWlLty, Mentl andmi ain Wor'y o24oeo 8 6 a Min dsaH . se En . PalpitatonntiOf u> S. ;N. ,por mut gobueU5DlHe'y rice r eabox, to lie 101$5S Sod bvaltdcM 18aor maileinlaplai'n pphh- l 9. on rc&sof pi.Hu a~he u.e 1E 0001<M EOICIN 9006 -'u. lm o UIU .Z O T O O3TIT('tS~hit LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE ne Coal 7%at SatisA.a if you stop to realize that you're i Une for prompt delivery and 100% efficient service if you order your coal at once you vu be sure to do it. Later on, when people ar rush- ing last minute orders to us, thffl is bound te be a congestion vhlch wil delay deliverles. Have the but of service and Prices by orderlng now. E«........................8 .15.90perton Chestnut ............ 150 per ton Pea . . .. ... ... . .. . ... 0Meper ton Coke ...............8LS per ton A discount of 50e a ton wlf be afloWed off these prie« for cash vlth «ru. J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Suppli anid Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bownmnvil 1 t gwqgiýb