PAGE SIX TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, OCTOBER l6th, 1930 CREAM BETTER RETURNS IN THE LONG RUN, BY SELLING TO Citizens Dairy LIMITED Phone 52 Whitby Did You Know? That you can get A Flashlight for A Bottle 0f Nyals Milk of (16 oz.) Magnesia for A tube of Dr. West's Tooth Paste for .. .39C A 16 oz. bottle of Standardized Cod Liver Oil f or $1.00 A large bottle of Keppler's C. L. O. & Malt for $1.50 KERSLAKE 'S THE DEPENDABLE DRUGSTE Whatever the cooking you require for the every day meals or special occasions, you wll Eind our expert bakers ecjual to your requirements. We are pleasing others and can also satisf y you. BREAD DROPS TO 9c LOAF DELIVERED These are timnes when every effort should be made to pat- ronze local merchants as weil as buy bread made in Bow- manville. Bowmanville Bakery A. W. Jacoba, Proprietor PLOV Iý DEON We have arranged wit] Company to demor MASSEY-HARRIS TRý oni the fa George F. Annis, (two miles sout] on THURSDAY FORENO( and on the Sid. T. Hoar, 1 Concess on THURSDAY AFTERNCi Corne and See America Perfor S. J. HEP Local SALEM LEAGUE ENFIEL» 1~~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. H. Toms, uilns League meeting Sunday aftemnon and Mrs. J. Orieve, Charlotte, N. Y., opened with a hymn, after which visited with Mr. W. J. Ormiston. Mr. F. Cator led in prayer. Mrs. Hampton Young People are givmng Welsh occupied the chair. Bible lheir play "And Mary Did" here next reading was given by Miss EUla Colla- Monday evening, Oct. l9th. Admis- cott; topic, "Mission Work an Japan" sion 25e and 15c. by Mrs. Welsh; Mr. F. L. Squalr gave Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith, Miss Fen- an address; solos by Mrs. Newman; tress. Rev. Mr. Hinton, Bobcaygeon, readings by Mrs. Irwin, Beatrice Cat- and Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Ormiston,, or and Messrs. K. Squair, K. Werry, Oshawa, visited at Mr. Edwin Ormis- and R. Coombes. Meeting closed ton's. with League Benediction. Cream-Better returns in the long run by selling to Citizens Dairy Ltd., SOLINA phone 52, Whitby. 42-2 MAPLE GROVE 71Mr. and Mrs. Cobbledick and Mrs. Miss Vera Trimble, Peterboro Nor- Dundas, Orono, called on Mr. and mal, spent the weekend at home.. Mrs. Alan McKessock recently- .Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Snowden, Miss Mrs. Harvey Hardy, Russel and Dor- Marion Snowden, Mr. L. C. Snowden, een, visited Toronto friends Mr. Miss Ethel Axford, motored to Lake- and Mrs. Maclean. Kindersley, Sask., hurst on Sunday and visited the for- visited Mr. and Mrs. Peter Leask mer's daughter, Miss Nellie Snowden. Miss Vera Baker visited Mrs. M. Tay- Messrs. Howard Foley, Farewell lor, Hampton Mr. and Mrs. John and Walter Blackburn, Lawrence Naylor, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Pascoe Ashton. Mrs. Walter H. Foley and and Gordon, visited at Mr. Harvey Mrs. Mark Blackburn motored to, Crossman's, Kedron, Mr. and Mrs. Peterboro on Sunday. Farewell and Arthur Milîson and daughters Eve- Lawrence remaîned to attend Normal lyn, Jean and Mary, spent Sunday after spending the weekend at their with f riends in Toronto Mr. and respective homes.. Messrs. Coulter, Mr.Isaac Hardy and family spent Rook, Yeomans, Vaughan and Rev- Suny with f riends at Uxbridge elle, with their wives, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lethangue and at Mr. F. Swallow's on Saturday daughter. Burketon, visited at Mr. Mrs. W. J. Snowden spent the week- Gordon Leask's Mr. John Baker, end with her son Ray in Toronto Mrs. Thos. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Freeman and Baker, Louise and John. visited at family visited their cousin. Mrs. Geo. Capt. Shaws, Lakeport Mr. and Taylor, Hampton, on Sunday Mr. Mrs. Chas. Howsamn visited Port Per- and Mrs. Roy Metcalf an dfamily, ry f riends recently Mr. and Mrs. Base Line, visited her parents, Mr. Hilton Tink. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence and Mrs. A. Trenouth, Hampton, on Tink and Kathleen. Salem. were Suriday Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bell, guests of Mr. H. E. Tink Mrs. Miss Leah and Mr. Clarence Bell vis- Thos. Baker and Miss Vera, Mrs. R. ited Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Davidson, Pascoe and Miss Mary Hogarth. vis- Oshawa. on Sunday . Mrs. Clark ited Mrs. Thos. Pascoe, Hampton Tyler, Town, visited her sister-in-law, Mr. Murray Wiliams, Mr. C. Wil- Mrs. Walter Foley, on Tuesday liams and Miss Marion. Port Ferry, Rev. Faulkner, Coîborne, occupied visited at Mr. Chas. Howsam's the pulpit on Sunday. Everyone was1 Mr. Thos. Baker and Miss Vera , Mr. delighted with his address and all1 and Mrs. John Baker. in company will be pleased to hear him again with Mr. Elmer Wilbur. Taunton. ad Mr. and Mrs. Butler, Mr. and Mrs.j Mr. C. Mumford, Zion, attended Cyril Luke. Oshawa, visited the lat-i Warkworth Fair Mr. and Mrs. ters cousins. Mr. and Mrs. N. I. Met- Frank Pascoe have returned home calf, on Sunday Congratulations f rom spending their honeymoon in 1t o Mr. N. I. Metcalf on winning the Scotland Several f rom here at- 'silver cup at Orono Fair for two years1 tended Quarterly meeting service at in succession, which he now keeps. c Zion on Sunday morning Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Werry, and Mr. A. L. Pas- COURTICE coe were guests at the Werry-Cole' wedding at Bethesda on Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gay and Mr. Remember our Harvest Home ser- 1iand Mrs. Harold Gay, Oshawa, were vices on Sunday, Oct. 26th, and our 'Sunday visitors at Mr. A. J. Gays. Roast Fowl Supper on Wednesday,' Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Nichols and Oct. 29th. Pull particulars next Mr. and Mrs. Herb Nichols spent week Our League meeting Mon- Sunday with relatives in Cherrywood. day evening was in charge of the Mr. Otis Worden, Toronto, was missionary vice president, Miss Helen guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rundie Baker. Devotional period was tak- over the weekend . Rev. and Mrs. en by Mrs. R. J. McKessock. Topic H. C. Wolf raim, Miss Helen and Mas- jwas taken in two parts, the flrst on ter Harry, spent a few days with Mr. 'Japan Facing the Modern World" Wolfraim's father in Coîborne by Mrs. Isaac Hardy, and Mr. Alan Miss Eveline Hoît and Miss Swain, McKessock took the second part on Toronto, were with Mrs. A. F. Rundle "Missions and the Development Of and Miss Ann Hoît over the weekend. Self -Governing Churches in Japan." Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Courtice vis- Both were well gaven. Vocal duet ited at Mr. Chas. Wight's Sunday and was well sung by Messrs. Allan Bal- attended Trinity Church Annivers- son and Harold Shuttleworth. Meet- ary . Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rundle i ing closed with League Benedaction. and children. Toronto, visited his October meeting of our Women's father and mother. Mr. and Mrs. A. Institute was held in the Sunday E. Rundle, recently. Mrs. Agnes ,School room on Thursday afternoon, Richards, Oshawa, is visiting Mrs. iwith Mrs. Chas. Howsamn, president. Ira Trull. presiding. Letters were received On Thursday afternoon the W. thanking the Institute for flowers M. S. held its monthly meeting at the sent; Committees reported on wool- home of Mrs. Frank Worden, with lens sent away; bulbs for fal plant- Miss Louise Osborne's group in ing and our bazaar on Dec. 3rd. Mrs. charge. The rooms were filled with Jas. Smales, convener of group 6, ladies and children, about 55 being then took charge. Roll caîl "Editor- present. Ater the devotional part ial Briefs" was well responded to. of the meeting, a very fine program IPiano solos by Miss Annie MeMaster was presented. Readings were glv- Iwere much enjoyed. Mrs. Jas. en by Mrs. A. J. Short and Mrs. H. C Moorey gave a reading, and Misses Wolf raim and were thoroughly en- Jessie and Norma Yellowlees a vocal joyed. both selections being enter- duet, accompanied by Mrs. John taining as well as suggestive. Mrs. Baker who also led in community Frank Worden played a piano solo. singing. Mrs. J. R. Cooper, Orono. very nicely, and Mrs. Geo. Pearce ouîr District President, paid us a vis- sang «'I want to go there don't you?" it and aîl enjoyed her talk. Meet- very sweetly, and a very pretty vocal;i ing closed with National Anthem. duet wvas sung and acted out in a I Refreshments were served by the unique manner by Misses Velma and group and a social haîf -hour enjoyed. Louise Pearce, Velma dressed as a __________________________ boy and Louise a bewitching girl with a parasol. These little girls deserve - much praise for the interest they take in music. The chapter f rom, the study book xvas splendidly dealt i with by Mrs. Esli Oke. Af ter the i meeting a delightful lunch was serv-' Mrs. orde andMiss Allie werel most gnilhostesses. Vb I ~The C. G. I. T. met in the home of Miss Velma Gay, Saturday aftemnoon /*~ [lU-Niwith a large attendance. Miss Hazel Walter's group was in charge. Miss Velma Gay, president, wvas in the I_È chair. Meeting opened with the hvmn 'Dear Lord and Father of P Minkind" and sentence prayers by Hazel Walter and Norma Wade, and aIl repeating the Lord's prayer. The devotional story was given by Miss Velma Gay. Miss Arnold also read a story, and the hymn 'Breathe on me breath of God" was sung. Read- ings were given by Misses Theda rm.Mr. and Mrs. Frank Werrv. Perrev Mron and Helen. Mrs. E. Wiffht.! ýRYBowranvileMr' and Mrs. Russell Wright and j OwmnvîieDorýoth.v Tyrone. Mr. and Mrs. T. S.! ilMassey-Harris Agent. IM-olnt loy. Haydon. were guests ofI attended Trinity Church anniversary on Sunday. ENNISEILLEN HAYDON Mrs. E. Stevens, Hampton, vislted Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Oea. Fer- Mr. H. Stevens on Sunday. guson and family, Mr. and Mrs. How-1 Mr. and Mrs. Orr Jeffrey and ard Bowen, Miss Velma and Ross,ý family visited at Mr. Wm. Jeffrey's, Mr. Thos. Ntîil, Mr. Lawrence Gar- Scugog. rison, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McGill and Cain and Mrs. Jno. Tod, Pontypool, IReva visited friends in Bethany on Miss Dorothy Adams, Burketon, at Saturday. Mrs. Jno. Martin's Mr. and Mrs. Silas Trewin at Mr. Wm. Smith's, Glad to report that Mrs. Wm. Oshawa Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery at Stainton is better and gone to Orono Mr. A. J. Adams', Oshawa, Misses to recuperate. Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Graham, Mr. George Reid had a very suc- Mount Albert, at Mr. Thos. Slemon's. cessful sale last week. They are mov-. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bradley, Ennis- ing into the village. killen, at Mr. E. Bradley's- Mrs. R. Rev. Mr. Hinton, Bobcaygeon, Ashton is home at her son's, Mr. preached a very interesting sermon Lloyd Ashton. Mr. and Mrs. Theron here Suniday evenang. Mountjoy attended anniversary ser- Congratulations to Mr. Ernest vices at Trmnity Church and visited Werry and bride (nee Berta Cole) on at Mr. Sherwood Rundle's, Bowman- their recent marriage. ville.. Mr. R. McNeil visited his Mr. and Mrs. E. Ashton, Toronto, mother. Mrs. A. McNeil, Toronto. Mr. L. Ashton, Uxbridge, spent Sun Mrs. Hendrick, Mrs. Hare's mother, day at Mr. R. Price's. also her sister paid a short visit Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Rodman, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Burke, Toronto, I Port Ferry, visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Hall, Toronto, Sun-1 Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Ashton. dayed at Mr. D. Hall's ,Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Aldread, Toronto, Mrs. Wood, Toronto, Sundayed at Mrs. Houlden, Oshawa. visited with Mr. Sam Woodley's; also Mrs. Jno. their sister, Mrs. W. Sweetman. Trick, Pontypool . Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. M. Parker and family who re- Greig, New Leskard, Mrs. Thos. Gra- sided in the late J. W. Virtue's house ham, Oshawa, at Mr. D. Graham's. during the summer have gone to To- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Avery, Little ronto. Britain, Mr. and Mrs. Welsh, Toron- Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Werry are mov- to, at Mr. C. Avery's. ing into Mrs. G. Preston's house for the winter and intend building in the Glad to know Mrs. Lloyd Ashton' spring. j mother is doing nicely after a minor! Electrie lights are alI the talk in operation Death has called away our village now, and a good manyI another of our esteemed and respect- have signed up. It will be good ed young men, Frederick Arthur thing when it gets installed. Beech, sonl of Mr. Arthur Beech, who Dr. and Mrs. H. Ferguson attended after an illness of a littie over a the wedding of the former's brother iweek was quietly called home on Mr. Clarence Ferguson and Miss Vi- Monday afternoon. He will be miss- ola Wallace on Saturday at Minett, ed by alI, especîally the young people Muskoka.' with whom he was a favorite. The Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Vosburg and heartfelt sympathy of all their Betty. Rochester. N. Y., Mr. and Mrs neighbors and friends is extended to Frank Spry, Harold and Roy, anci the family and relatives. Miss Vera Shakelton visited with _____ _______ Mrs. Wm. Oke. -i_____- The sympathy of the community "I Was So Skinny-Now is extended to Mr. A. Beech and fam-~Fe ieNwW m n ily, Hayqon, in the death of a loving Fe ieN wW mn son and brother. Fred Beech, who died on Monday, October l3,thM Mr. and Mrs. L. Rabbins and -Jim- C O' mie, Mrs. Win. Hamilton and Mil- ' dred, Mr. Dean, Miss L. Dean, Mrs. Wm. Strutt, Rochester, N.Y. Mrs. Cod Liver Extract Tablets Levi Rabbins. Thelma and Nelson, Hampton, visited with Mr. F. Rob- Af ter the flu and nervous break- bins. ' down-I was skinny--only weighed Cream-Better returns in the long;i90 pounds-McCoy's helped me-Ij l'un by selling to Citizen.- Dairy Ltd..'1now weght 120 and feel like a new phone 52, Whitby. 42..2 woman." This f rom a letter-mil- At the Quarterly Board meeting1 lions of rundown, scrawny women a vote of appreciation m'as given our, need McCoy's-rich in health and pastor, Rev. J. M. Whyte for his ser- weight building elements - 60 tab- vices on the circuit dui'ng the past. lets 60 cents at any druggist any- Mr. Whyte thanked the Board and where-just ask for McCoy's. 42-tf said he was trying to give of his best__________________ to the circuit. The death occurred in Peck. Mich- daughter. Mrs. W. Parr, on ens igan. of an old former resident here day. October 8th. The late Mrs., Mn the Person 0f Mrs. Matthew Eng- English was a sister-in-law of Mr. lish, Who died at the home of her James Stainton. CABD 0F TRANKS Mrs. R. T. Henry, Enfield, desires to thank the neighbors and friends and also the Ladies' Aid for the kiiid- ness shown to her by the many beau- tiful fiowers and treats during her ill.ness. HAMPTON Monthly meeting of the Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. L. D. Sykes on Thursday after- noon, Oct. 9th, President Mrs. H. E. Rundle presiding. Commlttee for school fair days reported; Mrs. W. Doidge on bazaar; and Mrs. J. Curtis on lunch. The treasurer, Mrs. J. Cowling, gave a satisfactory financial report. $20 was voted for local re- lief work; also $75 to assist in the wiring of the church. Mrs. Lorenzo Trull, convener of committee on Community Activities, took charge and presented an instructive and in- Iteresting program: All joined in sing- ing "The Church in the Wildwood"; readings, Mrs. A. Allen. Mrs. W. W. Horn, and Miss Marjorie Pascoe; in- strumental duet, Misses N. Horn and M. Peters: Mrs. L. Truil read a let- ter from Mrs. G. H. Hunter of Brooklin. district convener of this work, givîng some good ideas that might be carried out in our own Branch; Miss Louise Goodman gave a splendid "Sandwich Demonstra- tion" for which she was given a hearty vote 0f thanks. Meeting clos- ed by singing the National Anthem. Lunch was served by East Group. Attendance 47. Next meeting Nov. 6th. at home of Mrs. J. R. Knox. Program in charge of Mrs. A. H. Clemens and committee on "Agri- culture." Mrs. Wm. Strutt and Mr. and Miss Dean. Rochester. N. Y., have been visiting Mrs. Maude Robbins. Cream-Better returns in the long run by selling to Citizens Dairy Ltd.. phone 52, Whitby. 42-2 -Blue Bird Beauty Parlour is featuring the following in Permanent Waving for balance of year: Kennedy Luster Wave or Nelson Day Combine Wave with the famous Mar-0-Oil Shampoo, Finger Wave and Trim for $5.00 For appointment phone 339. MRS. F. J. COLE Ontario Street Bowmanville e)Allait Price àE- S EA MEN'S HEAVY WORK SOCKS Knit of pure wool yarns in a heavy ser- viceable weight, randomn knit in grey with S AEwhite heel ndtoe; a g 0 A oo olr tl for boys or girls, pure wo01 outside with cotton yarn inside; O FJ SI..Ki ' navy. saxe and scarlet, Each 79c 200 MEN'S SUPER-BROADCLOTH D-resse s SHIRTS $5.48To 1 1.25souely 1.9BitChance Correct Shfirts $l3 o Secure TO jat a 3Shirts Evey Sirtmade f rom fine Count Egypt- anbroadcloth material. Every Shirt gua ant ed for color, wear, and fit. A We keep a "stop) watch," so to speak, on our Dresses- theyv can large assortment of checks, stripes, and plain colors. Your choice of separate or stay only so long - after their time limit has expired out they Vcollai' attached styles. This shirt selîs every day in the year for $2.00. go regardless. This sale grouping consists of twenty Dresses, smartly fashioned styles, exploiting the new silhouettes and long- MEN'S RIBBED WOOL er iengths. The assortment comprises individual styles; exclus- SHIRTS AND DRAWERS ixrenumersoneof--kin drsses shdesof nvywintr bue, Foi' men who require a heavy wool under- ive umbrsone-f-akin dreses shdes f nvywintr bue, wear,' nb knit of aillwool yarns, autumn brown, cricket green, black, etc.; sizes 14 to 44; regulai' Peinman s make, per garment $15 pnices $10.95 to $22.50-Sale Prices $5.48 to $11.25.ME'FL CD ___-cz~z~SHIRTS AND DRAWERS Penma's make, extra leece, good warmi Wome 's ure ilk Fui Fas ion d tnderwearat a new îow onice; Shirts are ankle length. Per garment 79 ______________MEN'S FLANNEL SHIRTS A large îoorny.made cotton flannel Shirt Eve'v lpair flrst quality, perfectly fashioned in everxy detail: in dark gî'ey or khaki shade ,a il sizes from 14 to 1712: Special 98c mnade of pure thread silk to the narrow hem; four ply foot, tuoe andi heel; ail with mnodified French heel; ail the BY'T EDCP vante(1 new faîl shades are here in sizes 81 , to Made in n igTWpEcese inCaSri .98of odlueooking tweeds, reg. 0, per pair .................................v let $1259 V" v % dol MMd'% Ir% w-1 e E YOUR FAVI: SHOPPING CI WALK STORES LIM, EORITE ENTRE Phone 164 BOWMANVILLE 'ITED PAY CASH AND BUY FOR LESS WE HAVE IT NOW The famous weIl known enamtel whieh dries ln 4 hours: 00 FLOGLAZE..0 (Leaves no brush marks) Specially adaptable for inter- ior and exterior Floors, Furni- ture, Woodwork, Plumbing, and other Household Pur- poses. Flo-Glaze gives a superior hagh gloss, hard wearing, en- amel finish - a finish that endures. Any color you want in stock. ROOM LOTS WALL PAPER 10 roils paper and 20 yards border, clearing as low as 50e a lot and up. J. W. Jewell Sig 20 Bookstore BOwmanville u 1 - lui THE CANADIAN STATTMAN, BOWMANVMLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16th, 1930 PAGE SIX r -