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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Nov 1930, p. 1

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Eanuoib itn tt~'m~n With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News Vol LXXVI M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6th, 1930 $2.00 a Year in Advance 5( THANKSGIVING Then and Now The Pilgrim FPathers gave thanks when tbey reaped their fIrst bountiful bar- vest . . . s0 as Thanksglving Day ap- proaches. we give thanks for having reaped youn frlendshlp and for isavlng tise opportunlty te serve you durlng tise past yean. Couch, Johnaton & Cryderman Limited LADIES' WOOLLEN DRESSES Another brand new shipznent in tweed effects, in one-piece tailored style,' or in 3-piece suits, popular- ly priced at $15-00. NEW GEOR G E T T E AND LACE COMBINATION DRESSES NOW BEING SHOWN BEAUTIFULLY FUR TRIM- MED LADIES' COATS Every week new Coats are being placed on display for your sel- ection, newest materials, shades and styles, ail beautifuliy fttr- trimmed, sizes 14 to 48, priced from $15.00 to $65.00. REMNANTS 0F DRESS GOODS AND CURTAIN NETS Ail clearing while they last at about Haif Price. New Curtain Nets 25c and Up. and fine range of New Draperies for side curtains. HERE'S A COUPLE BARGAINS Table Napkins, a special purchase, worth $4.50 dozen, for only ................................$ô Bath Towels, limited quantity, worth 75e for 50c LADIES' I SILK UNDERWEAR We've had a wonderful fd emand for this special < une of Silk Underwear which are exceptional or $1.00 per Suit YOU WILL NEED NEW BLANKETS English, Scotch and Canadian BI.nket Display Preparie now for cold weather and buy blankets while selections are at their best: Celebrated Kenwood Blankets, ail colors .. . .$9.00 Madawaska Colored Wool Blankets .......$6.50 Other lines of Blankets, good values, $450 & $550 M en's Strong Tweed Suits, up i i~Yto $22.50 for ..........$16.50 Youths' Colored Cheviot Suits, 2 pants, reg. $25. for.... .$1 8.50 Men's Sweater Coats from $1.50 Boys' Brown Real Leather Coats and Windbreakers .. . .$6.95 up Fulliline of Boys' Aviation Caps from .................75c up Men's Light Fail Overcoats, up to $25.00, now .......$18.50 Winter Overcoats, $15. to $37.W0 Couch, Johnston & Cryderman PRtESENT PLAY la -Trnnty School Roon Whlch Was Greatly Enieyed Tise play "And Mary Dld" present- ed by Hampton Young Peaple lu Trnnty Scisool Room on Monday ev- enlng, furnished a pnagram a! dlean, wbolesome f un and bumon and was enjoyed by ail present. The young people did tiseir parts well, and lu tise many trying situations, love found a way sud won out. The players were introduced by Mn. F. J. Groat, who wltis Mrs. A. Peters. de- serve mucis credit for tise training of tise young people. Cast o! cisaracters: Mrs. Sterling- Mrs. Harold Salter; Mary Sterling- Miss Ruths Johns, Willie Sterling- Norman Ciemens; Betty Sterling- Miss Eva Johns; Matilda <Mrs. Sterling's maid)-Mary Peters; Dan- iel Gnay-Wilfred Sinale; Lawrence Gray-Laverne Clemens: Henry (Oray's gardener)-Wilfred Green- away; Editis Smiths (Mary's !nlend) -Elinor Sykes, Dressa Rand-Missl Lottle Horn, Miss Whittlcken-MissI Edna Reynolds; Mr. Evans (a double part) -Laverne Clemens. Mr. Allun vcry sultably rcplied, and stated it was a great satisfaction la having this convenicace la thoir home. He said that anc of bis greatest dilR- cultles was to leave tise stable at nlght and go ta the bouse without carry- ing a lantern and witheut feeling ho bad le! t sometbing bchlnd. He rosi- izcd isow much It te going ta mean ta the family ta have this Hydro In- stallation. Short speeches were made by-Mcs- sre. Mark Blackburn, S. Dowson W. C. Allun, Gea. Annis, John Aluin. Fred Blackburn, Norma» Down, S. C. Allin,' Clair Allîn and others. Following this, aIl united in gaines and ln a very few minutes you could bear voices yelling "Jenkln's Hands Up." The ladies served a very ap- petizing aud dainty lunch and about mldnlght tise party joined la singing "God be with you tulI we mcci again". Each anc wiahed tise houaehold good- night and expressed thoir appreclatian of tise very peasant cvening spent. Mrs. A. Veuning Penfound and daugister. Mms. Claude Bell, and Mms. Anne Penfound, Toronte, spent Wednesday wltis their cousin, Miss T. Maude Pen!ound. B. H. S. HALLOWE'EN PARTY Jolly Events Featuring Programs, Con- tests, Dancing and Feasting B. H. S. held its annual Hallowe'en party on Thursday, Oct. 30, wvhen about 225 guests and students were present. The auditorium was nicely decorated. The stage wvas arranged ,.ith cornstalks and lighted jack o'lan- teros. Orange and black streamners hung from. the lights and at the win- dows. Pragram opened with the singing of the National Anthen, with George Werry at the piano. A solo was given by Elinor Sykes followed by a ghost story by Newton Ashton during which the ghosts of his variaus victims ap- peared. George Werry then gave a piano solo. Phyllis Challis played for the promenade, during which the judg- ing of the masqueraders took place. The prize winners werc Margaret Wightman, representing autumoi, for the best dressed girl; Mary Thonipson for the most comnically dressed girl; Howard MNcLaughlin as a soldier for the best dressed boy; and John Blunt, as a cat, for the funniest boy. Doug- las Adams of Form V w-as the win- ner in the apple eating contest. About tw-enty snap shots of students and teachers, taken in their voungcr days, were passed around ta the dif- ferent graups. The group, guessing Ille greatct xîuruJbr, wun the contest. Other contests followed, which con- cluded this part of the programn. The ilext hour wvas spent in dancing. About Il o'clock lights were turned out and ghosts led the wvax through dark halls ta the roin of feasting which was decorated to suit the occa- sion. A buffet lunch was served , after which the parts' broke up.. AI having spent an enjoyable evening. j ARMISTICE DAY SERVICE WHAT TOWN COUNCIL DmI Under Auspices of Bowmanville Purchase 23 Acres Prom Raynes Branch of Canadian Legion-Form of Estate for Town Park Service at Cenotaph Noveinher lt The city fathers transacted a lot The armistice memorjal service this of business lu less than two hours at year will be hcîd ait the Bowmanvilie November meeting of town coundil. Cenotaph and a general invitation is Request for electrlc light at Brown extended to ail public bodies and citi- 'and. Durham Sts. was referred te zens to attend and participate. Co- Public Property Com. operation of ail who attend is asked Toronto Generai Trust was askedt for by Legion members in charge of to make formai application for re-1 arrangements. bate lu taxes on property of Jos. Comrade Wilbur Hoar and Conirade Brittain estate. Tonm Hamilton wiIl be in charge of the Notice was recelved that Wm.t placement of the High Schoal, Public Cowle was admitted to Toronto Gen- Schol, nd Tainng Shoo pupls.eral Hospital an Oct. 4th.t Shool abd Traind in Sho up ails1. Finane Com. willl consider Mrs.s thesewilCenot plae lnd pfa9g .A. Talt's cdaim for $2, allegedt Saswlbcpaeonthe Cenotpli.i damage f romn defective side walk. side of the Cenotaph for wreath bear- .A unapie.frgato ers and relatives of the fallen. These $100 for Junior Hockey Club. Fin- seats wili be in charge of the Legion jance Com. w'l report.t Secrtar, Cnirde . Anisn. anaianLeglon invited Council tE Secetay, omrde . Anisn.Re- attend Armistice service, No.lth latives of the fallen and al who i~ nd- euetdMa N ovsue1sl tend to place wreaths are asked toandproclamatonwhcapp iearsna- give their names ta him ait their car-Pocmutin.wih liest convenience so that adequate ar- Insrnce n frme asrisds rangements cao be made for seating. Ithat emersnfllreeive $10 wseek-s It is particularly requested that no 1Iîy in case of accident.a wreaths bc deposited on the Cenotaph i Finance Com. passed accounts for Iý untîl the signal is given bx- Comnrade $ 1604.91, and Waterworks Corn. n Annison.i $251.83 construction and $234.48 Legion members will line up on the [local improvement. south side facing the Cenotaph. Dpt-ev edrrpre Public bodies and citizens are asked csDofepuReeRe der reorted j3 ta take places on the north andI soutli 000 gai., at Salem, constructed of re- sides behind the wreath bearers onj inforced concerte, would cost $7500. the north and the Legior imembers on the south. Motion was passed: "That a com-c The service wiîîb crid nb mittee consisting of the Mayor, be crrsd o byReeve, Deputy-Reeve and Councillor the local clergy and will take the Strike go into the matter o! the con- following order: Two minutes' sil- struction of Public Works havlug lu ence; Prayer; Address by Con-rade' nn the relief af the present unem- Rev. F. H. Mason, Newcastle; Read- Plument situation, and that such s ing ame 0f he ailn asengave comrittee be a deputation ta wait on the Cenotaph; Placing wreaths; uo h rpratoiisi ns Buglers will sound Last Post, follow.- effort ta receive Provincial and Fed- ed by Reville: One verse '0 God aur eral aid in that connection and at help in ages past'; Benediction; One Ithse flrst possible moment." verse God Save the King; Dispersal. IA rnfre nbotrpm NEW ANGLICAN RECTOR at purnping station blew out causing damage of about $375, Chairman of Rev. C. R. Spencer, M.A., Rural Dean Waterworks thought it an opportune of East Simcoe, Aecepts Call time ta consider lustalling a gasoline engine ardered some tiue ago by t It is announcedi that Rev. C. R.;Fire Underwriters. Cost about& Spencer. M. A.. of Shanty Bay, hasI $3200. less $800 for aid equipment, been appolnted rectar of St. j n and will save $300 paid Hydro forB Anglican Church. Bowmanville, suc- stand by charge. Special commit- 0 ceeding Rev. R. J. Shires.M. A tee was empowered ti arrange pur- s The apainment as c ned on chase of engine and report ta coun- Monday by the Lord Bishop 1.or-cil onto and the new rector is execed Cauncil decided ta purchase l ta take charge of services hier e ors Raynes property of 23 acres for park t Nov. l6th. Induction services wiîî' purposes for $250. Rotary Club has a be announcedi at- a later date. agreed ta purchase land to supply Mr. Spencer is a son of Canon approach to Park. oii Queen Street.R Spencer, Hamilton, whose famlly is Cost of making roadway and grad-N wdll known throughout the Anglican lng samne ta creek wiil cost about s Churcli in Canada for its splendid $2500, and will provide work for 20 n contribution lu the mission fields at men for more than a month. n home and abroad, al bis sons and Harry Sutten, star boarder at H08- h daugliters being actively engaged in pital for nearly a year, has been glv- fe this branch of church work. en a 3-months' term lu Cobourg gaol.w The new rector is no stranger lu mhus town is relleved o! expense of thUs county as he was a&sistant to his keexs which already is over $600. ti Canon Allen at Millbrook previous Resolution was passedi asking Hy- ec ta the war. Since 1912 he has been dro to furnkh estirnate ta replace o Padre of the Durham Regiment and the 2-globe fixture on King Street for p served overseas as a Padre receiv- a more modem single fixture of 300w ing thse rank of Major. He is also watts wlth reflector, globe, glass top, C a member o! the Canadian Legion. and metal spike. Demonstration of!b, Mr. Spencer bas a f amily af ten various fixtures was given on Church p children. anc marnled and lu the St. Monday nigbt and made It Sp- S Anglican mlnlstry, four attendlng pear as a great white way. higis scisool. and three golng te pub- Citizens are advlsed againlit burn- i lic scisool. ing leaves on pavement. Penalty af m $10 wlll be lmpased.M BOY SCOUTS AND CUBS Notice of motion te arnend Cern-p ATTEND TRINITY CHURCU etery by-law at next meeting was e( given whereby caretaker must build B Rev. J. U. Rlobins Preached Instruct- 6-f t. foundations for monuments, Ive Sermon on Boy Lite and a systeni of perpetual care o! plots will be established. Sunday was Scouts Day lunttisý town when about 60 boys lncludilngSUPSEAD RE NTT N Scouts and Cubs, marched te Trlnlty SRPIE _N___SNATO United Churcis on Sunday mornlngh in charge of Scout Master Terry, As- Friends Celebrate Installation of Hydro a sistant Scout Master Conley, Troap la Lab» HomeN Leader Ned Rehder, and Cub Master C McLeod. The boys made a go About forty relatives and friends showing and listened to an address made up a surprise party whlch met, by Rev. J. U. Robins, wiso spoke an at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley S Boy Life. its aima., difficuities. and 41lin, Lakeshore. on October 22nd. to encouragements, basing. bis remarks , help them celebrate the occasion of on "He tisat ruietis Us spirit la turnîng on the lîghts of the Hydro greater than he tisat taketis a clty" iInstallation on their farm. Mr. anda Prov. 16 , 32. Thse speaker campar- Mrs. Aluin have added ta theîr mod- te cd the boy 111 e of thse bible times te cern home thîs very useful and much l that o! the present day; the games appreclated convenlence. used lu those days and the present; About fine o'clock Mr. A. M. Hardy wi and the longing of tise normal boy called the assembly ta order and in hi te grow up sud do tise things men a few words brleflY stated the reason ni do; concludlug wltb how this could for the intrusion In their home andj be doinc, nef errlng them te the great- mentloned that their whole desîreý est o! ail leaders, Jesus Christ. was ta spend a social and profitable A chorus was sung by th,,e maie evening with theni. He then called membens of tise choir, lu addi tion to upon Misa A. Aluin who read a very ý the anthem by thse chair. nîceîy worded address and ait the pro- elc - per time Mr. and Mrs. AllI» were pire- 1 m HAMPTN YOUG PEOLE snted wlth a very fine finor lamp.J SUNDAY AT LOCAL CHUECHES St. John's Anglican Church Twenty-flrst Sunday alter Trninty. Sunday. Novemaber GUi. 1930: m"i. . -Mornlng Prayer; 2.30 p. m.-Sun- day School; 7 p. m-Evenlng Prayer. Trlnlty Unted Church Bey. J. U. Robins, pastor. Sunday services: il a. m. sud 7 p. m. conducted by Rey. F. W. Newefl, B. A.. Blackstock. Sunday School at 2.30 p. m. St. Paul's United Church Bey. D. W. Beat. D. D., MRinister il a. m.-Morning Womshp- "Thanksglving"; 7 p. m.-Evening Worshisp-"Bý'emembrance"; 2.30 p. m.--Sunday Scisool and Bible Class. St. Andrew's Presbyterlan Church Rev. W. J. Todd, Ministr Morng Worship at il a. m.-Sub- Ject, "Thanksglving". Sunday Scisool at 2.30 P. m. Evening Worship at 7 p. m. Strangers cordlally weicamed. Mms John Hyde sud son Harry, Tarante, are vlslting ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. J. A. McClelUan. TOWN SCHOOL REPORT Honour Pupils for October Room 1-Sr. IV - Doris Dudley, Lucy Heari, Clara Beilman, M-urlel Stocker, Mary Mutton, Marjorie Joncs, Selma Bartlett, Nellie Mut- ton, Murray Mitchell. Marlon Jewell, Tom Dustan. J. H. Johuston. teachen. Raom 2-Fourth Class - Evelyn Pickand, Sybil Mutton, Margaret Sel- lers, Arthur CuJIey, Walter Gives. Douglas Preston. Robert Wiseman, Freeborne Colville. Russell Candier, Ross Williams. F. C. Conley. teaciser. Room 3-Jr. WV - Mary Birlis, Madge Moses, Grace Childs, Bulle McFeeters, Jean Coyne, Frank Tighe, Greta Raby. Andrew Lamnbrose, Florence Hooper, Nancy Shrubb. Miss M. M. Jennings, teacher. Room "-r. III-Donothy Barton, Marion Hamm, Marlon Scott, Ruth Ives, Margaret Wood, Omneny Mit- chell. Betty Pingle, Eric Swindellsj and Jean McMuIlen equal, Dorothy Jones. Clair Wakeliu. Betty Edgar.j Miss Helen G. Marris, teachen.' Rooms 5-Sr. III-James Martin, Greta Tomlinson, Mary Lyle, Dor- othy Knox, Jean Rundle, Ross Rice, Ieleen Hailman, Helen Glanville, Eanl Clark, Mary Brown, Lena lXel- ian, Pansy Hooper. Robt. McLeod, teacher. Raom 6-Jr. III - Benny Rose, Leonard Somerscales, Rachel Wright, Carl Keilar, Kathleen Blunt, Charles Churchill, Lawrence Coninors and Olive Ward equal. Helen Cotton, Fred Laphen. Theadore, Lambros, Charles McIlveen. Miss G. M. Wlckett, teacher. Rooma 7-Jr. II-Ruth Cryderman1 William James, Helen Virtue. Edward Hooper. Edward Pugh, Jack Coiville, Jack Honeyman. Charlie Somer- scales. Kenneth Nurcombe. Beulais MeQuarrie. Kathleen Sisson. BiE Miss Leta L. Bragg, teacher. Room 8--Jr. Il-Norman Searle, Jeanne Adamns and Ruth Virtue equal, Canal Martyn, Mary Childs, Marion McDonald, Charles Cart- wright, PFlorence Calver and Eisie Lymer equal. Dorothy Smiae. Miss Edna E. Jeweil, teacher. Roam 9-Sr. II-Byron Crawford, Kitty Starey and Charles Hoar equai, Jean Logan, Alan Tamblyn. Tommy Rehder. Lillian Koren. Kay O'Neill, Blain Elliott, Doris Moses. Miss Vivian H. Bunner, teacisen. Roomn 10-Sr. I-Marlon Dudley, Margaret Steney, Bobby Purdy, Ross Backus. Donald Allin, Moira Dinni- wel, Sidney Rundie. Henry Wight- man. Jr. I - Helen Pingie, Florence Sheardown sud Jack Hately equal. Miss F. E. Moore, teaciser. Room 11-Jr. I - Peggy Moses, Patsy Dustan and Keltis Siemon equal, Jean Pattinson, Frances Cnook and Ethel Donogisue equal. Douglas Jackman. Isabelle Thomp- son. Sr. Pr.-Donald Venton, Helen Lambras, Jean Jahnson, Wesley Martin. Mi»s B. M. Sargent, teaciser. Room 12-Primer A-Helen Tigise, Marlan Mahood, Dorothy Do-wney, Rex Wand, Morgan Mack. Primer B-Allan Mahood, Joyce Richards. Elmer Gibson, Helen Tait, Murray Grant, . reda Churchill, Patsy Dinniwefl. Primer C-Eddie Smith, Fnank Burns, Lamne Gibson, Frank Symons, Ruths Stevens. Primer D)-K]enneth Hoaper. MU»ss LHartt, teacher. South Ward Scho.l Room 1-8Sr. H:-Lewis Wiseman, DorothY Buttonsbaw, Madeline Cal- ver, Gerald Bird. Sr. I-Manjorie Byng, Jaan But- tonshaw, Hazel Aider, Kathleen Byng, Tom Depew, Delbert Me- Quarnie. Miss Marianoe H. Coliacott, teacher. Boom 2-.Jr. I-Robent West, Mar- guerite Gibson. Kenneth Cale, Doug- las Norton. Sr. Pr. - Ruths Harris, Marlon Stephens, Lois Lange. Allan Masan. Jr. Pr.-Llllan Reader. Marlon Connors, Doris Piper. Misa Margaret E. MeGregor, teachen. COMING EVENTS Boys' Training Scisool Christmnas Concert. Frlday. December Suis. Tise regular monthly meeting o! tise Wamen's Hospital Auxillary will be held in tise Nurses' Residence at 3.30 p. m. an Fniday, Nov. 7ti. Thse women o! St. John's Churcis Gulld wlll bald a sale o! articles and hsome-made cookiug and wil also serve aftennoon tea lu tise Parisis Hall on Saturday. Noveurber 15tis. 45-2w Thse Bowmanvllle Intermediate Hockey Club wlll isald its annual meeting in tise Cauncil Room on Friday. Novernber 7tis, at 8 p. m. Ail playem sud those lntenested lu hockey are requested to turn out ta discuss plans far tise coming season., Thse regular meeting o! tise Homne and Sciool Club will be held i n- tral Public Sciool, Wednesday. No- vemben l2th, at 8 p. m. Mrs. (Bey.) George Masan will addness tise meet- ing. Mms. F. C. Calmner, convenen. Members please remember tise hand- kerchie! shower. laydan's aunual Thanksgiving Concert wiil be given lu the church. Manday, Navember lotis. Master Trewln and Helen Scott of Ox ana wlll assist. A short play "Aunt Samantha Quling." wlil be given. Music and local talent. Proceed8 for aur cisuncis. efresisments er- ved. Admission 25c and 15c. Came aud spend an enJayable evening. ec a Copy No. 45 TOWN ASSURED MONET FOR UNEMPLOYMENT Deputation Given Encouragement That Goverament WiUl Contribute Hait of $15,000 Towards Public Work's Progrm lin Bowmanvile. As we go to press we are informed that the delegation composed of Mayor ElIlott, Reeve Carruthers, Deputy-Reeve Rehder, Councllors Strike and Lockiiart, who went ta Toronto Wednesday to interview J. E. Ells, supervisor of Unemploymlent Relief Fund, te obtain funds to carry on public works to asslst the unern- ployed, recelved a very cordial and encouraging reception. After Mayor Elliott had a conference with several cabinet ministers the deputation waited on Commissioner Ells and gave him f ull statlstlcs of the Jobless men in town, who now number about ninety, and outlining the proposegi public works which the coundil had considered as emergency employ- ment. Mr. Euls commended the deputation for the clear cut manner they had presented their case and the reasonable request for financlal help. and assured them in ail prob- abllity when the cabinet met early next week a substantial appropria- tion wiil be made te Bowmanvlle. - The work entalled amounts te about $15.700, hall o! whlch it la expected will be met by the Federal and Provincial goverments and the other haif by the town. The items include $7,500 for equalizer water tank; $3,800 for water main ta Cream o! Barley Camp; $2,500 for road way and leveliing approaches to new town Park, $1.500 for ditch- ing and grading roads within the corporation. THANKSGWVING DINNERS Balmoral Hotel Sunday and Monday A. J. Wadhams, proprietor of the Balmoral Hotel, announces sPeclal menu for Thanksgiving Dinners on Sunday and Monday, from 12.30 te 2 p. m. at $1.00 each. Make your reservations early. Menu: Fruit Cocktail Saup Chick-en Broth Fried Salnmon - Lernon Sioe Ceiery H-earta - mustard Pickles Roasts Young Roast Turkey - Cranberry Sauce Young Roast Chicken- Dressing Prime Ribs Beef - Pan Gravy Vegetables Boiled or Browned Pot.atoes Stewed Tomatoes - Green Pes Dessert Deep Apple Pie - Wýhlpped Creamn Pumpkin Pie - Plum Tart Pium Pudding - Caramel Sauce 'Dca - Coffee - Miik CITIZENS DEWARE! Notice la hereby given that na leaves or other refuse is permitted, by By-Law, ta be burned on any of the paved streets In the Town of Bowmanvlle snd a penalty o!f not less than $10.0 and coïsts wlll be lrn- posed for any infraction. By order 45-2 John Lyle, Clerk. "TOUR SMP 18 DM" SALE Such is the titie given the regujar monthly November sale annoimced byv Mr. C. B. Hurley, manager of Walker Stores. Lot a! people look f ar distant for thefr ship te core neu but if they only knew it the ship of exceptional valueqis laladened te 0,cr- fiowing withln eqayreach of every- body. Na need of a telescope toa fnd Walker Stores bargains. Tumtrat Page 3 and you will find wlth Uic naked eye scores of bargains in sea-", sontable merchaudise. PHYSI[CAL CULTURE Course lu phYSicai culture willl in- clude callathenics. club swlnging, wands, folk and national dancing. Classes re-open Thursday. Nov. 13, in et. John's pariab Hanl.'Laies- clasa 2.30 P. m.; SChool girls 4.15 P. . - For particulars apply ta Miss E. Peardon,. Bowmanville. Phone 324. 45-2 RYAL WED. R. - Fm1. NOVEMBER 5 - 6 - 7 JOHN McCORDACK ln "SONG 0' MY HEARr' Not anly the greateat living lyrle tenor. but one of Uic aweetest atories ever screued. SAT. - MON. - TUES. NOVEMBER 8 - lé - Il "WIILD COMPANY" Wlth Frank Albertson, H. B. War- ner. Sharon Lynn and Joyce Compton. Aiso gems o! M. 0. M. Colortone Revue; Mickey Mouse Cartoon, "Hfaunted Hoame"; sud Fax News. Matinee Saturday at 2.30 p. ni. Tba~kgvlng Day at 3 p. mi. Silverware Nght Every Tuesday WED. - THURS. - FRM. NOVEMBER 12 - 13 - 14 A Wlnner ! The laughs and loves of golf lu a grand comedy wlth music by the wrlters of 'I Can't Give You Any- thlng But Love." 'LOVE IN THE ROUGH' Wlth Robert Montgomery, Dora- thy Jordan, Benny Rubin, J. C. Nugent Matlnee Wednesday at 4 P. m. 4, e -f PHONE 104 LIDMTED BOWMA4NVILLE LADIES' NIGHT AT ROTARY Featuned by Banquet, Program and Theatre Party On Friday evening last, Hallawe'en Night, a social tisse was enjoyed by thse Rotarlans and their ladies at an enjoyable banquet beld lu tise Balmnoral Hotel. It took tise f orm of a Haliowe'en party. During tise serving of tise different courses, coin- munity singing was joined lu by ev- eryone, Sang-leader Ross Stnike .eading, with Mr. Dave Morrison at the piano. Rotarians F. F. Morris and J U Robins were cailed on ta inflict a vocal duet on tise gathering Etotarians Tom Knight sud Cisarlie tiason gave the encore whlch was somewisat o! an improvement. Mucis nerrunent was taken out o! these numbers. The ladies were request- ed ta sing "Let Me Caîl You Sweet- heart," wisich tbey did witb much feeing. Eacis lady was presentcd witis favors. President E. H. Brown welcomcd the visiters and ladies and then cail- ed on Mrs. Marlon J. Hlckingbottem >f Shibley-Mitcheil Studio o! Ex- pression sud Dramatlc Art, Tarante, who gave two fine readings lu charming dramatlc style. followed by encores. Mn. Owen Nicisolas. vopuiar barltone, rendened a lovely solo and responded with an encore. Followlng tise banquet and musical and lltenary program tise merry- nakers adJourned te Rotarian Tom- my Rosa' Movietone Amusement Em- porium where thc Jolly Party enJoy- ed tise feature picture "Our Blushlng Brides." WOMEN'S INSTI[TUTE ro Visît Tyrone Institute Nov. l9th. Bawmanviull Women's Institute had a splendid meeting on Fnlday aftemaaon wltb a good attendance, tMr. Harry AllUn, president, lu tise chair. Papers on Food Values a! Vegetables were given by Mrs. W. B. Poilard and Mrs. A. L. Nicholls A -olo was pleasingly sung by Mrs. A Colville: and a reading given by Mrs. V. Adams. Over $5.00 was given ta be sent as aThanksglving git to young Chat- terly wbo is naw In hospital In Eng- sund. The invitation o! Tyrone Institute was accepted for Wednesday. Novein- ber lOtis. Al lntending ta, go hand names te Mms. H. Allin or Mrs. G H BlckeUl Delegates ta Provincial Convention n Toronto, Nov. 24-26. are Mms. W. A~dams anld Mms. J W Bunner Refresisments were served at tise close by Mns. Poiland's group. Next neeting In charge o! group 6.

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