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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jan 1931, p. 6

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, i THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY lSth, 1931 SOLINA Miss Marie McDougall, Drayton, has been visiting at ber uncle's, Mr. H. G. Pascoe's..Miss Marion Williams, Port Perry, with ber sister, Mrs. Chas. Howsan... .Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Pas- coe, Mr. Wallace, Misses Dorothy and Bessie Pascoe, Mr. Godfrey Bowman, Enfield, Mr. L. T. Pascoe, Misses Mar- joi and Edith, Hampton, visiteid Mr. ad Mrs. J. T. Runde ... . Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Werry, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Werry, and Mr. Harold, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Luke, Kedron, visit- cd Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Pascoe .... Miss Edna Reynolds, Hampton, bas been visiting friends her...... Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Howsaxn with his mother in Port Prry.... Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kil- humn and Joyce, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Crossman and jean, North Osh- awa, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tbompson, Taunton, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hogarth and farnily, Hampton, with Mr. and Mrs. Thos Baker .... Mr. and Mrs. C. Short, Tory Hill, Mrs. jas. Short, Courtice, were guests at Mr. S E. Werry's ... . Miss Helen Baker spent last week at Mr. Howard Couch's, Bthesda .. .. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wil- bur, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Leask andj Ewart visited Mr. and Mrs. Peter Walkem, Weston, recently .... Messrs. Ernest Twist and Maurice Baker are ini Cobourg this week attending Win- ter School.... Mrs. John Pascoe 'visit- ed lher nephew, Mr. Merton Walters, Taunton, and attended the funcral of her nephew Mr. Newton Walters in Toronto on Saturday .... Several f rom here attended the Goodyear Dance in Bowmanvile .... Division meeting on Friday evening was beld in the Sun- day School room and was well attend- ed. The W.P., Mr. Ernest Twist re- signed on account of leaving the coin-1 munity and Mr. John Baker was ap-' pointed W.P. in is place. Plans werc made for our Box Social this comn-( ing Friday night and also for the coning year's work. Newly clectcd officers were installed... .League meet- ing Monday evening ivas in charge o! the 2nd. vice-pres. Mrs. Alan Nlc- Kessock. Mr. W. R. Westlake took charge of the business. Devotional was read by Miss Helen Baker. Toiic on 'Current Thoughts on "a pan" was splendidly taken by Mr. Chas. Shortridge. Mr. Bruce Tink gave a reading and Messrs. A. J. and Allan Balson favoured with a vocal duct in their usual pleasing manner. Mceting closed with League Benedic-1 tion. Our young people have accept- ed an invitation tu. visit Enniskilleni Lcague Wednesday night, Jan. 2lst. **» About 40 ladies met in the S.S. roomt for the January meeting of the Wo- mcn's Institute on Friday afternoon. Mrs. Chas. Howsam, president, was in thc chair. Several members thanked the Institute for flowers sent them during illness. It was decided to have 1 a Progressive Lost Heir Party on Jan.a 28th in the Son's Hall. Mrs. A. Mill- son leader of group 3 took charge ofà the pogram which was muchi enjoyed1 and consisted of choruises by the group and readings by _Mrs. Thos. Baker, Mnr. Mervin Hobbs, IMrs. J. T. Run-a (De, Mms. A. Milîson, Mrs. J. KivellI and Miss Fanny Smale. Some goodt anuwers wcre given to the roll cali one 'Ways and Means of Keeping Young."t Rcfrcshments were served and a social time enjoyed by ail. .A box social under the auspices of the Sons of Temperance will he lheld this Friday evening, Jan. l6th, in the S. S. room. Good pr3gram. Admis- sion 25c. Ladies with baskets free. Cents paying more than 75c for baskett get admission back. Everyone come. Value To get value does not mean on- Iy to buy a lot for a amaîl amount. Quality and usefulness combined with quantity are required as weih as price Bclng able to off cm our customers this combination la telllngIt's own tale. First we demand Quallty. Then we buy for price. This enables us to offer you: 16 oz Best Mllk of Magnesia 50c 1 Large Keppler with CLO. $1.50 40 oz. Russian 011 8.50 21 Ibs. Epsom Salts. $1.00 16 oz. Cod Liver 011 Si.OO <Vtamonlc tested> Hot Water Bottie (Fully Guaranteed) 98e KERSLAKE-'S THE DEPENDABizE DRUO &TORE .Special Off er in order to stimulate business li the duil season I arn offering the same terms ou work doue lu .january as I did a year ago- a. reduction on ail labor and materlals, lnciudlng waU paper. This gives you the same ad- vantage as you wouid recelve ln the cty frons many firms, and is worth lnvestlgating. 1931 Papers now showlng.. Caufldng and Weatherstrlpping donc. Act quickly as bookingsan arla- ready coming li. J. H. Abernethy painter and Decorator phione 431 Bowmanvllle NESTELTON CADMUS 1 ENNISKILLEN PURPLE HILL i oe' soitinadMsin League was held on Tbursday night Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Trewln, Hay-j Community Sunday sehool bas been w c oety mesciton TadMiseien- with a good attendance. Mr W B don. spent Sunday at Mr. W. H. reorganized at Bethel. Omccrs and xugatth hmeo!Mr. tay alFerguson took the Bible study The Moes.. ldt eotM.Js teachers were elected for the new in coim Mheetingof ened Stlt y Mafl- program was in charge of Miss Susie Stainton la around again .... .Mrs. Fred year: Supeintendent, Mrs. Fred lowed by the Locd's prayer; scripture Hyiand and consisted of the tapie Heddon, and son Kennetb, and daugh- 1Toms; Asssitant Superintendent, Mr. reading by Miss Jennie Gordon; Miss given by Mrs. W. H. Fallis. a song by ter, Lois, Toronto, spent the week-end Sandy Moore; Seeretary, Leslie Pay- Marie Proutt thanked the Society for Annie Fallis; Lea and Beth MeQuade, i with the former's parents, Mc. and lor; Assistant Seccetacy, Mr. Reginald book sent bier durlng lier lîlnes; and a reading by Marjorie Galbraith. Mrs. J. Orchard.... .Mrs. Wm. Gritfin Boundy. Treasurer, Miss Luella plas wcemad fo a oytec~ At the close of league a congregational is at Mr. Leslie Brooks, Tyrone. . .. Mr. Tripp; Pianist, Miss Frances Graham; pern onr a radin Nstetonu meeting was beld and the officers and H. W. Pointen of Emmanuel College Teacher of Bible Clana, Mms Allen peU JnitdCucb, goodprogmam letbcng teachers for The new year were edcc- will take charge of the service here Moore; Assistant, Mrs. Wm. D'Arcy; prnpted. Pch o rogra nsis obead- ted as follows: Bible Class, Rev. F. Sunday at 7 p.m..Miss May Lamb Teacher of lutermediate Class, Miss ingsby r. Taogr acnsd of.E eson W. NewelLý Senior Girls, Mrs. H. Gal- visited lier brother, Mr. Lorne Lamb, Florence McFadden; Teacher o! Prim- andsl by M c. Ta l o nrd Jmeron braith; Intermediate Girls, Mrs. W. D. on Sunday... .Quarterly Officiai Board ary Clasa, Mrs. Tripp; Assistant Mr sMlolos r e the eetinbl-st Ferguson; Primary Class, Miss Helen iu regular session invlted Rev. J. M. Mrs. Wm. Lamb; Librariaus, Miss prsayr.lLuc wsdts eetangan en Fowier; Senior Boys, Mr. W. D. Fer-j Whyte to reniain another year. TheI Frances Graham, Miss Florence Me- I joybeeveLunhg sspet. randobann guson; Intermediate Boys, Miss Cnb- invitation was graciously aecepted... Fadden... .A Sunday sehool orchestra I lnvlt e te iet t brs.hoe fo bledick; Sec retacy, Miss Chrystai Fal- Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hunter, Lloyd and bas been organized to supplement the February meeting .... Other Nestleton lis; Treasurer, Mr. Chas. Gibson .... Esther, Prince Albert, were Sunday musical progran of the school. It la new o pges.Giad to see Miss Cobbledick and Miss vistors of Mr. sud Mrs. J. H. Free- boped ail in the community will at- news on page 8. Henderson back again after sPending born ..Miss Myrtle Brunt and Mr. tend Sunday sehool at 2 p.m. .See _______their holidays under the parental Frank McGill spent the week-end wlth Public School report on page 5. roos ... . The friends of Miss Ruth the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. BLAC ST CKiMeQuade are pleased to hear that she Levi Brunt ..Mr. C. W. Soucb, Miss BLACK TOCj is doing nicely aud wish bier a speedy Eva Soucb, Hampton, Mrs. K. Caver- HAYDON Mi. ad Mis. Leslie Grahanm ani recovery... Mr. Norman Edgecton and ]y, Windsor, visited Mrs. J. Pye on Mrj rdCwigadsnFede famly spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr. Edgar Gibson made a business trip Monday ..Adult Bible Clasa baid a Mr. rpediCowhiiug andMrson.Fede Mrs.Fîan Stîsan ... ongrtul-t Port Perry Saturday evening and good turu out ta a vecy enjoyablejPrpeHlvstdtMcR.M els Ms tinFt ra tn Mrs...Honatuai- o.n to conditions of the roads liadt evening on Thursday, January 8th, -.. Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery Sundayed on the arrivai of a baby boy. .. . Pro. to go via Burton and Neatieton ..when they combined a social evening atyr.E.E.s Saptn,. Mr. and MrWlsn gressive Euchre Party under auspice., Pleased to see Miss A. Hanna is able with the election of ofilcers wbicb Cyrus Ho, Mr.sud Mrs. D. ison,. nI te L O.B. . hld n te twn attend chîîreh agaîn. wece ail re-eîected for another year as M.adMs le cde lîe oh L0Fciday .evenin, in the(e tI . foliows: Teacher, W. H. Moore; As- atM. nHoskin SmtBradlennikiien, hall, Friday evening, was a decided ~sistants, Mrs. Russell Gilbert and Mrs. tM.HsiSmh',Enkle, aucceas. There were sixteen tables. Tusa vnn ..M.adMs Fis adseod ayprz wneriTY O EJ. A. Werry; President, Mrs. J. A.Turdyenng rs Fli-at and secondlady pWize.winnes TYRONAs-eRR. MNeii visited frieuds lu Oshawa wece Mca. C. Venning and Mcs. W. - rcy; SertaW. J. Stainton; Aes-r Werry and ficst and secondnepize1Mc. and Mrs. L. J. Goodmian and ssanMc . rhad Tesue, heeiy.Mrc sud M trs . d on winners were Messrs. O. Wright andl and Mc. Earl Goodnman vîsited at Mc. Mrs. H. Stevens; Fiower Commnittee, ihad tbemelonecturlght.tuned lu c D. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m Enlsî c vnPait adBci uClmu. c. Laura Mca. T. MeGill and Mca. E. C. Ash- hi oeo audy. el ic D. nglgli.... M, IailPrOIttý irte ue , dugteton. A social bouc was spent, Ourted officers for Sunday achoal are: Miss Ruth Proutt sifent SundaiY with Iiteacmaidb e agtr Superintendent, Mc. Ceeil Sienon; Asa- Mcr. and Mca. J. R. McLaughilin ..Miss Elva Virtue, Bowmanviile, spent pas tr R e c.Wihyten, me s istant Superi-itendent, Mc. Clarcence Miss Vera Farder. Tionta, M,.~ a few days at Mc. Thos. Sergeants, goAvdretectainer with songa, gamess Mca. Garnet Wight and faiiy andi Toronto ... Mc. ad Mrs. Fogg an<i were also eujoyed. Ladies served aumaver;Asit Seeretary, M id ross-r Mc. Lesk wee Sunay ~ittacs almily, Carke, Sundayed at '.cI. Richi- abondant lunch aud ail report a pleas- mt sitn ertcM- e- Mc.LEmaFacec S.Mc. and \cs a ard Hathlerlys... Mcr. William J. Tape, ant time .... Miss Florence Ashton,j Ashton, Tressucer, Mca. Thecon Gea. Emay ingr-T« Bridgeburg, is spending a few days Shaws, Mc. D. Cole, flethesda, spent Moutjoy; Organiat, Rema Bradley; cota sen tithy iIi M. anîd iihhis sister, Mca. R. Hatherly,. Sunday with the former's siater, Mca. bAsisant rgan. iat M Cbe respond-1 Mcs. osetl eun , Nesitleon.. .M.S. meeting was hieid in thce Ernest Weccy.. . su ad Mca. HuglibcisMs.TCola;Crson- Mca. FsH Fen Haaey bstietne. Vestcy on Thucsday, Jan. 8tlî witli Annis visited their parents, Mc. and ing Seccetary, Mca. C. Avecy; Ciradle fram viiting lierc husband at Hamilton good attendance. M,\rs. A. W. Ciemens, Mcas. J. Semon ..Sorcy to report ham f011 oar Supdet., Ms.A. Lesle a visited ~ fthe president, occupied the chair. JitMr. D. Burgusaster baad a had flu on ha;MsincSutc.A.He ... Mca. F. Bailey ,mitdMr nd xas dccided to hoid a Quateri ea ai te ice near the church whicb gave ansd Meta Aashton; Homie Depactment Mrs. R. Dickey, Nestîcton. recenly... the home of Mca. W. Stewart, in hlm a sevece ahaking up. Hope lie Supt., Mca. D. Graham; Tempecance saîcy ta report thiat Mr. Corner, Mis. Febcuary. Mcailr. A. W. Aunnis' groupwîîî soon be around again.. Mca. G Supt., Myrtle Cowiing; Gî-ading Offir- W. W. Vancamp, ýMc. A. Hooe3' and liad charge of the following program: Preston spent the week-end with Mcar cM.C AeydMa . Graap Mis rci ountjoy are ii s Reading, "The Old Yeac and flic New,' IF. Ellis... Mc. and Mca. H. Stevens Teachers: Bible Clasa, Mca. A. a e: aIl hiave a quick recovecy . Ms Mrs. L. J. Goodman; solo, "Cout visited the formei-'s mother, Mca. E. Assistant, Rev. J. R. Trumpour;, Young Vers Haney, Mesca. John anti Leon-j Your Msny Biessings,' Mca. Theo Stevens, Hampton.. Master Allan Fer-- Men's Clasa, Mr. C. Avery; Assistant,, ard Hooey wece called hoameidon ne I Down; a well-prepared New Yeac's guson lias chieken-pox .... Misa Muriel Misa Annie Tcewin; Sunahine Casas, 1 casîn at -joseis ilînesaf theiî Message for 1931, Mrs. (Rev.) J. R. Moore speut the week-endl with Misa- c.Teo onjy sitnMs 1 ather, Mr. Albert Haaey... Mr. sud Trumpour ..Sunday Sclhool montiîlY Fiances Harvey, Bowmanvihle.Sun-j Meta Ashton, Intermediate Ciass, Mcm Mca. Fred Bcack and Mr. and -Mc., meeting was lîeld after tlic session on day achool Sunday inocning waZi H-. Ashton; Juniors, Mî-s. E. Bradley; Arthur Bi-ack, Part Peccy, viited Ms Suiday NMrs. R. J. Hodgson pcesided attended, 97 beiug present . .. Assistant, Mahel Beech; Beginners,' Mary Pari., cecently. unday viai- and the girls of the -'ilTyCaa ht eevdamsae frmMca. D. Graham: Assistant, Mia. L. tocs wece: Mr. and Mca. Lorne Grif- gave the progra. consisting of Mis- his son Donald, wbo la in second foc. i Graham. fin witb Mr. sud Mia. James Henry; sionary ceadings on Japaîî and a in higîisachool in Kingston stating' Mc. and Ms.Ci Wright aud Iamily chorus by tlhe class. WaîVoncn's il'-at lhe lias passed bis Christmas' MAPLE GROVE with Mr. and Mca. Norman McNally; stitutm n Ldes.idx i hld ai en. eevighget ak r Fe.W toiTrnt,-l Mesrs, W. Armstrong, L. Aluin, Oc- 'Oystec Supper and concert on Friday eauntinmkiga veae c ono, with Mr. sud Mis. Herbert Gai- January 30. Watch for particulars. ,86n per ventsecevn g higsofhe s maîka Mi-. Fred W toeToSindaynto, b- f braith; Mc. aud Mca. Gor-don Stinson Congratulations ta Mc. and Mca. Les- in tfov subecond..foi-ma aI othe seoo ocupyfheoupitstowh snay lu ah- sud family, with Mi-. and Mca. T. H. lie Brooks on the arrivai of a son.... in oursu e.h cHydoro tundysencer o o- atarCoori..s attend v Stins n : Mr. M orley M o isson with Tyrone OfficiaI Board wiîî m eet in pw r n t h h c h f c S u a i t r S h o t C b u ga u Frank Stinsan vialted bei- mother, Jan-aary 19, 2 p.m..Tyran. Congre- was beid aud tbe pastor, Rev. J. M. 1 uary l9tb, when Mc. Storie wili give C Mca. Wn.. Nixan, Betheada; Mi-. and gational 'Meeting is called foc Tuesa- Whyte, took foc bis text John 8-12 an illustrated lecture on bis wock ine Mc. . aneronsu f.iy aiedday, Jan. 20tlî, 8 p.n.., wiîece reports "It ans the igbt of the worid," etc.. South America ..League meetingÇ atM.. Stnson aound aiy.c. of Suinday Sciionî, Young People's j calng attention to the Iset particulaî- hast week was wcll attended. Missa sud Mca . SHency onsouny .e.e..-Mtrd. League Session, Connitteof Steward-ý,,îy that wlîaso walketh in the dackueas Greta Munday led in prayer; Bible, t thdir goldenryeddint o uds: , tte W.M.S., Ladies' Aid, Trustee Boardl, kuoweth ual whitber lhe goeth. sud reading, Lavonue Trimble; devotional ' teiugolwden ei relatve pendye- îs sionary Fond, will be given. alsa thst Christ illuminated lIfe as topic, Winuie Lancaster; minutes ofd eine wthei reletries dio. well as death for with Hlm theîe i laIsat meeting resd sud adopted. Greta i themwit aneletri raio."no dack valley."' The trustee hoac<l Munday, lat vice-president, took charge a __________HAMPTON and chucch ai-e indebted ta the follow- sud the following iuterestiug prgran ing persous foc special donations ta- was given: Reading, Mick Brown; CO4JRTICE Mis. 6. A. Barion lias been in To- wacd the lights: 'Mc. Wilbur Hutchi- topie. Edua Swallow, piano soho, MISS ronto atteuding the uerai oftliec sou $10000; ta Mr. sud Mca. Dan B. E. Souch; resding, Elien Ginibhett; bcother-ln-law, Mr, T. Sheppai-d, wbo Bui-gmaster for the fixtuî-es lu the violin solo, Mc. Fred Hockin, seconm- On Thuîamlay afternoon the execu- (liedi veîy suddenly while 9pending body sud vestibule of the church. To panied on the piano by Mr. A. Laird, tive o! the W. M. S. wece enteîtaiued the winter in Flaiida. He had apar Miss Mai-y Virtle toi- pulpit Iamp; ta Sc.; reading. Wm. Laird. A short con- in the home aI the presideut, Mca. H. enîly been ejoying splendid hcalth 0. L. Bycca foc, outalde lamp. ta Di-. test was then enjoyed snd the meeting F. Osborne. A considecable amount of sud news af his death came as a Ferguson foc shed fixtures. to T. M. closed with the benediction ... . The business in connection witîs the wock ahock la Mr. and Mca. Barion and ISlenion. Get,. Reid sud Mr. John Gca- following officers have been elected foc of the Auxiliacy waa îiscussed sud lîrienda tîcce. ... Mc. Harold Alin. Mc. ha. foc basemexit fixtures. The wiî the Wide Awake Clasa: Teacher, Mc. anme questions of importance deeided. J. G. Burns, Mca. Jno. Cowliug, Mc iug was well aud efficieutly donc byI A. Laird, Sr.; Presideut, Rosa Mac- The gcoup leaders for thia yeaî were A. Treuouth, Mca. L. Truli ai-e aiiingijMc. John D. Grahami, focrl Ij tin; Secretary, Milton Graham; Treas-P appoiuted as follows: Mca. Will Bickie. those wha are confined ta their hbedg Haydon. lureî, Allan Clark. Foliowing are the Mca. Chas. Found, McaS. Macahaîll, Mca. ou account of ilînesa. We wish tlîen officers foi- the A. B. Clasa: President, Blake Oke, sud Mca. Frank Worden. al a speedy iecovery. Miss B. M. Mca. Ross Stevens; Seccètary, Ivan A motion was carried that the finance Sargent, Bowmiauville, visited wîtîs CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL Law; Assistant. Mca. C. H. Suowdeu; committee, Mca. R. C. Peacce. Mca. Misr a.Cxts uStraqu Treasucci-, Mc. F. Swaliow; Flowec R. Gay, Mca, B. Courtice, Mca. K. E. Sund<ay .... Miss Frankie Wood, Oc- Inaugural meeting o! the Coun- Commlttee, Mra. M. Munday, Jr., Mrs. Courtice sud Mîs. W. R. Couitice ar- oua, la hack again with Mr. sud Mrs. cil hcld Jan. 12, 1931. Members L. C. Snowden; Lookoot Committee, range the groupa. It was alsa de- L. Johns; Glad ta repor-t ber improved aIl present sud subscribed to the Mca. Laird, Ruby Aldsworth, McaS. cided that Februacy meeting he helm inl health... Mr. Percy Cowling, Ta- uccessary deciaration. Roy Metealf, Mca. J. D. Stevens, Mr.C on Fehruacy 2th, wbicb la the day c onta. vîited bis parents, Mr. andt Communications rcad: Dominion In- Sam. Suowden- . M. S. held is0 at pcayeî throughaut the whale brancb. Mca. Jno. Cowliug ... Mr. sud Mca. surauce Co.; Hospital for Sick Clîil- montbly meeting an Wednesday nt- C Meeting will he in the haome af Mca. W'. W. Horn sud Mca. P. Avery apent dren; Ontario Tnîstce and Ratepay- ternoon, Januaî-y 7th, lu the hall.C Archie Muir. Pragrani ou the pîinted Monday lu Taootoa.. Mca. K. Caverty lcrs Association; Dept. o! Weed In A vecy intecestiug pcogcam waa given.l, aheet wil he used. Ater the mîeeting sang agalîl in hec pleasing mnanuel-atI spection; Ont. Gond Roads Association Mca. Osborne sud Misa Hattie Osborne the Sunday eveuing cliorcli sm-Nci e. and Dept. o! H ighways ce appoint- secved home maude candy. oranges, sud ',e are delighted ta have Mrs. Cav-meta o! Road Suipt. a c giapes sud a pleasaut liait-hior il î t asit u hiOm n motion S. T. Bcuce's rods- spent.... .Thucsday evening the Sun- ncr ...Mc. sud Mca. Lorue Robhins curtbe paid. ntin day achoal nmeetingwas held lu the land<î .... iakeardt visited hec By Laws, were passcd, sppoisng R. -Philp, As _so; .Thomi 2i schooi ,oo,îwlethe icofficers acreI - g W. J ssesso; n--i jelected: Superin tend ent, Mr. iL. J. Mca. C. W. Samch, Misa Eva qoucli - Cautice: Assistant -Siipt., i. W. R. sud Mis. K. Cai ertey îisited Mca. cauctice; Secrêtary. Mcr. Arthur John Pye at Enniskillen .... Youing Foumi; Assistant SeUetac-Y, NM. Sa"'Mîi \i's Bibil- Chas met ai the haile Gay; Tiesuier, Ni". KPuetil Cou,- oft heir telei-. Mr-. G. Blxan. foa' tice; Misionary ecetary, Mca. B. etection af olltcers, au Manday evening. Caurtice; Teniperaume Seccetary, MI'- Ater tht- business w; s trsa.i;ctued Kenuet h Courtice; Piauli, Mî-s. Clius.ilunch N a.s servem aloi a soicial tinie Faîout : Assistantî Piaulat. Milss Aunie spent . . .. Yu,,îg ILudies' Bihble Cass W il kins: Teachers- Mcli '5 Bihie ..l 155,l d v.- iiii of,,t 111<-- s .Moud ave s cx- Mr. C. Pacsons aud Assistant. W. R. 1 ju at thlit- îiaiiiof at isses Majoit Colmitice A. Cias, ('ecil F( und; fsu'ad Editti Pascoe suit tnjaye<l s vecy Clasa, H. F. Osbaine; C. ('1555, C. P-lpeasanti iii reporct fond; D. Clasa, Mis. G. F. Anilis; r. Miss Myrt.ue Bradley lias conîîx-cicd ('ias. M-s. R. C. Pescre- F. Class We wisli lier a speedy Mliss Auria shoi xii; Pili r xîii hian 14 t-ma...x exy... oxtipii Hampton aews on gixînei,.Mis.;Hmîtue Osborne- and p-fý .' smdim- Muir..Satucday alternoon the- Fresîx frocîi salinici anad wiiefisli C. G. . T. lield fitîir metting at Missa ase sîîîoktcd finxîsu haddie sud fillets Imnuise Courtitees 1home. Mca. A. J. îîow xVi forlai Harns storm- ai cglit (,av waaJprescritsuit gave ai rin. u pits terestlug talk on astipl iliomîgli the____________ U'nited Stateasueto- in luthe .-ai-Iy fa 11. Miss Arnold 1,0k up lia-h Mis- CHANGE OF C.N.R. SERVICE sioariy toapie and a voca~~l solo was Sunxg hy Misa Elsis- 0k. sud a read- Tyrone Station, Effective Jau. 12. lxîg hy Miss BtellixGay. Aterwards reti-eshicuts were acevt. Mis. ('aur- Nlix(-1 t rain, No.1311 %vilcîîî i m-i tic an xd i a'x i sewe c-re < i a ,\m xms mino hoad Fiday s. tilt stlt- uiiu-I.ave y al -12.50) p.xi., Salins I p.. , iii guamiprtior, lev. 1t.,('. Wo fai i n Nortli Osli :mw:i 1.20 tîxîl , arrive ai î)rmacl an e-xcetllent sexîlionl on Whitby jurictioxî 2.05 p.nî. Passxgr * -.1 îcoh - Stixnd ily smhoo aiil a sgeat1il, 1 1cmaxxsi xig connxict i.linf.r atteuilsuce iceordeil for a uuniler of Torontoi a rrivixlg îîcrm- ut 3.15 pim yers itth ve n noh-\oo lso frexghî rconuecixon. -ui asiiitheesunteanl ic 4u pa- M ixcd traixn No. 312 iwill nu i.cml. j dlseaise w. c \fon>3<li PS aday-ý, Wm-îixîsulav sand Friiium-. ti il,[- l'eapie whliare arc d iiml1tiI Ci xîk ing t-olixîmciiî xiai WIî itîby juix rtx Ne-st Siixîday N. Stacey. isiaî th trainxIci-:vixg Toronto ai 5.30 pn.. fi-oui Souîth Anîccies, will slte ai lc-in xg \Viiihy ý,J îxciou 6.30, btti se-vciies as oi aurtstor. Nuîcili O0iîaîsa 7.1.; t.inx., Slijua 7.3.5 tending wiutex aclnol-..Missionumiy j tîx Iyroui- 7.4.5 tîxî., arrive ai Port mîeeting will he held t his Tlîmxcayî ltt9.1.5 p.ui., passixlg freighî sund ai 2. li. iii tMis. S. S. Brooks. A 1 expres. xîakiug rouxicciion foc ail gnoîul teudauce la requested as the naxulaxîmlpoints bhaq astnd wcsî. repor ts of itle wac k ilu ai, AuxilIt iary O u Sxxday-,, Tix m days, TIiuxrsdays and ('h t-leasd Bauds willihe given. sund Saîmicdays, ilierc will îtibc any It la1.-e <lsy toandsittielaIxdies will sm-vicî- iimtween WViitlîy ixînelion and< kludly xenenbe,- thai the îxceasucer lion) Hope, via Ocono, util furîher wlll lie gîad to sec as mauy aunuallnotice. tees as possible came lu ou Thocsdayl Mr. Erie Ford apent the week- Lost or Found I enc lun Torato... .Rcv. H. C. FVI OUND-Truck tire between Hampton1 f frai. sud Miss Hazel Rudîe ai-e ut- 1 and Solina. Owner snay have sanie by paying expen&s. H. A. Paseoe, Solila., ien<ing wiuicc sehool lu Cobourg. Phone 167r3. 2.3 Roy Fergtison, Aditors; .Gabit menmher 1,B. o!fH.; na. Wrigit XVrcd Ixîspecior aud Street Commis- sioner; Fence Vicwers, A. Wercy, R.,- Halîl, C. Gilrson, J. Noon sud J- 1 Wrighit; Iloîxnd Keepera, F. Gibson, J.: Farder Jr., T. Williams, H. Plîilp, E. Armstrong sud N. Laîhangue. Roa uiSxpi. prcscntcd lus expendi- imine an rosîls for the Dept. Treasucrer %vas aîîpointed ta lhave- liglît placcd on Southî West corner o! Hall sud a light iii entry o! Basemnent. Wmn. Steele ws appointed to, pro-' cure kindllng wood. Orders wcee-,igiîcd as follows: Il. Euîi,.rson, 1xsiraice on Twp. Bldgs.-.-..--.---.....-$ 28.50 Hydre Electrir >owî-c Cam... 9.961I Municipal WecIîi 9 copies .... 0 Io Dr. McArtlior, îO Salary 100.001 1). Galbraith,LB. o! H,-aitlî.. 8.00 Reeve, LB. o ci! lthl ........---8.001 Clerk Sec'y. 1L1. (if Healtix ... 8.00 N. H. Nlsrlojw, Sciîaol Alleni- daxît Offlicr ................. 1000.00 I., -is-- oiliug lBoothlîNo. 1I 100.00 E.peiîsu- Poiiig iBoothx No. 21200 Extienii-.-,i'lliîg hBoothx No. 3 1200.) Expexises Polling Baothi No. 4 1200.001 O. MeIQIxadle, gravel------------ 11.10 D). W. ltcsdbmîrn, cou<ls, etc. ..- 40.60 -\mjaî,iîed (lta mcci Fcb. 7 at 2 p.m. W. l3eacock. Cerk. JUNIOR FARMERS' MEETING Darlington junior Farmers sud Jun-, ior Iustitute will mcci in the Asseuibly Hall at the Boys' Training Scîxool onî Wcduesday Janmxscy 21, at 8 p... A goomi progcaîîî is heing arrauged hy Mr. E. A. Stmers, Agrcmltucal Rep- reseutative. Tlîc ladies are rcqoested to lîriug cfri-sliiiieiîts,. MARIE RUNDLE anC IwxCLR Sccretarics. LAUNDRY WANTED All kinds of lauudcy woclc doue prompt- iy, satlsfaciocly sud St reasonable pricea. Write Post Ollice Box 12. or caîl Mm,. W. Marjocam, Kiuur Street Eat. Bow- manville. PhOnO4 4M COLLACUTT COACH UNES TORONTO-Phone WAverly 3800; OSHAWA-Ihns:2218 & 2845; KINGSTON -Phone 1820 PETEEBORO -PICTON- LINDS5Ay-ANANOQUE NOTE-Dayligbt Savlng Time and Standard Tine effective on ail Divisions on sanie dates as Toronto. TORONTO, BOWMANVILLE, BELLEVILL, KINGSTON WEST BOUND-DAH..Y 8 10 a.m. 10 50 a.m. 1. 50 p.m. 5.20 p.. 50 P.m. 12.20 a.m. EAST 1OTND-DAJLY 9.20 a.m. Il .50 aju. 3.05 p.m. 5.05 pan. 7.05 p.m. 9.45 p.m Local passangers travelling between Toronto and Oshawa ena- flot be carried on the TORONTO-KINGSTON or the TORONTO- INUSAT Divisions. EFFECTIVE ON AIL DIVISIONS .JANUABY 15, 1931. To The Lady Who Is Handy With Her Needie Needie work helps to pass away the long winter evemings. We have stamped goodIS lIApronS, Centr, esarf s, Luncheon Sets, Card Table Covers. Bags and Cushions Prlccd 35c and Up. Fine quallty stamped PlUow Cushions, Hemstiched, special $1.00 Good variety Austrolene and Fair Wool. A fine range of Embroidery Tlsreads, Crochet Cottons and Silks. ROYAL WINDSOR STATIONERY New line of quire paper and pads Special--Note or letter size Pads witii cuveloPes 40e value for 2Uc J. W. JEWELL BIG 20 BOOK STORE BOWMANVILLE Satisfaetocy reporta were received Ira. each depsrtment of the Auxil- iscy. Mca. Chaclie White sang s solo vecy aweetly.. Mc. W.. Laird, dele- Igate, is attending winter sebool fit Cobourg..Our League visita Eben- ezer young pecople this Tbursay.... Quite a number from this conîmunity attended the luerai ou Saturday o! the late Mc. Edwacd Power, who was focmechy a lîighly cespected ceai- dent o! ibis commuuity. Our symi- pathy goca eut to the beceaved widow sund fa.ily in their bouc of sadcss .Mrs. A. Laird visited relatives lu Toronto hast week. and Mm. sud Mca. W. Fitze, Janetvilke, were guesta of Mr. sud Mms. G. Cor- nish. ...Mc. and Mrs. Armstrong and litîle son sud Mra. Armstrong's bro- ther spent Sonday with frienda iu Newtouville. Mrs. Armstrong wss in Toronto Fiday visiting hem mother who bas been ihI in the Toronto Hos- pital for anme lime pa...... .Sorry t0 report Mr. H. jack sud Mca. R. Franceas still in vemy poor health. On Friday evening the members of the Sale. Telephone Co. were enter- tained at the home of Mr. sud Mms. E. J. Doidge ai Ibeir annual meeting when business sud plea.sure are comn- bined, mialting a 'social. eveniag afteT business maltera have been attended SALEMto Congregation at tbe Sunday after-EN IL noon service was larger than usual, N EL Pastor Rev. J. R. Trpour occupied the pulpit .... Mr. and Mrs. Rutherford, Miss Verna Ormiston has been vis- Colborne, are visiting their daughter, iting at Oshw.... Mrs. J. Starks Mrs. C. M. Carruthers. Glad to re- has been vllsting at Raglan.... M. port Mr. Rutherford gaining in healtb. F. Gilbert bas been vlsltlng at Oshawa Messrs. C. M. and W. H. Carruthers , . . . Mr. and Mrs. H. James, Colunmbus. were visiting friends in Coîborne last vislted at Mr. J. Hepburn's . ... Mr. T. week....%r. and Mrs. John Mundy, Henry was elected trustee at the an- Maple Grove, visited with Mrs. A. flual achool meeting .... Mr. T. Henry Wilkins on Friday and on Sunday Mr. la baullng materlal to bulld a new and Mrs. Earl Osborne, Providence,' barn this suminer .... Mr. and Mca. were guests at the Wilkins home.... L. Wacd and family have moved tii Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Squair visited with Oshaw..Mr. and Mrs. McKlvor and their daughter, Mrs. W. G. Moffatt, family, Hamilton, have moved to the Drono, on Frida3y.... Mrs. Skitch, Tor- farm recently worked by Mr. W..... onto, is visiting her cousin, Mrs. G. Ladies' Aid had their regular meeting Cornish. On Stinday Mr. and Mrs. at the home of Mrs. L. C. Pascoe on Chas. Cornishi, Mc. and Mrs. Cecil I Wednesday.... Sleighlng la good here Hall, and Mrs. J. E. Hall, Oshawa, l and will 1* made good use of. We'er moving out, regardlema of coat or profit every Overcoat ln our entire stock. Evemy one la me- duced In price. every one a commnandlng bar- gain. Ulsters, Dmess Coata, Belted double breast- eds, L'hestemflelds .aD the acceptable styles, sizes and patternis includcd. Shop NOW save' PAGE six - U 'i. I'S

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