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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Nov 1930, p. 2

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6th, 1930 PAGE TWO LEGAL THE EDITOR TALKS M.G. V. GOUJLD, B.A., LL.D.I What can be done for Youtb? is aquestion just now receiving mucb Barrister, Solicitor, NotarY 'attetion. Mr. Frank S. Mead bas ILoey to loan on Farm and Town written ti article for The Christian property. Royal Bank Building, Herald and it iS SQ good we are giv- Dowmanvfile. Phone 351. ing it ths week to The Statesman boys, girls, and older fol1k. It is an W. a. STEIKE adventure in Religiaus Education. - . in r- a4.,. hNorY 1 1* Barrister, soliitAor, io- Solicitor for Bank o! Montreal Money ta Loan. Phone 91 Bowmanville, Ontario. W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister, Soicitor, Notary 3Money to Loan. Bonds for Sale. Offices: Bleakiley Block, King Street, Bowmanvjlle, Ontario. phones: office 102, Hause 409. L. C. MASON, B. A. Barrister, solicitor, Notary Loans - investmients Bowmanville - Next ta Royal Theatre phones: Office 688; House 553. DENTAL DER. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Sonor graduate in Denistry, Toronto UniVetr5ity. Oraduate af the Royal coilege af Dental Surgeons af On- tarlo. Office: King St., Bowmaflile. Office phane 40; bouse phone 22. X-Ray Equlpmelt in Office. DE. J. C. DEVITT Assistnt Dr. E. W. SiSson Oraduate of Royal Dental Callege, Toronto. Office: King Street East, Eowmanville. Office bourS 9 a. m. te 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. phone go. House phone 283. X-Ray Equipmeiit in Office. MEDICAL C. W. SLEMON, M.D., CM. O)raduate of Trinity Medical College, Toronto. Office and residence: Dr. Beitb's former residence, Welilngton Street, Bowmnanville. Phone 259. J. CLARK BELL M.D., Ch. B., F. R. C. S. <Edîn.), D. P. H. (SuccesSOr to Dr. A. S. Tilley) Hons. Graduate in Medicine, Aber- duen Unversty; Fellow af the Royal Colege af Surgeons, Edinburgb. Offce and residence: Queen Street, Bownanille. Phone 89. Offce Hours: 2 ta 4 P. M.. 6 to 8.30 P. M. CUIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS THEROPY DURWIN E. STECKLEY Honor graduate of Toronto Colege of Chiropractics wil be in the Bow- manville office Tuesday, Thursday and Sat.urday evenings, phone 141J. Residential calls made durmng fore- faon. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. Complete Motor or Horse Equipmeflt. Ail cails promptly attended to. Private Ambulance Bowmanviile phone: 10 and 34. Branch Stores: Orono & Newcastle. ALAN M. WILLIAMS Embaler and Funeral Director. Cafla given prompt and personal at- tention. No extra charge for dis- tance. Motor Ambulance at your ervice. Phone 58 or 159, Bowxnan- ville, ont. 3-tf AUCTIONEERS TEO M. SLEMON Auctioneer Pun and House Sales a Specialty. Ternis moderate. Enniskillefl P. O. Phone 197r3. 1-tf VETERINAE'Y IL G. KEEBLAKE. V.B., B.V.Sc. Orono Honor Oraduate of the Unversity of Toronto. Ail cases given prompt and careful attention. Office: Dr. belroy's former office. Phones: Clarke 8921; Orono 18-1. TREASURER'S SALE 0F LANDS FOR TAXES Town of BowmanvWle Couaty et Durham To Wlt: BY virtue of a warrant laued by the Mayor of the Town of BowmanvilUe bear- Ing the date of the lth day of Âugust, $ae. of lande in arreare of taxes in the Town of Bowrnanville wilI be held et my' offic at the hour of two o'clock i the tteriocri on the slxth day of Deaember, 1930, Unes. the taxe. and cots are sfOnewpald. NotIce là herebyiven that the lint of lands for sae for arrears of taxe Io belng Published in the Ontario Gaztte on the 2rd day Of Auguet anid that coçiec of the sald tint rnay be had at my office. 1'reaurer'a Ofie, this l8th day of Auguat. 1980, JOHN LYLE, si-la Treasurer. Sale food fo baby! The Borden C m SPlease ndfrec boo/let Io AJIRESS ..............923 I wish I might introduce everyane1 I know ta Mrs. Henderson-Sisterj Hendersan. tbey calber at the First. Methodist Churcb. Shes wortb meeting. Everyone migbt not tbink1 sa. Some migbt even be disappant- ed, as some are with Niagara Falls. It wouldn't be at al like meeting tbe President. or shaking bands with Lindy. or seeing AI Capone. She's just a plain little lady. ald, wba gave up teacbing Sunday Scboal a little wbîle back because sbe can no longer get out of ber car oumg ask get ta ber bouse and. very likely, tbey wouldn't know. But if i yur Ira- vels you bappen ta meel one o! the fifty or so young men-fellows in their laIe twenties, or ear]y thirties - who are now taking over the leader- sbip o! the business bouses and scbools and courts and churches from New York ta Hllywood-tbey cauld tell you. And probably, when tbey got tbrougb, you'd sit quletly in your cbair for a moment. and Ibink af same Sister Henderson yau used ta know. For Sîster is one waman who really knows wbat the Psabnist meant wben be talked about deep caUling unto deep. She didn't know, at first, but she found out. In lad. wben the Superintendent dropped in one nigbt ta ask ber tai "take thal class of boys." she went' a bit pale. "Why-why-I guess you'd betîer gel somebady wbo knows1 mare about il than I do. I neyer1 tried 10 teacb. and I've neyer bad a boy o! my own, and-Ob yes.I like ta have boys around. and I'd rather teacb them than girls-but-well, I'm just afraid I dan't knaw baw. tbat's all." But Ibis was one 0f those desperate Superintendents. witb a class af boys on bis hands. And wbat a class we weme! No one wanted us. and I dont blame tbem. now. Teacher after teacher bad "tried" and given Up in despair. Sister Henderson just bad ta belp out. Sbe did-aftem an boum o! giving ber inferiority complex f ull swaf. "I'11 try." she said. "but you mustn't expect 100 much." Tbe est of the teachers diÈn't ex- Pect too mucb: they all kne.v Ibal Sister Henderson bad neyer gone ta High School. and that she wasn't just up on modemn Ieaching meîbods. She didn't knaw much about the authorsbip af Genesis. But-sbe'd tmy. We weme biding behind the door as she climbed the cburch steps on that first Sunday morning. planning ouI new ways o! plaguing hem. We bad always met for that purpose, fom a fewmo~ments befoe the opening ex- leachers found us theme, it was: "Came on. you fellows. Get in bere wbeme you belong."1 But Sister memely looks aI us and smiled: "Hel- la, boys. Coming in petty soon?" One 0f those smiles, you know, that mnakes you wish you badn't been caugbt ploting your devilment. IAil through the boum, we tried aur best. We puncbed one anather from bebind the seats, kicked one anather in the shins, untied necklies, and made goad use of the pins in the lap- els af aur coats. But there was somnething about the way Sister started out that made us stop, accas- ionally, and listen. The other teacb- ers bad ahl talked in a certain way,1 quoted tbe usual Scripture, used a lot af stock phrases that we could say for tbemn bel are tbey were even spok- en; Ibis new ane iust talked witb us (flot at us) about ourselves and the ives we lived, and--God. I caugbt a glinipse once, af Steve Layton, bead "devil" af tbe group: be was sltting witb bis elbows on bis knees, bis chin cupped in bis dirty ittie fists. He smiled sbeepisbly wben be saw me looking bis way. We caugbl eacb other doing tbat, allen, before tbe boum was over. Sister bad sludied ber esson. then tbrawn away ber book, and tbougbt up a way ta tel us about it that was ah bher own. She worked no rapid miracles wtb US. Six montbs aller ber advent Steve brougbt cdown a llght bulb- witb a bymnal. A year later we were still jabbing wtb aur little pins -but not s0 often. Several limes she came near ta qutting, but she always stayed on. Maybe Ihat was because we asked ber la. And may- be. because she cauldn't quit. She made mistakes, but neyer tbe same mistake twlce. A style develaped i ber work that other warkers in the scbool began ta talk about. Abways she talked witboul ber book, but al- ways wtb a plan. There were no awkwamd moments or lapses in ber teaching. She seemed ta know jusl wbat ta do next. We came ta listen more and mare quietly. as tbe montbs wore on, a! raid we'd miss sametblng, for eacb sentence seemed ta hang on the last. She was get- ling on-and so were we. And then, toa. besides readlng ber esson, she was eading us. She knew bow we weme doing in scbool. She knew who was on the football squad, and wbose beant was broken because he wasn't. She saved hem postage slamps for Floyd, who was slow at geagrapby; she talked Fred out of quitting scboob ta un erands for a gocery store. Hem front porcb got ta be a sort of shrine wbere we gathered on dateless night. timed aI- ter football practice. She used ta sit in a little low rocker. with a sampler on the' back. Moonlight crept in through the honeysuckle vine befor' ber and wiped off the wrinkles in hier face. Sometbing, all through those ycars, cept f rom hem heant tutu ours. It wat; a deep and hallowed somnething-or Somneone- that even today we cant explain. 1 Beautifulv. as a mnorning glory opens! to the' hght. site was unf olding to hem'1 "scamps" a pirtur' of God anid a vis-' ion of the' Christ that haunt us toi Ibis day. The Superintendent o! the scbool nearly fainted one afternoon when one of the Ladies' Aid stopped hilm on the street to incuire: "Did you 1 know that that bunch of rsacals in; Mrs. Hendersons class wants ta give the church an umbrella standi?" Tbe war, I thimk it was, broke us up. We were ail just about old enougb ta go. Steve went first: be sailed witb the First Division. When they picked up wbat was lef t of bim in the underbrush of the Argonne, they f ound near hlm a blood-and- mud stained testament that had been blown f rom the pocket of bis blouse. It wasn't a "Y" testament. On the tom fiy-leaf was wrtten, in a tiny, irregular. feminine band: "Greatttr love hath no man than this-" The rest was gone. She still thinks she wiil hear Steve some nigbt corne whistling down the street under tbe trees. ta sit awhile on tbe porcb. Tbe rest of us lived on. One went into the ministry. He preacbed in the old cburch last summer. and Sis- ter Henderson (83 her last birtbday) sat in pew nurnber one, on the cen- ter aisle. Sbe beld ber band cup- ped ta ber ear, af raid sbe'd miss sometbing; for eacb sentence be spoke seemed ta bang on tbe last. College bad polished bim; Theologi- cal Seminary had taugbt bim Greek and gestures and sermon outlines. But Sister Henderson bad taugbt him ta pray. Fred, the would-be errand boy, is teacber of Englisb Bible in a prep scbool. A spiritual glow bas cbased the devil out of bis deep and moody eyes. a glow that challenges every boy wbo cornes ta the scboal. He bas sent seven boys into tbe ministry. He is Secretary of the faculty. and men Say some day be will lead the scbool. But be bas tald me that he'd rather teacb Bible than be b ead-master. Another is a missionary-Cbina. Anotber bas the biggest store in town: could bave been rich a dozen t imes. bis 'ompetitors say. if he . wasn't s0 darned honest." Two are lawyers: one so "flnicky" that he won't take a case be knows ta be wrong. (Sister started him reat1îig about another young lawyer, named Lincoln.) So. in spite of ber infer- iority complex. Sister bas made out pretty well. She bas reacbed out into New York and Chicago and St. Louis and Pasadena and-Cbina. Around tbe world she bas sent ber boys-and ber God. Marvelous? Miraculous? Na. there wasn't any miracle. Only the sym- pathy and interest of a quite ordin- ary womnan. who saw, back of aur lively miscbief, the motion of a bid- den fire. And that interest developed into a systematic study. on ber part. ta kindle that spark of devotion into flame. She bad notbing more (nor as mucb) than any of the rest of us bad. ta start witb. But tbe secret of ber success was that sbe trained berself, in a day when there were no books on "Child Psycholagy." or "Teacher Training," for tbe task she f elt God bad placed in ber trembling, anxious bands. Are you one of tbose folk wbo "teacb a class of boys"? And do you ever say: "I wonder, sometimne3, bow I ever put Up witb tbem"? And bave you feit tbat strange sometbing -or Someone-telling you ta go on. and on. eacb time you want to quit? Then study, teacber. Train your- self: for it lies witbin your power ta s0w tbe seeds of God. The beart of every squirming, miscblef -plotting boy is fertile soil: soil that already bolds a tiny spark af the celestial fire. Klndle ItL Feed IL. Make it glow. How? Bless you, bow sbould I know? There are a tbousand ways, ten tbousand metbods af teacher- training. Yau may not know bow. Sister Henderson didn't know bow- but she found out. And because sbe dld, we wxno wore ber ungovernable "scamps" bave dis- appointed tbe town gosslps: we bave ,flot been In jail; not one bas gone ta the bad. Everyone of us today is enlisted beneatb tbe banners of tbe Christ. KEEPING TOGETHER Jini was on the road most a! tbe week and bis constant moving made correspondence difficult. But he and bis fiancee saw the way out--caUJng eacb ather regularly by Long Dis- tance. Now tbey neyer feel far away fram eacb ather. 15 Pounds In Few Months McCOY'S Cod Liver Extract Tablets "Yaur tablets bave not only i- creased my welgbt 15 pounds ia f cw montbs but made me cheerfl and more anlmated," 50, wrltes a pro- fessianal organist. Sbe closes by saying-"My case was difficult- stubborn-your tablets are wonder- f ul." Naw you knaw baw ta gain wclgbt. Qet 60 lablets for 60 cents at any dnuggist anywere-just asIc for Mccoy's. Have Your Eyes Examlned Consuit our Registered Optomnetrlst R. M. MITCHIELL - Latest Methods - -Modern Instruments - M.N. Mitchell & Co. Druggists - Optomnetrints Phone 92 Visit to Holyroo d House Col. Charles R. McCullough Describes in a Most Fascinating Manner His Visit to This Ancient Palace in Scotland Puil li :tlt h e kind permission of TieI m nSî ttr Continued f romn last week) 0 f the love-lom Cbastelard witb bis royal mistress. He was discovered In 1332, wben Edward the Tbfrd's 1 bidden beneatb tbe romantic lady's armny was about to retire into Eng-! couch and let go. as it were, on "de- land, the sacred place was laid waste f erred sentence." On tbe second oc-, and its precious vessels af gold and casion. however, the comedy was silver carried off in the time-honored converted. like 50 many tbings in fashion of the despoilers of "Qod's Marys life, into stark tragedy, for chosen people" af an older day. Re-, the youthful favorite was condemned storation f oilowed restoration. Tben- to deatb. Tbis was in 1563. came the English again under tYteir Assuredly. tbe buman side of rare second Richard and rutblessly burn- aid Holyraod transcends tbe struct- ed the monastery. This was hall a ural. Ancient or modern architect- century after tbe despoliatian by the ure. or the remains of its former af oresaid Edward. glanies, makes a strong appeal ta Let us recal. too, that tbe lord most men. The mere fact, bowever, bigb treasurer af Scatland, Archibald that bere or tbere some figure in Crawl urd, was nommnated here 50 life's great drama played bis part in long ago as 1437 as abbot of Holy- this very' place invests the building rood. He proceeded ta England on or uins with an interest beyond that livers occasions in tbe role of am- 0f the saaring arcb and the great bassador. One of bis commissions window that display an artistry was that of matcbmaker between witbaut wbicb the world wauld be bis royal master, James II, and the poorer. daugbter of the f ourth Edward of We were keen an getting a grasp England. It proved, bowever, a slip 0f the setting and a sense of the and not a true laver's kiiot. atmospbere, however, of these little To this great churcbman and dip- chambers, wberein a great cast 0f lomat we owe much for the alter- characters produced a bit of drama ations and embellishments ta the that wiUl be remembered long after abbey of bis day. Here lie departed these too solid floars and walls have this 1f e and was entombed in the crumbled into dust, as they who abbey some nine years bel ore Columi- played their parts in that Marcb bus sigbted the outposts 0f the con- Saturday nigbt, three bundred and tinent f rom wbicb we came ta see sixty-tbree years bef are, are but dust this bistoric sbrine and ta add and ashes naw. somewhat ta the little Scottisb lome Before the curtain ises let us ex- we bad earlier acquired by word or amine the list of players: Mary, reading, for Scottisb history makes Mary's second busband, Darnley, special appeal ta Canadians. Bothwell, destined ta succeed the A trifie over four bundred years former in the samne relation ta tbe aga James Fiftb erected bere a royal Queen. Lady Argyll (lady in wait- residence adjaining the Abbey1 ing>. Erskine (captain of the guard), church. During the irruption 0f the Robert Stewart, George Douglas (and high-banded Hertford, some years bis dagger). Rutbven, Morton, and after the building of Holyroad bouse. the charming Italian secretary and the abbey and palace were almost favorite of Mary. David Rizzia. wbo reduced ta ashes by the invading shares the center of the stage for a ~trops.time with the royal lady. It was an An industriaus looter named Lea «'ail-star" cast. carried off the brazen font in wbich emysflasuettth the cottsh kngswerewontto nclemency of Marcb hurls itself christen the royal boad. Sir Rich- agaxatit the castle walls whilst the ard, for Lea was a bald. bad knight, tiny supper room of lber majesty is bestowed the stolen property upon bight with candleligbt and the tab- the cbumch of St. Albans, in Hert- le set xith a fair clotb and fitting f ordshire. The presentation in- paeadgas twsaslc scription ordered by this souvenir pate ad gsts i was asle colectr as ypialy isulr;aftrýall the chamacters in the drama. recitmng its accustomed use for royal'IHwvr nadto oteLd children only. the inscription told1 Argyll, Rizzio, at least. was present bow now the font was made avail-, "in persan" as we of the mavie age able for the same service '"even ta might put it. The fare was likely the meanest of the Englisb nation." f eadtewnssc sMr It ededgradilquenly ith "La. earned t0 favor in the court of sun- the conquerer. bath so commanded. Iny France. The wit would be sprigbt- Adieu. A. D., 1543, in the 26tb year of1 ly if the queen were gay. Rizzio, too. wain LaHnVI. fcus,' would not f ail in the gentle art of was inLatij table talk. 0f the lady in waiting Wbat a choice subiect the late Sir niuch would not be required. at pres- Richard would bave been for the et mdtecatradmri peerless Gilbert and Sullivan ta in- ent. an ugîthe ck werandtmckat corparate in an opera entitled. et us the chamber door. An unwanted say. Lea the Lifter. Notwitbstand- get ing tbe engraýing bestawed upon it uet the font was taken by vandals in the Morton, il would appear. had se- tumultuous times of Charles and cured these very doars and passages sold as scrap ta make. doubtless. by which we curiaus Canadians bave other vessels a! lesser bonor. The re- came or are ta leave. The drunken doubtable Somerset, protectar dur- Darnley, probably extra-primed for ing the minarity af Edward tbe the occasion, came on as best be Sixtb (successor to bis father. Henry could with Rutbven by the narrow the Eightb). sent two af bis generals spiral stair that led directly into the after the Battle af Pinkie ta suppress supper room wbere Mary's party sat. Holyraad. The cburcb was pillaged. Morton and bis felaows came by the the belîs taken f rom its tawer and main staimway, through the presence the lead removed f rom the roof s of chamber, passed tbrougb the queen's the buildings. bedroom and halted wbilst the glant Five years before this, that is In Darnley, closely Iailowed by Ruth- 1542, the Scots army intent on in- yen. broke in on the supper paty. vading England, bad met witb 50 Mary, indignant, ordered Rutbven great a disaster at Solway Mass at ta leave the raom. He stayed. Wbat the bands o! Dacre's few bundred the brutal husband said ta bis royal Englisb borse, as to break tbe beart wife need not be set down bere. of Sctland's king, James the Fil tb. Rest assured be put ail tbe venam o!f It was ta bis infant daugbter that be bis seven-foot persan into the foul lef t bis barrled kingdom. This wee wards. mortal was no less a person than aur (Mary was ta give blrtb ta a fut- own Mary Queen of Scots, i whase ure king of Scotland and England, private apartmient you bave been James VI and I, witbin 3 manths. standing whilst your "unofficlal ob- But Rizzio, nat Mary, was tbe server" bas been revlewlng the bis- quarry. He took refuge at first be- tory of a piece of ecclesiastical bind the table. There was crasbinc brassware. af glass, f aling candies, confusion 0f c tongues-and a terror-stricken fav- It would aooear that my lard pro- oritaofr4,,n final nroteci.., khi,4. tector, Somerset, baâd-brakeén în-to bbc- Scottish bouscbold in Ibis warlike f ashlan ta f urtber a pet plan o marrying bis royal master Edwardf In due course, ta tbe sovereign o! the Scots. The young queen o! the nortb, bowever, eluded the all-too-slrenu- ous matcbniaker by escaping ta France and tbere aller lapse af time, entering the state o! mabrlmony at the age o! filteen, as the consort of the Dauphin, afterwards Francis tbe Second. At nineteen Mary was a widow. Sbe presently bade famewell ta tbe faim land af France and taklng sbip landed at Lellb In an ensbroud- lng log in 1561. Wben my Lord Somerset wenl a- woolng as proxy I on bis boy king, prayers bad been ardered in the churches o! England "for the peace o! aIl Christian reglans" and for "tbe most godly and happy marriage af the klng's majesty and the yaung queen o! Scotland." At filteen, as we bave seen, Mary bad married, elsewbere, and at sixteen the seriaus son a! the mucb-marrled I ather and Jane Seymour, dled. 0 0*. the queen. One candie onby remain- ed burnlng; this was hebd by tbe Lady Argyll. By its glitteming igbt tbey tare the victini from clutcbed skirts of the queen and dragged hlm screaming tbrougb the sleeping apatment af Mary, and fInally inta tbe audience chamber, wbere Doug- las' dagger struck the first blow. As with Caesar of old. Rizzlo's body was the target for many dreadful wounds, until the conspirators had done hlm to death. Tbey tbrew bis bleeding body down the stairs and eventually cast it m tb e porter's lodge, ta stif - f en there througbout the balance of the awful night. The queen commanded that the spot stalned witb the 111 e-blood 0f ber youtbful secretary be pamtitloned off so tbat the marks "shulde e- mane as ane memonill ta quycben' and confirm bher revenge." And she bided ber lime and bad it in full measure, when Botbwell's gun- powder blew Up the provost's bouse, in which lay the convalescent Darn- bey. in the early boums of the lentb of February. 1567. Mary was once mare in aid Edin- When dayligbt came tbey lound burgb and boused wberc we are as- bbe remains af the king-consort and sembled to-day. This was almost bis attendant in a nearby orchard, bal! a century belore Canada's "an- wbere the explosion was said ta bave cient capital" was establisbed an thei thmown tbem. old rock o! Quebec! How very deep,** are the roats a! Scottisb blstory. . The sound a! the bamn, nal a! the Certain happenings o! a !Marcb bunter, but o! bbe mator, calîs us nigbt of the f ateful year 1566, baw- f rom Ibis Ibeater o! romance and ever, invest these rooms o! Holyrood tmagedy, ta take. amongst other with sometbing more than venemable tbings, the air o! the Braid bilîs, and 1age. Heme was turned the tide ao aebfIewyo Qenfmy ; Scottish bistory in a drama o! in- wbere many a crowned bead o! Scot- 1 Ligue and tragedy as progressive in land, including Mary. was ferried its intensity and as certain in its aven the Farth en route la Halyroad Ifatal ending as anylblng done in a or the ather castle on Edinburgb's Qreek Iheater in more emote days. ancienL rock. How is it thal stanies o! battle. n h mnurder and sudden death-& scan- Maybe the genial bailles a nd he dal-attract so mucb inîerest o! bord provost's secretany, with bo otherwise peace-lovlng and rlgbt-lv- we are, mas' stop the mator at the ing people? 1 Old Hawes Inn" (lavored by Rab-1 Assutming Ihal "now il miay be, ert Louis Stevenson in Kidnapcd, told" wve necaîl that Ibere was a[ and by Waltcr Scott in The Anti- choice bit o! iltle-lattle curent in: quamyl and permit partaking a! ils 1Holymood bouse associatitig the name' good cheer! ITS THE MARK OF DISTINCTION AND VALUE-THE FASHION-CRAFT LABEL. 0 FOR VALUE LA'HION-eRE leadership gives you more in style, fabrics and toiloring. Ulsters in rich chinchillas, warm fleeces in color and style most becoming to you. From $25 S. nCChao8 Sale Agent BOWMANVILLE *V~7 t? u SOUR STOMAC H JUST a tasteleas dose cf Phillipa' Milk of Magnesia in water. That is an alkalh, effective, yet harmless. It has been the standard anti-arjd for 50years among physicians every- where. One spoonful will neutralize at once many times ils volume in acid. Il is the 'igA way, the quick, pleasant and le.cient way to kilt the excess acid. The stomach be- cornes sweet, the pain departs. V'ou are happy again in live minutes. Don't dep'end on crude mebhods. in poy bbce best way yet evolved iail the yearsof se,,hing. That is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. Be. sure ta gel the genuine Phillips' Mlilk of Mlagnesin pre- scril)ed by physicians for 50 years in correcting excess acids. Rememher--the genuine is al- ways ta liquid. lb cannaI be made in tahlet form. Look for the narne Phillips'. Il is lways an the wrapper for yuur protection. Drugstores everywhere have the 50c baIlles. 0 One Standard Quality AT PRICES BELOW STANDARD if you look for quality in building materlals you wul b. attracted here. And If you look for economy you wlll b. doubly attracted. We upply ail type of construction materaLsý-froni materls for miner alterations and repairs te, complete houses. Get acquainted wth our low prices. We know we can save you money on every klnd of construction work. Estimates cheerfuily furnlshed. McCLELLAN & CO. Phions 15 Bowmavile F 1.7 147 #Tf*7'07 '0 Y 1071#7 '07 1*7 '07,07 107 1*716,7107, (# 1 -4-7 -0 1 -#-7 -4-7 -.,y -. -1 -. 7 le

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