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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jan 1931, p. 2

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PAE W THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THIURSDAY, JANUARY 8th, 1931 PAGE TW r t i St pruFood Co. of Canada, Liamited j 328 Cariaw Ave., TomateO'artolai-consumpt ion that il cauld benefit under il in any circumstances U. M. ine a ad irshil e dne ___________________________ have no real effeet an the max-ket. wbatever. Il is no help ta the home Lts ehd __________________The fluctuations in visible supplies fax-mer that the competitian is ta be - Modern Instruments Don't look around. Look witbin! (]o udellvered yaurself to yaux f rom other sources f rom week ta Imperial instead ai For'eign. If the IA i u~cie nHmlo eue and says: "I had no ane fllter week have a far greatt'x-influence 0on competition cames aI ail, the home RAnel & C. rilsdTeStatciesman Haeishon to, trust than yu. Preserve this par- prices. Mare important still. we can- fax-mer will be as badly off as now i . M itcel & Co w improvTemenlate . Tshae hey 8012 for Me. sucb as he s by nature; nt have so-called dumping" af food or if l does nol came then Empire Dri ea im ov en oflt.T y tbeautl!ul. Ifaithfui, noble and fromal acountry wbich cannot feed Fx-ee 'Irade bas îaîîed. Lord Beaver- Phono 92 rod ed trmIa 1111esace nd tfe -mpdestus.itseif. Grm" i omele +,-'brok cnnot have5 Drugglsts - P o ometisîs e a tremendou sauntainte BetiaIlives ta lIve ever. liever place al shesends u and mo re, bv - atand________________ .ts ae restey. sa attractively f0811 dyng-Wm. Penn. she is a frequent buyer ai aur re- (Ta be continued next week) _________________arpeend The Royal Bank of Canada General Statement ,~'- -"<'N Ici Izi 29th November, 1930 M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.D. BRITISH AGRICULTURE exports of foods, especially for cattle COMMUNITY SUICIDE G. L. WAGAR SPEARS ON Barriter, Soicitor, Notary AND FREE TRADE Our grain and f eed markets are f-* i EDUCATIONAL PROBLEMS wýn ten affected by German buying, with One of the strangest phenomene. Maney to ban on Fax-m and ToWflh rbbereutta u om. sdi oniavlea ela property. Royal Bank Building A cousin of the senior Editor's hasteprbleestthturom witnesse nBwalîlea ela Rotary Club Hears Fine Address at Bowmanville. Phone 351. sent us f rom Liverpool, where he has buyers pay more. other tawns is the apparent eagier-1 Regular Weekly Luncheon ben for many years a prominent neSss with which many otherwise' be s aCP fa drs i nieOhrIdsre odctzn otîuet end- -Ail persons are educated who W. R. STRIRE busn _sman, acp fa drs gricuure Ulk te Idsre nc t commicommuniutysuici ted.hv-odvlpdtepwr n .Barrister. Solicitor, Notary on the abave subject by Mr. Arthur ec ocmi omnt ucd-hv odvlpdtePwr n Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Halgate a practicai f armer--one of There is another grav e objection to These citizens wiIl of ten show un- abilities that are within them. in- Mnyta Lean. Phone the largest farmners in the North of protecting the arable fariner, and ev- comman zeal in boasting any inove- dividually. that they can each do Bowmanville. Ontario. England. He is a pioneer in the ery arable fariner will agree wth it, ment to obtain civic imiproveninslelteti. htte neti large scale production of Grade too. There is no relief that you can 1ta promate the location of new in-1 to do.- W. F. WARD, B. A. "A" milk and in the scientiflc feed- give any farmner. whether it is in the dustries, to secure bel ter educationalj This wvas the description of an cd- Banrister. Solicitor, Notary jing af cattie. He has carried out form aof rates or af a subsidy-what- facilities, and Sao on. Yet many of ucated person as given by Mr. G. L. ttfeld experiments for the Royal Agri-: ever fcrm it is-which iii not, under these samne prouci boosters will de- Wagar, teacher of mathematics ut Money to Loan. Bonds for Sale. cultural Society, and he is a mem- our present landiord and tenant sys- liberately engage in a practice which the Bawmranville High Schol.ini an Offices: Bieakiey Block. King Street, ber ai the Permanent Advisary temr. pass eventualiy to the owner of rîullifles ail their otherwise laudabie illuminating address on "Education- Bowmnanville, Ontario. IComnmittee of the Ministry of Agri-; the land. It is not the f ault of the efforts-and then they wonder why ai Problems for Ratarians ta Tackle" Phones: Office 102, Hlouse 409. cul'îture an Fertilizers and Feeding; owner; it is simply the natural law their tawýn doesn't go ahead. ta the Rotary Club at its regular IC.MASON, BA.Stuff S.1 operating. The man wha owns the We refer ta the suicidal habit af weekly lunchean last Friday. L.C B .* * * 1 land will, in the end, get the benefit buying away f ram home. which is The purpose of an educatian in Barrste, Slictor Noaryof anything you give ta the tenant îargely responsible for the f ailure dem acracy," the speaker asscrted in Barias-r, Soliiet ot The address was reported verb- ! ariner, and in some cases againstaimn com iteta akte his apening remarks, -is ta educate Loans Me-INetmenRoalThe atimadhsbrnetnie pu- i w ill. ie daes not ask for progress which their naturai ad- al children af the people that they ho nesfie - 68e8;ta oyaseatr3. ished thruaut the British Isies and1 more rent. the man ioaking over the~ vantages should make posssible. The might fulfil the definitian af an edu- Phoes:Offce 88;Houe u3. we hav e permission ta publish it mn fence and seeing a good fax-m will ioe htogtt ekp n aansqutd Wieeucin ____________________ fui n Te Cnadan tatsma. Ialer a bigger price in order ta take Bowmanville for the expansion of is a sane principle and necessary ta DENTAL Mr. Holgate said: . advantage af the previaus tenaflt's local trade and industry is sent the lii e of every persan we have no DE. . C BONYCSTL I ome eremerly s afar i labour. That is happening ail over away ta distant cities. neyer ta re- right ta demand that children learn DR.G. . ONNCATLE I ameher mrel a a arer, the country to-day. You must keep tunshog h nifrne o0 much that they will forget for Ronr gadute n Dnlsry Toont bon o a ar. bed n af am. ndin mind in dealing with agriculture thoughtlessness af the very persans lack of use. As there are hurdies in Univesity. Graduate af the Royal as one whose entire resources in one that there is one great difference be- hosodseanxapealclsport so there are hurdies in educa- collage of Dental Surgeons of n fororaterdpdonhesc tween agriculture and any other pride and loyaîty. tion and whiie some cannot clear the tario. Office: King St., Bowmaflville. cess ai agriculture. I do not mean1 trade. Land is a monapoly; yau can- Atrfigsvnheendtr, hurdles in sport others cannot clear Offie phone 40, house phone 22. ta say f arming is the only thmng . Il flot create mare. though l'au can usAUy mon avghre img ary threl the hurdles in educatton. That is do. forI happn also anbeOifibusi make it produce mare; and theref are is sufficient to cause the average threaso l-ipay. Seduc t should b D-ayul.p.meIt in Ofce.wbich. if f arming f ails, must it must be taken separately f rom tetdlk ly tdnssol AssaD. . W . iT nltaely itself fai1 because M thtstandpomntfro.aohr citizen ta, forget his duty ta bis con- only play what games they fancy and Aisitan Dr.E. . SiSOf are farmers. Sa I have commadity we can talk about. munity and ta hin-seif, which if per- in education they should only take Graduate of Royal Dental Coliege, ctha rgh, t n*rte * *y n formed would mean mare in the di- what subjects they fancy after tbey Toroto. Office: King Street East, put the case as it appears ta me. rection af local prosperity than ail have acquired the rudimentary Eowmanville. Office hours 9 a. m. One has another comfort in get- Another abjection ta Protection (1 his ather boosting efforts put ta- knowiedge of the main and necessary ta 6 p. m. dai]y except Sunday. ting Up to speak on this subject, and arn still talking about arabie farmn- gether. subjects.1 Phone 90. House phone 283. it is this. Of ail the subjects ever ing is this: it spreads. Do yau Why boost in one direction. while "Let each student proceed along i X-Ray Equipmnent in Office. talked about from any platfarns, imagine that the people who have committing community suicide inibis or hier own langage," the speaker ----- political or otherwise, there is na suggested Protection for farming will another? added. "There are mnany electives subjeet upon which the public is sa rest content with protecting oniy ____ they shauld be given the opportunity MEDICAL abysmally ignorant as agriculture. farm'Ting? They will came back to the ta select the subject for whicb they J.LAKBELAgriculture is far and away the big- tbings that they thii5k ought ta be COUNCILLORS RETIRE are best adapted." ChJF . CA S. BEdi., .P.H gest and mast important industry protected befare iarming, and yiou The speaker advocated less teach- M. ., h.B.,F. . . S (Ein>, . P H that this country af ours has ever wili get a complete Protection for Areetbeeareitemu-inadmrepcieoeecu- (ccsrtoD.AS.Tly) passessed. If you take the capital wihevery pratecte er ial eeto hsya a h b gn n esdiigi eci Sions. Graduate in Medicine, Aber- employed (including the value ai the pay in full. The argument that the secipleftia mn his hvearenas th e - gigedan es drivin inteancng dean University; Fellow of the Royal land). amounting ta about £1,5(0, - rest af the community pays is partic- sene i w mn hohveredre rgd pn bsherr the oeainces Collage of Surgeons, Edinburgh. 000,000, there is noa indiistry that can ularly st.rong in the case ai agricul- exeletsevcet the tp xya ain h ooeaina office a.nd residence: Queeri Street, come anywhere near it. The income turc. In this cauntry you have only the past year. We refer ta, Caunci-th paesin caa rkter Bowanill. hon 8. rom arclua praduce. the grow- about tbree or faux- per cent. af the lors T. A Garton and Alan Camp- help in deciding for their cbildrcn Offce Hour.: 2 to 4 p. m., 6 ta 9.30 p. m. ers' prices, about £300,000,000 aya people engaged in agriculture, and b rGetn.lln.t pesue ithe suand t the ncorembet in hep _____________________ te et i heandanw ear r. ramnthe Protectioniof:st isnd askingcourgethe restl £125.000.000 tan£5000.0any erathe tcomnitt sa pay fothertbusiness, decided that lhe would bc îng and urging them an ta do their CHi OPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS £-a5,these0figures50prove0t0at teraspterity. Yui ouldappfor that unable ta give bis time ta counicil best while at school. THERPY all hes figresproe tht te prspeity Youcoud aply hatwork this year. The depressian has Hle.criticized the presrnt system af TEOYsubject is one of vital importance. argument ta any af the depressed caused a reduction in the staff af bis examinatians in the schools which he * * * trades to-day. If you are goingtobsue aM.Grtni owa-described as too much ai a memory DURWI.N E. STECKLEY TeSfgadr gv hi aeprotect the f armer, why nat is in tbu ively nd M. an te rsoute adc ts bc-vn h xmnr a r onor grdaeo oot olg h aeuresgv hi aethe ctton manufacturer? He i ntvl nae nterueadi etwihee h xnmr ol grauae o Trono ollgeaway by their attitude ta agriculture. same cases more depressed than th this way considers that he bas not flot overcome without the aid af alChiropracties will be ini the Bow- Tehaehtw ilsaeur i amr s ada h einn enough time ta give ta tawn business. baoks. He strongly urged the read- ma.nvilie office Tuesday, Thursday most anything yau like, but not the alteagmnsta o a u His retirement shouid nat be allawed ing ai goad literature among scbool and Saturday evenjngs. phone 141J. fariner. Why nt? why excîude aboteProte stio ho a ing can beuta pass wthaut mention of his work. hildren and the use af books at ahl Rasdetia cllsmae drig fre Iis vast and important industr3'? made ta apply toany other depressed In bis capacity as Chairman ai the times as an aid ta securing accuracy aoon. The answer is one which Free Trad- trades in this cauntry at this mo- Fire Department and a member ai and correct results in living. in ed- ers knaw is the carrect ane; il is ment. the Roads and Streets Cammittee ha uication and in home lufe. Thosc es- FUNERAL DIRECTORS that safeguarding ai agriculture will h*. as served willingly and well. spefld- te1it1als the speaker pointeci ta as put up the price ai food ta the woxl- ing much time and incidentally hi. itbe lead to successful lives. F. F. MORRIS CO. ers: that is the correct answer, and Witb regard ta protecting farm-' own money in the interests of the -No one fails tili be gives up- he VComplete Motor or that is why the safeguarding ai agri- supplied foods. Take my awnm area. tawn. It is to be regretted that a 5said in conclusion. "The biggest Horse Equipmeiit. culture is neyer proposed. cxcept by The milk wbîch I produce gaes inta rumor was circulated that Mr. Gar- Lhings in lii e are the things we can "ful-bloded Prtectonics. the saddest districts in this country ton did not enter the field this year gîve away and yet keep. an!t an ed- 'N nde-to miles of where I live bas balf ai tbe is further f rom the truth as bis tax:- .-e can give away. whicb we can hrrid !hV Private Ambulance Those Who Buy the Food Pay population out ai work. Are Yau go- es were paid long before the required down f rom generatian ta gr'ncraMin Bowmanville phone: the Tax ing ta compel thase people ta bave date. and into posterity and yet ke.?5 foi *V10 and 34. their cost ai living increased ta bene- The other retirîng menxber. Mr turselves.* Branch Stores: Naw, there are twa ways ai looking fit me under the present conditions? Alan Campbell, will also be mnissedi The speaker was accarded a beart'j Orono & Newcastle. at this problem. From tbe stand- That is one effeet ai Protection ai in the administration af the iown's vate af thanks for bis splendid ad- ____________________ point ai the consumer there can b-' the farmer-incx-easing the cost ai affairs as lie was chairman af the~ dress at ils conclusion by Ratarian only one answer-tbat is. that he or the tbings be bas ta sell as well as Finance Committee. It is baopad joe Robins. AUCTIONEERS she (gcnerally she) w-il pay more for those bie bu3's. thus making the de- that the timie will ceme wbcn be will À THEO M. SLEMON ail the pratected things which the pression worse, and probably causing again be in aposýtion ta enter theHSTEADB TE Auctioneer fax-mer bas ta sel:; but if I bad time. the trade wbicb is almost at a stand- chi arna nd AND th tan fith PD=lurand Bouse Sales aSeat.a nud i s ee t h laeIngtbinkthestil ta cease altogether. The cotton f ully as lhe bad Aone in the past year. You can't tell the size ai a fire by A.~'.Ternis moderate. Ennlskillen P o.cudscedin'ongtate trade wauld sufer by any iorm af His appainlment as acting Poll».-'e '~Phone 197r3. -tf first persan ta sufer from the safe- food protection. Furîher. thase wbo Magistrate during the leave afiab- the noise and smoke. There are peo- _________________________guaxding ai agriculture in Ibis coun- are familiar with the trade will know sence ai Magistrate W. F.- Ward - B. pie g-ha, ta hear them talk and see try wauld be the fax-mer himself. I that in the catton industry quite a lot A., bars him fromn entexing cauncil tbem f uss, one wauld thlnk themn the VETEBINARY have tremendous sYmpathy wilh the a aeil r sdwihaecn adbshl ilb îse ybsonly anes on earth doing anytblng E. G. KERSLAKE. , '., comestndo n aabfore rseak Terwonected witb the grain trade; there îeîîow members. However bi-3 cn -arufitb he Laoka glittlealosean caeOrornarbearanhepo are buge quantities aof four for siz- nection wlth the Chaniber of Corn- yufn hr sago elmr blem af arable farming is prabably ing, and a tax on grain would in- merce and the Rotary Club places wînd than wheat going through theirj soor Graduate of the University of the gravest problem befare Ibis erease the price of faux- and would Mx- Campbell in a position ta carry Mill. There is considerable differ- I Toronlto. All cases given prompt country; and I fxankly admit that if mean that the cotton trade would be on effective wark in advancin'- the ence between "hustle'" and "bustie.' d craul attention. office: Dr. I were an arable farmner studying my in a worse condition than il is at town's best lntex-ests wblch wï f eel U people wouid hustie more, there -airys former office. Phones: own interests alone I should say, present. confident hie will continuee 10 do. wouid be less need for bustie. The Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. "There is nothing for it but Pro-** bustier is the man who is always in a tection." No one disputes Ihat Pro- sweat either because lie daes not tection might belp, in some cases, the The Cattie FarinerW. .JadnSox okut know bis business or bas been asleep pratected persan. but the argumentW. .Jadn.SoxLkut when hie should have been on the that applies ta any f orm of Protec- I now turn ta the cattie farimer. writlng the senior editor says: For job. Hustllng and bustlng May look tion can be used against Protection Whal wouid lbis position be under saine considerable time we have flot alike, but resuits tell. The hustler SK A TIN G ai arable fax-mers. and it is Ibis: the Protection? The 7.000,000 catlle and beard from each other, but memary "gels there"; the bustier is .iust as at persan wbo buys the foM'd-tbe bread th.e 16,000,000 sbeep and 2,300,000 bas not pennitted the slent link ta fax- behind on the lasI lap as lie Is -wil paythe ax.pigs in this country eat mare food be broken. I spent a considerabie of aat first. * * * than the human population. The lasI sumrner away irom town ini_______ ITAY OR'.RINKfixst person ta pay a tax put on ag- western Canada and in the States. BI But fa il rmlngIn Iiscountry does ricuiture produce or corn woud e Weroeabout 50 es. ACDNSADCMESTO BOWMANVILLE not consist by any means entirely ai the fariner himsel who feeds those Tesmaya iue o b WIth Orthophonie Music arable land farming. I you study 7,000,000 cattle, 16,000,000 sheep, and Tesmayo iue o h TUESDAY, THUR.DAY the figures for capital empioyed in 2,300,000 pigs. The fax-mers oi the _________________Warlmen's Compensation Board ai the vax-bus forms ai farmlng you wiil countr-y f eed t the aia popula.- Ontaria for the year 1930 shows a and be probably surprised ta find what tion lnfinitely mare than they graw Ln total of 69,267 accidents reported SATURDAY EVENINOS othex- fox-ms af farming there are and at home. If they digest that fact Qpc a ff er during the year a decrease of 17,836 bow important tbey are. I corne they wili see the ultimate efect ffo h ra er Admission SUa from a county wbich you always as- Protection. Nobady bas ever been I re osi The fatal accidents numbered 520, Children 15c. sociale with cotton-Lancashire. I able ta show where the dairy faxri err asiulale business as compared with 510 durig 1929 dare say I need not bave told you can possily benefit from a tax on in the duil searan I arn offerlng and tbe accidents reported durlng Ibat. as you would know that as soon catle food which cames from aU aover the samne ternis on work done in December numbered 4,694, compared ------ _____________ as you heard me. But even in Lan- the wrld-wbich cames. lndeed. .January as I cfÎ.d a year ago- wltb 6,288 ini December 1929. cashire. the cotton county, possily froin sonie counîx-les which are thea euto on ilabr n The total benefits awarded in the L1~'Dft5II~J the biggest amount oi capital is em- oniy countries wbere the climate is aeeutono i abx nlpasl year anrounted ta $7423,018.82, J. H R M O N ployed in iarmmng. including poultry, sultable. and one ai aur own Colonies materils, lncIudllng wall papex-. as compared with $8,012,157.78 dur- ofwihLancashire owns nal hall can grawth particular omdt inq 1929. the 1930 figures being made J. wLanLVt JA oth riih ttl There arable farin- whicb we requfre for certain purposes Thbis gives YoU the same ad- up of $6,086,97277 compensation and 1 ing ls lng oIs negligibie: the main as catIe food manufacturers. vantage as you would receive in $1336,046.05 medical aid. POULTRY and APPLES farmlng in Lancashire Is by means ai Sa you are going ta go back 10 the the clty froin many firms. and is Taking a basis ai 300 worktng days, grass and hay. the breeding and fariner and say: Empire Free Trade worth lnvestlgating. Ibis would show average dafiy bene- atrearing ai cattie. beef. and, af course. will benefit you in Ibis way: we shail fils awarded af $24.743. requiirig an Fair Prices primarily dalry produce. restricItac the Colonies the goods yo 1931 Papers now showing.. average of 865 cheques per day 1 0u 0aei yuaetafe ou alkn n Wahrlxipn There was a decrease in tbe averageý musthav if ou re o fed yur .Caukin andWeahersriping number ai new dlaims reported daily Phnoes AWoldSrpuso! rn cIe un aniup-t-dA1d-sieni- ASSETS Gold and Subsldlary Coin on hand ........... Dominion Notes on hand.............................. Depoalt ln the Central Gold Reserve'r.................. United States and other Forei gn Currenccs .............. . Notes of other Canadian Banksa.......................... Cheques on otlier Banks................................. Balances due hy other Banks in Canada........à'i Balances due by Banks and Banking Correspondertts cs- than Ln Canada ............................... Dominion and Provincial Govcrnment Securitles mnot exceeding market value) .......... .... Canadian Municipal Securities and British, Foreign and Colonial Public Securities other than Canadian (not Rlexc.eding market value)>... ........... aiway and other Bonds Debentures and Stocks (not exceeding market value')............................. Caîl and Short (ont exceeding thirty days) Lonsel Canada on Bonds. Debenturea and Stocks and other Securities of a sufficient marketablc value ru caver ... . ..... t.all and Short (flot exceeding thirry days> Loans elseshere than ln Canada on Bonds, Debenitures and Stticks and other Securlties of a sufficient manketable valuç uo cover $28,721,648-40 37,939.280-75 5 '000,000.00 18,694,369.41 $90,355.298.57 3,3Q3.697.59 22:555,309.57 2,f44.53 47,944,435.69 81,119,014.89 18,764,127.89 12,674,516.79 57,985,224.11 44,326,263.47 379120.433.10> APPRnt oRa TE ndDisFonsln andOW5: ebeo interest) after making full provision for aU had atnd doubtfui debt. ................. .................. $311,133,015.49 Current Lona and Discounts elswhere than ln Canada (lets, rebate of intcrest> after making full provision for ail bâtd and doubtful debta .... . ....... 131,453.174.53 Non-Current Loans, estimated Ioss providcd for............ 2229',87.38 444,815,877.4t Bank Premisesata not more tItan co.t, lesm amounts %rltten off............ 16,978,919.54 Real Estate other than Bank Premises................................... 1,880,197.80 Mortgages on Real Estate sold by the Bank ............... ' 99 2.07 Liabilitie of Customers under Letters of Credîr as per contra ..........38,:299506.90 Shares of and Loans to Controlled Comp-.nie .....................,260.317.00 Deposit with the Minister for the purpose't of the Circulation Fund........ 1,750,000.00 Other Asseta flot Includcd ln the foregoing................................. 595,947.96 $889,917,191.77 NOTE:-The Royal Bank of Canada (France' han been incorporatcd under the aws of France to conduct the business of the Bank, in Paris,. and> th- assctq and Iabiliiies ai The Royal B3ank of Canada (France) are include'> in the abo, . Ce:eral Staternent. B. S. IlOLT, C. E. NEILL,.Ni. W. WILSON, Presldent Vice-Preident and Managing Directrr eneral Manager AUDITORS' CER-rIFICATF To ItE 5HAREHio..051. Tas ROYAL BANK< OF CANADA: Wc have examined the above Statement of lIJahiitie9 and> xs@ets at 29th November. 1930, wit.h the books and accounts ni The Royal liank of Canada ai Ilea'> Offic.e and with the certifie'> returnn from the branches. We have verifin'> the 'ash and' securities ai IHead> 011w, ai the close oi the Bank'e fit-cal year. and during the year we counted the cash and examninedi the secucties at scceral of thc important branches. We have obtained ail the information and explanations that we have requirtd. an'> in our opinion thse transactions of the Bank, which have corne under our notice, ha-.e hecn within the powers of the Bank. The above statement in in our opinion properiy drawn Up no as ta disclose the troc condition of the nank asaat29th November. 1980. sud il iias ahown hy the books ot the Bank. W. GAItTH THOMSON, C.A., oi Peat,. Marwick, Mitchell & Co Ai.. rs A. B. BItODIE. C.A..,uitr Meao*al. Canada. 26th December. 1930. of Price. Waterhouse & Co. PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Baiancaof Profit and Losa Account. 30th November. 1929. 3.574,151.10 Profita for the year, after dcducting charges of management, accrued intn'rest on deposita. full provision for ail bad aud doubti ul debta and rebate of interest on unmatured bWis................................. ..................6.572,627.19 6016782 $10,146,778.29 Dividenda Nos. 170. 171.1l72 and 173aet 12%peannulf.... Bonus ni 2% to Sharebolders.......................... Contribution ta Ofllcer*' Pension Fund ... . -....... Appropriation for Bank Premises ............ Reses've for' Dominion Government Taxes, Including Taz on Bank Note Circulation............................ Balance of Profit and Loss carrled forseard. - . H. S. I3OLT. C. E. NEILL, Presidest icePreident and Mannaing Direc 84osirui. 26itisDecenber. 1930 COAL e I iJ 74,00.000.00 700,000.00 400,000.00 540,000.00 4,106.778.29 8014m2 M. W. WILSON. et General Managoe - COAL Famous READING Anthracite A pennsyivania Hard Coal Ihat is one of the best produced. We also bandie the Solvay Coke. $1.00 a ton discaunt will be ailawed off iollowing prices for cash: Stove $16.50; Cbestnut $16.00; Egg $16.00; Pea $13.50; Nul Cake $13.00. HENRY LATHROPE (Capital Stock Paid up ........T..... $35 00o000.0 Rcservc Fund .. .. ... ..... . .. ..: : Balance of Profits carried fnrward.......................... 4.106.778-21) $39,i06,778-29 Dividends Unl-ilmcd ............18.131.09 Mildend No. 173 if 127, perannum), paale it Deceniber. 193n...i...................... ........................ .10.00..00 4,8.9.3 Bou i2.Payable 3sf December. 1930 ....................70000 484993 --75.874.909.38 1 )eposits n t hbeairnainterest .. ..........................S151,745.505-70 I)cposits hearîne interest, including Interest accrued tw datc of Statement .................................... 543,,,43,554.37 Total Deposits.................................... S9,,fl0.i7 Notes of the Bank ln circulatioîn............. ............ .73012.7 Advances under the Finance A..... ....................... 00.60.00 Balances due ta other Banks i0 n nnJ ........ l"5603 Balances due ta Banks and BankingC torrespondents eisc- where than lni Canada....... ......................... 28.429,971.22 BUils Payable................. ............................ 3,58q,618.77 LiablIities not included ln the forcgoing.................... 248,333.34 775 742775.49 Lettesa of Credit Outstandina.................................... 38.299,s".9Û U89.917,191.77 v I I - 'I .'~ (i (k IFI1OWED YOU 2 DOLLARS For a year or more and made no effort to "ésettie up," you would make every effort to collect the two-spot whether it made me "mad" or not, wouldn't you? And you would not be anxious to Pe1I me any- thing more until 1 had arranged pay- ment. Then suppose in addition to me, Smith and Jones, and Bellamy, and Whosis owed you each $2.00. Including my debt that makes $10-00 coming to you, and no one paymng, each one of your debtors saying: "Wby it's only $2.00, what's the hurry?" -but when the $2.00 is multiplied 5 trnes it's $10, and when it's multiplied by thousands it's a lot of money." Subscribers to The Statesman number in- to the thousands. Each receives The States- man every week. The paper, ink and work- rnanship which enter into it are paid for every week. The subscriptions corne due but once a year-Just $2.00-multiplied by thou8ands! This is just to remind you if your sub- scription is due ta DO IT NOW. Thank you. Bowmanviue Phone 520 Liberty Street .z -- ý, 1 1i-ýl-/l

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