1 f THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 15th, :931 UNITED STATES NEWSPAPER religion upon their young charges. GIVES TRAINING SCIIOOLi They are expected to go to the church of their choice every Sunday, *k e Continued f rom page 1 and they go by themselves. sit by + T h e When this institution was estab- themiselves, and return by them- lished somle five years ago it was in- selves. In the afternoon there is a tended to be a residential school Sunday school class, and each morn- where unadjusted boys could find ing there is a chapel service, which THI habit and vocational guidance until ir.cludes brief talks on character- they were ftted to return and carry training. and a hymn. The last half on successfully in their own con- hour of the school day is given over NEWCASTLE munity. A very deftnite attitude was to choral singing, and anyone mnay taken that the boys were to be given have instruction in piano and violi. Newcastle Horticulittural Societs i.. a fresh start. The environment was Last. but perhaps most important holding its aninual meceting and election to contain as much of the happy of ail, the boys dwell amid beautiful of officers in tilt counicil claiber on home atniosphere as possible. to be surroundings and in a sympathetic Thursday cvening of tlîis %veek. Everv free f rom ail unnecessary restramnt atmosphere. Each of tlw five 'homes' mnember- is urged to bc prescrnt and and at the same time involve disci- ils modern and artistic and is presided to bring a new member with him. pllnie that would be largely imposed over by a man and bis wife who are 'Messrs.H .BitnadGa by "public opinion" among the boys referred to as "father" and "mother" G .c H.pltS.tu wringandf Mr themselves. As there was no prece- and who take a personal interest in XV. H. B.chalplinsbose wirnd stables dent for sucli a system it was decided their *children." The Kiwanis and and t.eBinstalati'on sean stri blesurc to work it out on proved grounlds. Rotary Clubs take a keen interest in ai ara and teistlain o treing ixt- The Greater Satisfaction the school and their moral support ls audyadi h vnn wt Believifg that the boys got into is recognized in the naming of one 1c ed on the current. flooding the house difficulties because there were certain home Kiwanis Lodge and the gym- for the first tile inilst. history with satisfactions accruing to them. it nasium and swimmi.ng pool after a blaze of lectric lighit. seemed obvious that they should be Rotary. Here 160 boys on an average Mir. and Mrs. J. H. Iose on 'ol sbown how to get even greater satis- live, work and play like one homo- day, Jan. 5th, the da), of the municipal faction fromn doing the useful thing. geneous family. cetos ooe oRsmrPic Hence a menit system was worked out "There have been some 200 grad- Edivard County, to attend the funcrai whlch covered every phase of the uates since the sehool commenced of his aunt, Mrs. Jose, a sister-in-law boy's lfe-cottage, work, school and operations and very few have failed of bis fatiier. Then on MIonday of play. He was encouraged to secure to make good. though, like ever3' this week Mr. Jose journeyed by every privilege on the basis that it other boy in normal surroundings, train to attend the funeral of Dr. must be earned and when earned they require following up and advice. Jose, a vetcrinary surgeonx, and a certain responsibililties were involved. Twice during the past year the entire brother of bis father, at St. Mary's. For example, each of the five cot- group of graduates in Toronto were Recent vi.itors of Mr. ail Mrs. P. tages bas four head boys. who are the brought back to the school for open- ONeil, Toronto St., weclber two sis- four hlgbest in marks for the month. ing of new buildings. I think the acid ters, Airs. Leo Grass and Mrs. Lulke Eacb of these boys bas a room to test of the influence of any school YonNpn- hi agîeM. himself with the privilege of going ta on tts graduates is their attitude to- Roy Keech and son Kennedtilte, Trn- a show in town on Saturday night ward the school after they have left. tn hi o n agîri-ax with money to spend. There is seldom a weekend that we to; hr. o and s. Perc O'Neil, elleville Boys who reacli a certain standard do not have some old boy back on a Mr .and 'Mr. PeSaiOne\ora, ellvle of marks for the quarter are eligible1 visit. We are trying to build up cer- nd Mr. sd.\l irShrp. M .amiCl to return home f or a vacation and tain traditions in the school. MbrtieRusNlras S auudMe. :nir. if the hlgher the average the longer "But uhat after graduation?" I J. Rssel Tras, t]'r tllMs they may remain home. On the asked. J ehnTrno other hand, the boy who faîls below -We give a good deal of time and The Municipal Couincil ;i t, iln- a certain standard of marks is obltg- thought to Placement and follow-up augurai meeting on Monîlav teveinei ed to report to the office each Satur- work," said Dr. Reamnai. "One man appointe<l Mr. J. \V. Bradley and Miss day mornjng, when the matter is gives his entire time to this work. Mutriel Bradley, mnlicipal aiiditors, toi talked over with him and his difficul- and no boy leaves the school until we alit the MnitliciPatl Clerl, and Trea- ties are lroned out if possible by se- know the home conditions and suirers books, the Board of E(hiuatiorn curlng bis cooperation in carrying whether the boy is to return to school hok.., the Coinmnîuiiitv Hlaill Managjîî4, out bis adjustment. The successful or take employment. To this end we Conittce". hool., atl d the Lihrarx boys are also ivited to Dr. Reaman's cooperate with the social service ag- fioards hooks, and rcaluloitte(l Mr. 1-1 office for commendation. encies interested previously in the W. D)udley a higl .clîooi trus-teu on In order to teach the relationship boys. Furthermore, old boy s' assoc- the Board of Fultea.tion ai]Nr,.. between work and compensation fori, itions are organized and meet '\. Butler a nuleiur of tuNîril work, boys are paid for certain activ- monthly with a special dinner and lihrary Board. ities, provided that these are satis- tt'eat following. The graduates are factorily done. If you don't like your organized. and in the city of Toronto, job there is only one way to change where the bulk of the graduates are NEWCASTLE UNITED CHURCH it, and that is to do well and cheer- Iocated, a number of the older boys,1 fufly the one you have. Boys are who are making good have been des- I lnite'l Clurcli Re,. W. 1'. Ro~gers, paid for casrai labor jobs at 10 cents ignated honor grautsadxvth *\,P..o.SniJa.W lSn per hour, but after they have been ovet' their fellows and make repor-ts Mo\1(riiig \Vorliî; ini,tailatioli ot apprenticed they geL $2 a month. to the placement su.pervisor. In this Sînda Scl'ol eahe .anid Officer.. T'his money is kept to their credit way the head boy system of thel;id ptnttotuîf :îxx cii-t,, ivciîileý and any breakage or extras which school is being pro.iected into the I W'r..lipJi(-r. 2.30 .11 .i Siliîd.1% the boy may wish to have are paid comImunity. A boarding house is be- Selîool; 7 p.iii lxtiut u ieFt, from these accounits. As a boy must ing established under the control of vuleinent liv Bei i )nil G.Bîhi have a certain amount to his credit the sehool which will l>e known as illtistr,tcd 1,l' v1(K) ..il - ,\f -u before be can go home on vacation., the B. T. S. Club. Here boys who Canada. be tbinks twice before being wasteful have no home to go to or are making or destructive, a nieager salary can live tntil such Golden Rîie liSsio1l Rani xvii ilutt Whether a boy is milking a cow or timie as they become self -supporting. il, the L'nitedit 'îirelu Sunîlda' Seýlil dolng a problemn in algebra it is con 1 t will bc a gathering place for the 1-oinis ont S,îtnriav au 230 n i xx innl sidered ta be of an educational na- 1 raduates in the community. Thus the lo.iig sidje in- lat Nxear" c ,iiti .t. ure and comes under the direction the school keeps a very real contact iler the leadership of Marie Henui- of the head master. There is a junior 1 vvith the boys who have lef t the i, xiii treat the winninig sie tindler and senior school, the former com-ischool." tlc leadlershîip of 'iarjoriv Lycetti prlsing ail boys 12 years of age and ___________iiusý under who are in academic schooli h ersmns for a full day, with a little vocational 1. NEW ENTRANCE AND GATES TO work added. Boys 13 and over are permitted to samýple departments o! BOND HEAD CEMETERY \Voiîuami'.. Associatin of thie United. agriculture, horti'culture. wood-work- I C litircli liidil,; .fir..t iiîeetilîg f tiiý ing, metal-worlcing, eectricity, motor -Mhtil lu vek ae: apsed ycar on ThtursdaY, Jan.8, at the Par- not interested in sncb vocations may trau t tiiBond Head C.'nu urx it i.. Hare in tlhe chair. Rex'. W. P. Rogur-. take full public sehool, high school 1111like i3 tai nany of ouir itilîs <plncd vitlu prayer anul Mrs. Edn11ind or commercial work. 'Ihey are requir- have as. yeî.seuil hie nexx mieunorial Tiîackray read thflic ripture uso ed to spend six weeks in sampling piliars, gate.. sud flainking i iii fencee A tiviîîflo werurnîuiiittue %va.. appiliitcil these different activities for half a The workihalliîeen i rojected for somne consisting of MsamsGuo. Janîiiesou day, after wich they are expected toi tinte butt it wva, ratiier latc in the fali and J. M. C.olîldc(ick,. Folloxing tii, have chosen their vocation and are' before il coti lit. Proceeded wxitu. blisness .ession, irq. W. H. Cooke's formallY aPprenticed to a particular Tilt entrance is ini the '.amne location g roup contribuiteli a lîelpfi andi inter- ilutructor wth pay. While progress-a., sthe îld ntiin itraticu. tilat t., on estirtg prograin of more titan lte or- ing through three grades o! appren- Quteen st. t tiue coru xiît nter litîary lenigtlu. The six tittnher.. on ticehp they continue to spend hall of the cemelcry. Twvo ima.sive îîPilar.., isted of a intîtoiîrgan solo. lit Miss. of each day In academic training. It built of bottîder.. sud coicretc, statud Rosit. Colv;ln readittg.. hy Mr... J. E. la lnteresting ta note that ýalthough tel' feet spart and soîuuc feet inu front Rittel, nf. J. Cuniniligltsm, Mirs. Ciar- 'Most of the lads comne fromn urban the line of thu street. Titey are about enice Alin and MIrs. Alvin loies; amiu districts 40 per cent of ail the grad- nine feet ligit froîm te grotîttîl to tiueir %oeal soli)îîy Miss Gladys Pollarîl witlî uates had chosen agriculture and ':0 taîîering Iîîeaks,. Hingcd tlu hiumu art' piano a'cconipaninuectit îy NMrs. Pollardi Per cent o! these are stiil on farms. double wrotglit ironl drive gales O0it Mrs. Cookce's grottp also lrrvidîl and This ils due ta the fact that agricil- the opposite side of canh pillar 1ltg.. ..rrvud tilt refresltmients. tre Ils taugbt as a science. a smnalier xalk, gate, siituilar ini iesigil Recreation, hobbies and the arts to thte drive gates. Tîtere i. tîttis ont. are by no means negleeted. There is on eaclh side of the drive wax'; wltilc , Regtlar uctitug of W.NI.S. of tilt a fal firwhih i hed i coper- cirvnu ttxvar'l fronuutt:- irîmî latcli United Clittrcîlt ook place itt S.S. room. tio wth heWes Drha Aricl-Ptîoficadti ithc lgate and eteidti 1Nondsy', Jan. St. Presidenit Mrs. turl Sciey ad i whch heyoug t, te cst in he n( sie ai(jti)il lýu.)Rogers prcsidedl. farmers compete with the "world." x-.to u ttrkalnt of tx;enîi After1oinig exercises îiîîittt'. îof There are box.lng tournaments. cadet fixe feet of lîeavvý fence fasîtionrul of î hîtttînecttîtg ere reaul and l scnIsst.l training and inspection, scouts and angle irotu horizontalsud tipriglt, .ftî'r wlticlî ottr presidîctt vcry fuel- cuba, a stamp club, bird club, star- The ettrance %vas dcsigried andtIhîe inglY rexieved vîrk of past ycar, also garera' club, a scbool newspaper 15s- plans' draxin and Nute printed by the ..,tl'll a tncessagc of<if 'ciîîragcuntuîmt sued monthly by the boys, an annual I.uitidIV Fetîee Companuy. ti- r new year. achool concert, au annual track and Tîhé contract xvas let by the BIliîl iit-irite 1930 six oînlî'. f îttr field champlonshlps day, Christmas Ilîsî(l Cenlerv Boardl if St. George's, SOi2it3 aii..ntrvd'il,,lî cal l to igiter celebrations wth a tree. a boar's lutreu to Mr. . HBIotînisall of Bo - Ser vice. bead procession and other Old World ttîaiiville wvho etgageil to Ntw.%v.ti' Tesrr otdWsoraeiioî custonms.In sununer two montbs are .killcd artisanîs, NI r. Guîî. fuit. tlilicttiiuý tiý1oai1 %îticlu sdeeply- regretteil. spent at Camp Schofleld on Lake Nîn. H-. lire-r4-tii I Us.ctile it. xirk. Nlîssîoiarv intîtily secretary reportei! Ontario among ideai surronndings. This filleecttratuce %va.. made' 85S xt.criPions 10t Missionary Moiittî- In such ways a boy's interest is ,,iilu3-liy a udomnationi of <ver $Y>K ]y; Strangcr's Sccrcîsry' reportî-' aroused in the scbool and its tradi- fromt a fornier boy ..le i t<w luisît'calîs muil utstramiger., sick amui tions and honor becomes more than rtsidt iniiTronutoi, butlxiifîîrward- lis tresseil. Sîtpply Secret.try liaul a an eanpty u'ord in bis vocabulary. cil lii, cottrilîutioîî sa, îiîîu3 tions. 'iii imdiil report of xxork idonc, t, îilt. There ila no effort here ta force The Ceimctery Boardl k very gratefu'il mîade sud douitel. also, suipîli mxcuml, ____________________________________ta the donor for Iis giicrois assist- tii neeily. suce and to thte sexeral re sie nt..amidî M iss.imionla md reportut a spleu(i i former residents of Nexc..lie xviwi , 13car cmiuuiltting over $100 to XV.NI.S. JUST ONE THING may be of tremendons impor- tance ta, you. You may be one o! those individuals that has con- stant headaches, worn Ont bY ealy afternoon and ont o! ime wth everytblD.g and everybody. The cause maybe-probably is -your eyes. The sure way ta find out la ta, have your eyes examin- ed. We offer yon that personal service s80 necessaly ta complete satisfaction. G. M. Bosnell OPTOMETRIST Oifice Over Flood'& Store Port Hope Office Rouis: WEDNESDAY esch Week 9.30 a. nM, t. 9.30 p. nM. Taronto Office: 8143 Danformh Ave >tone u'uui ud owo.rers 0of Icuinisx.lî î'achu hrotîglît ua 1sd frît of cuarge. lu any plauis for lie ftrtlter huesttifi- cuation of tlite ceuitemv.to îîisîtakehlua, iteen nade ini hegiîuttiu'i-ii ti i uii t rance gales. TRINITY YOUNG PEOPLE Trinity League meeting Monday evenlng was in charge o! Miss Helen Cryderman , Missianamy Vce-Presi- dent. Seipture i'eading by Mis.s Simpson. Mr. Ken Morns render- ed a fine vocal solo !ollowed by a readlng by Miss Eliza Kirkton. A Piano solo was nicely played by Miss Phyllis Challis. The topie. "Japan", was ably given by Rev. W. A. Bun- ner followed by that lovely sang, "'Iii the Beautif ni Garden of Pray- e-r." sung by Miss Dorothy Plum- mer. A wîit asking for damages o! $25.000 bas been issued by L. E. Gr'abam o! Blackstack, against Wes- ley Grey and Nelson Marlow o! Nestleton, an bebaîf o! bis yonng son, Donald, for the loss a! an eye which Donald Graham sustainet inl an accident recently. The plaintiff was riding in a car dî'îven by Grey when a collision' occnrred with a horse and buggy riven by Marlow. \t thtui.uitimt il mctiuig if thue itcdu Ct iuiu' Stîuuîuy Sehtool Board otf NMan- ugemnetil Itehlon Xednsday e'eui ng, jan. 7, snd pnesided over by thue pas lin. Res. XV. P. Rugers.,lte followiuig i il'im.. ýamuiteathui(rs x'.'tnt'elcietlon .uîpoinled fonthue year 1931: Su i.Tu sA. Buîiger ; Assut. Sîuîuî.., irmuilGraltauutatndlIHowxîard Glettuey A 1"x , .NîIcx;\sst. Scc'y., Mn. h . B 1 [. r; Trni.1_T' , Irxî'iîî ('îîili h .îlunuînt, A. (). Parmker ; .X'.s . . StauiesRickrk:dh; IiuîsMiss; I))uni- iii' iIickardmil .Xs.. hîaiuîuî isNu...Vin- ie ikaril; Sutpî Homte Dept., M\rs j. Nt. Chhliik;Stîjlt. cf Tetiper- luire, Mrs, J. C'. ancock ; Stupu. of CradthheRBll, NfisRtxuitîIl.g Grdiiv ('iuiutt. tIi'h tuv uîxihtl Niný. J. C. Iîsmcock, Mrs. N.L Rick- urî, A. A. Parker ; tu'uchîem, ;tih m -c :îtuîî itil i, Nins, I . C. Ilatucock, Tfi s \Viunie Birls'urul, iss )ncthtv Rick- atnî, Nr,..XV. E , Bittau, Miss O. Nlrm't, Mis .iiiaîî (leuîeîce, Mi;ss NI:un,'ua Lawx,MNsr. 1. R. Fishier, Mu.., N. I. Biekuini, M. îrkIickiuinu, XIr iH lsMiss Roilinscut HOCKEY Oshawit Inteiediates play ini Bowmanvilie. Monday. Jan. 19. "ishawa Juniors play bere friday, 23. wcastle Independent * [URSDAY, JANUARY l5th, 1931 CANDIDATE FOR WARDEN NEWCASTLE HOLSTEINS - Reeve W. F. Rickard of Newcastle in ______OP CRTFCAE the FieldI. From Herd of Prof. C. B. Sissons "illiciist xvi..iie. of Ili,. feiloxi citi, A~ pair of îître-bred Holsteint covs di,'ii. go xxitli aîd attend Reeve W. F. o'vîe, b Prufessor C. B. Sissons, jRickard in lus candidacy for tlîe war- i Ncxvcastlc, havé jhisî been granted densbip of Iluese United Counties of 1R.O.P. c ertificates covering a year's Northîumberland and Durham. Reeve1 work in tlue 365-day dlivisioti,'thîcir Riekard lias lthe mattîrai ability, the «grgt pouto totalling 31,706 ýmunicipal training and the experience lbs. of iiiilk,, contaiig 1,351.25 lbs. to fili (lit position itu a creditable mani- butter, atu average per cow of 15,853 elier, If electcd lic xvill britug digtîity ilbs, milk, containitîg 675.60 lbs. butter. and understandiîîg to the office auni The leader, Walker Prillv Creator, iii Il iii f111 the warden's chair aîîd condut tlber 3 -year-old form, gaxé on txvîcc-a- thue sessions of the Cotînties' Coutucil 1 day milking 16,344 lbs, milk, cotîtaining xxithluitonor to luiiiîîsî'f aud (lie eletor.., 687.50 lbs. butter, xvlile the otlier ani- e l of hexvca.tlcxxiiiiiver furxv electnul mal, Pietie Butter Girl, aiso on îxxice- luiîu o ue eevsîiliforfoir ear ti a-day rnilking, gave 15,362 lbs, milk, Isuccession. 1eontainîng 663.75 lhs. butter. Atuotîter IVTle Newcastle District Couttîcil xva, 'imature cow in Professor Sisson's lîe'rd, Iforganizcd in 1842 anîd continuîcd 10 Crescent Segis Arrow, on twice-a-da1v Yfuxnction until 1850 in vhiclî yesr Nor- milking in the 305-day divisionu, finish- rthumberland sud Duîrhuam united for ed ber record a few îlays ago uvith a acouinty purposes sud the Counties' production of 12,956 lbs. milk, contaitu- (ourncii caîtiîîîîiiîeitig. Frouî 1851i iing 588.75 lbs, butter, giving ber an to the present limne the xvardetushibîpaverage test of 3.64 per cent, fat. lias been brought 10 Newcastle fi vu e_______ etimeS or once iii;ami average of evecr'. i6 vears. Foowitig . sai ot lîfN' - ST. EORGE'S CHUjRCH NEWS castle represenuatîves irbo brouglht the1 xv.ardlenslmliî houi,' in the past 801 St. Geonges (lhirehi, Rex. F. H. years: Niason M.A., Pastor. Sunday, Jan. 18, 1860-61-Audrew . MeNauiglitoiu. second Sttnday after Epiphan3'. 9.45 1871-Samuel Wilmot. .sm-Bible Stuidv Clas..; Il an.. 1887-John J. Roso. j Momning Frayer -and Holy Comumun- 190I-XVm. Rickard. Itn;2 pm iiiSuid(lSx'Sciiooi: 7 pi.- 1915 A. A. ('olx'.ii. Excuisomîs. fiti, iuoxv 16 vtam.. siee the xvsr- h hi j i eresCii ilen ivas brouglit mn, Nexxcastle, tîîerc- I hi t ('x~. 'url fore il xvould sceentoliat tuathiemiaticall- held ils atunual dituner and social ..îîi.uking.im is Nexxe,îsthe's tuirmuagaim I1 gaît1lie,'ringe St.il te honteof Rus. J. Scot 1 1îîi Mnr..Howa-rd, Ilsu Bridas cxcii- NEWCASTLE OLD BOY inug an d rotitîded oul the bouirs verx _______ i etjox-ahi.\ %vitii gai(., andI iimîsie. Rev. In ron Rak c Bî Buinss F -. H. NîsIsoi and m'.r. Masonx xvre ln Font ank f Bi Busne îru'.ctu vitiî the choir nmembs. ai .î .îcciuil tOiiiiiiiiii ll .i At tii, sersicel; oui Stumdax lIer. 1. is1( ...îîe lfiue(. ie Iitie- Stanrsi> . H. «Masotu congratulai cil tue congregu- page of lictimne..,i thitrî iîîitq""'- ino ie aîtutS.corge's Par- nue. .lixrt tuîîi Ii lie xiisi i ud met im, ...ntuuvapportion- captioîti Border I(ic. O ptîîlii.til ,eutimi fîmll. iitiu',.Leaders for 1931. Bloeked off i.. a1mu.sue i arei. lintt uy the cdi- 'temc , as.1goiiii ixr.îuc :tuti- lin... Partm lf niul- fd, îxi- s. 'lii..suie,' uit the Y.I>.L. oi(,l tit da veuti gnîuîmp of liti..iuen..îîîî i leaulr- uîiii îg. Tut îresideutt. NIu.r. i.tui. Gtu- Ilîicir ficlîl if ilcsî iia'., ui-%, iîre.idIed dtting lte oluitît (il.,. tticd ii ii i.it, - lidil requ lirnelelt u t in ai tNt mci' e' uftc r xuîi cli luie tacs- of tlîcir larts .te x.lia, uinki ci! ulllit(lchair i fuîrofuNIrn('las. tliiir clTînîs. Tlii li.îve ua muesxuige G;ilkî.. aî iiitiiofMNss.I li]lluR ox'.- for x'oum .u tîessgtî if x utfiluuc uîîî NI,îîd 1 i.ii-y 1parîtiuîit. Nuis. pth miisi.Onvi. Oftius iixini les îl hi 'anlin tm, XWiioxrîlîi. Citii e ors, a ife-uiki lîliolix of wsti omi ok, uî ipie for 11L., xeuiuu. Nîî.icaIl utnî- otit frontitt huipae i.. Bus. 1 l ici..- cm.. xx cm- i, Il lT'iontNi'Hstd, ;îrii, î,ail Of l chkaîî. îluiîî tif I (ie ix NI).\ M i attiv MNluî..îmu .îîexîitîîied bx' ni t., x $lh -sîre. li. iimîNI1r...iM.\. FiIe a uvxoculîI dtctu3 soii of the lau NIr.,îîaînId . N I ,iîsit - iiimi'ilari :uandlH. R. Pickarîi if tlîi.s illagium,in aî li uîul'eirc. :iiiîîupamiiiud b\ ih lel if A.XXW. Pickamîl. Ioxxmîanxiîi îiaî'. Ii...M i ui,-î t ;ti7l' iu id a.mîl. - - iiotitli <reuti-<unlix .%Nin. (uc. Spitr- ST. SAVIQURS VESTRY MEETING 1 row. Orono Anglicans Have Good Year OIUR (.)iiiiii'viiigt î'gutu liidi l ., nis m aluî Nesiiy itieetiig il îtStixtuu 'i î'isli Susannah Victoria Coyne Hall 4.it Moti,îs ..Iuiutil'yI 2tIu. tIte reclor îîRex. F. H. Masfin. lui'tin lui lue A'îuîmuly tc 'troke atlitem home in chiîîr. Sjîieniîiîîreotsi e resei Tr.îf.dgamlast \tgutst îeriinated in tlli lîy iii isills. Tlieie li:îiilutotu ' uuic deatlu of M'.\r. J. A. Coyne, xidow it ina~rkedit tcîcase i thucnuss ofu y the laite Jantes Altexander Coyne, ai cîîîîlributilust; atI]an cviii grv i, nie1rthehome of lien son, Mr. Geo. A. SCoyne, King Si., Newcastle, hast Tues- ceutse liinte sumns conmtiîteu i.fî day afternîooîî. On receiving word locuallui nuses. fltniline tite, yeutr ii. of lus mothler's sîroke last strimmer, se'.etuil ltutitsîuineie dItlotît beeti pie- Mr.Coyiie, xitlî Mrs. Coyîîe andI ciil- seniedPt heiulii'citith; at einsitier:îhlt'dren xent inimediaîelv to lier ihome sîtîri hutt beetu sîent on iniuirovenientus il, to cuire for lier. TMien in readiîîess tite ciiutice licheut'. e-lruigling htitifor scîtool opening iii September, Mr. been i'eteweut. antd stihl thiet'e wu;"ut andI Mrs. Coyne aud children returned larget blance 10 carry forwttnî tItan ho Ncwcastle, bringing bis mother. in te ttertoîts yeuît. The îeî'lr now a s helpless invalid wiîli tbem. Dur- îeartlily î'îngî'utuluuteî h le ltutelu iri ing thte twenty w.ecks intervening be- tiens andI peoplhe îuon Vie splendid prit- txvecn lier stroke and ber deathu the giest; (bal hititi een marie.i. Isat patient lias bad the best of professional Allen i as n-e-upîuîintei ret'eon' uî-nuring by ber dauîgter-in-iaw, Mrs. tien. Mr. Fi. Morettn, wuts ie-eheI Covnî,-xiiitraimîctiasudgraduîated as pcoîle-'s wat'ten, andh Dr. Neil Coh. a mlrse imu eumuîPan> it Xiî Ns .Exa v.ille vestry ceik. Mm'. R I. HA.llen Griexe, tiox'. nf Guîelph, foi muîrIx<if v,'uu eilech Itta' delegate it,' Si oî. tIis xilluage. Tl-ftnea 1-rs 41ctifrtît Ibe -..tif SLIPERB PkOGRAM BY ton Thuîrsday at 9.30 aun. in order t0 WELSH ENTERTAINER 1 IprOvîi(e ample (ulne for the cîînveysnce _________ iof the retuisthIe IethmI Cittrehu- Lover.. of goothmuîsic cîijoycil s iclildit3 n iite towvnship i of Trafalgar, rcatlzluî'îTuesdav evening '.vheuu MnI Huduoi('otmit..Rex X'W. 1'. Rogers Riscut Xilliains aud Mr. Hopkins, of thue United Churclu condîicted the ienihuer.. of a gnoump of Welshi enter- service hene in thue presetîce of thec taiîîers, putt oit a prograin hure n ider ncarfrv meigitions sud frucnds. The lIme auspices of thte United Ciircii. pal be-aers xerc: pr. Staccy, Mn. W. nr. Willianus, baritoîte soloisutldR. Lakun g, Mm . W. E. lieman sud Mn. MmI. Hopkins, pianist, are bath artisîs t H.' R. P carce. Major H. W.ltîhe of thue frst rank. Eacli secmned to ii ialO l(lado dcto sse e ijutu x"Iat bis audience iked was tiliave' bt'în saheaen, butt '.as lut st atmdi chose his se lecthous accord- itli ahi i tid ilieiii r ute nl oxinug 10 itîgly-. Fin fronu îeinzc conplaJ ut siddueuuilluîess thte niglit before. The tiu arlisîs yet idit îot pit tht, prograi i îîîîhuic sud htîgli sehmnols %'.enu' closed e3'undthue listener. huit kept il xvitllil, htrinu lIme fnreiloonî,îîa a îuîsrk of sym- thîtir cuîîîîîreliemusiomu. Mm. ansilius, patltr onutIti' lant of thie Board of sehectiîmus xvenc maitulr sungs titat have Edticsuion, thue tcaeling staff sud the stucî ltil tlest of t-le. souîgs tha(tl pupils for Mn. Coyîîe, principal of the nîem gmî ix'.' ldandatu althiiigli Wî'l'.l, Highu Schuool, iii the los-, of lis mothuen. ty' binîhi and ehuîcationu, i,;etuuînicia- Thî e mimaiuus '.mervtaken ho Betliel, iotu of lIhe'.'.ords x%'as clear andt dis.- jte centre of wîorshiip iii canhien days titnet. ()lie couhd îlot bc just satisfieîh for mnany mremrbers of an extensive lu enjux' the nîelody of lis 'oicî' buit .Coyuie cornunmity, froinxvbicht Cox'ne's cotihd ri-cugni7e the vonds as '.xell. Mn. !Corners received its naine. Hopkiuus partîlthe piano acccuuupamui- 'Mnf. sud ns. (ceaccomîuauied tient'. for Mn. Xihianis snd also coii the crîrtege whiclu stoppeti for a short trihuîîîî'î a chtoice seection frnt pasu itime in Toronto to enable thiosei' n atul pese i masten composers. Tht,'1 attenihance ta have lunch. ntîsical îuîîiîî'nrs fonmed a stting forg At its destinuation in tie afternnion tht' sîury of thie siuîking of the Luisi- thie cortege ivas mnet by a large gathier- luuuia lus a Gernîaîu suhnarine in tIt i ug of lte late Mnis. Coyuie's friends Great W"am. Mn. Williams in conmpaustîlntîcighîbors residciut ini thue section '.ithî tiglît othuens of te Party of xî'lîcre sbe 1usd spent tiosu of her ife. XVelshl enîetainers xlîo us lia e-en 113' their presence tlItey nuauifested thuein tîiuuiuîg Amierica, x'ss s paçsetiger n oI high regard iun xhiicli thiev 1usd lbel te Iîslîihouexand bouînd lu ileceased, Ilueir sorroîr for lien p'sssing spend a ltoliiilu witlihi li. famuuihy ii, sud iluein synupathîy for tIehecaveti, WVule,. Ilet uescnilucîl the sîrikiîug andt lier dauglter Miss Jetinie Coyni' of te sitikitzcf thîe ireat pas.ngcr Trafalgar sud her soit antId(auigler- slilu utmîd tIi, plie-it cf titose oilboardl n-Iaxv, Mur. snd Mrs. Geo. A. Coy'mu inu gruipllilluuîtîue' lut fainîx gipp' ansd Ihuir t".o chihdreîu, Jiminie amud tiie attenltion u-f ah I ii i htanîlhi.. iuriv1, sbel, of ti i'.xilage. s;pancîl hi5 auîdienuce tut hons The hale Mrs. Coyne before lien tif liltlitig t ti' mure grue- li narriuîge '.'.as Miss Stussuinali Victonia s imite utail. luit diii tell ortf ln' IHowdeîî, a descendant of a pioncer liigiler ois fs u!te grcat t raigidi fainils ioilthet,'owxsnship cf Esîîucsmmg. t hut SOsockcat the finiue ail it'.fter puasing Ilrotîgli thue public anti civiihizetl '.old. 1hiihtschooî icuud sut etuiing lihi'Torn-m rfter tue îinigrami Nir. ant I ns lu Nornial Schîool %vhiene sit' obtaitucîl . F. \V. Philp inii lIntheusnists und her pubic schtool teschter'.. cetificuitt ultir n Its atiîîosîess, . c..andîl Mrs. sIete uglut for sautîttber cf ytuums ut XW. P. Riger.. l il iotîse -îindwlat is kîuoxn as Coyne's schîooh. Her emîerîaitîeuî thinuri1 lunîch. Trinetîrt hîusbauîd încdeceased her abutt% t'.iii- Mr. Wi'ln;tri the special deligbî clf six yeans. She 1usd huen in Nec'.castle tt litti, roup sang ltaI grand oui while in the enjoyineutt of ier hiuaitht. -ouIidti cf Hope antI Glonv. Mr. witbhlier sou sud fainily on t'.o tir Iltilkimî accotipsnying. thnee occasionus sud won fienîls cf ail whuom site hîad nuet on Ihese risits. A. A. Bowerman. Hope Bay. Pen- cier Islanti, B. C. : arn enchosing s? Mrs. Jessie Qibson, 49 Tranby for Statesmian. We are havlng a Ave., Toronto: We do enJoy reading fine winteî' only 4 degrees o!f frost the Statesman and look eagenly for so far' aud no snow yet. it each week. 1 1, COD LIVER QIL is Nature's Aid-Radiating Sunshine, Health and Energy throughout the whole system. It builds healthy tissue, pî'omotes calcification and makes rich red blood. Q uality preparations we suggest: Purtest Standardized Cod Liver 011 16 oz. 8 oz. Squibb's Cod Liver 011 Parke Davis & Co. 16 oz. Meads Parke Davis & Co. Cod Liver Oil With Viosterol $1 .00 50C 50c and $1.00 $1.25 50c & 75c 65c For those who cannot take Cod Liver Oil we reco- mmend Parke Davis & Co., Cod Liver 011 Cap- sules 100 for $2.00 JURY & LOVELL When We Test Eyes It Is DonePrauperly Announcement IVe have taken over A. Mandel's stock of Clothing, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes. The store has been rentedl and ail goods must go out in a few days. To do this we have slashed prices to the bone. Here you wiil find the best bargains you ever re- ceived. WE MNUST CLEAR TRIS STOCK OR THROW IT OUT WF HAVE NO PLACE TO STORE IT. This sale is for country folks as weli as town people. FIRST COME FIRST SERVED - THE STOCK IS LIMITED. MAartyn Brotihers NEXT C. N' R. EXPRESS OFFICE. BOWMANVILLE. h PAGE TEN 4eJ [I 'I -'-b- -J m 'ýj, DRESSES New Spring Styles $9,95 and up For, street, for' business, for~ afternoons-these are dresses that can't be duplicated at the price! Exquisitely fashioned of canton crepe, crepe de chine. lightweight wollens, tweedsy silks and satin, with neweî' details to remind one that Spring is not far~ off. They're amazing values! The Srnart Shop Geo. R. Mason, Manager Cowan Block