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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Nov 1930, p. 5

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PÂOGU Fm ;TfE C1NADU.N wrATESU", BWMANVflE THURSDAV ,NOVEMBER 20, me3 ,IrS IMARK OF DWS1MCfON AND VALUE-THE FASMNI-CRAFT LAB a FOR VALUE L-'HION-~& leadership gives you more in style, fabrics and tailoring. Ulsters in rich chinchillas, worm fleeces in color and style most becoming to you. From 5 S IlCGRChrtan SOLE AGENT BOWMANVILLE Mlfler's Worm Powders wll drive pain, because they promptly kiltu *Worms tram the system wthout in- Worms that cause the pain, and thu jury to the child. The powders are the sufering of the chfiki s relleved. s0 eW to take that the most delicate Wth so sterling a remedy at baud stoenach 4lan auimiate them and no cbild should sufer an hour f rom 'weioome them u afpeedy easers cf Worms. erm-Screen WUAT UNCLE .AKE SATS ABOUT ANONY1MUS LETTEES Itor's Note-Since malng aur comment lasIt week on '"Anonymous Letter-Writers" we came across the fellowlng jrjem which otncides wth our vlews on this individual, only ex- pressed la stronger lanimage: A f eller axed me t'other day tub let hlm bave my vlews Cboncernin' what's the lowest trick the human mini kmn use. I told him, since he'd axed me straight, I'd wnswer hlm the samle: It's -sndin' nervy letters out, 'th'out singin' any naine. The3"s lots o' pesky kids. ye know, what hides ahind a wall Whbile throwin' things, er shootin' peas. They'r neyer seed at al An' consequentl.y ain't afeared o' get- tin' caught an' tanned. An' folks wha± writes anonymous is likewlse. Understand? It's like a sniper layln' low, er mebbe like the knack 0' somne one sneakin' up behind, tub stab yuh in the back. An' so I say that them as hides, while sllngin' plzened lnk, Is lower than crawlin' worm -what lives tub crawl an' slink. If tfolks don't care fer other folks, an' want tub let 'em know, Then let 'em have some spunk., sez I, an'»flot be layin' 10w. The victim kin defend hisseif if things is did 0. K. But writln' things anonymous is jlsti a coward's way. I've got a heap o' decent f riencis, an' all of 'em agrees That unsigned-letter-writers is a sorts plague, like fleas. But once I heard a feiler say be nev- er cared a durn 'Bout letters writ anonymous. They- re easy things tub burn. But anyhow, I alluz think there ain't no lower trick Than hidin' in ahind a fonce atore ye throw a brick. An' 10w an' double mean is him what growls er whines 'Bout somethin' on a paper sheet. an' neyer signs the limes. -Aubrey S. Williamison. I hav'e only Just a minute, OnlY sixty seconds in It, Forced upon me--can't refuse It, Didn't seek it, dldn't choose it. I must suifer if I lose lt, Give account If I abuse IL. Just a tiny little minute--but Eter- nity 15 in It. --Slected. EAENl $6 TO $10 PMM DAE Ambittaus, reliabls men wanted at once. .Part -time pay whili training for Aviation Mechanica, Garage Work, Dr'hing, Sat- tory, Eiectric Ac.tylenO Wedinu, Hous. Wiring, induatrtai Ei.ctricity, Maohlnle%, Brlokiaylng, Pleatering, DraftIig,.marber- In. end H.Irdreaaing. Act quiok, got your applicoation In now. Write or oail for In- formation. DOMINION TRADE SCHOOLS, LTO. Eaatern EHeadquarteru 79 Quesen Wtoft, Toronto. Empioym.nt urvo.--e.antt 0ooaat. BUT BEADING ANTHRAMIE Until further notice oùr prices fori Coal and Coke wlll be as t ows: Stove Coal ....... 18.50 B9E . .. . .. .. . . 00 Cheztnut .......16.W Pea . . . .. . . .. .1 .50 Coke ..... ...13.00 A discount of $1.00 Per ton for cah wll be ailowed trom abave pricea. H[ENIET LATHEOPE lberty St. Phone 520 Bowmaxwlfe Grî*d rLOWBOY .. and it's only $2 15 complete with tubes A radio of tremendous power and range in a beautiful Sheraton perio;d cabinet. Seven tubes, indluding four Screen-Grid tubes. Super Screen- Grid power detection. New Super-Colortura Dynami*Speaker. Glorious COLORFUL Tone. PrIcCpeewith tubes, only $215. To create the Majestic Radio for 1931 Majestic spent over a million dollars in engineering developmnent work and research! This new Lowboy is an exact duplicate of one of the costly final laboratory models. We invite you to hear it and to judge it by what yon hear. Any of the new 1931 Majestic Models may b. purchas.d on easy snw from u&. A.IL eDARCH Bowmanvillu King St.E. OBITUARY Beverley Aune Henry, Ottawa Very great sympatby is extended to Mr. and lIrs. Leonard J. Henry, Ottawa, la the sudden death of their little six months old babe, Beverley Anne, early on SaturdaY mornlng. November l5th. The little anc thaugh not very rugged, appeared to lie lu her usual health when she was put te bced on Frlday night, but dur- ing the silent watches slePt QuictlY away. The rmains were brousht toBwalle otbra the home erafor burplace the fhun- of ber grandparents, Mr. snd Mrs. Bd. Witheridge. Carlisle Avenue, on Sunday atternoon. ]Roy. W. J. Tadd, minister of St. Andrew's prosbyterian Cburch, conducted the service, and Mcssrs. Stanley Ellott sud Ross Stutt actod as pan bearers. The beautiful floral offeitngs lnclud- cd tributes tram Mother and Father. MIr. and Mrs. Ed. Wltbcridge, and MIr. and lIrs. S. J. Henry, grand- parente, lMr. anqà Mrs. Stanlcy El- liatt. FeraI and Isabel Ellott, Bell Telephone Staff. Miss Reta Bennett. Miss Aice Silver. lMr. sud Mrs. Ross Stutt. Mr. and Mrs. Herli. Jamieson, Miss Mlldred Wllilams, Women's As- sociation of St. Andrew's Churchi. The internent took place lu Bow- manville Cemctery. mrs. Wilam Edgerton. Orlia On Tucsday. October 28th, the doath of Mary Ann Lawson. wife of the late William Edgerton, a! Coul- son. accurrcd after a month's illness of pneumonla. at the home o! ber son, W. H. Edgerton, 34 Carîten St., Toronto. The late lIrs. Edgerton was born in Cartwright elghty-three years ago. and sixty-four years ago was marricd te Mr. Edgcrton. TheY were pioncera of Medonte township, and durlng their long residence there dld much toward making their cam- munlty the desirable anc it bas been in whlcb ta live. It is told of them that lu the carly days when It was proposed ta open a tavern on the border of lMr. Edgerton's tarm, he bought the property lu question, at heavy persanal sacrifice, and sa sec- urcd for Coulsan the enviable reputa- tion o! being a place whcre liquor has neyer been sold. Mr. Edgertan's death occurred lu 1912 and for the past ten years she had reslded in Toronto. Mrs. Edgerton was a lite- long member o! the Anglican Church. She is survlvcd by three daugbters and anc son: Mrs. Andrew McKec, Woodvillc; Mrs. Josephi Seymour, Or- illia: Mrs. John McLean, Barrie; Mr. W. H. Edgerton. Toronto. There arc also twenty-nine grandchildren and fourteen great grandchlldren. The funeral. whlch was largely attended, was, held. ta St. Andrcw's Cemctcry. Orillia, on Thursday afternoan. The service was conducted by the Rev. F. S. Dowllng. Toronto, and the pal bearers were three grandsons and three nephews: Dr. Melville Seymaur, Mr. Edgerton McLean, Mr. W. F. Edgerton, Mr. Thos. Leatherdale, Mr. Milton Leatherdale, and Mr. Edxnund Lawson.-Orillla Packet-Tlies. THE LONELY CITY! Ellen was very exclted when she lctt ta wark lu the nearby elty. But she soon dlscavered a big city can lie a lanesome place somnetimes. The anc thlng that kept her at her Job was the tact that she could go home twlce a week by telephane. Nigbt rates made the caost trifing and these valce visita wth her tam- Uly sud triends vere Ellen's greatest pleasuro. PARTING GIFTS TO RECTOR Shanty Bay Parfsh Shows Cordial Esteem for PLev. C. B. Spencer Who Cornes te Bowmanville (Prom Barrie Examiner) Durlng the past week, the Anglican congregations which comprise the parlsh o! Shanty Bay made presen- tations to Rev. C. R. and Mrs. Spen- cer. who leave to-day te take charge of the parlsb of Bowmanville. Para- well gathcrlngs were held, cordial ad- dresses were rcad and sultable gif ts presented. HOME ,A»41SCHOOL <2.1J Speaker Urges People te be in the Up-to-Date CluBs A laxge attendance of the members of the Home and School Club was present un WedriesdaY evening, Nov. l2th, in the AssemblY Room of the Central Public School. Mrs. Frank Jackman, president, presided, and the meeting opened with communlty singing f ollowed by "0 Canada." Miss Norma Clark contrlbutcd a very £ine piano solo, and Miss Margareti Allin rendered two exceptionally well Sung vocal salas. The address was given by Mrs. ~Rev.> George Mason who took for1 her subject, 'Seing Up-to-Date." By being up-to-date the speaker stated in her opening remarks she cLld fot inean having up-to-date furniture and an up-to-date home. Every person belongcd ta anc of three classes. They were either a back number, up-to-date, or ahead of the times. ITe back number had fulflied its purpose and no doubt very worthily, but it was donc. It was ftnishied. The up-to-date per- son accomplished somethlng but was living sufflclently in the present ta lie still accomplishing things. Those classed as ahead o! the times, were, 'the speaker asserted, the vlsionary persans who were very frecauently the leaders o! ail. The Home and School Clubs are alliances o! the home and the school ta dcvelop the up-to-date boy and girl lu order that they may lie up-to-date citizens in ten and twenty years tram naw. In order ta have children grow up in an up-to- date atmosphere the environinent of the home and the school must be regulated with that end in vlew. Continuing, the speaker stressed the necessity of keeping chldren well in- !ormed an current events by letting them and encouraging them to read the daily newspapers and the maga- zines and books. It would be a mis- take, howcver, the speaker concluded ta let a child read only ane side of the question. The child should lie encouraged ta read newspapers and periodîcals which differ in their opinions, thus teachlng them ta be broadminded and ta look on both sides o! any question before maklng a decision. A hearty vote o! thanks, inoved by Mrs. C. McFeeters and seconded by Mrs. Norman Taylor, was tendered Mrs. Mason for ber fine address. Retreshinents were served and a soc- ial hall hour spent. The National Anthem brouglit the meeting toa a close. Programa was in charge of Mrs. F. C. Calmer, and Miss L. L. Bragg was planist. Prom St. Mark's A social gathering was held at the home of Wm. Moore, East Oro, Fr1- day nlght, when the fol1k of St. Mark's Church showed their kindly feelings toward Rev. C. R. Spencer and Mrs. Spencer by the presentation of an address and gifts, as weil as by many individual expressions o! re- gard. Mrs. Moore presented te Mrs. Spencer a pair of blankets, and An- drew Millard handed a purse te Mr. Spencer. truest friends we have ever known," was ane tribute paid ta Mr. Spencer lu the address which was read by Mrs. Wm. Clark. "Your visite ta aur homes were hours of sunshine neyer ta be forgotten," was another. Of Mrs. Spencer, the W. A. said: "'We cannot torget aur leader and her untiring efforts ta help the lad- ies o! St. Mark's." Bath Community and Church Members of St. Thomas' Church and the communlty of Shanty Bay joined in a f arewefl tunction lu han- or of Rev. C. R. and Mrs. Spencer and f amlly on Thanksgivlng night, the vilage hall belng well flfed. A. E. R. Peterson presided. On bebalf 0f the community, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer were prcsentcd with a mabogany miantel dlock and an clectrlc table lamp, the presenta- tion belng made by Urs. WendaUl Grahamn. Accompanylng the gifts was an address signed by lIrs. Nor- man Wortlcy and Wmn. PattePaon. an behaif of the communlty. "Wc bave learned ta love and respect you," read the address. "Not anly have you preacbed the gospel f alth- f u]ly but your everyday lite bas been an exaniple and inspiration.".-- l«May you both be given -au happy peaceful years blessed wlth the con- sciausness o! work wdfl donc and sweet.ened wth the love of many friendes." Prom bis parislioners of St. Thomas' Cliurcb, tbrougb the ward- ens, Campbedi Raikes and Wm. Brooks, MIr. Spencer recelved a suli- stantial purse. Mrs. Spencer, as wefl as MIr. Spen- cer, made feeling acknowledgenient of the glfts and klndiy sentiments voleed In the address. There were brief remarks tram Wendall Grahami, C. Raikes, W. Brooks and the chairman, exprcsslng sincere appreciation of lMr. and lIrs. Spencer and of their work among them during the past elght years, at the saine timo wLsblng them every happiness and succesIn their new field of labor. There were several musical num- bers and refresbments, altogether making a very luterestlng and soc- iable afair. Leglon Present Smoking Set Tuesday nlght was veterans' nlghtj lu true style at the Barrie Canadian Leglon club rooms when nearly 200' old soldiers gathered te celebrate the slgning o! the Armistice twelve years ago whlch brought to a close the trylng times In the trenches. The gathering, however, was timg- ed wlth sadness, for It was also a parting to the esteemed Rev. Major C. R. Spencer, wbo has been an ar- dent Leglonnaire. During the even- lug ho was presented wlth a smoking stand by Bergt.-MaJor Ed. Shuter on bebalf o! the Barrie brauch. HE WAS CURED "Red" Young tbougbt It wasn't manly ta get homesick, s0 be trled hard ta torget ItL But his roommate knew the symptoms. One nlght he sald carelessly, betore golug out, "IWhy not telephone homne some ev- ening and get the news?" Later when he returned, "Red" was jubil- ant. III dld caîl home, Bill. The tolks are comlng down for the game. That's wbat the volce daes! Glee, I fe01 gi-ast. Have Tour Eyes Examlned Consuit our Regltersi Optometrist B. M. MITCHELL - Lateut Methodu - - Modem Instruments R. M. Mitchell & Co. Phgueu stmu le I ~---..----.. ~iuaent ueavmg vouug~; ~zuuu bye, air. I want to thank you for' anl I have learned from you." Professor: "Don't mention It-it's nothlng at ail." Why sufer needlessly? Douglas' Egyptian Liniment brlngs quick, sure relief to scald f eet, sot t corns and warts. Relieves infiaminatlon. Re- moves proud flesh. J. HERMON wants POULTRY and APPLES Fair Prices Th e Bordei Co., Lhnited Phones: L 4 Ot.PaW., m at r a1 Bowmanville-235 Plam maenu mefiee bwk"ef Toronto-Trlnlty 3949J A...................... Address: 274 Augusta Ave., ......... Toronto. 46-tf From St. Aldan's On Wedncsday, November 5th, the people o! St. Aldan's congregation, Hawkestone, met at the home of Kenncth Noble. Mrs. Spencer was presentcd wlth a linen table cloth and twelve napklns, while Mr. Spen- cer received a s11k scarf, Mrs. Noble presenting the former and Mrs. R. E. Walker the latter. Mrs. Wm. An- derson read the address. In the address reference was made te the fine influence exercised upon the people by the daily lives o! Mr. and Mrs. Spencer, as a result of whlch the work prospered and the congregation had grown stranger and more active lu the varlous depart- ments of church work. This influence bad not been; confined ta the parish but had reached the whale township o! Oro. Redecorate For Winter Winter ls a long, cod, drab time of the year, and it'.aa Urne when yen "ty in the hous more. Matke your home brlght and cheery wlth new decoortlng 9o your Win- ter wlIl le enjoyable. Any wali paper we have on hasul lu geint dlrt eheap. Get your sh a nd May a lot of money. Geo. Pritchard Painter sMd MDOcrtor (Over Statesman Office) Phone 480 Bowmanville JUST I4RRWVEDf this new The constant reliable serviceet super ShaH sand ShellGasoline aud the lina-uP of lgh grade 0CM we nuaill msureli make ou glad. You will find our service, what- ever tho season, Juat as depend- able. W. cf or YoS crnk cas and gresin service. For your lampe or oqai cil sto» we lb>ve a splendid hlgh grade water white Cual OUl that vii make Fou glad for it hmbash qusllty vithout the prias pensaty. Lot uns upply yotar need&. PHIONE 110 KNG S5 EASTLfU BOWMANVI LLE 1 -11- 1 - qle.%d 1 1 PUTTING OFF ONLY MAKES IT WORSE Don't wait tili you've got to, eal us in a hurry or a real emergeney to, repair or instali a new furnace. Do it to-day before the eold weather sets in. Then your fumnace will be in good con- dition for a hard winter's work. We Recommend and Seli McCLARY SUNSHINE FURNACES HART OIL BURNERS Corne in and talk over your heating problems with us. Len Elliott, The Plumber Phone 348Bowmanffle WEST END GARAG 24 HOUR SERVICE WEST END GARAGE IS THE ONLY GARAGE IN TOWN GIVING AN ALL-DAY AND ALL-NIGHT SERVICE Many of our customers tell us t"i is a great con- venience to them. They can bring their car -i at night, have it repaired or washed, and if's ieady for them in the morning. Thnen often an emergéey cali cornes ini and we're right there to give you immnediate service. Phone 188W. ICLEMENS' WestEnd GARAGE King SU.Wese Boufianville

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