PAGE NM THE CANADIAN STATESm.4f(. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 8th, 1931 I CLARKE TOWNSHIP COUNCIL I In the Realn/ eof Spoirt 1wI el ec 5th.Rev mfor 'g, i 1 UNIRS EFE T O YMPAS EFE T iA :Inancial statement wn3 submit- RENEW NOW JNOSDFA k.iaA' EETpeie1it ebr i rs CUT OUT THIS HANDY COUPON W TB IN PE EOR H PEi-OSupt., showimg ini detail work per-, ON DECEMBEPvjý1. formed by men and macLinery in iàiç AND SEND IN YOUR SUBSCRIP- O EE B Old Rivais Meet Here on Slow Ice i respect to county road No. 8. J G ~,O Ffrst Intermediate Gaine of Season - Coi. E. E. Snider, Inspector of _SAVE______VU_ TION TO THE S T AT E SMAN. Local Boys Have Sweet Reveage on -Play Ten Minutes Overtime. Public Schools, by request appeared ~- (Jonquerors in the Sherif Iaxton before coundil and verbaily explamned a' E It=t - Trophy Series Ini a gamne replete with thrils, conditions as they exist in respect ta 9.33 PERW. M. A. James &. .Sons, Bfr atrpeeitain hard body-checking, and brilliant S. S. No. 18. See resolution No. 822. ocoyfaso Ne er' Ev goai-tending. Port Hope Intermed- Anson Gilroy and John Stewart hokyaso e ýersEeiates were defeated 1-0 ini ten min- brought to attention of counicil the ~ GU t1 rN Bowmanville, Ont. Bowman ille Juniors trounced Whit- utes of overtlune play by Bowman- case of the Hutchison family, resîd- ' by Juniors to the tu.né of 7 to 2 i ville ini the initial gamne of the sea- mng on Lot 11, Con. 6, reported to be YL R PtI.A.N Plas rnw y uscipio o heSatsmnthe flrst home O.H-éV gamne of the son piayed at Tayior's Arena, Friday in straightened circumstances which$ 4..32. PFE1 NVE Pleae reew y Suscrptio to he tatemanseason at Taylor's eena. By this night. The condition of the ice was counicil wiI hnvestigate. foranohe ea t besen t ths ddrsswun the Juniors wore accorded re- largely responsible for considerable Rev. Wm. Sterling, Adoipli Henry fraohryea ob ett hsades venge for their cdeeat at the hands over-skating of the puck and gen- and John Stewart approached coun- of this team in, the Sherîff Paxtonl erally slowing down the pace o! the cil wlth a request that a rebate in Trophy sertes last month. It is not gaine. taxes for 1930 on church property at Name ...................................................... however ta, lie thouglit that the The wlnning goal came in the flrst Orono and Newtonville be granted. locais had'everything their own way overtime perlod o! play with «Shin- T. A. Reid also requestedl a rebate in Street No., Box or R. R ............................... for they did not. In the first perlod ny" Moise serving a penalty for an respect to, the Orange Hall at New-_________ Whitby looked as though they might accidentai trip. Bowmanvllle surged tonville. Rebates were not enter- pull out o! town the victors. But into the Port Hope goal area and tained. Post Office ....................... Prov ................. "Juin" 'Jhartran gave the boys a after Mlcks had made a sparkling By-Law was passed appointing theA gente togue ashlng between the save on the original shot, the re- time and place for the nomination of __________________________________- first and second periods whlch had bound was batted in from the mldst candidates for the office of Reeve 'i.±N'.ONE who lives froir. hand Suscitinis$.0 n and ad$25 i . . its effect, and the boys went ta work of a scramble. Fromi this point out and Deputy Reeve for the ensuing th ec fteftr . 1cne Subsripton i $2,0 inCanda ad $250ecoUnd. w t anzul from the fa e llof tethe pace even increased wth the year. A new subseription in Canada accomnpanying a seodtaauti the gainal bell of Ontarios holding a slight edge for Following amount was ordered sion Or loss of Position would spel thegam wa rug.the last flve minutes. placed ta the credit o! Orono Police renewal will be accepted at $1.00 for one year. T e lrst Penipeed Thelth sec d y ta Crossett Trustee Bordfor ensuing year: Ljevy $,O nteBn en re LOOK AT LABEL TO SEE WREN SUBSCRIMTON EXpIRES saw play, the puck being chased fence, played a heavy body-checklng maintenance of sidewalks, $537.00; which the manx Who spends al c from one end ta the other for a gamne tixroughout. Turne after tinie annuual township grant, $100.00; dog good ten minutes. Nether goalle Crossett and Harwood combined to tax Orono. $25.00; total $1722.97. HIST MNTPAMA, S was in reai danger at any tume dur- stop dangerous rushes by sheer grss Local and Statutory School RatesTH SAMNpL mX SV __________________________________________ ing these f ew minutes, but Bowman- tonnage. The Olympias did flot take were pald to various school sections ville took the offensive wthout re- too k indly to the heavy checking but of township, local rate being $6352.23, Experdmente at O. A. C. 'be used as litter durhng the winter suit toward the end. Whltby kept always came back for more. The a.nd statutory rate $12,954.00. i months preceding the breeding se- the gaine very even and about seven ga-oec a tfpaoadte C. F. Awde was appointed Sehool ' 't . :~ a Some extensive experimients are son and the saine treatment given minutes to go Brown netted the puck scene o ostilia a tie c afrond At e ndaceOicr or 93.-alfe une wywihdar cw a . cno____ltescane fononfAtndneC an acfo 93.Hi e undr wy wth alr cos t O maies and f emules. on a pass f rom Mayne rightinl front to end continually. About mldway for each trip is $3.00 and 50e for each A.C. A new system of feeding is 1o! the goal. Wbitby then had its truhte3Ms eld Wid"lte' t&a ned t lh ias aits rop Impoa r heretto!thePerlod. Ware grabbed a lbase puck lu front Hector Bowen was given permis- oaion a h edmngo da lde Second Perlod o! the Bowmanville cage and misscd sion.ta ceut at his own expense bushes Bomnil Branch L Q:. oeia aton hlh oe no iclde Barley has competed strongiy with It did not take the local boys long the net. It was a hurrled upsisot on side o! road between Lots 22 and succuence, This system was origin- wheat as a revenue producer on On- to get going in this perlod. Swing- but could have qulte easlly nesulted 23, f rom 3rd ta, 4th Concession. ae l en elntndsreprtedtjrofrs. This grain holds an ini- ing right into action they ralded the in a tally. Resolution was moved by L. A. _________________ hae ivnexelen esit. The Portant Place, for severai reasons. Whitby defense area and Waiton Soon after the second period start- Dent and seconded by A. E. Morton: outcome o! the present expeiments It is a comparatively high yieider. sent the flrst one home before five ed, the gamne setticd down ta a battle That the Clerk be lnstructed ta write wll not be known until the groups Experiments show that mixed wlth minutes had eiapsed. Jamieson and o! wlts. The two teams exerted every Henry Hill tht the opinion o! In- W< cows shall have calved. but inter- early oats, returns f rom the combi- Brown got luto a littie mix-up, strategy at their commiand but the sPecter Snider given ta the council ___________________ esting progress bas been made so far, nation exceed highest yields obtalu- (Brown's fault), but Jamieson had close checking and heavy ice siowed is that the matter o! dispute about ____ d by either grain separately. A150, to figlit about t and dnew a penalty the pace and made combination e!- the school attendance of the chlldren bohydrates and protein, barley com- mînor penalty. Fuve or six players Bowmanvllle sextet flashed a reai agreement between the sohool boards V vinter AI! alfa ini the green state lias long pares ver3t favorably wth field corn. inl a scrimmage lu the corner allow- threat for a score but Micks was of the sections conoerned. been recognized as an ideai poutry Barley is aiso the north countryl cd Piper ta break away and score master o! the situation and the Ol- Cierk was advised te, notify per- feed when used lu conjuniction with corn. In northern counities, whereJ number two. Then immediateiy af- ympias were turned back wthout a son-, fromn whom storage space for 1 o e to thc usuai grains and mashes. Itiseariy f rosts renden the growing sea- ter the face o! f lie scored another counter. cedar lias been secured lu the past P o e t o used extensively as range or as cut son toc short for the production of with a peach o! a shot f rom the The third penlod was a repetition be notified that such space will not green feed for birds lu confinement large crops o! con, barley is found boards. The f ourth counter was o! the two preceding frames and full bc required fromn this date. during the spring. suxnmer and f al ta bc an excellent substitute. It rung up whcn Jamieson took a long tume was cafled with the score stml Treasurer was lustructed to send ,,.,. . m2onths lu most afaa-roig 1grows rapidly and is the shallowest- shot f rom the center ice, ight intoadinasapanl ren thhe oiteamuta$2C.18.t4 'rneasures190 Oth areas, but the value of the hay as j rooted o! ail the cereais. Because o! the corner o! the net. Jamieson, i a paetta h ei oCut raue.F r Y u a wntcr f eed is not so generally 1thesc two points, baniey does lest who had been keeplug the puck ta score flnst would have a big advan- Clerk will take out wth T. Smth known. Sa much of the year's suc- 1 of ail cercals on ground which is i- imsef fan toa much during the tage. Bowmanville proved the more mnsurance policy on road machine'7Ra ia o cesdependsonte umr and 1 sufflcicntiy dnained and hence is evening, began ta pass and Mis f ortunate and that odd goal did look for $1200. quaityo! hechiks atcedsprngcol ad bckwrd u pnig. ii e-efforts in this direction were im like a big advantage. For the last Clarke Agricultural Society was that t s important ta do ail possible, cent experiments by the Departmcnt mediately rewarded when lie pass- five minutes o! play, Port Hope were granted $100 for 1930. te, increase the f ertility and liatch- 1O! Chemistry. O.A.C., it was noted cd ta Waiton who smashed ini num- playirng every man up ini the hope o! John Armstrong recelved $30.00 lu ability o! the eggs and the livability that the highest yields o! barley ber five without the Whitby custod- tyung the score, but the gamne ended trust for charitable aid. of the chicks. Expeiments have Iwcre rcalized where t foilowed a ian ever seeing it. A tlred but happy before the tying counter was regis- A refund in dog tax due to a mis-. shown that 20 per cent. better fer- 1 roat crop. The department's expert- team took ta the dressing room at tered. glvlng the Olympias thse decis- take lu copying was given ta Patrick tility and 6.4 Per cent. better hatch-; ments with fertilizen on barley, the end o! this perlod. ion by the odd goal. Cotter $2.15; M. H. Staples $4.15; abiiity o! fertile eggs can be obtained showing a big increase i yeld where TidPno Port Hope-Goal. Mlcks; defence. Milton Kumbiill $2.15; Albert Wragg from birds where alfal! a hay lu- fertilizers wcre iised, are important TidPre Crossett and Hai-waod; centre, $2.00. stead o! straw is used as litter lu the in view o! the fact that this prov- Witywthheadocein Moise; wings, R. Ware and K. Ware; Order on Treasurer was mnade for Take the big load off your mia. breigpens. The ai! ai!a should incc iast year sowed 625,000 acres gum and oranges, came out for the subs., Francey, HUis, Hagerman and services rendered attendance attera yucrlk abythsod last period mucli nef rcshed. The Goodman. counicil and salaries: M. J. Hoiman, pu*ur anti-freeze solution -in you local boys Inmc h aesae Bowmanvlle-GoOal, J. James; de- Reeve, $115; A. E. Morton, Deputy eulaehotl h odu et -. added a furtiser digit te the score fenoe, Hooper and Cemeran; centre, Reeve, $100; L. A. Dent, Councilor. ca lavj. outlathe' des -ai whnVelgaePie ahnd B.5Candler; wlngs, Piper and Jamueson; $100; F. B. Lovekin, Counctior, $100; Onefi j.ollan Y u muIter. resulting lu the latter nettlug for subs., Jackman, Rundle and Grant. F. T. (Joucis, Councillor, $100; A. J. md et yourcold iwether insuramm lits third ttre nel the cvenlug. Heard Re!eee-H. H. Jacobi, Taranto. Staples. Clerk and Treasurer, $150; <.~ SM ~os fh surpnihs oed eeyo c ndfo he i _____R. H .Wood, messenger. $25. _______ whenhe cord te scon fo th HOCKEY NOTES Bibis were passed and pald: E L E C T E D visitorsgvn hmadhp ndC.PAwdstrae cedar for~ ~: C E E S tE had fthe goal tender who hand- 9ntarios Frlday night. When Stan Chas. Cowani raad crosstng B y P o p u lar V o te ily dropped t Inte the net earnung isin good farn lie is airnost lmpreg- Lot 10, Con. 4, for 1930 . 7.00 mucl aplaue from he ppoitintaiiy and on Friday niglit le cen- Henrietta Boyd. road crossiug, Kke gst Wsst fans. That brouglit ta the end a til was lu form. Lot 8, Con. 9, for 1930 .... 8.00 _____ realsnapy gane hichwas ot po-O. M. Saper. payment fan land 20.00 With due pride and satisfaction we are pleasêd durea ofapygaine hceybuwas ot Jack Ounn says lielias the smant- John Henry, Road Supt. te to anouncethaductinver o! gs ooide ey but wiciest junior aggregatîon ever lu town. Dec. iStis and office .......36.57 hockey which is the style that in He in coUftdent Mis boys can carry S. Cuttel, bal. print'g contract 75.00 tise to'wnship. gave firat hand in- é McCLARY SUNSHINE FURNACES wanted. Keeping Up the good work away group lionors and 'Rube' Kemp Bank o! Commerce, Deb. and formation Whicis tiey had ganed in ~~l adthe Juniors are going ta trui tieir is certain the Olympias cari do tise coup. S. S. 7.............. 521.85 the case. In purauance of tht. lu- H andaid rivais, Oshawa, Just too badly lu saine. There will le same glory lu Bank o! Commerce. Deb. and formation council pasaed tise !ailow- you Bowanille-oa, ame; e-John Henry, road mainten- On motion of Dent and Moron- whM Z HART AUTOMATIC QIL BURNERS the next gamne. Thse teoins: h.ani ai lsiigap op .S 2..... 856 u eouin stliledth pli n opla enan frhetig f ense. Jamieson and Oke, Geo. Piper; Bath players and fans will le able ance ta, Dec. iStis.......... 328.63 Tht $5000 as charity le granted ta bol SÛ eqip he wnich ives thar e ma fort eat the . w., Lunney; i1. w., Walton; alter- to follow the puck more closely lu Councl adjourned aine die.thse famlly Of tise late Albert IHutch- 2 eqipnet hih ivs heMot omor a te nates, Bagnell, Brown, Veale and future as Norm Taylor lias given tise Speclal Meeting Heud Ison ta le adminlstered by Anson least cost. Why not be with the majority and have Adas ~ onlld!es. boad a whteashinr ¶This ~as At t1he intane f Reve ol Cilroy and J. C. Oamey for funeral f o r h e t i n g , p luo rn gHB rw n ;i . w .Go , M a yn e l ; dalt e n es . b g r u l d ! a n r la r o rd a s ec a ylu t i s ca s ed e ti s e e n .s pe s , d t e c i t a b l e m p u r McCar o Hrt installed? Scott and Bye; center, Heard; r. --.. fan could sec tise puck o.Aganst tise tatak: inte consideration proceed- pose for tise famfly. j We are at your servicefo etnpu b g Thompson, Hodge, Hall and Ranli- - Allbent Hutchison, a resident o! this Clerk. Reeipe. an tnsnihig.da.Bowranvile fans are disappointed muncipalty who was accdenty ____ killed lu an automobile accident an ~ ~ N tise highway west o! Newcastle on DOXCO> C D>O ec. litis. J. C. Oaniey. Anson Cilroy and W .LENsELIOTTe John Stewart, resident ratepayers of 0F TUE that 'ShinnY Maie e! NeWCUBtlein PhcM 3«BOWM Vinot wlth te Intermediates this yr. gkb* ïdIt carne as a surprise ta, many ta sec hlm out with Part Hope on Friday. whiis 11get Shlnny Mie" and it appears a 'pont,> UalmT FLaMINa. M. - SOCI tengvSEC-%RECIA-UT pared. You have notliing ta bas not watt until You are MI. Consut t j iiuMM OuHE o IUS and mucli ta gain tlirough mnaking your doctor wlille you are wef lnl u MUONTOMMAANOSEAST?ÀHENEo $.0 wmfr s sure tisai your body sla haiealtliy odItsilemykepyuwl. DNm SUSam OTTHT condition, and considen tise satis- Prepare for tise yean tisat la ahead, TEarMLAIMU tqioeIO0 J. J. M ASON & SON faction you expenience lu being told aid have a Hoaltis Exarnination by De ITHOMAS9 50 . B'wuanvile tisai you imay fatrly rel>' upo itii your f amil>' phyiciant 01 Real1 Estate and Insurance Brokers being abe ta doth work youar Questions concerning Healtis, a-o phonoeuu 5Wiana)taiha t o p adreaed ta te Canadian Medical E CI * Cqr iM 0 eln & C Tise beat way ta, bring yourself onto, will e mnswred pamSnmfl7 tieya. soiill,14 olg Src.Ta-__ Poe1 ýr into tise ranks e! tose. who ar e btter.- Ingto bat Plan" c to mouth is at business depres- disaster. dom from worry zan neyer know. Bank da ..yen dout have Id veather If you'H ar radiator. T ou her mai kuw thât Com etu today ad day. id GARAGE. thât Head Aohing ffoe huodho,«r "y ohrpal% rUTO TABLETS tlu 0W" d t ouming'o% , u m W lng h 20 rMnutes. Hanrmiad a. I. tEe r te "w0 ,u 0< etf ammlu ad » mmtutetmye. ota*immosai Fu r "a t au ic"&fbs %ton Col- kthracite ......... ...$l .... ... ...16.06 ...1 . ... ..16.00 ....... 1..5lu ....... 1. . 50L .... ... ...13.00 ' Okw bll &Bafowoi fmor DLimited Bowmanville ~f ~ Mva RUY ý ýl