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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Nov 1930, p. 10

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PA1iU! tr1 UNMTECNDA TTSABWAVLE HRDY OEBR2.l3 LIFE SKETCH of HAROLD GULLYI DOUBLE WEDDING CELEBRATIONI PT -KTI i ir 4" A Q 'i r ' v 1 N r Nr'T n1c N lT1i - - IN W t;_1___________N J Z IN Il çContiniied fromn page 1' iContinued fromn page 1) e i L V r~I i i ~ F ~ r i ~ / . L I ce-,ded by cars and trucks; a balloon assst-ed by Rev. James Millar. Tor- ascension at the country fair evolved mité. cousin of the brides mother., H R D Y O E B R2t,13 to airplane traffic as we see it to-day: The bride was attired in her travel-TH R D ,NO M ER2 h,1 0 the photograph in the family album ling costume o! nule green. fur--timi- - evolved to pictures with life and ac- mied. wearing rosebuds. and was at-1 NEWCASTLE FIRE PROTECTION II1 COLC WECMN tion and conversation; one million- tended by her sister. Miss Marjorie,___ aire in the average city increased to McGregor. wearing a gown of brown1 Miss Helen Grubb, Weston, spent Fire Protection is looming up as a I Continued f romn last week, a score; organ music surpassed by crepe wthi gold trimmings and car- last week with Mr. and Mrs. P. La- real live issue in the forthcoming the piano. and the piano put in the rying yellow muins. Mr. Bruce Gresley. Municipal Elections. The Council has The audience applauded, approv- corner behind the radio; victories in Montgomery attended his brother as igywe di acc nie baseball, racing. and prize fighting, best mran. The wedding music was Miss Elizabeth Hancock, St.* Cath- its ear to the ground and in order to M igsy wen aEdisHancock inithed given to real winners now frequently played by Mrs. Smith Ferguson. Bow- erines and Miss Ruth, Bowrnanville, get a clear understanding of the Ms ao n isSizrt h manipulated by insiders; the tinie manville. cousin of the groom. The %vere home for the week-end. street, shop, club, school and church, platform and Gwenny Williams very discussions that are in part borne in charnnngly presented each witha when small business thrived and the bridai couple le! t on a honeymoon The Club losed the year with a upon it, Reeve W. F. Richard, through lovely bouquet of roses on behaîf of littie merchant f cît secure gradually trip for Buffalo and otheî' points in membership of 26 and a balance in H. C. Bonathan, Clerk, called a meet-i Principal Coyne and the students. snouted out by chains; unsanitary the United States, and on teir re-- the treasury of about $48.00. ninteCuclhabroTes1Mss ao psned r.(D) hotels (nowv gone or going) trans- tuî'n will reside in Oshawa. Mrs. J. S. Ames, Oshawa and Mrs. day evening, Nov'. llth, for the pur- Fallis' prize of two books, ArehihaId formed into magnificent places for The cornpany xas then called to Wheeler, Belleville, were Sunday ps !sudn h aeaeso Lampman's and Dr. rmmnd coveiecean cmfrt Ofo order, Dr. W. H. Birks. Bowmanvillc. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hare. the subject. poems - value $5.00 to Annabel the ravages of a ar the like .0f son-in-law, presiding. An address r.adMsChsWodadsn CuclrI.W. atnERe H drbssueninoe cho whchI op w wllno se gan;was read by Master Aleck Birks, old- Ni, eeSudygussofhs nl D.J A lrW. E. Pur, -C. TEgls the general disposition on the part est grandchild. and a purse o! goldnd an, r. ndygMrsohs. N uck- .EBtlrW.E.glishC.T o! mien to regard themselves more as ansdpresented.bynMiss Mar.orieBuey- Batty and thers advocated the pur: The judges of the Public Speaking their brother's keeper than twenty- Campbell, youngest grandchild, on ise id chase Of a chemnical engine. The contest having arrived at a decision, five years ago: the beginning and de- behalf o! the family. An address Missrd n Mre aead Reeve and several others take the Mr. Norman McLeod, M.A., of the velopment o! such organizations as was then read by Mrs. Alf. VanDyke lady friend, Toronto, spent the week- stand that the fiî'st requisite is an Oshawa Collegiate Instîtute reportedi Rotary, Kiwanis. which have given to on behal! o! the neighbors and end with their mother, Mrs. Frank adequate and easily available water as follows:-Girls, Audrey Bonathan, men in their community a new sense f riends. and Mir. McGregor was pre- Gibsgon. supply, secured by building concrete 1I st; Annabel Hendry, 2nd; Loreen o! service. sented by Mr. John Sharpe with a Mrs. Leo P. Rickard and Mrs. W. D. tanks té conserve the water £rom the Batty, 3d. Boys, Arthur Lockhart, In conclusion Mr. Gully said: I gold-headed cane, and Mrs. McGi'eg- Bragg motored to Belleville last Sat- roofs of the churches and other large Ist; Edwin Hancock, 2nd. Mr. Me- have been a member o! Toronto or with a dozen gold trimrned cut urday to visit Mr. and Mrs. A. H. buildings, so that in case o! a fire ifI Leod, speaking foi' himself and his Rotary Club for il years. It has glass sherbet glasses. presented bY Fisher. They expect to stay until Bowmanville or Orono Fire Brigade o! the Bmanville M igh1.K.Smih, B.Ad meant a lot to me. I think we are Mrs. Harry Bennett. Many ther this Thursday. or' both respond, as they have knownOfteBwavl HgSco nd on the right road. Prom what I gifts were received by the worthy It was decided to leave the date and their willingness to in the past, on Principal Thos. A. Rodger, N.l.S, can hear f romn others and read I arn couple including a number o! gold p'cdr fteAna aqe vt several occasions, they may be as: said their task had been a difficuit o! thopini one thanoorganîzainecs the ExecutiveComrittee, and a mo-~srdasfiin spî facsil one; there was s0 much menit in al than Rotary. As for the individual Many telegramsadltesO inwscrid aigteana water. In these days o! motors and the speeches, and those that were not i sur oing moreto a wrld pec ngaM laio s wranced fettemerstin ashcip ed akn5. heannalconcreteroadls it takes but a few awarded prizes were most commend-1 I an uretht i ay mn illma e ngratlatonswere rbect eiv e o mmeshpfe 50minutes for a flue brigade with its able. prctca ue !Roar'saxor he fiendswowrtnal-ob rs- LntdCuchNw:Ms Rev.) engine and otheî' equipment to corne1 The High School staff and students profits most who serves best' ewîîet Roger's and a group o! C.G.I.T. girls !rom either of oui' neighboring towns;;- and the Board of Education greatly, find the effort of enduing worth to The groom o! fi! ty years ago made were in Oshawa, on Saturday attend- but there is always the consideration: appreciated the services o! the judges himself. a very suitable reply on behal! o! ing a C.G.I.T. Raily at the King St. that while either o! these town's fire 1 on this occasion, especially Mr. Mc- himself and bride. expressing their United Church under the direction o! fighting men and apparatus are awvay' Leod and Miss Smith's whose time is tthanks for the good wishes and Mî's. Rogers. that town is temporarily without fire pretty fully occupeid in their horne' speautiful giftsoreceied.By re!s St. George's Church-Rev. F. H. protection. And durî.ng an electrîc towns aîîd who came çlown to the speeches Mler a sss . ma esby Res- Mason, M.A., Pastor. Sunday, Nov. storm this may be snrous. However, Commencement at the i'equest o! the Muoe e.R and ilerMsrs. We.Ps23rd. 8 a.m.-Holy Communion. 9.45 this is prohlematic. Pnize and Me(l Comniittee at some A social time !ollowed when the a.m.-Bible Study Class by H. H. Seldom has the fire brigade been expense and consideî'able personal: The Stre Arond the balance o! the evening was enjoyed A rdagh. il a.m.-Morning Prayer. so great as now after this prolonged; sacrifice. __________ in mnusic, reriniscent story and pn.EeigPae'.aiCniun at.Otieo h Having heard the judges' decýision, Conrgames. Mi'. and Mrs. C. R. Carveth are water-in the Conimunîty Hall cîsteî'n the three honors o! the' Oratoî'icall CerAmong those present were the planning to leave shortly for British thiere is scarcely wateî' enough in the îl'nizes went to the platfornî together Thswe eaeofrn h eight childî'en: Dudley McGregor. Columbia to spend Christmas with village to dî'oivn a cat and one' wouldi with the' winning pupils. Thisweek w r ing th Oshawa; Mrs. G. A. Campbell (May). ina parents, Mi'. and Mrs. Arthur have to go a long way to find a hole Mrs. (Dr.) Butler presented $5 eaeh folwn:o! Blairmore, Alta.: Malcolm Me- Carveth o! Grande Pr'airie, Alta., who deep enough in tht'eî'eekC oAde oahnadAtu Borens hoclae alt'dMik. Gregor. Oshawa; Mrs. W. H. Birks 1 will sîend the winten in the sunset When the Anglican Chuî'ch steeple t<) har rDdey nahan and Atu 1oz. n' 48e aeMltdMik Cleora), Bowrnanville; Miss' Mar- priovince. was on fire last May the miost serious! Annabel Hiendry and Edwin Han- 16 oz.tin 48c janie McGregor. Lethbridge. Alta.. Messr's. Nor'man ani Percy Gilbank difficulty the Bowmanville and Oî'ono, Granulated Sugai' bs 2 Mrs. B. E. Montgomery1 Dorothy': and Misses Eva and Bernice and Fire Brigade hiad to face was the lack'1 cock, and Mr. T. C. Batty $2 te Fancy Rice 3 lbs. 22c Bruce and Lloyd McGregoî'. Oshawa. friends visîtc'd Mr. and Mrs. Percy o cesbewtr 't ou oen Crea o!Barey 9e kg.Three o! the six grandchildren pres-Glak erh1vrThnsiig banko's shop bui'ned dowiî in early Ruby Shaw o! the girls and Win. c nt were: Aleck and Mary Birks. I Mc. Gilbank is the principal o! the Spring iin a wt't season, when the lluwlan(l o! the' boys won the Library Corn for poppîng 9c lb. Bowmanville. and Mailonie Campi'- 'thirteen-teachei' Putblic School theit', sflow was melting and tht' titches l3oard's Prizes for best essays oni Edwardshurg Corn Syrup: bell. Blairmoî'e. Alta. Arnong the iitlî a salary of $2000. Wt'i't' running ith water. What a ('anada uhr rLieaue n 10 lb. pail 55e other guests were: Miss Janet Mc-I menace such a fiî'e would be now un- i'ead their essays for the instruction 5 lb. pail 35e Gregoî'. sister o! the groom. and Mr. John Turner, son o! Mr'. anti Mis. dei' the' presecnt contcastiîig con- and entertaiînu'iit o! the audience, 2l.tn15e Fred Lee. bî'othcî' o! the bride. and John Tur'ner, Belmiont, wlîo had his ditionrs! Ruby on Ai'chibald Larnpman's and 2l.tnMrs. Lee o! Kedron. lt'g broken when a eau' ian into hinm Henr'y Adains and :ýoine othe'sý William on Jack Miner. Posr Toastie Corn Flakes .1 for 25e 'on the highway bridge ovei' Wilmot's think a local hUcket brigadie with 1ev. Scott Howard cof the Library Singa1iore Pineapple. 2s 18e tin Others present weî'e: M's. Ger- (C uk last surnirei, resume't his laddeî's and a fr'w dozen pails w'ould! Boai'd in presenting tht' prize.s, a copy McCorrick's Sodas 2 for 25e trude. M~. avi. MinsJ. Mri RchaLe 4dies tu blheic senoo lttlamondayliithe bill; but again the need fori of Lampman's laîems to lluby andI Pear'l Naptha Soap 6 bars 23e Mn. and Mrs. W. Sullky. Miss~ Edl~ithul h.ssil iti'ae watei' in timc's like these. There aî'Jack Mliner'.- book to William, spoke Kerr. Mi'. and Mrs. Wm. White. Mr. The nt'ws toward tht' end of tht' still othens w ho, considering sel! of his happy associations withl Lamip- and Mi's. Harry Bennett, Mrs. Biî'uc -Week that N. Austin Tur'ner, who alone, pin their fîith on a fire insai'- main, tlc nature peet, in theiî' youth. McGregoî', Miss Jean Middleton. Mrs. hadl been cîitically iii iii Bowmanville aince policy to cover any fnancial loss 'lhey Nvert' students tLogether at Ti'in- Feed Blatchford Egg Mash - Cash Malcolm MeGregor. Miss Gady.. lHospital uuidei' the' attention o! local in case o! fie; but if communities o!, itN College Sehool, Port Hope, aid paidforEggs- W Delver Doane, Miss Shirley Moir. Mi.' sd doctoî's and a Tloronto sîîecialist, was men took thact view in genei'al what n at Trinity College, Toxcîc'. Mrs. Wes. Pascot'. Mr. and Mrs. L"w on the %vay to î'ecovcry, came as a (le- would insui'aicc cost'? Would it he : ilubeit Anderson on behiaîf of bis Phone 450 Pascot'. Mr. an.d Mrs. W. Hephuin. cidt'd relie! to his iinxious relatives a-,ailable at aîîÎ edtht' MatWHeAtia neo, a founti Mi'. and Mrs. S. Conlin. Mi'. and Mrs .and !niends. dteM hmailPrzafuan J. Sharpe, Mu'. and Mrs. A. VanDyke. Sorry to lose Mr. and Mî's. J. S. H. w 4r' TH ITR' pt', to Helen Lycett. Mr ar VnDke.Mu. ndMrs. Jones and Roy froni tht' village. Theyl c1ev. W. P. Rogers, aftt'i a ft'w ex- ROBT. W. HOLMES. Geo. Scott, Mu'. and Mrs. Allan moved to Toronto last Wt'dnt'sday. c ndy o. lt-u'amIei >anatory words prt'sented to William 'Lavis, Mn. W. Walters, Mrs. Cornish. Roy svas tht'winner this yeaî' o! ont' iet's Dance in tht' Cmt1 'uth'Aheie>rz, hnse Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Short, Mr. and of tht' Sontague Scholarships o! $125. in h'tv'nn ImnalLb'r ii'er cup for being neît best ail round Mrs. J. Arnott, East Whitby: Mn. andRo James as it appeared in tht' ac- Hall i h vnn.'enra irr athlute iin tht' high sehool as deter- Mns. W. Lavis, Whitby: Mrs. W. H. counit o! tht' H. S. Commencernent, adCtrr.1mndb e ftssudrt Montgomery, Enniskillen: Mr. and was a miisprint. Satuî'day, Nov. 22nd.-Goldt'n Rulel Boys' Work Woi'k's Tuxîs rSquares Mrs, Lloyd Fenguson: Mn. and Mrs. Mission Band's Autumn Thank-offer- and Trail Rangers' cules, ani which __________________________E. Smith Ferguson, Bowmanville; Customers o! Newcastle stores, a!- ing ani Tt'a in U.C.S.S. Hall, at 3 et eeccidota h'rcn Mn. and Mî's. W. H. Middleton. Belle-tî'a!wdapinetsargru-pm Mrs. Rowe, sister o! 'Mrs. Mabel Field Day on tht' Community Gr'een.' ville: Mrs. T. Alun, Newtonville: ally accornmodating themselves to tht' Lindsay, recently retunned fnom North Florence Spencer, Dorothy Bona-' Miss Willa Bishop. Mrs. Gifford, Mis. t'acly ciosing houî's o! tht' guocers, dry China, wili give an address. Orono than. Loreen Batty, Walter Black-ý S. Trevail. Oshawa: Mr. and Mrs. goods and hardware menchants. Tht' Mission Band will assist in tht' pro- hun, Fred. Cowan, Albert Pearce,' Lewis and son. Peterboro: Miss B . sgned agr'eement, howeven, isflot ap- gram. Public invited. W'm. Rowland, Chas. Aldread, Wm. Pascot'. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Oould, plicable to tht' holiday shopping sea- Fniday, Nov. 28th.-Public School's Toms, Ruby Shaw, Annabel Hendry, Tor'onto: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Real, son !rom Dec. l5th to Dec. 31st. Commencement Exeî'cises. Public A1ec, Hendry and Adair Hancock Mr. Wes Real. Uxbnidge: Miss L. John Bull, second son o! Mn. and Speaking Contest and Presentation o! staged tht' principal scene in Shakes- Bnundrett. Port Hope. Mrs. Geo. Bull, who with their family, Pî'izes in Community Hall in tht' eve- peare's Macbeth, under tht' directioni YOUR EYES spent tht' summer at Newcastle-on- ning. Evenybody welcome. B oysfo Principal Coyne. They were cos- the-Lakes, hiad his jaw boire broken Saturday, Nov. 29th.-OlderBos tumed te represent tht' chanacters ini NEWCASTLE in a game o! rugby. For tht' present Conclave, Tournament and Banquet tht' drama, and by speech, gesture If you have not had a re- 1 - he must subsist on liquid !ood, servt'd for Tux!s Squares and S. S. Classes and action managed to give a vividi cent exarination, wt' suggest Miss Lois Martin, a!ter having through a tube. Ht' is a student at o! boys !rom 15 to 18 years o! age, reproduction o! tht' great Scottish that you corne la to see us spent a few weeks in tht' city, ne- Uppt'r Canada College and played on resident in West Durham and town tragedy. Grace Wallace, Hel1ene and let us cane! ully test your turned home on Saturday accornp- tht' college rugby teat-.. o!flPort Hope. Conclave in next page. Hayes and Loreen Batty played pian eyes. Tht' fact that you are anied by Mn. and Mrs. Larue Martin Rev. W. P. Rogers, Chairman o! United Church froin 2.15 to 3.30 selections as prelude and interludes wearng lases s n reson and Aresta who spent tht' weekend tht' M. and M. Committet' o! tht' p.m. Intergroup Game Tournameat respectiveîy..1 wit Mr. J P.Marin.Oshawa Presbytery, weat to Oshawa, inCmuiyHl ' o .5t .0 Mrs (Rev.) F. H. Mason presented for believing that they are Please reserve Moaday t'vtnlng, on Wednesday to be preseat at tht' Indian Club Placing, Dumb-bell Rt'- tht' Pro!. John Square French Pnize, best for your eyes. because Dt'c. 22nd, for Lake Short' Xmas En- Ecclesiastical and Civic Reception to lay, Pig-a-back Relay, Wand Jumping -books to tht' value o! $5.00-to tht' eyes, like every ther or- tentainiment and Basket Social. Ad- Rev. Dr. Oliver, Moderator o! tht' Relay, Stnaight Running Relay and Arthur Lockhart, small but brainy. ma i tht' hurnan body. are mission, 25 and 50 ets.; ladies with United Chunch in Canada and offici- Wheelbarrow Relay. Mn. Arthur Hardy, President o! tht' gnbaskets fret'. Prizes for prettit'st ally introduce hirn at a mass meetting Banquet servt'd by Mesdames J. C. Canadian Club, Bowmanville, present- undergoing a c on st a nt and highest prict'd baskets. in Simcoe St. Church to tht' United Hancock's and J. W. Glenny's groups; ed tht' Club's History Pnîze to Walter change. Monday night's electrie storm, ai- Church people o! that city and sur- o! tht' W.A. in S.S. Hall at 6 o'clock. Blackburn, who happened té be his though o! short dunation, was t'5pt'ci rounding teriritory. Songs, Stunts, Yeils and Toas ts; cousin. Mn. Handy made a wittyi ally severe in this section. Lightning Dna ogN.oAF . Presentation o! trophy to inaîng speech and mentioned that 101/, o! struck Mn. W. H. Hockin's chirnney, newly elected officens are: - W.M.,gopi h'at'ronstunmn;tht' mtmbt'rship o! tht' Club came knocked clown and mashed his stovet Bro. J. L. Cryderman; I..P, 'r Campaign addresses by candidates o! !rom Newcastle, hence tht' giving o! a G. M . Bosnejj pipes and burned out ahl tht' electric Bro. Frank Beanton; Sr. W, Bor . Older Boys' Parliarnent; Addresst's b pnizt' which consisted o! two beauti- OPORTUTbuibs and plugs in tht' house. H. Jost'; Jr. W., Bro. John Bro. J: Don Buchanan, candidate for the' fully illustrated books, Wt'stwand Ho Tax paying time is drawing near, Chaplain, Wor. Bro. F. Fi H;Tedny, Pnemiership and by Rev. Chas. D. and Scottish Chiefs. Offic OverFloo'* Stfl-, Fîederick Fligg, collector, has sent Won. Bro. J. E. W. Fhig; cT. ra., Daniel, Sunderland. Whole prograin An exceedingly pretty number was OffioutOver Flod's St@tse Phip;noeciye, Bro in charge of C. F. Plewman, assisted tht' Buttt'rfly Chorus and Drill by Port Hopeothssatmns ih oieta J. W. Bradley; Dmr. o! Cer., Wor. Bro. byRe.C. D.Dnil; Alex. Mac- eee iludr ieto fMs OMM ceBout: aDecaeb e deadpybeo .Botn r . r.P Hart" Gregor, Chairmnaao! Boys' Worki Neya Swietzer. Their gay attire and Denbrlst next, and that 5% o! Jr'. D., Bro. B. E. Moise; I.G., Bro. H. or;Rv .P oes etro WEDNESDAY eaeh week tht' arount will be added te ail taxes DR. Gibson; Sr. S., Bro. Geo. Gaines:; Bocard; ev. W.qP.reîsdMentorano!yj gauzy wings represented considerable 9.30 a. M. te 9M . .M. paid a!ter that date. Tht' rate this Jr. S., Bro. C. Allia; Tyler, Bro. J. . LoaTuiSqreanM.Sany expense and much thought and labor. H.Riekard, M.O.B.P. The>, went through thein different Tarnt Ofic: ear is JO milîs on 5% o! thetottailToms. Strdye6h-Bza' n oioswthp-iio11 gaet I bers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o group songs, iacludiuig tht caie cYnscinus o! Mr. Girdsui ~îeî ttt uîcauag cîu~ W l. r.C O B T d 'uî "hw Chew, ('iew Vour! foi', a 1 ht îae u Iyanui cummenting o h go imes at i Ftod(." 1ev. W. P. Rogers dropped liard in obedience to tht' representa- 1 school and paying tribute to tht' high in in a p)astoral way and reeeived a' tivt' o! the iaw, with tht' îesult that e fficieîîcy and painstaking work o! Bownanill jr esson in gastronomies. Mrs. Honey's, on tht' damp pavement his car weat ber sevenai teaciîtrs. [ hn3grouji heiped to provide and serve th;e into a spin and hit Mn. Garod as it! Tht' evenings pnogram closed with menu. wlîirled around. the' National Anthem. A Warsaw fariner had a patch of Personal potatoes that remained in bloom for more than six weeks. From six Cut this out for luck.-Send birth dat.* oags~~~~~~~~n 0fc sedwihh lne hs~1efor wonderful horoscope of youp, bags f sed whch h platedn ,e Prof. Raphael, Box 94, Grand patch. he had eighty bags of pota- it'entrai Station, New York. 42-6' toes. If You Seek a Gift Il That's Different.. A WeII Selected Gift Is the Mark of Good Taste Don't let that shopping list worry you. We appreciate that everyone likes to give things that will be pi eas- ing, and that's why we have gone to consiclerable pains to make a collection of gifts that will appeal to everyone. Corne in, browse around . .. look over ouir selection . .. we're sure you'll find rnany p)easing suggestions. Dustan's Cash Hardware The Shop of Useful Gifts ANNOUNCING OPENING NEW SHOW'ROOMS FRIDAY and SATURDAY, NOV. 21 -22 until 6 p. m. when floor will be cleared for dancing LOCATED IN SHOP FORMERLY OCCUPI ED BY GEO. WEEKES, NEXT TO RINK DODCE & PLYMOUTH CARS ALSO NEW AND HIGH CLASS USED CARS FREE OLD TIME DANCE Starting at 8 p. m. a real old-tirne Dance will be held. Everybody welcorne. Free. Good music by orchestra. Headquarters for Sales and Service at J. D. Carruthers' Red Indian Garage WM, J. CHALLIA Dodge and Plymnouth Dealer Gay Accessory Gifts that Capture the Feminine Heart Exquisiteiy sheer French hose, a swag- gel' purse of suede, a courturier scarf, or a vanity, a special perfume ... 50 rnany aie the enchanting accessories which we could list frorn oui' shelves and shelves of beautiý- fui things for' wornen that only a few can be suggested heî'e. But whatever her wants, you'î'e cer'tain to find the rnost de- lightfui of them ail at this stor'e. Be sure to see the veî'y newest in ToNvel and Face Cloth Sets, chenille trirn- rned; also beautiful Linen Luncheon Sets. THE SMART SHOP COWAN BLOCK GEO. R. MASON, Manager. 4 1 à- ý l-, - - érý' TI-IE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20. 1930 PAGE TEN i

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