THE CANADIA14 STATZSMAN, BOWMA1NVILE, THURSDAY, DECEMER 25, 1930PAE ±v OBITUARY CHURCHIES NETHI Wanted Real Estate FrSl LO C~A L AND O9IITHEV I<'r Rev. J. U. Robins wil conduct Dia STAPLETON-In Clarke, December 16,T DRY WOOD FOR SALE-Apply Mrs. hi".Grcis.Ann Bagueil, Bownanville. L 0, I4L JfE K I E odanvrsr evcsii .tî 'to Mr. and Mme. Cecil Stapleton, a T Ien. R. R. 6, Bowmianvllle. Phone >ARM FOR SALE-(~ 1 odanvrar evcsi ite r.ll5 1 ares goh5acrs aoinltoba,0 Anae eieto omnil nBritain Unted Church onSunday PATTON-In Clarke, December lSth, WNE OBVCa n odacres seed, remanrlogd Doe Ath e residn o omavi nnext.WNE OBY-oladwda te theperonof Grace Ann Mutton, 1 Mr. Robert A. McLeod IS with his Mrs. J. Hunt, Toronto, Is guest of 1930, to Mr. and Mre. Norman Patton, range. Apply Ini writlng to G. D. B., conditIon for spring crop;nwwr oc wdow of the late Willi?,m Bagnell, parents at Seagrave for Christmas. Mrs. W. J. Hoar. P.Cor istmas Rerv ice cobducte be he l o-Dae . mnl g2- atrouge, tw od wells odcstm;O passecl away on Tuesday, December d bkerie . J. U ois itb ed- grame, boe lls;ee cield u l6 th ar.svrlmnh lns, Chrstmas holdays at his home in bett and W .A. Jacobs will be closed day) Christmas Day at il a. m. Pub- TURNER - ALLUM - At St. Peterspo, odrat pics.LeFort ideyontherpoie aC .A e, her ayTurda ndhidy. leycaimivie. Church, Toronto, on Deeember 20, 1930,, Morris', Wellington Street, Bowmanvile. of HaI£ydon. Phone 3201. 13 Deceased was born in Cornwall, Eng- Ptroo i a hrdyadFla.lccrilylvtd by Rev. J. H. Bamnes, Hannah Elizabeth, . land, bing a daughitcr of the late major and Mrs. E. Smith Ferguson Miss Mulriel Dech, R. N., Thistie- St. Paul's Church-Rev. D. W. daughter of Mr. George Allum, 565 On 5 -3. ________________ Davd Mutton and Eliza B inney of are spending the Christmas holiday town, was a Sunday visitor of lier Best, Minister: il a. m.-Morning tario Street, Toronto, ta Albert EdwardToLtOUEFRS E-otht South Hill Parish, Meaders, Cornwallwth their parents in Cartwright. grandniother, Mrs. John Qrigg. osp:7.m-Y ng epe' Turner, son of J. J. Turner, 279 Welles- CarLeliale FR Av E-tksol oi~ England. She came ta Canada in Mrs. Thos. Tod and Miss Olga Tod Mrs. B. C. Webster and Miss Edith Choral Service, Christmas music will-_et orno HOUSE TO RENT-fieven room, a, - OnflilAvne a early life and was married to William are spending a few weeks wth the Webster, Hamilton, are guests of be Sung by the Sunday School Choir; emworloe, bath, electrie lighto, lo10 a of coke per winter for fut c m Wo Bagnell, living in or near Bowmanville fres daghter, Mrs. Arthur Principal and Mrs. J. H. Johnston. 2.30 p. m.-Sunday School and Bible DEATHS King & Ontario St., Bowaaile p- has dons it the. lent fgu itea Wriht Hmito. Ms. . . inso ad laS.HI LL-In Pontypool. on Satumday, De- PlY A. A. Colwill. Newcastle. 5-tf enting for $25 per menI; be the remainder of hem life. Hem bus- reuîde 90,TomsHll n i nc hal nc ldig bodoom d bsam band passed away in June 1922. Sur- Mrs. H. Wolfraim's many friends son Hubert, Batavia, N. Y., are TiiyUieHhrhRe.J..St er OSETain 7roosEnT KBinckSt.ealecal Ol iStSi. eflrdlod lt lia viving are four sons, George, 'William will be pleased to know she bas been spending a weelc with hier mother. Robins, pastor. Sunday services at DAVEV-Suddenly, in Clarke, Sunday, in good condition; Isard and soft Water Wall; garage andlhon hou Ten and Charles of Bowmanvillc, and Alex able ta return to hier home in Bow- Mrs. Robt. Holmes. il a. m. and 7 p. m. in charge of Mr. December 21, 1930, Joseph Edgar Davey, in kitchen. Apply Box 68, Bownian- Âpply ta C. N. Res, R RY H of Newcastle and anc daughter, Mrs. manville after recovering from a ser- Owing ta The Statesman going to Clarence Ferguson and Mr. H. W.hI hie 54th year. vle 0t n Henry Rodd of town, also thmee bro- bius illness.-Llndsay Post. press a day earlier than usual on ac- Pointen of Emmanuel College, Tor- GILBERTr-At Lumsden, Sask., Sun -_______________________________ thes, oh J. Daidand William H. Sunday last, December 2lst, was count of the holiday several columns onto. Sunday sehool at 2.30 p~ . dSouc beved wi1e30, MrAinîr ie M- Mutton, and one sister, Mms. Jesse the shortest day in the year and of news had ta be held over. Simcoe St. Choir, Oshawa, will have bert, in her 66th yîýar. Hunt aIl of Bowmanville. from now on the days will begin to Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Holmes, Towni charge of the evening music. DIXON-On Thursday, Dec. lSth, Sarah The funcrai took place on1 Friday lengthen. At flrst it will not be very Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Hinicson and son St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Jane l)ixan, belovcd( wiife of the late afternoon fom the esidence of hem noticeable but by the end of January Hubert, Batavia, N. Y., spent Sunday Sunday services: Mornusg il o'clock - Williaî.î Dixon, in her 83ril year. Inter- We take this opportunlty ta thank our manyfies soM. hs BgelKn Sre oemybe able ta have supper with- wt r.M .Dre otHp Sabbatb Scbool 2.30 p. m.; Evening 1iiant Xcwtonville Cemet, ry. service being coniluctcd by Rev. J. U: out thc aid of artificial light. wit r.MA.nlle w o r nttH e 7 o'clock; Preacher, Rev. W. J od 9Hi190, iabeTrot, oBessi . H, ta usn duraning thanyear jutyforsihg buandeas yoan Robins, pastor of Trinity United William Bennett, for the past two will meet in the S. 0. E. Hall on Iêi Watch-night service on Wednesday, daughhr cf thz late Mm. and '.%ra. Chas. Ch hasitd yRe.Dr. Best of years a member of New Toronto day afternoon. Program in caeharge of Dec 31st, commencing at 10.45. YOU H-icks. lotcrred In Bowmnanvllle Cer- A MERRY CHRISTMAS and A HAPPY ANDPRS StiPacul's. The bearers werc lier four council and a former Bowmanville Mrs. G. H. Bickell's group. Report ar eartily invited ta Join with us etery. ons ,Wi. Charlcs and Alex. Man, has announced that hie will of the convention and ather in these closing services of 1930. 21 îIng RSfi. t Hat O s ehaa. nce Sun- EWY , -c,Wm, ite-M3 ingERSu1i*, nlyastOhiwresionce un-EWYA o s ic A number ai beautiful flowcrs cx- again be in the field for municipal esting items. Members please re- St. John's Anglican Church-Rev. day mioning. Dt-c. 2lst. 1930, George Ipresse4,the sympathy of relatives and honors next year. Mr. Bennett is a member the offering for the Comn- C. R. Spencer, Rector: Christmas Miller, belovel Iiughand of ('ara Perkins, This bas been the most successful yearfou friends'¶n town, Brantford, Detroiît son of Mr. W. H. Bennett, Lake Shore munity Welfare Fund. Day-Holy Communion at 8 a. in. i his 65th y %-ar. Orangeville. East. Eietyosse ihteic ~Hl Communion and Sermon at ATKINSON-At lier home, 46 Wobumn the commencement o! BROOKDALE in 1922 and w r Among the relatives froîn a distance We congratulate aur wrtby towns- giving at this season of the year. a 10.30 a. m. First Sunday after Dec. Ilet, 193(l, Arnelia Maria Arnold, looking forward with confidence and with youco wcre: Mrs. jas Scott, Toronto, \Ir. man. Mr. James Elliott, King Street hen owned by Mr. and Mrs. Walter Christmas-Holy Communion 8 a. widow of the late John Atkinson, of John prtot enbte esl dig19. W.G uton,\irs.Walter\rmotir, East. on celebrating bis 89th birth- Naisb, King Street East, laid an egg m.; Morning Prayer il a. m.; Sunday Atkinson & Son,oYonge Street, Bedfordoerintavnbterestsdrn 19. w. WllcPBile shwa aNoiecay Dembr15h o.!at eko!te wt themr Sholanlibeate Mr23sp. Prk , Micah telaeMr.Mia ~r WllceBatl OI waElliott is remarkably smart and en- than usual weigbt. The egg was Evening Prayer and Carol Service 7 or Bowmanville. - _______________________ .oyed tbe day witb bis family and bis taken ta the A. & P. store and weigb- P. m. Special Christmas music by cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Smith ed exactly five ounces. the chair at ail services. IN MEMORLBAM and Mr. and Mrs. Aubîey Smitb, Througb the efforts o! the Cham-CH AWDDN In loving mcmory of aur dear daughtem r od l u s PotHope. wbo came Up to celebrate ber of Commerce, the main business CM EDN and sister, Annie E. E. Cox. wha passedBOWMANVILE bhe event andi enioy a social timesetoo!tetnaasbrbtîm nd m.Ge. .Picad away Deembir lIst, 1928. O M N IL f ogether. secino he walasbr tM. adMs e. .Picad Deeply regretted. The tateman eceved cop of lîght and splendidly arranged Presented With China Tea Set Fatîrer, Mother, Sister and Brothers S the Christmas number o! the Wing- was made even brigbter last woel FORDER-In Iovlng mernory of Mme. foot Clan. the Goodyear periodical wben ta every telephone post a cedar A happy gatbering of the members Cfea. Forcder, wha died anc year aga. Dcc. T E SO E devoted to plant news. It is a very Christmas tree was tied ta give Uhe of the Daughters o! England and a l7th, 1929. THE TOR crditale iec ofworkandthestret amor fetiveair A oodfew friends assembled at the home of No one heard the footsteps of the angel AR U DBowmanvllle section carrylng items looking town, well lighted and dec-Mran s.GoE.Picrdn dawgne, .IU a!~~~~~~~o interest concerning the local fac- arated is a great attraction ta outWeiedy vnngDc.îta we loved t50 desr -- ~~Itd reig 'U T ELU N K tory is exceptionally interesting. It o! town buyers.Curha celebrate with them the 2tb an- The 1penny gaef, es re opened, and a THECO NE niversary o! their wedding day. gentle oice said came, ary partments and a Christmas message Members o! United hr a Mrs. E. Downey and Mrs. J igt went home. W se l t ta the employees f rom the Assistant Newtanville are making plans for the erness, Jr., on bebalf of the members If I coulul have raiqed ber dying head, As the Yuleiidecade W h Superintendent, Mr. A. M. Hardy. rebuilding o! their cburch which was presented Mr. and Mrs. Pritchard Or heard lier last farewell; burned ta the ground in a disastraus witb a lovely china tea set, accomp- The grief would flot have been so hard, * patrIons a Among those running for Alder- fire same weeks ago. At the present anied by the good wishes o! ail. For anc we loved no ihe myy man i Tornto noice . Cei time, through the courtesy of the The bride and groom suitably ac- Oft %ve think a! you dear wife and mother MERRY D1 fr simgt h ffc !A-members o! Newtonville Presbyter- knowledged the gifts and good wishes AOhauh'artwdsemI ith pan.of oyb fi d ooe- derman for Ward Twa. The faet ian Churcb, the congregation are us- o! their friends, after whicb ail set- Oh h at ould sem ie heave esaa n CHRISTMAS *~hat Mr. Dunsford is a Bowmanville îng the latter church for worship. tîed dawn to enjoy a jolly eve CouldAswe ear yur oie aissn. lwngwt l boys makes it more interesting ta our Congregation of the United Churcli An excellent supper was evem. s ino ed y you arec me u, readers. He is a son o! Mrs. Duns-Isrvd Inaremyyoaeder are deeply grateful to the Presbyter- among the gaad things was the de- Loverl, remembered, thought of always, pns fteC' * and a fard and the late Harry Dunsford, ian Church for their generosity. lcoswdigcktedcrtosOfteTi wishing you wr ee who formerly lived in the bouse now iouwedncathdcrtos Sarlly missed by Husband; Mme. 0.pme oteChita byri.Geghyte Posec Goodyear Recreation Club is hold- o! which elicited mucb favorable Wright and Jas. H. Farder anîd a.ol BrgtOuoccupied b r e.LlPopc esn Street, and is nepbew o! Mrs. Fred ing an invitation dance in the plant comments. Wif e and Familles. - Prosperous Heal, their mothers being daughters on Friday, January 9th, when a fine Mr. and Mrs. Pritchard were mar- -- -1 o! the late Mr. and Mrs. Hamley o! entertainent wiil precede bath ried twenty years ago by Rev. E. Lost or Found N this town. round and square dancing. Many wiîî Baker o! Simpson Ave. Methadist Mr. R. M. Cotton, president Bow- remember the fine entcrtainiment and CAiircbTr on lto. an eega pin, onyx nd Glen Raetre; Dairya manvlleBranh Cnadan Lgio prgramof astyearandthi yea's e p and dFinde enre; valueS s R B .W. event is staged owing ta the success were received from distant f rlends, E. King, Ontario St., Bownianvifle.R. .ST V N announices result o! sale o! Christ- o R. rdeesR. STcncrtEVENnSsvra petygit& ncuSONa52l ~~~as Cheer tickets undertaken by the optrrdcesr h ocetwî n eeylral bettytgfts, inlla62 H L E rnhta pravide Christmas necess-1 commence at 8 p. m. and the dancing veryprtyfoabsktrmlite_ _ _ _ ties for needy ex-service men. The at 9. George Carley's Orchestra wiîî Betty Lightemness. Articles__ForSale Phon 45 sal relize $6. Th grates crditprovide the music for the round Later the guests departed wishing Atce o ae____________________________ goes to Major E. S. Ferguson Who dancing and the Port Hope Old Tlm- ItebieadgomadtertJ FOR SALE-Man's fur coat, unplucked sold 69 tickets or 20 per cent of the ers for the square dancing. daughters, Lililan and Helen. that beaver, large alite, good au new. Apply they may be spared ta celebrate at Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 51-4 total. Thse erncutive wlshes to thank Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cartwright, many more pleasant gatherings. FO SAE-Dlnghrewi eI.< citizens who sa generaxis1y responded Third Street, Bowmanvllle, on Wed- cFeapSALy-to Cha rne, Slboen- to tise appeal and assures thein that nesday celebrate the 25th annivers- M#ApLE GROVE REFLECTIONS niskillen. Phono 211-24. 52-1 the money will be spent to relieve amy o! their wedding and are the e O-______ngCaaie, nIda distress that is real evident. cipients o! many letters and tele- u.D mto.8500ec.AlyaMe..L.ah Christmas giGreetated ingeraad a Before Use next issue o! tise Sates- grains of congratulations on tise at- Ring Streent, NeBow60mech. a vly o r. A L 59-3'Crsta Geti man is publlshed tise hockey season tainment o! their silver anniversaly. The grey baired "scribe" wlth tise CA FO SLE-ta touring carV v ~will have comxnenced and skating Thse weddlng notice tisat appeared in5 aid goose quill extends tise Season's 1926 model, mechanically good as new, Brgh nduHappy aw rinks will once more be echoing with tise newspapers o! Folkstone. 25 years Greetings ta, the modern -correspon- four new tires. Cheap for cash. Apply tise chèers of loyal supporters. The ago, was as follows: At St. David 's dent" wth his or bier gold mounted Mme. W. H. Argae, Carlisle Ave., Bow- first Clash 'will take place at Peter- Church, Folkstone, Kent, EnglanTewedbdeto avle Phono 524. 50-t! oocfn every one o u (Bowmanville Intermediates) will Stone, to Miss Mabel Cross a!Gof ew s aeryscte WOOD FO AE-Fimat clame, dry, tIby many of the "old-ttmers" tln evhrWodta, wd and de-5 Frlday evening, before even tise cember 24th, 1905. Bts aynwnie r rw-H. E. Bartiett4 Cburch & Liberty Ste.,I ,. ,Christmas dinner of the previaus day BuIomn e ansaecod-Bwavle hn 1W 03 Receler, ith ubesa addow goL. - Wun utan se heboys n actn.i t endent redytse idreand in r- n , Hre, ly oe, ur ok e.F .Mitchell, Bowman..T . G I CRS Wensa11,twihM umr, address wsgvnb h iitr Coates, TIyler, Curtis, Crawford, H O Eagriculturai representative, oatn Rev. W. J. Todd, o! Bowmanvllle. Gimblett, Trixnble, Lawrie, Bond, AI- MT R IsTrs! "botrmeigin thisetrts of At tise conclusion of tise program, len.. Check up and sec isow many Directly - Oppê.éite a short course et Canton early next Santa Claus arrlved ta distribute tise of these naines have disappeared DrlvIng 'Your Car Wlthout Public y car. Miss Sadie Muir and James gits from a glant brilliantly decorat- fio the -present roil. lsabilty Insurance Bank of Montreuil Santa wfll be awful Hancock o! Courtice, Laverne Clem- ed tree. Tise happy ceremony ended Do you remember wisen 'Prof essor' is liue dragging along witis you a good to You. . ens of Hamipton, and Miss Ruths Me- by serving lunch. Kent miade bis annual rounds wltis traller into whicis you bave loaded tbat he will brlnt Kessock o! Solina, were tise party Their fist Christmas as an organ- trsîectrt ts n escisol ose? orhme orra estate, your BOWMIANVILLE a jet of the thints that made the trip. Miss Muir and ized tmop o! Boy Scouts sees tie Betiiy ntesho osTe akacu n your othel' you've wanted . . M..b e menwretofo the shr orei omcm- First Bowmanville Troop doing a Professor's dreains and pisophecies valuabl e osso. eyti and mont of anl a ; ville o! tise shr adt curey owmat-e uch needed and appreciated work have been surpassed a tbousand TuOn grSt it orer ofYou asteoyeo a ntod the aluetioe at this season. Same weeks ago tise leagues in tisese modern days. gret ode o! I pope o Cnto th vlueo!Statesman lnseted a notice asking Wstbcm !ts aat os You know how easily and f e- happiness Ibat Winl i is short course ta tisem. Miss Me- ail and sundry wbo had old toys they ChaeCaott te Fred a ty Bys qucntly accidents happen.9 ~ you ail yesr. Kessock and James Hancock wcre did not want ta !omward tiseinta tise DiganyCe, Fed K neys J"Tobt"orei eor o is o an ea. two o! a Party o! 500 who were given By cut ws wul epir nd tle', "Vi nneWod, '"Zick" P HavYoe n ccient! _____ atrip to tie Royal Winter Faim tisis ySot h ol earadSolr, Cin"Wod Zc"Hv nAcdn aî.paint them in eadiness ta present to ay, Fred Lawrie, and tie Hardy Adequate protection is inexpens- saiAe unfortunate ciild --WisOmiii oyi e s hsAec o ate and Alton Richards; Chrstmas exer-AN PTR S You Ali! W -TH S.-R. cise and sang by tise prmmary depart- NOTICEAN PTR SI 1 E.-TUS R. ment, Miss Stephens and Mrs. C. F. of this store we offer11 1t'. the season ta tell DEC. 31 - JAN. 1 - 2 Rice. teachers; piano solo, Helen 0f Particular Interest ta citizens cf sincerest wlshes for a happy W youwe re ishng ou omehin fo th Wtliiamsee Wiliam: ockk rtrial, nty CstuntrrngonJust-ake ownhrptChistas nand stisaistWAsatiTORS- you we a e lhfyu -lomoethin o iermttaS c te, by Alex McGrcgor's ciass; Hih At a meeting o! Bowmanville Town factory New Year, sud ap- everythlng egtfl-iTatsr land Fling by Hilda H-all:, song. Council the folowtkng resorlution ivae preclate this opportunlty of A A HA D O RF V RT su .ad we hope you 4 HARMONY AT HOME' Chnîstofa Columba, by Wilfred Car- pasmcdl regamding l3owmanvilltc ire Bri- expresslng our tnterest. P YC S N O RF V wil conhlder aur mes- ruthers' class of boys; sang and parn- gade attending lires outelde the carpor- BUY FOR LESS SHOPPING C N sage a most sincere The Haller famlfly, klndly, fine, tommne by girls o! Mrs. W. Adams' -0MoveS by Cauncillor Gartan, seronled C N R onh bnest ta goodncss people like rau and Miss Hume's classes: comte op- by Couincillor Joncs, thal a cliarxe e! anomnue!aig robes ra »' Messrs. MeGmegor, Williamns, $75.00, boffethe iîr rh.~auîditlonal chaurge K ERSLAK ES' andme ut-avig toubes. Coambes andi Carrutisers. The ligbt- o! $25.010 frtamcd additioaiiloum afier William Collier, Sr. and ing o! tise Christmnas tree by Mrs.aneo the Fistor e sBrigde ated-h THE DEPENDABLE ORUG STORE R. M. Michell & o. beadMarguer'ite Churchill Swindell's class brougbt tise climax imie o') :mnilaiy adIa h e.R .Sbrs omrrca ! Druglmta- Opme1i848 A Fox ail talklng Movie- SuaC i mlnl rprdto tPîmnotice o! euch charge be inserted iSt j>'s, as astweek electeti a phemo SU toue ofering. present preserits ta everybody and tatwce by the Clerl i n The Canadian' cn 1provide tise ciiltreil witis bags o! stateema.' j member o! thse executive o! tise Hall- candies, nuts and oranges. 62-2 JOHN LYLE, Cirk. burtail Chlldren's Aid Society. 4