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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Oct 1930, p. 4

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THE CANADIAN STATESlMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16tb, 1930 PAGE FOUR I .Il I Don't Look for 4 Mercy from Fire NO HOME IS IMMUNE Its visit may take you by surprise, and when its flaming fingers have reduced your home and possessions to pathetie ruins you will realize that full protection is the only sane po'icy. TAKE ALL PRECAUTIONS AGAINST FIRE But do more .. . see that you are fully cov- ered against loss. Let us give you full par- ticulars on insurance that will protect you. ~J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville MAIL THIS COUPON TOmDAY Please send The Canadian Statesman to the above address (in Canada) for balan'ce of 1930 for which I enclose 25 cents. W. P. CORBETT Phone 8 Bowmanville J FORDSON Tractoi PIowing We are prepared to plow land 10 to 300 acres at $3.00 per acre; subject to approval. Our mechanic, Mr. W. Mapes, is a first clasa plowrnan and satisfaction is guar- 01 anteed. Further inf ormation on request. Cox Motor Sales 10 BOND STREET WEST PHONE 924 OSHAWA M EMBERSof the Canadian Weekly fromn Newfounrfland to the Yukon McBeath (lcft0, of The Sun, NIilverton, Ne wspapers' Association recently Territories were in attendance. Photo- Ont., new president, with Hugh Savage concluded a most succe,,sful annual1 convention at the Nova Scotian Hotel graph shows the Nova Scotian Hotel (centre), of T!he Cowichan Le&cr of the Canadian National Railwavs at whcre the successful meetings termi- Duncan, B.C., and E. Roy S,.les,,of Halifax, when editors of weekly p'ubli- nated mith a supper-dance and other The R,"ifrew Mercury, Renfrew, On- cations f rom ail parts of Canada, and entcrtainment, and (inset) Malcolm General Manager of the C.W,.N ;A. ____________________________ - B. H. S. RUG-BY TEAM WINS AT PORT HOPE1 The A Spectacular Game ith Four For- ward Passes and Two Long Runs -Bill Bagneil Runs 100 Yards for 1 Legt n ,o iner1 aTouchdown - Teain Much lm- Le -ion1r*er1tproved Under Coach Patterson. A Department of otes of Interest to tlhe War 16-0 ià quite soîne score around Ithese sections for a local win, but the Veterans of Bowxnanville and District. 1 good old Alma Mater came through _________________ on Saturday at Port Hope andmd its frst win of the season. dm e CANADIAN LEGION OFFICERS BOWMANVILLE BRANCH ATTEND Port Hope presented a soinewhat MET IN BOW31ANVILLE: SOCIAL 0F OSHAWA BRANCH weakened team, owing to a casuaîty ______lin their squad, but they pt U Nxine Branches Represented-Provlfl- Held in Oshawa Rotary Hall strong fight. B3. H. s. ooysuwent to ______cr WrePesn the hillside town full of confidence 1About 30 members of the Bowman- as they had been training bard ail Executive officers of the branches ville Branch of the Canadian Legion week under a new coach and were of the Canadian Legion, in District attended the opening social of the sure they were due for a win. No. 12, gathered at the St. Johns Oshawa Branch of the Canadian This new coach is Bill Patterson, Parish Hall, October 8th, for a con- Legion heldi in the Rotary Hall, Osh- a newcomier in town. He is manager f erence which wvas not only highly awa. on Thursday evefing, Oct. 9th. of the new nurseries that bought the informative to the branch officers Betwveen 250 and 300 war veterans fair grounds. He kflows his rugby present, but which sent tbemn away were royally entertained and enjoyed and is a good teacber. There is no with renewed inspiration and enthus- to the f ull the good fellowship of the fooling when he is around and he bas iasmn for the work of the organiza- occasion and received inspiration)J taugbt tbe team many Points hither- tion f om i. 1to unknown. We shail say more The branches represented at the Following an impromptu s"g-song 1amethm btnwonw h conf erence, which was presided over the program arrnnged by the execu- ae by Rev. E. Ralph Adye, Cobourg, the tive was presented, under the chair- Weil, itbe first place, when ail district representative on the provin- mansbip of Rev. E. Harston, padre the cars arrived at Port Hope School cial executive, were Cobourg, Camp-, of the brancb, wbo, in a brief open- theY discovered that one suitcase, the belif ord, Bowmanville. Oshawa, jing address, testified to the useful property of Don. (Dunc) Williams, Whitby, Brooklifl, Brock Township, work being done in the community illustrossno Frank (Toady) Wil- Uxbridge and Beaverton. The 01- by the Canadian Legion. liamns, was missing. This was a fices 0 eah banc preentd r- Te pogra prsened as f atough break, but he had his shoes fices o ea h b anc prsened e Th prgra prsened as f aand be gradually acquired a partial ports on their present condition and varied cbaracter, the artsts takmg outflt and werit into the gaine. ni future prospects, these reports show-part being Bob Gibbie, George Smith,1 the midst of the gaine someone rip- ing that the Legion has made Splen- A. H. Power, J. T. Dalby, and J.e hl1o bsseaeufo Ii did progress in the district in the last HusnIhi fot eewrl e afo i wae rmhs- yaand has bright hopes of future apeitdanth oresis-bck, or rather Bill Bagnieil's sweater, l developinent. aapeitd n hecirdspe-5 he was a littie more exposed to L Rev. Mr. Adye said the vital idea ent were generous in their applause. ntue ISpeeches by President R. M. Cot- geai ter spirthco-pramtion obetwten t, Bowmanville Branch, Vice Presi-imJie Williamns (Alan Wllilams, gte brches la therditictand dent W. J. Hoar, Bowmanville and jIail offspring) forgot his rugby shoes, wtherhesroiniatcemdisrits, endM. Mclntyre Hood, were other 'feat- but he was 4 oomed to disappoint- wihth rvicalcmnaduTetres of the program. ment. There were no size 10's in Canadian Legion, lie snîd had proveti Coinrade Hood gave a colorful' the building so he had ta PI in ox- ta the people of Canada that its sol- pitr ftewr hc as been fords dies culdsere teircoutryequl-done by the Legion la Oshawai the Sa, the gaie began, wth a great ly as well la pence as la war. It last eighteen months, particularly in crowd watching. Up and down the faced the future wth high hopes, the relieving of distress by success- field the gladiators charged, but for and with confidence that it would fully flghting pension and compensa- some time their efforts reaped thern menit and retain the respect and sup- tion claims on behalf of disabled vet- notbing but abuse. i2ort Hope con- port of the public. There was very erans, widows and i the pleted a good forward pass for a gain zotl ne, he saidbt eeiry rnitha community, thu.s relievlng the city of 20 yards, but they could not pene- zon, h sidbu evry rach aleof a considerable burden whlch would traIe the visitors' lime, and were asked to do its share to extend th otherwise have had ta be met by re- forced to kick. BOwmanville gained field of service of the legion. 1lef pnyments. In that period, close possession ofte bahl and began to P. J. Plcking, St. Thomas, provin- I10 $15.000 hns been secured for local mnrch down the field. At Port Hope cial first vice president and honorary familles through Leglon efforts. He 40-yard line, Herb. Colmer to0k the secretary of tie provincial command, urged that tbis work alone made it 1 bail, Passed to Dunc Williams and led i a discussion of the new fiana- worth wiile for every ex-service mati1 he dodged his wny for a touchdown cmal and bookkeepmng wiich has been to becomne a member of the Legion. whih was not cotiverted. Tiere was instituted, to take effect October 1. George Walsh, presldent Oshawa no more scoring the flrst quarter. Durmng Ibis discussion much use! nI Brandi, impressed on the veterans In the second both teais used end and valuable information was uin-' present the necesslty of! extending runs extensively and gained ground. parted to the branch officiais present. Ithe heîping hn aec te u-1Pr oewsnvri crn Coinrade Plcking warmly congratui- ng their bnnd bof chooheranddir- Portiope butneyrte ina sormthg lnted the branches in the zone on I ~ lmso rul n 1 oiin u ertels ft~ thei ineret i Ieion ork an trss.quarter, Harold Slemon o! B. H. S. thseir teretatiaoegNon12wrkthn At the close of the progran re-, kicked over the Port Hope line for assetedtha Zoe No 12waslief reshnients were served and an hour 1nnotaîer point. outslanding zone in Ontario for or- of social fellowship was enjoyed. h hr urerwstebgn ganizatiori. nthougi saine parts o!fmaniFof the comrades Joining ia Thening 0fqPo rtpers thne Tey nortirtintaj eegiigi card party for the remainder of the ,'gained Yards four times in succession, M. Mclntyre Hood, Oshawa, second eveningf. 'mnvll ae;but were unable to score a point. vicepreidet o theproincal oin- Coirads o Bowanvile areThere seemed to be confusion in the vande pkesi no h raniao r deeply appreciative of the aoid corps IB. H. S. ranks but the day was saved mand spoe onorgnizaion orkspirit wbicb prevails in the Oshawa withmn the zone, and on the necessily Brandi and was so bappily demnon- when Bill Bagneil caught a long punt i of a continunîly increasing member- strated in the welcome which was ind ara i w tnyr i slip. and lie developrinent of new gven them. Il brougit back to O dged tacklers galore and tore down branches wierever possible. He urg- inany the aoid days when all were .iust the field for anoîber touchdlown. ed tie branch officers to malte fulîl "the troos and a daily sinile and a This was the niceat rmn of the day. use of the services of the Legioti ad- belping hamd f rom a coinrade was and was a smart bit of broken field justinent bureau in flghting the "the surest thimg on earlh. runnlng. dlaims of disabled coinrades. saying Atrta 'a' es emdt that this kind of work was the f oun-reanti qulbum nd hy datin o sericeon wichthe eg-held well the rest of the gaie. Don. dion 0f ervbieonwlc teLe- MILLIONS TO CALIL Williams renped another touchdown Bowianvlle ranh wa rerelin the final quarter which ended the sented at meeting by President R. M. There are over 900,000 lelephones gaine 16-0. Cotton and Vice President W. .j.i Quebec and Ontario alone. This After the gaine botl teains had a H-oar and Acting Secretary J. O'Neill. means tbat literaUly millions of 'ler- social bour or so at the school. The delegates pnssed a pledge of sons in tbeiie provinces are at the This Saturday tbe local talent support ta Coinrade Adye in bis work other end o! the lelephone line. play in Oshawa and tley are lookimg as district representative. Wbat a in ighty group of neigbbors! I for a good f ollowing o! supporters. Over 70,000 times n day *they Place Satuxrday. Oct. 25tb, Peterboro plays calîs for fricnds in other townsý. at Creain of Barley Camp. Certain morbid conditions must exist in the stomach and intestines' None preaches better than tbe Ant Rugby Line-up: Snnp - Next., to encourage woîrms, and tbey will -and she says notbing.-Poor Hich-i Hackney: Quarter-'ýDoc" Sleînon- exist as long as these morbid condi-'ard. Halves--D. Williams, Colmer, In- tospermit them. to. To be rid of!ri;RgtOtsd-oga d tios 'Persian Balin-the grain: Ripht Outside- Wlas: thein anîd spare the cbild suff ering. urval toltanis; Rigbt Middle-A.Wilas iese Miller's Worm Piiwders. Tbey; requisite. Essential to every dainty Rght1 Inside-M. Vanstone; Le! t %vîll correct the digestive irregulari- wonman. linuarts rare cbarmn andI Outside--K. Osborne; Le! t Middle- l ies hy (estroying the worins, condi- 1 bfuity~ to Ilite con-plexion. Sof tens IJ. Jury;* Le! I Inside-K. Morris;- Fly- tilis favtýorable to worms wvil1 dis-1 ndcl hiul ificn the skiîi. Makes ing Wing-H-arold Calmer; Subs- apl)ear, and the cbild will have no hands flawlessly white. Cools and Vale. Adams. Bagnell, Oke, Courtice. îrefresbes. Relieves rougbness. Ideal _______ mor suferng ron tat ais. for true ferinine distinction. Del- If yoîî want to realize youir own! icately fragiant. Swiftly absoibed, Ail knowiedge is lost wbich ends in importance, put your finger into a into the tissues, leaving no stickiness. the knowing, for every truth we bowl of water, take it out and look Persian Balmn invaria.bly creates a know, is a candle given up to workI at the bole. -Robert Burdette 1subtie elegance and charin. by. -Ruskin. Tea umu«be freshmSALADA la guaranted lt. befrh "SALAD A! TEA Fe F. MORRIS CO, OFFER YOU Simmons Sleeping Equipment "BUILT FOR SLEEP" 'M', The Greatest Bedding Values Ever Offered to the Public: Two bed outfits, attractive looking, strongly built, perfectly blended finish, and comfortable, $28.00 and $19.50 A beautiful steel bed that will harmonize with practically any bedroom furniture,...$19.75 Simmons pillows, filled with feathers scien- itifically washed ancd sterilized to insure absolute Icîeanîiness ........................................ $2.50 How many times have you had friends drop in without proper warming? And isn't it embar- rassing' not to be able to properly accommodate them over night? Simmons Dropside Couch has ja dual purpose. Good looking and serviceable by day it can be tttrned into a double bed in a few seconds. Complete xitb mattress ........$13.50 Baby's Cr'ib with high sides and safety latches to insure protection to infant from accident. Mattress of soft lilling with fancy juvenile pat- tern ticking ...................................... $15.75 Simmons "Slui-ber King" bed spring, yields yet never sags, gives the correct scientifie support you need for restful sleep ..................$1200 Mattresses, spring and other wise $11.25 up. F. F. MORRI.S CO. Home Furnishers - Finiture Phone 10 Bowmanville A great part of th? happiness o! Trust mon and they will be true 0o. ie consists not in fithtlng batties you; )ut i avoiding tilei. Trust thein greatly and they will A master! ni retrent is in itself a show Ileinselves great. rictory.-Longfeilow. -àesn Be Certain of SAFETY Build with Gyproc F IRE can huri you horne to destruction J unless a fire-resistant ma- terial such as the new Ivory coloured Gyproc Wallboard is used in its k construction. Inexpensive, perma. nent, easy to apply, Gyp- roc Wallboard does not ,. burn. It is exacdly what you want for fire-safe walls, ceilings and par- tiions when you build, remodel or repair. Ask your dealer today for full information on Gyproc Wallboard or send for interesting free book, "Building and Re- modelling with Gyproc.- GYPSUM, LIME AND ALABASTINE, CANADA, LIMITED Paris Ontarjo 9%eNgfmoml 0*1 For Sale By John A. Holgate & Son, Bowmanville, Ont. I w 1~ i LL a LL ri"

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