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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Nov 1930, p. 3

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THE CANADIAN ESTATES)MAN, BOWKLANVILLIE, THURSDAY, NOVMMER Sth, 1930 PG EE HOSPITAL SUPERINTENDENT BOWMANVILLE IVILL NOT REVIIEWS YEAR'S WORK BREAK FA Mrs ForeceSmyth Gives Compre- It is twelve years this auti Ms FloRorte nui etig since the belîs of the Armn oefsHosRportatual Meetin sounded. and quietness and p of Hspial Bardsettîed over ail those far-flung It sems ike brining oals tleti lines. wherc for four longy It sems ike"brigin coas t the tierce struggle had raged. Newcastle" but with your permission to-day those war-torn filds we will review the work of the Hos- healed of their wounds; little vi]l pital during the past year- The'aersn gi;satrdcu statistical report shows an increase aelift ng againshattters;ed ch in the days stay of patients there jltsse twers t the ilskyf; the being 5079 in 1929 and 5435 in 1930. and the grapes are ripe again in Total number of operations perforni- vineyards of France. There isp ed 209. Births 86. Patients who re- over ail the land, as sunset falls ceived treatment who were not res- greatest peace and silence in the ident totailed 40. Number o! X-Rays iest of ail those areas, the ci taken wxas 24. There are two gradu- crowned acres wherein thew ate nurses on the staff and eight warriors rest. For themn the arni nurses in training. There are six em- trumpets did not mean rest1 ployees. battle, and the tires o! home aga The Graduation Exorcises were To them peace had corne eai held in June and two nurses were but in foreign filids. Only ins awarded diplomas. Since then these should we ever f eel their pres nurses were successful in passing the again, in the places they had Ic examination for Registration. They died that we migt live.j A general grievance with mnany of have been twoive years dead, and the hospitals is the difficuity in somo those twelve years o!fiich, fuil cases of identitying the previous res- in the land on which their mi idence o! a non-pay patient and eyes may neyer look again. Car thorefore of making collection f rom break faith, with them, with aUl some municipality or other o! the army of men, who so gaily Il per diem rate for that patient. The their iives away? Royal Commission on Public Wel- "To you f rom faiiing hands we tl fare appointed to investigate Hospit- the toi-ch, plIS of Ontario recommends that if Be yours to hoid it high! the present Ontario Hospital Act is If yo break f aith. with us who to be continued it should be amended We shahl not sleep, viz - when a patient who has been Though poppies blow living in a portion o! Ontario in In Fianders filds." which there is no municipal organ- To us they have le! t their br( ization or who has not established coi-ades, their wives and their residence as defined in this Act is tie chiidren. Only in 50 ferw admitted to a Hospital, the Treas- see that none o! these suffers( urer o! the Province shaîl pay the in need because o! war losses di Hospital the charges not exceeding keep fith with those who sIeep $1.75 per day, in addition to the ai- neath those allen skies. lowance per day made in the case o! It is a hard, hard time in the ail indigent patients residing in the Of Canada. There is unemployir Province o! Ontario. During the past; need, hungriness and cold: thei year we have had three cases mx doubt and fear as to the future, which residence was flot established. in ail theso ilis, Bowmanville This commissioner made a number of been more fortunate, and hes si recommendations. One which would ed iess than most parts o! Can eff ect Bowmanviiio Hospital is No. 4 At the very time in August thl viz -That Provincial and Municipal' national committee was meetinl grats e mde ayale n te cseOttawa to discuss ways and ni grats e mde ayale n te cseot handling these problems, of infants as well as aduits. This is 1Statesman was able at that tii- important as it would reduce mater-, state that there was littie or no nity costs.1 employment in Bowmanvilie. Bowmanville Hospital is an active whiie that is true, there is stilli member o! the Ontario Hospital As- adwn hars aaaa socitio whse ott is"Sevic todisabied soidiers and their dep( the sick and the Suffering," 'Pro- 'ents, especialîy in those groups vl motion of Heath Education'. May are not entitîed to pensions. MJ I cuote f rom Dr. Gordon P. Jackson is such need right bore in Bowi. Medicai Health Off icer, Toronto. In ville, and for its relief, the Fc an address given at a convention o!, Day Committee must rely on Ontario Hospital Association he said, people of Bowvmanviiie. As in "A Hospital properiy organized fi- dark days of war Bowmanvilie i nanciaily sound, adequateiy staffed faitered, so in these days o! an efficientiy conducted is probably one certain peace, she must not fail. of the greatest assets that any comn- I er answer, in no uncertain to munîty can acquire. It strengthens the appeal of the Canadiai Lel faith, it emanates hope it breathes wich is conducting a Poppy Da3 charity to the afflicted. It is a centre Saturday. Nov. 8th. to which poor tortured bodies turn "We wiil not break faith. for comfort and cure. It is a pilar of those who 'lied.' light that guides us mortals through' the shadows and directs our foot-! steps to the patbs of health. 1 CANADIAN LEGION CORNEI During the past year redecoration, was quite extensively carried out.; Regular monthly meeting of C Considerabie plastering was required adian Legion will be held in S.0 in different mooms and a new ceiling Hall on Friday, Nov. 7th, at 8 o'c] in the Roception Room. Walls wei-e sharp. Applications for memboî painted in corridors on two floora, ai-e coming in quite steadily and also in Public Wards and elgt be presented to the meeting. I Morris.will be an invitation o! the applicE Mrs. D. McCuilough, dec- whose names were read at the orated the walls, laid linoleum on the meeting and whoso applications I floor and completeiy refurnished a been approved by the Memberî room, now known as the McCulough Committee. 'omne and make yc Room. selves familiar with this impres Bowmanville Rotary Club decor- ceremony. orated its room and laid linoleum on Ail members are requested te the floor. The I.O.O.F. Lodge decor- tend this meeting and receive tl plied a very great many thinga e.g. Legion membership badges1 ated its room. cards. As ail members who wil The Womnen's Auxiliary have sup- able to be present at the Armis shoots. sproads. piîîow slips, towels Memorial Service will be expectec gowns curtains, dishes, etc. A ne'v wear their Legion badge, it is par Singer sewing machine is a very val- ulariy desired that ail o! the si uable and use! ul acquisition. six badges in the hands o! the Se( The hospital has received wonder- tai-y will be called for. fui support f rom ths band o! work- The Poppy and Memorial Comn ers ho ae evr redy t proidetee wiil tell you wiat tiey have d orswhoareeve radyto rovdeand what they hope to accompl necessarY supplies and materlals. Your executive held a meeting Fri Wo extend oui- most sincero thanks night and arranged the details to, the different organizations and the Armistice Day Memorial Sen individuals who have so gonerously which will be hold at the Cenota contributed to the support Of the Weatîor conditions permitting, i Hospital recognizing in the giving o! anticîpated that the total attenda tiese gifts an evidence ot sympathy et the Memnorial Service wiil ami witi the work o! the Hospital. We to tweîvo îundred, at least one-th are greatly indebted to the doctors Jof the total population of Bowin wio have given so much time and ville. have lectured to the n-urses5. This wiil be the first Ai-misi Realizing the importance o!f food service te be hold under the auspi in the troatment o! the sick it seems o! the Canadian Legion in Bowi desirable to procure instruction for- ville and every miember is expec Nurses by a qualifled dietitian, Somne to becpi-sent and participato in stops migit be taken in connection Serviceofo Remembrance o! that L with the Higi School Board to se- ion o! oui- Failen Comi-ades, wic cure this. sea. by land, and in the air i their lives for their King and Coi LADIS' OSPIAL UXILAEY try. LADIS' OSPTAL UXUARY Saturday, November 8th, will Poppy Day. Do not forgot y Much Commendable Work Accom- comi-ade, uis family or his wlci pllshed by This Worthy Organisation wîo neecis holp. Buy a Poppy- Ini the report of the Ladies' Hos- Flower o! Rememrbrance. pital auxiliary presonteci by its Pros- ident Mrs. V. H. Storey at the annual meeting o! the Hospital Board Mon- day night a very successful year was recorded. At the annual collection in Decem- ber a very generous sum was cnrb uted by citizons. There was the usual Chistmas for the patients andi nur- ses. In Mai-ch the hospital birthday party, tea being served at the con- clusion. In May the hospital bridge party 'was heid in the new auditorium o! the> High Sehool with the i-e!rosit- ment and decorations provided by the auxiliai-y. Ref reshments and dec- orations were also provideci for the nurses' graduation in June. The following articles provlded for the hospîtal by the auxiliary during the past year, 6 pairs flannel- ette blankets. 6 pairs woollen blank- ets, 38 yards o! linon, 50 yards linon tea towels, 238 yards o! sheeting. 107 yards linon crash towelling, 2 dozen face towois, 2 dozen bath tow- els,2 towels. 2 dozen bath towels. 62 yards o! pillow cotton, yards o! cur- tain net, 6 strainers. children's bed gowns, bal! dozon patients' dressing gowns, 2dozen napkins, 2 dozon dam- ask napkins. 1 dozen dish clotis, 1 Singer sewing machine, 1 Nesco oil stove, 1 boit o! curtain mnaterial and yard o! curtain net, 6 strainers, kit- cben utensils to the value o! $8.50. Fluanclal Statement Roceipts-Balance on Hand $155. - 12; Fees $12.00; Christmas collection, $355.83: lnterest $3,89; annual do- nations, $84.01; refund. $2.50; home cooking sale, $4.55: bridge party, TRINITY MISSION CIRCLE Held Its Monthiy Meeting at Home of Miss Spargo Trinity Mission Circle held its monthly meeting n PJursday even- ing, October 30th. at the home of Miss Spargo, Manvers Road. Mrs. Chambers, president, conducted the worship service entitled "Adventur- ing for the Kingdom of God." The study book "Anti of Ava" was taken by Miss Spargo and Mrs. D. J. Chambers. Mrs. Chambers render- ed a solo, "Only a Little Way" which was much enjoyed. The i-oll cal was conducted by Miss Betty Sar- gent, each one present answering by readlng a littie thoughtful quotation. At the close of the meeting ie! res- ments were served and a social time spent. The next meeting of the Mission Circle will be held at the home of Mrs. Ruby Daniels, Brown Street, on November 251h, at 8 p. m. $19995; Total, $817.47. Expenditures-Total $587 .13 Balance on hand-$230.34. The off icers of the Auxiliary are, President-Mrs. V. H. Storey; lst. vice-president-Mrs. F. W. Goddard; 2nd vlce-pres.-Mrs. L. A. Tole; treas- urer-Mrs. A. L. Nicholîs; Cor.-sec.-i Mrs. J. ONeil: rec-sec--Miss L. Pet- ers; executive-Mrs. T. E. Flaxmnan, Mrs. P. J. Manning, Mrs. T. Tod, Mrs. M. H. Minore, and Mrs. J. Spencer. .-. In t= umUrnrUmrnuu YOUR FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE Phone 164 BOWMANVILLE. mmumrnmmmmu More for Your Money DURING 3 BIG DAYS Thur., Fri., Sat. Nov. 6-7-8 Women's Gloves 37c Knltted Gloves of wool, silk and wool, and plain knlt heather mixtures, some with fancy turned cufs and others with ribbed cuifs, colorings of camel, grey, mode and black, in ail women's sizes; regular 50c to 75e qualities. DURING THREE 37 BIG DAYS, per pair,.,.... 37 Boys' Wool Gloves 35c Boys' fine honeycomb knit wool Gloves, popular camel shade; seamiless style, made with snug ribbed cufs; in ail sizes for boys. Usuaily sold at 5Oc. DRUINO THREE BIG DAYS, per pair ,. 35c FU LL -FAS H ÊCN E I) HOSIERy ~f79? Washable Art Silk Hose Washable Art Silk Hose, service wight, suitable for Fail and Winter wear. A beautifully clear, oven weave, tippoci with colored striping on hem; pointed heels. Every pair perfect. Colors: Aftei-noon, Beeclinut, Gunniotal, Light Gunmetal, Muscadine, Suntan, Black, etc. Sizes 81/ to 10. Secure your Winter's supply at our very 10w pice.7e DURING THREE BIG DAYS, per pair.........79 2Pisfor .... .$ 1.50 Reliable Electrie Heaters $2.98 Concave Reflector, 12-ixci bowl, 6-inch metal base, 12 metal guards; removable Nichrome heating elomont, f ully mnsuiated; fitted with cord attachment and two- piece plug. Early buyers will got tiem. $2 DURING THREE BIG DAYS, oaci . 298 Children's Knit Gloves 35c A splendid assortment of fancy and plain knit and brusheci wool style knit Gloves, with fancy combination coloring on cu.ffs andi hands, grey, mode, sanci, etc.; sizes for chilciron f rom five to twelve yoars. Regulai- 45c to 75e values. DUR- INGTHEEBI DYSý ýý .35c 3 Pairs for $1.00 Men's Leather Work Mitts 79c Nien's Leather Work Mitts, lined with knitted wool, horse-hide front with split horse-hide back; some with comfort rol storm cuf; others snug elastie knitted cuifs; regular $1.00 to $1.25 value. >f, DURINO 3 BIG DAYS, per pair.7c New Printed Silk Fiat Crepe Pure Silk Fiat Crepe printed in the now- e.ft designs. This superior material meas- ures 371/2 wide and comnes in the wanted now Fail colors of cricket green, wnetone, autumn brown, independent blue, and black grounds. DURINO 3 9 BIG DAYS, per yard.-... $1.0n Irish Linen Luncheon Sets $1.29 An attractive set, consisting of Cloth 52 x 52 incItes, wlth 6 Napkins to match; pure Ilsh linon crash; in dainty sold colorngs, with hoavier outllne borders of saine color. givixg two-tone effect; rose, blue, gold and green, regular $2.00 value. DURINO 1 2 THIREE BIG DAYS, per set...... $1.2 21-inch Pure Linen Tea Towelling 23c Heavy Scotch weave, 21 inch pure linon Tea Towelling, firm and very absorbent, woven with wide border striplngs in pastel coiorings; good value at 30c. DURINO THREE BIG DAYS,23 per yard . .. .. .. .. 3 Walker's Big Beauty Soap Four ounces of good quality Soap, lilac and rose. Sec- ure your supply of this reg-' ular 10c cake. DURINO THIREE BIG 5 DAYS 5 Silk and Wool Bloomers 98c Women's knitted Fail and Winter weight Bloomers, in two styles; silk and wool mix- ture, in cream, peach and flesh, pure wool with rayon trim.ming in green-maize, blue-maize, cream-flesh; both styles In standard, mediumi and large; regular $1.50 value. DURING THREE 8 BIG DAYS, per pair ....... 8 Hot Water Bottie 89c Full capacity two-quart bottle; extra heavy guage moulded seatnless smooth red rubber; made with heavy edges and mirror finish; with standard Schrader non-leak stopper. A f ully guaranteed bottle worth $1.50. See these at our store early. DuRING 8on THREE BIG DAYS, each.....09 Ruffled Curtain Sets $1 .45 Ruffled Curtain Sets o! fine cream scin, comprising valance 50 incites x 12 incies, wti curtains 21/4 Yds. x 25 inches, wlti tlebacks; daintlly trlmmed wti 3-inci pi-inteci rayon insertion and ruffleci sciin edglngs; cream ground wti color effects o! Rose, '13iue, Golci and Green; regular $2.00 value. DURING THREE BIG DAYS, per set complote ... . .. ..... $1.45 I I 1x Exquisite NEW DRESSES Pure Silk Canton Crepe The pure Silk Canton Crepo used in these Dresses is o! hoavy quality, particularly sultable for Fanl and Winter wear. Corne to the store during Three Big Days and see these dresses. You'U flnd ail the new autumn colorings o! cricket green, manilla brown, winetone, navy and black. Several difforent styles includlng bolero, cowl neckhinos, fiai-es, Russian tunle andi stralght lino effeets; in sizes 16 te 20 years ad36 to 44. $89 DURINO THREE BIG DAYS ia9 A Great Bath Towel Value 29e 20 x 42 luches. Several Pattern.s 20 x 42 inches large andi very absorbent Turkish Towels, heavihy nappoci, in fawn and natural colored grounds wlth f ancy contrast- ing striping o! blue, golci, red, etc. Usuaily solc f rom 40e to 45e. DURINO THREE BIG DAYS,29 oaci 9 Women's Pyjamas $1.39 Women's Pyjamas, made of fine soft Flannelette, white, peach, Pink-, and blue, in tuck-in and regular styles, with taiiored as well as V neck; coilar, cuifs and walstband trimmed with fancy patterned flannelette, standard, medium and large sizes; regular $2.00.9 DURING THIREE BIG DAYS, per suit $ . Flannelette Pyjamas for Children 95c Children's Pyjamas in flrm, soft, cosy, warm flannelette, in colors of white, pink, peach and blue, with contrasting colored trinunings on pockets, collar and cuifs; made button front style, with silk frogs, and patch pockets. Sizes for age six to fourteen. Good value at $1.25. DUR- ING THREE BIG 5 DAYS, per suit.- .. .....95 Men's Fine Linen Handkerchjefs 19c Ultra-fine quality, 17 x 17 inch Pure lin Handkerchlef for men, 1/,-inch hemstltch- ed hem; exceptionaily goodvalue at 25c. DURING THREE BIG DAYS,' each .. .. . . . . . . . . .. 19 or e by the dozen............. qf-2 Pure Linen Damask Table Cloths $1.59 64 x 64 inch pure Irish linon hemmed Daxnaak Table Cloth, good heavy quallty, lustrous finish, several floral designs. excellent value at $2.25. DURLIN $,5 THREE BIG ]DAYS, euch..........$15 Men's Pyjamas $1.49 Men's fuil-sized Flannelette Pyjamas made from splendid sof t Flannelette Pyjama Cioth, in attractive striped patterns of blue, pink and sand, colored sllk froga; In smail, medium and large; regulariy $2.00. DURINQ THREE BIG DAYS, per suit ... .....$ .49 Exereise Books 10e Students' black covered EDx- orcise Book, 7 x 9 inches, contains 144 pages, feint and mai-gin ruied paper for pen and ink use. Regular 20e value. Lay in a good suppiy. DURMON3 1 BIG DAYS, oach i O PAY CASH AND BUY FOR LESS murnmrnmrnmmmmmm e WALKER STORES LIMITED "ýt, 9fý PAGI TER= "-àeÊ, 4ý

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