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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jan 1931, p. 1

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~~be tan ~4emî With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmianville News Vol. 77 M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY. JANUARY 22nd. 1931 $2.00 a Year in Advance ENNISKILLEN LAD IHURH NES Cartwright Couple Celebrate KLE NACDN ___________hGolden VVedding Anniversa ry; Sustains Fracured Skul he Regular meeting of Trlnlty Young What was intended to be a joUly People was held January 19th. SURPRISE PARTY Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mount- sleighing Party endeci in tragedy at Meeting was in charge of Bob Cor- nikleonTusalstwn bett. Scrlpture Lesson was read FOR RUBY WEDDING joy Married Fifty Yeara Enilen o . rfnhursday las wh bY Mr. B. Ferguson and Mis1ag nJnur 2h -Etr son of Mr. and Mrs. William Oriffin led in prayer. Progrm included, oJnur 2t ntr f Enniskillen succumbed to injuries VOcal solo Miss Ada Allin and Miss Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Bradley of EnnflAs Family and Grandchild- .S>ustained when the slelgh on whlch Anderson; Piano solo. Miss Grace killen Celebrate Fortieth Anniversary: ti he z-as riding in company with other Crawforth. Mr. F. C. Conley gave! ren aresent at ReUnionl. boy frlends crashed into a post at a very interesting address on Citizen- 1on Saturday cvening. Jan l7th the side o! the road near his home. shp Rev. J. U. Robins led a dis-'a genuine surprise wvas sprung oxý An event oif lnusual inteîrest took The young lad wth a number o! cussion on "The Pive De cr. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Bradley Enni- place at Blackstock. Ont., on Mon- other boys had just started down a but no decision was rpachecd. si1 n hn ternihos îd a aur 2 91a h oeo steep hill wlth Wllmer in the steer- i relatives f rom 1-ampto. m i'endal.!1 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mountjoy when m oiino h lih h A.Y.P.A. Cftkers InstalIeçl Tyrone. Brookln. Toronto. Haydon,'they celebrated tlieii golden weddig hill was coveyed wth ice and the Burketori and Enrniskillen assembled anniversarv. sleigh gained terrifia speed as it con- N-ýwly eiected cfrflc"r of the An-: tinued on down the hull. The lad Ii1ý.an Young Peop)les Association oif at their home to celebrate with them During the day their entire f amily 1 îost control of the steerlng and the St. John.,i Church were instaled at their fortieth wedding anniversary. and grandchildren, Mr. anld Mrs. sleigh jun-ped !romn the side o! the til trstreWarmetinheci n uethey having been niarried on New Isaac Whitfleld, Cadmus, Mr. and rond and crashed into a post wth ?arish Hallo ona ig: he - Mrs. John Wright, Blackstock, were terrifia impact and the lad crashed .uor, R27--. R- Speurr o'n. Mr. and Mrs. Bradley were spend- present with them. ha ls noteps. H a - ~he .n4 ailato' in ipresie -9t1ne .eronadenig t At the Iid-day meal Mr. Isaac rushed to his home where medical cc'nn. Following the installa- Mr. Ber-t Fe'-gusons home and at 8 WThitfleld. brother of the bride, pro- aid was summoned and where it was ,o vith Miss J"anîe Ma:.ith-' 1k wr-le caileU home by phone, posed the toast to the bride and found that he had suffered a frac- ir ,!nt. ',,-" chan rirno ., a ;i -- i and found their house had been groom of fi! ty years ago. Tea was ture at the base of the skull. He anhi.-sd r'ct tin. atu-e.d tt.- aken possession of by about sixty served in the dining room. The died a few hours later without re- %*ýinii':. S; -n- it ~ iî,n.cîven people. The house had, been decor- table which was decorated with gaining consclousness. iy Miss F1hrenceC, ie and Mr. ated with red. the table being cen- daffodils and other yellow flowers The lad is the Youngest son of R"'t 1Harî.v .,"ru inuch appreciat- tred with a large weddmng cake. over was copiously laden with good things, Mr-. and Mrs. Griffin and was a .d Th soia conimittee with which hung a large white bell. Ater among which was a tastefully iced favorite in the neighborhood. His Mr. C. R. Spencer as chairînan ser- they had somewhat recovered from wedn aedcrtd ihsle rgc death greatly shocked the ved refreshments. Oshawa Branch their surprise they were asked to be leave. which decorated t he bride's community. The sympathy of the ,xill be invited to visit this branch seated in the living room, when little mother's wedding cake on the oc- whole district goes out to his parentsJ on February 8. This meeting was June Ashton presented Mrs. Bradley casion of!lher golden wedding anni- in the lo!o their son. The funeral held one week enilier than scheduled with a beautiful bunch o! red car- versary somne years ago. This cake was held Saturday »p!ternoon. owmng te the congregational meeting nations after which Mr-. Ed. Fallis. was cut by the bride in the usual in the Parish Hall on Monday next. Toronto read an address. At the traditional manner. proper time Miss Rena Bradley and ANUA METNGO Alice Jackson Mission Band Miss Vera Shekleton presented Mrs. I rig the evenlng the following ANNUA LETING 0FOCET Bradley with a beautiful electric nephews, nieces and cousins joined HRTUTRLSCET The Alice Jackson Mission Band floor lamp. and master Douglas' the happy gathering, Mr. and Mrs. ON TUESDAY FEBRUARY 3ird.1 met in the Primai-y clas.s,-room o! Shekleton presented Mr. Bradley Cr rgt r n r.Omn thie Trinity Church on January 19, with a purse. Rev. J. M. Whyte Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Abert Wright, Resignation of President M. L. with forty present. spoke in his vei-y pleasing mannerMran s.PeyV cmp r H coksAcptd t Meeting opened by singing and and spicy speeches were also madeRihr r.E-ExuivMeig thae Lord's Frayer was repeated in by Messrs Soper, E. Staples, T. Mc- gar, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Baok unison. Business followed. after Gill, F. El. Theo Slemon, Lou WiII- M. and Mrs. Norman arei r Horticultural Society executive met Which Mrs. Wood told a very in- iamson, Leslie Thompson. Percy Pat- and Mrs. Russell Brown, Mr. and bat the home o! the secretary,Mr teresting story-"Please Don't Push". ton, Arthur~ Wilson. L. Ross. G. Reid Mrs. Luther MounH'oy. Mr. Luther 'J. H. H. Jury, on Jan. l9th at which Collection was taken by Joyce Rich- and others. MountJoy acted as , -man and the i the date for the annual meeting ard. !lloed y Sritur Leson Mr.andMr. Badly bth e-bride and groom were presented -ith wvas flxed for Tuesday, February 3rd. ards folowd b Seiptre essn Mr an Mr. Badly bth e- an electric radio and the folcowig in Council room at 8 by Veda Purdy. Sentence Prayers sponded thanking the company for adeswa edbyters n r einto !tepeiet r by five -girls. Frayer by Mrs. Ives. their gifts and welcoming them t man Mountjoy: M. L. Hancock, who has moved from Watch Tower by Veda Purdy and their home. We, your children. grandchildren town was accepted with regrets. Dorothy Harnden. Recitation by A couple o! hours was then spent and relatives, have gathered here Each member o! the executive was Veda Purdy. Story o! Japan was in cieerful games after which a to-day to celebrate this precious oc- requested to notify 8 to 10 interest- told by Gertrude Wagar. who dainty luncheon was served, the casion, your golden weddlng day, ed citizens o! date o! annual meet-J brouglit some curlos. that rame f rom bride piercing the cake with a kni!e we heartlly congratulate you both on ing to insure a large attendance.1 Japan, which added much interest before it was cut. having reached your flftieth mile- Mr. Carr, superintendent o! Hort-I to the story. Piano solo by Norma ______ stone of wedded l! e, we sincerely icultural Work at Boys' Training1 Searle, recitation by Betty Edger. wish you very many happy returns Sahool will give P-#' dress on Wild 1 Meeting clased with the Befiedirtion CAIPTWIGHT AGRICULTUEZAL o! Janùaary twelfth anxd also future Fiowers. SOCETYNE ()FICRShealth and happiness. Executive discussed ways andj lit. Andrew's Choir Enteataned. ___ During those flfty years o! wed- means o! increasing interest in bort- St. Andrew's Fresbyterian Church Fail Fair WUJ Be HeId at Bia.ckstoek ded itfe you have noted great icultural matters in Bowmanville. cbir was entertained at a banquet Fiiday and Saturday, Sept. 25-26 changes in the world's progress. List o! premiums is one o! the most i the church basement by the You have worked together and pros- attractivç list offered by any saclety. Women's Auxllary on Frlday even- The sixty-sixth annual meeting of pered. Each o! those years have At regular retail prices many o! kig. Followlng the supper the min- the Cartwright Agricultural Society been golden links in the great chain these options would aniaunt ta mare Inter Rev. W. J. Todd re!erred to was held Jan. 17th at Blackstock, which so, far has made Up your wed- than the membershlp tee which Is the loyalty and devoted services with a good attendance. James ded ie. Those years have been only $1 per year. It Is hoped citi- of the ahoir to the church and hie Byers, sec'y.-treas. reported that last crowned wth your Heavenly Fath- zens wlll rally to the assistance o! assured them o! the appreciation o! year the soclety had the largest er's great klndness and tender mer- the society this year. the * whole congregation. Mr-. R. number of entries and paid out the cy. As you worked togetherý, your E. Logan, choir leader on behal! o! most prize money on record. Audi- happiness grew and ripened and tabat body in suitable termis ack- tors reported treasurer's cash book mellowed wlth the advancing years Lista of Officers Wanted nowledged the tribute paid to Miss .orrect and a fair balance on hand. which gave it a richness and !uiness L. L. Bragg, the organist. te hlmself Officers elected for 1931 are: Pres- that onlI' a husband and wlte for The Statesman wauld be glad ta, as laderandto te coir n wose dentWesey Cmpbll; st iceflty yeai-s can appreciate. recelve !rom all local organisations. bs eade anvedatheartyir ote ho!esIdent-N Ty ael ; nd Vice -e- During th8t golden span o! tinie, bodges and sacieties, llsts o! their1 tehakalieamthed Wom oen'sAu far ident-. H. yFore; 2dicetors- there have been uias and downs, sun-newly-elected officers nat already for their klndness in provldlng such Whitfleld. W. A. VanCamp, W. B: shine and shadow, Joy and and glati- publlshed for- the purposes a! record.1 a dellght!ul meal. The motion was Ferguson. F. Taylor, R. J. McLaugh- nes but long ere this you have s0 that the Public can be kePttul- second by Col. L. T. McLaughlin lin. J. J. Jobb. E. Dan-el, R. Hamil- lered, that wthout the shadaw formed as ta, the varions local chureh who spoke for the visitons present at ton. N. H. Marlow. C. Wright, . CP. one cannot value the sunshlne and and fraternal activities. These lists thie function. The choir Inter i-e- Devtt. A. L. Byers, A. Wright, 0. have becoie more ready to meet should bu sent in as soon as Passible t<rd e heSuda Shol oo fr dwrd, oyFeguon L E Mun..obstacles. a!ter officers are elected. ttreir eudweky pictice. jm oy da, R T rewln; Lady .DMrectr- You have been most devoted par- St. Prguar sW.M.S. esames Sjo, . eeny, as.y lecrs R Jents, you neyer consider anythlng Mrs. H. Moase, Unlty, Sask. :En- Crodaees J. Jbb, J. Whtfeld, R. J. fo thelir weltare ta great sacrifice. closed flnd my subseriptian ta your st.Pau'sW.MS.Offces CoFei-gus on. . ana. C. arloywAstrlends you have been and are homey letter, The Statesmnan. Ey1 Meeingo! t.Pau's .MS f rguSison . Mis F. ari-; Audara-w well worthy o! the name. As a It we are able to keep ti-ak o! the: Jetnurywase.d at the Manse for pSt efi-y nd M an Paer; a! Bnktor-token o! our esteem, we ask you ta folks down home. January came In Tausay. Mm. dA L NtheoMasgen8*JfeyadM agrfBnkt accept this Radio and trust that you wth a beautiful dress of fine a synopsis of the lat.. 2nd., and Blcsok3Scy-ies.-a r. may be long apai-ed to enjoy It. weather. The wlnd is blowing raw diapters o! the study book.,"Th Fair this year will bu held on Fr1- Signed on behal! o! your children, today so perhaps the fi-fils and ruf-i Fruits o! Christian Missions in day and Saturday, Sept. 25 and 26. grandchildi-en and relatives: Leslie les wll bu added ta It. Japan". Mrs. D. W. Best gave a The officers invite the cooperation o! Mountjoy, Isaa Whltfleld. Hazel synopsis of the 4th chapter. Dr. surroundlng townships. Mountjoy. Best preslded at the installation o! Mi-. MountJoy made a very suitable these afficers: President Mrs. Wm. COMINO EVENTS !ew i unr, DIM AND [ Adams; lat Vice Presdent-Mrs. OIG£ETfe words. Sevenal others express- Gea. Mason; 2nd Vice President- ed their good wishes in well chosen Mrs. Best; 3rd Vice President-Mrs. Tiniay United Church Congrega- remarks. The remainder a! the TH I N T. Perey; Rec. Secy-Mrs. W. H. tional Meeting wiII be held on Thurs- evenlng was spent In games and Chiruthers: Coi-. Secy-Mrs. P. J. day, Jan. 29 at 8 p.m. music. after whlch a dainty lunch eMitchell * Trensuie-Mrs. Oea. E. W.C.T.U. wiII meet in St. Paul's was served' Durlng the day Mr. "SHOULD AULD ACQUA] Chslte u Secy-Mrs. R. D. school i-ocr on Thursday, Jan. 22, at and Mms. Mountjoy recelved cards Itm Whinel; PessSecy-Mrs. R. D. 3 p.m. Ail ladies are învited. and telephone messages o! congratu- Itm ofiers a nJ Davidson: Temperance Se'y-Mrs. lations tram a numbur o! tnlends. o wnyfv n NiHarvy;s. mA . rs SColvlie!avned Aual congregational meeting Of Thegroom was bai-n and educat- o wnyfv n Nihrvysti-nrs' .SolleMm L Adrw' rebyena Curhed in Darllngton township and Dur- thie meeting wth a solo. Lead Kindly will bu held Thumsday Jan . 29 at ham County near Haydon. When (ro ThStemnJn196 Llght. At the alose nef neshments 8 pm. quite a young man Aie moved ta, Cart- (ru h ttsaJn 96 were served and a social period en- Trinlty Mission Cii-cie wlll hold wright township ta, the farm where The Statesman o! 25 years ago was 5oyed. its regular monthly meeting at thie ils son Russell now lives. There a very newsy paper and a glance, home o! Miss E. Ki-kton, Elgin et., he f arnîcd most succesafully for through the news and advertising1 Trlnlty Y. W. Auxillary on Tuesday, January 27 at 8 pari. . moi-e than fltty yenrs. A little column shows that many o! the' over a year ago he retired and went merchants at that time are stili In Trlnity Y. W. A. held its flmst Aninual Vesti-y meeting of St. to Blackstock ta reside. Thie bride business today. One o! the mostt meeting for tAie year in the Sunday John's Anglican Church wlll be held was formei-ly Sarnah Whitfield of interesting features o! the issues l Sahoal Room on Tuesday evening in the Parish Hall on Monday Jan. Cartwright. about this time was a Aistory o! t when about !orty memburs were 26 at 8. p.m. when reports of tAie Mi- and Mrs. Mauntjoy who bath Bowmanvllle by J. B. Pal-bal-n. present and enjoyed tAie supper put various church organizations will be enjoy goad Aealth were married an Postmaster o! the tewn. who delvesi aoi by tAie gi-oup unden leadership of pi-esented. Januany 12, 1881, by tAie late Rev. into tAie past and binga to lite again< Mrs. T. B. Gilcbnlat and Mr5. ,W. R. The annual Hospital Bridge and John Crelghton at the bride's home namnes o! familles that had ceased1 Strike. Aften all had done Justice te ipive Htindred wlll be Aeld in the on the third concession o! Cart- te live and bu known in tAis section1 tAie good thlngs provlded. a short Badminton Hall on Fnlday January wri-ght, now tAie home o! Mi-. Frank o! the country.E cantest was enJoyed and the negular 30 at 8.15 p.m. sharp. Those who Stinson. A notable feature a! the frontt May Rebuild Overheaci Bridge- Will Erect Greenkouse at B. T.S.' FLETT THE BUILDER Construction Works Sched- HAS FAITH IN TOWN uled Wiil Aid Local Un- Believes Bowmanffle Ras Future m oyd-EpcB.T ¶'latwarana IvetacntS. Job to St.rt ini Ne"r ThFuturerraPlans Are Com- Whcn n building contractai- de- Fu re-PasAeC - aides ta bulld In any town it la proaf ltd that he bas a certain amount o!f- !aitb in that town and is future. The Statesman has lcai-ned on This is so with J. E. Flett, Weil vcry good authanlty that thie Pi-ovin- known local builden, who bas buen cial Government la sei-iously consld- building moi-e bouses in Bowman- erlng the building of a ncw bridge jville than any other man la the past to replace the C. P. R. Bridge at tAie few yeam. Since Aie came to Bow- western limits o! the town la the manville a little over three years ago viyna uueadtn alu bie bas bullt ten houses, ail a modern plans are being considercd wbicb type a! home and ail but tAie one be wene made some time ago. Eve-y is living la sold very shortly a! 1er probabiîity points to an early stnrt belag builît. on this work and wbatever plans a-e For a town the size o! Bowman- considered tbe work will provide cm- ville. where tAie Aousing pxoblem ployment foi- a large number o! local bas neyer been acute, the building o! men. It is impassible at present to ten bouses hs quite an undertaking. state when the wonk wiil commence It is ample proof tat the builder or wbetber thie government will use bas enough !aitb la the town to plans already made or will make a warrant a large investment on biS new survey. However it will be part. gi-att! ving to citizens to know that at Mi-. Flett witb bis two sons Aleck last this dangerous trap for moter and Joseph J. do most o! the w0i-k traffic will be removed and that on these bouses themselves, pay drivlng Into tAie western end o! the cash for evei-ytblng they buy. take town will not be as bazardous as la advantage o! every discount and the past thus are enabled to bulld a spacious Pnd well equipped house at relative- tWe are also able to announce that îy smaîî cost. te Department o! Public Welfare Speaking to The Statesinan tbis o!. whicb tAie Hon. W. G. Martin is week Mn. Flett expi-e!sed bis inten- ministen, bas completed plans ton t ions o! carrying on with bis build- the erection o! a large greenhouse inig program eacb year. We ex- at thie Boys' Training Scbool with pect to average tbree or fou- bouses work to commence in tAie not distant each year. and wbat is more. be future. The building will measure bas no doubt whatsoever that they 125 f t. bs' 25 !t. and will have con- will selI and sell witbout any trouble. crete foundations. When a builden, wbo bas been in Mayor M. J. Elliott bas been as- the business for years and wbo is a sured by officiais o! the department keen observer o! local conditions that the excavation work in con- wbeeibe may ply bis trade, com- nection with tAis building will be mences to build residences in, a town doue by day labor and separate frn for tbem. and makes a big success i thie general contract. Tenders a-e wbere there Is no apparent need expected to be called in the very o! it, then there cannot be veny near future. ranch wrong wlth tAie' town. Mn. Gea. E. Car-, F.R.H.S.. super- Those who have pui-chased bouses'intendent o! tbe bortlcultural work bufit by Mi-. Flctt and Ns sons are: at the scbool, stated on Wednesdny James Grant. and Qi-ville Boe. on that the building would be erecied Centre St., J. W. Mi-e and Mr-. wben weather pei-mitted and that Flett himself on George St.. Mel- the walis would bu o! brick construc- ville S. Dale, W. W. Marsden and two tion. A large cela- wlll also bu in- owned by Miss Susan Danch 4Band corporated in tAie building which la occupled by Fred W. Nelles and Mr-. expected ta bu ready by spring. It Herbert Goddard on Wellington wll be divlded by two partitondî street, and one bouse belag bult makdng thice different roms with and for sale on tAiesaime street. varled temperatures. Tropical planta, ferris and general commercial pot SUNDAY AT LOCAL CHICHES plants wlll be grown in tAie hot house ______and one part will be kept sepai-ate St. John's Anglican Church, Rev. for show purposes. C. R. Spencer, rector. Holy Com- These two encoui-aglag reports will munion 8 ami. Morning. Frayer bave tAie effeat a! balsteing tAie spur- il arn. Sunday School and Bible lts a! those who are ont a! work. Class 2.30 pin. Evenlng Frayer 7 Wlth tAie noted impi-ovement in busi- p.m. Pi-cacher thie Rector. ness conditions all aven thie countr-y St. nuls Chrch- Re. D ~.every Indication pointa ta thiei-e- St. auls Chrch- Re. D Wsuniptian af normal i Uns lathet Beat, D. D.. Minster. il a. ni- near future. Marnlng Worship. -Stones tat Speak"-_A memorial service; 7 n. R. M. Holllagshead !aciory la tawn -Evenlag Warshlp, "Llte's &.i- a l ncreaslaglits output and thie cm- Hennis"; 2.30 p. m.--Sunday School. ploymenlt figures at thc Goadyear- plant are cxpecied ta increase la thie St. Andrew's Presbyterlan Church nexi fcw weeks. Rev. W. J. Todd. Mlinister, il arn. Marning Worsbip 'A good Woman's Courage RLewarded". 2.30 Snbbath Sahool. 7 p.m. Evenlng Wa-shilp, TENTH SHORTHORN SALE "A Boy Whio Goi Lost la tAie City".DuhmCnt rersOe 3 Trlniiy United Church-Rev. J. U. Head at Consigament Babe at COL. Robins. pasior. Sunday services ni B. J. GaUr. Faim, Feb. Sth il axa. and 7 pam. 2.30 p.m. Sun- day Sahool.. ReV. R. B . Cochrane. Durhnm County Shai-thain Bi-ced- Secrctnry o! Home Missions, will ers vitAi consistent enterprise are speak aitAthe ming service. Public agnin staglng a sale an Thursday cordinlly invited ta Aicar ibis noied Pcb. SiAi at Cal. R. J. Glill's farm, speaker. one mile est o! Bowmanvlle. TAi- ty head are iacluded la thc offerlng nd they comprise tAie bestinlain- Idivtdunllty nd breeding ihat bas V'Ae !aturcd the ie peeigana DISTANT rrST sales. It was tramn Durham County tat Mn. DUncan Campbel obtained Thoi-nham Minst-el nd bis pi-ogcny INTA CE B FOR OT" arc prominent la tAie showrings a! JNTAN E BEFORG T' Ibis district and la ibis annuai sale. fro Th SttesanMany athers a! like type and qualltyi from he Stt«Manare found in tAie ather offenlngs Ila d Fifty years ago thie sale tram the mont appraved1 familles sucb as Augusta, Lavender,1 Counteas Scinia, Duchess o! Gloster,g (Froin The Statesman, Jan. 7, 1881) Claret, Mayflower and others. These breeders bave !armed n flxcd1 one o! the most lntencsting items policy o! retainlng la their herdsi in thie Jan. issue o! The Stateanian only females o! Scotch brecding nd in 1881 Is -the repart o! tAie munici- thai wlll bi-ing thein calves li tActh pal elections la whlch the SoutAi slowing wltbout tAie assistance of! Wnrd played n prominent part as nurse cows or wff make creditable1t they did in the recent elections. records when mflked by Aiand. Add1 TAis paragraph followlng concenna ta this tAie facittat these bi-ceders1 tAc fl! ty yeans ago: have alwaya lnsisted an higAi clamsa "The thanks o! thie whale coin- sires ta head thei- herds tram sncb munLly are duce10to te free and ln- noted sires as Matchiesa Dale, dependant electars o! tAie South Quarterstaif, Brawndnle, Brawndnlc Wnrd for, electing gentlemen who Caunt, Milills Comet. Thornhamn wll bu n credit te thie Town counicil Mlnstrel, as well as Inxported bulls,à and who did not secure election and a production a! theie deni type thi-ough bnlbury ar wAiiskey. Again o! shortbo-n bas been thie resuli.1 ,LCA NES Chie! Venton Breaks Tendo. Chie! Sydney Venten, while play- lag volley bail ait tc Boys' Train- ing Scbool hast week suffcned an In- jury which wil cause hlm cansider- able pain for a fev days. WAien Aie was taken ta a physician's oflIe At Iwas discove-cd Aie Aiad brphena tendon la Ais leg. Neit the Same Man Mi-. G. Alec. Edmondstone, veil known buichen o! Bowmanvllls. vishes ta state that Aie la noitAth sanie G. A. Edmunson who la being sued for divorce aitAihe Sessions la Whitby shortly. WAile the initiai are tAie same tAie surnanie la spelled dliferently. Considerable annoyance bas been cnused our popular and re- spected merchant by tAie sImilariy of names in ibis connection. Chld's Leg la Broken Falling under Uic vhcel oaIdai f athe-s wagon, Ru"slMain. Y year old son a! Mr-.nd Mrn. Thomas Martin o! Zian suiffered a braken Ieg. is father was driving with a of grain ta Bowrnanviile when thie 11111e boy climbed on behind for a ride 10 scboal. The horses took fright whcn a car passcd nd comi- menced to i-un thuiowing tAie lad ta tAie gronnd where Ais leg was caught nder the wheel. He was removcd '10 Bowmianville Hospital wbcre Aie received treatmeni. Congratulates Editor RalpA Gardon, 628 Crawford Sb., Toronto, vdil known entertamer, la a letter ta Thie Statesman says: 1,1 Itoo, want 10 add my congratulations to your Senior Editar, Mr. M. A. James, who does not knov me, but whom I have known o!fano years. There are !ew men like hlm. Such type of man or men bas donc mors than can ever be engraved in cold monuments ta make tAis contry what il h and mare than eau Aie i-eckoncd with figures for tAie coni- munity in which they have lived.- Roi-. Father Butler Trans! mroi Rev. Fathen P. P. Butler, far the five years piest la Charge a! St. Joseph's Roman Catholio Chwrch la Bowmanvlle, Is leaving ta fUI a n«v appomntment ns ParsA Priesi -,,ai Klaimaunt it ih arnaunced by Ris Lardshlp Bishop O'Connor o! Peter- bora. Fathen James McGuiIe of Hastings vill be tAie new assistant ni Cobourg and wll have charge (t bath thie Bowuinville -and Newcastle ChurcAies. Father Butler alnce comlug ta Bowmanvllle han seen tas church puis thuiough lis mont pros- Perous ci-a. - He lias become excep- ionaly popular nat only wltAilAts own paiIshioners but with many ailiers ani I laita regret that thes tics formcd vili bo aevered. SaakatcheuWa or&G"auj d mms Wc bave receiysd fi-sm Mr. W. IL Sampeon, Bagot, Mmn., a cllppin wicA vs give la part ni vk" speaks for utsdf: "Congratulations from ail parts et Canada i-cached Dr. AiugilUs Eay of 1-11- HRend, Sask.. vho attainel his 901h blrthday om january Io, being bari-nl Picksrng- townshlp Ontarlo county, la 1841. He womi West la 1882 and la-mol d lit dian Rend aud Inter was cmtt~t take charge a! the Dominion Exz- perimenLtal Fmim at thai palmt mhen ths Untv«ororuf t *atè ewan vas cstblished lh asuchoseq anc o! tAc fi-hi men of thecCoung nd because a! Ais splendid vork Aad an lhonorary degree confeirsi on hlm fi-cm ibis University. Dr. MacKay Ila abraiher of the Rats William MaCKay a! Eovmanvifle for maniy years Secretary Treasurer (t thie Dominion Organ nd Piano Co., o! tAis tovu. A Short Wave Enthusisa Little dld snoo us vho ovomy evening trY ta gei some of tAie short wave radioao sromik Ma- right la ou-miaiaYoung lad vas gettlag forelgn stations witAi appar- ent case. Wc saw tAis leiter fi-rn Jasper Smih, son o! Mr. and bmrs Duncan Smith, Lover's Loue. Boy- manville, ln tAie Toi-auto Star thie other evcning: Radio Editor: I have notioed that lately DX fana have bew rsaing Ai- DX reaulta on tAie broadocasi band, but I have not seen any resulta front short wave tans, so I thought I would send la some resulis thAt It have hAd an a simple home,-Mad set. I can brlag la these stations ncarly anY tUnie Icare ta, no hose thcy are: XGA, Mukden, China;, SUX., Cal-o, Egypi; DRA, lianes, Germnny: GKCT Bristol, England; PCL, Kootwilk. Holind; ZP,0WPar-- à 1 -4 t A t""-~i'~ ~ 'i., i 5c a Copy No.4 'J 1~- No. 4 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, JANUARY 22nd, 1931 5c a Copy

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