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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Nov 1930, p. 6

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PAGE six THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVnTlLE. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1930 ODITUABY v I Mj. C. M. Carmutheis weme Sunday r iias at "'The Maples" Ernest PRoi Poster, BoWfllViBe Mis. R. Fiances. who still contin- -,ues very iII. went ta Toronto this ir on WednesdaY, Noveniber 9th, week ta consuit a speialist. We 11e on eath ciased for a Younlg man.i hope the resuit will be help!ul ta hem. n i the persan af Ernest ROY Poster, Mm. and Mis. G. Cornish and Mr. youxigest son o! Mr. and Mis. H. B. and Mrs. A. Welsh motomed ta, Janet- s Poster, Hamsey Street. Roy was ville on Fiday and spelit the day born on March 3rd, 1902, at the f m with the fammer's daugbtem, Mrs. W. ily baniestead an Manvers Road, Ftze. i Bowiiaflville, now occUPied by hi Several o! aur Salemi ladies attend- brother Hubert. For sanie tume past ed the Grandniotbeis' meeting o! the fi he bas been assocated ibuines Tyrone Womein's Institute last week N with bis father. Who is a di'ver and and report a splendid meeting and exporter o! byeè stock, and was Well very enjoyable social tinie.c knawii t;houghout the country. He Much sympatby is extended ta theC Wini aise be greatly missed i the parents, sister and brothers o! theV home where bis cheerfuli disposition late Roy Poster. whase funeral took and kindly deeds cbeered and con- place at Bowinanville last Friday and forted the laved ones there. Though was attended by many Salem frlends. neyer veîy robust, he suf eied an at- Anothem bight yaung l! e bas been tecko! leuisy in the f all o! 1929 calied away in early years. frckof pl e nyr u Yrcovemed. Mi. and Mis. Frank Haipany andp Ten daYs previaus to bis death he little daughtei Frances, visited wth went ta bed and giadually weakeiied M. and Mis. E. J. Doidge for av until the end. couple o! days as they weme mator- The funeral took place on Fîiday ing tliîough fîam Califaiiiia, wheme aftemiioonf!rom the f amily resideiice, they have been engaged in evangel- service being conducted by Rev. J. U. ical woîk for the past two yeams and Robins, pastai o! Trinity United weie iow ain thei way ta Ottawa ta Cburch, the menibers o! Florenice spend Christmas wth thei parents. Nightigale Lodge, Na. 66, I.O.O.F. Mm. Chas. Grey and Mr. Fred o! whlch deceased was a memlber, at- Giaaiibiidge, wha have been living tending in a body. The Odd!eUlows' in oui neighborliood for the past service at the grave was in charge o! vear, set sail for England an Frlday.t Mi. H. Cowle, N. G.. and Mr. T. H. The boys will be much missed li the Lockhart, acting chapiain conimuity as they made very de- The paîl beareis were al brother sirable citizens. and we wish them Oddfellows: Messrs. Odis Metcalf, Gad speed an their journey and a Wmn. Corden, Everett Oîmistaii, L. happy !amily reunian in the Home- Roeiiigk. Fred Moore, and R. Sudds. land.E Flower beareis were alsa Oddfellows. He leaves ta moUmn bis early pass- NIKLE ing, bis parents; two brathers, FredENIKL N J. and Hubert 1M. Poster, Bowmaii- Service next Sunday at the usual1 ville;, and one sister, Miss Kate Pas- haur.i ter, Principal o! Orano Schoal: also Mi. Lloyd Pethick spent a !ew days twa aged grandniatheis. Mis. M. A. with f riends in Toronto. McLean and Mis. John Poster; and MiadMs1.H Fehriset one aunt, Mis. A. L. Browni. La a few days witb !riends in Kendal. Grange. ~Mr. and Mis. S. Pethick spent The beautiful floral offerings i Sunday with fiends in Newtanville. cluded tributes o! sympathy: The Mr. H. W. Pointen. Emmanuel Col- i Broken Wheel f rom Dad and Mothei, lege, Toronto, visited Mr. Thas. Mc- Sheaf o! .Munis-Brothems and Sis-' Gill's. ters; Spray o! roses-Nieces and Mi. and Mis. R. J. Ormniston, Mis I Nephews; Wreatbs--~GrafldTua Pas- A. Tamblyn visited at Mi. W. J. ter, Brown Pamily, Florence Nigt- Stainton's. ingale Lodge, I.O.O.F.; Sprays-Mm. Mis. W. O. Herring spent a f cw and Mis. Fred Moore, Douglas and! days with ber niece, Mrs. Harold, Hugh Moore, Mis. Hunter. MErs. 'Un- 1 Skinner, Tyrone. derwaad. Elma Poster. Mi. and Mis. Mr. and Mis. J. A. Wemmy and 1 Fre Ok an f miy, rs.RamaYGrace, visited !riends at Kedron andi and daughteirs, Mis. H. Hutniphiies1 Oshawa on Sunday. and Mis. M. Densem, Ed. Siiv er. Mr. Mi. and Mis. Wm. Jefirey. Miss Il and Mis. F. L. Scjuair. Mi. and Mis. Myrtie Jeffiey, Scugog, spent Sunday1 G A. Stephens. M. R. T. Stepheils, witb Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Jeffrey. misses Carrne and Ida Stephens, M. Misses Gertie and Winnifred Oke. Angus Trul. M. and Mrs. H. Challis, Bowmanvilie. spent the weekend wthi Staff o! Orano School, Mi. Lorimni, their parents, Mi. and Mis. Wesley M. and Mrs. Chuis. Law, Mr. and cuke. Mis. C H. Dudley, Mi. and Mis. Mr. and Mis. Wilbeit Smith and Hary Rice, Miss Helen Marins. family. Oshawa, and Mm. Claude Amang the relatives and rilends. Smith spent Sunday with Mm. Lamne present were: Mr. and Mis. Fred' Lamb. Oke, M. and Mis. S. R. Caldwell and Mm. and Mis. IR. Griff in and babe Miss Caldwell, Port Hope; Mr. J. A. and Master Wilmer Gril! in spent MeFeeteis, Mis. Wm. 'Underwoad, Sunday at Mr. Melville Griffln's Miss Elma Poster, Toronta;-,Mr. C. Cartwright. W. MeFeeters, Oakviile: Mis. James Mr. and Mis. Fred Adamis and Hunter. Orona. daughters, Oshawa, Mi. and Mis. Coulter, Bawmanville. visited at Mr. SALEMLevi Bunt's. SALEM M. and Mrs. Alymer Beech and Mr. enneh Wrry pen Sunay!amily, and Mm. Claude Smith e- in . KenethWrsetSna cently visited Mr. and Mrs. Elnier in Coîomne.Herring, Oshawa. Sévemal f rom our district are at- Mm. and Mis. Wm. Trewi, Mis. C. tending the Rayai Witer Pair this W. Sleman and son Keith, Bowman- week. ville, Mr. and Mis. H. Annis, vsited Mr. and Mis. W. G. Weiry visited Mm. and Mrs. J. Slemnon. Mr. and Mis. A. B. Werry, Ebenezei, We extend aur sympatby ta Mm. an Sunday. James Mountioy i the death o! bis Kenneth Elgin Savery, Newtonville, brother. Mr. Thomas Mountjay, Hay- vsited his grandparents, M. andi don. whase funeral took place on Mis. A. Weish. Monday. Mr. and Mis. Kenneth Byeis, Jini- Mr. and Mis. Milton Grey, Lotus. my and Ronald, Mms. Stanley May, were Suxiday visitais wth Mr. andTantRvadMi.JH.Sa- Mm. . Wesh.ton, Pickering, were Sunday visitais Mr. and Mis. W. Moffat. Orona,. o! Mm. and Mis. E. C. Ashton. visited with hem parents, Mi. and A good congiegatioxi was out Sun- Mis. F. L. Squaim, on Sunday. 1 day evening. Oui pastor. Rev. J. M. Mis. W. L. Buttery spent the Whyte, delivemed a very fine sermoin, weekend ln Toranto visiting ber son taking for bis theme "Truths that and attending the Wamen's Institute Triumph and Remai." Miss Aniiie Convention. Oke. Mms. Harvey McGill. Mm. Edgar Mr. and Mis. W. Stewart and Mm. Wright and Mr. Harold Kay sang a and Mis. R. Scott, Tyrone, Mi. and' quartette very nlcely. Mis. J. W. Yellowiees; and a mes ing by Mr. B. G. Stevens; a contt was !ollowed by the League Ber] diction. Gardon Lapp of Ontario Be. Work Board, lis camig ta Tyrc Sunday evenlng, December i4th. ENFIELD Mrs. Frank Gilbert bas been visit- ng at Kingston. Mm. and Mrs. Percy Marrisan bave naved ta Oshawa ta meside. Col. E. E. Snlder, Part Hope, i- spected oui schooi on Monday. Mis. W. J. Omriston bas been vis- iting at Osbawa and Bowmanvlle. Mm. and Mms. Lavemne Stinson and ramily, North Oshawa, visited at Mrs. J. Stinsan's. Dm. and Mis. W. G. Mcçulach, Orana. Mr. and Mis. H. L. Pascoe, Calumbus, have been visltig at Mr. Wallace Scott's. TYRONE Church service xiext Sunday at 7 P. M. Mis. C. W. Sieman, Bowmanville, visited Miss F. Virtue. Mis. Clama Byam, Tawn, vlsited at Mr. F. L. Byam's recently. Several f rom, here attended the Royal Winter Faim ln Toronto. Mr. Jahn Noble spent a few days at Mr. C. D. Hodgsan's. Oshawa. Mr. and Mis. L. J. Goodman visit- ed Mr. and Mis. W. W. Hrn. Hamp- ton, an Sunday. Mis. Robt. McCullougb, Mr. and Mis. Donald Davey, Sundayed at Mm. Hugb McCullough's, Pontypool. Quite a number f ram here attend- eci the Standard Training Schoa] held in Bowmanville last week. Mr. and Mis. Taîbeit Findley, Ola and Bert, Thaînhill, spent Sunday witb hem father, Mi. Edward Virtue. Quite a number !rom bere attend- anniversary services at Hampton on Sunday. Oui chair supplied the music in the evenig. Mr. Wm. Turner and Miss Vera Turner, Green River, Sundayed ai Mr. Floyd Dudley's. Mis. Turner 1îeturned home after spending a week 1with ber daughteî. SOLINA Miss Ada Pascae, Toronto, speni the week-end at hame. Mr. and Mis. Mervin Hobbs witi 'Mr. and Mis. Waltan Pascae, Bow- manville. Several a! aur yaung people at- tended the Training School in Bow- manville last week. Mi. and Mis. Narval Wotten and Francis and Mis. Arnat visited witl, f riends at Janetviiie and Pontypoal. Messrs. Percy Dewell and Living- stane Miller have returned f ram, hunting trip bringing twa fine deei with them. Mis. W. T. Taylor, Miss Lena, Mr and Mis. Elgin Taylor and f amuil. visited Mr. and Mis. Ernest Larmer 1Blackstock. ;Misses Helen Baker and Evelyr Tink visited Misses Elsie ad ireni Bragg, Toronto. and attended thý .Winter Faim. . Messrs. John and Wiil Bakem atý tended a sale a! Shaithorns at O. A [C., Guelph, on Saturday, each buy .ing an animal. I Mr. and Mis. Jack Reynolds anq family visited wltth Toronto friende; .Mis. Reynolds and children remain ig for- a week. [ Mr. and Mis. Hilton Tink, Mm. ani Mis. Clarence Tink and little Mis .Kathleen visited theim parents, Mf ;and Mis. H. E. Tink. . Mis. Thomas Pascoe and Mis iMargaret and Miss Edna Reynold Hampton, Mm. and Mms. Hilton Tinl .Salem, at Mr. Alan McKessock's. 1 Sonry ta repart Mm. A. L. Pasco .conflned ta bis bed. alsa Mrs. Wail sem Crydemmnan under the Dm.'s carg We wish for eacb a! them a ver .speedy recovemy. . Mm. and Mis. Ernest Porter, Mm. ILomne Williams, Detroit, Mich.. anr bMi. Samuel McCullaugh, Rome( Mich., visited their sister. Mis. Lei rArnot and Mr. and Mrs. Narval Wal iten. Sons o! Temperance meeting c Tuesday evenig was very interest ing, Mr. A. L. Pascoe i the chai Miss Helen Baker played a plana sol and Evelyn Tink and Ruth McKo sock a piano duet. "Clippigs" wec much enjoyed and piogmam close witb a geography match. Congratulations ta Misses Rut McKessock and Muriel Baker i wiri ning prizes i the County Househol Science competition, entitllng ther ta f our days this week at the RoyE York, Toronto, visiting the WintE Faim and sight-seeing as guestsc the Depaitment a! Agricu.lture. November meeting o! the Wùo men's Institute was held ln the Sur day scbool room ail Wednesday af ternoan iast with a good attendafli Mis. Chas. Howsam, President, prE sided. Mis. McMaster was elected e oui delegate ta the W. I. Conventlc in session in Taranto this weel Prograni and mefieshmnents weîei charge o! Gmoup 1 with a piano sol by MisswHelenBaker.* paper ci M BLACKSTOCK MAPLE GROVE I H.4DON Mrs. Reynolds, Betbany, is visit- Miss Betty Bnowden spent Sunday Mr. and Mm. 1H. Raiim, BurketOfl, Mng Mrs. Esther Smith. with Miss Ethel Stephens, Hampton. visited at Mr. C. Avery's. DM. J. G. Marlow is visltlng Mrs. Miss Emma Cax, who bas been vis- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Neai, Orono, George Marlow Sr., Nestleton. iting relatives li Michigan, bas re- vlsited at Mr. E. Bradley's. Miss MaMie Archer, Orana, spent turniec borne here. Mr. and Mrs. Richard McNeUl vis- Sunday witb Mr. and Mrs. Russell Miss Mildred Hunt, Toronto, spent ited friends at Betbafly recently. Splnks. the weekend wtb ber parents, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Aylmer Beecb and Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Galbraith and and Mrs. Frank Vice. f amlly Sundayed at Mr. A. Beecb'5. Miss Marjorie, spent Saturday li Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hone and f an- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Camipbell, Orona. llY spent Sunday witb ber sister. Mrm. Oshawa, spent the weekefld at Mr. J. Mr. and Mis. F. Bailey and Mr. Abert Affin, Kingston Road EAat. Wright's. and Mrs. A. Bailey spent Sunday I Mrs. R. H. Armstrang and Jones Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hancock, Taronto. motored ta Cannington on SundaY Kedron, vislted at Mr. Theron Miss Darotby Stevens, Peterbora, and visited ber cousin. Mrs. Jas. Muontjoy's. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Merriefleld. Mr. and Mrs. James Cros5iil, Wallace Marlaw. Miss Hilda and Mr. Edward Foley, who have been visiting i Toronto, Miss Laura Bailey and Mr. and Miss Elleen Hockin, Mr. Nelson Wil- returned borne on SunChiY. Mrs. George McLaughlin vislted kins, spent Sunday wlth relatives and Mr. and Mrs. James Kennedy and friends i Blackstock. friends n Peterboro. famlly, Miss Lottie Cattreil, Tor'onto, Congratulations to Mr. Wilbur Mr. and Mrs. Claude Tucker and visited at Mr. H. Asbtofl's. rVance and bride (nee Edna English) family, Stirling, spent tbe weekend A death occurred last Priday of who were married Nov. 26th. witb Mr. and Mrs. N. I. Metcaif and one of our oldest residerits itbe A. Y. P. A. boys conducted the ev- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Metcalf. person of Thas. Mocuntjoy. Our ening service at the Anglican Church Tbe death angel bas agaivisited deepest symps.thy is extended to the on Sunday. Dr. Whittaker was in our communlty and taken from aur f amily and relatives. .Tr Port Perry. midst a respected neigbbor, Mr. Jobn Mr. and Mrs. R. C. McLean.T- Miss Marjorie Marlaw, Toronto, Abernethy. The sympatby of this anto, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. HenrY, DMrs. Marlow, Miss Lila Hooey and communlty Is extended to the ber- Lindsay, Mr. E. Dawsoni and daugb- Mrs. Mahood spent Sunday at Mr. M. eaved i their sad lass. ter, Mrs. Joe Jackson, Bailiebaro, SC. Smitb's. iie tM.EMonJYs Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McLaughfln visitedayJn hr Mr. E.eretyO'5 and Mr. Leslie Graham visited Mas- COURTICE ChsMrsrJaeCAre.Mr.ndery ter Donald Grabam in St. Michael'5 Ch.ane. MisBen rtieaneLndsay, Hospital, Sunday.1 Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Werry, Solina,M and M rston Johnl Graha, MKennetr The Ladies' Lodge held an oyster recently visited at Mr. Jack Sbort's. Ga and s onap raeMrY sharya, supper and euchre party Frlday ev- Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Annis and Mr. visited at Mr. D. Grahani's. ening. Prizes were won by Mrs. and Mis. Ross Pearce attended the Gardon Lapp of Ontario Boys' Percy VanCamp and Mi. Wallace Royal Winter Fair on Saturday. Work Board. is coming to Tyrone Marlow. Mr. and Mis. A. E. Rundie are Sunday evening. December 14th. The many Blackstock f îiends Of spending a f ew days with their son1 Mis. E .DeNure (nee Margaret Ab- Elmer in Toronto and taking in the SALEM LEAGUE iernethy) extend sympathy to lier in Winter Fair. ythe death of ber father. Mr. J. J. Mrs. Rss Pearce entertained a League meeting last week was past- tAbernethy, Daîlingtoii. spn number of ber friends and relatives pnd wn aSlmYugPol - Mr. and Mis. Frank Sisnseta a quilting bee. A pleasant after- preenting teilra n ousbel Sudywt.M.adMs.W.Rt noan was spent. previaus nght. The combined Pro- cliff e, Brooklin and Mis.Sinson -Mis. Archie Muir, Mis. H. Flintaif, grains o! the third and f ourth vice drssdBroli unaSbol and hrce. Masters Bruce and Sandy Muir, and presidents, Miss Iva Gilbank and Mr. 91 Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Maîlaw and Mr. Harold Muir, Mr. Jas. Brown, Kyle Squaiî, were put on at aur reg- tMis. Mahaod, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gardon Brown, Alan Law and Russel ular League meeting on Sunday a!- rJones went ta Toronto Saturday., Sulley were amang thase wba attend- ternoon. Mr. Sam Buttery, presi- Mrs. Mabood visited lier daughter, ed the Winter Fair in Toronto. dent, opened tbe meeting with the Mrs. Archer, wha is sick in Toronto. Several f rom Courtice were dawn hymn, "«Nearer My God ta Thee." W. A. o! the Anglican Cbuîch beld ta Newtonville Sunday viewing what Mr. Cator and Wilbur Darcb led i its meeting last week at tbe borne of remains of the United Church after prayer; and the meeting was placed Dr. Whittaker, when the following' the disastrous fire an Saturday nigbt. in the hands o! the fourth vice, Mr. bprogram was given; Missionary pap- Rev. Thas. Wallace and tbe people of Kyle Squair. miss Marion Honey er, Mrs. Whittaker; reading, Mrs. bis chuîch there have the sympathy !avoured us with a beautiful piano h McLaughlin; reading "Thoughtful- of this community. Just a f ew salo. "In a Monastery Garden." De- ness," Mrs. A. Bailey; reading "The weeks ago aur Courtice people gave a votional topic was taken by Mis. J. Purpose of Thanksgiving," Mrs. concert in the hall Just bebind the Irwin, and the topic proper by Miss -Crawford; instrumental sala, miss church and we do not f orget the Iva Gilbank. League was veîy f or- -Florence Phair. There was a large splendid way in wbich we were1 tunate i securing Mrs. Alex. Calvilie attendance. treated by the Newtanville people1 as soloist. In spite of a heavy cold _________and Mr. Wallace. she rendered twa beautiful and ap- HAMPT<uiq Services on Sunday were wella-poraenmes La Kindly ____tended, and aur pastar, Rev. H. C. Light" and "The Lard is MY SheP- Mis. Ida Smale is with ber mother Woifraim, delivered a fine address i herd." Mrs. Leslie Coombes gave a 'at Cobourg. the morning on the M. & M. Funid, fine littie reading. "Something for r Mr. and Mrs. Jna. Wakely visited and in the evenig he preached a Nthing." Messrs. Sydney Elcombe their son in Oshawa. very practical sermon fram "A saft and Reginald Coambes gave a very Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Williamsan vis- tangue breaketh the bane." In the pretty mauth organ duet. Mm. Les- [ited frlends in Newtonville. afternaon at Sunday School session leCobsfvrdwt ilu r, Mr. Chas. Burows, Oshawa, spent Miss Lauise Caurtice took charge, ber sala, one of aur old favorites,"h Sunday with Mrs. Goodman. father. Mr. Lea Caurtice, nat beig Old Rugged Cross." Meetig ce Master Leslie Racey. Toronto, vis- able ta attend. Mr. John Jury of with a hynin and the benedictian. ie ited witb Mr. George Kerslake. Bowmanville was present and ad- isite d M G dgr Oshawa, dîessed the boys i connection wlth WOOD SALE vis.tdanr and Mrs. J. H. Wilcax. Boys' Parliament. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. S. Woad, Or- On Friday evenig the Mission odyDeebrlt- .S.A o na, visited witb Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Circle beld their manthly meeting i MnaDcmerlt- .A 2Johns. the home af Miss Sadie Muir when Burgess will seli an Lot 231/2, Con. 2, Messs. Harry and Percy Caling, the afficers for tbe camig year were acreslngtan ing's Hlghway. but id Toronto, spent Sunday witb their elected. In the absence a! tbe pres- arsa tnigmxdtnbr s, parents. ident, the superintendent, Miss Anne bardwaod and cedar, I about 1/4-acre Mm. Ivan Stephens, Toronto, visit- Hait, preslded and the follawing of- lots. Cedar suitable for telephone or ed with bis. mother. Mis. W. o. ficers were elected: Superintendent radia pales and fence posts. Pur- d tehes.-Miss Anne Hait: Peqdent-Mis chasers ta bave ta April 1, 1933, ta ss M. and Mrs. Roy MeGil, Enni- Velma Gay; lst Vice Pres.-Miss rmaveCathber Sale ths1.30 p. m. r. killen. spent Sunday wtb Mrs. El- Beth Gay; 2nd Vice Pres.-Mrs.Trs aho ats rdta mina Johns. Walter Snlder; Rec. Secretary-Mrs. appmaved nates wlth interest at 6% Mr. and Mrs. Lethangue and Herb. Nichais; Carm. Secretary-Mms. per u wrW.M is daugliter, Ballyduf, visited Mm. and Will Bickie; Treasurem-M155 Mary ,,Mrs. G. Barman. Pound; Treasumer Mite Baxes-Miss Cierk. Auctianeer. Mm. and Mis. J. L. Goodman, Ty.. Bemice Gay; Supeintendent Liter- De mane. were guests o! Mr. and Mrs. ature-Mrs. C. Penfaund. The pro- A CINSL t- W. W. Horn an Sunday. grami was then presented: Readigs _____NSAL e. Mm. and Mis. L. Rabbins and by Mis. Frank Womden and Mrs ry daughtem, Leskard, vlsited with hem Marshall; music by Mrs. Walter Frlday, Noveniber 28th-Mr. David sister, Mrs. W. J. Virtue. Snidem, Mis. Cecil Found and Miss W. Jahnston, Lot 5, Con. 2, Cart- r. Misses Laura and Sadie Virtue, Sadie Muir, witb accordian and wright, who bas soid bis faimi. wiii d Toronto, Mm. Wiil Staples, Tymane. piano; a vocal duet by Misses Plama- seil al of bis faim stock. implements, ýo vsted at Mr. H. Saiter's. belle and June Marshall. Mftem- grain. f eed, maots, etc. Sale at 1 wi Mr. and Mrs. E. White and farnily, *wads efreshisents were served and Pi. m. See bis. Theo. M. Sieman. ~-Iand Mms. W. G. Rundie, Bethesda,1 a good tinie enJoyed by al. . auctoneer 46-2 'nse Miss.Ganeduthi. To ro Ms THIS OFFER ENDS SATURDAY 1LAL JJIREQUISITES Containing Four Full Size Beauty Requisites French Narcissus Perfume ....$2.00 bottie Supersmooth Face Powder .......$100 box Cleansing Cream ................... 75e jar Tissue and Astringent Creani........75e jar $4.5ALUE f or only 99e INAN ATTRACTIVE GIFT BOX Together with a Beautiful String Indestructible Pearis Free We have been fortunate in securing a limited suPPlY of the World Famous Theron Beauty requisites and are authorized by the Manufacturer Wo off er these wonderfulI sets of Toilet Articles at a price much below cost.-November 21 - 29. JURY & LOVELL Ready for COLD WEATHER? CAIJLKING and WEATHERSTBRIPPING Bei are the severe weather sets in, have your house equipped wlth caulking weatherstrlp in order ta keep out draits. Exrperience teaches that a bouse properly caulked and fItted with the rlght klnd of weatherstrlP can be kept warm with about 20% lesa fuel. is makes it a good Investment. Klndly let us quote yau prices on this work. as it wiUl put Fou under n0 obligation. ABERNETHY BROS. Phones 431 and 477r2l BOWMANVILLE Corne, Sec! Yardley's Toilet Goods Crane's Fine Writimg Papers Watermafl'5 Pens jergen's Tollet Sets and you will want some of tbem for your XMas Gifts. Leave your order now for Personal Greetlng Carda KERSLAK ES.9 THE DEPENDABLE DRUO $TORR POTATOES FOR SALE Dooley's Extra Good Grade A Delivered right to your cellar. Phone 195r2 J. A. Werry&Son , i Enniskille u 6 The RED and WHITE Stores OFFER SPECIAL VALUES FOR THUBSDAY. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 27th, 28th and 29th. P & G. SOAP 5 bars 18e RASPBERRY JAM, Stuart's 40 oz. jar .. 37e Red & White JELLY POWDERS, any kind . 4 for 25e FREE-1 Bottie Red & White VANILLA, 1 tin Red & White BAKZINO POWDER, 16 oz. 29e QUAKER CRACKELS, the new breakfast cereal, pkg. 14c STANDARD Quality No. 4 seive PEAS, 2s 3 for 25c NEW SMYRNA COOKING FIGS 2 lbs. 19e Red & White SODA WAFERS......... 2 pkgs. 27e 2-in-i SHOE POLISH-, any kmnd 10c tin EAGLE CONDENSED MILK 21c tin SOCKEYE SALMON, 1/-1b. tin 23C ALMOND PASTE 1 lb. tUn 45c; 'A-lb. tin 25c DATES, Golden Hallowi 2 Iba. 23C GOLD MEDAL MINCEMEAT 2 Ibs. 35c Red & White COFFEE. "None Better" 1 lb. 53c; 1/2-1b. 27e NEW LEMON OR ORANGE PEEL 19e lb. SAGO or TAPIOCA, fancy quality 2 lbs. 25c GERM WHEAT BREAKFAST FOOD 3 lbs. 14c SOAP CHIPS, best quality 2 lbs. 25e Canadian H-. P. WHITE BEANS 4 lbs. 25c CLARK'S PORK & BEANS, family size 23c tin EGGO READY MIXED CAKE. "Just add water", pkg. 23e EGGO READY MIXED PIE CRUST. "Just add water'", pkg. 25c FRESH SHELLED ALMONDS 45celb. FRESH SHELLED WALNUT BORDEAUX HALVES 60e lb. Rd&White Choice Quality TOMATOES, large tins 2 for 21c RUAEd R OATS, quick or regular, large pkg. 23e Choice Selection of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables F. W. NELLES WE DELIVER BOWMIANVILLE PHONE 599 G> I 1> ;t- ir. la0 s- ýre h ri- Id cf ai of ce ,e- as in on id all ji- an Dm o- ate mt, ýssl rit Itil )Gd blE b3 na] n pic inÈ ;esl ne- un( Elsie Staitan, Oshawa, are visitig at the home o! Mr. L. T. Pascae. Mr. J. I. Sheehy, Oshawa, and Miss Thanipsan, Uxbidge, weme guests a! Mi. and Mis. R. Avery on Sunday. Mrs. Niddrie, who is staying i Bowmanville for the winteî months, was at hem hame here on Sunday. Miss Mmle, dietitian o! St. Mich- ael's Hospital, Toronto, Miss Lang- staff, Kemptville, visited Mrs. C. J. Kerslake. Mr. L. T. Pascoe and Misses Mai- jorie and Edlth spent the weekend in Mimica and attended the Rayai Wlnter Faim. Miss Edna Reynolds si Toronto attending the Wamen's Institute Convention being beld at the Royal York Hatel. Miss Margaret McKe&ssck and Mi. Cecil Bush, Mrs. H. E. Tink and Bruce, SaUina, were Sunday visitors a! Mis. Thomas Pascoe. Mm. Alfred Dean. who bas been liv- Sing with Mi. Howard Cale, le!t on iWednesday for a visut ta bis mother lui England. He saUls by the C.P.R. Montcalm f rom Montreal on Pîlday. Mr. and Mis. F. Preece and grand- cbildnen, Leslie and Doreen, Toronto, visited at Mr. C. J. Kerslake's on Sunday. Mm. and Mis. Kersiake e- 1turned ta the city with them and vis- -ited the Royal Winteuà Faim. Dm. J. H. Elllatt. Toronto, Misses Ruby Deweli and Helen Baker. Sa- lina, Miss Susie VanCanip, Black- stock, Mr. and Mis. C. A. Lander, Oshawa, Mr. and Mis. Fred Smith and Mr. M. Rabbins, Enfield. were arecent visitors wth Mm. and Mis. C.1 ,fJ. Kersiake. - Mr. Chas. Lawson bas wonderfuliy eimproved the raad condition f rom tbe Lpavement back ta Hampton by the iuse o! the county power grader. This iwark bas been much needed and is s greatly appreciated. Mm. Lawsoil hstayed witb Mr. and Mis. B. Fer- d guson while working in this district. ýe The Anniversai3' Services held on LI Suiîday were largely attended both n marning and evenlng. Rev. J. R. y' Cooper. Columbus, preached yery ac- ti ceptably and music was furiiished rby the home choir i the mornlng. o Iu the evening Dm. G. H. Stevenson, _, Ontaria Hospital, Wbltby. gave a an add.ress on "The Contribution o! d Science taReligion." whicb sbowed [- much thought and is worthjr o! great ;t cansideratioli. The Tymane choir -1 rendered very aceeptably the musie for the evenig service. 91Gordon Lapp of Ontario Bois' ýe Work Board, la comlng to Tyrane ,Sunday evenlng. D)ecembel' l4th. Mail Orders add 25e for Postage and Packing Our supp» is Limited come larir

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