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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jan 1931, p. 8

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PAGE IGHTTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN.l BOWMJANVIILLE, THURSD:Ay, JANUARY 8tb, 1931____ Nearly ail seek qualitY nearly ail drink Salada "SALADA"N1 TEA ~B eFaesh a om the gar<Iena' 1~ ~ p s 1J-~ t t' & How Womnen Lose Fat In England Bow would you like to lose utihealh Ut that you don't need antidot want, and at the same time feel better thnan yeu have for years ? How would yeu like te lose your double ehin and your tee prominent abdomen, andi at the saine time make e or skins ne dean andi clear that it i compel admiration ? How would you like te get your weight down te normal, anti at the sanme time develep that urge for activity that makes work a pleasure and aon gain in ambition anti keen- ness of mnd ? Cet on the scales to-day and see how much yeu weigh-then. get a bottle et Kruschen Sats. Take one-half teaspoonful every morning in a glass of bot water, and when you bave finisheti the first bottle weigh yourself Norw yen will know the pleasant way to lone unsightly fat. and you'll also know that the six vitalizing salis of Krunchen have presented you with glerious health. That'n the way Englishwomen keep limk-why not you? Persian Balrn the creator anti pre- server e! beautif ul complexions. Tenie in effect anti wenderfully stim- ulating. Safeguartis anti beautifies tbe mest deicately-textureti skins. Ceols anti relieves ail skins flusheti or irritateti by weather conditions. Magical in results. A little gentle rubbing anti a youthful freshness and daintiness s instantly createti. In- vahuable for softening the hantis and making tbem fiawlessly wbite. Truly tbe perfect toilet requisite for the woman wbe cares. mmmimmmriv uql J SAFE For NEURALGIA Prompt relief from HEADACHES, LUMBAGO, COLDS, SORE THROAT, RHEUMATISM, NEURITIS, NEURALGIA, ACHES and PAINS 'I~flDOES NOT HR THE HEART ASPIRiN TRADr-mAftI<REG. U~gpI..j boxs cf12 ao lcbcttles cf 24 and 100-AUdugsa LEUIIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE Wue Codal tha ts fim And we will be lad to fIM your bin with These prices are now effective: Stove Coal $16.50 ggg $16.00 Chestnut $16.00 Pea ... 13.50 Buckwbeat $11.50 Coke $13.00 A discount of $1.00 per ton for cash wIll be allowed frorn above prices. JA. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phxono 153 or 202 Bowmanville sDDJpHOSPHODIN!C ?h.Z I, e Great Engish Preparatifli T ones and invigorates the aboieI nccvou5 systeru. makos nev Blood in old Veins. tJsed for Ners.out ihiy.fitv- Mntai and Brain Weny -L- asdd . n ENwf, ipalitation a c t.O.11115 » eboi.3f g5S Iby imlldraasaits. or ,nmadi5i lai n&g cl eceS'cfpne.m ev piaphélitu e 'a R.gulating Compounc SA safo., roabls rfulti mdii ns. iinbthrte dc grees of teath-No. No 2 53No. 3. 88per bo il.l£y àil druqhits, or tn Paz io. Address:q TUE COOK MEDICINE CO. (Fro TheNewsJan.1) Mr. Geo. Campbell, Toronto, spent the holiday with bis aunt, Mrs. 0.1 Jc. 1lf1~.Cl ss~ Viola Ojlffilan. RipleY, spenti ew days witb her brother, Mr. Jno.Ms .A oel a nls mrs. James Patton, Toronto, andi Many old friends in Bowmanville Mrs. Sberriff are visiting their sister,j will be sorry to learn of the deatlî at Miss Bella Watson. Los Angeles, California, on December Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Blackburn spent 24th, 1930, of Annie McClung, wife of the weekend with her sistr Mr.F.A. Powell and daugliter of the late Lawrence, Toronto. MÀr. Thos. McClung, Bowvmanville. Shie Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Crease, Toronto, was married in BowmanvillC crstwhilc. spent Christmas with ber parents' She leaves beside lier husband, F. A. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cowan.' Powvell, two daughiters, Mrs. Edwin Mr. Tom Tbornton returned borne Inghamn and Miss Edna McC. Powell, f rom soutbern Saskatcbewan wbere "ne grandson, Theodore Inghiam, also he hs spnt he pst yar.a brother Stanley McClung. A sister, be bs spnt be pst yar.Mrs. George Cochrane. F. A. Powell Miss Sadie Brown,. Peekskill, N. Y., has three sisters living in Whitby, is visiting ber aunt, Mrs. James Nfrs. E. Edmund Sbtarr, Miss C. E. Brown, and other relatives. Powell of the O.L.C. staff, and Miss Rev. and Mrs. Cecil T. Aluin and M. V. Powell of the WlI. staff. The son Ronald, Elwood, Ill., are visitmng late Mrs. F. A. Powell was an ex-pupil at bis father's. Mr. D. T. Allin. of Ontario Ladies' College of Whitby Mr. and Mrs. Ross Shetiar, Belle- and a well known church worker in Las ville, and Miss Jennings, Newcastle, Angeles, California. spent Christmas at Mr. F. S. Black- burn's. Dr. and Mrs. McElroy and f amily, Rev. James W. Rae, Toronto Keith and Margaret, Peterboro, spent Christmas with bier parents, The many frlends in Orono and Mr. and Mrs. D. Noble. district wili regret te learn of the At the annual scbool meeting, S. S. deatb on December 29 cf Rev. James No. 12, Orono, Mr. A. J. Staples, W. Rae, a much beloved pastor for former secretary-treasurer, was re- many years of the Presbyterian eleeted te the sehool board. churcb bere and for 40 years active Loyal Orange District Lodge of in tbe work of the church until be Clarke will meet in the Orange Hall. retired in 1926. Rev. Mr. Rae was Orono. on January l3tb. for election the eldest son of the late James cf officers and general business. Rae of Clarke Union section and bis Mr. Jas. Hallett spent tbe holiday early hf e f rom boy bood was spent with bis sister, Miss Cassie Hallett, in the bome there. who returned with him te Toronto Mr. Rae was born in Connecticut wbere she will spend the winter. eigbty years ago. He graduatecl Miss Betty Ratz, Toronto, spent f rom Knox College in 1887, and sub- .lie weekend with Miss Marion Dick- sequently beld' charges in Acton, son, and the latter accompanied ber Victoria, West Toronto, Aylmer, back te the city for a couple of days. Hartford, Conn., Newcastle and Ail mothers can put away anxiety Orono. regarding their sufferîng cbildren Surviving are tbree daughters, when they bave Mother Graves' Miss Agnes and Miss Lottie, at home, Worm Exterminater to give relief. andi Miss Mabel of Calcutta, India, Its effects are sure. and one son, Dr. Cecil Rae, of To- Mr. George Armstrong, Cleveland, ronto. O., andi Miss Jo Armstrong, Hartford, evc a el rmtelt Conn., spent Christmas at theirresice, 53 HihlPrk Btvd. and motber's, Mrs. C. G. Armstrong, the einc,5HghPrBldad latter remaining for a week's visit. was in charge cf Dr. R. S. Laitilaw, Keep your stock f ree from blemisb minister at Ersklne United Cbu.rcb. witb Douglas' Egyptian Liniment. Paîl-bearers were: Messrs. Adolpb Removes in lammation, quicly re- Henry, J. J. Gilfillan, J. W. William- lieves bruises, sprains, strains, swel- son, O. Gamsby. U. Ricbardson and ings, contraction cf cords, stiffness of H arn joints, and sore muscles. Flowers were recelveti frorn many Mrs. H. Junker and son Fretidie personal friends, while wreaths were have returned home fromn Detroit, sent from Ersklne and Orono Unit- Micb., wbere they spent a couple cf ed Churches, and from the Ontario weeks witb ber sisters, Mrs. J. P. Ross Motor League. and Mrs. Killinaster. Mr. Junker Interment was matie in Park motoreti over and returned with Lawn Cemetery. them. Other frientis from Orono who at- Mr. Ralph C. Ellis of Lontion spent tendeti the funeral at Toronto, were New Years at Mr. J. F. Lorriman's. Mr. and Mrs. Adolpb Henry, Mrs. J. Mr. Ellis wbo was formerly on the J. Gilfillan, and Miss JO. Armstrong. staff of Orono Continuation School is now teacher of matbematics in Tecbnlcal and Commercial Higb OA AK FCND Scbool. RYLBN FCND Mr. and Mrs. M. Osborne, Moorisb, ISSUES STRONG STATEMENT announce the engagement of their only tiaughter, Vilda Madeline, to Annual Statenient Shbws Total As- Francis Brooks Cowan, only son of nets of 3889,917,191-Strong Liquld Mr. anti Mrs. Oswald Cowan, Orono, Position Maintained - profits for wedding to take place the middle of Ya 65267 January. Ya 65267 David Baird, a former well known anti popular resident cf Manvers The inherent sountiness of the township, dieti Dec. 25th, at Prince Canadian banking system bas been George, B. C. He left Manvers where clearly evidenced recently by the an- he bati spent practicaly ai bis f e, nual reports cf the chartereti batiks, a few Years ago and bas since resiti- which indicate the satlsfactory mani- eti wth bis son Ivan. Interment took ner i whlcb tbey bave met rapitily place Monday, 29th, at Pontypool changing conditions during the past Cemetery. He was in bis 84th year. year. This is cf paramounit import- Committee on snow clearing on the ance te the Dominion, flot only ai Orono-Newcastle hlghway appointetiborne, but in fInancial centres by the Orono Publicity Association, abroati. bave made arrangement witb the A partcularly satlsfactory state- Provincial plows te clear this roati ment is that going forwarti to sbare. this winter at a rate per heur te be bolders cf The Royal Banik cf Cati- paid by Public subscrlption. 'The ada. As mlght be expected i a year committee consists of R. R. Wad- of business depressien, the figures ci dell 3.E. rmsron an H.a. ac-tbe balance sheet generally show a Denl . E rntogadH .M reduction as compared wlth last year. Centre Street Cburcb was recentîy At the same tirne, tbe bank has shorti cf a strlking portion cf its maintained its usual strong llqulc architectural beauty. The eld steeple Position anti shows profits flot only wblch bad attracteti the eyc of the sufflcient te cover regular dilvidends falthful Presbyterlans for many de- anti bonus. anti the usual appropria- cades began te rock wtb the gale tions for Pension Funti, Bank Prem- and fer fear of a Possible accident to ises, etc., but to add over half a mil. citizens or damnage te affleining pro- lion dollars to profit andi bas acceunt. Perty tbe church management hat i t The statement la cf a character that rernoved. will be received wtb satisfaction Praises this Asthxna Remedy. A. generaliy as an evitience cf the grateful user e! Dr. J. D. Kellogg's strengtb ef Canada's fInancial posi- Asthma Remedy fintis it tbe enlytin remedy that wlll give relief, though Srn iudPsto . for thirteen years be bad sought Srn ludPsto other help. Years of neetiless sufer- At the end of the fiscal year, Ne- ing may be prevented by uslng this vember 30 p.egb e6.., wonderful remedy at the flrst warn- shown of $889.917.191, as compare< ing of trouble. Its use la simple, its with $1.001.442.741 a year ago. cost Is sligbt, and it cati be purchas- Cs nbn nih al ed almost anywbere.Caho nd ndi bnk Mrs. Dobson. a sister cf Mrs. 0. amount.s to $164,251,285, being equal Scott, who resided here for some te 21.17% of liabilities te the public. years, suffereti a painful accident on Other liquiti assets, such as Govern. Saturday, Dec. 20th, when she slip- ment and Municipal bonds, cal loans 1 peti and f el cn the floor at ber etc., bring the aggregate of iquic daughter's, Mms. Charles Dlngman, assets te $37P,120,433. This la equal Stratford, where she bas made ber te 48.87%C/<of liabilities te the public, home the past year or so, and sus- Depesits have been well maintain- Iable for distribution $10,146,778 idI Dividends and bonus to shareholder. W@ absorbed $4.900.000. contributions t( de- OffIcers' Pension Funti $200.000; ap. ezIl iiI bs propriation for Bank Premises $400,- en% fo o"mmii E 000; Reserve for Dominion Govern- unt. ti ItriedS ootba-Salu% Î* * m ment Taxes 3540,000, leavlng 84,106,- t apaileatién .dêd 8-11 sud la Pilla 0n*." ~, -.C. ActaI. X SOS UC,Uj ts 778 te be carrieti forward, as againi w $3,574,151, an Increase of $532.627. Is C. s- is e. ie Cs is oe lt A Forty-Acre Farmer To the question wbetber lie was able te make a living in this time o! tiepression a Western Ontarie man operating a 40-acre farrn, saiti: "I arn maklng a litthe more tban a liv- ing; I arn at a Job that I like; I arn rny own boss, anti I have no fear e! unemployment. Neither I ner my family try te keep up with the Joneses tbougb we live well, the farm supplying a large part o! what we neeti on tbe table. We have a srnall car tbat we use sensibly. Wbere could I get a business feor the same investment that woulti return me as rnucb?" From tbis declaratien it is evi- dent tbat tbere are 50-acre farms which are doing their share in con- tributing te the wealth e! tbe coun- try anti giving the owner a f air liv- ing. Tbe man referredti t abeve was willing te let bis neigbers expend their energies on the big f arms anti the big berds. His plan was te con- centrate on a f ew gooti animais wbicb gave goti returns andi this year be experienceti ne trouble in meeting bis tax bills. He bas ample reason fer feeling satisfied. Keep Mangers Clean An inspection o! the mangers of stables wben cows are net doing welh rnight go a long way toward fintiing eut the cause o! trouble., Sanitatien in mangers anti the drinking supply us in many cases very poor. Wheri cows den't drink as mucb water as tbey shoulti, or leave a certain arnount of meal in the bot- tom o! the mangers, the trouble may generally be laid te tbe door e! poor sanitation. An inspection e! mang- ers anti drinking cups would prob- ably show tbat tbe cups bati become fouleti witb chaff anti speuleti silage and wben le! t for even a day the water us filtby. It la reasonable tbat cows will not drink freely o! this water. Anywbere f rom a quarter of 1an inch o! bard accumulateti filth can sometimes be scraped out cf the manger. It bas a stencb wbicb makes the animal quit eating long ïbefore it bas bati encugb. Drinking abowls anti mangers shoulti be kept j dean if the cattle are to lush NEW rI eE aqap r.g er I kuus U A Private Income of $ 10 0 a month for Life ... trom age 55! IF IN GOOD IIfEALTUR -$100 A MONTH. IF IN ILL HfEALTUf -$100 A MONTH. IN CASE OF BEATU -$10,000 CASH. Just picture it. At 55, wbile stili well and vigorous, to corne into a private income (over and above other revenues), guaranteed for the rest of your life, of $100 a month. You simply make yearly or half-yearly deoisof an agreed amount for a sefedperiod, at the end of which you begin to receiveamonthly income for life. That's only part of the story. If, meanwhile, through sickness or acci- dent you should becomne totally dis- abled, you cease paying prerniums and receive $100 a month during such disability. At age 55, the regular in- corne cf $100 a month, unîxnpaired, cornes into effect. Look how your faniily is protected. Should you die at any time before reaching 55, your famnily receives 4S10,000. This la but one example of a variety cf plans whlch the Sun LUfe of Canada has for every age, conditidn, and ameount. F111 ln and for- ward this form (which involves you ln no obligation) and exact figures suited te your individual need will be sent you. SUN LIFE ASSURANCIE COMPAN--TY OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY 0F CANADA, Montreal, Canada. Withiout obligation on zny part please send full particulars af vour $l0O-a-month-for-life plan as outlined in your advertisemnent In............(Nae of Imper) Name NMr., M s r is ........................................ Address (Streý.t)......................... (City) ..................... Wotorsanoi sa CHEVROLET SIX T ODAY Geseral Motors and Ghevrolct ane prend to present a new Chevrolet Six. The new car has a lengthened, 109-inch wheebae . .. beautiful new bodies by Fisher ... de luxe wiro whees ... and important mechanical improvemonts. Yet it selle at n»w reduced prices ... the lowest at Which anY Chevrolet has ever been introduced. With a I ts new beauty and added value, no departure bas been made from, the bâtie principles of six.cylinder operatien and ex- treme ecencmy which have won 2,000,000 ewners te the Chevrolet Six . . . and made Chevrelet the world's largest-selling six- cylinder car. ýJh<e NEW f Blggr -finer -lower in piee... -the nMW Chevrolet Six in nov on diplay at the show- roomu of dealers Corne aud drive this hlgger, fuer Six today. If you cun afford tc buy any Oâr. .. the new Chevrolt Six, at is extr.mly loy pricea, in. auily vithin yeu.r reacb.. The. GMAC plan et deloered peymuaos e.the L.ea financing charges Ofliltl ... andid u asC m " r a o s ré Ownr Polioy plskes lastasg soUs! sctlon. NEW LOW PRICES The Standrd The Standrd Fi'.. Roadater . . . . $610 'Window Coup.e $706 The Sport Ro.dter. he-oC640-- 4 The Pheeton 655-di The Per Sport ]Rondater - - 760) The Coach . . . . 695 The Sandrd Sedan 820 The Standard Coupe 695 The Special Sedan- 840 Prkces ati octory, Oshava. Taxes, bsm pers and spore tire extra. CHEVRtOLET SIX C2-36 ONTARIO MOTOR SALES KING & MARY STREETS, OSHAWA, ONT. BOWMANVILL, ONT.

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