"Let Me Work for You,"e says the Pension Investment Bond Now, while health and strength are yours, while vou can spend your money freely, secure in the knowledge tÏhat you can soon earn more, set aside the modest payments required for a PENSION INVESTMENT BOND. ~~j~iilIO Wben inclination or noces- ;:'J 1sity causes you to reti.re, your Bond will work for you, -Nt]IJ~ supplying you with a regular h: 1 mnthlyincome which will - . pensioner. Lat the Sun Lee. Man give youfauierparicalamw SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY 0F CANADA HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL w FILL YOUR COAL BIN WITH LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE 77,. Coal 7That Satis fea These prices are effective from Nov. lat: Egg............................. 16.00 A discount of $1.00 per ton for cash will be allowed frorn above prices. J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanville WEST END GARAGE 24 HOUR SERVICE WEST END GARAGE 15 THE ONLY GARAGE IN TOWN GIVING AN ALL-DAY AND ALL-NIGHT SERVICE Many of our custorners tell us this is a great con- venience to them, They can bring their car in at night, have it repaired or washed, and it's ready for thern in the morning. Then often an ernergency cali cornes in and we 're right there to give you immediate service. Phone 188W. CLIEMENS'IfWestEnd GARAGE King St. Wet Bowimanville One Standard Quality AT PRICES BELOW STANDARD If you look for quality ln building mater"al you wilI be attraced here. And If you look for eeonomy you wilJ be doubly attracted. We supply ail types of construction materals-f rei materiala for minor alteratiolis and repairs to complote houses. Get acquainted wth our 10w pries". W. know we eau gave you mono>' on evory klnd of construction work. Estimatos cheerfuill' furnlshod. McCLELLAN & CO. phono 15 DowmaaVioe I -r ;Z yu'ejuttrylng to be kind b to get aw ay-"stn In a r vlso o e li e wished and want to gpa al&iately "Dntleave me alone, Giles. You fhor had tn piyuft the almost unspeakable accusation don't know what it's like to be left h1hdt hi mpetue ae, h which Schofield hadt brought againat alone li this hideous darkness. I I f' aloetw.. ter tld" im ofte lt m ati o et with.bind about the Vegetable Compound ho Julie would have been bis then for ofte fel imatiet wth bind wot t, the drug etore and bog h ever-body and soul, and nothing people-lt's bored me to bave to talk ýwObinw. "-Mai. BiewIuA 8 could ever bave altered IL. te them and try and be nice to tbem, "C@4804C*ien. A""-xt ee but I know wbat lt's like now, and I Contlinued etW k FOURTEENTH INSTALLMENT wisb I'd been kinder. I suppose it's tenham's hands were clencbed be- my punishment-and yet why should hind bis back-and his face was What Has Gone Before I be punished? I've never done any grlrn. one any harx-" 'Perhaps you would like me to ex- Giles Chittenham sets out to make "My dear, I want to be kind to you, plain, Mr. Cbittenham," Scbofield Julie Farrow love him, intending to but you make it so difficult for me-" went on, and now every sneerlng tbrow her over ini revenge for the There was a littie silence. whicb word was a studied insult, "or will it suicide of bis brother Rodney, whom Sadie broke pltlfufly: be sufficient if I just caîl you the cad Julie bad cast off. He succeeds, but "There! I'm not crylng any more, and the blackguard which I know finds that be bas fallen desperatelY arn I? I'm quite quiet now-please you to be?" in love witb ber bimself. Then he kiss me, Giies." "I can only conclude that you are discovers that it was flot this Julie He kissed ber aff ectionately drunk." said Giles, sbarply, "and tbat Farrow, but ber cousin of the same enough. his heart tomn with pity. being so, the klndest tbing I can do name, wbo had driven bis brother to "You don't kiss my lips," Sadie is to ring and have you sbown out death. But Giles is marrled, to an said-then she laughed brokenly, of the bouse." American girl narned Sadie Barrow, "Neyer mind! I suppose it's ail I He took a step towards the bell, witb whom be has not lived for a deserve" but Schofield was too qulck for him- long time. Sadie unexpectedly turns She took ber hands away f rom hlm "That won't do," he said thickly. up in London, at a Party at Giles' and folded them in ber lap to bide 've seen tbat trick trled before. mother's bouse, but both keep sulent their trembling. I'm not drunk and you damn well about their marriage. "Well-" sbe said after a moment know I'm not. You're a younger Julie, dlslllusioned, enters into tlie as he did not speak. "What arn I man tban I am, Cbittenbam, but I wild nigbt 111e of London to try to going to do? Or wbat are you going1 spoilt Lombard's beauty for hlm last drown ber anguish. Lawrence Scho- to do with me? I can't stay here, 1 nigt-be won't show bis face field wants to marry ber. Lombard, can IV' amongst decent people again for who bad first lntroduced ber to Chit-I Giles explained as gently as be sorn time to corne, and I'il spoil tenharn, demands money frorn Giles could. yours if I-" with the threat that if be is not paid 1 "In the mornlng I wlll take you Chittenbam caught bis upraised he will tell Schofield that Chitten-.î away." arm and beld It in a grlp o! steel. ham and Julie spent the nigbt to- - gether on the St. Bernard Pass.j Later Julie confesses to Chittenhami that sbe loves hlm. At a splrltualist seance at Giles'i mother's bouse Sadie Barrow, bis wife, suddenly goes blind. She cails to hlm and be responds, revealing the fact that she is bis wife. Julie,) wbo bas sent Schofield away be- cause of ber love for Cbitteriham. goes home in despair. Chittenbam follows ber, but she sends him away I( and decides she wiil accept Schofielcll She goes to Schofield's botel. He 4 i. out, but sbe leaves a note for bim. Now Go On With the Story He took ber to a desk and gave ber paper and a pen. Juie wrote a few hurried Uines. "I didn't mean it, Lawrence dear. F\ ~~: I want you to corne back to me. Please ring me in the morning.- I'¶on't leave me, Giles. Be kind to me. After ail, 1 amn your wlfe." Julie." She interrupted quickiy: "Don't be a damned f001." he said It was a relief to have written "Wbere wiil you take me? To live rougbly, "'you're no rnatch for me, that, and she haif smiled as she with you?" and you know you're not. If you've thought bow unnecessary it was to "'Not at once. To a nursing home. got anytbing to say, say it and bave added those last words. He I bave arranged wltb a specialist to be done. As far as Lombard goes, would not ring ber, he would come see you-"i if you bave given hlm a tbrasbing round, she was sure, he would come She interrupted again: !'I'm in your debt, I owe him one rny- very early, perbaps even to-nlght if "It wiil be o! no use. I know. I'm self-" be was back in time, and then in the finished."1 He released Sehofield's arm, at the rnorning they would go away and "Don't say that, Sadie." jsm time giving hlm a little pusb make some sort of bappiness togetb- She shuddered f rom bead to foot. ame rmhm ndframmn er. "Well, go on - and afterwards?, the two men glared at one another Julie tried bard not to tblnk be- Wbat then?" silently, then Scbofield broke down. yond to-morrow, but altbougb she "Then we must see. We must make He groped towards a chair and f el was so tired, and f elt ready to drop, arrangements." into it, hiding bis face against bis she could not sleep. She lay aWake "Arrangements! for wbat? For me clencbed bands. Giles watched hlm for hours listening to every sound. to be led about by a nurse or a dog for a moment without speaking, then In the early morning Julie dozed for the rest of my 11e?" Her ter- he fetcbed whisky and soda f rom a off to sleep, only waking wben she rible, hysterical sobbing began af resh. side table. heard the maid let herself into the Cbittenbar f elt that be could bear "Help yourself," he said. "If you've fiat and move about in the kitchen no more. He called to the nurse and got anytbing against me, let's talk it ligbting the lire. made bis escape. His nerves were out sensibly, instead of flying at one Presently she brought tea and a sbaking as he went downstairs. He another's tbroats lilce wlld beasts. I note. "It was lying on the mat had neyer imagined anytbing s<> know what Lombard bas told you- when I came in, Miss.", tragic as this last bal bour. he trled bis blackmailing games on Julie glanced at the handwriting, He paced up and down the library, me, and wben be found it was no use then sat up, ber pulses lerking. It at bis wit's end to know wbat to do. he tbreatened to go to you. Qood was from Lawrenc6 Scbofleld. She It was long Past eleven and he had God, Schofield, what sort of a f ool was conscious of a warm glow of all the night to drag througb. are you to believe a lylng bound like pleasure. If tbere was indeed no hope of!ha? He loved her-it was sometblng to Sadie ever being able to see agamn, be happy about in a world that held how could he posslbly leave ber? Scbofield ralsed bis baggard face. no real happiness. He must bave It would be inhuman, impossible, "Wbat reason bave I to disbelieve brought it blmself late last nlgbt. and yet to live witb ber- it?" he asked sullenhl. Perhaps, after ail, it had been bis Anotber knock at the door. Giles shrugged bis shoulders. footsteps outside which she bad Chittenbarn turned lrnpatlentl.y. "Isn't your knowledge of Miss Par- beard. "OCh, corne in, corne in."~ row the best o! ail reasons?"' She broke open the seal. the en- "A gentleman to see you, Sir' I velope felt unusually bulky, she drew sald you were very rnucb engaged and Scbofield rose to, bis feet and be- out its contents-ber own note whicb could see no one, but he initeSir, gan pacing up and down. sbe bad wrltten last nlght in the and says be will walt if he bas to "Lombard was so sure-be bad got hotel lounge, tomn across and across walt ail night. The gentleman lB every detafi of the story-tbat you into minute pleces. That was ail. Mr. Scbofield, sir." and Julie speiat the nigbt together at 0 0 0 "Scbofield!" The colour rushed tb te St. Bernard Hostel-" Wben Giles Chittenbarn got back Cblttenharn's drawn face. "80 we dld. It was impossible to to bis motber's bouse she met hlm Schofield! the man wbom Julie bad get home. If ail such unforeseen sit- in the bail. said she would marrY. uations are given the same vile inter- "Your wlf e bas been asklng for you Chlttenham was across the room pretation as you bave given te this- ail the evening. I sald I would send in a stride. Scbofield's face flamed suddeniy you up as soon as you came in." "Is there anythlng the matter- crimson. As he went upstalrs be could bear Miss Farrow-" fr BtIbleei! esotd Sadle's volce, hlgh-pltched and by- In bis desperate anxlety Giles for "But I belleve Itt"beJulied.a sterical, and be stopped for a mom- got that this man in ail probabill"i've alwy.Sheknown tat Jublewa Ient, bis band clutcblng the stair rail, knew notblng o! bis relations wltb nap.Sebs ltda rul a trrile ens 0fbasandlrrvoc Jule-nd henbe ld ot mmed- again and again. The reckless way a teribe snseof oss nd rreoc-Jule ndwhe hedidnotsbe talks-all that pretended galety. able fate grlpplng bis heart. iately reply, he broke out again It's neyer reaily decelved me. though When she beard Chlttenbarn's hoarsely. , for ber sake I've let ber think it bas voice, she tumned ber bead towards "If anytbing is wrong-" -Lombard bad the whole story pat. the door, and stared at hlm wltb ber "That all depends wbat you mean He even spoke o! your brotber's re- wlld, blind eyes. by 'wrong'." Scbofield answered lations with Julie's cousn-and o! "So you've corne at last. bave slowly. hssiie esi htyums you?" sbe sbrilled at hlm. 14I sup- "Yesterday evening I had tbe tbis sucide.forHersad that you is- pose you've no use for me eitber, now doubtful bonor of a visit f rom a man that you intended punishing ber for I can't see." named Lombard. I bave met hlmtbwasetrteyorrth- She beat ber bands f ranticaily on before-usually, I belleve. in yoij1l he wsai tat en you camte bac tbe brass rail, and the nurse wbo bad company. I tbink I amr rght in as- fromSadt Bernard you boate tohl been standing beside ber, caught and sumlng that be is a !riend o! yoursp" fom th ercnuesyou atd t me beld tbern. "He was-yes." o h aycnus o a ae Sadie burst into wild sobbing. "Yes," be sald, stlll in that level,-Henyrfisdbssntc- "Tbere--no hpe forme, Iknow unatu.azvoic-Iblethere basfor Chittenharn'.-hands zwere at bis Slumbering sofly on warm days; burning merrily when its cold outside-thatu our Reading Anthracite. Order what you need today. Henry 'Lathrope Phone 520 Bowxnanville THAT BETTER PENNSYLVANIA BARD COAL_ rDofl't Look for Mercy f rom Fire NO HOME IS IMMUNE Its visit may take you by surprise, and when ifs flaming fingers have reduced your home and possessions to pathetie ruins you will realize that full protection is the only sane policy. TAKE ALL PRECAUTIONS AGAINST FIRE But do more . .. see that you are fully cov- ered against loss. Let us give you full par- ticulars on insurance that wiIl protect you. jJ. MVASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 5W King St E. BowuianvilleJ IAlter sebeel-It's Ro0tI CORDIAL fer Kiddles lu 6 os. or 16 oz. Bottles "YOUR SCAIESNEED FIXING"9 Said a Fat Woman-Indignantly IBetter get these scales fixed," ex- claime(l a rather stout. fasbionably dressed womvi in st druig store the other day '" tlxey make me weigh 12 pounds too muieh." " Ail of which goes to slhoi," remarked the good.natured druggist, "l that women take on fat so rapidly that they don't realize it." IlIf that woman doesn't watch out," be contimued, Ilwhen she cornes ini two weeks frorn now, the scales willI be wrong about 20 pouxids." "Is there anyfthing that will tai e off fat outside of three or four hours o! utrenuous exercise every day ?" aaked a scholarly lookixig mani who was buying a tube o! aintixent for bis lame knee. "No mny things," nnswered the dipeser o! rugs, " but lately there bais been a big dernand for a com- bination o! vitalizlig minerai saits that many o!frny fat custorners are exithu- siastic about. I t la called Kruscbexi Salta and it must do the work for I can see for niyself that -ay o! thern are losing weiqht. It'a an xexpenasive way to take off fat," contlnued the drug store mani 41for one bottie, even wlthbibg dose will laut one person for 30 days."1 "Neyer beard of that treatmnt," said the scholarly looklng man, "but 1 haven't any fat to lose snywray." I 've beard of itl" chimed li a woil- built rnlddle.aged man who had j uat corne i. Il Iwa 5 pounds ovrwolgbât -was getting fat-and I give Kruwc Salts credi or ridding me of the. un- welcome excess baggage." " They'll have your picture li the paper if you aren't careful," said the. "lNo tbey won't,"I replied the wel. built nmxII"but 1im not backward about saylng a good word for a, good produet, and I cm say liail sincerlty that Kruschen Salis ar good. Not oxily did they help me to get dowxi to normal weigbt, but tbey cep my bowels and kidxieys in good condition and I'm more vigoroUs and active than I bave been for years."t " Tbat's good enough for me," sald the. scholarly Iooking mani. IlGlad you came li," said the pro- prietor. " li telrny fat customeru what you said." Krusehen Salts la obtainable at adl Drug Stores nt 45c. and 75C. per bottis. 1~ ti à mmzý ý-- L THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 4tb, 1930 PAGE ~LEVEN PAGE BLEVEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVII.T. , THURSDAY, DEC 4th, 1930