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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Feb 1931, p. 1

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With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News Vol. 77 M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY l2th, 1931 $2.00 a Year in Advance 5c a Copy No. 7 Merchlants and ProFessional Men to Form Business Men's Association Organize to Create Better Local Business Conditions -Meeting Next Monday to Elect Oficers and Adopt Constitution. With a view to creating better business conditions and attracting more people to do their shopping in Bowmanville, a largely attended and enthusiastic meeting of business and professional men was held at the Balmoral Hotel Monday evening. Editor Geo. W. James was chairman. Some of the things discussed by the merchants included urging the counties council to proceed this âprmng with paving the Scugog Road from Bowmanville to Blackstock; establishmng a credit bureau: raid- week half holiday and early cioslng; a commuffity day of sports and en- tertainment for citizens o! town and district; Dollar Days: arranging pro- gram of local sports on holidays for citizens staying i town; prohibiting sDale of tickets and sollcting sub- scrlptlons in stores and offces; ar- ranging courses through University Extension Bureau in salesmanship, merchandising,. indow-dressing, etc. for employees. secure public resti 1CANADIAN CLUB PRESIDENT A. M. Hardy Superintendent o! the Goodyear plant in Bowmanville and 1931 Presi- dent o! the Men's Canadian Club who presided at the meeting on Tuesday niglit. rom rlees !t-r-ansient retail business lias departed to peddlers' license and street corner distant cities; the merchants who are fa o akis eitingl rmett e now the largest group of taxpayers ta n alorder houses. city de- i n town will have dwindied in partmnent stores. out-of-town bakers i n who elier ood intow an ainumber to the status of a village wlion delier godsaxes towna mnd at and the burden of paying taxes will paiity; Promote a spirit of loyalty ertopivectzns wig among merchants and citizens gen- rptyithmucpat. erally ta patronize local mnerchants, After a real ively discussion in industries and other home town in- which many conmnendable ideas were stitutions; consider cooperative buy- brought to liglit it was unanlmously ing among merchants in same line of decided to f orm an association. Thne business: reciuest Collacutt's bus line f ollowing were appointed a commit- to provide waiting roomn foir their tee to consider a name, poiicy and passengers; consider farmers' mar- constitution for the association: Geo. ket; see if local banks will remain W. James. chatrman, T. A. Dustan, open Saturday a! ternoons; revive in- W. P. Corbett, F. R. Kersiake, Harry terest in winter and summer sports; Allin, M. S. Dale, T. W. Cawker. hold social evenings and establish The meeting adjourned to meet at sof t bal, bowling and volley bail the Balmoral Hotel next Monday leagues among business men that niglit, Feb. 16th. at 8 p. m. Sharp they may become better acquainted; when the committee will present urge Town <Counicil and Chamber of their report. AUl business and pro- Commerce ta take stepa ta bhave har- f essional men i Bowmanville who bar at Port Bowmanville repaired; seli goods or a service are entitieci to and isstly and rnost important that membership and are urged ta, attend anY petty feelings or differences this meeting. wlucli have existed in the past among Aniong the mercliants Who ans- business men be buried and fargot- wered the rail cali at the meeting ten and i their place create a gen-. Monday niglit were: C. W. 'Jacobs, uiuie wliolesome communlty spirit Fred W. Nelles. J. E. Miller, Aex. Wbicli would be a distinct benefit toMLy. A. WAien, C .Css J the merchants tliemselves and the Mry .A utn .T os citizens generally. J. H. Cryderman, David Rosner, C. B Hurley. M. H. Minore, W. P. Car- In the discussion which took place bâtt, W. C. Caverly, F. R. Kerslake, there was a feeling expressed that if J. W. Jewell, M. S. Dale, R. E. Logan, the merchants do not organise toi1 Fred Knox, H. Lathrope, Harry AI- Prarnote the best interests af the lin. Robt. W. Holmnes, J. R. Moore, tawn. as well as protect their own T. W. Cawker, A. J. Wadhams. W. J. interests, the time wil corne when Berry. John Miller, Dr. J. C. Devtt, citizens wll id that the bulk of Qeo. W. James. and others. Durham County Shortkorn Breeclers Held SuccessFul Banquet Thursciay Agricultural Representative for Ramney River District Tells of Opening Up of Vast Area in Northern Ontario -Breeders Express Satisfaction witb Prices at Annual Shorthorn Sale. PUBLIC SCHOOLS ITEACHING STAFF ENTERTAIN BOARD Hold Skating Party and Social Evený ing Following Regular Monthy t Meeting af Board1 The regular monthly meeting o! the Public School Board was leld1 on Friday, February 5th, witli al members present and Clairman C. P. Rice presiding. Owing to an invita- tion ta be guests o! the teachlngt staff after thc meeting. the E' "&rd met a hall an lour earlier. Se(;. --à tary-Treasurer C. H. Dudley read the minutes o! the lest regular meeting wiich were conllrmed. Thc report o! the secretary-treasurer sliowed a balance in the bank as o! January 31st o! $1421,44. PropertX Committee reported that certain works autlorized lad been done and also recommended that other needed works be carried on. Prices on the ventilation systein wcre also given. It was decided ta decor- ate Miss Bragg's and Miss Wcktt's rooms at a cost o! $38 ecdl. Repairs includcd a new floor in the cllar wcre also decided on. Management Committee rcported ticy would pur- dhase ail supplies this year througli local merchants and plans to do this had been completed. A letter was ordered sent ta the Rotary Club cxpressing thc apprec- ition of the Public Sdhool Board for the skating rink whici las been in- stalled on the school grounds. Tic board declded ta purdliase a Ronea at a cost o! $150 which included a trade i price for their old machine arnd also a ten year guarantee. At the conclusion o! the business session the Board was entertaincd by the staff. A hockey gaine bctween the staff and the board whidli result- d i a 1-1 tic was played a!ter whidh the members o! the staff scrv- cd a lunch in tic school. Table ten- nis and dancing with tic music sup- plied by the staff was another feat- uire o! the evening. Chairman Rice. at the conclusion o! tic evening, on behall o! the Board, thanked the staff for tîcir fine entertainnicnt. COMING EVENTS Reserve Thursday and Friday, Pcb. 26t1 and 2'tl, for "Sheridan Rivais" put on by' Bawnanvillc Higl School students. 6-4 Reserve Thursday cvening, Mardli 5t1. ta lear illustrated lecture by Rev. E. Crossley Hunter. Toronto,1 under auspices o! Trinity Men's Bro- tlicrhood. Trinity Y. W. A. will meet in the school room on Tuesday. Pcbruary 17th, at 7.30 p. m. Program in charge o! Mrs. C. A. Bartiett's graup. Let every member be present on time. Note hour o! meeting. L. O. L. 2384, at the ncxt regular meeting, Priday, Pcb. 13t1. will hald a Past Masters' Niglit. Lodgc session opens at 7.30 ta be concluded at 8.30 p. mn. whcn a social entertainnient and refreshinents wil1 be ield, and ta which a cordial invitation la extend- cd toalal wives o! members. Yau are invlted ta a Valentine Supper and a good pragramin h St. Paul's Sunday Scbcol Room. Friday, Pebruary l3th. Supper f rom 6 ta 7 p. in. Menu: eoston beans, brawn and white bread, apple pie witli cleese and wipped creain, and lame made dougbnuts. Pragram, inmed- iately aiter supper. Adults 35c; chlldrcn 20c. Thc regular monthly meeting o! the Women's Canadian Club will be leld in St. John's Parisli Hall on Monday, February l6th, at 3.30 p. m. Pollowing tic annuai sale an sharthorn breeders, are daing your journalist ta caver tIc Imperial Con- Thursday afternoon lest, thc Dur- share ta make things btter and ference, will spcak on "London Dur- ham Caunty Sliorthorii Breeders met build Up the future o! Canada. lng Imperial Conference." It will bee at the Bownian Hause Hotel for President Osborne, in reply. thank- moSt lnteresting ta, get first-iandr tîcir annual banquet wiicl wes at- cd the members for their attendance knowledge on a subject o! sudh re-t tended by a large number and was; at bath the sale and the banquet. cent importance. noticeable for tic nuinber o! tawn Althaugi the prices did not average________________ merdhants wha attended. Tic breed- as good as in some Ycars. this year crs showed tliemselves ta bu equaliY it must be remembered many have year, addlng tiat it spoke well f or adept at the art a! slngiiig as tley placed their estimates by require- the farmers a! thls caunty that sudh were at raising sorne o!fîetb] t ienta, and nat by prevailing prices. succesa shauld be attaincd. He urged specimens o! ticir selected bredi However there was little disappoint- that tIe farinera make more use a! tic country. It was anc o! these ment le added. Those members o! bis office whldî was always rcady ta pleasant aff airs at wicl town and the Association had great tlilngs ta co-operate wtl tle farmers in their l country People met at tic banquet î1lok ahead ta. They lad ta recog- troubles and successes. He tIen in- board and f ound. that despite muci nize tic f act that tlicy must maise traduced Mr. "Dad" Harrison, agri- ta ta îlhe contrary. f armers and tic products whicl are required by cultural representative of the Rainey townsfalk have mudli in common and, the foreign markets if we are ta lave River district. wîa lad been com- that what la ta tic interest o! anc a fair shai'e o! tiese markets. In tic missaned by the farmers af tîat dis- is o! equal interest ta tic other. shortiorli le bleived that they wcre trict ta came ta Bowmanville ta buy At tle close o! a fine supper,' raislng a product whicl was needcd saine gaod stock for thein and wlio President Russell Osborne called for and tînt would scîl well in thc mar- had purchased a number at tic a! - a toast ta tIc King whicli belng duly kets a! tic world. At the present ternoan sale. lionored al Joined in cominunity tîme anc a! the big faults found i Mr. Harrison gave a short talk on slnging. Mayor M. J. Eliott in a this country is the fact farmers do the part o! the cauntry whicl le e- short addrees weicamced tle guests ta nat know their market. TIey have presents. It is sltuated in the Ken- Bawman ville and spoke in glowlflg ta know thein and cater ta themif 1! ra district of Ontario near Mani- terms o! the class o! stock tînt thcy success, is to be attained. Stresling toba Boundary, 1200 miles frain Tor-9 had that day offered for sale. The the part tint tic fariner pînys in onto. It wa new country and had prices, le stated. spake well for thc the communlty. Mr. Osborne stated onhy been opened up in tic past thîr- association consdcrng the depressd i i conclusion that tic duties whlch ty yeai's. To get dawn ta this part tines. devolve on tic everyday fariner are o! Toronto anc las to go by way a! Thc toast ta tic Slortliorn Assoc- sucli tiat tiey can do their part Chicago. The farmers In thnt dis- iation was proposed by Fred W. BOW- towards tic cradication o! the dark trict raised mostly slieep, potatoes. en, m. P.. wlo sald in part: "I offer cloud o! depression now over this mcd claver and poultmy. Paultry my hcarty congratulations ta thase country. rnlsing was new ta the district but a Who contributed sa fine a class o! Robert Walton o! Newcastle de- fair mensure o! success las been at- cattie as was exhlbited at tic sale. ligitcd hus audience with a rollcklng tained when fit Is seen that 19,000 Atiaugli tic prides weme nat quite vocal solo. "On tic Rond ta Manda- paunds o! dressed turkeys were slip- as you wouhd have wished, lowever. lay" wti "Danny Boy" as an encore. pcd out o! the district hast Christmnas. compared wth tIe drap in prices of Tic toast ta tic Bowmanvilhe busi- He rcferred brlefly ta tic depression everythlng eIsc the prices ta-day ness men was proposed by Reeve W. and stated tiat we were travelling were exceptlanally good. In these P. Rickard o! Newcasthe and r- at too higI a rate a! specd whidli lad times. le ndded, we must have lape. spondcd ta !ittigy by W. Percy Cor- ta bu dheckcd ni saine turne. The Wc mny hse moncy but where wouhd bett and T. A. Dustan. depressian lias donc much good le we be without a lape o! better tinies Thechcîirman tien întroduced Mr. ndded. It wil teacli us ta be more in the future. You. the breeders o! E. A. Summers, agricultural repre- economîcal, to save for a raîny day, purebred cattle, are doing a great sentative o! Duram County, Who and it wilbu a distinct benefit ta ail. work and will benefit by it in years highy cangratulated the sliortborn In conclusion lie wariy congratu- ta came. It was pleasing te, sec st> men an their fine sliowlng of stock lated the Durham Caunty Breeders many buYlng today for it musi bu at this sale. He referrcd vcrY tel- on ilie clasm of stock they have been remembered that buylng in times a!figly ta the Durham CountY boys ralaing and promised ta rcturn to depressiali leads ta SUCCeo. Times Who won firat and second place I make mare purchases at a future are lmprovlflg and you men, aslthe Judglng conteste at Guephlat1 sale. f 'J I s s t 'j t s r t k I t I I s I I i k s b B. T. S. MUSICALE A large number of music loyers from tawn attended the annuai Boys' Training Sdliool Musicale held i Fergusan Hall on Tuesday afternoon whcn a brifliant diversifled pr ogra was given by the boys, members af lie staff and the B. T. S. Quartette. 'The hall was decorated with Valen- tie favars and presented a pretty scene Poilowlng the program after- noon tea was served by the staff and the musicale was vated the best that iad ever been held at the sdliaol. Dr. and Mrs. G. E Reaman received lie guests. The program, whicl was 'ery finely deiivered, was as !ollows:, ,landolin solo by Walter Caris: piano luet, "Waltz" by Krintzlyn, played >y Arthiur Denike and Mr. P. C. Smith; "Barcarolle" by Off cnbaçh sung by Norman Dybail, Raymond vlulllgan, Reginald Quigley. Lloyd 3astine, Edwin Morrison; "Seren- ade" by Widor, "Plirtation" by D'Ai- essla by the B. T. S. Quartette cam- posed o! Elaine Reaman. violin, Mrs. M!. A. Neal, celao, Mr. G. L. Davldge, piano, and Mr F C Smith, violin; song, "Wlien thc Roses Bloom", Ed- win Morrison: viola solos, "Viennese M!elody" by Kreisler. and "Moment M'usical" by Schiubert-Mr, F.C. Smith; "Polonaise Militaire" by Cha- pin, B. T. S. Quartette. Delegation Sees Commissioner Fo Aid for Worklessli COUNCIL AWAIT REPLY~ Eomrnissioner J. A. Ellis Re- ports That 20 Million Dollar Relief Fund ls Practically Used Up. The delegation appointed by Caun- cil ta interview J. A. Ells, Commis- sioner o! the Unemployment Fund, waited on him in Toronto last week witl a view ta abtaining a f urtîer grant for the relief o! unemployment in Bowmanvilie. In an interview ýwitli Mayor M. J. Elliatt. le stated Sthat tIec daims o! the town were 'fully explalncd ta Mr. Ellis Who, however, stated that practically ail of, tic money lrnzted by Parliament for relie! purposes had been used and that whîle there was some le! t a great many applicationis had been made for It and Bowmanvllle's ap- plication would have ta be consider- ed witl the rest. Mr. Ellis pramised to communicate lis verdict ta, the tawn shortly, but up until the time of going ta press no !urtler Word had been recelved. Asked if any o! the money recelv- ed in tic flrst grant was stiil ta be spent, Mayor Elllott stated that some still remained on the Rotary Park account and wark was big cantin- ued of this proJect by a fcw men. The delegatian, whicl consistcd a! Mayor Elliatt, Reeve W. H. Carruth- ers, Deputy Reeve C. E. Relder, and Councllor W. RSs Strike, are I hope that their appeai ta the corn- missioner will bear frultful resuits, but as notliing definite lias been de- clded as yet the tawn would bave ta, walt patiently for the result a! the application. Wlen asked what would be donc ta pravide wark i the event o! a !urtlier grant being re!used Mayor Elllott stated that it would be en- tirely Up ta the town ta provide work for tic warklcss. VALENTINE TEA WomenWs Association o! Trinity Clurdli held a vcry success!ul Val- entine tea and musical in the school room on Tuesday afternoon The tea tables were prettily decorated witli red and yellaw flowers in silvei vases. and Valentine motifs. Tes was poured by Mrs. L. A. Tale anfi Mrs. P. C. Trebllcock. Mrs D R Morrison was convener a! the musi- cal program wlen some excellent numbers were given. A number of acloldhildren under the capablt leadership a! Mies Helen Morris, wlth Mies Leta Bragg as pianist, sang ii chorus tîree selections as follows: "Who is Sylvia?" by Schubert. "Mardi o! the Puppets" by Tschaik- awsky, and "Miserere" f rom Il Tro- vatore by Verdi. Misses Morris and Bragg failowed witli a piano duet "Il Trovatore"; Mr. Francis Suttan. a vialin selectian, "Happy Hour" ac- companied by Mrs. Sutton; Mrs. P. H. Moody wtth two camic readlngs; Mrs Aiex Colville sang "I heard you go by" and "Garden a! Happiness"; and Mrs. Stewart Aiger f rom. Osh- awa sang very pleasingly "The Star," I'Yesterday and Today"' and "Sing Joyous Bird"; Mrs. Morrisan was the accompanlst for -these last numbers. MUSIC STUDY CLUB JUVENILE MEETING Stamp out ViCiOUS HELD FEBRUARY 4th Propaganda say, Splendid Pragram Gîven by Youtbful ____________ Talent Under Direction of Miss Helen Morris CANADBAN CLUB SPEAKER C The regular meeting of the Music Study Club was lield February 4tli, in St. Paul's lecture room wlth an un- usually large attendance. The meet- ing opened wlth the singlng o.0f Y Canada" wltli Miss Leta Bragg at. the piano. Mrs. C. H. Dudley, presi- dent, welcomed the visitars and Jun- ior Choir, ail public schooi pupils. who were seated on the plat! orm.c Following this the general business C was transacted.d Miss Jane Mason presented the c f ourth chapter of the Study Bookh entitied "Tixne and Rhythm." This ti topic was carefully lllustrated and i showed Miss Mason's ability as a music teaclier. Miss Helen Morris then taoka charge of the program. This concert c by the chidren took the form of! violln and piano solos, vocal duets,e double quartette and choruses. Prev- n bous ta eacli musical selection an ex- rn cellent synopsis of the 1f e of the Cliflon Il. Carlisle i composer was given. This indeed t gave an added toucli of interest. President o! the Goodyear Tire v Eacli selection was splendidly per- Rubber Company o! Canada. wha cA foredan eerynethroghly en- addressed the Men's Canadian Club a Joyed this delightful f east o! music by the chiîdren. Truly this town at the Bowman House on Tuesday ti lias some taiented and promising evening. u musicians and surely the parents' Ir______________ hearts ouglit ta swell wltli pride i their chlldren's accomplisbments. OLDEST CITIZEN 97 TO-DAY Miss Morris certainly deserves aA great deai of credit in preparmng and Bowmanville's Grand Old Man, a presenting such a fine concert. Mr. David Keith, is today, Thursday, y Mucli tlanks is also due Miss Bragg Feb. l2th, ceiebrating lis 97th birth- c for lier able accompaniment. day, having completed yet another y step tawards the century mark. Mr.f The programme was presented as Klhl eakal ciefr b f ollows: Piano solo, -La Zingana Kihsreakbyctvfohs CarlBoh -Lora Carke Paerage and would belle bis age by many TCa wsy Bh -Lona Clre. ae years to the average observer. Hec "Tshaiowsy" GrceRundie, lias yet the springy step o! youth and n Chorus. "Bluebirds. their Songs are can be seen daily risking the dangerst Swelling'" Tscliaikowsky; Paper, o h c aeet nlt ak Story o! "Nutcrack Suite". Tschaik- aounthe wn.Thae Sate nsa ois owsky - Donald Mason; Chorus, awinth ismny Th!rl e s maniv "Mardi o! the Puppets" f rom Nut- ithieadsewhe renofrin owmn- il cracer uit: Voli soo, zignegratulations o! lis 9'flh blrthday, I Mazurka, Gabri:"l, Marie - Elaine congratulations on beig the oldestS Reaman: Paper, "Mozart"-Helen pron Bowmanvllle, coupled wltliil Foster: Double Quartet, "Come ~ic~ewsita i a otn Dance the Minuet," Mozart; Pape r, t e njoy co iehtat head benspa- t "Schubert" - Laurence Relider; ej osee many more years o! life. il Chorus, "WIho is Sylvia?" Schubert;1 Violin solo, "Adagio Pathetique," Godard - Elaine Reaman; Duet, CONVINCING PROOF 118prlng", Wil*n-Russell MHallman 1 and Murray Mitchell; Paper, "Verdi" The value o! cxassifled advertlalng j -Marion Jewell; Paper, Argument i The Statesman was ably demon- 1 o! "Il Trovatore"-Selma Bartlett; strated again last week when Mr. M.t Choruses, "Anvil Chorus". "Home ta G. V. Gould, local barrister, had the 1 Our Mountains", "Miserere". Il Tro- misfortune ta lose lits keys. An ad I vatore; Piano duet, "Il Trovatore," at a trifllng cost brouglit the keyst Verdi-Misses Leta Bragg and Helen back to their owner i a very short 1 Morris. time. Ex-Reeve James Stanley a! t At the conclusion of this fine pro- Queen Street lost bis purse and $12M gram Mrs. W. Adams and Mrs. C. H-. lest week and the fInder, Mrs. S.G Dudley tendered a hearty vote of Candler, advertlsed the fact ihei tianks toa ah those wlio asslsted i Statesman wlth the resuit that Mr. making this Juvenile evenlng a suc- Stanley once again came inta passes-I cess. Meeting closed witl the Nat- sion o! bis own. Mrs. C. Brown, ' ional Asntiem. Prospect St., lost a purse. It was t ________found by Mrs. W. H. Halfacre andt restored ta ýhe owner through an ad.t OBITUARY in The Statesman. Every week It I being demonstrated that the best g means ta fInd what you have bst. c Reglnald Ivison Taylor, Oshawa seli what you have ta, sel, or secure t wliat yau want. la ta, insert a classi- The many frlends of Reginald Ivi- fied ad i The Statesman. The cost son Taylor i Oshiawa and Bowmnan- la amail and the resulta gratifying. î ville were shocked ta, hear o! bis sud- den deatli at Oshawa Gieneral Hos- pital on Saturday. January 31st. af- ter a week's illness with pneuxnonla. Rgas lie was !amillarly knwn Future oF W est Dui was marrled on Sept. iti. 1929. ta Editl Katherine Purdy, eldest dau- gliter a! Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Purdy, Socey N w Churcli St., Bowrnanville. He ocet N w the oniy son af Mr. 0. W. and the late Mrs. Taylor and was born hi Annual Meeting Adjouratu Bobcaygeon, April 14th, 1900. A short service was held at bis for the Society to Reni home. 204 Ritson Rd. S., Oshawa, at Cieo. F. Annis Presided whlcl lits pastar, Rev. C. B. Cragg. o! King St. United Churcli. was as- ing on Friday. sisted by Rev A. M. Irwin and Rev. S. C. Moore. The funerai on Tues- day afternoan was hcld f rom Trinlty To be or nat ta bu? That la the United Churcli, Bobcaygcan, where question that is worrying the execu-1 interment was made. Thc service tive o! West Durhiam Agricultural1 was conducted by Rev. M. L. Hintan, Society today. At the annuai meet-, assisted by Rev. C. C. Washington, Ing held i the Cauncil Roam an Fr1-J B. A.. o! Fenelon Falls. day a! ternoon there was a very' The many and beautiful floral of!- small attendance. Wlien those pres-j f erlngs bore silent tribute ta the cnt were tired of waiting for pros-j -haracter and life o! the deceased. pective members ta arrive, the meet-1 __________ing got under way and it ended just an hour later littie furthcr ahead Louis H. Bounsail, Taranto than when it started. According ta governrnent regula- Mr. F. H. Bounsall and son Mr. tions thc Society must have 60 paid A. H. Bounsail, Mrs. E R Bounsail, up members if it can continue. The Mr. and Mrs. Gus Bounsaîl attended f ate o! the soclety hangs In the bai- the funeral an Monday o! the late ance on whetler bef are the adjourn- Louis H. Bounsall wlio passed away ed meeting opens again 60 pald up in St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, members can be secured. If tliey arc on FridFiy. February 6th. not secured tIen the socicty will die Mr. Baunsaîl was born in Bow- a natural deati wlth ahl assets be- manvîlle. being a son o! the late Ai- (ing reverted to the Department af bert J. Bounsal. a famous cornetI Agriculture. player in the old Bowmanville Cor-,I Sa the directors and the !ew mcm- Communistic 's Goodiyear Headi C. H. Carlisle Gave Brilliant Address on "The Indus- trial Future of Canada" at Men'& Canadian Club - Sees Lower Profits, Wages anmd Living Coste. "It is up to, every one of us as citizens of Canada, ta stamp out tls 'iclous propaganda wbich Russia la Iis-seminatlng in its ruthiesa war on civilization, on lberty, and on the home, in its çndeavours ta substi- tute athelsm in place of Christian- ity," stated Clifton H. Carlisle, B. A., President of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, Toronto, i an able address delivered ta the Men's Canadian Club at its regular meeting at the Bowman House on Tuesday evenlng. Mr. Carlisle. one of the nost capable of Canadian business men, spoke for one hour on "The Industriai Future o! Canada," and i lie course of bis address gave bis riewpoit as a business mran aon the cause and cure of the present so-cai- ed depression wbich lie saw, flot as adepression, but as a cbanglng of lie ways due ta the increase li the use of machlnery and the replace- ment of hand labor by modern meth- ods of manufacture. Mr. Carlisle was introduced by C. Arthur Cawker, Collector of Custamna, and a friend of Mr. Carlisie for many years. Ini bis introduction, Mr. Cawker mentioned that thie Good- year factary in Bowmanvlle mailu- factures 55 % of the mechanical rub- ber goods produced incanada. «'I look up0iiBowma2vll5," UEr. Carlisle stated lin bis openlng reý- narks, "as a secondarY lhame. AI- thougli I amrn ot liere often the starting of tlie Goodyear lin wbich 1 was greatly interested had its origin in the purcliase of the oid ]Durban Rubber Company wbich I negotlated.--,., Et is farthest frain my intention to speak ta you tanight about the busi- niess of the company, of whichl I arn the president. but I bave been aaked to state tlie production of the lcal plant. -][n Bowmnanvlle the output of rubber heels ls 6,0b eels ner day wbie 90% of the,,autarobim.=.. and runnm -ois W in Canada aren 'étu iEwavf In fan beits tste cornpany amnulse- tures 85 % of the total nupiber 4used In Canada wbile the company la the producer of the largest percentage ci transmission and conveyor betta made i Canada. At the present tlme there la an order on hand for England for 450,000 feet of hase, mea of the largest orders ever recelved by any rubber company." Turnîng ta bis stibjeot UMr. Car- lsle added, "'If, Canada could live withln hersel! the question of indus- trial future wouid flot be se dMeuit to answer. The output 0f the cana- trY would Just meet Its consumption with no relation wbataoever to an" exterior nation. O>ur 11fe and in- dustries would be eaully regulated if thls was the case but it la not g. Canada cannot live witbin herSif. (Continued an page 7) iram Agricultural lngs in the Balance 'Increase Membersip to 60 mn in Existence - Presideuat d at Poorly Attended Meet- The secretary, Chas. H-. Mason, read the minutes of the laut annuSl meeting and acquainted the Society wlth the facts surrounding the soc- lety's standing at the present -time. The rmies and regulations lie stated necessltated at_ least ten patd up members being present bel ore the meeting could get properly under way. Vlews concernlng thie prospects of the saclety were f reely dlscussed. Mayor M. J. EIlliott and Reeve W. il. Carruthers, both mnembers of the Executive, expressed at iength their feelings i the matter, wbich amounted to their belng wllling ta carr on if the saclety could carr on its educational work wlthout again goig bebind, and aise if the requlred membershlP could bu sScur- ed. Ail the speakers apparently we agre-ed tbat tbe Society was eithaer

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