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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Nov 1930, p. 10

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.~ ~ ~. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMeNVILLE, THtJRSDAY. NOVEMBER 6th. 1930 PAGE TMN Mrs. Wm. Thomas is visiting ber l cRWCASTLE son, Mr. Floyd Thomas, Orillia. Ms ienHnok otHpThe N EC S L DP NET THANKSGIVING SUPPER spent the week-end with ber siste r. Th-nua hnkgvngSpe Mrs. Clarence Allun. H R D Y N V M E 6t,13 The Annual TIi nks~im0'%fr Mat.Aidre d dsons vlsited T U S A ,N V M E t,13 O.~.p ~ais Church. Newcastle, will be held in~ pool, last week-end. HALLOWEEN MASQUERADE I NEWCASTLE UA.nit . Sunîla3, NvefllhrW.tP. the Parish Hall on Tuesday. Nov. M.Wm Hrrs adaucesl 8th, from 5.30 to 8 P. M. An ex- Mr m HarshdascesuB.. st.Sn(>-Nomb Pl1 cellent supper of cold mneats, pota- sale of lits live stock, impleinents, etc., Y.P.L. of Newcastle United Church Mr. and Mrs. llarvey Curtis, Orono, il arn . Morning worslip. 2ýopAl toes, salads. pumpkin pies. and other on Tuesday afterfloofl.1 was at home on Hallowe'efl to some visited Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Brickley -Suttday Scliool. 7 p.i.- %nig delicaCieS is being prepared by the Newcastle publie scliooi comence-,three hundred visitors in the coi- on Sunday. Service. The ws.ill lld its au- la ie o t e on r gaio . o e o- mn t . execises will le eldi n Friday I rnUty hall recreation rooms. It was Rev. Dr. Fallis. Book Steward . To- lowed by a very interesting program .evçnting, November 28tli. a night of fun and mystery, mirth and ronto, who preacbed to large con- day, at 3 p.rn., in the Sunday School of which notice will be given later. I eniember the 1igh Scliool Coin-I ierriment and the event served as a gregations in the United Church on rooms. Mrs. 4 Rev.) A. L. Richards, 45-11 mencernent Exercises this Friday v - safety valve for the spirits which for Sunday, was the guest of Rev. W. P. Whitby, wilI give an address. ____________________________ tening. Prograin begins at 7.80. - 5 long found vent on this night in and Mî-s. Rogers at. the parsonage. We note tliat ()nr local grocers and working mischief, playing serious Ms .G n isF0rneRc- dry goods merchants have signed anl Personal Mr. J. E. Greer. Orillia, wlio sang1arss E . dMiss oedm nceMr oi grennkt lseterplaces of Cu tisou cr uc.-en brt dteintfUnid Cunt rci ohn Du îlng property. Such senseless practices ICorbett, Bownianville. Mr. and Mrs. business at 7 p.m. on Mondays and and 10c for wonderful horoscope of your a guesto i ut r.Jh og as often characterized Hallowe'ens 0f Smitb and Fred, Miss Eileen Cooke Fridays and at 1 p.m. Wednesdays Cientr . St atio , B ox.94, rad asby-gone years are a thing of the past and Miss Marion Rickacd, Toronto. from now until May lst, 1931, with SMr. Geo. Fergusoti, Toronto, bas as fac as Newcastle and we presuin eeSdygest fM.adM-.tbe excpinoth hlda sb- - enhldaigItnisbohrl- our neighboring commtinities are con- wee unayguss f Mý ping period from Dec. l5th to Dec. law Revyn wt hsbrterýS . . . Ener a kesrs. 3lst. Newspaper agents, bowever, 1 lwand sister, Mr. and Mrs. W. N. cerned. Brides and grooms, elves and e.W p.PgtsndMsrJ. kpoenhlan ou eah Buckley. oafs, sprites and spooks and ghosts, t-myke pnbl nhu ah Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Pearce, Eben- witches and wizards, goblins and bob- W. Batt dle GraJaW. Gleney. Thos. evening for the sale fppr ny ezer, and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hezzle- goblins, gents and ladies of past per-MoatFeGrhirdFigJ_______ wood, Toronto, vislted Mr. and Mrs. lods, butterfiies and cats, negroes, E. W. Philp, Norinafl Rickard, Thos. CITIZENS' ATTENTION W. H. Pearce on Monday. squaws, Cbinamefl, a Highlander with Couch, A. O. Parker, W. F. Rlckard. Mrs. Jua Metcalfe and Miss Mar- the bagpipes, fainies and gbouls, danc- J~H oe rJ .BteMsr.Cîtizens' Meeting Called to Consider garet Wilmot losed their bouse last ers and plodders, barduPs. out-of- C. T . Batty and H. R. Pearce. repre- Better Fire Protection GET THE FACTS ABOUT Saturday and went to Windsor to works, tramps and bangers around, seltitlg the laity, went over to Bow- spend the winter with the former's captains and pirates, Bobemians and nianville iast Wednesday to hear Rev. Citizens' Meeting wlll be held in YOUR EYES 'daugter and farnlly.1 Gypsies, spirits of Autumn, spirits of Dr. Edmund H. Oliver, Mod3rator o! the Council Chamber o! the Com- MrI n r.Jh al n r Hallowe'en and many other cbarac- the Genecal Council of the United munity Hall ta discuss better fire For millions there is a an~r~d Mrs. J h Earle Ia nM.ter mldo ode rfotdo brbo a~ca e. Robert protection, Tuesday, 8 o'clock p. m. woldousie heoe he Sndy it rle, laenefluttered i the big mascauerade tb e Laird, M.A., D.D., treasurer ofth November 11, 1930. knwdousdAteoe hY in anwith Mnd MreUniedCarce . in o fmiî. arspîayed by Mr. M. and M. Fund, United Cliilihof H. C. Donathan, - abrihte, cearr anivrsay srvies.H. Rowe's orchestra, Orono.1 Canada, speak, at the dinner sen ed1 45-1 Cek world that reveals itsel! anirsarJyD.Sevesaddugt And ahl around tue spaclous hall 1 by the W. A- of Trinity Chorcli in Mrs. J. D. St fom Jea, ap e rveans a he'.ladu anddaughter idde sat tbe the Sunday .School auditorium. h ANTIDOTE FOR FATIGUE thrug ees!reP.rm ea. mapluerone, a een h and1, p and own pethe mlddlasa great privilege. Rev. W.1~ Mary found her nurse's training P.L.maqurae n andw edendI omancotsecatrsviewing tbe Rogers, BApeie t h ia Anhor evtd"o n pntth weked it Ms.;colorful scene and the movemetits of table. Apsde at hel-di course interestlng-but tirmng. By An hourdevote to an s n h ee-nd dwigt Mc. adMrthe costuined folks, îooking on with __________________ ig-titme she din't feel equal to eErnest Rinch and daugMtyr '. interest and pleasure, and listening anythiflg but resting in her room. meayelht xainadution ian- Reeve W. F. Rickard attended the with enjoymeflt to the barmony of guess o! number o! heans in jar and But sbe soon discovered the tele- mean y orlinodutior ndU banquet in Wooler on November 6th, the musicians. to John Ashton for closest guess o! Phone beside her could give her more in onnctin wth he nauuraionof Inonecorer too th theenumber o! onions in jar. The even-1 joy than any outside pleasure-hap-i torthismwortld !bersind yincnnercondththe oingratf theo!.In e orner lhsA.d thetreef ing concluded witli refreshnientsvo! py talk-trips to her famnily ai, mor cofotabe vsin. yoncse rean the peinlg cfe. de-rnia To .Rde fcoffee, sandwiches and cak-es sece ins b olne adha newcocrtei-ac b ha vllge.ithe public scliool: Mr-. 0cm. Gainsby. bythe eagurs. way-.romh oe lng.hsta Women's Memorial Library Aid is Orono's widely known entertainer. yteLaur."wyfo hm"feig G . M . Bosne1 making plans to cater for the 46tli I asehaîl king, sport pi-onoter, genecalj Durhiam Regiment's annual banquet enthusiast and booster, and 'Miss E. OPTOMETRIST and dance in the Community Hall -m. Stedmnt.BA.. physical cultur-e OfficeOver Food'shere on ,Friday eveniflg. Nov. 21st. specialist, Bowinan' 111e High S chool.1 St. Geoge's Curch - ev F H lsesand eda ndiscutiled ahe OfiePort Hope SorSuSteday, NOV.I1'~ A KG V Office Elours: 9th. 8 a.m.-Holy Communion. 9.45ecy costume._ WEDNESAY eac week a.m.--Bible study class for boys. il TheY made known their decisions_____ 9.30 a. mn. to 9.30 P. m. a. m. - Morning Prayer-Preacher. later. In the mneantinme Orono. Port Rev S. Childs. B. D., Toronto. 2 Hope and Newcte, tln netie 213T ortOffie. P.m. - Sunday School. 7 p. rn.- with a comnposite prog-alin. Misses 214 Dnfrt Ae.Armistice çommemnoration-Preach- Dorothy and Evelyn Rickard favocied ____________er. the Rector. with a piano duet. Mrs. Henry Rowe, Orono. treated the audience to two elodutionary nutubers. Nl-. 0cm11. Ganishy sang, "Bioging NMe Homne To You." A male quartette. led by Nil. jHancock, of the Port Hope Y.P.L., who -. were special guests o! the Newcastle DON T EED M O HSY.P.L., on this occasion, sang. Bil DONI EED OTHSBoy." Miss Elleen Hancock gave an interesting monologue and Mr. Lorne Pluminer and 'Miss Helen White, also of PortHoe stageti an iinpromptui Have your1 sketch. deiiniiqtcating tlhc art o! quic k repartee. 0 L F R SýMc. ThosA. Rodger, spolkesntitf of O L F UR ~i the judgntg trio. pcesented the prizes made iitoj to the winners of the val-lous classes as follows: Best child's costume, butterfly Pul 10e Deline.I IGirls 10 to 16: Jean Scaruin. Dicky Fas ion bleLoveskin!~ Boys 10 to 16: A cat, Stanley Mor- mison, Port Hope. Truman Clark. with bagpipes--Earl Osbor-ne. at averysmal cos. Copleunder 16: Pirates - Jean at aver smal cst.Rickard and Gladys Matchett. Couple 16 and over: Pierots-Doro- .JOFIV E A ILLERtuy and Evelyn Rîckard. JOHNE. M LLERComic under 16: Tramp-Har'old KingSt E Phoe 10 Bo manvllomic 16 and over: Mrs. Joues- Mr.C. T. Batty.CNAAPOUE "A PDS KingSt.E. hon 17 Bo manill j M prze o Rss aneforcloestRapidly Winning Place as the Nation's Mai Betweefl tbe harvest lands of Canada and the homes of Canadian it stand~s as connectifl link ... aidlng daily in the distribution of nat A& P perforts this funcion go economnirally through the lorw cost o - bat is prices are the accepted standard of food value. Througb M OO R ST B W AE Pszrvice today in nur Thanksgivlfg Sale. . . womnef of Oniu nF rbnR VD CilAI ITV flASOIINF AND QIL Buying inf erior Petroleum Products is poor economy. best is the cheapest in and f or the long run. The X - S - "POWER" - GASOLINE The new red gasoline is especially recommended for the winter. What a pleasure these cold mornings to be able to step on the starter and your motor immediately begins to purr - and to know you will also get the maximum mileage out of every gallon you put in your tank. SINCLAIR "&OPALINE" MOTOR QIL The motor oil with the zero cold test is also highly recom- mended for winter use. To get proper lubrication, be careful to use a grade suited to the wear on your cylinder walls, not ac- cording to the temperature showing on the thermometer. The space between the cylinder wall and the piston remains the same whether it is winter or summer - and it is obvious that, once your motor has warmed up, a light oil will flot ýive proper lubrication when the mileage on your speedometer plainly shows that a heavier oil is required. Economize by using the Best. DISTRIBUTORS .X - Pthnuer (S!tïta0 r i nù Oit l txt¶nparttt IART COLE TELEPHONE 14 I 407 Central Bldg. - Toronto 2. DISTRICT MANAGER BOWMANVILLE FIES ROTLIYASTI PriMeRiMb RS BOLLED ... ..... .... c Porterhouse SWIFT'S EMPIRE SMOKED HANS lb. 220 lb. 290 Bel£ or Whole lb. 280 CHO01CE YOUNG ROASTINO PORK- 'E'lb. lB T lb. 25. Loing lb. 290 HamB thIM~OLS lM. 24 FRESH SAUSAGE MEAT ......... 2 b.. 25e NEW SEASON MINCEMEAT ...... 2 b. - 25c SEIDTEDLUMB EG0u-Emt OIOM AUEVUY CANULE» Storago E: ~.EBU Su..vEmPirata t SALMON UYi b. IL8e CENTRE CUTS AND STEAKB LB. SSc IUPpERS ' » 2 Pair23 NEW BEASON GLAS OYSTERS STOCK JAR 35e FRESH CAUGIIT WHITEFISH IOb..9 BAKING FOR 1 THE HOLIDAY We have anticipated your wants f or the Thanksgiving holiday and will have on sale a partie- ularly large and attractive iPay ofetc. s order in early.' Cet, o Bowmanvillel iA. W. Jacoba, Proprietor Mah I aReal - Canadian 2'hanksgiviflg! Ail A & P Thanksglving Poultry cornes direct tram Ontario producers ta you Freshl3 killed, fUI! breasted and mne&* _ lb. 24 khet place. people, A & P service ytures tincst produce of scientific operation gh the symnbol o! A & aria look ouit on the TURKEYS Prime young birds averaging 8 ta 12 lbs. lu weight. ALL MRE PRIVE Ibo 380 FANCY MILK-FED ROASTING 5 TO 6 LBS. Chickefls %VERAGÎ ý .3 Du- k FANCY ONTARIO j POULTRY 3 , Fowl ULT NELN r Ail poultry prepared for the table the way you want It at no eXtra Ch2rge. CHOICE QUALITY Puqmpkin N ~100 AYLNMER CHOICE peas ~325 ST. Cil UI1LES M~lkEVAPORATEO Ttc YLMER FANCY '40 I CORN '~ GAOLDEN BANTAm T; I N 2 r) *' Lynn Valley Standard ....... -iln Aylmer Fancy Golden Bantam .....9 2 ~29C SALMON CKY NO. % TIN xpmyPacked SELECTuR orA pStores2li w - --FULL 1-LB. PKG. 10 ANRXEPTO AD ECOE A HSLPULL 2 FRUITPaFULNUT4LOA BRICAENC2R LOAVES 19c IVALENCIA CAKE ......... ... ..... lb. 19c ICHERRY CAKE.................... lb. 33c AND GUAEANTEED -l EnCartons -Dom. 364 Il Il '.4 Stamped Goods FOR MAKING CHRISTMAS GIFTS We have Just put on sale this week new Stamped Goods in worked models: P i 11owsa, Scar! s, Centres, Aprons, Pil- 10w Cases, etc. Prices 25ce ech and Up. BUY YARN HERE Australefle and Fairy Yarn for Cbildren's and Infants' wear. New line o! Birthday and Everyday Cards recelved. J. W. JewelI Ds 391i R A THE COFFEZ 4-LB. -B FRESH FRUITS AND VECGETABILES Fresh fruits an.d vegetables delivercd dc... t0 ail of our stores. A ccrrj12le lUrt of cr)l t-CJ iidi.oorid Iruifs ar-d vegetables Meat Maiùager: G. McCoy. Grocery Manager: P. Williams. We Delver-Extra Charge 10c. Phone No. 83 TM E Guu!AT AT, ANTIC & PAVYWJC TUEA C4>. O ' F C N A D A 1 v Get your 1 Bewmanvill! 1 1 sig 20 Booketore tio. 1 TIN i%90 LO FRUIT and NUT LOAF 1

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