TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMANVHJJE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER Otb. 1930 PAGE NIIIE boos Your Honme Need a Bathrooan? JFit does, or if your present bathroom needs modernizing, specify Emco Bathroom Fix- tures and Fittings. Quality and beauty are built into thema to ensure lasting ser- vice and satisfaction. Beauty cf design, gleaming white or charrningly tinted, Emco Fix- tures fit into any color schemne, If you haven't running water la your home to supply bathroom, kit- chen and laundry, au EMPIRE DtTRO WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM will solve this problem. Modela made for deep or shallow wels having minimum capacity of 250 gallons per hour. The initial coat is surprisingly low. Instal an Empire Duro and solve the. wator uupply problem forever. R.E. LOGAN, Plumber MJ.ont~s 264 and 453 Dowmnanvlue ô one dose of Miller's Worm Pow- taking them. They are non-injur- ders will clear the stomacli and ious in their composition, and wle bowels of worms, so that the child in some cases they may cause vomit- wlll no more be troubled bthr ing, that must flot be taken as a sign ravages. The powders are seett that they are nauseating, but as an the t.aste and no child wifl object to indication of their effective work. N 'j h ) HERE COMES YOUR COAL Oui truck la awaltlng your eaU to deliver to your basement the klnd o!fceai that hundreda of familles throughout Ibis *0w» have found mg uatlsfaetory. You eau depend upon tiIaod-estoblahbed ceaI yard to furnlsh stiltly hlgh quality ool aI a&H times. Order now for prompt deflvery. -D. L. & W. Scranton Coal- The Standard Anthracite Stove Coal 365 Egg 16.00 Chestnut 16.00 Pea 13.50 Buckwheat 11.50 Nut Coke ... 13.00 A discount of $1.00 per ton for cash wIlU be allowed f rom above prices. VcClellan & Co., Limite Phone1,5 d Bowmanville . 1 "Yousnealng ouii-" ~away andi neyer come baclc, I wil "AS ou peaseI' flo t h apos- bENOYD B Tere was poigasilec. ul Lombard slimugged bis shoulders. beYE hee you,"pligsantsld c..ui tion to resent anytbing you say. Af- rle ir erdone1yswt ter ail, it's common knowhedge tliat cx« a weary defiance, and ber lips ioved, opportunity makes the ibief-" l butno wrds ame "And if I refuse Wo give you any- W 1~U Cittenai lauglied triumpbantly. thi at all?" Cr ' i Contiued nexi week. TENTH INSTALLMENT "Then probably Mrs. Cbittenham 'I stayed at the hotel . . . it's se cold ____wlll be very pleased tW buy the infor- and cheerleas." What Ras Gone Before mation I have We seil." "'It looks wonderful," Schofield Giles Chttenham swears te avenge "Then go toelier, and be damned said. "I've neyer been out of Eng- the deatli o! bis young bal-brother to you." land myself," lie added humbly. Rodney, driven We suicide by the no- "Se Julie Farrow's reputation is "Yes-it was wonderful," Julie, torious Julie Farrow wbo bad spurfi- nothing to you. after aIl?" whlspered. She sat with her handsl ed bis love. Re wll make Julie love Giles went very white. He knew clasped togetlier, her eyes flxed on lim, then tlirow her aside as sbe he was in Lombard's power. "'Get the screen. It was as if some one tlirew Rodney. He meets her i out, or . . . " The door closed hur- bad taken her back three montlis Switzerland, goes witli ber te the riedly between tliem. and was maklng ber byve those f ew hotel on the St. Bernard Pass, and Il IlI*heurs of complete liappiness once succeeds i winling ber love. To bis It was not true that Julie liad more. amazement, lie discovers that lielias promised to marry Lawrence Sclio- "That's the Monastery-" she said. fallen overwhelxningly i love with field, but when, a! ter ber stormy i- "Yeu could hardly see it for snow lier lilmself!1 And leie l marrieci to terview with Chittenham, lie again wlien we were tliere-"' an Ainerican girl witli wlom lie bas urged lier to accept him, she sud- "'We'?" Scliofield said qulckly. nothing i common. denly gave in. Slie f elt over-wrouglit "Yeu were not alone then."1 Then lie discovers that this girl is and weak, almost as if the combat "There are always a great many flot the saine Julie Farrow wbo rmin.. between lierself and the man slie tourists," Julie answered. ed Rodney. but lier cousiof the loved liad been a physical one. A newsboy came along crying bis srme name. She scorns hlm when Lawrence Schofield's kindiy devo- news. he confesses bis love and bis inabil- tion was like a cool liand laid on lier "Tragic death of a well-known so- ity te marry lier. Tliey meet later feverishness, and wben once agahi lie ciety beauty ...I i London, wbere sleie l goig tbe asked if slie could net make Up lier "Ill get a paper,"' Schofleld said. pace that kils. Anotlier man, L~aw- mind to marry lin, she suddeniy TlieY stopped under a laxnp tW read rence Scliofield, wants tW marrY lier, gave i- the short paragrapli on the front i spite of ber wild 111e. "Very wel-if you are willing to page. Tbrougli bis friend Lombard, Giles take tlie risk." "What la it?" Julie asked. She bent Chittenham meets the "other Julie," 'I amn quite willng."1 lower to read the words. Tben sud- the notorlous woman wbo bad rulned He wanted to go Étraiglit away and denly she gave a cryf. "It's Jewel! Rodney's life. Slie tells bini that buy lier the finest diaanond ring in My cousin Julie! Oh, poor Julie ...I she is going to die; the doctors have London. but Julie would nlot allow it.- The details were meagre, and witb- given lier Up as incurable and sleie l leaving England. She -las worried ~ f about lier cousin, the girl Chitten- lian loves. That Julle-bis Julie- is going in fast company, arnong lI tliem a conixon little Arnerican girl named Sadie Barrow. And Sadie Barrow is Giles Chit- tenham's wif e. He did flot know that she was i England. That niglit lie meets lier at a party at bis motli- er's bouse. They pretend We be strangers. Giles learns that Sadie Barrow, bis wife, lias gone in for spiritualism and is attending seanoes by a medium named Cbryer. He cails on Julie, wlio is cold to bini. He reproaclies ber for lier reckless lif e. Tliey quarrel, and she leaves witb Lawrence Scbofleld. Rer friend. Bim Lennox, tells Giles tliatb Julie really loves him. Lombard cals «Damn you, do you thlnk I'm afraid for myself? I it were only a ques- monebmadsaslei i.edo tion of that I'd give you the biggest thrashlng you ever had. and kick Now Go On WIth the Str you outi n the street."' "My dear fellow, lsn't it almost the "Net yet. Yeu must give me a little out entire corroboration, but it ap- only thing any one is ever i a fix time to get used tW it. I don't want peared that Julie-the other Julie about? How mucli do you want?" people to know just yet." wlio lad unwittingly brouglit about Lombard gulped down bis whisky. He was disappomnted, but lie feU the tragedy of lier cousi's 11e- "It's awfully sporting of YOU . .. If in with ber wisbes. while on lier way to India, wliere she I could bave five hundred. It's only "Just as you like. EverYthing shal bad been goîng for a lioliday-was a temporary loan . . ."- always be just as you like." suddenly missed from the ship, and Giles laughed sliortly. "Do you Sudden tears filled lier eyes. was presumed to have fallen over- take me for a millionaire?" "That's foolish of you," she told1 board. Tbere followed a brief account III tell you it's only temporary." hiii. "But it's dear of you too. 'm of lier 11e-lier popularlty in society '1 lend You flty if it's any use." neot. bal good enougli for you. Law- -ier marriage and divorce-lier There was eloquent silence, then rence." vogue as a beauty lier tremendous Lombard turned. It 'was a briglit, sunny afternoon,' huck and good fortune i every way. "Look liere, Chittenham, lt's ser- soelie would nlot let lier go back to "Every way except hinliappiess-"' ious. I'î frightfuily up agalnst it. thie flat wlien they bad lunclied. Julie raid passionately. "She neyer You've got te let me have it," lie raid "I'm gomng to take you for a drive bad any liappiess . .. oh, poor Jul- desperately. in the country. London la racketig le!" The tears were running down "Got toi" your nerves to pleces." lier clieeks. For a moment tlie two men looked They stopped at a ittle country Tliey drove baok to te flat and she at one anotlier silently, then Chit- inn2 for tea. In one of the roomn some- bade huxn good-nlgbt. tenlian lauglied. body was playing a gramophone, and She wondered if Bim lad beard "Sorry. but that's a thing no man there was the sound of laughter and about the tragedy. She opened the can say to me." He made another dancing fecet. door. She hld the newspaper stifi move to the door, but Lombard "'rley sound hiappy, don't tliey?" clutclied hinlier liand. There was a cauglit bis arm. Julie raid wltli an effort. Uittle movement i the room ad "Chittenham." -I hope tliey are as hiappy as we soie one pushed back a chair from Chittenlam sWod stili. are," Schofield answered inpulsively. if ront of the fixe. "What do You want it for? What "My greatest liappiness wille i "Jewel la dead-"l Julie raid. sob- have you been Up to ?" giving You everytbing you want."1 bing. III suppose you know. Sbe's The otlier man's eyes feU. Julie laugbed brokeni.y. dead . . . she's been lucky te the end, III can't tell you."1 It was on lier lips We say tbat if You see ... I onlY wlsh I were dead "AUl riglit, tlien you won't get any- she lad leen ridli she would neot have too ..IlThen sbe broke off witli a thing." consented We marry hin. It was more litile cboklng cry, for it was not BIm Lombard looked Up suddenly. than she could bear; she started who rose We meet ber, but Giles Cit- "Oli, yes, I shail," lie raid witb de- restlessly We ber feet. tenhain. testable inflection. "ShaIl we go? It's gettig dark,I There was a tragic silence. There was an ugly silence. and the country iaso dreary wben it Chittenhain made a qulck step for- "Oh, yes, I shail-" lie raid again gets dark." ward. as Chittenhain dld not speak. "Anld if They drove bock We London and "Julie ... what la it-?" you refuse I saai tell Scbofleld and dlned together. Julie laugbed sobbigly. -any one else wbo miglit le interested. "Wliat shall we do now?" Schofleld "MY cousi-the other Julie ethat you and Julie Farrow spent the asked. tbe one you wanted We puniah-you'f niglit together up ai St. Bernard." III don't md what we do," Julie neyer be able to burt ber now--lie's It was sucli an unexpected chial- raid. "Go We a theatre, if You like. dead ... lenge that for a moment Chttenhai I can go home and change." She almnost threw the newspaper ai could Ibid no words. TIen witb a great effort lie pulJ.ed bimself te But lie would neot allow tliat;lie bini, and, droppig ito a chair. she L geter.raid lie could not bear We het her out bid lier face hinlier out-flung amis. "And do you tliink any one will le-. of 115 siglit on this day of 8,11days. He laid the paper down on the liev yo?" h ased.Initlie end tbey went te a ciema. table and looked at Julie. He could Leoba"dlieased. Julie did not care for the pictures; nlot thlnk o! anYtblng save ihat she "TIey'll le glad enougli to believe but at aziy rate ht did away witb the was unhappy, and witb sudden lm- me. Scandal la the sait o! 111e tW need to talk. and the darkness was pulse lie went down on his knees be- Julie's fîiends. She's nlot aliogether restful. She onIl' booked ai ilie side lier and took ber ito his arma. popular as h la., and if I tellicim_ screen when Scliofield drew lier at- "Julie!"' it's no use gettig violent-" lieacd- tention We sometbing beiz slonl For a moment she resisted violent- ed burriedly as lie saw Chlt;teflhfl1soeuoin It. It was as If Fate were re-ly hands clencih ito flsts. "' iaIle thessly pursuig lier, determied "Don't! liow dare you! leave me postio W rov wat ra, rmem te torment ber and keep lier pain alone .. ."' ber.", alive, for the second picture was o hnqi.sdel irrsaac "Prove It, then, and le dMnecWdli e Monastery at St. Bernard and of was gone, and sbe ceased to strug- "Very well-"1 Lombard sbrugged the snow-clad mountains. gle. She looked at irlm wltb iragic bis shoulders with wefl-assunied in Julie rat up stiffhy. lier heart beat- eyes. difference - -Ad &iu-nedW t 1e do r fas. .If only it had been me- aIe raid MAEN KRUSCMEI FOR 20 YEARS "S*enty le jiggee i mIea ay wliere for 45, aMdhuiI -I f..!si- teen!1" Tliat's the spirit of tis Armny omoier's letter ail raglit, as you'll agree if you read between the lines. A seventy-year-old-son-of-a-gun who can etili ait astride a horse ! "I1 have used Kruschen Salia for nearly 20 years, and when I say that, being 70 , h was taken the other day for 45, that 1 am strong, can stil ride and enjoy it, 1 would like you to under-i stand that I attribut. the whole o! thei above really wonderful facts to thei virtue o! your Kruschen Salts. I tookj it with me and was supplied with it during the whole of the War. 1 intro. duced it ta hi gh offciais in London,i and an Australian Judge adopted it on my recominendation, and writes me frmi Australia haw wonderfully it lias improved hlm. Some of my friends bath at the Dachelors' and Cavalry Clubs, Piccadilly, take cnough ta cover a shilling and swvear by it."--Capt. Ni. IViten you lead a sedentary life with littie fresli air, less exercise and hasty, jl-chosen mejîls, your inside, sooner or later, graws sluggislî, and fails to supply yaur eliminating organs with the tonie wMieral saîts that they mnuat have ta eîîable hhem to work properly. Followu the wliole host of so.ca ll "inor " ills that undermine your constitution and blunt your bappinessanid discolour your outlook.. The trouble is obvious enough;, it's the lack of those vital salis. Get a battle o! Kruschen and the remedy will be just ns plain ; for Kruschen la a coxubînation of just those salts your lady needs, blended in Nature's own proportions. Naw you sec why Ilit's the little daily dose that does it." You can't grow aid when every litile fibre o! yau is tingllxsg with " tîat Kruschen feeling." Get that bottle to-day and begin ta, get younger to- nborraW. Kruschen Salis la abtainable ai mii Drug Stores ai 45c. and 75c. per bottle. A Sulent Partner -- - a sent partnef Tinlt o aur bu1siness. One able and willing to stand by you and yours wh.n acessit? arises. One that wiil give you a cer. tain fixed mum at a specificd .Lî,Ltime-or bring you a regular 9.~T. Incorne when you are no * [longer able tocsrn--or pro- vide for those you love when r 7ou are no longer with thcm. 11fe Assurance will do ail thsfor you--and more. Get detais from your nearest Sun Uie Represtatth'.. SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY 0F CANADA HEAD) OFFICE MONTREAL qbs RED osE Tu FILL YOUR COAL BIN WITH LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE Va. Codl 77îat Satis&aS These prices ame effective froms Nov. lat: Stove Coal ..................$16M5 Egg............................. 16.00 Chestnut....................... 16-00 Pea............................. 13.50 Buckwheat .................... 11.60 Coke ........................... 13.00 A discount of $1.00 per ton for cash wifl be allowed from above prices. J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phono 153 or 202 Bowmanvilhe 10-BnUT TAKEN FRnn45r THE CANADIAN STATZEMIAN, BOWMANVMLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER Oth, 1930 PAGB NM