PAON FOUR TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 6th. 1930 MAPLE GROVE REFLECTIONS (Contlnued f rom last week> Do You Recal- WHEN Francis Maroney Flnn,a converted priest, was one of the firsi preachers in the "new" brick churcli' He preached s0 bard and Sa, louc lie could be heard on the lawns half a mile away. WHEN the big event of the Winter was the oyster supper on the "7th af January" celebrating the anniversary of the Sons of Temperance? On these occasions M. A. James was the official chairman, with bis daughters, Etta and Sophia, asslstlng in the programmes? WHEN George Cook was the "lBuckwbeat King," and bis f amiliar expression was "the poarer the land the better the buckwheat." WHEN the gypsies camped an- nually at Gimblett's Corners, and a hal! fearful fascination f el upon the school children and the chlcken roosts? wHEN I'Rupe"l Mason f rom Town was a frequent visitor at the Orove on bis bigli bicycle, and later with bis "safety"l bicycle with bard tires, the flrst of its kind in this part o! the world? The world bas moved f ast smnce those days. No doubt "Raupe"l is drlving a sixteen cylinder now, or perbaps navigatiflg the air. Watch for next installment. 'PUBLIC HEALTH REPORT fllphtheria Toxoid Being Given to New Pupils Atteninfg Sehool Report of Public Healtb Nurse for October is as follows: Homes visited 136; Individuals vs- lted 212. Visits ta: Prenatal cases 3; Aduit 13; Infant 57; Pre-scbool 64; Re physical defects (schoal age) 68; Re communicable skin disease 2; Miscelaneous visits 7; Social wel- fare 5; Not found 10. Child Weif are Canferences held 5; total attendance 61; no. infants 37; pre-schools 24. Schaol Report: Visits to schools 39; Class room inspections 12; Pupils lnspected 471; Re-admissions 66; Treatments 27; Sent home 9. Diphtheria Toxoid is being given ta the new pupils in the schools by Dr. W. H. Birks, M.O.H 67 pupils received the flrst dose of Toxoid this month. Olga L Tod, Public Health Nurse TOWN CHOIR EXCHANGES WITH TORONTO CHOIR Sunday evening, November 2nd, Trmnity Choir exchanged with Car- man Cburcb Choir, Toronto. Farty- six members of Trinity choir took the opportunity of participating in this great treat. The music was well rendered and the congregation seem- ed to enjoy a change as weil as aur own home church. Many words of appreciation were extended ta the vlsiting choir. Ater cburcb the ladies served a dainty lunch, f o110w- ed by a vote o! thanks by Dr. C. W. Siemon and responded ta by Rev. McClintock, pastor of Carman church. A most enjoyable time was spent by ail. WHITE SHIELD CLUB A most enjoyable Haliowe'en Party was celebrated by the White Shield Club at the home of Mrs. T. Mc- Mullen, Scugog Street, on Friday, October 3lst. There was a splendid dlsplay o! costumes in keeping wth the occasion, which al belped to- ward the mirth o! the gatbering. Fortune teiling by cards was a very popular amusement and everyonei had pienty o! thrlfls looking ita the future. Lots of f un was enjoy-1 ed by aUi n the Hailowe'en games that were staged, and smail prizes1 vere awarded the wnning contest- . ants. Prizes for the best costume1 were won by Mrs. T. Brookbam, lst,i and Mrs. A Darcb 2nd. Best comlc,i Mrs. C. Clapp, as a Hoboo, took lst,1 and Mrs. Buttonshaw, black cat, 2nd.1 Prizes were also won by Mrs May-1 nard and Mrs. Darcli for the beani guesslng contest. Re!resbments were1 served and a happy social hall hour1 spent cbatting and readlng tea cups,1 mter whlcb a very bearty vote of1 t.hanks was given Mrs. McMullen fori lier klndness in openlng ber home, and was responded ta by ail slnglng "For she's a Joily good feilow,- and1 thus endlng another most dellgbtfui meeting.1 BARN $8 TO $10 PMR DAY Ambitioua, relabi. mon wanted at on«.. Part time pay whIIa training for Aviation Moohanice, Garage Woric, Oriving, Bat. tory, Eletrie Acetylone Waldlne, Houa. Wirine, Indutriel Elsotrioity, Machinlat,t *ricklayinu, Placterl1ng, Drafting, sarber. Ina and i4alrdreaeng. ^et quick, dot yowr J. A. Werry& Son Enuiskillen TORONTO CHOIR SINGS IN ORANGE ASSOCIATION ATTEND ______________________________________________ TRINITY UNITED CHFURCH1 ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH Choir o! Carman Church, Toronto,1 Masterly and Impressive Address a Exehanged With Trinity Choir 1 Delivered by Rev. W. J. Todd bSunday Evening 1 1) The chair of Carman United î On Sabbath evening, a speciai ser- jCburch, Toronto, exchanged wlth. vice under auspices of the Orange fTrinity Chair an Sunday evening, Association, was beld in St. Andrew'sMESN furnising a prgram of praise that Presyterian Curch, wen the was much enjoyed by the congrega- building was crowded ta its utmost rtian. The choir was led by Mr. j~. capacity. fT. Harries, with Mr. R. Weatherstone The local iadge, with members NES as organist. about fifty members be- fram ather districts, occupied theN ing present. centre seats, wearing their regalia, The antbems rendered were: Rend and many autstanding figures were Your Heart; Who Fatbams the Eter- amongst their number, including F. nai Thaught; Hail ta the Lord's An- W. Bawen, M. P.. and His Warship, nainted; and The Glory a! the Lord. Mayor M. J. EUlitt aA solo was àiso niceiy sung by Miss Speciai hynmn sheets had been pro- F r h rWinnifred Clark, (daugbter a! Mr. vided for the occasion, and this gave F E 1and Mrs. Ernest Clark, formerly o! additionali mterest ta the service. A this town), and a maie chorus "In suitable anthem was rendered by the Rev. J. U. Robins expressed the accompanied by Miss L. L. Bragg, the W EEKEND SELLJNG pleasure o! the congregation at the arganist. presence o! the visitars and their Bro. Rev. W. J. Tadd, minister a! splendid contribution ta the service the churcb. conducted the service o! praise. and preached an able sermon f rom h tM a Mr. Robins presented the message the text, 1 Samuel 17: 29-"And a! the Moderatora!teUid David said, Wbat have I now done? Cburch o! Canada, Rev. E. H.Olvr Is there nat a cause?" The stary D. D., and later in the service gave f rom wbicb the text is taken is one a brie! address fram the words: "As o! great interest and inspiration ta IoA I C ye hve herfor recive ChistaIl Bible students, and ta ail those Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in Him"lI wbose minds are open ta receive the - g Col. 2 :6; an appropriate conclusion truth. Let us now giance at some ta the Maderator's message, t o! the autstanding facts berein re- '- At the close the ladies served re- iated. Not long ago, the Philistines freshinents ta, the chair and a social were saundly beaten and put ta the time was enjoyed. worse, before Israei, and they wauid T O HELD TEMPERANCE RALLY rashness had ntpevne;but - bere we bave them making another Seeretary of Prohibition Union Ad- descent upon the Israelltes' country, ,il dressed Joint Meeting of Sunday and possessing themselves, as it e~~'d~ i R Sehools should seem, witb some part o! it, A TepernceRall ofTriityfor they encamped in a place which anSt Tepalsnce ay Sa! Trinit belonged ta Judah. They had prob- WINDBREAKERS TAPE-STRY RUNNERS MEN'S SILK & WOOL SOX anld. P' Sunday cbools weras abiy heard that Samuel had falien pices o! W. C. T. U. Mrs. L. A. Tole, out witb Saul, and forsaken him. and s olMcia id motdfo n ftefr- I ait fclrafn president, presided and after a hymn this news encouraged them ta make By'W o akn warmth Std rmon fth oe- I vleyofX war, afn andprye b Rv. . . obnsanother attempt for the retrieving breakers, that give great wrt most makers - a lovely color qualîty o for better Wasîze and praer by Rev.f0 CaJ.a U. R obisfa the credit they had iateiy last. and comfort, sizes 24 to 34; range to select from in various 10 to 111½, ands tHeenMingio! teOantled y The enemies a! the church, said Mss a Helen MrLatWthe rgan, ethe preacher, are watchful ta take Specially priced ..$19 eghan witsprcdpcaly rcd........4 c pressipn wastredb Mr L. . Dpel, dail advantages, and I hope we realise each legh n its rcdseilypie.......49c........ soo Th tage falie"b that fact in these days. Israel's $1 9 39c to $1.98 Mslo, . ake. h y ground wauid neyer have been foot- MNSW R A T Mr. .W.Cakr.Th juging for Philistine armies-if Israei E' OR A T people were addressed by Dr. Iwn ad been faithfui ta their God. TheBO SH SEPAD LNKTAthadeyc ptton on "Aicohol and Its Eff ects an thePiin fthe tratgyuedinby thesA hil-atdfycmptti Humn ody,,Re. D. estdi- nd hestrtey sedbythePhl-Boys' English Worsted Hose, We were fortunate in having 50 per pair ..... .... missed the gathering witb the bene- istmnes, through Goliath their proud prwol uaty n hehr ar ftes sftane inail sîzes frox$1.LO8 diction. representative and spokesman, was pr olqaiy i ete more paro hs otnpe nï _______described in a iucid and soul-stirring mixture or lovat effects; sizes blankets on order previous to the OBITUARY manner. Twice a day, morning and ____ng for farty days, did this in- 7 to 10, specially pricedc new tariff regulations which MEN'S WORK sox Miss Vida A. Worden, Toronto 1 sulis cha llonpeane bieod per pair ..................19 have put the future price of this The news af the passing away in heart grawing more and more praud blanket out of ail future consid- Two of the finest values in town, Simncoe Hospital o! Miss ViaA, for bis nat being answered, and theerto. T-a pre $38 guaranteed ail pure wool: 'Worden on Tuesday, October2 1h, people a! Israel mare and more tim- WOMEN'S HOSE prai. TO yprc 39 No. 1-27c pr; 3 pr. for 79c came as a shacli ta ber many rela- oraus, whiie Gad designed bereby ta Nopair.p; p.Oorur tives and f riends here. ripen bîm for destruction, and ta Women59Wooo.Casmere Hose 3rice.......... Miss Worden was barn in Bow- make Israels deliverance the more Wi n'ck geyol' ansizee Hsei8'............... manville in 1893, and was the fourth illustriaus.inbak ryosndsze8,' daugbter o! Mrs. Warden and the At the end o! the forty days, David to 10, specially pricedW M N' late J. B. Worden a! Dariington. the son a! Jesse, was sent by bis AG iu'i'a WORSTED SOX She was educated in Bowmanviile father, with a message and some per pair ................. 9 O E' public and high scbois, and taught victuals for bis brethren. and thaugh Men's Imported English Worst- FLANNELETTE GOWNS here for four years previaus ta going tired with the jaurney and bis bur- ta St. Cathermnes, Essex, New Lis- den, lie makes bis way immedlately MNSGO E ed Sox, in fawn, grey or black, Nwsimnsi ogo hr keard. and Birch Cliff. At the lat- ta the seat o! battie, and in a mom- M NSGO E an exceptionally fine wearing Nwsimnsi ogo hr ter place she was on ber f1! th year ent he is asking questions regarding s]eeves; gowns that are uiffer- and bad bad splendid success in bier the trouble. Having received ans- Men's Wool Lined Cape Gloves, sox, specially prnced 5 c et u odfl eeosszs chsen cling.eAoth a eweek previ- osw erst the hauesine, cage- sa very special buy in two grades per pair.............. ....... and made from a good quaiity coe ta visit a friend, was taken ili naw ready ta meet this glant; but ta, that we can offer at f ar less than9 and was removed ta the hospital bis surprise iie is confronted by bis the regular prices. Comes in ________________ flannelette, 98 to$15 wbere, although everything possible own brother Eliah, who, with the red......9 Ct $15 was done, she passed away it was most abusive language arders David tan or grey. tbougbt as the resuit o! an operation ta be off at once, and not act the No. 1 quality, she underwent a year previous. part o! a foal. But, David quietly leaves ta mourn ber lom, three sis- have I now done? Is there not a No. 2 quality, i.9- &Th biresstc intw ad Mesr .. Herylman, BDraynvl, auson"Heonebi sie ad w adr-reQ7ular $2.50 fr....$19rhe DUs tcki ow n ters. Mrs. Henry en, Dratanl, rcause?" Heon ew he bead ritad for 11the best values. You can save Mrs. Chas. Nesbltt, Winnipeg; and mined ta break through the is- i o three brathers, William T. Worden cauragement with admirable resolu- SL money i o buy vour work and Russell L. Worden o! Darling- tion. ciotnes here, ton, and Mr. Edward Warden. Tbose wbo undertake great and LADIES' CAPE GLOVESprcd. ... 1Ct Champion, Aberta. public services must nat thlnk it red.........5 ct 98 The remains were brougbt bere, strange if they be discountenanced Ladies' wool lined Cape Glove.,d the funerai taking place on Thurs- and appased by those f rom whom, come in tan or grey, a very fine ther, Mr. Russell Warden, west a! and assistance; but must humbiy go t, a goe ha gives FL N E W A Bowmanviile. Owlng ta Rev. H. C. on wth their work, in the face not warmth and eomfort, regular Woifraim belng unable ta attend. only o! their enemies threats, but o! spealypie ig;argaate8qat Stainton, Pickering, a former pas- The preacher then cantrasted the s7 p. only You.... c098ins;a slect frote bigget tar. Who gave a very comforting twa men-Goliatb, the essence and 7__________________p. m. to 10.30 p m. ol o a eetfo h igs message ta the bereaved ones. The embodiment o! pride, and David. the Pail-bearers were Messrs. Russell Os- modest but courageous servant o! tc ntw tls hnct borne. John HUIS. Ceci Beilman, Ed- 1 Gad. "Pride goetb before destruct- LADIES' 511K & WOOL HOSE 25 doz. Ladies' Chamoisette rcs Se ou stock inton t es ha ct ward Wilkins, E. Smth Ferguson and 1ioIn, and an haugbty spirit bef are a newsrg.5e r W. Caude Ives. Flower bearers 1 fali." Was there not a cause for A new shipment in ail the e for, per pair ............._29c_______an____________d were: Raymond Cale, Edward Foley, David's action? Surely there was, f ail tones. A big purchase en- Leonard Richards, Ross Pearce, said the preacher, and God honoured us to oe you veryroo Fred Stevens, Stephen Jeffery, Bert bis brave spirit, by brlnging down ables u o ofer yuveyexcept- 1 o ule ero Wilkins, Blake Oke, A. B. Werry, this enemny and deliverlng bis people ional value, sizes 8½/- to 10 Slip pers, 4 to 6'Dý, reguliar LADIES' HATS $1.98 Lewis Hockin, Morley Wikins, Nor- Israel from their fear 'fue 7cfo man Taylor, Mr. Ferguson, and Esl Are we nat justified in asking the Specially priced, va.... ue c, oren w wllcla Oke. same question on bebal! o! the Or- per pair eve...y..Hat.......the storerpairto....ak.. Miss Worden was hlghly esteemed ganizatian under whase auspices we __________________ 1vo.Drs neotrom atfor our stoetok e by ber many !riends here and by meet here this evenlng. and also on10dz rs an Cotomfrou Xmas sokWhieh ber Pupils. feilow-teacbers and as- behaif o! the Christian Churcli, wlthRU ERAR S Flowers, values toisemn indly Yo ca soclates o! the teacbing profession whicb we are actlvely or rnninaily R BARAPO S s oin n fitYu a and others at Birch Cliff wbere she assoclated?$10,e h......... ocos fmteL s tck f bas spent the past five years. Some people seem ta tblnk that Hickory qualities in alI-over ef- $.0 ahcos rmte nssoko The beautiful floral rtlbutes in- there Is no need for such an organ- f3t n anytaarnas doz. Satin Top Corselettes VlesadFlsi on Ht cluded: Gates Ajar f rom ber Mother; ization, and tbey wauld even dare ta et n anytaarnas ie 3 o3,ta ehv ensligfra Wreath !rom the Brothers and Sis- infer that it is doing more harmn than two very outstanding values for szs3 o3,ta ehv ensligfra ters; Spray-Nleces and Nepbews, gaod; but surely such statements are cide.Seilypie e ar........... 8 iha 39.Ti Mrs. E. Beilman and Miss Anna, made unthlnklngly. and wltbout th1e eidrnwSeillekîe er pirhih a u$.9. hise 19 Mrs. J. H. Mujnday, Mrs.;H. Vlkryperusaol nortain iniptable !acts.1 3Cto 98c r5 d7 ozLadis ' Girdisao haîuf Mis. J. B.Worden n faIiiy d - hse"burden is heavY. I_______ s. tJ.than thre any !rildeand In conclusion. the preacher calied I sir tothak tpirman frend an te attention of his congregation ta; scaffolding outside one of the Cath- o! German officers and German en- Itbough many o! the people are seek- and receive His forgiveness for the neihbos fr te kndnss nd ym-the tyrannv now existing in Ruissia,1 edrals at Moscow wbere they burnt gineers now in Russia, training Rus- IigatrGd n ecigotpsadHsgaet îeapr îathv cxtc'nded ta thcm in their sIud- an ateatvte !Blhvs nefge !GdadJss Christ, sian saidiers. and supervising the their hands for spiritual heip. and holy l! e in the days that lie dneramntEngland and elsewhere. Scboais1 while many o! their numnber carried construction o! aeroplanes; and we The minister asked bis audience ta ahead. ____e held in these places, and children 1 banners bearing the words 'Down migbt weli ask ourseives what these quletly and slncerely thlnk o! your* The closing exercises, and the are taught ta deny the existence o!; witb Gad" and similar inscriptions. activities mean? own spiritual condition bef ore the singlng of the National Antl'em Who keeps one end In view makes God and the delty o! Christ. Not' Another thlng ta awaken aur The Bible is a forbldden book in Lord-and here and now canfess brought ta an end a Most memnorable al I Ih ngs serve-Browning, lcng ago. Soviet agents had erected thougbts is "That there are bundreds that country at the present time, your many sins and shortcomings,1 service. o s i THE CANADIAN OTATMB&AN, BOWMANVMLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6th, 1930 PAGE POUR