PAGE NINE TUB CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMKANVILLEC. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER * 1930 carri and the freedomn to spcnd * .* .,.Evening follows nix-nday. I! 4111l the evening of your life be î happyand peaceful? f WiII you be assured of al ic omforts and some of the luxu. tr' 1!You will if you LOOK AHEAD Ie littie chat you will scarcely F, miss now, invested n the Sun Life Policy best suited to your requirements, wll bring you -splendid recurns wben your earn- ingdas reover. And in the meanimechoe der v)youwill be fully procected. TaIk over your assurance problems wit/ a Sun Mf a/ens. SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY 0F CANADA HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL Rosy Cheeks for indoor days Crisp cold air brings a toucb of color to every one, but it soon passes unless good health keeps it there. Shredded Wheat is an ideal indoor-weather food. t contains the mineral saits that make healthy red blood and the bran that prornotes regular habit even though exercise is restricted. Plenty of nourishrent--and easily digested too. Bat Shredded Wheat every morning--a biscuit or two with bot milk for a deliejous, vital. izing breakfast. SHREDDED I I HERE COMES YOUR COAL Our truck la awatlug your Sil to dliver t.e 'our baacment the kind of coal that haudeia of faminies throiaghout thi town have toua se uatlsfactory. Tonuocm depend, upon this old-estabflihed coal yard te turnish strlctly hlgh quaity coal at ail imes. Ortier now for prompt delivery. -D. L. & W. Scranton Coal- The Standard Anthracite 8tove Coal ..S . ... .16.50 Egg 16.00 Chestuut 16.00 Pea ...13.50 Buckwbeat 11.50 Nut Coke - .. 13.00 A dscount of $1.00 per ton for cash will b. ailowed from above prices. McClelIan & Co., Limited Phone 15 Bowmanville LOOK AHEAD... I ; onrtul ý_man If yau can say that o-r,-sho caéuld-not-aeobis face. IL do tbey feel that complote reliancei witb auch confidence." she told hlm seemed an 111 amen that at this mo- ts placed on this true* speclfic wlth sadly. ment abe shauld speak oot Ms wlfe. the certainty that It will aiways doI "IWbat do you meani?" Ho avoideci a deliberate answer. ail that ILs makers dlaim. If yauI Sho closed her eyOs w.arili befai'. "What a question! T hardly knaw bave not yet learnoci haw safe you the insistence of bis. wbat ta say," ho salU Ughtly. are wth thîs preparatian at banci .I m Iiean .. . I suppose no miracles "II only ashoc because she bas geL ILta-day andi knaw for yaurself. LIFE is at its noontîde now. Youth and vgour, the ability to -«Il are yotirs flou. ELEVENTH INSTALLMENT have happened, have tboy?" spoken about you several tlmes "Only that you are here. in my think she rather likes you." What Has Gone Before arms." "Nonsense!" Giles Chttenbam swears to avonge "That is not wbat I mean." His vpice sounded almnost angry, the death of bis young half-brother He knew what she moant, and hoe and Julie lookod Up at hlm in sur- Rodney, driven ta, suicide by the no- answered hier directly. prise. torlous Julie Farrow who had spurn- 'II arn stili married. if that is what "Don't you want bier ta like you? ed bis love. Ho wHIl make Julie love you moan, Julie?" Slie and 1 are great f riends. I prefer hlm, thon throw bier aside as she "Yos." Ho could hardly catch the hier to any one I have met since-" threw Rodney. Ho meets her li whisper. She stoppod wlth a littie shrug of~ Switzorland, goes wtb ber ta the Ho turneodlher face from its rest- her shouldors. hotel on the St. Bernard Pass. and ing-placo against bis shoulder, and "Since you and 1 met on the top succeeds ini wlnnlng lier love. To hlis kissed hier. of the worlcl," Giles addod for hier. amazement. ho discovors that he has '"I shaîl ask my wif e to sot me It was nearly three in the morn- taloen overwhelmlngly in love with f roe. We are notbing to one an- ing when hoelot t the fiat, and the bier himsOl! And hoe is matrriedi to (other." streets were silent and deserted as ho an Amorican girl wth whom hoe has Julie shivereci. walked away through the darkness, nothingig n common. "Supposlng sho won't consent? ... pauslng for a moment to 1ook back Thon ho discovers that tiiis gl la Shail you teil bier about me?" at the llghted window where Julie Chittenham hesltatod. stood witb bier face pressod ta the flot the same Julie Farrow wbo rtin- "She may flot be sufficiently inter- pane to catch a last gllmpse of hlm. od Rodney, but bier cousin of the ested ta want ta, know. She and I Behind him was the sound of other same naine. She sc0!fls him whon have not been anythmng ta one an- stops, a little slower than bis, and hoe confesses bis love and bis iDabil- other for a long time. Where are yet in some strango way seeming do- ity ta marry bier. They meet later you golng?" llberatoly ta be dogging hlm. in London, wbore sho ls golng the Julie had risen ta bler feet, gently Chittonham. glanced over bis pace that klfls. Another man, Law-dlsengaging bis armns. shouldor, irntatlngly consciaus of be- ronce Schofleld, wants ta marry ber, "II arn just wondeing bow ail this ing followed. in spite of bier wild life. came about," she saici brokenly. A taxlcab on the lookout for a lato Through bis t riend Lombard, 01108 "How I . . . ow you made me givo fare turned a corner, and Oies hall- Chlttonhain meets theo "other Julie," in ta you. It was the last thougbt oU IL. At ail events it would put an the notorlous wornan wha had ruineci Rodney's lit o. She tels hlm that she is golng ta de; the doctors have given bier up as incurable and she 1, leaving England. She is worried about bier cousin, the girl Chitten- ham loves. That Julie-his Julie- is going in fast company, anions thom a common littlo American girl narned Sadie Barrow. And Sadle Barrow is Giles Chit- tenham's wfe. Ho did not know that sbe was in England. That nlght ho meets bier at a party at bis moth- or's bouse. Tboy protend to be Ul strangers. Giles learns that Sadie Barrow, bis wlfo, bas gone in for spiritualism and la attendlng seanoes by a medium named Chryor. Ho calis on Julie, wbo is cold ta him. Ho roproaches bier for ber reckless life. They quarrol, and she N iI J beaves with Lawrence Schofield. Her f riend, Blm Lennox, tols Gilos that She lot hlm draw her closely into bis arms, and when ho presci her Julie really loves hlm. Lombard calls head do-n agaînst bis sbouldor, she closed ber eyos wtb a little 81gb of on hlm and says hoe is Mn need of spent resIgnation. monoy. Ho threatens that if Cbittonbam in rny mind when I came in. No- end once and for ail ta bis interesteci doos not give him money ho wil don't touch me, ploase-" For hoe foilowor. As hoe slammod Up the spread the tale that hoe and Julie had bad risen also and rnoved towards door ho glanceci backwards along the spont the night tagother at St. Ber- bier. raad the way ho had corne. nard Pass. Gilos is indignant and "Giles.. do you thlnk I've been The man was passlng beneath a shows Lombard out. Later Julie very easy ta break?" street lamp, and in the sudden light and Schofield go ta a movie togthor Chittoiiham i nced. Hor words bis figure seomed strangely f aiiar, and the pictures remind Julie of the hurt him. Sho looked infinitely pa- althougb for the moment Chitton- Alps and St. Bernard and Scbofield thetic as she stood thore, bier face bam could flot place the resemblance. becomes suspicious. On the way still tainod wth toars, and bier lips The taxicab moved away and thon home they get a newspaper whicb trernbling. Ho made a swftly pas- ail at once hoe know-it was Lom- contains the news of the death sionate movemont towards bier, bard! That was the resomblance hoe abroad of the other Julie. At ber "Julie . . . do you reaily love me, bad seen-Harry Lombard! fiat rhe finds Chttenham waiting my dear?"' For an instant hoe was conscious of for ber. She confesses to hlm that The bot colour rushed f rom ber angry premonition; what did it abe loves him. chin ta bier brow. mean? - thon lho laughed at hlm- Now Go On Wth the Story "lWifl it sound ver orl f me self. The idea was preposterous! "You can't say IL ! Julie .. if I say Ihat I wi5hiE ht? Wl»' should Lombard have followed -- With a foerce llttle movement hoe whlspered. "*No-no, stay there. I l? H eebeeiterls drew bier into bIs arma and klsseci want ta taik ta you. It's stil ail so meeting-and Lombard's detestable bier lips. uneal-I teed so rnuddled-as if lt's insinuations. 'II love you," hoe whispered. "I've Just a dream that I can only fainty Chittenhams face grew grirn. nover loved any one but you. For- nernember. Tell me-why dîd yo Suposing tieJLmbard hatdben give mie, Jule-"I corne back this evening?"watn otîd Jul'fiturg She put bier bands against bis "lBecause I heard that you were to* the past fivo hours? choat, trylng ta hoid hlmt rom ber. marny Schofield." 0 I5 "Forgive you? And thon what?" "Oh!" Her eyes foll. Poor Law- When Chlttenham was dressing in she asked hoarsely. Sho began ta cr7. ronce! She baU forgotten hlm com- the mornlng bis mother rang sof tly and brokenly. "You migbt pletely. through on the 'Phono. leave me alone-you might leave me "And now-what do we do now?"'I anly rang up ta, ask if you wil alone." she sobbed, belplessly. she asked softly. corne this afternaon." Sho know she bad reacbed the end Cbttenham held out bis arms. "Wl»' do you want me ta corne? of bier endurance. She know that if "Corne bore, and I wiil tel YOU." You know I'm an unbeliovor." she gave in ta hinm now thore would She wont ta hlm readily enough, Thero was a little bositatton betore be na rotraclng ber stops. She tried and for a little while everytblng was the plaintive vaico came again. ta, think of Lawrence Schfld- f argotten Mn hisses. and the foolish "Ta tel yau the truth. I'm Juat a trled ta beliovo that hoe was far the words of lavera which yet hold ail tiny bit nervous i I've nover been btter mani of the two.ý andi that with the wlsdom ot the world. mlxed up in anything of thc kind hlm she would stand a greter The cbiming of a dlock brought betore. and I tbougbt witb Yau chance of happiness. but. conimon- tbem back ta eartb. there-"j senso and logic Uled agalnst the mag- She pusho i hm tram ber. "The cvii spirits couldn't get yau. le of Chittenham's arms and theo "It was your f ault," she said f ev- eh?-dan't wrry-" Oiles laughod. touch af bis lips. Sheoanly knoew eriably. "I1 was weak enough ta let '"I meant ta came anyway." that during ail the woeks sinco they It be your fault. I suppose I haven't "And, Oies-M case you'ro angrY parted in Switzerland, sho had acbed any pride, or I sbould just have gone at meeting ber again after what for this marnent. dreamod of it and on and gat over it- happeneci the ather night-Missa Par- longed for it. and that now. in spite "II'm glad l'au dldn't, Julie." row la coming! I know I salU I of ber prouci dfanco, It haU came, Wlth sudden impulse. Julie ralseci wouldn't have bier M ic be ouse any and whon Chttenhamn asked again: bis hand ta bier lips and k1550d it more, but after ail, anc must be "D1o you love me?-Udo you want me thon wth nevulsion of feeling sho broad-mMndd-*" after ail. Julie?" she baU no answer. almost angrlly pushed it tram ber. ailes guffawed. She lot hlm raw bier claseiy inta Ho took ber f ace between bis IlI takes ail sorts ta, make a bis arma. and whon lho pressed ber banda, and kissed bier passlonately. world," bis mather went an. "80 head dawn against bis shoulder, abe "Nothlng shail ever part us any you wil ho nice and polit. ta bon, closed ber eyes wth a littie aîgh ofmoe"hwlsrdagitbrlp. won't you. dear?" spent resignation. But she was not satisfiod. 1 '1I thînk I can safely promise yau It was a long time beforoelthor0f "Oles-supposîng she won't di- that."- tbem spoke again. Chittenham Uid vonce yau?" He smiled ta blmself as lho bung not attompt ta hisber, ho just beld 1I'"1am not af raid of tbat." Up the recelver. It seemed absurd bier in bis arma. bis cbook gain t "But supposing she won't?" Julie that bis mptber should have thougbt bier bair, as if she had beon a tlred insisteU fevorlshly. it necessary ta ask hlm ta be polfte cbild who had corne ta hlm for com- "NecU we suppose any such thing?" ta Julie! fort andi protection. "I11 want ta suppose everything. I He baU hardy flnished dressing It was Julie wha moyeU first. 1 want ta know what the warst is that wbon a message carne ta say that "Birn wlll be in soon. Paon Blm.1 we may bave ta face." Lombard was ownstaîrs waltlng ta CUBES la Tins of 4 and 10 Cubes à may 6e causing those Frequent headaches Pm' W~HEN tbere'a tao mucb acid in yaur atamacb, you must force your- soif La work, and even pleasures ame too great an effort. Appetite legs; the digestion la poor; the whole systrni sufera. Laboratory tests show an acid condition la duo to errais ia aur Modem diet. But you accU not wait to &et your way out of the trouble!1 Take a tahiespoonful of Phillips' MiLk of Magiesia. This will neutralize the exces acid instantly; make you feel like a new persan in juat a few moments. Take a little whenover heartburn, sick headaches. nausea, flatulence. indigestion or billousneas show the digestive system la becoming too Zook's Regulatins Compound hNioélp 1,prOlt 9.- GOPaN ff. 3 ýýp&.hkt.Addreu: OP 1'HI COOK MEDICINEOOMe acid. Wbenever you are takin cold or feel sluggish, weak, constipatod. Phillipa' Mik of Magnesia haa gentle laxative action. Delightfulta take. Endorsed by physicians for 50 yeara and pro- acribed everywhere for mon, wamen and children. The genuine is always a liquid; it caanot hc made in tablet faim. IL aiwaya boas thLe name Phililpa' for your protection. RJI Li7#eGrat Engiish P9)aIN£-"' * oues and invigorates 1h -hol pervous systenl. makes new Blood mn aid Veins. (Jsed for Nervous Dbility. Mental and Brain Warry Depondany. LassaIEnesv. Palpitation 0 the Hoart, Fading Memos,. Price$IPcebox.3. foi $5.b Sold by ailf ruggists. or mailed in plain pkg. on relceiptof prce New panuphiltmat1ec Who lu<'%int R.ED RsETEAm ~&"~'~oIra FILL YOUR COAL BIN y WITH LEIIIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE 77w Coal 77kt Sa! iz~fiea These prices are effective froua Nov. lat: Stove Coal ..................$16-50 Egg ............................. 16.00 Chestnut........................ 1600 Pea.............................. 13.50 Buckwheat..................... 11.50 Coke ............................ 13.00 A discount of $1.00 per ton for cash will be allowed from above prices. J. A. HOLGATE & SON - Blders' Supplie and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowananville