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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Nov 1930, p. 7

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-- - -- --- --. - p-. :- u iVI.D UAM.TT T. PAGE SEVEN TIxURSDAY. NOVEMBER 13, 1930 10 01 1 BUY READING ANTHRACITE Until further notice our prices for Cbal and Coke willI be as f ollows: Stove Coal $16.50 Egg . 16.00 Chestnut .......16.00 Pea . . . . .. . . 13.50 Coke . . . .. . . . 13.00 A discounlt of $1.00 per ton for cash will be allowed f rom above prices. HENRY LATHEOPE Liberty St. Bowmanvflle TEE CANALJL&L TA30hiff, %D VI m5*V -- . Folks THIS MAY BE Your Last Chance Now is thc time when the weather s nice anti the grounti mellow ta plant your Bo Ni He di of fi G on Gr at J: W Tc o,] fi pi at sp v ar ar LE so rE BULBS Direct f rom Holland Vest cuality and lowest price Tulips, early mixed 35e doz. Tullps, Darwin's mixed 35e doz. Paper Whites 3 for 10e Jonquils .S50edoz. Daffodils, single. 50e doz. Daffodils, double 50e doz. Hyacinths, 13e ea. or 2 for 25c When in Need of Drugs Quckly Phone 78 Jury & Loveil When we test eye It Io doue properly- FOR A CHANGE IN MENU TRY OUR rCOOKING See our windoW full every day of fresh and appetiz- ing Buns, Cakes & Pastry. Bowman villel Baker y A.W. Jacob&, Proprietor Staniped Coods FOR MAKING CH-RISTMAS GIFTS We have just put on sale this week new Stampeti Goois li worked mnodels: Pil110ws8, Scar! s, Centres, Aprons, Pil- 10w Cases, etc. 14ces 25e each and up. BUY YARN HERE Australefle and FairY Yarn for Children's and Infants' wear. New Uine of Birthday andi Everyday Cartis received. DOLL FAMILY HERZE Reliable Dolîs in every sire, description, beauty and price from 25c. Ortier now and get them later. Also Tetidy Bears. J, W.Jewell Big 20 mooktere omnli Misses Laura Burton anti Grace Hilton piano solos- by Misses not do anythlng to injure them naw. Burton, anti Mr. Norman Burton Florence Faim anti Agnes Whttaker; Why shauld inlx the future? Thelr spent the holiday with their cousins, a veny lnteresting anti educatlonal ha.ppiness filse me wth pleasure.i Mr .andi Mrs. Sam Glanville. talk by Dr. Wblttakcm on a session of They are at the gate awalting miy ipallament whlch lic was prlvleged eturn. If 1 amn late, they turn toI to attend turing lis recent stay in their mother for comifort. When Il iENNISKIL.LEN t Ottawa. Two contesta were then arn gone anti have matie no provis- 1Rev. Wm. Sterling, Orono, wlll playeti. Lunch was serve, and ai- Ion, she can have Uittie comfort for take anniversary services at Burke- ter a hearty vote of thanks wau tend- them. "He that provideth flt for ton il a. m.; Enfield 2.30 P. m.; 13n- Ieeti Mr. and Mrs. Etigerton for their lits own la womse than an infidel." nisklllen 7 p. m. on Sunday. Nov. 18.1 kind hlospltality the meeting closed. II am not an infidel,-Thç Plownian. Lo1tor-tun rHANKSGIVING DAY VISITORS LOCAL AND) OTHERWISE BIRTRB Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Corbett and Mr. and Mrs. Ai!. Gully, Oshawa, DUDLEY-At Bowti5.fville Hospital an LCý ob with relatives andi frientis at were li tOWl Tuesday callng on Friday, November 7th, 1930, ta Mr. and front ewmrke ati arie.Nirs. F. L. Dudley, Tyrane, a son (Don- ago i Mrs. W. H-. Argue and daugliter Mrs. W. C. Ives andi Ruth spent SidEFHoNdO. - At Wilîowdale Re8 et elen with Rev. and Mrs. T. W. S. G. Thanksgiving wth relatives at Home, .Newcastie, on Tuesday, October - rsdew an fmil, e~ake I îomflîd2StIc, 1930, ta Mr. and M.%rs. Geo. Stphen - PI Dr. and Mrs. A. R WetaaniIM dM L son, Carke Tp., a son-Robert Geoge. black aughter, and Jack Minore, School th weekend at Waîkerton and ther A RU Ter fPractical Scenc, or.ont~o, with wRAGS er âerParents, M.adMs .H etr ons COUSINSMMULLENOn Saturdlay, îire .M . Mr. Will Flshleigh, Toronto, was a Nov. sui, 1930, at central United Cliumch, Mr. adMs ehsMa ,Tr weekenti visitor at Mr. and Mrs.. Toronta, by Rev. B. J. H-lome, Lulu Ms. epasMeaer Tr-Elmo Anderson's. Margaret. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. nt0, wth his sister, Mrs. W. Mar- Thomas MoMullen, Bowmanville, to Ar- HO ram. Miss Alvina Penny, Toronto, spent thur Reynolds, son of Rev. D. A. and glue Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Kellar and the weekenti with lier grandparents, Mtrs. Couins 0f stroud. Patri aiYwith f riends at Mountain Mr. and Mrs. J. Byers. ABERNErHYBRVAN-At St. Pauls 142-6. Lmily Manse. Bowmanvilie, on Tuesday, Nov- rove. Mr. andi Mrs. Lorne Plummer, Port llth, 1930, by ltev. D. W. Best, D. D. W- Miss Mary L. Northway and Miss Hope, weme weekend guests o! Mr. .Emily Bryans, daughter of M. and Mrs. ta ne ortyM. James, Toronto, with anti Mrs. N. S. Plummer. Wlilam Bryans of Dublin, ireland,' ta orale orohyWilliam Gordon Abernethy. son of Mr.IWeill Irs. N. S. B. James. Mr. S. E. Keat, Toronto, was guest and« Mrs. John ji. Abernethy, of Dam- Miss Agnes Vanstone, Mr. David of Mrs. B. Antirus anti other olti ington. ins lie, r.JaezVantoeToonofriends in town on Saturtiay. MOUNTJOY-SLEMON-Al the e and ,tM.adMrs. Fred C. Vanstone's. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Boe anti of th, brides father. aoi Wednes(iay, oc- J Mr. adMs .H ad anti tober 29th, 1930, by Bey. J. R. Trumpour, pcon Ms. . . add atichiltiren spent the weekenti with re- Tyrone, Ettie N'era MNav, second dau gh- ack, Mr and Mrs. Alex. Haddy and latives in Whitby and Seagrave. ter of Mr. Thomas T. Sleman and the Tesey nd on.Mr.andMrs B.Y~ Messrs. D. R. Morrison and H. John mountjoy, son of Mr. and Mme. addy and Betty, Miss Agnes Hatidy, Ja ss leoHya, n oez oronto,wihterprnsai Crawford of the Goodyear Plant are .îolin :Mountjoy, ç,.stieton. FO withthei paentsandPool 4her friends in town.- on a business trip to Akron, Ohio. ped. Mr. anti Mrs. Rolandi Bate with Mr. anti Mms. A. Martin anti fam- DEATHS St. rientis at Pickering anti Dunbarton. ily, anti Mr. anti Mrs. T. Couch, Sea- Miss Rose Bate. St. Joseph's Hos- grave, îvere recent visitors in town. MALCOLMSONit Darlitigton, on Sat- ST ital, ot, spent Mr. tivig irlay, November let, 1930, Stîsan Brown, witi Tornt. Tansgrin anti Mrs. N. E. Ambrose anti reîict ef the laIe James Maîcolmson. able. ýt home, son ,Jimmy, Oshawa, were Suntiay SELBV--On wetnesday, November 5, peCt Miss Betty M. Sargent with lier guests of Mr. anti Mrs. Thos. Jack- 1930, Frances Loreen. infant daughter of - )arents in Peterboro. son. Mm.t and Mrs. William cari S.ihy, New- iess M.Herman B. Lapp, Montreal, Mr'niMs etA~srn nILcste (premattlre). Chur Mr n M et rs.ngadc REYNOLDS-On Wednesday, Nov. lth, 16 7mr isiteti frientis here. daughter Norma, Warkworth, were 19.30, at Toronto, Mary Miîdred Reynolds, Miss Mabel Dowson. Cameron, guests at Mr. Raîpl ines' for the in hem 88th vear, widow of the late Rob- ;ent the weekenti with her parents, weekend. ert Reynolds, formerîy of Cartwright. - su ir. anti Mrs. S. R. Dowson. shýire Mr. anti Mrs. Norman E. Wright Mrs. Silas J. Hallowell, Starkville, sr Lnddauhtr Mrgurie, t Cth anti Mrs. Bertha Reiti, Clarke, re- Marion J. Hickingbottom T.J 203- tri tiugter Mruerie, St. M.A. centîy visiteti the latters sister, Mrs. - Elocutioflist-- rines, iotei emunle M. . Jennie Graham, at Lorne Villa. pupils - Concerts FC Miss F. E. Moore with relatives at Mr. anti Mrs. Elgin Wight, Mr. anti Phone 366 BowiTlnville O.A. ,anstiowne. Mrs. Gordon Wight anti Mrs. Wilbur Ken. 9354M, Toronito. lt Mr. anti Mrs. Garnet Duncan, Oke motoreti to Montreal anti spent 45-4 m. ?ichmonti Hill, with Misses B. J. anti the weekenti with frientis there. mai lM. Galbraith. Miss Myrtle Flett, Fenclon Falls, FC Mr. anti Mrs. H. L. Creeper anti has returneti home after spcnding a CARTING AND) TRUCKING at ;on Tom, Toronto, with lis parents. week with her uncle anti aunt, Mr. wil Ur, anti Mrs. H. B. Creeper. anti Mms. Jas. E. Flett, George St. IAil kinds of Carting, Trucklng m ad for1 Mr. anti Mms. W. 1. McTavish at ao and MsM.JElttaemaving; local and long distance. scho Mao n rs .J llotaeH. BOMBARO to Pl ;on Ian, Toronto, with her parents, on a holiday trip visiting her bro- Phone 630 Queen st., Bowmanvillis mon \r. anti Mrs. F. J. Manning. Ither, Mr. Mark Osborne, Newark,- Mite Mrs. Thos. Toti anti Miss Olga Tati N. J., anti other f ientis in Uncle A atet oRn 'hur Wright, Hamilton. Mr.Wv.CleDiy ii ni CMOTBEAATET- il vith tle formeW. ti.uliter, ms. Ar-Sam s tomain.Statesmn Bock, 5 moorns, newîy de Wra Mr. anti Mms. Geo. E. Chase with Arthur, spent the holiday with Mr. orated, modern conveniences. ecm- oe relatives at Brighton. . anti Mrs. H. W. McDonald, Wood- îcalîy heated. Apply Gea. W. James, lighî Miss Jean Bell, Toronto, wth lier stock. Mrs. McDonalti returnet i wth or phone 53. ers parents, Mr. anti Mrs. H. M. Bell. them f or a short visit. 192à Miss Thelma Nichoîls, Wesleyville. flieu witli her sisten, Mrs. Antirew Dilling. Mr. anti Mrs. Leslie Guy, Oshawa, LAUNDET WANTED us Mr. anti Mrs. T. H. Graham, Pet- anti Mr. anti Mrs. Earl Osborne, heuc rboro, with Mr. anti Mms. Jas. E. Bowmanville, spent Sunday week Ail kinda of laundry work dons prompt- -- Flett wth their uncle anti aunt, Mr. ant iîy, satîsfaetorîîy and at reasonable priocs. Mn. anti Mrs. Fred Greenfielti, port Mrs. J. W. Hamlton~, Millbrook. Write Font Offic Box 12, or eaui Mms Union, with his parents, Mr. anti Miss Dorothy Plummner anti Mr. W. Mamioramu, King St. IL, Bowmsiille. G tIrs. Robt. Greenfieli. Owen Nicholas spent the weekenti at it Mr. W. J. Colwill. Toronto, witli Mr. anti Mrs. Clarence Brooks', Pho ils mother, Mrs. J. T. Colwill. Coltispings. Mr. Nicholas took part Personal- Mrs. Bruce Berry with relatives at in the evenmng Thankoffering service. Cut this out for iuck.-Send birth date )we Suni.Messrs. Merril anti Clarence Fier- and 10e for wonderful horoscope of your Col, Mr. Bert Jewell, Owen Sound, wth lf e. Prof. Raphael, Box 94, Grand C ilsmohe, rs W E Jwel. guson, Toronto, Mr. anti Mrs. Cecil Central Station. New York. 42-60 mat TootHill anti Marion, Rev. anti Mrs. F. H_____________ Miss Dorothy Kirkton, ot, W. Ncwell, Blackstock, were weekentier with hem father, Mm. Wm. Kinkton. visitors at Mm. anti Mrs. W. C. Fer- RAILWAY TIME TABLE Kin Mr. Stanforti Symons, Toronto, gsns l with his parents, Mm. anti Mrs. Frank E5xi.Nationaal llwaY Symons. Mm. Fred R. Foley, St. Catherines, (Standard Time) Miss Doothy Allin, Toronto, with calleti on manly olti fmends here on WEST SOUND EAST SOUND hem parents, Mr. anti Mms. S. Chas. Montiay, including a thorougli in-. 8.50 a. m. 8.42 a.. m H tflln, Providence. spection of Bowmanville's newest of- 1.51 P. m. 1.15 P. m co Miss Greta Pollard, Macdionald fice building - Hary AliIn's sk.y. .48 p.. .6P. M. et Hll, Guelph, with hem parents, Mr. scraper. 7.29*m.750 P. M. m and Ms. W.B. Polard.12.23 a. m. r îni ms W B Pllrt.Miss Marlon Pickarti, Apsley, Join- 12.48 a.. l oc Miss Ruthi Pollarti, Toronto, with l cd Petembomo teachers enmoute to ner lier uncle anti aunt, Mr. anti Mrs. W. Windsar wheme they visiteti schools, Cand'»pacllealiWaF o B. Poflarti. Misses Sadie anti Laura Vîrtue, also in Detroit. She spent the week- (Standard Time)- wit tei sste Ms.C.W.enti with hem parents at lier uncles' WEST7BOUND EAST SOUND Toronto, wihtersse, MsC . t 6.13 a. m. D 10.03 a. M. ci. Slemon. in1 Windsor. o 7. 10 a. m. D 3.11 p. m. anc Miss Thelma Giltiers, Toronto, ms. Melville Stuart Dale (former- 7.55 a. m. *9.10 P.M. str with lier father, Mr. A. E. Giltiers. ly Gladys Wlnnifred Bateman) wfl D 7.17p. mu. t1.18 a. m. t Miss Marguerite Armstrong, Sea- eceive for the fist time since hem O 7.13 p. mu. o 1.18 Sua. mu. ot grave. wth hem parents. Mm. anti marriage at Wellngton Street on :-Daily for points west of Toronlto. Ha Mrs. W. E. Armstrong. Saturtiay, November it, fom 4 tili o-Dally for passeuîgers te and fromu tie Miss Gwentiolyn Willams, Toron- 6 o'clack. Mms. J. Hamilton Bate- Toronto. to, witli hem parents, M. anti Mrs. maxi anti mrs. William F. Dale will______ A. M. Williams. ecelve wth hem. 45-2 Misses Margaret Archem, Mary anti A complete set of the new issue of SUNDAy AT LOCAL CHUECHES Isael leandrandMarore Rb-Spanlsh stamps, to commemorate ins, Toronto UnlvemsitY, with Rev. the tiiscovemy of Ainerica, has been St. Afldrew's Presbyteriau Church anti Mrs. J. U. Robins, at Tmlnty fomwarded The Statesman by Senor Rev. W. J. Totit, Minister Parsonage. DnEumaNvarCledlMorning Woshlp at il a. m. Suntiay MissMarare Wihtmn wtliNoviciado. 14 Principal, Madrli 8,School at 2.30 p. m. Evcning Worshlp relatives in Kingston. a .m vnn o'hl t7pm M. anti Mrs. Gortion Ricc anti Spain, who is in charge of the dis- Stat n. .evscnrilng Welomed t .m Betty, London, Miss M. Sis, antiMm. tribution. They are issueti in a vam-Stagrcoialywcoe. Buti. Rice, Toronto, at M.hs. ety of hues anti shapes. s.Pul ntdCuc Rice's. Mms. Wilcox. formerly o! this town, Rev. D. W. Best, D.D., Minster Miss M. Cleverdon with Miss Bur- anti taugliter Doris, andi Mr. Arleigli il a. m.-Morning Worship- "Tlie ton, Broolilin. Cooley. Toronto, were weekend gucsts Gate Cafleti Beautiful"; '7 p. m- Misses Nellie Burk, Belleville, anti of Mm. anti Mrs. T. F. Leach. Evening Worshlp - "The Common- Sybil Bumk, Toronto, wth tlieim Tlianksgivlng callers inclutietiMr. place"; 2.30 p. m.-Sunday School mother, Mms. Jessie Bumk. anti Mrs. Teti Joncs anti Mrs. Dick, anti Bible Classes. miss Marion G. B. Wartier, Fever- Hanilîton, Mm. anti Mms. Morgan sham, M. anti Mms. Eti. Souci, Osh- Murphy, Baxter, Mm. anti Mms. John St. John's Anglican Church awa, wth M. anti Mms. R. H. Warti- Leach, Alliston, M. Alex. Lockhart, Rev. C. R. Spencer, M. A., Rector c. Toronto, anti Alderman T. H. Lock- Services November l6th - Twenty- Mm. Mort Murtiof!, Manager of the hart, towII. second Sunday after Tinity: il a. m. Doinion Store, Lindsay, at home. -Holy Communion; 2.30 P. m.-I Jennie Hooper, Rochester, N. Y., at . LCSTC p. m.-Evening Prayer. Services Mr. J. B. Martyn's anti Mm. J. T. wlll be conducteti by Rev. C. R. Spen- Hooper's. Mrs. Fred Brock anti Mrs. Arthur cer, M. A., wio lias been appointeti Mr. anti Mms. A. W. Pîckard anti Brock, Port Penry, were ecent vis- Rector o! St John's, Bowmanville. family, spent Thanksgivlng holitisys itons o! the fonmer's sister. Miss Mary in Windsor wth their son Howardi Parr. _____ anti the forimer's brothers, Messrs. Mr. anti Mrs. T. Smith visiteti the W INU NC R .H. anti C. R. Plckarti, anti familles, latten's parents, Mn. anti Mms. F. WHY I CARRYLE NUAC ant viiteti Mm. anti Mrs. W. J. Mor- Lamb, Manchester, rccently._-a Real Estate For Sale HOUSE FOR SALE-Brick resideuce, ontaining eight roams, bathmoozn. clos- ta and pantry; hardwood floors; and&Il idern conveniences: good vegatable .rden; dauble garage; ver>' deaira.bie >ation. For tarms and particulma ap- ,y on the premisea to W. J. ir Elrgin and Horsay Sts., or box 29. twmuanvilla. Phone 125. 30-tf FARM FOR SALE-36 acres, 10 acres leared, 1 acre orchard and garden, bai- nce Pasture and wood land; runnlng, ream; brick bouse; electrlclty; furn- e; barni; silo; on county road, Hamp- on. Must be sold ta close an estate. rr partîculars aply ta Geo. Barron, -ampton, administrator of the estate of he laie Mrs. Greenaway. 46-tf' THE SMART WINTER COAT 15 CAREFUL 0F ITS FUR DETAILS oST-iltadlight rim with glass, lost m Stud-ebaker car about two weeks in the vicînity of Enniskiilen. Re- 7d for return to F. W. Wells, Sun SAssurance Co., Port Hlope. 46-1 URSE LOST-Littie girU*s gold and ,kmesh bag lost in Bowmanville on day between Public Sehool and rge St. Valued aa a keepsake. Bte- , for return t0 Statesman Office. Wanted IRSES WANTED-Old horses for th~e efactory, at $5.00 each. Apply ta ick White, Bowmanville. Phone 6. 46-3 ANTED-Robert Pawson Io preipared rpalr boots and eho-es, neat Job, mod- te pricea. Leave at Sidney Marris', Illngton Street, Bowmanville. 45-3* IPAIR WORK--Closed car tops and le trim, cao furniture upholstered 1recoxcred, at reasonable tîrices, by A. Fry, Scugog St., 3owa nville. one 536. 46-1 Articles For Sale .R SALE - Americaa Blliard and I) Table in good condition, fully equip- 1.Apply Mrs. W. H. Dustan, Queen Phone 122. 44-tf ýT0VE FOR SALE-A good cook stove Ilarge copp-er back; terms reason- e.Apply to Mrs. C. Robinson, Pros- ,St., l3owmanville. Phone 435 . 46-2 -URNACE FOR SALE CHEAP-Pxpe- sfurnace, formerly used in Eldad urch. Apîily to Harvey Hardy, phone r2. or B. G. Stevens, phone 23gr22. 46-tf ;WS FOR SALE-Pure ired York- re sows. in farrow; bacon type; grand e was grand champion at the Royal J. Cole,.Il. Il. 3 Bowrnanville. Phone _4. 46-3w. OR SA LE-]3am il Rock cock.-rels, AC. and Oak Rige Farta strain: aIso May pullets of samne strain; immed- ýsale becauae of lack of space. Sitned J. B. Ilutchison, lligh Street, Bow- ivile. Phone 451. 46-1 FOR SALE-Ufed planas for students, very easy terme and prices. Trustees I caîl me for Information on organe rsahool purposes. 1 have pianos for ool use and wll oeel at nominal prices pramote music study and later sale of me expensîve Instruments. P. J. chell, Phone 106, Bownaanvilie. 36-tf AUTO PARTS FOR SALE - Auto rückers. King Street East, Bowman- e, have new andl used parts for mnany sies of cars. These are a few newv es: Auto gas pumps, stop and tail ,ts, locking handles and cigar iight- locking radiator caps and generators-, 28Chtvrolet heaters, jacks of aIl kinds, )o mats, and head light glasses. Give ;a ring before sending out of town. ces equal to cily wreckers. B. Fur- 1.Phone 438. 46-3 To Let GARAGE FOR RENT-Garage in vic- ty of Ontaria and Wellington Stre,,ets. hone 693. 46-1 FOR RENT-6-roomed bouse, ail con- ?nlences, available on lyecember lot. orer Church and Ontario Streets, Bow- anville. Phone 488. 45-tf HiOUSE TO RENT-Seven rooma. wat- rworks, bath. electriclIights, located ng & Ontario St., Bowmanville. p- ly A. A. CoIwill. Newcastle. 61-tfý IOVERCOAT LOT "-26-95 You will fInd in this lot our very beat makes, li ail that's new for F'all and Winter, ail shades, values to $35.00, on sale T. B. GILICHRIST Directly Opposite Phone 61 Rank of Montreal Bowmanville These handsorne new fabrics are not eomplete without a luxurious accompanimlent of rich fur. Interesting effeets have been achieved with the furring on the new coats in our "1just arrived" group. We invite you to corne ini and review a rnost authentic selection of Winter Coats priced from $1875 ëirid tip THE SMART SHO COWAN 13LOCK GEO. RK MASON4, Mauage.- FOR SALE - Brick cottage on Queen HOUSE FOR SALE-BSat bUlIt boume Street, containing four roomus witb mod- on Carlisle Avenue, takea onu ftour toma ern convenieflces. the property of the of coke per winter for furn&Se md utOVO, late Mrs. S. Stacey. ÂppIY to Mrs. W. ha done it the li«t four vIateUM no" jCowle, Church St., Bowmanville. 42-6 renting for $26 per month; tbre. rooM - and three closets upetain, six rooMi sud hall lneiuding bedroorniand batlroom HOUSE FOR SALE-6 rooe good downstair ;coller dividsd with eMMOUt condition. real bargaîn for quioksla al aaemdbibue ieueg owner is movlng out of town; possession APPîr to C. N. Ruse,-R.IRIL 1 Sa Dec. let. Apply C. M. Murdoif, Con- Ont. l'am cession St., Bowmanville. Phone 341. 46-2w PROPERTV FOR SAL.-WirMe bous%~ -s rooms, woodehed, verada. furnaoe. new cernent cîstern, good celler, cern- FARM FOR SALE-50 acres, being lot ent floor; barn 36x26, stable for thre 22, con. 5. Darlingtofl. on which are brick horses, hen house, driving shied sultable -roomed bouse wit*h modem conven- for garage; one acre of land witb ama11 lences; hard and soft water; outbttild- fruits, on lot 23, con 6, Darlingtofl. con- ~Ings In good repair; 3 acres orchard. ventent to Solina church and scool the *For particulars apply on the prerissa property of the late John Paico. Vo ta E. Haggith, HamPton. Phone 19-21-1terme and aPPÎY to ]E. E. 42 TnHamipton ]R. R. 1. 442i -1 m

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