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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Oct 1930, p. 5

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PAGE FIVE MME CANAIAN STATZeSMAN, BOWMLANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER l6th, 1930 TUE BIGi QUESTION Will it be a e McCLARY SUNSHINE FURNACE or a HART QIL BURNER They are both leaders in their class. Corne in now and talk over your heating problerns before the cold weather sets in. 0Len Ellioti, The Plumber Phone 348 Bowmanville LIi Man's Most warming friend lil.i111fgla naturels fneSt fuel-our lqqiiF Readind -Anthr Aite. Phono- Henry Lathrope Phone 520 Bowmanville THBAT BETTER PENNSYLVANIA HARD COAL BA h e e CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL HAMPTON SCHOOL FAIR Regular meetings of the Coundil Held Sept. 131h. - Complete List et were held Sept. Oth and Oct. 4th, Prise Winners - S. S. No. 14 Reeve F. A. Hyland preslding. Wins Shield Bill tram F. Bailey was referred Grai Road Supt.Gri On motion Reeve Hyiand and com- Wheat, 1 quart - James Smaies, mittee will investigate re purchase of~ Harvey Yeliawiees, Freddie Martin,I more chairs for Town Hall. Grace Yelowlees, Pascoe Baker, Lela Orders were signed as follows: Welsh. Wheat, sheaf-Velam oùi-' L. Swaln, Sec.-Treas. S. S. bert. Oats, 1 quart-Lloyd Stainton. No. 4 ..$ý.ý.ý.. . 2.15 Ted Martin, Kathleen Baker, JohnI D. W. Bradburn, roads and Baker, Isabella Yellowiees, Gerrald bridges .......... 1175.03 Balsam. Oats, sheaf--Gerraid Bai- Hydro Electric Power Com. - 7.21 sam. Barley, 1 quart-Tom Baker. T. Whltfleid, 2 sheep kilcm Barley, shea-Verna Millson. by dogs ................. 27.00 Vegetables F. Stinson, 41 rods wire fence 10.25 Potatoes, Dooey-Martha Varnuni, D. Johnston, 57 roda s 14.25 Olga Cowing, Dora Cowling. Nellie H. J. Deacon, 35 roda s 8.75 Armour, Jean Johns, Giadys Armour. D. W. Bradburn, roads and Patatoes, Irish Cobbier - Gladys bridges .. .... 397.00 Chapman, Dorothy Wonnacott,, Ber- Council adjourned ta meet Nov. 1, tha Armour, Jackson Wray, Betty 1930, at 7.30 p. m. Rogers, Russel Hardy. Ensilage Carn -Marion Johns, Harvey Yellowiees, W. Beacoch, Clerk. Wanda Clarke, Harry Winterburn. Sweet Corn-Bertha Armour, John CLARKE TOWNSHIP COUNCn.L Rundie, Jack Jones. Manges-Acy _____Horn, Ruth Colwili, Dorothy Wonna- Council met Oct. 7th, at Orana, cott, Kathleen Baker, Eva Johns, with Reeve M. J. Hoiman presiding Neil Yellowiees. Turnips-Russel and members ail present. Martin, Donald Yellawiees, Ruby Col-, Communications received and read will, Harold Balson, Russell Balsan, inciuded: Bernice Rogers. Beets-Nellie Ar-; CG. A. Stokes, Superintendent, in mour, Bertha Varnuni, Willle Patter-! rot erence ta variaus railway crossings son, Isabelle Rogers, Giadys Trul,I in the Township. Abert Martin. Carrots-Hazel Mc-I C. J. Gibsan, architect, in ref or- Ewen, Marie Collacutt, Veima Gil- ence ta installation of a gate en- bert, George Patterson, Harold Mar-, trance ta Lot 20, Con. 2, which was tyn, Jinunie Adamson. Parsnips- referred ta Raad Supt. Jna. Henry. James Smales. Onlons - Martha Dopartment of Public Highways Varnum. Oerald Black, Gladys Yei- forwarded cheque amaunting ta lowloes, Bruce Clarke, Ama Rundie, $6860.10 as grant for year 1929; alsoj Bessie Pattersan. Pumpkin-Dorls a summarized statement f ram Robt. Cryderman, Nellie Armaur, Martha C. Muir, chie! engineer of publie' Varnum, Muriel Scott, Lela Welsh, highways, authorizing the same. Gladys Trull. Tamataes-Bertha Auditor-General for'warded $25 as Armaur, Nelson Robins, Nellie Armn- rent for hall in Federai elections. aur, May Westlake. Freddie Martyn, 0U +. .fi.,. f. a-Kathleen Baker. mission ta Toranto General Hospitalj of Eunice Young on Sept. 24th, and Gardon Wheeler ta Port Hope Has- i pital on Aug. 29th.1 Request o! Joseph Tebble for re-9 ductian in taxes for 1930 was not en-9 tertained. Canadian Legian was permitted ta hold a Poppy Day in aid of veterans1 on Saturday, Nov. 8th.1 Percy Patton brought ta attention« o! council the installation of a cul-: vert an sideroad between Lots 32 andi 33 which ho claimed was injurlaus ta his praperty. Cauneil will investigate. confer with Arthur Curtis in ref or- once ta opening a rond ta permit con- voyance of the chidren tramn his home ta Oak school and wiil repart at next meeting. The Bond far 1930 as furnished by H-. G. Macdonald, colloctar af rates, was consldered satisfactory by coun- cil. Petition in referonco ta installing street lights for Newtonvhlle was re- ceivod and same for'warded an ta head office o! the Hydra for repiy. F. D. Boggs, Clerk o! the Peace, submitted statement af the number of grand and petit Jurors ta be ro- turnod for 1931 whlch was referred ta the selectors af Jurors. Counicil pald Carl Tonnant $15 far the priviiegeo f a road across his property in 1930. $5.00 was given George Lalng as a bounty for destroylng a dog while li the pursuit af sheep. By-iaw was passed authorizlng the Reeve and Treasurer ta borrow cer- tain sunis of maney ta meet the cur- rent ordnary expenditure. Followlng bina were pald: E. L. MacNachtan, Treasurer, haspitai tees: Mrs. P. Ged- des $10.88; Jna. Turner $24.50; Gordon Wheeler $23.63 .... . $ 59.01 Roiph Hardware, cemont for bridges -.. .... 6.20 W. Eddy. sheep damages - 7.00 Narm. AllUn, sheep inspector 3.00 McClllan & Ca., lumber for forms 21.16 Fred Graham, cement for bridges .. .. . ... . . 30.00 J. R. Cooper, supplies Jesse Waddell 7.00 Jna. Henry, Rond Supt. and office, Sept. . . . . 128.95 Ontario Bridge Co., steel for Wilmot bridge .-..ý.. 655.00 R. H. Wood, caretakor ...- . 8.75 Mrs. E. J. Randal. monthly paymont R. vs F. . ... 48.00 A. J. Stapies. third quarter's* salary and office..... 170.00 S. Cuttol. printlng . ... 7.50 M. J. Holman, statutory al- lowance selecting Jurors 5.00 R. J. Rowe. do 5.00 A. J. Stapies. do 5.00 Jno. Honrv. rond mainten- ance, Sept. .. ..... 1547.57 Council adJourned ta meot Tuesday Nov. 4th. at 10 o'clock. A. J. Staples. M. J. Holman, Eczema Gone 1 in Seven Days Or Money Back Thousands a! people wha sufert tram itching akin, eczema and un-1 sightly eruptions will bo glad ta knaw1 that Moane's Emerald Oil, a dlean,1 powerfui, penetrating antisoptic ail,1 wiil banish their trouble In seven1 days aor less.1 For years they have been us'ng, ointments and salves, and whilo thoy1 helped ta reliove the itching, soro- ness and pain they otten choked the1 pores and did not allaw the poison-1 ous matter taoescape. Moan's Emorald 011 (full strength) overcames this objection, for this ail penetrates dawn thraugh the paresi and beaves them free to diacharge al poisonous secretians. It Is hlghly cancentrated, and only a few draps are required at an application. You can get it at Jury & Lovell's or any progressive druggist's and if it doos- n't end your trouble ln seven days- money gladly returned - directions on each bottie. 42-1 Poevlsh, paie, restiess, and sickly chlldren owe thoir condition ta worms. Mother Graves' Worm Ex- terminator will rolleve thom and re- store heaith. Sweet Peas- eraCwinDw nore PaTom aker, BethaDAw- me ark er-loydBainetaADris CorderAntrLonyNoSbit, Danda Crkde, RussiBron, eBitParker CinarkeRusenneth un il amkes. Ziesiadys YnelRlie, JRubs Pmaker, Thiray ols, oaidyel Parkoer, Atria onsMarDonldIsael Ylowees, Gfiays Capman, Isabei Reloes, ay Hem. ascan Baker, Rgrce cydlowHeornch Me ar GRubeyeoJessNorCengCarli -Rudie, atie ae.Clndurin- JackNdery, ieJos.Halendua-l Bacson, Percy este.ogapgHasis -acson ry, Ruby Co Slilosselie -raurkson ranty o May West- lAko, DonCowlin. osMyst- lw, Ea ons, Aisms-Ruthle Katleen BEakerh, ruelCa rude Hoarth.enBkr rc lre rc Hogarth.y Cocerl, arePolymot ok Cela Wel, BRuse lHyutveRoyn Leagmaid, NRmaseCowardy, Olga DoLangi, Dor Cwlng.Pletg, OBa Cowid g P Dyourh Rock - Plel eBah- russelyHardy, Norc a W elg lga RusslnHaDrayCowlln Eolyng la Coai. Penorarred lymouth RockLan- Bruc. enareLlyWeuth Rock- BrdyeDnarl Yelws, RJsse Hads, Cockldrei, We eghorn- Ruy ar ker ehte. noerna Oawilnge, Elgin CowiKnoxPulet, Cwie legin-uby Parker. Bety whnit e er Allin.Parkhe. eg- Koxnrby PArk.e, WBetty Knox Walr HolwdllPrc y noxar Walten.wlPrc liEr Live Stoc Cot-el eSto calBef Kenn-eth Rundie. Cal Dairy-- tent HalwellNei lfelloles, Ebe Meiln, Smi e Maret Lanb -Tm BakeriM aimnBarkstnLabs bromnBandexhMbit oBlt, cal! or lab-enadWelh, tenncoth Rundior jamb--Le Appelshennt ude Spy Aplesp-lelaWlhsa Bakr, atle-en aer, MrieTom- aue, GtladysTrBaker arid Blck Snow ApledsMri ll eactl lak SnWels, Fele Marin.olden Rus-el s Appes-To M akern. Katleenus Baer, plela WelshBare olatt Jame, es Salsh, rie Nesbit. c- Jntos mAles-TaBak er, Kthl en Baker. Wpelthy aer,Male Cal Bacutt. Giatys Trul el Mcenol Llaut Wlas Drotlh WonEnact, Percy Alun. Klng Applesn- Lela Welsh, arln iegAllcut.ldwine Apls-Marie Collacutt LaWlwhn APle o ssred Frlut-G layshul Mlarie olacutt. Mrlon JohndsTu marieCollcot.MonJhs Oatmal Mcons atle Baer ettyKnaoMonB- alsan VoarlBetKnadysMrinlGrac 'YellowieranM sGladys ul rc Trl, ettyBrnxDora Coling, Sraclllolees Ko, Dan JowlVona GrCowl Male Ceam -onsGrady Truli .Ma MurphIearn - law- ls.Schay Lunch-N Iomellw leos, Eva oLhns, JssieYellows Meeslakehn, Mreie Martine, Mare WCllautt.aperite-Darthn, Worennactt WAdplairke, Ev Joahoris rdermClar, Nora YeJons, DMa y Westlake. Piai WheCke-May WMurphy, Pldi WheaCakDorarCowlng, JesiYl- lowlees, ora Yowlo es Glady- Yewes. om elwleGay Yelloweeeng Doll's Patchwork Quilt -- Wanda8 Clarke, Velma Gilbert, Carrie Park-i or, Phoobe Shartridgo. Dish Towelt Betty Knox, Graco Yellowlees, Phoobo Shartridge, Jean Johins, Marlon Johns. Wash Cloth-PhaebeE Shortridge, Wanda Clarke, Betty1 Knox. Padded Hlder-Bessie Pat-t torson, Eva Johns, Norma Yeliawlees,1 Aima Rundie, Jessie Yllawlees, Marguerite Martin. Wark Bag-Jes-i aie Yeliawlees, Norma Yollowiees, Bessie Pattersan, Eva Johns, Mar- garet Snudden. Doll's Dress-He.zel Martin, Dorothy Wonnacott, Bossie Patterson, Norma Yellowlees, Gladys Martin, Eva Johns. Patch on Grain Sack-George Pattersan, Neil Yeliow- I boa, Bill Parker, Byron Nesbitt. Manuai Training Windaw Stick - Wiliie Patterson. Donald Adcack, Neil Yoliowloes. Nature Collection Weeds, with stemn and roots mounted-Bessie Patterson. Woods, mounted - James Smaies. George Patterson. Wild Bird Drawngs- Betty Knox, Vlma Gilbert, Wanda Clarke, Gertrude Pettit, Gladys Truil, Doreen Porritt. Sohool Parade-S. S. No. 12, Mit- chelîs; S. S. No. 11, Hampton; S. S. No. 9, Salemn; S. S. No. 14, Bradieys; g. - 'I MOTO RISTS be CA REFUL f/ Mie season for wet, slippery pavements is here and demand that special care be exercised by ail drivers of motor vehicles. DRIVE CAREFULLY ... and read carefully every'word of this a&vertisement THF, Hghway Safety Cornittee has been urging motorists during the year ta exercise CARE, COURTESY and COMMON SENSE i the operation of their vehicles. The Commnittee appreciates the whole-hearted support its efforts have received from every source. We have had the best of co-operation from the Advisory Comnmittee, which is composed of some of the leading citizens of the Province, from the press, from motorists and from pedes- trians and, as a resuit, driving conditions have improved. Let us continue to b. traffic consciaus and et ail tirnes CARE- FUL and COURTEOUS when driving. Severe penalties are provid- ed in our motor vehicle laws for those who are care- less or inconsiderate of the rights of other users of the highway. The Financial Responsibility Law which became effective on September lst provides that the driver's license and ail motor vehicle perrnits of a person convicted of any ane of the following offences shalf be suspended until proof of financial respon- sibility in the form of a certificate of an insurance company, a bond or securities is filed with the Registrar of Motor Vehicles. READ CARBFULLY Drivlng wlthout holding a chauffeuv's or operator's license. Reckless or negligent driving or ex- ceeding the allowable speed limite if any injury te persons or property eccurs. Driving, or being li charge of a motor vehicle, while intaxicated, or any other criminal offence involving the use of a mater vehicle. Evading responsibility following an accident. Operating a moter vehicle ia a race or on a bot or wager. Chauffeurs, operators and owners of motor vehicles are warned that the provisions of this law must be applied in every case. ACCIDENT REPORTING The law now rec-~res every persan directly or indirectly in%,:.ved in a motar vehicle accident, if the accident results in an-y personal injuries or propertJy damai. apparent)y exceeding fifty dollars, to report such accident ta the nearest police officer. A penalty is provided fer failure ta s0 report. Remember your Personal Responsi- bility whonever driving a motor vehicle or you may be required to prove your Financial Re8ponsibility. I Secure a copy of the Highway Traffic Act. Write:-Motor Vehicles Branch, Parliamnent Buildings, Toronto. Physical Culture Ezercises - S. S.j Na. 11, Hamipton; S. S. No. 12, Mit- cheils; S. S. Na. 14, Bradleys; S. S. No. 20, Solina; S. S. No. 9, Salem. Live Stock Judglng Contet--Ger- raid Balsan, Ruby Parker, Walter Rallowell, Jim Smales, Ebor Millson, Neil Yellawlees. Reditatien - Doreen Perrltt, Betty Knax, Jack Niddery, Eva Johns, Viola Frances, Ruby Parker. School Chorus Singing-S .S. No. 14, Bradloys; S . S. Na. 11, Hampton; S. S. No. 20, Solina; S. S. Na. 9, Sal- emi. Eaton Trophies-Lela Weish, S. S. No. 9, Cup; Betty Knox, S. S. No. 11, Flint and Feather; Tom Baker, S. S. No. 20, Canada et Ours. Certificates et Henor-Betty Knox, S. S. Na. 11, 46 points; Kenneth Rundle, S. S. No. 10, 17 points; Cier- ald Balson, S. S. No. 12, 13 points; Velmna Gilbert, S. S. No. 19, 23 peints; Jim Smales, S. S. Na. 14, 33 points; Tom Baker, S. S. No. 20, 33 peints; Lela Welsh, S. S. No. 9, 61 points. Shieid was won by S. S. Na. 14. FORMER U. S. SENATOR NOW PRAISES SARGON Sargon is mapidly becaming a household word throughaut Canada and the United States. Thousanda of grateful mon and wamen from ail walks a! lite have been lMfted out e! the thraes a! bast vitality, sufferlng. mnisery and i11 health by its use. In relating his experienco with this tamaus medicino former United States Senater Thomas W. Hardwick, who sorved his stato f or six years in the Upper Hauseofa!Congress, and wha was inter electod Gavornor a! Georgia, said: III had lost most O! mY old-time enorgy and bath mental and physical fatigue came more quickly than for- merly. Constipation especially had troubiod me for the past ton years and I had bocomo accustamed ta dos- lng myseit wlth some physic or laxa- tive overy few days. My appetite was not keen and my meals did nat seem ta agree with me as they shouid. Sometinies I would f eel posltlveiy wretched for days at a time. Sargon was highly recom- mended ta me and I docidod ta try it. "The medicine holped me tram the vory first. It gave me a splendid appetite. I don't know when I have enjayod my meals more than I do now. I eat with more relish and experience no 111 or uncomfortablo after-effects whatevor. Naturally my capaclty for work has lncreased, I feel more efficient. I have mare onorgy. In t act, I feel that I am in botter health than it has been my pleasure ta enJoy in many years, but most important a! ail, I no longer find it necessary ta contlnualiy take îlaxatives and cathartics. 'II also took Sargon Pilla with fine results and consider them a valuable part o! the treatment. III take pleasure In endorsing Sar- gon for the genuine improvement it has braught about li my physîcal condition." Sargon may bo obtained in Bow- manville froni Jury & Loveli. AT PRICES BELOW STANDARD I[f yeu look for quality ln building matesiais yen will be attracted here. AndIif Yen look for eoonomy you will b. doubly attracted. We supply au types of construction material-from matrWs fer minor alteratiens and repaire te cemplete bouses Get acqualnted wlth our'1ew pries.. We know we eau gave yen money on every klnd et construction work. Estimates cheerfufly f urnlahed. McCLELLAN & CO. WHEN PAIN COMES 0 Two hours alter eating A WHAT many cali "indigestion" la very often nothing but excess acid in the stomach. The stomach nerves have been over-stini- ulated, and food saurs. The corrective is au aikali, which neutralizes acids instantiy. The beat aikali known ta medical science la Philips' Milk of Magnesia. It has remained the standard anti-acid with physicians ln the 50 years since its invention. One spoonful o! this harmless, tasteless aikali will neutralize instantly mnny times as much acid, and the aymptoms disappear et once. You will nover use crude methodu when once you learn the efficiency of this more pleasant way. A small bottie ta sufficiont ta show its merit, Be sure ta get gonuine Phillipa' Milk o! Magnesia prescribed by physicians for more than 50 years in correcting excess acid. 50c a bottle; any drugstore. Complete directions for its many uses are enclosed with every bottie. What's Wrong With Your -.Starting ? Cold rnornings - cold engine - and the burden is on your battery. You can't get service out of a run-down, weak-in-the-knees battery. So if iours is 'on the verge of a failure bring it here and tusinspeet it. We offer dependable charging and repair service - also a complete line of good auto accessories at low prices. JACK HATELY'S GARAGE Just around the corner from Royal Bank Bowmanville, Ont. Highway Safety Committee The HON. GEO. S. H-ENRYi Chainiurn One Standard Quality A HERE COMES YOUR COAL Our truck is awaiting your cmli te deilver te yenr basement the klnd ot ceai that hundreds et familes tbroughout tht, town bave feund so satinfactory. You can depend upon this old-established ceai yard te f urnsh strlctiy hlgh quality ceai at al l imes. Order new for prompt dellvery. -D. L. & W. Scranton Coal- The Standard Anthracite Stove ....................$15.50 per ton Egg & Chestnut ..........$15.00 per ton Pea ......................$12.50 per ton Buckwheat ................ $ 9.50 per ton Coke ....................$11.50 per ton A discount of 50e per ton will be made for cash order. MeClellan & Co., Limited Phone 15 Bowmanville The Genuine Mill e i Magnesia is always a iud-n ever a tabi e. Look fothe Philipe. naine on the bole. Reeve. 1 Clerk.

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