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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Dec 1930, p. 6

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PAGE SMX Everybotiy's got a sweet tooth arounti Christmas time. andi here's tihe place to get the candy to satis! y this de- sire. Ail our candy is madie of the finest ingredients in sunlight kitcheas . . . drop in to-day andi get your Christmas candy before yon forget one of the most im- portant Christmastide neetis. HAVE YOU HAD A GUESS YET ? How many beans in thse jar? No extra cost to gness. à' x LA 1Rich, tasty, delicious. FC K Frnit Cake is as much a part of Christmas as Santa Clans. Our Fruit Cake is a dream of de- lic ions tastiness. Phone 3 andti fnd ont how cheaply we can snpply yonr Christmas Cake. Order yours early. We make them Ired andi decorated. Any size desireti. W. P. CORBETT Tkey'II' Approve of Smart LUGGAGE Men's Aeropacks .................................$25.W0 Women's Aeropacks ......................$1 0.00 Club Bags, priced from ...........$2.00 to $18.00 Slippers - Hockey Boots - Overshoes make suitable gifts. Knox's Skoe Store ICHRISTMAS SPECIAL I MIXED CANDY 15c. lb. People are finding it pays to bu.- theiur gîoc- eries heîre uegulau-l.-- the quality is right and p)licC's au-'re t-t Poultry - Scald Cream Fruit F. W. NELLES The Red & White Stores We Deliver THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THIJ1fSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1930 HAMPTON MAPLE GROVE TYUONE The community is saddened by the! Mr. and Mrs. Geo. White, Solina,! Mr. and Mrs. Luther Goodman death of Mr. Jas. Curtis who passed Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tink and, and Mr. Earl Goodman visiteti Mrm away Monday night, after a few daughter Ruth, spent Sunday wjth.ý Goodmnan's sister, Mrs. E. A. Butler, weeks illness. Their many f riends the formner's son and daughter-in-iaw,1 Toronto.. .Mr. and Mrs. Howard extend sympathy ta the bereaved wife, Mr. and Mrs. Charles White .....Mr. Findley and Master Dean, Unionville, and famiiy......Mm. C. W. SOUCIA and Mrs. L. C. Snowden, Miss mil- Sundayed witb ber parents, Mr. and vstdOshawa friends last week ....dred, Master Bobbie Snowden, visited Mrs. Thomas Richards... Mr. and Ga oreport Miss Grace Hastings is Dr. and Mrs. Wood, Toronto, on Sun- Mrs. C. D. Hodgson and Master recovering nicely from ber operation day ......Miss Vera Baker, Sauina,ý Glenn, Oshawa, visited Mrs. Laura in Bowmanville Hospital .....Young1 spent a couple o! days with ber sister, Hicks. Mr. andi Mrs. Emnierson Ladies' Bible Class met at thc h orne Mrs. L. C. Snowden .....Mr. Truman Davis and familY, Cookstown, are of their teacher, Mms. L. AllUn, un Power ran a screw driver through hjs spending a few days with her sister, Monday evening and packed a number hand. Sorry ta report Mr. John Mun- Mrs. W. F. Park. Mr. and Mrs. J. of stockings which will be sent ta day under the Dr's. care. Ail wish Liilicrapp and Mr. Charles White, cheer the kiddies of Fred Victor Mis- him a speedy recovery ....Mrs. Mark Cannington, Sundayed at Mr. F. L. sion at Xmas time. After the stock- Blackburn, Newcastle, recently visited Byam's-- Mr. and Mrs. T. Findley ingswer pakedlunch was served ber mother, Mrs. W. H. Foley, also nd children, Thornhill, Mr. and anda ocil imespnt ogthe ....... hr roter Mr E W.Foey .......r.Mrs. Otto Virtue visited at Mr. Ed- anda scia tie senttogthr. hr bothr, r. . W Foey mr ward Virtue's. Mr. Thomas Curtis Mr. Edgar Horn and Ernest Horn Howard Foiey recently visited bis recently spent a few days at Mr. spent Monday in Toronto .....Mrs. cousins, Mr. and Mrs. John McGregor James Oke's, Orono, On Monday John Cowling spent a few days with and other friends a ano ......eeiganme fM.adMs hersiterinStoffill .........Mr an Witegit srvcewiii be held flext James Dudley's friends f rom Bow- Mrs. H. Peters and son Keith, Mr. and Sunday afternoon in the church .....manville and vicinity visited them Mrs. H. Salter, visited friends in Port League meeting on Wednesday eve- and spent the evening piaying cards. Perry .......Mr. and Mrs. S. Williams ning, when aur League received a Mrs. Dudley served a dainty lunch. vîsited their daughter, Mrs. E. Wood, vîsit from Ebenezer. Prayer, Mrs. _ On Sunday evening Mr. Gardon l3owmanville ...The ýidddIes are busy Ivison Munday. President John Cator Lapp, Secretary of Ontario Boys' preparing the Christmas Concert on called on the visiting President, Mr. Work Board, gave a splendid address. Monday evening ....Mr. and Mrs. F. James Hancock ta take charge. The men's choir was also very much Ferguson visited with Mrs. W. G. Bible reading, Velma Gay; Topic, enjoyed... Christrnas Concert and Stephens. Clarence Penfound; Recitation, Louise Tree wiil be held in the Community t or practical Christmas Gifts at Courtice; Solo, Jim Hancock. A Hall on Frlday evening. . Church fair prices try Horn's store. Among social time was enjoyed by al . service next Sunday at 10.30 1. m. mnany other thingb, ladies bosiery, Mr. Raiph Eccleston bas returned ta New officers of L. 0. L. 764, instail- handkerchiefs. tawels, fancy china, Toronto, having spent a f ew weeks ed by County Master E. Hamm, are: blankets, men's sox, ties, suspenders,1 witb bis uncie Mr. R. H. Armstrong. W. M.-O. Virtue; D. M.-L. Thomp- cigars in fancy boxes, Christmas _ Miss Rutb Armstrong, Grace son; Chaplain-Geo. Brooks: Rec. cards, booliets, toys and dolls fromlHospitai, Toronto, recent -ly 1visited 15c. up, papetries. In Christmas' ber parents here. Mapie Grave ïruit, nuts and candy, a good assort- Reflections crowded out this week, ment. Oysters and filuetsnwi but see what 'Dexter' says on page 3. stock.1 BLACKSTOCK SOLINA Mrs. J. G. Maniow is vistin friends Mr. Jas. Annis, Chicago, Mr. and inToono ...... r.JvSiinagon Mrs. H. Jardine and son Donald of ona tron to.MrltSt. MreJ.... Sis., eKingston, Mr .and Mrs. Hugb Annis. on atnp a Sult te.Mari .'~ Enniskîilen, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gil- Russell Lansing who has been visiting bert, Enfleid. visited at Mr. Gardon ner i)aii.-its, Mr. and(lMi-s. Geo. Hooey, Leask's. nýas returne(l talber home in Toaronto Mrs. Fred Heddonl, Mir. Kenncth .....Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Stinson spenitan Sunlay witi Mi-. an(l Mrs. Robetand Miss Lois. Columbus, visiîtýd at Stinson, Six, Lotus .....Pupils of theMrJak elwes' Continuation SchIool hield their Christ- Mrs. John Pascoe bas been visiting mas Concert, on Friday evening, when Mrs. Sulas Williams, Hampton. they presented their play "Came Out Mrs. E. Annis bas gone ta Chicago of TJhe Kitchen." There ivas a large ta spend the winter with ber son attendance. Pracee(ls over $70 ....A James. gî-eat many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Douglas McLaughlin of Ton- W'ilbun- Vance met at the home of Mn. anta visited ber father. Mr. A. L. andl Mrs. J. Engiish iast w-eek and Pascoe, in Bawmanville Hlospital, and gave them a miscellaneous show-or, ber brother, Mr. Harold Pascoe. here Many and useful were the gifts .....on Sunday. The annual meeting of the W.M.S. of Mr. Herbert Pascae and Miss Irene, the United Cbuî-cb was heid at the and Mr. and Mrs. Franîk home aof Mis. James Henry. Meeting spent the weekend witb relatives at apened wvith President in the chair. Drayton. After singing a bymn, Rev. F. W. Miss Elsie Rainey of Orana ;-isited New-ýell led in prayer amif read the at Mr. E. R. Taylor's. Bible Lesson. Salas were rendered Mrs. A. L. Pascoe is spending a few by Miss Mabel Elford and Mlis. IVm. days with Bawmanville friends and Vancamp. Reports of the Secretary visiting Mr. Pascoe at the haspital and Treasurer wvere given, showing wbom we are pleased ta report is im- that the society had met its alloca- pravlng. tion. Financially the year bas been a The Missionary program on Sun- great success. Officers w-ere re-elect- day afternoon was in charge of Mrs. ed: President, Mrs. A. Johnstan; Ist S.E. Werry. Misses Helen and Mur- Vice-iPresident, Mrs. Earl Dorreli; iel Baker favored with a vocal duet, ilecording Secretary, Mrs. C. Hill; and Mrs. S. E. Werry gave a reading. Correspanding Secretary, Mrs. R. League meeting Monday evening Taylor; Treasurer, Mrs. J. G. Marlow; was in charge of the president, Mr. Secretary o! Christian Stewardship, W. R. Westiake, and the 3rd vice Mrs. W. Marlow; Supply Secretary, president, Mnr. Ernest Twist. The de- Mrs. J. Larmer; Press Secretary, Mrs. votional perlod was taken by Miss E. Larmer. Helen Baker. The new officers were - then eiected for the coming year: ENNISKILLEN Hon. Pres.-Rev. J. R. Bick; Pres.- Mn. W. R. Westiake; lst Vice-Mr. W.M.S. Meeting was held at the Ernest Twist; 2nd Vice-Mrs. Alan home of Mrs. (Dr.) Ferguson on McKessock; 3rd Vice-Mr. Allan Bal- Wednesday, Dec. lUth. After a short' son; 4th Vice-Miss Evelyn Tink; programi it was decided ta, re-elect the Sec.-Mr. Maurice Baker; Treas.- saine officers for 1931. A couple of Mr. Wesley Yellowlees; Pianist-Miss boxes of useful articles of clotbing, May Westlake; Sec. o! Farward and tays were packed for South' Movement - Mrs. W. T. Baker. Oshawa Mission. While lunch wasl Speeches were made by the newly served by Mrs. Ormiston's group, the lected officers. A game was then put different groups were arranged. Pres- on wbich was mucb enjoyed, and ent20.........Sory o epot rs meeting clased with the League ont 21.Sad y ta r.Hoeort Mî:s.Benediction. No League meeting next Her. Badly s sck.Hoe se wllweek on account o! aur Christmas soon ho bettei.......The cburcb was Concert Tuesday evening, Dec. 23rd. well filled on Sunday aight, when thel The Division meeting last Thurs- Orangemen attended in a body, whicb day evening was held in the Sunday filled the centre seats. Our Pastor, Scbool room and was well attended. 11ev. J. M. Whyte deiivered a splendid Plans were made for a basket social sermon on the "In the Naine o! Our ta be held eanly in the new year. Lord We Will Set Up Our Banner". The newly elected officers for the At the close Mn. E. E. Stapies, on bie-t coming quarter are: W. P.-Ernest haif of the Orangemen maved a vote! Twist; W. A.-Alian Balson; R. b.- of thanks ta Rev. Mr. Whyte for the Helen Baker; A. R. S.-Wesley Yel- excellent sermon, alsu tu the chair Iiowlees; Treas.-Mr. B. G. Stevens; and Leader, Miss M. Orchard-...... Con.-Bill Nicai; A. C.-Rutb Mc- We extend sympathy ta Mrs. J. Pye Kessock; F. S.-Mauice Baker; ini the death of!lber brother-in-iaw,l Cbap .-Rev. J. R. Bick; I. S.-Mrs. Mr. James Curtis, Hampton .....The A. P. McKessock: O. S.-Mr. H. E. annual meeting of the Sunday School Tink; Orgast-Ileen Baison; P. W. ,was held on Monday, Dec. 15th, when1 P.-Mr. A. L. Pascoe; D. G. W. P.- the officens were re-elected: Supt., Mr. Jack Baker. Mr. J. A. Werny; Ass., Mr. W. H. ISalîna Women's Institute met in Moore; Sec., H. Plye; Ass. Sec., Milton jtesho omo h hrbls Stainton; 'lreas., Thea. Sleilon; ITbursday a!ternoon, witb the presi- Organist, Miss Elva Onchard;; Ass', dent, Mrs Chas. Hawsam, presiding. Velma Onchard; ;Temperance Sec'y. Our Institute sent five dollars each Mns. J. A. Werry; Missionary S'y., ta the Muskoka Hospital, the Navy Miss elmaOrchrd;;Te e'y, is League. and the Institute for tlhe Mis Vema rchrd; Teches, issBlind. The programn was in char-ge M. Dalton, Ass., Mrs. Jeffrey, Juniorf group 2 and the roll cali "Christ- Girl', rs.Heny MGil, As.,Mrs mas Thougbts" was very interesting. Lo-e Lamb; Intermediate Boys', Mrs. Isaac Hardy gave a piano sala Miss Reva McGiii; Ass., Mrs. R. Mc- 1 and Miss Ruth McKessack a short (;il; Intermediate Girls' Miss Elva repart of ber recent trip ta Toronto Orchard; Junior- Boys', Mr. Fred witb the Junior Instîtute girls. Mis. I-lls, Ass., Mr. J. Slemon, (Jr.).........o nBkrte avrdwtW a Several from here attended the fun- cal cola, and Mrs. McMaster. our~ oi-ai of the late Mir. Alan Williamns, delegate, gave a splendid repor-t of Eowmanville-......Mn. Howand IPyo the Central Convention in Toronto. bas been working on the Hydro .....Miss EdaRyos scle n Dr.H. ergsonattnde th Roary and added ta the report, bath of I)inneî- on Fniday in Bowmanville ........ 1wbich were much enjoyed. Refnesh- Miss Eva Soucb is spendlng a few 1mpntq lupre serx'ed by group 2 and a days with bier sister, Mrs. J. tisue spent. i Fiances Harvey, Bowmanviiie, Mrs. Robb. aur music teacher. and spent the week-end witb Miss Muriel Mr. Hnrhh, dcere-mm-b credit for MNn0e -....... Jas. Strong, Miss the splendid schoai concert wbich E Strang, Cartwright, visiteil at M,.. vas gîven in the churcb last Fniday -eobo.1 's - .-....-n's-Mr. and Mns. evning.Te r -am consisted of S. ' ethick, Clifford and v ý*ù-rsa-, -chorises by the seniors, Here's a idaved with fit-nîus at N(-%wtonviluý-.....Heath unto bis Majesty. Billie Boy. iMiss 0Mga Sandc-nson nccently vis ited odKn Wneiwthslstk li-r unici-, R-v. M. Sali-soni, aid lien en by Russel Baisan and Tam Bakpr: AuîtrMs. D. I{ay, l',,ý,îito ........ ii-s, Drink ta Me aniy wltb Thine Eyes. Sw-tmnMi-. N. Byeis and Mr. and 1 Saw Tbree Sblips Came Saiing TJî,s.M Gluarv havin- thein louse- In. C horuîsos by the juniors: Good wirc-d-.....Mn.. 4 J. .tabnt-n Moniiîg ,Merry Sunshin-. Hus.,kin.! Ygetting out Hvîlro poIts 0'>î " ui;y-Han- Gnandma. Ouir Band. Vocali I iown tii bis fanai........ wi cllu.,i-nh 1iiii ,wr by Tom Baker and Riv;sel sliý(1arervay for he igBaison, and by Jean Johns and sh,-daiel e aiortelihts.....ý';issKathieen Bitker. Reritationns hyHar- tC'we- ihriMiss Gracn Ene Wenî-y lake and Rhiby Parker. Severai hum- Chnitma Trc ani Eteît:îilim-int, ai-axs dia logue,, weî-e given by the consisting of chonuses, dnî-lîs, <lia- 13upils, Wanted a Nurse, Taking the logues arid recitations at Unîited Censts. Cucumber Hi Debatineý Cuucui, Enniskilleiî, 8 p.m, Mqonday,I Society. and Johin and Suze Ann, Dî-.- 221ffl. .Sant:î ia attî-nuance. A n ac-tion sang. The Mikmaids. was J Aîhîîiissiaîi, 25c. andi Hic. Iailso given. Mr. Trewin Scott, a pupil lof! Mrs. Robb. was present a nd de- Mrs. R. A. Bragg was recent guest iighted ail with- his vo,.'1ir e'(nn' a! Mrs. J. J. Russell, Millbraak. 1 while Mr. Robb in Scotch costume' Mr. and Mrs. John McGee, Janet- added much ta the evenlng w1th bis ville. attended the f uneral o! Miss'i solos. There was a gooti cnowd pres- McOee's cousin, t1e late rsX.- . et ad eenyoe.I lok.n. fowar 1Sec.-L. Brooks; Fin. Sec-G Smith; Treas.-B. Gardiner; Mar.-Thos. Gibbs; lst Lect.-F. Smith; 2nd Lect. -T. McRoberts; Committee Men- R. McCuliough, W. Miller, Oea. Mc- Roberts, F .McRoberts, Wm. Haoey. Visiting brethren present were: P.C. Haoey. Blackstock; W. Davey and J. M. C. Devitt, Blackstock; P.D.M. H. Gibson, Orana. Interesting addresses were given by the visitin7 brethren. after whicb ail partaok o! a dainty venison lunch given by Wallace Mill- er wbich brought a very enjoyable evening ta a close. CARD 0F THANKS Mr. H. W. Hamm and famiiy de- sire ta thank their many friends for th e kindness and sympathy extended ta them during their sudden bereave- ment by the death of the wife and Imother. Last Minute Suggestions Fountain Pens $2.50 to $9.50 Flashlights 39e te $4.25 Candy 29e to $2.00 box Perfume 10c to $7.00 Correspondence Cards 50e te $1.25 Letter Paper ., 25e te $1.50 Hot Water Battles 98e te $3.00 (f uliy guaranteed) Large Ivory Mirrar $3.00 Shaving Sets $1.50 - $4.75 Toilet Sets . 1.00 - $8.00 (Yardley's) Corne and be convinceti of our big vaines KERSLAKES) THE DEPENDABLE ORUO STORE MITCHELL'S DRUC STORE We shall be glad to have you corne in and see oui, "Modemn Display" of USEFUL CHRISTMAS GIFTS Dainty Perfume Packages ...........50c to $2.50 Yardley's Toilet Sets ................85C to $10.00 Williams' Toilet Sets for men ...............$1.00 Nyal's Toilet Sets for men ..................$1.25 Ivory and Ebony Hair Brushes - Cloth Brushes Seely's Bath Powder and B~ath Saits Very Pretty Christmas Greeting Cards A big display and assortment of Neilson's and Willard's Chocolates The Gif t that keeps on giving-A Pair of Moden store your headquarters when doing your Xmas shopping. R, Me MITCHELL & CO. PHONE 186 FOR FOOD AND FLOWERS The One j) Best Way To Send Your *Christmnas Greetings Make it a merry, cheery Christmas by letting flowers tell your story of Christmas greetings. We - have a selection of hap- py littie Christmas plants and flower baskets, ta say - -.6nothing of a wonderful assortment of cut 'flowers and decorative bouquets which will make an ideal spokesman for you on Christmas morning. Phone us your order and we'll deliver direct to your place. Our prices are same as nursery prices. CHRISTMAS GROCERLIES AND POULTRY If you haven't already ordered your poultry f rom us better get your order in right away so there'I be no disappQatment. We'lI have Turkeys, Geese, Ducks andï thicken. And then for Christmas-Groceries, Fruits, Nuts, Candies-our store is full of tbem. This is Helnz Week at our Store. LIARRY ALUIN, Grocer PHONE 186 BOWMLANVILLE A GiFt For Everyone Witb our complete ïassortment of Xmas Gifts and Toys, it is quite an easy matter to select the gif t for the most particular party. Our collection of gifts is mnost general and we suggest that you shop early while the selection is complete. Toys of ail sorts at Lower Prices. Trains - Tractors - DoIls - Books in great variety. We Have Specialized Particularly in Personal Gifts. CHRISTMAS SPECIALS AT REDUCED PRICES OilHete wthPyexGlass Glass Boudoir Lamps, reg. Druni, regular $13.25, 35 Fo$25 For $9.85 Coloreci Boudoir Lamps, reg. Oil eate, Jaainid trni,$1.90 - For $1.40. 011 Har, Japanned ri7.90Tea Sets, regular $2.95, reguar $O.25For 7.90For $2.15 Kiddies' Snow Shovel,' IOC. Lamp Shadles, regular $ 1.25, (This week onlv) For 89c Xmas Tree Lights, $1.25 Xrnas Cards and Xmas Seals - Xmas Trees and Wreaths Hockey Sticks and Skates - Sleighs DUSTAN'S CASH HARDWARE Open every niglit until Christmnas. Make oui'ý <iit j i I i j s OPTOMETRISTS DRUGGISTS PIIONE 92

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