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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Nov 1930, p. 4

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n * n Y UtTCTECNDA TTSA.BWAVLE HRDY OEBR2.13 PrleW.r PLiTR IIn the Reair BOWLING ALLEY NEWS Walter Hately Wins Cash Prize- Wednesday is Set Apart for Ladies' Nlght South Ward team is stili leadmng the bowling league, with three teams tied for second place, Clerks, Philipt and Kemp. Bros. ail having 12 points. Service Press is ini third place wth il points. Foundry, Boys' Training Schaol and Athietes have 10, 7, and 5 points, respectlvely. Walter Hately won the cash prize this week wth a 319 roll. Next week proprietor Casey Martyn is offerig milltary brushes and comb for the hlghest individual score in a league gaine, $1.00 for.second and 50e for third. The ladies are bowling Wednesday evenings, when large crowds are ex- pected. There wl] be no men pres- ent. so the ladies need have no qualms. Everythlng will be devt- ed to the ladies every Wednesday tbroughout the wlnter. provided the ladies get into the gaine and take advantage of this opportunlty. The constant reflmbe service of Super Sheli and Shel Gazoflne and the flne-up of hlgh gra&e 01k we sell wMf surely make you glad. You wM ifnd aur Service, what- ever the season, just as depend- able. We offer you crank case and greaslng service. For your lamps or coal où stove we have a splendid hlgh grade water whte Coal 011 that wMl Maire you glad for lt has hlgh qualitY wthout the prie penalty. Let us supply your needs. PHIONE HO KING 5-1E, 0 \A" rM. ILL Redecorate For Winter Wlnter ia a long, cold, drab time of the year, and t's a time when you stay la the house more. Make your home brght and cheery wth new decoratlng so your Win- ter wll be enjoyable. Any wali paper we have on hand la golng dlrt cheap. Get your share and save a lot o! money. Geo. Pritchard Painter and Decorator (Over Statesman Offce) Phone 489 Bowmanville Have Your Eyes Examined Cansuit aur Registered Optometrist R. M. MITCHELL - Latest Methods - - Modern Instruments - R.M. Mitchell & Co. Druggists - Optoinetrists t...nm ft __________Phone _______ V- THE ANAIAN TATSMAN BOMANM , HURDAYNOVMBER27,193 n of Spoirt Course In Physical Training I For Hockey Players, Athietes, and Citizens Generally - Conducted SOLIN FOOBALLCHAMIONSSpeciafly for Statesman Readers by Earle Cunninghaml, PRESNTDFOOTL HAMVPcINSPhysical Director at Boys' Training School It is absolutely essential that every athiete whether he is going Players Receive Gold Engraved Pen ta play hockey or any other sport be in condition bel are attempting ta Hnied at SanaSocialda Eening go ini a gaine. Without preliniinary training there can be littie hope Heldat Slin Friay E Dg that he will last f or hall of the gaine and many gaines are lost at the As a final wind Up to a very suc- beginning of the season simply because the players cannat stand the gaf. cessful football season conducted by The Statesinan has arranged with Earle Cunninghiam, Physical the Darlmngton and Clarke Football Director of the Boys' Training Schoal, to give players and others somel Association, players, membera and real live exercises that wlll make yau f eel like new men. Oct started supporters of the variaus teains in on these this week. Do thein every day wthout f ail. It would bc the league assembled at Salina Sans advisable ta cut dawn an the sinokes during this training and get plenty of Temnperance Hall Friday, Nav. af sleep. 2lst, and enjoyed a delightful social hs xriear o nyfrteocyplesbtm b evening. The hall was crowded toapp hese exnyerss are ot an].y for e hsckey bay ben capacity and a spirit of good fellow- apldtaayprnwhwshsabehscayfi. aktalan shpand genuine spartsmanship pre- badminton players are also advised ta dig in an this physical training. shiae h cain It is necessary that your mmnd be upan the exercise all the time that Dignitaries on the platfarm lnclud- you are dolng thein. "Let yaur mind be a force far health." ed 0. A. Gamsby, Hon. President; Earle Cunningham Speaking John Kivell. President; Elmer Wil- ber, Secretary-Treasurer of the As- We now turn yau over ta Mr. Cunningham for this week's workaut: saciation; and the ever popular foot- This autllne of canditioning exercises is arranged prlmarily for ball enthusiast, Dr. J. C. Devitt, who members af the Bowmanville Hockey Club in preparation foar a strenuous was chairman for the evening. season an the ice. It can. hawever, be used ta good advantage by athletes A rare treat by way af a musical in any branch of sport, and, with a degree of madificatian, by the general and literary program was presented public. by talent f ram Orana, Leskard and Ntrly vr akypae ol iet easxymnt Solina, and included numbers as fol- Ntrly vr okypae ol iet easxymnt lows: Vocal quartette, Dr. E. G. Ker- mnan. Barring accidents this is quite possible. At lcast if we make slake, Mrs. R. H. Brawn, Mrs. Wes. this our aim and waork real hard. we are sure to show saine impravement. Patterson, Mr. Colin Taylor; read- Apply yaurselves diligently ta this matter of training throughout the ings, Margaret Allin. Sid Rutherfard, ncxt manth or sa and yau will be pleasantly surprlsed at the amount of Edlth Dent, Mrs. Roy Langmaid; endurance, speed and aggresslveness you can display when yaur teain vocal solos, Donald Rabb, 0. A. takes ta the ice for yaur flrst gaine. Gamsby; vialin selection, Dr. E. G. There are twa sets of muscles that are of great importance ta Kerslake; speeches. Ex-Reeve Thos. hockey players because they carry most of the strain all througholit the Baker, Cauncillar L. A. Dent, Fred gaine. To make ourselves plainly understood we will caîl these the Trull. Ben King. Accompanists were stomnach muscles and the muscles of the back. We know what we are Mrs. Donald Robb and Miss Alice talking about when we say that unlcss these two groups are weil con- Duncan. ditianed you wlll be calling for relief loud and often befare the gaine During the evening Gea. W. James. has progressed very f ar. In yaur effarts to develap these muscles, the Editor of The Statesman. was caled other muscles of the body will be strengthened incidentally. although we upan ta read the following address will give you some work for the leg muscles -at this turne. Now let us and make the presentations to the get down ta business. Wear looscclothing; gym suit preferably; have Solina Club, its players and officers, the raom well ventllated with plenty af floor space ta move araund on. of the League:i Mr. Chairman: Ten Snappy Exercises In accardance with the usual cus-Exrse1-nteforfcupStonyrhad. eekes tom af the Darllngton and Clarke Eecs .-nteforfc p i nyu ad.Ke ne Faatball Assaciatian, the present oc- straight, toes pointed. Raise legs alternately L. and R. perpendicular to casion marks the final event af the floor, each leg being iawered befare the other one is raised. Do this 16 seasan 1930. It is a most gratifylng counts, anecocunit for each movement of the leg. Now slowly raise bath feature that after the strenuous con- legs together ta the count of eight, or in other words. four times. Relax tests and rivalry that prevails in the 8 caunts and repeat the exercise. playlng season, the contestants and Exercise 2.-For these next three exercises it will hclp if you can supparters can now enjay a social haak your feet under something to secure them to the floor or have turne together. someone hold them dawn. Place hands on chest and keeping head and This condition most truly repre- elbows well back, sit up and lie dawn 8 times. Relax ta counit of 16. sents the spirit of goad sportsman- Exercise 3.-Place finger tips on back of neck and forcing head ship, the develapment af which and elbaws back, sit up and lie down 6 times. Relax 16 counts. should be the abject of all organized Exercise 4.--Stretch arrns overhead on fiaor. Keep head and arins spart or gaines. Thase present ex- lacked in relative position by jalnlng thumbs, forcing bath well back, emplif y that quality by gathering stu n i on6tms this evening ta da hanar ta the teain stu n i an6tms wning the most points for the sea- Exercise 5.-Flex thigh and leg, drawing knee in hard ta chest with son, ta wham the custadians of the hands and extend ta floor alteruately L. and R. 16 counts. Naw slowly cup for last year. Bawmanville, are bath legs tagether for 16 counits. pleased ta relinquish it. Exrecise 6.-Now rail over face dawn. Lock the arma in the hol- Slina being the winnmng teain far 10w af the back. Raise the trunk and lower. 16 counts. 1930, are now asked ta accept the Exercise 7.-Cross arms under chin. Keep knees stiff and taes custady of this hadnsame cup for pointed. Raise legs backward and lower alterriately L. and R. 16 courlIs. another year, together with the gaod- Relax 8 caunts and repeat. Now raise and lower bath legs tagether siowly will and cangratulations of the other 16 counts. Relax 16 counts. !tearns here representcd. with the Eevs .Oe ntebc tece vreda Shope that the contcst for possession Eecs .Oe ntebc tece vreda 1will be resumed in 1931. in Exercise 4, keeping head and arma locked tightly together. Knces By popular consent at the begin- straight and toes painted it up and str.etch dawn and tauch toes six ning of the seasan. individual sou-turnes in quick succession. each timne raising head and arins sa that hands venirs were also ta be given the are a foot or sa f romt tocs. then strctch hard again. Dawrn and relax 4 membera of the winning teain. Sa- counta. Repeat 4 turnes. Make this a movement af the entire body from lina %vas dcstined for these haonors, the waist up. Be sure ta keep knees straight and tacs painted away a rernarkable coincidence being that f ram the body. every game thcy played was with the Exercise 9.-Stand up. Lunge forward on the lef t foot. KeePing saine personnel af players, namely: body erect and feet in this position, pivot on the bal of the f cet and Arthur Blanchard captain). Roy turn about smartly ta the riglit. at the saine turne iowering the lef t knee Langmaid. Jack, Jim and Joe Rey- ta wthifl an inch af the floor. Now reverse the motion and continue nolds. Russel Vice. Hilton and Clar- smartly and eveniy for 16 counits. Relax 8 counts and repeat. For this ence Tink. Percy Dewell. Lloyd Wil- exercise place the handa on the hips. liams. Pat Holden. Accordmngly Eecs10-Nwfrsm road work. Put on suffilcient clothing these peu knives. suitably engraved ta enaure f ree persPiring. Just bel are you leave, spcak nicely ta mather 1as remembrances of this particular and ask hier ta have a warrn bath, (not too hot) ready for you in twenty- ycar in their football hîstory, are five minutes. Take ta the raad and jog no faster than will permit yau presented ta cach player as an incen- ta breathe through your nase, out as far as' the Boys' Training School. tive ta good sportsmanship in future; main entrance. Remember, you are not training for a marathon race; in whatevcr field af activity they flnd' you are mcrely conditioning yaursclf. so style daes not matter particularly. themacîves. Turn rght around and walk back home with a ralling motion frain heel The president of the league. Mr. ta toc and HURRY UP! Af ter your bath and a good brisk rub-dowri John Kiveli. and the secretary. Mr. xith a dry. coarse towcl, get into bcd and don't lie there reading al Elmer Wilbur. are also askecl ta ac- night. Remember, 'Early ta Bcd and Early ta Risc, WiIl Make Yau a ccpt similar souvenirs. with the as- Star in the Hockey Fana' Eyes." ,surance that thcy are but lght tok- ,edTeeNoe aeul ens of recognition and appreciation Ra hs oe aeul 1 and a wish that they may be long as- Ra hs oe;te r motn.Rntruhti hl Isociated wth the Association which Ra hs oe;te r motn.RntruhIi hl :Ihey have faiîhfully fosîered and table every day. The carlier in the day, the better. If you are mcntelly served. and phyaically fatigucd you cannot exPecîta gain much benefit f rom iSigned on bchal.f of the Associa- these or any other exercises. Do your raad wark at night just before lion-Lame Rabbins. Roland Bate, bcd turne. iDonald McP. Rabb. You should enjoy doing Ihese exercisea: the marc you enjoy thein, Standing of League 1930 the mare gaod Ihey will do yau. Tcam Won Lost Draw Af ter the first day or twa, you will likely feel a little soreness in !Solina 8 1 3 some af the muscles and so you should. Dan't rest thcin; they will only Zion 7 3 2 stiffen up whcn you start ta work again. Witli steady exercising the iEnniskillen 6 3 3 soreness will seon disappear and you will be traubled no marc this season. ,Bowmanville 7 4 1 Nothing is 50 goad thal il cannaI be aver-dane. Failow instruct- Caurtice 7 4 1 ions carefully and dont for a minute think that yau are any better Orano 1 il 0Th wr Leskard o 1 equippcd ta step ahcad of achedule than s the ncxt f eilow.Tewrl A hary vtea0 haka2 asac prcscribcd ncxt week wll certainly be rnuch stiffer. If you aver-step the corded Ihase taking part on the pro- line this week, you mnay nal be in shape ta kcep up wIth the others nex gram. Rfreshments were then ser- week. vcd, after which the floar was clear- if pssblmccl with snme af the ather players every day and do cd and the young people cnjoyed your cxercising together. It has a fine mental eflect. 'You wlll do yaur dancing. work much better. il will give you A6 chance ta exchange ideas and help ___________onc another. To front a lic in arms, and nat ta Bicycle ridmng ia splendid exercise for the skating muscles. yild- If any of the exercises ouîlined above are nat quite clear, drap in This shows, methinks. Godas plan, ta sec Johnny James at the Stalesman office, or came ouI and secem Andmeaureof ma.-Lwel. LI te Bys'Tranin-Sc . Wewill be gad to run over thein with yau Bownanville High School Rugby Tearn 1930 Calmer. Doug. Adians. Meri-, Gordon Mdains, Janîie Wripli Bil1 Ingnram. Flarold Colmci . C rni Oke. Herbert VaîtouHaiîoilSlenmon. John Jury. Ken. Morris, Nwtflack-ltuky. Go el.Ken. Osborne. Bowmanville High Schuoi Track Teamns 1930 Back Raw. lef t ta right: Mr. T. A. Miller. Donald Williamns, Ted Bagnel. Herbert Calmer. Charlie Cawker, Archie Wood, Douglas Adams, Bradley Haneyman, Harold Calmer, Kenneth Osborne, Miss H. Bal. Winton Bagricîl. Middle Row: Annie Allin, Evelyn Taylor, Caroline Hamilton, Winnie Rickard, Eleanor Sykes, Betty Flaxmnan, Annie Wilkins, Jean Wight, Nora Adams, Betty Snowden. Frant Row: Ernest Hunt, Bob Kent, Herbert Hoaper. Frank McIlveen. INST CUTS YOUTNG EOASTING POEK HERE MMYRUES-la HA M S HALE OR WOLE HANI2 WHR l0dM tlE FANCY QUALITY CUT FROM LOIN OR RIB Pork Loins lb. 25e Pok Chope lb. 280 A FAVORITE WITH EVERY ONE CAMPDELL S TOMATro 6 Tin9*g NEW SASO SSORTED FLAVORS, EXCEPT CHICKEN, 2 TINS 23. MI1NCEME'dAT 2 ibe. 250 SUET lb. 150 FINEST PEAMEALED BACX IBACON By the PleCO b.1 aLf14Ml A l-, EN T REAfl T *- 3e.-ib. - BOILED RAM UAIT BLICED COTTAGE ROLLS- lb. 450 lb. 24e, SWIFT S PREMI17M SDIOKED 'BACON Breakfast By tiie piece lb. 37c SLICElI OR CENTRE CUTS. lb. 39c. -SA LT . i.90 odized 2 I S.13 ROYALVCIY ÏNES QUALITY AVAILABLE No. 4 Sieve ROASTS I NO. 2N ENTRIV (..R(ASS SELECTý DIV i & P EXPERTS F IR S T 4 R I B S S .*>H ( P' , Prime Rab b.22e Thick Rib îc. 17e 3r'sket b. 1OC ONLY FINEST SFLLC TEU TOM ATOES t 'ED HEINZ TOMATO Larg WHERE ECONOMY RMIEUS" FRES11-NATIONAL BRAND j.j N) 3ADDOCK PFllets Zlbs.25e FINNAN MAMDIE StoAgeli? ft:.GAE INTCa L i) l~ FOR (O(:L D AIS '<> A'GE' DI ,»,t. .ci ND ('URED Catelli's 2 Plkgs , 5, Cheese OL) i ge Boutle 19e tAN ERI ES Ffanc Fleila Dz. 2' KING STREET- BOWMANVILLE Meat Manager: G. McCoy. Grocery Manager: P. William. We Deliver-Extra Charge loc. Phone No. 83 #7. M« GREAT AMANTIc & PACIFIC TF 1. LIMITED OF CANA D J4O, . IIETTI OR VERMICEL1.1 MILD . LM

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