THE CMqADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6th, 1930 PAGE SEVEN The Store Around the Corner SPECIALS Sfor FRIDAY and SATURDAY, Yellow Globe Onlons. (Get our price by the bu Marvello for washlng Sapolio for scourlng Pearline Washlng Powder Sunbrlte Javel Water Huron Tolet Paper Hawes Floor Wax, lb. tins Gllett's Lye Pure White Honey, 5 lb. pi Chocolate Bars Bulk Cocoa - Shopping Baskets 8 lbs. 25e jushel) ...10epkg. lOc pkg. 4 for' 25e 2 for 25e .7 for 25e -40c 14e tin pail . .45e 6 for 25e 20e lb. 25e eaeh Cash Pal for Eggs - Blatchford's and Pratt's Poultry Food always lni Stock - We Deniver - Phone 450.1 ROBT. W. HOLMES.1 LOCAL AND OTHEEWISE Miss Marlon Beliman is vstlng ber uncle at Stratford. Miss J. H. Werry, Solina, vlslted Bowmianville friends last week. Mr. W. C. Ferguson 15 vlslting his sister at Gorrie, Ont., wbo la qute il. Mrs. Eva Meath, Toronto, la visit-1 ing Mrs. J. A. McClellan and other f rlends bore. Miss Muriel Decb, R. N., Thistle- town, was a recent visitor of ber grandmotber, Mrs. John Grlgg. Miss Marguerite Armstrong, Sea- grave, was home over the weekend wth ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Weekes and' Mr. John Nixon, Toronto, spent the weekend wth Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Weekes, "Kalnmar Villa." Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Smytbe, Dr. Doris Foster, Toronto, and Dr. Mabel Bray, Hamilton, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Foster, "Nor- wood Place." The morning service i St. An- drew's Presbyterian Churcb, and the afternoon service in Newtonville, was conducted by Mr. D. P. Rowland of Knox College, Toronto, wbose thoughtful and inspirlng sermons were much appreciated. Mrs. Melville Stuart Dale (former- ly Gladys Winnifred Bateman) will receive for the first tîme since ber marriage at Wellington Street on Saturday, November l5tb, f rom 4 till 6 o'clock. Mrs. J. Hamilton Bate- man and Mrs. William F. Dale will receive witb ber. 45-2 LOCAL AND OTHEBWISE Miss Clara Windatt, Toronto, was i town Wednesday. Mrs. L. B. Nichols and son Doug- las, spent Tuesday In Toronto. Hallowe'en was a very happy oc- casion for many cblldren i town. IMr. John H. Hardy, B. A.. Perth, visited bis aunt, Miss E. White, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Fishleigb, To- ronto, were weekend guests of Mrs. John Grlgg. Rev. J. U. Robins wlll conduct an- nlversary services at Cadmus on Sunday next. Mrs. Adrian Berry and baby Eslia la spendlng the week wtb Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Nichols. Rev. Thomas Wallace, Newtonvllle, and Mr. John Stewart, Kendal. gave Editor M. A. James a plewsant cal on Wednesday 29th ult. Rev. R. R. Nicholson and daugb- ters, Alice and Ruth, Cannlngton, visited friends here recently. Messrs. George and Arthur Cover- ly were recent guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Bertram Dundas. Port Hope. Mr. Clarenc e Ferguson was one of the students from Emmianuel Col- lege, Toronto, wbo assisted i the services at Woodvllle United Churcli on Sunday. October 26tb. Messrs W C Caverly and son Rex, H. C. Caverly and W. J. Bagnel left Monday for their annual deer hunting expedition. Tbey wil strike camp at Deer Lake, about 50 miles north of Madoc. Mn. and Mrs. Adelbert Johnston, Moorefleld, Mr. and Mrs. Howard 'Mitchell. Howard Park Ave, Toronto, after taking a motar trip ta Brock- ville and Ottawa, spent the week- end with Mrs. T. G. Mason and other f riends. The speaker at the next meeting, Monday, Nov. l7th, of the Women's Canadian Club of Bawmanville, will be Mr. G. H. Sedgewick. The sub- ject of bis address will be the St. Lawrence - Great Lakes Waterways and its economic importance to Can- ada The speaker bas made a care- f ul study of the many government and expert reports on the subi ect and the address wti-- an informa- tive account of the project upon wbleh the government bas announe- ed it will shortly embark. ENFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mason, Osh- awa, were guests at Mr. G. Ormis- ton's .. . .Mr. and Mrs. John Ormiston, Oshawa, visited Mr. W. J. Ormiston.1 .... Mr. and Mrs. R. Knox, Oshawa, vîsited Mr. John Hepburn .... Messrs. Godfrey Bawmananad Wallace Pascae have gane ta Brussels where they have bought a large garage well equip- ped with the latest machinery, aad have also taken over the Ford agency for cars and tractors..About forty members af the beef ring met at the hall last Saturday night ta traasact the annual business. Mr. C. Hayes will again kili and deliver the beef. Mm. G. Ormiston was elected president and Mr. L. C. Pascoe secretary. Mr. T.J. Conway of Canada Fur CoToronto, will be at our store TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER il and 12 wîth a complete display of FUR COATS At Prices Lower Than They Have Been in Years A very remarkable drop in prices on raw peits makes 1930 prices loWer than they have been in 10 years. These are coats which would have sold last year for ai- most twice what we are asking and each is of extraordinariVy fine quality. Longer lengths, more care in handling, finer skins and greater sumptuousness in collars and cufs make these the most extraordinary values in years. Save on your Fur Coat by buy- ing direct from Maker to Wear- er. DRSS SL Dresses of every description for afternoon or evening wear arranged in three groups: DRESSES DRESSES DRESSES up to $18.75 up to $25,00 up to $25.00 for for for $4.95 $7,95 $11.95 In the $11,95 group are figured chiffons, plain georgette, plain black satin and black moire. This is a genuine Dress Sale you really can't afford to miss. THE SMART SHOP - COWAN BLOCK GEO. RL MASON, Manager. OBITUARY John C. Trui Toronto A very sudden death took place in Toronto on Friday, October 31, when John C. Truli passed away at bis home, 8 Ellerbeck Avenue. Ho was a son o! the late Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Truil of South Darllngton, where ho was born and lived until about four- teen years ago. For sanie years ho carrled on an undertaklng business but lately bas been assoclated witb bis son. Aldermnan Lorne W. Truli. Ho was a member of Danforth Avenue United Church. Surviving are bis wldow, (Margaret Williams af Bow- manville), one son, Alderman Truil and one daughter. Mrs. Russell Aber- nethy, Gaît, and tbree grandeilîdren. The funeral took place on Monday ta the Trull Burying Ground, South Dar- lington, belng very largely attended by frienda tramn Toronto and Ebenezer. BLACKSTOCK* Miss Frances Elford of Blackstock andi Mr. Regmnald Sutton of Orono attended anniversarY services at Pontypool on Sunday last, Mr. Sut- ton rendering two solos wicb were very much appreeiated; and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Richardson, Pontypool Alex Dever and N. HI. Marlow are having Hydro installed. Mrs. R. Mahood spent Sunday with ber daughter, Mrs. M. C. Smitb. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stinson at- tended the funeral of the late Mrs. Henry Kelly at Orono last week., Other Blackstock news on another page. DARLINGTON Report of S. S. 3, Darlington, for October: Sr. IV-*Annie Kush 75; Aloyslus Kush 73; tHarold Forsytbe 58. Jr. IV-Grace TruJ.l 74. Sr. IfI-Elsie Flint 65; Hazel' Flint 61. Jr. III-*Hazel TruIl 75; Bernieco Roberts 68; Helen Rundie 67; Louise Foley 63; Maurice Morphy 61; j'Vera Gibson 52; tSarmy Van Camp 49; i'Hazel Roberts 45. Sr. II-Arthur Forsythe 66; Eddie Forsythe 63. Jr. fl--Jean Metoalf 70; j'Peggy Finnigan 58. Sr. Pr.-*Eveline Gibson, 'Marie and *Viola Roberts (equal). Gordon Truil. Jr. Pr.-Madeline and 'Glenn Metcalf (equal), *Louise Forsythe and *Gordon Metcalf (equal). *Mike Bonk. '-Honours; t-Failure (below 60%); Figures stand for per cent. Ruby M. Bragg, teacber. jHAMPTON SCHOOL REPORT Report of Hampton School for Oc- lober. Names in order af menit: V.-Jessie Hogarth H. IV.-John Virtue H., Harry Winter- burn H., Olga Cowling H., Harold Martyn H., Anunie Stainton H., Nelson Robbins. Sr. III.-Jimmie Adamsoa H., Betty Knox H., Muriel Scott H., Theima Robbins H., Lena H., Vera Martyn, Bruce Hogarth Katie Jones, Bruce Clarke, Doris Cryderman. Jr. III.-Doreen Perrett H., Dora Cowling H., Norma Cowling H., Ruby CoIwill, Ruth Colwill, jack Cowling, Gladys Chapman, Walter Holwell, Gerald Black, Bernice Rogers, jack Niddery, Ruby Jess. Sr. II-Wanda Clark H.,Gladys Truli H., Gertrude Pettit H., Nellie Armour H., Giadys Pettit, Isabel Rogers, Don- ald Adcock, jack Jones. Sr. I-Bertha Armour H., Vemna Cowling H., Acy Horn H., Joe Bergon H., Percy Allia, Albert Martyn. Jr. I.-Fred Jayae H., Keith Biilett, Elgin Cowiing H., Betty Stainton H., Eileea Wray, Everett Allia. Primary-Teddy Kersey H., Morley Chapman H., Betty Rogers, Robert Arvay. Teachers: F. J. Groat, Miss Millar. TYRONE Mr. and Mrs. Willhis Stewart bave returned home after spending a f ew days wltb their daughter, Mrs. Wm. MacDonald, Cobourg ..... Mn. and Mrs. Fred Moore, Providence, Sun- dayed at Mr. Byron Moore's ... Mr. Wm. Hambly, Boys' Training Sehool, IMiss Elva Virtue, Town.recently vis- 'lted Mrs. Laura Virtue, who la much lmproved.... Mrs. Albert Johnston, Toronto, spent a few days wth Mms. R. McCullough and Mrs. Wm. Little. ...Mr. and Mrs. D. Hooper, Orono, Sundayed wth Mrs. Jas. Storle... Mrs. Isaac Coucb. Dr. Harold Coucb, Toronto, recently visited Mr. Thos. Scott,,. . On Thursday evening the Young People's League held their an- nual Hallowe'en Masquerade itbe Community Hall. The hall was very prettily decorated in orange and black. Quite a number came i fancy costumes, and prizes were glv- on as follows: Miss Shirley Park, fairy; Miss Irene Cam*eron, bride; Mrs. R. MeCullough and Mrs. R. Hatberly, clowns; Miss Grace Mac- Kay, gypsy; Master Gren! 011 Truin- pour, green bunter; Mr. Ed. Barlow, clown; Mr. Arthur H. Brent, nlgger. A short program followed, consisting o! recitations by Misses Myrtle Brooks and Edna Cameron; select- ions by the Male Quartet; a short play entltled "The Curtain Rises," the cast lncluding Mrs. Donald Day-1 ey, Misses Alice Thonipson and Le- verne Burgess, Messrs. Harry Hattb- orly and Bert Smart. Games were played and communlty singlng was Ienjoyed, a! tor whlch a cafeteria Ilunch was served. Proceeds $16.60. S Church service next Sunday at I10.30 a. m. Don't miss Concert at Hampton mThanksglving night. BIETHS H ALLMAN-In Bowmanvllle Hospital, October 31st, 1930, to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hallian, a son (stillborn>. SELBV-At Newcastle, on Moaday, 1October 27th, 1930, to Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Carl Selby (nee Edna Irene Os- borne), twins, a daughter and a son-1 Frances Loreen and Francis Lawrence. ROW E-On Sunday, November 2, 1930, at liowmanville Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Rowe (nee Gertrude Holman) Newtonville, the gît t of a son (Frederick Montague). DEATHS SELBY - On Tuesday, October 28th, 1930, Francis Lawrence, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. William Carl Selby, New- castle. PASCOE-In Darlington, on Monday, November 3rd, 1930, Sarah Catharine Awde, beloved wife of Mr. H. G. Pascoe, aged 63 years. TRULL - Suddenly at lis late, resi- dence, 8 Ellerbeck Ave., Toronto, on Friday, October 3lst, 1930, John C. Trull, dearly beloved husband of Margaret Williams Trull, aged 69 years. Inter- ment ln Trull Buryiag Grouad, Darling- ton Township. IN MEMORIAM UGLOW - In loving memory of our dear father, John J. Uglow, who passed away at Newcastle, November 6th, 1924. Not forgotten by those who loved hlm, Not dead, but gone before, To that beautiful Isle of Somewhiere Where parting le no more. IEver remembered by Son and Daugluter PASCOE-In lovlng memory of Emnma L. Arnot, beloved wife o! Lewis T. Pas- coe, who died on Nov. 2nd, 1928. November brings back memories 0f a loved one gone te rest; She wiIl always bie remembered rNy those wîho ioved hier best. Sadly mlssed by H-usband and Daughters. MOORE - In loving memory of our dear father, William Moore, who passed away Nov. 7th, 1929. One year has passed since that sad day, God calietl the ontŽ we loved away; As years roll by. we'll miss hlmi stîll- 1"orget hlm? No, we neyer will. Sadly mlssed by his daugluters aad son, * Myrtle, Margaret and Leon. In loving memory of my dear mother, Sarah Evans Armstrong, who fell asleep i n Jesus, October 26th, 1929. In our lonely hours of thiaking, Thoughts of you are always n'ear, We who loved you sadly miss you, As lt dawns anotlher year. Sadly missed by hier daugluter, Mrs. John Eltord and famlly. Ia loving memory of Ana Elizabeth Freeman, heloved wvi!e o! the latie Fred- erick Densem, who departed this 11f e November 9th, 1909. Her tender smîle, bier gentle voies, Her heart se kind and true; We miss lier la sucu countlees ways, Oh, mother dear, we do. Gone from us, but leaving memorles Death caa neyer take away; Memories that wIll always linger While upon this earth we stay. Sons and Daughters. NORTON-In loving memory of our dear mother, Lauira Adlet Selby, wife of the late Thomas Norton. who passed to rest November 91.h, 1929. Dearest mothbor, thou hast letft us, Here. thy loas we de-eply teel; But 'tia God who bath bereft us, He caa aIl our sorrows bieal; Yet agala we hope te meet thee When the day of lite Ii le, There ln Heaven with loy ta greet thee 'Where no farewell teara are shed. Sadly missed by Farnily. Marion J. 'Hickingbottorn - mocutionw t- PIpiI - Concerts Phone 366 Bowmanvlle Ken. 9354M. Toronto. 45-4 To Let FOR RENT--6-roomned bouse, ail con- veniences, 1available on Diecemaber let. Corner Church and Ontario Streete, Bow- manville. Phone 488. 45-tf HOUSE TO RENT--Sevon moins, wat- erworks, bath, electric lights. locatod King & Ontario St.. Bowmanville. Ap- ply A. A. Colwill. Newcastle. 61-tf HOUSE TO RENT-7 roome, ail con- veniences, good garden, house in flrat clans shape, near high school, on Que-en St. available Nov. let. Apply H. Gale, Coîborne, or Thos. Perey, Bowmanville. 42.2w For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT-House on cor- ner o! Concession and lberty Streeta, Bowmaaville, wlth sil convenîellces; pos- session about the middle of Novomber. Apply ta Mrs. R. D). Davidson, Church St. Bowmianville. Box 506. 43-tf 10 Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE - Brick cottage on Quoen street, containing four roomae with mod- ern conveniences, the proporty of the late Mrs. S. Staoey. Apply to Mrs. W. Cowle, Churcu St., Bowmanville. 42-6 FARM FOR SALE-60 acres, being lot 22, con. 5. Darlingtoil, on which are brick 8-roomed bouse witb modern conven- iences: hard and soft water, outbuild- mnga in good repaîr; 3 acres orchard. For particulars apply on the promises ta E. Haggitb, Hampton. Phone 198-21. 42-tf U4OUSE FOR SALE-Brick rosidenOpe, containing eight rooma, bathroom, clos- ots and pantry; hardwood floora; and ail modern conveeinoes; g00d vegotablo gardon ; double garage; very desirablo location. For terme and particulara ap- ply on the promises to W. J. Bagc- ner ]Mgin and HOrBey Sta., ora box29, Bowmanville. Phono 125. 30-tf HOUSE FOR SALE-Boit bult houa. on Carlisle Avenue, takes only four ton* o! coke per winter for furttace and atove. has done it th,& lant four winters; now renting for $26 per month; threo rooxni and three, clo@eta upetairs, six roomi and hall Including bedroom, and bathroomn downsta.ire; coller divided with comont walI; garage and bon bouse. Terini esy. Appiy ta C. N. Ruse, R. R. 1 Hampton, Ont. 35-tf PROPERTY FOR SALE-Frame bouse, 8 rooma, woodshed, veranda, turnace, aew cemeat cistera, good cellar, cern- ent floor; barn 36x26, stable for three horses, hea bouse, driving sbed suitable for garage; one acre o! land with small fruits, on lot 23. con 6, Darlington, con- venleat ta Solina cburch and uchool, the Iproperty o! the late John Pascef. For termean id îuarticuiars apply ta H. E. Tink, Hampton R. R. 1. 44-2* Desirable Residence BUY READING ANTflRACITE For Sale Cail us to-day, phone 520, ta MIl you bi wih Radlg Athracite- Eight rooma, ouid brick modemn bouse. you bn it Redig n tone foundatiai, 2storsys and ag that better Pnslal adCa attic wth 5 windows, white oak trin. in --at these prices: 8 roomi downstairs, large @un roomn 1021I Stove Coal $16.50 3o tacing south, back porch. celiar ban Egg 16.. .00e(( brick partition, 2 laundry tubs in oil, Chestut 1.00 hot water hoating. wired for electrc Chestut le- 00 stovo and eloctria grate, brick garage Pea ......... 13.50 .»rner lot 115 x 166, beautiful terraceâi Nut Coke .. -.. 7 13.00 lawn, maturod abrube. large saate trocs,ý A discount o! $1.00 perto for cashI fut gardon, QueO of ohoicest locationsi tS sd béat but bouàos in town. Priood wlfl be allowed f rom aoe prices. Iseasoable for inunedisto sale. Âpply toI HimmairLATEROPE *aw C.RabMerat EewmaaviUoi Llberty St. 1,Bowmanvtfe1 Vur7 Co. On«s. Eowmaaslo. mClu Wanted WANTED-About 300 busluela o! Oate or Mlxe-d Grain. Apply ta N. Allîsonl, Liberty St., Bowmanvllle. 44-tf WANTED>-tobert Pawson ia prepared ta repaîr boots and sboes, neat job, mod- erate prlces. Leave at Sidney Morris', Wellington Street, Bowmanviile. 45-3* MORSES WANTED-Old horses fer tdue glue factory, at $5.00 each. Apply ta Patrick White, Bowmaavillc. Phone 142-6. 45-3 Articles For Sale FOR SALE - Young Yorkshire 80w, purebred. Apply ta Lantern Inn, R. R. 3, Bowmanville. Phone 203-13. 44-20 FOR SALE-20 tons of hay and quan- tity of magels. Apply ta Neil Downey, C. R. Lavekin Fam. Newcastle. 45-j' FOR SALE - Potatoee, good winter variety, $1.00 a bag delivered. Âpply te Ed. J. Daldge, R. R. 6, Bowmanvillo. Phone 160r21. 43-tf FOR SALE - Arern Billard and Pool Table la gaod condition, fully equlp- ped. Apply Mrs. W. H. Dustan, Quesai St. Phone 122. 44-tf COWS FOR SALE-One Durhamn and Jersey cow, due to freshen; Jersey c0w due ta treshen December 1; one Jersey cow with heifer caît by ber aide. Âp- ply to T. W. Cawker, phone 64, Bow- manville. 45-1 VICTROLA FOR SALE-Cabinet model la excellent condition, alo everal dozezi records, machine cost $135.00, will selI at a fraction o! original coat. C. Avery Johnston, dlo Oouch, Jolunston & Cryder- mani, Bawmanville, or phone 338. 43-3 FOR SALE-A trame building covered with galvanlzed Iran roof, 26x25, good trame loft, substantially built; would make good coal shed, hen bouse or gar- age; no turther use for same; will be sold at a bargain. Apply ta John Perey, Bowmanville. é2-tf FOR SALE-ttaed pianos for studenta, at very easfy termes and prices. Trustees Ii oail me for Information on organe for echool purposes. I have pianos for school use and wIll selI at nominal pices to promote music study and later sale of more expeisive Instrumenta. F. J.i Mitchell, Phone 105, Bowmanville. 96-tf IIAPPY THOUGHT RANCES KEEP YOU WARM AND COMFORTABLE You know you're in the best of company and among old reliable fniends when there's a "Happy Thought" in your home. Happy Thought Cosy Home Quebec$28 5 Ranges, square fire box, 14-inch overý2 .5 Quebec Ranges, round fire pot, *2 7 14-inch oven, special value at .......$ 67 Other Quebec Heaters to suit every 6 demand and purse from ...........$136 Dominion Ammunition always dependable. Aladdin Lamps give white light fromn coal oil. Dustan's Cash Hardware We Serve You Well mi:, Bowmanville PROCLAMATION!1 TWELFTH ANNIVERSARY 0F ARMISTICE DAY Tuesday, November 11, 1930 Two Minute.'Silence In compliance wlth the desire o! His Majesty the King, I do hereby request that two minutes' silence be obaerved in Bow- manville at the hour of il o'clock a. m., so that in perfect stiliness the prayers and thougbts of everyone may be concen- trated on reverent remembrance o! the glorlous dead and o! the Vlctory by God's grace vouchsa! cd to the Empire and Its de- voted Alles. A COMMEMORATIVE SERVICE to which ail citizen, are cordlly Invitel. willb. hel lal front of the Soidiers' Monument at the hour of 10.45 o'clock a. m. sharp, (20 minute servie>). (See order o! service in another column) to give the citizens an opportunity o! perpetuatlng the memory o! those who lost their lives i the Great War. In wltnes wbereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused this proclama- tion to be made public. M. J. ELLIOTT, Mayor. November 3, 1930. Phone 3 A Thanksgiving Message Holldays always mean extra duties for the bousekeeper and cook. Why not lighten ber dutios and make It a real Tbanksgfivlng by letting us provide part of tbe menu from our temptlng varlety o! good things to est. If we haven't wbat you want, lot us know and wefl bake it for you. Remember our store wil b. closed Monday., W. P, CORBETT Bownmvill. le IT'S WHAT YOU SAVE THAT COUNTS A beautiful 25c colored handie Tooth Brush F'ree wM a large tube of Rexall MIIk oi Magnesta Tooth Paste Both for 39c A 50e tube of Kienzo Shavlng Cream and 35c tin entie- man's After-Shaving Powder Both for 50c Save with Saiety at the ReslStor Jury & Lovel Wh" Mw. "Mt "M. Ulla lMm ROYAL THEATRE BOWMAN VILLE Finest Place in Town - Rernember the Date SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT TO THE LADIES FREE! FREEI! - 52 PIECE SET 0F SILVER WARE- Be Sure and Corne to Owi SIL VER WARE NIGHT Every Tuesday, Starting Nov. i1i GIRLS ! Start Your HOPE CHEST Now ! EVERY ADULT LADY, purchasing ticket at the Box Office every Tuesday Night, starting Novem- ber llth, will receive absolutely Free one piee of SILVER WARE. START YOUR SET NOW! NO Strings! NO Catches! NO Contest'! Attend regularly every TUESDAY Night You Get One Piece of Silver Ware Every TUESDAY NIGHT Mme PAGE SEVICN TE£ CANADIAN ErrATZObUN. BOWMANVn.LE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6th, 1930