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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jan 1931, p. 2

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>11' : Iwo JANUARY 1931 [2 l13 14 15 16 17 [9120121122 23124 16 127 28 29 30 31 1. V. COUL», B.A., LL.D. erte. solicitor, Notai! o boan on Farm and Town F. ]Roya Bank Building. utile. Phone 351. W. IL STE milaer. solicitor, Notai'! tor for Bank of Montreal j i» im. Phone 91 3owmaflville, Ontario. 1 W. Y. WA»D B.,A rrster'. solicitor.,otr ta Loan. Bonds forSae BeIakIy Block, King Street, 3omanvifle, Ontarlo. gt: OMeie 102, House 409. U C. MBON, B. A. strSolicitor, Notary - Investinents .lle - Next ta Royal Theatre MOfffce 688; Hanse 553. M ENAL . C. BONNYCASTLE ust aien Denisti'!. Torontot Oraduate o! tlie Royali tai Surgeons o! On- Kig st., Bowmaanille.t ne 40; lieuse phone 22. î uy Equlpmelit i Office. DB.L j. c. DEVITT atant Dr. E. W. Sisson te of Royal Dental College. . Office: King Street East, nvile. office heurs 9 a. mn. . M. dally except SundaY.1 p. Houle phone 283. ~Equipmeiit i office. Bw LEMON, M.D. C. >t o! Trnnty Medicai College. I Toronto. and residence: Dr. Belth's Wdence. Wellingtont Street, e. Phone 259. 1. CLARK BELL . P. . . s. Edin.), D. P. Hi. r te Dr. A.'S. Tllley) te Medicie, Aber- --a - o the Royal eonl, Edlnburgh. c: Qzucen Street, Phone 89. 4 P. M.. 6 te O . P- C AND DRIUOLES TKOPT î . STECCKLET ie ef Toronto Cone ce wiil be in the Bow- e Tueaday. Thursday evenings. phone 141J. sniAde durlng fore- DIRECORS 0DMS CO. 'mpite Motor or Herse Equlpment. Catis premptly attended to. Cete Ambulance anville phone: and 34. ch Stores: &Neweastle. OpErS »L BLEMON huetoaser mue Bal"s a Specialty.ý te. Enniskilel P. O. 1tf j»t of thlUniversitY O! Aul Cases given prompt attention. Office: Dr. former office. Phons KATING YLOR'S RINK hophoflIC Mugic THURSDAY dd EVENINGS on 125e 5cs wants Y and APP LES ut k£rices ~6-tf cc it W. tc tI -7'~ W '~' TIu~ IOWMANVflLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY lst, 1931 TOWN PARKI rn...L. C 2Jl 1 il Are A.N to'w era gre fac abl the wil ai boc th( lar inE gi thi Al a si tb in co r i few years has sliown a greater f 1 C"Tffl'aG AND TIRUCKI euc tanth inlie.Ca1 sure, speedy remnedy for ____ always imported lard and ~ 5rains, felons, blood pio-IAIl kîidu of Carting. Trclg.d tinu to o soas w can &'~ t corns, warts. scald feet. In- 1 govng; local and long disa.Iioe. dheaer th o a we ca prouýe for inflammation and mus-' H. BOMUARO - ser es." .-nProrlieumatism. iPhono UO qusen et., *OWMaIlsII A. Y Work on the new town park. no, IJu [nam ..oUnly Iu 'eEmg a' r wr .*0 - ider construction on land purclias- 1by tywanve Rotr Club and H ighly Praised By British Buyers Tt ,w poprt a te oo f Temp-H ance Street and what is comimoniY ,onas the flats below it, is pro-I vrbydespite the Fruit Growers' Representa- ColS N RPPE that vryfaDRSAONiRPIED ber Le t the depti' of f rost consider- ADe o meu ly hinders the men employed on tie Co mnd pples HL R NI 8E R oa e job. The park wheii completed Shipped by Newcastle CH1D EN H AR lc .11 no doubt serve a good purpose Packers - Get Three AT ROTARY mUC EO er nd its central location will be a e ih Donto hoe lvig utow ad a 0 Shilling Premium P Ninety Fer Cent of Cripples Madec cand je west endi. Mr. Athur S. Baker, Barrel Over Other Ship- Not Born, Says Speaker ques ndscape architeci,, who is suPervis- Tt g the work, explained wliat the pers. Reginald W. Hopper, executive sec- are1 ark would look like when completed. retary o! the Ontario Society for the The entrance and front h as been1 Apples f rom Durhiam County, the Crippled Chidren, Toronto, was an the raded down and wifl be grassed, but Garden o! Ontario, are recelving interesting visitor to Bowmanirille on the ie natural contours wili be le! t premiums f rom Old Country buyers Frlday, December l2tli, when lie ad- ber aking a meadow effect to the park. codn to a letter received by Mr. dressed the Rotary Club on the work whoi long the front will run a boulevard acrrgo! bis soclety carried on with the co- pay nd a six foot strip of lawn on whicli W. H. Gibson, Durham County's Ap- operation o! the Service Clubs o! the the Lrow o! ornarnental shrubs will be ple King, f rom A. Fulton, representa- province. The address, whicli was M ianted. Both on the east and west tive o! the Fruit Orowers' Associa- accompanled by a motion picture re- inm ides trees will be planted and in the tion of Ontario in London, England. vlew o! the work, proved to be ex- fun( orners crescent shaped gardens wil Mr. Fulton in other letters also ceptionaily interesting to mnembers of ansi )e laid out witli a variety o! flowers. highiy praised the fine shipments the club i view o! their great inter- Ite lue spruce wii add to the beauty o! sent by Mr. Gibson, D. J. Gibson, J. est i crppled chldren. for lie backgrounlds and park seats and F. Osborne & Sons, and other or- "Contrary to the persistent popular to ginding paths wili grace the front chardists f rom Newcastle. Despite impression," the speaker said, "most the art o! the park. the cry o!fliard times in Great Brit- cripples are made and not born. The mot At the back by the ravine a wind- arn apples are bringing a good price important crippling diseases are in- tio: ng cinder pathway will lead down this year, rangiiig as higli as $7,00 f antile paralysis, tuberculosis and T ýo the creek where a rustlc foot per barrel. Mr. Fulton states in rlckets. Only ten per cent o! thie tio> rîdge will cross to the other side one letter: "You are keeping Up a crippled are i tbis unfortunate state finrr iliere i years to corne probably a very nice pack and maintainlreg the at birth. This extensive problem yei ;ports field will be located. Both color exactly wliat is requlred." which is 90% preventable offers a seVE ides o! the creek are wonderfully Other letters continue i the samne challenge which we as citizens and Sou dapted for picnics and it is doubt- strain. and among the many pleasant Rotarlans must accept," he added. ip !i whetlier a finer looking park will remarks made concerning Durham "mhat the problem is extensive lias Wii e f ound anywhere wlien this one is County apples are the f ollowing: in been demnonstrated tinie and again," In a ,ompleted. 0f course this work will a letter dated at London, England, the speaker told lis audience, "sud oui ost considerable money and cannot October lth, Mr. F'ulton states, "I annual surveys i given areas have Wil je done ail at once, but eacli year must compliment you on the quaîity seldom !ailed to produce an sstonisli- sevi inprovements wiil be made resulting o! your apples as they arrived i ex- ing number o! crippled chlldren. qui n a park i which the town wlll be celent condition and secured a 3'_ Prom the closest calculation that js de] ble to rightfully boast. premium over any other pack. I possible in Ontario, there would seem I Considerable criticism lias been worked hard to distribute your apples to be about 10,000 cripples under 18th nade by sorte uninforrned persons to the best advsntage and have ev- years o! age." h f the site cliosen for the establisli- ery confidence that we are going to Mr. Hopper stressed tlie import- stal nnofapark but if those wiho have be !ully compensated for our effort. c andof lvie onieen h preent- ton iticised wiil see wliat lias been done Already I arn receiving enquiries for ioe ndsia comnsityres hepeniitY. Cl inder Mr. Baker's sklful handi and Newcastle pscked apples and haveA deoniteprpormtn o ripl .Can just hear o! the entliusisstic ,,çay in cabled Mr. Hodgetts todsy to have b eftreprtotio cripple vn sed an xhich lie speaks o! the prospects o! the balance o! the shipment sent to unptrzed mithe snd cotactIng Hi a apark on this site they too will be Liverpool for distribution" natuiemlkndctrtngH. onvnce tht Bwmsvile wthi Tw weks nte Mr Gisonr~-tuberculosis. Much o! the crippllng PO" hnet !ew years wille prod oinceive nter ltter fMrom Mr. F rc- whicli results !rom such diseases as cou tse park.f prouds wo! the proyubo i nohhletwas frtmier.compli- ickets would not have occurred ifwill fts ark prud f te RoaryClu to inwhih hewasfurhercomli-there liad been proper liealth service. are who sponsored it. and proud o! the mented on his pack. A paragrapli and a wsder disemmination o! the the bwn counicil that liad the initiative f rom this letter reads: "The New- knowledge we have of infant cane pla o commence operations on it. castle pack lias been arriving in very and f eeding. He told o! the work the _____-nice condition and hias met a good that lits socîety was doing i this in demand. This last shipment arriv- field o! labor and whie lie was ap- coI PENNY BANK DEPOSITS SHOW ed witli most of the barrels tiglit. preciative o! the very great lielp giv- yea DECREASE OVER LAST YEAR 1 amn pushing the Newcastl,3 apples en the soclety by the service clubs lie F for ail I am wortli and have created urged that tlie Rotary Club leave no bel Students of Bowmanville Public a great interest in this country. Of stones unturned un caring for those exe Scliools have on deposit in tlie Penny course I amn doing this on the basis wlio have become crippled through me Bank o! Ontario $3,636.64 or an av- that this idea o! central pack and no !ault o! their own. Vie erage o! well over $400 for every goverriment supervision. whicli is a The speaker spoke briefly on the Ti pupil attending public sdliool. ac- feature o! Gibson's Newcastle pack- report o! the Royal Commission on C. crding to, the latest report available ing house, is going to spread and that Public Welfare. referring to chiltirer BO: from tlie Department of Education. the buyers in the future wili be as- lisndicapped by being crippled. Ca With this large amnount on deposit sured o! good standard quality. The Through this report it is expectcd Jal the statement shows.,liowever. that ides liad cauglit on s0 well that this that the Government will take a an, only 38% of students are depositors week I1 have orders for 1200 barrels. more active iterest in tlie welfare- in the banik whereas the pupils O! I would suggest that we continue to o! the crxppled and the report sug- Newcastle have double this percent- send regular shipmnents to Liverpool gsts a number o! clinios throughout age witli 84% depositing. This shows and no other market in the United the province wtli leadquarters i that there can be considerable im- K<ingdom." central cities and towns and nurses provement in tlie local scliools and distributed througliout the ares. that many children have yet to learn Making a settiement for some 320 Dra onywudb rue tlie value o! tlirif t. Comparison with barresMrFutnanncstt with Victoria, Hiburton, Peterboro, last year shows not as big a drop in tliey brouglit 258 pounds sterling Or Northiumberland and Ontario Count- deposits as one would expect in view approximately $1239. ties witli leadWrters in Lindsay o! the depressed times. A year ago As s great mnany barrels o! the ap- whicli would bee most central clty. thene was on deposit $3,813.59), while ples in tis shipment wene 'dornesti.s' Through these clinics the number o! at the end o! the bank's business year this amount is considened unusually crippled chldren i the province are on June 3th last there was on de- large. Baldwini No. 1, averaged near- expected to materlally reduce and posit $372038. The average per- ly $6 Per barrel whle 'domnestics' in while the clinlos wil be primarily for centage o! depositors un the schools this saine varlety brought in every the cure o! cripples, preventive workI o! the province is 40% so that it can instance more than $4.00 per barrel. and investigations wiil be carried on be seen tliat Bownisnville lias lots o! Not only has the Newcastle apples in conjunction provlding a service room for improvement and no doubt received great praise from the grow- for the Province i whldh tlie rest o! improvement wîll be noted. Athougli ers' representative, but in the "Over- the world willf oilow suit. adverse business conditions re-act seas Market Newsletter," issued !nom The speaker was introduced to the upon the clilldren's incomes as surely the Ontario Government Offices in Club by Rotanlan Tom Holgate, as upon their parents' icornes, yet London, reference is also made to dhairman o! the Crlppled Children's the habits !ornied by savlng, even if tliem. In the report is the follow- Committee. At the conclusion o! i smaller amounts. is already incul- ing sentence. wortliy of repeatlng to the address Rotarian C. W. Slemon cated and wll no doubt persist. AI- those who are proud that the county moved a hearty vote of tlianks to thougli the amount deposited has de- i whlcli they live is recognized as Rotanian Hopper for lis entertain- creased the number of deposits lias one o! the flnest apple growing cen- uxxg and instructive address. The lncreased. thus school savigs ils fui- tres un the whole world: "The $7 lot, medical profession of tlie town and flling its purpose, thnlf t habits are wealthies, packed at Newcastle un- the M. O. H. o! Dallngton, Dr. H. belng f ormed and flxed for lil!e. der government supervision wene a Ferguson. were the guests o! the 1 partlcularly fine lot. The Newcastle club on this occasion. THOMA OLSN COMENTS pack lias been hlghly commended1 TONMAS OLSEN OMMENTS upon by the trade." B .S LBI OOT ON DECREASE IN EXPORTS m~Te '"Newaltter" o! Naveniber tBT..CLBITOOT 0F BACON FROM CANADA niakes futher reference to local ap- IS OPENED BY PREMIER ples when t says "Dunlng the past Mlanes Frice Cycle For Drop of week I visited a numben o! 2iorth o!f Hom for graduates of Bowmanviile 20 Million Dollars in Exports England Provincial Markets, and ît achool opened on Saturday. wss a pleasure to hean the compli- Canada will soion be pnoducig mentary remanks made negardlng the The Hon. George S. Henry, Premier enougli hogs to satisfy home con- splendid standard of packing belng or Ontario, officlated at an interest- sumption as well as have somne f or malntained by the Norfolk Fruit fng function on Saturday when he export i the opinion a! Thomas 01- Growens andi the Newcastle Packens opened the B.T.S. club home for grad- sen, well known Danington man and this season. Botli these packers are uates n'f the Boys' Training School manager of the Fint Co-Openative receiving premiuni pices over or- here, at 382 Palmerstoni Boulevard. Packers o! Ontario Llxnlted. 0corn- dinary packs being offered at Liver- Thli hoe was opened to provide suit- mentig on a necent despatdli !rom pool and Glasgow. They conltaIn a able boarding house accommnodationi Ottawa whlch showed that Canadian degree of uniformity a.nd attractive- for boys who have le!! the school ln park experts had failen $20.000.000 ness that appeals to the bUYM3. Bownanville and are working in the In the last three years. Keep up the good work, Norfolk and itcy andi are without homes of thiel Accandlng to tlie report, Canada Newcastle, and render eveny assist- own. The home itis a long feIt exported $25,000,000 worth of pork ance to other districts In. eewuaa- and will becneucli appîreciatedl by the and park products in 1927. Last ing the adoption o! unlformt stand- gradtuates now resldlng ln Toronto. year the experts feuI to $8350,000, ards o! central packing houses." H<îî. W. G. Martiun, Minister o!f whlle this yean they are sttI falllng Marty other letters. equally caapl- Public Welfare. Hon. j. M. Robb, and tlineaten to go as 10w as $5000,- maentary to tiie packlng done under Minister of Healtil. Hon. H. C. Selmn- S000. the supervision of Mr. Gibson, have tdmnserwtotproloC.I. Not only are Canada's park exponts fieslond, h Satsma mButn Mr . A. E. GorodioanC.L. hig p moe naidlY Untl 199 t Duharn Coun tty eopleit oand Tstflydoaednd cmo- Canada lmonted abut $500.00n.eel agrAat Eea more spce thand v ~I) CRITICISMS 0F THE CHAMBER 0F COMMERCE 'eUs Why Chamber Nominates Members for Council and School Board *mmenting on criticism of Cham- of Commerce made recently by a al citizen, Mr. A. M. Hardy, a rnber of the executive, answers a vquestions asked in which the ht of the C. of C. to nominate ididates at municipal elections was estioned. rie first question asked was, Who the members of the C. of C.? At eend o! this article wili be f ound enames of 15 men who compose eexecutive and besides this num- rthere are about 15 others, ail of im are business men in town who y a big proportion f thie taxes f etown. The next question asks: Why is it existence and why does it not nction only at election times? The iwers to these questions are that exists to forward any movement ýthe betterment o! the town and endeavour to bring industries to Ltown, and that it meets every .nth and therefore does not funce- :n only at election time. ['len foilows an interesting ques- Dn: Have they tried to induce any ns to locate here during the past Lr? Tliey have been in toucli with eral flrms lncluding the Campbell ap Company who were favorably ipressed with Bowmanviile and ho came very near locating here. addition the Chamber lias endeav- ired to bring to Bowmanville the likinning Piston Company, besides reral industries which made en- iries here through the Industrial ,partment of C. N. R. :n addition the Chamber sponsored ifree parking area next to Royal eatre, asked Bell Telephone to in- .11l the common battery system in vwn, supplied the trees for the dec- rtion o! the business section for hristmas. Expiaining how the Chamber takes rt i municipal elections, Mr. irdy stated that a committee is ap- inted to interview members o! the )uncil asking whether or not they il run again the next year. If there re some wlio drop out the Chamber en nominates some to take tlir laces. In this way they believe ey are doing a service to the town 1choosing men who are worthy to ntroi the town's affairs during the ear. For the information of the public elow are given the members o! the xecutive of the Chamber of Com- erce: President-J. D. Carrutliers; ce President.-4jeorge L. Hall; Sec.- 'reas.-D. R. Morrison; Executive- 1A. Cawker, A. M. Hardy. Dr. G. C innycastie.' Geo. E. Chase. Alan 'ampbell. E. J. Gibbs. Geo. W. jmes, W. Ross Strike, M. J. Elliott Ld M. A. Neal. ~LOVEL» Busy liands-at liard tasktb day in and day out. Persian Balm keeps the kin soft and pliable. Removes rdness and relieves hnrtation. Watch f Editior HARRY ALUIN, Grocer PHN -8 BO N IELL -or the January 8th i of this Paper for Fulil Particulars of NELSON yS E 1IC Janu&ry CIe&a8nce sale It' s going to be the Biggest £eIIing Event Ever Staged in thi4Qistriça . 4 GOOD BRE WiII Make Them S rdy Bread is the staff of life, so eat more of it, and especially our genuine home-made milk bedwt the fie nut-like fiavor. This bread contains the best dairy whole milk, finest milled four, and everythxng that goes to make the most nutritious food your f amily can eat. W. P. CQRBETT Our New Year 's Proclamation WTe wish you a happy and prosperous New Year! And what's more, we're going te help you get it! We are golng te serve yen in a blgger way than ever before. The last few menthe yen bave noticed the increased value yeur dollar bas In this store. That's juat a atart. Bigger values are promlsed yen in 1931. We have ne- solved to sel ut bottom levels _ 10 protect yen every day against hlgh prices. You'li Ibid it a profitable year If yen tube advantage of the grut values offered hea'e. 'I c. ~ r 1 il", .i lui

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