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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Nov 1930, p. 6

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PAGE 811TEZ CAIIADIAN STATZIAN, BOWMAIqVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBiER th, 1930 SALEM Mr. Richard Francis bas purcha ed the Grxgg bouse on the ManvE Road and moveci there. Sorry learn that Mrs. Francis is in ve poor health.. . Mr. Roland Cousi Is movmng into Mr. Silver's hou ,acated by Mr. Francis .. Mr. ai Mrs. L. Savery and children, Ne tonvilie, vlsted ber parents, Mr. ai Mrs. A. Welsh, on Sunday. Sever ladies f rom aur coninunty attenci Bowmanville Women's Institute( Frlday .. Mrs. F. L. Squair and M Kyle Squair attended the Missiona: and Maintenance Rally beld at M rone on Friday evening. Don't miss Concert at Hampt( Thanksgiving nlght. AUCTION SALES Friday, November 7th-Mr. Walt M. Truil wiil seil on Lot 30, Con. Darlington, ail of bis farrn stock, in plements, hay, grain, roots, fn ture, etc. Sale at 12.30 p. m. Si bills. Elmer Wilbur. auctioneer. Thursday, November l3th. - TI executors of tbe estate of the lai John Pascoe will seli on the preri ises, Lot 23, Con. 6, Darlington. ew of Solina, tbe foilowing: Horse, in plements. furniture, piano, bedrooc and dining room suites, Singer sev ing machine, tables, stoves, etc. Sa: at 1.30 P. m. Terms cash. Thei M. Siemon, auctioneer. Friday, November l4th. - Wilfre eanderson, Lot 19, Con. 8, Darling ton, wiil hold a live stock sale con sisting of 4 milch cows, il heiferst renew within a few weeks, 10 steer rising 3 years. Sale at 1 p. ir Tbeo M. Siemon, auctioneer. WOOD SALE I will seli on Wednesday, Nov. 12 at 1 p. m. on Lot 29, Con. 6, Darling. ton, four acres of standing bard wood in '/4-acre lots. Terms cast or credit with interest at 6% pez annum. Thea M. Slemon, auction- eer. Thos. Baker, 44-2 Solina. * SHOOTING MATCH A Sbooting Match for Geese wil) be held by Green Bros. on thefr f arn, (the Crawford Farm) Lot 17, Con. 3, Darllngton, Saturday afternoon, No- vember 8tb. Bath sbot gun and rifle range. Aminunition for shot gun suPplied. Phone 133-14. 45-1* Leo. Green SHOOTING MATCH Sbooting Match wil be held ait Maple Grove, on tbe Paterson farn (formerly Upper's farm), on the Kingston Highway, on Saturday, No- vember tb, at 2 p. m. Anumunitior free. Sbotgun. White pekin ducks. Came early and get one for Thanks- givlng. 45-1a SHOOTING MATCH A Sbooting Match wiil be held or Monday, November lth, 'thanks- glving Day, on the farm of A. E. Biliett, Scugog Road, '/2-mlle north of Hampton. Ammunition free. No. 12 shotgun and 22-25 rifle ranges. Good fat geese for prizes. Came and enJoy some real sport. Thanksgiving At this season of Thanks- glving let us express ta you Our deep appreciation of your support, and may we ail give thanks unto the giver o! all good things for aur many blessings. KERSLA4KEO'S TH4E DEPENOABLE DRUO STORE THE RUSH IS ON Stove and f urnace pipes ta put up; cleaning out furnaces; atnd installing new furnaces. More are showmng a preference for the Hecla Furnaces because it saves 1 ton of coal in 7. Don't buy a new furnace until you have learned about the Hecla. R. E. LOGAN Plumblnt, Beatlnt & Tinsmlthlng Phone: 264W Shap, 264J Hause BOWMUNVILLE MAPLE GROVE HAMPTON ENNISKILLEN COUBTICE as- Mrs. H. Perkins, Drayton, 'S visit- 1 Miss E. Reeve, Mliss Edna Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Sanderson and MrhneMr. eleryJhnon 'ers ing her mother, Mrs. Worden and Mrs. C. Langmaid, Mrs. S. Williams, family, Mrs. C. Sanderson and Mrs. Thend uoy Oir Jhnon 1to brother, Mr. R. L. Worden..Mr. spent a f ew days in Solina last week Wrn. Byers, Burketon, visited Mr. H. Moorefield. and Mr. and Mrs. How- f. ~ . THANKSGIVING ery and Mrs. Will Worden, Tyrone, spent and attended the f owl supper an Wed- Wannamaker, Seagrave... Mr. and ard Mitchell, Toronto, and Mrs. T. 0.________ sis Sunday with hi, mother and brother, nesday..Mr. Herbert Stainton sui I&trs. N. Wotten and Francis, Solina, Mason, Bownianviile, were Sunday May It be u nc an fine d ýuse Mr. R. L. XVrden. . .. Mr. and Mrs. fered a great loss on Tuesday night, Mr. B. Powell, Oshawa, Misses Elva visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Run- aro-' dtable -abndmay It nd R. Giniblett, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. David- Oct. 28th, when a fire of unknowxndDrsGiinMrJ.Hw ad dle, calimg an ather relativesi s la arondtayour-and an t w- son, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe origin completely demolished his barn Mr. Lorne Bradburn, Toronto, ivere vcfit Mran Mr.Adsn,- 7. 3b us ta tfote tr n-b ind Bell on Sunday .... Mr. and Mrs. ROY and with it a large quantily of hay, Sunday visitors of Mr. Wni Griffin. Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ted j ' "'""artak o h arn ýraI Snowden, and daugbler Heen or- pa and te feed, alo hislens Rv ii Rivett on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. . age wlth whlch you bave I een ea, ohe ls1i .... Miss Rv McGill iie friends Hyde. Toronto, called on Mrs. A. F. favored us. ledj onta, visited their parents on SundaY. and anc Young colt. The neighhors near Dundalk over the week end.. .. Rundle recexatly., On Thursday at on..Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Garrett, Mr. have assisted Mr. Stainton ta a certain Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bateinan, Bow- 3.30 p,. M. the regular meeting of the Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Garrett, Oshawa, extent by arranging ta keep bis stock manville, and Mrs. G. Batenian, Ot- Ladies' Berean Class was held in the 1.17 visited their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. for him during tbe winter monlhs. The tawa, were guesîs of Mr. and Nirs. T. home of Mrs. Blake Courtice with a rY- Lou Hockix ... . Miss Carnie Heal, To- svnîpathy of the cammunity gaca out McGill.... Mr. and Mrs. R. Robinsonlreatnac. h rsdnh ranto, spent a few days at Mr. Fred ta-i nbslaau os r J .adfmlHoe îic r rs.eBaktendOke. ws nThe cair on Hokns. r.a i mi i eiu os .M.J r. Levaily oe vsd. nd MsNBlkîrs. n h cai ou 'il be G lad to I<now tonHoki's.... Ms.Joe Hyndsan Nicholîs, Wesleyvillc, spent a fcw days Mr. .ev ..un....Mr.adNr.W and the meeting was In charge of daughler Molly. Torontoa, visiîcd thcir witb Mr. and Mrs. J. Curtis. ... Mrs. Marks, Scugng, spent Sunday with Mrs. John Found's group. Bible les- cousins, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Snowden Roy Mctcalfc and Mrs. Roy Van- their daughter, Mrs. Arthur Brun...., son was read by Mrs. Ted Rivett and I ilb welcome news tWail of our customers onSaturday .... W.M.S. beld ils annual Camp, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Tre- Mrs. C. \W~. Slemon, Mrs. S. Rundlem the dvthonl ei a solo was wifl e hv eue h yeso aylnso quilting on Wedncsday afternoon, Oc- nout ..Misses Ina and Reta Carr, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Hugb .R arîe fe terloer29t i te hll wtb bot 0 Bwmnvllc vsiedtheir sister, Mrs. 1nîs, visited Mr. and M rs. J. Slemon. a good deal o! business, tbe !ollawlng groceries from 10 to 15%7, due to reduction in 4, ladies altending. Five quilîs were Chas. Shaw, on Sunday .... Miss 1 .... Mrs. Win. Oke visiled her daugh-, program -was presented: Piano duet, m- quilîed and bound. Fruit and candy Myrîle Bradley is spending a week I1er, Mrs. F. Spry, Hampton .... .Mrs. F. Misses Sadie Muir and Hazel Run- wholesale prices. n-were served. Glad ta sec so many af with Mrs. W. J. Virtue ...Mr. and IRabbins spent Sunday with Mrs. M. dle; readlng, Mrs. Ross Pearce; Bee the new-comners ouIta gel acquainted Mrs. W. W. Horn spent Sunday and Rabbins, H-ampton... .,Mr. and Mrs. piano solo, Miss Rossina Edgar. Mrs. WTe have just purchased 2200 lbs. of the finest wilh the ladies. . .Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Monday with tibeir son, Wallace, A. Bcech and family, and Mr. Claude Ferguson o! Oshawa was present and 1-Stevens, and daughter jean, spent Kingston, Ont..Mrs. T. Salter is Smith, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. H. gave a very interesting account of a Sept. C anadian Cheese on the market and are hethe week end with Mr. and Mrs. Ern- wilb ber sister in Coldwater who is Moore. . .. We welcomre Mr. and Mrs. trip she had taken this summer to aeest Rinch, New'castle...Miss Ruth still quite ill. . ..Mr. C. Hastings is in G. Reid ta our village. Also Mr. Bert the Coast. In ber talk Mrs. Fer- already selling it at ............................ 2U lb. m- Armstrong, Grace Hospital, Mr. and Cobourg acting on the jury for the Ferguson and Elva wha have moved guson described the places she visit- Christie's Biscuits, special mixture........... 25c lb. atMrs. Lebarge and daugbter Freda, and early Faîl Assizes. Mr. and Mrs. J. ia the Carter place north of tbe dsmiueyoecl a ot m-niece, Miss Evelyn Le Bar, Miss Per- K. Stout, Toronto, spent Sunday wth village ...We extend aur sympatbx' Imagine she were there. Af ter the Esfrt b aitr.........5 omrott, alI of Turonîto and Mr. John her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Ruse. to Mr. Herb. Stainion and family in meeting the group served lunch ta aiisi b aitr ................. 5 ý-RiBowmianville, were recent visit- .... Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ranton and the loss tbey susîained by ire which ail present and a pleasant time was aeors o! Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Armstrong. Miss Margaret and Mrs. John Ran- destroyed tbeir barn and season's enjoyed. Mrs. Courtice was a mast Every day now we receive fresh Flowers and .o.....League meeting on Xedncesday ton spent Sunday witb Mrs. W. J. cr....... Mr. W. J. Stainton unloaded graclous hostess and her sister-in- Pat rmBokaeNreiswihw eia lOctober 2th oo he forni of a Hal- Virtue.... Halloween Masquerade beld two car loads of coal.. ..Sorry Mr. law, Mrs. Leo Courtice, assisted ber Pat rmBokaeN reisw ihw ela _uoZwe'e n àet(leld in the hall onFrdyeeigwsapesn SaitnbsnatckI .w ude masquerade apeaig taito hsanatak flumbago..., la entertaiing ber guests Next same prices as obtained at nurseries. g-d ite auspices afthie social coim- event. The large numnber in costume Mr. J. Clemence, Buffalo, visited bis Sunday wiil be aur Thank-Offering______________ Lg-mitee)a number being in costume deserve great credil for their share uncle, Mr. J. Stainton, and otheri service. Speclal music is being pre-- ta and paraded, acconîpanied aI the in making it a success. Prograni wvas Ifriends .On Friday, October 3lsi a 1 pared by the choir, and we hope forI ms piano by Miss Eileen Hockin. I'rizes well rendered and ail who took part Hlloween asquerade was beld andr1 a good attendance Mfter a îeng- A 1<U VAI T wer gie o h etcsuns oi r ob ogauae o heir1 prizes werc given for the best costume,1 thy lllness Mr. Jack Walter passed IN I Il LvLIL', .IIFVeV lowing Ibis a short prograni was given splendid efforts..Sunday Scbaol ser- Miss Annie Oke took charge af the1 away in Weston hospital an Manday aller whicb ail enjoyed a social half vice ivas welI attended an Sundav af- cantesîs and games and every anc a! last week. His funeral toak place PHONE 186 BOWMANVILLE I heur in contesîs andi refreshmnents.... lernoon, il being Missionary Sun-day. enjoyed lbemselvcs. Our league-is in-1from bhis brather's, Mr. Frank Wal-1 1Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jcwell and son Miss M. Miller gave the Missioîîarv vited la Haydon an Noyember 26tb. ter. on Thursday a!ternoon and was .2, Claude, Canniîîglon, visiîed their cou- talk .... .Mr. and Mrs. F. Pascae visît- Lunch was served at the close...M r. largely attended This community ,sins, Mr. and Nirs. J. 1). Stevens, on ed Mr. Lewis Pascoe.... .Our Young and Mrs. E. C. Ashton and June, spent was shacked an hearîng a! the sud- ;h Steebes. Riviere a Pierre, Que., are Sunday Sehool roamn on Monday even- Misses Gri n infe Oke, onto on Friday last. Mr. Trull liv- evisiting ber father, Mr. John Alds- ing ta an apprecialive audience. At Bowmanville, spent the wcek end wiîh cd in this neighborhaod for many .rworth. the close of the play the Dramatic their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Weslev1 years before gaing ta Toronto and Dan't miss Concert at Hampton Club presenied Mr. Wilfre<l Smale Oke... . Mr. and Mrs. Little ami fani- was well known here. He was bur- Thanksgiving night. witb iwo ebony brushes as a loken ily, Bowmanville, visiied Mr. J. ied on Monday in the Truli Cemetery Of appreciation for bis services ini the1 Shackelton ... .Mr.aîd M.Jon erbiadhmstd andth a- preenttios.Wilfred is leaving ouri Tamblyni and Miss Myrtle, Orono. tendance ta, the funeral was large.. . S SOLIA flionin oroto. . .Mr. nd rs.J. Snda. .. . r. nd Msocohn-r1w, te Misio Cicle Mr.a cncersinvillge o tke u sae lneon voa-Ovsitd a Mr.Rusell rmilons on On uesay eenig o!las wek j S A LE. Il Anopen eetig ofthe ons f Berry, Rochester, N.Y., are visiting 1 Mr. Jini, Leray and Miss Olive Brown,1 the church. Piano duets were play- Il~ ~ Anoelmeig fteSn er mother, Mrs. Ida Smale...Sevea] rono, visiie<l Mr. Wnu. Stainion. J ed by Misses Hazei Rundle and Sadie 3, Teompo era c il b bldi th shool-a from here atiended the Aniniversary 1 Rev. Wm. Sterling, Orono, wîî Muir, and same tume spent in con- - aIS .m. Mr S..sunvce and fowl supper at Leskard jtaean iversary services at Burke- muity singing, and the play "ADRSE of te Sns f Tmpernce ~vhl d- ndday and Manday. Mr. T. Salter .tan il a. M.; Enfleld 2.30 p. m.; En- Cabse o! suspension" was well put on Mn %rs. Gea. Barron accompanied by niskillen 7 P. m. on Sunday. Nv. 16.byte aug epe. Aerrd rdress the meeting. Musical progran.' Miss N on sitda h udvN the girls of the Mission Circle served Ail welcome ...Women's Institute N.Hr-asîtda t!Sna a splendid lunch toaial presentDRSS n mets n th scool-ooi on uesayevening service witb musical numbers..1 1 1 met...tesco.romo Tedv Miss Eva Souch, Bawmanville, is day witb Mrs. S. G. Niddrie. Friday night the Young People beld Nov. 18 aI 2 p.m. Rolil eau, Tbanks- wiih ber brother, Mr. C. W. Miss Lillian Jebson, Hamnpton is a masquerade in the Sunday Scbool giving Thoughts. Ail ladies welconie. Soucb ...Mr. Ervin TrulI, Mr. and preparcd ta take a limited nuiter cf roaM. Readings were given by Mrs.1 .... Mr. and M.\rs. Gardon Hardy anid Mrs. R. Avery aitended the funeral pupils in piano. 45-Bw. Ross Pearce and Miss Louise Cour'- sa fariedsMr. and Mrs. av y. ardenl t bis home r in ran fteirAn gîvn onertasei ithe curcesh and aec ocmuCnysnicl, r n r. avyHrd i h Tuibrig rudo IerIAgodcnetune b usie ieadmscwa upid ycui, i.Jh ruI vodidsd o b on Pol' oceyiil eMsr.Lo aes Fe akni HSWE -Reynolds, Toronto, bave been vlsiting Satur(ay.... The canînunity was sorry on Thanksgiving, Maîîdav, Nov. 10t1h, apples were the treat o! the evenlng ri friends bere... . Mr. and Mrs. Harvey ta hear of the suddcn deatb of Mrs. at 8 p.nî. Readings by- Mr. Harold and it was quite a success. Hardy and family spent Suniday ith H. G. Pascae, who passed awvay at Smith, clocutionist, vocal and piano __________________ Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hays, Colunm- ber home Monday morning. Their solos and vocal duets bv' Mr. Herbert-_________________ bus.... .Mr. Jas. Emerson, Lindsay, is many friends extend sympathy to the Treneer, blind organist. Mr. Franki C LA R EN C E S. M A SO N visiting bis daughter, Mrs. Gardon bereaved husband and family. ..... Mr. Walter, Miss Wilma Crotbers, also a LAUNDEY WANTEI> One Door West of F. F. Morris Co. Hardy . . ..Misses Annie Wilkens and Tom Sykes, Tarante, speni the week- splendid boy soprano, ail of Oshawa.! i id ftudywr aepoD- Betty Flaxman, Bowmanville, spent edathbis home here .. . .Mr. and Mrs ' Came and enjay a pleasant cvening. 1 yiaifctrt n i esnbepe. the weekend with Misses Evelyn andlElernd mbe m.învhe," - Jea Mlîan.. hebeai el s m M rs H. Aer, Haownni, M. ndi Admission: Adulîs, 25c; children 15c. Write .Post Office Box 12. or eau Mm,. Jea Mllon... Te eat eltsy- rs H Avry Hydnspent Sun-! Cafeteria lunch ai the close. W. Marjoramn, Ktng Si. E., Bowmanvtle. pathy of Ibis cammunity is extcnded h ta Mr. H. G. Pascae and famlly in the loss of Mrs. Pascoe who passed e away early Monday morning afier a 3.very hrief illness .... .Eldad Thankoff er- ing services on Sundav, Oct 26th and Wednesday, Oct. 29tb were very suc- cessful. The churcb was very attrac- -tive with its decorations of autumn leaves, flowers and fruit. The Sun- day services were in charge of Rev. W. S. Smart of Greenwood w la preacbed very acceptahly. Four excel- lent anihems were rendered by the chair under the leadership of Mrs. Jahn Baker, the solos heing laken hy Mrs. John Baker and Messrs Har- aid Shuttlewortb and Allan Balson. Mr. Owen Nicholas, baritane solaisi, ai Bowmanville, assisîed the chair at Gichrist is Outfitting Many Men and Boys at Big Savings During This Great Clothing Sale bath services and delighted ail iwiîh bis selections. ...On Wednesday aller- noon the Sunday Sehool rooni preseni- cd a vers' attractive appearance with...... ils long -lables cenIred wiih yellaw W INTER OVERCOATS munis and red apples and laden with an ahundance af roast chickcîi and the manîy other thiîîgs svhich the ladies of Eldad know se well how ta E ' N Y U G M N prepare. At eigbt o'clock a high class concert ivas given. TIhe chairman Re.J. R. Iick introducc'd the artists IIO E C A O -$17 of the evening who werc Mr. Geo. E. o OVERCOAT LOT 1-14.95 I V R O TL T -4 17 Chl as, Tauitconanv.Ir.rlde Ms IMen's and Young Men's Overcoats, woal XViI Lask Tuntn, îndMr lIiroilYoung Men's heavy qualtty, !ancy tweed clatbs o! exceptional hcavy weigbts, new Smith, Oshawa, elocutionists, and Mr. effects, also navy blue,I Stauffer, violinist, Porî Perrv. Each pl ievle o $ 4 L shades and styles, numher was much enjoved. Proceeds ol$22.50 a- es, for.9 flu or $00,$ 1 7 from Sunlday collections and fowl sup- $2.0Io o ......... per about $40600 ini aid af the build-_________________________ ing funl ... . lHalloNe'cn masquerale on Saîurday cvPning in the Sons Hall under the auspices of the C.G.I.T. was svell attended. 'fli main feature OVERCOAT LOT "-26-95i OVERCOAT LOT "- 34.75 ofa the evening was the parade af wit-I -ches gliosts, clowns, gypsies, elderlv You will !ind in tbis lot aur very best 7 onlyYoYung Men's Coats, regular value fcouples, andl many otliers toc nuiner .- makes, in ail that's new for Faîl and Wintes, $45.00. These carry rope shoulders wlth ahout s ixty cf the young ;îe'rphFor Ar Other Sales Items in Furnishings Refer to Last Week's Sale Bill. SALE ENDS NOVEMBER ISth. present and aIl1 report a joly ttnlu. -I Our youing people are giîvîng their FrOpst . GPo.6 i Penn, o.1terbarank ioayMontreal Ir*E3J 1 -dC HI-IR 1 S -r BowmanVihle Dan't miss Concert at Hampton Thanksglvlng nlght. 1 1 t I PAGE MX

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