TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, JANUARY 22nd. 1931 PAGE SEVEN C! TM4 CANADIAN SHRr-DDr=D 'W¶BT COMPANW, LM SHREDDED 9 - 220-1__ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ ADEQUATE PROTECTI ON With times au they have been one is apt to ileglect theij» insurance. You cannot afford to saczifice the protection of your home, store, build- ings or contents when the premiums are so reas- ..,able.1 Check Up rnght now and see exactly what your position would be should your premises be gut±ebya re. Delays are dangerous---do it to-day. Corne ii and talk ovein your insurance problems with us. J. J. MASON & SON Real Eatate and Insurance Brokers Phone 5W King St. E. Bowmanville POE 5 LEHIGII VALLEY ,ANTHRACITE MW Cod 77wae Satàre Amd we wiH b. lad t.eflU your hlm with TheuS loe avnow effective: Stove Coal ...... un- ; - Buctwheat ...... ..$15 coke ..1..... A dWsount of $1.00 per ton for cash will lie allowed f rom above priew. IJ. A. HOLGATE & SON Biders Suppliesand Fuel jPhone 153 or 202 Bowoeanvill The (,reat Fnglish Preparaitie ook' gulating Compound runes and ut-igorates the uhot 0 4I net vous systern. makes new Bleod donomh 8ï.cM i on t e 1e.U.Mna and rain Worr .%3 No 8. 85 per boa eaponden yLoms f Earg. Papitation Bld aU l l aoe,or a th Heart Faitng Ne , au o i netpsm'box.3jP p.p m ct cfprias foi $5.9 SoId by ali druais. oretuated In plama FPî hiL Addre: k.o eep fpi. N'iu~~afE14 OK KII eCO ggon rcewuofprM wcg oejommits.n alnO? euyIiâ h In the Realm of Sport j OLYPMIAS DOWN THE, OSHAWA RED SHIRTS ONTARIOS ON FRIDAY TOO GOOD FOR LOCALS Rough and Exciting Gaine Staged ai Visitors Win in Hectic Gaine Played! Po1Hp rn Here on Monday Night Fighting every inch of the gamne Overcome by a superior team thej in a betic intermediate battie at Bowmianville Olympias bowed be- Port Hope on Fraday night, the fore the sweeping play of the Osh- 1 Olympias staged one of their hardlest awa intermedilates to the tune of earned victories of the year. when 7 to 1i n a scheduled gaine at the they defeatedi Port Hope by 3 to 1. Arena on Monday nîght. The score The gaine was fast and f urious f rom no doubt indicates to those who didi start to finish and but for the taking not see the game. a one sided affair, of every opportunity in the flrst but that would be a mistake for the peiod when Port Hope Put up a local boys gave Oshawa the biggest poor display of hockey the score battie of the season and flot one of might have been the opposite. There their goals was flot earned or was 15 flot the least doubt tha;t Bowman- even lucky. ville earned their victorY and . Apparently, Ken Randail's coach- earned it hard. mng, plus splendid condition and In the flrst perlod they displayed with lots of practice Put the Oshawa splendid teamn work whlle zhe On- team ahead of the locals but when tarlos seemed somewhat disorgan- one considers that the visitors rep- ized and unable to play any effective resented both the seniors and inter- hockey. It was in this period that mediates of the Motor CltY wlthout the Olympias obtamned their tw even conslderiag the huge popula- goal lead. Port Hope in the two tion they have to select f rom it latter stanzas played like demons seems that Bowmanville did excep- and while it did flot take the effect tlonaily Weil to hold out as they did. tbey hoped for. it was the means of There was a nice slzed crowd On Preventlng Bowmanville fromn doing band wlth a lot of Oshawa support- much scorlng. There was a large ers. The locals are planning for crowd present and the ioe was good. revenge in the PlaY-offs and wth About tbirty fans f rom Bowmanvllle pIenty of practice tbey wlll probably Journed dlown for the gaine and get IL. managed to make themselves heard The flrst lierlod saw two almost in the cln perfectly matched teains play a The flrst period opened with Bow- stanza of hockey that was a loy to manville rushing the Port Hope de- watcb. Ih was one of these perlods fense area and the attack lasted long in whlch one has to bold their breath enough for Candier to open the scor- the entire twenty minutes and dare lng on a pass froin Piper. For the not shut their eyes for fear they next ten minutes the locals poured miss something reallY Worth seelng. shot after shot into the Port Hope Homnil opened the scoring. goal but without much effect. Mlcks H0oper after several vain attempts was right on. and was knocking them th score managed ta sweep behi.nd la ail directions. Port Hope made te net and slip It in before Leveque many breakaways which proved in- really knew what was happening. effective, team play being noticeably thoceqsrt ied andthe perio finh absent. Their rushes were disorgan- tesottm n hepro iih ized as soon as they entered the e even. Bowmanviile defense area. The second twenty inutes saw Lunney, a Junior. Played out for another stiff battle with the visitors his flrst time with the intermied- coming out on top. Houcke scored iaecame on ta the ice and coin- another and Elllott entered the third. mnenced right into score when he re-Peats em feun ad ceived a nice pass froin Candler and Hooper and bis old teain-mate Den- Put the puck neatly away la the cor- sein of Oshawa had many a little ner of the net. This period was dlean squabble when they met at close and there were no penalties. quarters. The passlag around of The second period saw Port Hope butt ends seemed to be al la the rejuvenated. They went right into gaine, so frequently were they servedi. the game and while they did not The last period saw a tired Bow- Pla an hcke t wrte om abutmanville team endeavour te hold play cany ke tte oma out .back the terrible onslaugbt of ther After seven minutes following several avil as he store laic as but not bard attempts to sterin the Bow- aala h cr niae u o manville nets Hagerman onaps until the bell sounded for the end fromn Micks fooled James wi th a pass of the game did they give up hope. shot and cheered the home fans con- Piper sent deadly cries in. la quick siderably. Port Hope had two men Ruceso asd Jkan ndp off at the saine time but even then Rndle, and then for about two h; BowmanVille were unable ta add to minutes Oshawa would play havoc ý their score. Cameron took the oni" up the other end dashing whatever t: penalty about this time fr the vis&- hope the locals had te the ground. t itors. the Bond. Rowden. and Robinson OnlY he penalties marred this twice, were the scorers for the visit- period although it seemed to us that ors in this iast awfui twenty min- tc the referee missedi a lot and the Port utes. But bowever awful it was W Hope fans made enough noise to in- there was not one flfth of the time b( dicate that they agreed wlth us. when the Oshawa- net was not in Il Bowmanville stili maintained their imminent danger, but Leveque wasW one goal lead at the end of the per- be contbe and the boys had just te i iod. e cotentwlth being the losers in Y( Tbe third period was fromn the a great gaine. start. well on the way ta becomlag a mhe teams were: massacre. Port Hope came on te Bwmnlf enaJae, e ice wlth that "do or die"~ expression fese Hooper and Chartran; center, M~ on their faces whlch forbode trouble. Candier; wlngs. Piper and Cameron; of It started right after the face off. subls, Rundle. Jackman and Grant. $1 The referee was getting quite lax and Oshawa--Goal, Leveque: defense, ai several butt-ends were handed Densein and Ellott, center. Bond; S around by bath teains. Ware was wings, Rowden and McDonald; subs, ta one of the unlucky ones and got two Conlin, Houcke .and Robinson. l minutes in the box for one of his Referee, Ernie Parkes. offences boardlng, but he got sway wlth far more than be was penai'ed VOLLEY BALL LEAGUE for. When he was orderca off a Wl spectator told hlm Just wbat be Tme Volley Bail league composed tit thought of hlm and Ware Just laid of teams f rom Bowmanvlle Rotaryr ta his stick across bis head, and not Club and staff of BoysW Training bs llghtly elther. Rundle added the Scbool bas got under way and the rn third for Bowmanile on a n ice pas fou r teanis are gettlng lots of fun n, late center f rom Hooper, and when out of ILTh e teams are: 00 most of the boys were back la cen-Jame. 1C. H. MasoT. RsandS.t ter for the face off, the referee rangJaeCH.MsnT.Rsad the bell for an offslde, and the goal S Venton. wasdislloed.KenWar of agin No. 2-Earle Cunningham,. Capt. P wfordaloffedseand Ware of gainJ. James, C. E. Rehder. Dr. G. E.~ sbortlY by bis brother Roy Who, bow- R mNo RussAlanLepeil.Cpt;si ever. played a dean gamne moat of Fred ryderanC.mG.befy.;etihc the evening. Tme gaine got wilder Shae andermv.a . 0 ek& eth as it proceeded and it looked as ShN. ands M rieCapt; L.W.ea though there would be a regular set- NoDîp trkCp.;L .a ta before the evening was out. Lun- Dpeil, E. P. Brad*t, D. R. Morrison, 15 ney surprised everyone when he scor- W P. Corliett. at ed his second goal of the gaine wth îoS:hdl o i silsi sfi only a minute te go, on a beautiful Joa.1: lîotvs un1ga drive f roma the side whlch gave Mîcks Jn.13 Caliell vs. Stnnikeha little chance at ail. 10 Cumpnlla vs. Strike Wlc Bowmanviile team played together 20 ECllotivs.ham pb.Stell a and soa it s useless ta pick and choose 237 Sitrikevs.CEmblot a among the players but Harewood, Fe7i 10 unnlgham. s. Cmpliliof Hagerman and Moise were best for F.13 Eunnitthvs s.tr ampell h Port Hope. 13 Culnghavs vs. EllIt hi Af ter the game the boys were the 20Suning a vs. am lil Wl guests of Pete Lainbros. proprieter of 20 Strike vs. Cunnpbglam WmI the Olympia Cafe. at a feed In Pauils 27 Campel vs. Eunnngott Eh Place uptown. 2 apelMa llot e Port ope-oal.Mlcks defnse, r. 4 Clamphlli vs.Cunig Orono Ramblers Win M LÉo Orono Ramblers are getting te b. qulte a hockey team and scored an- Itohluug Ends Rlgt A other overwhelming vlctory over a Ur h4muao.vIei Newcastle sextet at the Orono ~p Aren& con Thursday night by a score g~ $ ~ t Win te r Protection For. Your Radiator Take the bit bai off your mini . .'. y« n t bave tu. tretFour car Uke a baby this col veather If yeu' put Our anti-tiSe ssolution in your radiater. Yen ea u ve It eut In the coldest veather mi kuow that it là protect0i front ol man "Zer o Tompeatm*." Orne fllhlng viiiast you aB i lter. Cerne la todar mai <et roui cli weather famucme. Ouir u a B loelbtami day CLEMENS' West End GARAGE King StWou Bowmaavilie I n UNITED COUNTIES NEWS Plan Flower Show Port Hope Agriculturai Society is planning a flower show in the town hall la February. This show will be rather unique by the f act that it Lbeing held in wbat 15 generally the coidest montb la the year. WIU Grow More Tomatoce According to officiai reports the ELmato growing ladustry la North- umberland is increasing. Northum- berland Tomate Growers Association as enroiled many new memb.rs whlcb it 15 expected wil resuit la te largest acreage ever grown this vear. Port Hope Auditors Port Hope bas appolated W. .bore and C. S. Hamly as auditers )f the town books at a salary of 100 eacb or $200 for the complete tudit. In Bowmanville Oscar Hud- n Co.. was awarded the contract eaudit town books at $450. Why àe difference? Conaideru Wlthdrawl Town of Cobourg la consldering litbdrawing f rom the United Coun- les and the Finance Commlttee of own council bas been ordered te ring la a report concernlng this natter. The new equallzed assess- Lent which wiUl cost Cobourg $20,- «0 more la taxes ls the cause of he lntended break-away. H. S. Principal Reulgus Dr. J. F. Thompeon M. A., D. Paed.. rincipal of Port Hope High School ince 1922 bas tendered bis resigna- ion te, the Board on account of ii Lealth. Under bis guidance the chool bas been greatly inproved id the attendance increased f rom. 50 te, 325. He was a former teacher ,Bowmanviile High School. Drug aid Steal Chiokens The latest ruse In the chlcken, teaing game was seen at Wark- irth last week wben a fariner bad number of chlcken stelen. One fthe remalnlag chlcken was found I 1the morning unconsclous and~ e odor of cheinicals or drugs was so ýavy that It is belleved that this as the way that the thieves bad ianaged to get away wltb the click- i witbout detection. A Costly Chavari Seven young mien appeared before lagistrate Floyd of Cobourg la Lstleton recently charged wlth dis- rderly conduct following a chavari ta weddlng at the parsonage. An nknown party laid the charges and e minister and the groom denled ny knowledge of the affair In whlch e llghts were turned off during .e ceremony and the groom's car ,dged in so that tbey had te b. iven home liy a frlend. It cost ie offenders $53 in fines. is, this is the marvel to in9rtals revealed. fhen the sllvery trumpets of Christ- mas have pealed. hat mankind are the children of God. -Phillips Brooks. y HERE COMES YOUR COAL Oui truk la awaft. u r cm«U te deEvt. te p bmeant the W" ifet eaithat h..&aiu et laamill tbreout tbf. tewm ha» 0,.- m uautore. Yeoueau depeni up.. "b. .l-uoablaei onaial te turnlah ruteiy bgh quflty eai at mau thus. Osier »ow for pronpt deftveuy. - D. L & W. Scranton Coal - The Standard Anthracite Steve Voal .. .. . ........ M Chestat . ... .. .... ..186 Pea . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 13.» Duokwhest ..............11M Nat coke . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .13.00 A dieeuut ef 31.00 p.,tOUfer caN& vii e aMewed fie. abffl pe-« McClellan & Co., Limited Phone 15 ..Bowman'vlR t 817 170 1 80 ,8 . STEADY PROGRES Tbrough the Ups and Downs of 114 Years ALL through the many changes and fluctuations in the economnic situation during the last century and more, the Bmnk of Montreal bas maintained an unbroken record of successful operation and sound progress in serving its customners and Canada as a whoWe In thisfict lies assurance of a confinuance of tbat success and progressain the future. BANK 0F MONTREAL Established 1817 TOTAL ASSETS IN EXCESS 0F >800,000,000 Bowrnanville Branch: F. 0. MeILVEEN, Manager. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BONVMANVULE, THURSDAY, JANTJARY 22nd, 1931 PAGE SEVM Bowmanvilh 1 Ï-4eIN alb,-N