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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jan 1931, p. 5

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WED. - THURS. - FRI. DEC. 31 - JAN. 1 - 2 'HARMONY AT HOME' Taken f rom the play "The F'am- ily Upstairs." "ITHE INDLANS ARE COMING" and other novelties. Matlnee New Year Day. Jan. lut, at 3 p. m. SAT. - MON. - TUES. JANUARY 3 - 5 - 6 Marie Dressier - and guess who? Wallace Beery in "MIN AND BILL" "Our Gang" Cornedy, Cartoon and Fox Movietone News. An excellent bill containing a thousand laugbs. Matlnee Saturday at 2.30 P. m. Silverware Nlght Every Tuesday WED. - THURS. - FRI. JANUARY 7 - 8 - 9 Anti Harding in "HOLIDAY" The prize picture of the year. "ITHE ]INDIANS ARE COMING" and cartoon. Matinee Wednesday at 4 o'clock. A in re re ti We Thank You f or your ibenal patronage in the yeaî just ending, and assure you of our best efforts ta serve you satiS- factorily in 1931. May Tour New Year be Happy and Prouperous. KERSLAK ES' THE DEPENDABLE DRUG &TORR MOTORISTS! Driving Tour Car WithoUgt Public Llablity Insurance is like dragglng along wth you a trailer into which you have loaded your home, your real estate, your bank account, and your other valuable possessions. vot Bisk the Loua of Everythlng Tou Own! You know how easily and fre- quently accidents happen. Protect Yourself Before You Have aunAccident! Adequate protection is inexPens- Ive. Ask this Agency for partic- ulars of this service. MRS. E. V. SCOBELL INSURANCE AGENCY Phone 189 Bowmanville 51-2 DrugiStore Shopping Madie Easy Ae-Phone Cal Phone 78 BRINGS Youn babys needs, emiergency needa, items for the bridge on party, in f act ail o! your Drug Store needs, and when phoning don't ovelook these Speclals: 50c Riker's MMi of Magnesia, 39e $1.00 Cup & Saucer, lmpoited, 690 50c D)odd's Kidiiey Pis. 40c 5 lbs. EPsom Saîts - 250 7 lbs. Suiphur . .. . ... 5e 50c Prench Bal» S..Oc9 8 cakes pure Castile 250 JURY &LOVELL THEE REXAILSTORE H3APPY ?MW TZAR TO A£ I HOLID A.Y Mr. Jlm Devitt, Toronto, at home. Miss Maude Ramsay with friends in London. Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Harns with relatives iBelleville. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bickle wltb relatives at Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Minore witb bheir daugbter i Toronto. Mr. and Mrg. Harold Hennlngs rtb ber motbei in Oshawa. Mrs. S. Stanley wlth ber daugbter, .(rs. R. L. Osborne, Toronto. Mrs. L. A. Tohe is holidaying witb Mrs. W. R. Clemens, Toronto. Miss Mihdred Lawrie, Toronto, witb' her mother, Mis. J. N. Lawrie. Mr. Edward Mason, Toronto, with his mother, Mrs. T. G. Mason. Mr. John McConnacbie, Orillia, witb bis sister, Mis. J. Spencer. Mrs. (Rev.) I. Snell, Foxboîo, wlth heî mother, Mis. Cornstock, Sr. Capt. and Mrs. C. W. E. Meath, Ottawa, with Mr. W. B. Couch. Dr. and Mrs. E. W. Sisson and family wlth relatives at Ballyduif. Mis W. E. Tilley with ber daugh- ter, Mrs. A. N. Mitchell, Toronto. Mr. and Mis. W. Patterson and family with relatives at Stratbroy. Mrs. Elizabeth Wood, Prescott, with ruer daughter, Mrs. S. G. Chartran. Miss Dorothy Allin, Toronto, with hrie parents. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Aluin. Miss Bernice Allun. Milford, with hen parents. Mr. andi Mrs. W. R. AI- lin. Miss Marion pickaîd, Apsley, with her parents. Mr. and Mis. A. W. SPickard. Mr. and Mis. Alex Haddy and farniiy, Toronto, at Mn. J. W. Knight's. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Short, Toronto, with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Short. Mn. and Mrs. Orvilie Boe and farn- ily spent Christmas with relatives at Seagrave. SMiss Agnes Vanstone. Toronto, with ber parents, Mn. and Mis. F. C. Vanstone. 1Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Todd and farnily spent Christrnas with f riends in Toronto. Mr. and Mis. Wallace Shaw and son, Toronto, witb bis sisten, Mrs. D. R. Morrison. 1Miss Gladys Cann, Toronto, with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cann, Salem. Mn. and Mrs. Jas. Milligan and family. Oshawa, with Mr. and Mvis, Leon Dumras. Mr. H. W. Pointen, Emmanuel Col- lege. Toronto, witb bis mother, Mis, Louise Poiten. Mr. and Mis. Lorne Plummer, Port Hope, wlth bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Phumnmer. 1Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Bickell and f aiily. Oshawa, wltb ber mother, Mrs. W. Hobbs. 1Mis. Geo. Brown and Miss Carrne Broad bolidaying wlth Mrs. Eber Rnapp, Toronto. Mr. and Mis. P. C. Vanstone anc famihy with bis mother, Mrs. J. C. Vanstone, Toronto. Miss Marion Warder, Feversbam, bolidaying witb ber parents, Mr. anc Mms. R. H. Warder. Mr. Jack Minore o! Toronto Uni- versity wltb bis parents, Mi. anc Mrs. M. H. Minore. Miss Greta Pollard, Macdonald Hall. Guelph, witb ber parents, Mr and Mrs. W. B. Pollard. Mis. Leonard J. Henry, Ottawa wlth ber parents, Mr. and Mms. Ed Witheridge, Carlisle Ave. Miss Marguerite Aimstrong, Sea- grave. with ber parents, Mi. and Mrs. Wm. E. Armstrong. Miss Dorothy James, University oi Toronto, bolidaying wltb ber moth- en, Mrs. N. S. B. James. Mr. and Mis. Bertram E. Mont. gomery, Oshawa, were recent guest, of Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Birks. Dr. and Mms. C. W. Siemon anc f amily witb ber sistems, Misses Sadiq and Laura Virtue, Toronto. Mr. Maltland Gould, Osgoode Hall Toronto, bolldaying with bis parents Mr. and Mrs. M. G. V. Gould. Mr. and Mms. Stanley Elliott ani famihy, St. Catharinies, with ber par ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Hejiry. Mn. and Mis. W. Gordon Rice ani daugbter, Stratford, Mr. Harold Rie of Toronto, at Mr. Chas. F. Rice's. Mn. and Mrs. R. I. Warder ani Miss Marion Warder spent Christma witb Mn. and Mms. Ed Souch, Osir awa. Mms. W. C. Washigton and Mr. B. M. Wainica holdaying wlth Re% and Mis. C. C. Washington, Fenehoi Fanls. Mn. and Mrs. J. H. Cavanagh an, son Williams, Toronto, with he aunt, Mis. W. H. Williams, Libert Street. Mr. T. H. Jennings, Toronto, spen Chr'istmas and the weekend witbh h mother, Mrs. Wm. Jennings, Cbuîc' Street. m. Oco. Woods, Owen Sounc Mr. and Mis. Robt. D. Woods, Toi onto. wltb Mr. and Mms. Geo. W James Miss Donothy Bonnycastle, Ontari Cohlege o! Edu'lation, Toronto, wll ber parents. Dr. and Mis. G. C. Bor Your books written Up dally, weel [Mi. ly or monthly. Statements prepare Ing Income T.-x Retuins, Audting ai w- Generai Accountlflg. in- ,. D. Cotton m, P. 0. Drawer E. Eowmanvlile, Or Phones 32 or 811. ELECTION CA--RDS-- VISITORSI Miss Marion Moorcral t with rela-' tives here. Miss L. Hartt holidaying with friends iToronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Elliott with relatives iBolton. Mr. Neil Stewart, Kendall, with Mr. F. H. Bounsali. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Mutton wth relatives at Brighton. Mi. and Mrs. A. H. Bounsail wth relatives iBloomfield. Mis. Emily Curtis witb Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Cole, Toronto. Mrs. L. B. Nichols and son Douglas spent Saturday i Toronto. Miss Mary Connor, Hamjilton, with ber father, Mr. M. Connor. Miss Cora M. Scott, Toronto, spent the holiday with f riends bere. Mrs. L. B Nichols and Miss Wllda Smith spent Sunday at Whitby. Miss Jean Bell, Toronto, with ber parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Bell. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Edger and f amily with relatives i Peterboro. Miss Ethel H. Mollon with ber sister. Mis. C. R. Peterkin, Toronto. Rev. Dr. E. N. Baker, Belleville, gave us a friendly cail on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. MeNicholl and Joan, Toronto, at Mrs. W. H-I. Dus- tan's Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hynds and farnily, Toronto, at Mr. John San- der's. Miss Marjorie Cole, St. Catharines, with lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. L. Cole. Mrs. Mhmnie Smith, Wbitby, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mis. L. B. Nichols. Master Bob Weekes, Toronto, boli- daying with bis miche, Mr. Geo. Weekes. Mr. J. J. Mutton is visiting with Mrs. Jessie Grigg and other relatives i Toronto. Miss Gladys Jackson, Toronto, spent Sunday with ber aunt, Mrs. Jas. Courtice. Mr. and Mis. Thos. Gibbs and farnily, Tyrone, with Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Mortlock. Miss Carnie I. Painton, Whitby, with ber parents, Mr. and M&rs. Wm. Painton, Westrnount. jMrs. H. Kellar was called to 'Mountain Grove ,on account of the iliness of ber f atber. Mis. P. g. Greenfield and Joan spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. John Palmer, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. R. Tudor and son .Leslie, Toronto, spent Christmas with *Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Evans. Mr. and Mis. Walton G. Pascoe L recenthy visited bis parents, Mr. and *Mrs. H. L. Pascoe, Cohumibusi Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Papineau and .sons Chas. and Lof tus, Osbawa, at, ber fathers, Mr. H. Latbrope'S. Mis. J. T. Bragg and Mr. and Mrs. eP. E. Greenfleld and Joan with Mr. rand Mis. E. W. Rundie, Oshawa. Miss Muriel Dech, R. N., Tblsthe- ato'wn, spent Christmas holidays wtb b1 er grandinother, Mrs. John Grigg. Miss Rate McLeod, Winipeg, is 1with ber aunt, Miss Grace Rogers, d Toronto, wbo continues quite pooriy. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Gorne, Oshawa, ,-Mr. R. G. Williams, Niagara Falls, d with their sister, Mrs. A. H. Densern. Misses Vida and Sybil Langmnaid, d Oshawa, were Sunday guests of Mr. rand Mrs. W. C. Ashton and other f îiends. il Mr. and Mrs. J. Fletcher Staphes 1and daughters Elizabeth and Joan, Toronto, with ber mother, Mrs. W. -H. Spargo. dMr. and Mrs. Harry Penningn Mr. and Mis. A. D. Pennlngton, Mrs. )f Gordon Mitchell, Toronto, at Mr. A. L_ Pennington'5. Dr. John Spencer, who bas beer ;_ lecturlng at the Agricultural College ýs at Remptvilie for past 6 weeks, bas Èreturned ore. dMrs. W. C. Caveîly and Mrs. H. C. Le Caverly spent the weekend i Tor- onto witb the latter's daughtei, Miss 11 Hester Caverly. s, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. AllUn, Division Street, spent Christmas Day at the id old homestead, Newcastle, wtb hi - brothers and sisters. Mr. and Mis. B. Y. Haddy and id Betty, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Haddl ce and Jack, Miss Agnes K. Haddy, Tor- onto, at Mr. F. A. Haddy's. id Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hooper, Pon- 3, typool, and Miss Patsy Andrews 1- Newmarket, were weekend guests oi Mis. W. H. Argue and Helen 7. Mrs. J. E. Elliott, wbo is nursinf bv er sister i Toronto, was home foi in Christmas, accompaiiied by Mr. anc Mrs. C. J. Mountjoy o! Isllngton. d Mr. Clinton Caverly, Montreal, wa, er borne for Christmas, accornPanied bý ty Mr. Wili Ramsay, Air Engineer Tbey came and returned by plant ntfrorn Montreal. ls Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Rundle anc h daughters Doris and Wihma, Oshawa dspent Friday witb ber mother, Mrn JT.1 PBî%aggr and celebrated Mis, Ladies and Gentiezi After several years' service on the Public School Board I have agai been nomlnated te nl a vacancy on thi Bord.Should you consider mny psrcodis one that warrants your support, Isolicit that support, and will, if elected, endeavour as I have donc la the past to serve the best i- trests of the town and the school board. My past expenienile sbould be o! value te the Board in its woîk. Wishing you a happy and prosperous New Year. Yours verT truly, Charles F. Rice NOTICE Of Particular Interest te Citizen* of Darliflgtofl and Clmarke Tcwnihlps At a meeting of Bowmafllle Town Counl the follow$.ng resolutioui was passedl regarding Bowmanillle Pire Bri- gade attending fires cutulde the corpor- *9oved by Counilior Gaton, seonded hi Councillor Jones, that a charge of $76.00, together with an addltional charge of $26.00 fer each additional heur ater lte firet heur, be made for the attend- ance of the Fine Brigade onîside the limit5e oftiis municlpaity, and that the person orderiag sucit attendasce b. pnially reaionsible for paymnent, and thatnoice of sncb charge h. Inserted twce by the Clark in The Canadian i jStateaman.". 52.2 JOHN LYLE, Obsrk. 1 D~TH8 Il Loat or Foumd TEE CANADIAN STATEMLU, BOWMANVMIL, THUR8SDAY, JANUARY lst, 1931 Notice to Creditorm Ini the Estate cf Robert Collucott, de. ceased. Ail persona havlng claims against the Esta o f Robert Coilacott late of the Townehip of Darlington. deceased, who died on or about the 29th day of Decem- ber, 1929, are hereby notified ta send in tthe under.ioned Solicitoron or.before I - - - LOST--On Frday, December Ui pair ef new ladw's idd ioea mdo Pleai. leave u Sateaa Ofc. 1-1 LOST-In Bwavll nChristfl Eve, a black bm-fold containlflg IUOt- ant papers and driver', permit. Mfflr piuereturn te statesman OMM$e EW TO ELECTORS 0F BOWMANVILLE TOWN COUNCMIOR Ladies and Gentlemen:- Having been nominated for Coun- ciflor, 1 herewith solicit your vote and influence. Should I be elected I wlll endeavor to serve you f aith- f ully and efficlently. Wisghing you ail a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Yours truhy, 8h!. Little. Ladies and Gentlemen:- At the request of a nuxnber of rate- payers I have allowed rny name to bc placed on the ballot as a councillor. I therefore solicit your vote and in- fluence ln my behalf at the PoIls on Modnda$y. If elected I wMl give my services to advance the best nterests of the town. Respectfully yours, W. Len Ellott. Ladies and Gentlemen:- I have been bonored with nomina- tion of Councillor and baving quai- ified solicit your support and influ- ence. I have had considerable ex- perience i coundil work, baving been a member of Burhmngton Council for six years. With titis experience I feel I can be of service to the Town of Bowxnanville. Yours very sincerely, WlUliam G. Neiles. Ladies and Gentlemen:- Having been urged to again offer rny services to miy native town as a town counicillor I have qualifled for the office and solicit your vote and influence. With the experience I had i council this year I amn hia better position to assist in conduct- mng the town's business efficiently and economically. Yours very truiy. Reg. 0.. Jones Ladies and Gentlemen:- I ar n h the field as Councillor for 1931. If you consider my record for the past year justilles your support for another term i office, T wilh be pleased to continue to guard your interests to the best of my abillty. This wilI constitute rny only appeai for your vote and influence. Thanlc- ing you in anticipation and wishing for one and ail a more piospcrcus New Year, I amn Yours iservice, T. H. Lorkhart. Ladies and Gentlemen:- I have consented to allow rny naine to corne before you as candidate for the office- of Councilor and I want t-o thank you for the support you gave me last yeax by eiecting me to tis office. TIi asking you te support me for the second term, I do sol feeling that I am better quailfed to fulill the duties of that office. The experience which I have gained during the pazt year will enabie me to carry on the Lwork that may be trusted te, me ever better than last year. teCmtr I was chairnian of teCmtr ,Committee ast year and those of you .who have been privileged to look over 1the work that bas been carried or 1down there wll know it took a great deal of ie and careful considera- Ition te transform the appearance O: rthe Cemetery. such as as been ac- complisbed so f ai. Again thsnklng you for past sup- Sport and soliciting your vote and in- fluence on my behalf on January 5, and wlshlng 7011 ail a Happy New Year, I remain, Your Obedient Servant, A. H. A. Fletcher "The RosaiT' -~- &-~i 74W PAONPI. -- - -- -- A New Year A New Era It's the beginning of a New Year and a New Era. Little baby 1931 promises to, be a great big y ear for you, and one that you will remember. ets a year that will appeal to the thrifty, for nevei since pre-war times has the buyer's dollar been 80, pwerful. A new Era of Value is the order of the dy, and nowhere wlll you find it more evident than in this store. We have broken with the past, - we have accepted new standards - we have inaugurated new ideals of service. Our hope is that we may have the privlege of demonstrating to you what this, New and Greater Era offers in this store. K en wood and Other Blanicets, Reciuced 20 per cent ~ As the Kenwood Co. has allowed us to seli their blankets at 20%7,dis- count for the next two weeks we have decided to sei l al of ouin Colored- Blanikets at the same rate for some tinie. That means you get a KenWood Blanket for $7.20 instead of $9.00, and other makes at smia reductions. Ail Ladies' Dresses, Hais and Coats- At Greatly Reduced Prices Special Sale Mens' OVERCOATS We wish ail aur Friencis Everywere A Happy ancd Prosperous NewYearý.-, Couch, Johnston & Cryderm.pIi- fi> is 1 1 b i ORMISTON-At Eniel, an Wednes- day, December 24th, 1930, te Mn. and Mrs. Harod Ormiston, a daughter (Lois lona).c NABRIAGES1 COWLARD-CLARK - On aturday,d Dec. 2th, 1930, at the Unted Church1 Parsonage, by Rev. W. P. Rogers.B. A., Frak H. Cowiaid and ManJor Mabelt Clark, bath of Clarke Townshp.t ]DEATES l SLEMON-In Darllngtn, an Monday, c December 29th, 930, Rilda G. Siemen. t Funeral from the residence of ber father, Mr. Thomas Siemon, Lot 16, Con- cession 9, Darllngton, on Thuruday, Jan. let, 1931, at 2 p. m. Interment ln Beth- ensa Cemnetery. RAE-.-On Monday, Dec. 29th, 1930. at hie late residence, 3 Higit Park Blv., Toronto, Rev. James W. Rae, ln hie Sth year. SCOTT-At Port Hope on Saturday, Dec. 6th, 1930, William James Scott, be- loved huband f PFannie Forbes, ln bis 67th year. ALLEN-On Sunday, Dec. 7th, 1930, at Shenley Honse, Mllbrook, Rev. Canon William Cartwright Allen. second son of the lats Venerable Archdeacan Allen. 1 POWELL-At Ls Angeles, California,c Decemnber 24th, 1930, Annie McClung,1 wife of F. A. Powell and daughter of the late Thomas Mcdlung, BowmganvIlle.1 GOODMAN-At thte resienct of his daughter, Mrs. A. P. MacDonald, 293 Waverley Road, Toronto, Sunday. Dec. 28th, 1930, Jhn Goodlman, beioved hus- band of Martha Haggith, aged 73 years. Interred at Bowmanville. DIMEMORIAM HOBBS-In loving memory f Russell J. Iiobb, who died Jan. th, 1928. Sadly missed my Wife and Daughtera. HORN-In loving memory of Charles Flor who died on January 3st, 1922. We cannot forget you, our oved one Bo dear, Your memory grws sweeter year after year, You cannot return, se our tears are in vain, But in Iliaven we are hoplng ta meet y o u a ain . W ife and F am llY. COL LAGOTT-1n Ioving memary cf aur dear mother, Laura MeMurtry Collaott, who passed away Jan. 2nd, 1930. Hilda and Wellngtan. J --i W. have laid out for quick ile 10 Men's Overcoats at the following prices: 2 only, regular $35.00 at ......... 2250 1 oniy, ;,egular $35.00 at........ $17.50 1 only, regular $32.50 at ........ .50 1 only, regular $27.50 at .........$17.50 1. only, regular $26.110 at ......... *16.50 1 only, regular $24.50 at ......... *15.50 2 only, regular $23.50 at .........$14.50 The above are up-to-date in style, but must be cleared before stock taking. the 15th day cf January, 1931., full par- ~FrSl Immediately atter the said iStit day of January, 1931, the assets of the testator FOR SALE-M*fl's fur coat, unplueked wUll be distnibuted amongst the parties beaver, large sise, good au new. APPD, entitled thereto, havlng regard only te at Statesmnan Office, Bowmanville. 51-4 clama of which the safd Soîccitor uhal then have notice. FOR SALE - FYeed-EsiBSDl ad DateS at Bowmanville ttis 29th day Receiver, with tubes and Tower L. I f December, 1930. at a price littie above cot f Speaker, W. R. STRI KE, This ia a very high clamu ands go«ffie icoklng net. Fred J. Mitcbe14BOm 8flm Solicitor for Executors. ville. Phonie 105.5-t Notie toCredtorsWanted Notic to redi or DRy WOOD FOR SALE-AppIT ia. T. Olsen, R. R. 5, BOwmanrille. ]PhoIS In the Estate of Alan M. W illiams,, iSr6. 5-f deceased. WORK WANTED-On faimâ by mat- Ail persans havlng dlaims against the rieS man. Refereioe If nequired. ÂPit Estate of Alan M. Williams, late of the to Chas Hone, R. R. 3, Bowmanvifle.1- Town of Bowmanville, deoeased, who died- on or about the 8th day cf December. WANTED>-Robert ]Pawaon la prepa 1930, ar eey notifled ta send la ta to repain boots, suces and rubbrjnm the undersigned Solicitor an or before the job, maderate puices. Leave at lidn 't lSth day cf January. 1931, full particulars Marris', Wellingtoni Street, Bowmanvlla of their daim.___________.................ff Imrnediately after the saiS lSth day of January, 1931. the assets of the testa- tor willI be distrlbuted amonget the par- To let ties entitled thereto, having regard only ta dlaimis cf which the said Solicitor shall -bUSE TO RENT-S?, a zueu. l 8i- then have notice. erwcrks, bath, electrie ilfibts, 1009W Dated at Bowmanviile titis 29th day King & Ontario St., :Bowmaavil. Ap.;, of Decembet', 1930. ply A. A.- OolwoI. Newcuadte. Bf W. R. STRIKE, Barrister, Bowmanville, Ontarlo, HOUSE TO RENT - Brik ridUicm, 1-2 olictor am Eecutiic.containing 7 rooma. on Kng St. Uauv. 1- Slciorfr xeurI.ln good condition; haiS and soft wati "« ln kitchen. Apply B6,£ es, BowmSn- _______________________________ville.50f - LAUNDRY WANTED Ail kinds of laundry work dne prompt- Real Estate For Sa). ly, satisfactorlly and at reasonable pnices. Write Post Office Box 12, or call Mrs. HOUSE FOR SALE-Bt ug , W. MarJoram, King Street East, Bow- on Carlisle Avenue, takes only. fr. manville. Phone 478. of coke per winter for furnaoe an, bas dons It the. last fu lt CATIG NDTRCK G rentlng for $25 per ct t~' CATIG NDTRCKNO and three ciceets upatafr, ix tud. _______ ~hall lncludlng bedroom ma Sti AUl Carting, Truettiui aSdnwnstalrs; cla i dvlded with o Movlng; loals and long ditance. wall. garage anS heu houe. Ternis H. flaMBARD Apply to C. N. Ru»e, R. I. 1 Haro Phonp 630 Queen St., *owmmuwvfflt Ont. ~., »A. îij-îjý school. SCHOOL TRUSTEES Ladies and Gentlemen :- Having been norrinated and quai- ifled as a School Trustee for 1931, I hereby solicit your vote and I- fluence. Yours for economy a.nd f aithfulness o! duty, and with every good wlsh for a Happy New Yeai. Yours respectfuliy, (Rcv.) 3. W. Bunner. Ladies and Gentlemen :- At the îequest o! a numben of citi- zens I bave consented te become a candidate for Scbool Trustee and solicit youi vote and Influence i my bebaif. If elected I wlll gladly give my best service on tbc school board i the intenests o! betten educatioui f acilities. 'Youis sincerely, M. Cotton. Ladies and Gentlemen :- Havig been appîoached by a numben o! electois te, stand for of- fice o! Public School Trustee I bave consented, and thenef oie solicit Tour influence i my behal. If elected I will do xny best to sce that the af - fains of the scbools are administered in an efficient manner. ousisncerely, W. P. Corbett.

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