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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Feb 1931, p. 4

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FAG POUR TEE CANADIAN STAoeMAN. DOWMANVILLE, TRURSDAY, FKDRUARY 12, 1931 1 annnflfn*a ant, na1 I I I aKaSJAO AU5DOL N Dajurî w iaa INEWS AND INFORMATION Ij PRICES AT AP4NUAL SALE FOR THE BIS Y FARMER Fechs lghstPac TiAe Drainage OUT PRODUCTION COSTS Sultan's Count, a 15-months' oid BY USNG GOD SEE bull, conslgned by John Baker, The Drainage Department, O.A.C., B SN ODSE Hampton, brought $200, the higbest supplies a mani ta survey your farm price paid at the fi! th annual sale for til. drainage. Such survey will ParticularAy Important Durln.g Pies.. o! the Durham County Shorthorn show you on a blue print a complete ent Perlod to Increase Retuins Association at Col. R. J. Gill's Farmn system uof tile drainage recommend- on Thursday, February bth. The ed for your farin. It will tel you In almost every case speakers at maies brought in an average o! $93 what depth to dig each drain and the regular agricutural meetings each and the fenales an average of the number and varioussizes o! tiles held so far ibis wlnter emphaslzcd $90 whlch is somewhat l1awer than to purchase. Send in your applica- the necessity of lowerng the cost o! n previous years, but still considered tion to your local departinental re- production in order te boister f arm very fair for the times. The highest presentative. revenue during this perlod o! de- price paid for a female was $127.50 pression. In this connection the paid by N . W. Harrison of Rainey importance o! good seed was stres- River for Gloster Bessie, conslgned The We.k Llnk sed again and again as this was onc by A. W. Wright of Nestieton. of the things over which fariners FoUlowing are the names, date o! "If there s one weaIC ho.k i Lthe had absolute control and even ini a birth, consignor. buyer and price o! chain o!f farm. operation to-day it poor year would inorease returns the sale: is in the wefl-consldered production anywhere f rom ten te flf'ty per cent. Females of farm teeds. home grown, produc- It might be difficult for many Lavender R. 7th, December 23rd, ed at cot," asserta G. B. Rothwell, farmers at the present time, Dr. E. 1929, Lew Richardson & Son, Ash- DoMinion Animai Husbandmlan, B. Achbad head o! the Dominion burn; Russel Whte, Campbeleroft, Dept. O! Agriculture, Ottawa. In Experrental Farina. told the writer, $77-50. the flnal anaiysis the l0w acre unit te see their way clear te make ex Lovely Lass, February lst, 1930, production is largely the reason for tensive purchases o! labor savlng Lew Richardson & Son: J. E. AUlin. hlgh co6t milk, admitting all the and wider machlnery, but he cm- Bowmanville, $75.00. imperfections and low average pro- phaticaily stated tbat -this was no, Rose Leaf. March 3rd. 1930, Lew duction o! our cows. The farm- time te practise f aise economny in Richardson & Son; Ernest Hocka- er's one and only saivation to-day using dirty and untested seed whlch day. Hampton, $80.00. la in lowering production costs un- might b. cheap n price but would Gioster Bessie, February l2th, 1928, der hie control, i.e., on1 his farmif. certaily be very expensive in re- A. W. Wright, Nesticton Station; N. sult.s. Dr. Archlbald stated that in W. Harrison, Rainey River, $127.50. Radio on the Farm bis opinion tbe only soution in the Gloster Jean, May 16th, 1929, A. farmers control regarding the prs W. Wright; William Forder. Biack- "Information can b. just as pleas- cnt situation was toi increase hi stock, $85.00. ant as entertamnment"' asserted Dr. yield o! crop per acre. and in this Gloster Fanny, Sept. 2nd, 1928. J. H. Grisdaie, Federai Deputy Min- respect good seed and fertilizer. to J. R. Johnston, Ashburn; F. L. Berry, ister o! Agriculture. speaking at gether with more horse power on Orono. $77.50. ottwa rcdentiy. "The radio s cutivating and other machinery, Vain Lady 6th. Oct. 25th. 1929. important te agriculture. The young play a prominent part. At tue re- J. Baker, Hampton; W. T. Baker. 50- people are becoming daiiy more lin- cent meeting o! the Experin'ental lina. $11250. portant on the f arm, and they want Union good seed was also empliasiz- Wimple Belle 3rd, July 25th, 1 925, radio entertalnmnent. Radio pro- ed by Professor W. J. Squirrel, wbo Cyril Mum!ord. Hampton; J. Baker. vides this; it keepa the fariner in quoted resuits f rom extensive exleri- Hamxpton, $100. touch wth the market situation and ments which invariably showed an Countess lth. JuWly 1tb. 1927: weather conditions, and it also keeps amazing increase in yield per acre Cyril Muinford; J. Baker, $75. him un touch with the news of local f rom dlean. piump. tested secd of a Males and worid happenings. I thlnk 90od variety over the other kind. Lavender Boy, May 1tb, 1930; radio s more important in the farin It does not pay te swap around with Fred Parker, Cobourg; Herb Nich- home than n anly other home, iL the neighbours for iniproperiy dean- olîs, Courtice, $62.50. brings the world te, the front door." ed seed or Lo buy mail order 'baîr- Broad o! Towie. April 10tb, 1930; gains.' says M. T. Munn of the New Fred Parker; Chas. Langdon, Port York State Experiment Station at Hope, $62.50. Back ta the Farm Geneva. To plant 5eed direcily Broad Chris, April 3tb, 1930; from the thresher or clover huiler, Fred Parker; Clarence Alun, New- A new significance attaches to the be rates as one o! the greatest off i- castle, $57.50. old familiar slogan "Back to the ces against good farming, and fui- Jacqueline Boy. Mardi 28th. 1930; Fýarm" n thei way the Brood Sow1 ther states that the farmer Wh John Baker; Howard Alun, Newcas- Policy enumcrated by the Hon. R.- plants unclean sccd is îaying out a tle, $60. Welr. Federai Minister ofA! rcl job o! boeîng for bis grandchildren. Sultans Count, November 5th. turc. at the Royal Wlnter Fiis o omninteetalbrbhe 1929; J. Baker, Hampton; N. W. working out. In th afi r, on inosa es nthion e etrlbo Harrison, $200. in full operation te flrsme h mpse odhnsl!d. Lord Augusta, May 2th, 1930; sow o!teselct aco tye bve in making purchases the buyer is Cyril Mumford: J. Baker, $92.50. been saved f rom slaughter. bred. jseengly ,adsead t em fandt sd Clarets King, Dcc. 13th, 1929; S. and sent back te farins. Saskatcb - ih amter0îct Charles AllUn, Bowmanville; J. E. A- ewanand ibera led i the only kind allowed to be sold lin. Bowmanville. $112.50. ber of aidera placed but keen interest laily An etis gocdlofnra. anim Top Notch. Nov. ist. 1929; S. C. is evidenced ail over Canada. Sows atits be esth a oo del o agble Alun;N. W. Harrison, $102.50. o! suitable type are provided farmers th he weatherof absobutely byond i Scottisb Colonel. April 7tb, 1930, at coSt, wtb a further saving o! o ne- th oto !mn u uha hSW. S. Bragg. Bowmanvifle; Lawrence hai th cot o feigt fon hegamble can be ellminatcd where the Cryderman, Bowmanvilie, $102.50. stockyard to the buyer's f arm. fed stoogl lae !wes Minstrel Lad. March 2nd. 1930; ______and put inte a fine state for sowlng W. F Rickard. Newcastle: N. Colla- by cultivatiori and good seed used. utTyoe$10 Good Apple Season !Furhrmore. by good secd the grain Regal Gi! t, June 3rd. 1930; Lew msaseicluded when Clover or AI- Richardson & Son: John Kivell, With practicaily the whole of last fal! a s being used as t is a serious Hampton, $85. ycar's appie crop marketed. it may mistake to .50w cean Clover or grass Prince Glostex, May 15tb, 1930; be assumned, according to P. W. with a dity nurse crop. S. C. AlAin: R. W. Moffat. Orono. Hodgctts. that Ontario growers have_____ had an excellent season. The bulk $67 .50. o! the Bon Davis were diposed of MA Choice. Jan. 27th, 1930; E. F. in continental European markets, DARLINGTON COUNCIL R. Osborne, Newcastle; Howard with thc exception o! a thousand Gaud, Bowmanviile, $87.50. barreis whlch went ta South Amer- Regular meeting of Darlington The auctioneer was Duncan Brown ica. Apple marketing conditions Township Cauncil was held at Hamp- o! Sheddon, Ontario, and the secre- have been restored mare or lessa o ton February 7th, wiLh the members tary-treasurer, John Baker o! Hamp- normal wth the graduai openlng up ail present, Reeve G. F. Anis n tb. ton. acted as cierk. o! a new market in Europe and the chair. Minutes of last meeting weve dispiacement o! Ben Davis wlth read and adopted. CAK ONI much better varleties. Athough the Bis were read and on motion were CAK ONI crop bas been anly fair in quantity, ordered paid wtb the exception o! price have been quite satisfactory a bil for relief o! Mrs. Pettit and Council Chamber, Orono, February As a rcsut, the general year is ry. familY Mrs. Pettit now receives 3Ird. 1931. garded witb a good deal more en- *45.00 pcr month f rom the Widows' Council met on above date with thuslasm than n several ycars past. Pensions. On motion the counicil mctibers ail present, Reeve Hoinuan With regard te 1931, prospects seecm decided ta allow rleief to the amount n the chair. Minutes o! last meet- qulte good. All fruit *re eti-o 25.00 per month for James Nich- ing were read, recelved and adopted. to the wlnter in flrst-class shape and o115 and famlly. Communications were recelved and there was no excessive moisture last Communication was' read f romn read as f oUaws: Robt. C. Muir, n re- lau.Mis. 9. V. Scobell regarding condi- cclpt o! our coanpleted faims -on road fan.___ton o! road along the lake shore expenditure for 1930; Board o! Rail- leading te Burk's Beach. Whicb road way Commissioners glvlng notice o! Cauadan Cattie Sent the British sla sid ta b. n a dangerous condi- sittings on Jan. 29th, whlch meeting Buyera ion for public use. On motion of Councillor Reid attended and gave Couns. Blanchard and Carruthers coucli a verbal report; Ontario Analysîs o! tue report on th. re- the council s ta nspect this road, Township Roada Association; The suts of test shlpmcnt o! 1,028 head Clerk to write Mrs. ScobelI to that United Farmers o! Ontario. Above of range cattle f ram Western Can- effect. were ordercd ffled. adla, arranged by the Dominion Uiv. On motion o! Con. A. W. AnIiAs Jno. Henry, Road Supt., was ap- Stock Branch, shows that well-bred and Carruthers. Thos. H. Richards pointed ta attend the annual confer- cattle af medium weights and g900d be appolnted to attend Lb. conven- ence on road construction for county flesh, wilI be well received on the ion n Toronto o! Municipal Road and township road superintendents Britishi markets, particularly during Superintendents. Ion Feb. 23-24 n Toronto. the. store cattle season. They respond F. G. Kerslake, Truant Officer, C. P. Awde, S.A.O., reported for readlly te f eedjng, making gcod gave bis report for January. On mo-' January whlch a! ter discussion was gains. It la noted that the presence ion of Dcp. Reeve Pascoe and Coun. re!erved to Councillor Couch to i- o! borna. aiso o! conspicuous brand A. W. Annis the report was received. vestigate as ta conditions o! the marks, bave a bearisb effect on1 Clerk was autborized La geL prices Bruce Catter !amlily. prices. Thue older cattlein theLb ship- on a suitable ledger for the office. In compliance with the Assesament ment proved disappointing, indicat- Thos. H. Richards gave bis report Act, section 50, Lbe C.N.R. and C.P.R. ing that Lh. market s essentlally for and presented vouchers No. 3 and 4 Raiiways submitted their aninual young stock. Another tbing appar- which were received and on motion statements whlch were referred ta cnt la that the Old Country buyers ordered te be paid. Lb. assessar. place a premiunu on apparent quai- On motion o! Couns. Banchard Messrs. L. A. Dent and Richard ity. Sanie o! Lb. last shipinent o! and Carruthers the counicli retaîn HaUlowell made reference te, the re- thre-year-olds ta Manchester net- the services o! J. D. Hogarth as duction in train service on the Orono ed abippers $67.75 apiece sold for Clerk and Treasuver for the year Division o! C.N.R., Wbitby ta Port slaughtcr and evoked favourable 1931 at a salary o! $600. Hope, and asked council ta, further comment on Lb. way they dressed Orders were drawn on the Trea.,- safeguard our intevests in every pas- ou. riesrelledwere nat as -qhfigb uve. as-f- ws:sAbleway. renalie rates .L'neuesdai culated te Increase farmn efficiencyl . sdy, Juiie 2nd. lias been ri .W BW ,M P.rciea copy and decrease grain production costs. tinitely fixed for the officiai opening J o!f thc saine ,Me resuit o! seed drill surveys n Io! the Bay o! Quinte Conference o!' A letter f roin Mr. Henry HAll aîîd O)ntarlo In the asat two years shows thLb. United Churcli o! Canada.,liv the onie f rom S. S. Lockhart n respect. that mare than 30 per cent o! the executive at a meeting heîd n Belle- to certain roads was handed ta Mr. &amples o! Seed taken tram mcdI ville. IL s expected that Dr:. Oliver, Henry ta investigate and repart to drillawas m.dslrable on accotant o! Modrator o! the United Cburch, wlll next meeting af council. Iuvy weed seed content. b. the speclal speaker. Mr. McKay moved and Mr. Reid Wh.v A &' P Are the Largeit DR etailers of Fine Meats in Canada For 79 Yeats A & P bas made ('iPry effort to reduce the cost of living... and has been suicesiful. Met lyavery importaut prt; in the weekly food budget, and A & P. the Iargest retallers of flne Meats In Cana.da, ESTAELISFIED can show "os, apprectable ^aig In this Une. 1659 SiflOe the openntgof the ârst a & P market In Canada, tht. Iigh standard or A & P QUALITI bas never changed. it ha% become a houzehold word for everytblng that lu good in mats. LE & P emPlOYa an efficient sftaff of Meat buyers, whoe particular duty it is to maintain that higb standard. LWIEREECOOMYULE TMlAT 18 WHY A & P PLACES A COMpLETg MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE ON EVERY PURCHASE MADE IN ITS STORES-THE CUSTOIFR NIUST BE S.îTISFTE IR MONYEV WILI. BN! CHEERFULLY REFUNDED. ROASTS Prune Rib lb. 22a No Waste -Roneleuan ad Roiled - Ail Clee.w Meat lM. 290 DELICIOUS TENDER ROAST. SERVE TT THIS WEK-UNDPothoe WITMILARGE~l. 1 S IRLOIN lb. 25o ShoUider or Chuok lb. 150 ROUND OR l WING ROAST -l. BRtUMP SUR IE M 220 FINEST QUALITY FRESH CEAMEEy DT B UTTER s y MOK 21.1b. Pvlntu 650 Our Owu SUNNTVILD Pastlzd lbrp . Priait 340 FINSSUA BRANDRAKAS O AC0Â BACON Sli..d or By the Ple.. lb. 250 2-1b. Tin 31Il. FAMOUS ROSE BRAND PURE PR Oxo Cordial SAUSAGE ' b. 27e & oz.B ottie 3 9 0 PEAMEAL"Y T E b BAB IT 'Botl 9 ack Dacon sU.d lb. 34le 'gICClb. 32o Cleanser Tin Se Fresh, Young Rocgsting PORE NO t*.%qTI(* lr ti. OL IDIGEFSTION Butt Ronst lb. 22e Shouldev lb. 1'70 Moman THIIS ES HEINZ TOIlAI 1,1 ' VLEK-BUY AT A & P AND MAKE A SAVING Mealpkrg.29e HEINZ '-lomato Ketchup ,"A MPo8 IYi <.P1PS CAPOUPS 2 Large Boutles 350 âSSORTED L',.CFPI' THEV'RE DELICIOUS-TRY TESEN THIS WEEK-END CHICREN WITII BCEF 2 TlM s250 PORK and DEANS Tiumata 2--1s19c A. & 3P Fruit .and Nut lAaf- îYLMS.I ___ . OnIN SNItLLEIh ', for 19e BRAND No. 2 - nBQUANTITIFS Av 0 A. & Il. stanied Brown Bread649E3fr2 with raisins ' for 19- ______________________ _________________________ :î n . -.BlueRose EGOS ACCEPTED I EXCHSANGE FOR MERCHANDISE OR CASH A L 11v"- .~3hy lueRs- 19EN A & P STORES A L Raisins -Thomp.aun's Seedicess j ?'!Ih%. 211-__________11111111111119_______________________________ SWAN'SDOWN Cake Flour 2-1b. Pkg. 36,e- IOEo IVILLARD'S A COMPLETE ASSORTUENT AT ALL A&p STO.» Chocolate Bars 3 lor 10oc 'RESU ILERE IT NESTLES NATIONAL BRAND FRESH JIADDIE Condensed ilk Tin ]LSe FILLETS 2lbe..24m 70 OYSTERS BI.UEPOINT', Jar 310 HERRING T&I lb. 130 COD lBollinig Cuts lb. Jt3c SALMON.J OE ISlb. I 4o FRUITS and VEGiLTAIILES 'CF A ~ INA H vai(,hLE CE\ ItiCiIN~~L.1 CCACABBA(1f civGreen ---- 2 Ihs. 13c I ENET 1~ARTISI ETTUCF, Crisji Iceberg ... 2 Heads 17c TT éoroe ýANANAS HtliF uCE 3 Ibm. 25e BR ON GRAPEFRUIT, Hlorda ...... 4 for 27c CARROTS, Ncw%ý California. 2 Bunches17 EsCALIPORNIA MIdffli If ORA&NGESSEEDVIS S IRE m '. ewm KING STREET - isOWMANVILLE Meat Manager: G. McCoy. Groccry Manager: P. William. We Deliver-Extra Charge 10c. Phone No. 83 TaHR GREiAT AT.A NT19C & PAf iFJEJ TuA% Co. --u'- El). OF CANADA aecoaded that the Clerk write the Railway Commission and request that the earnjngs of Oreenburn, North Oshawa, Tymrne, Orono. Starkvllie and Osoca stations on the Wbltby - Port Hope Uine be submtted to thus council and further that thus coundil la of the opinion that there should be one train each way each day on the sald Uine. M. J. Roman was appolnted dele- gate to the Good Road Assoiation convention at Toronto on Feb. 25-27. Treasurer te forward the member- shlp fee of $5.00, Auditors J. C. Gamey and M. H. StaPles Presented the report of their audit o! Township books whlch was recelved, adopted and allowed. one hundred copies of the report were ordered Prlnted and distrlbuted, and further that an order be drawn on thie Treasurer for $10 each as com- pensation for their services. In resPonse te a deputation froin the Orono Public Library Board the sura of $20 was given as a grant f or year 1931. The following bills were passed and'pald: Mrs. E. J. Randail, monthly payment R. vs F. .* 48.00 R. H. Wood, caretaker 20.25 Municipal World. dog tags and statlonery 21.05 IJ. R. Cooper, charity Jessie F OR TIIESE~ FROSTY MORNINGS Pure Maple Syrup 29,e AUT JEIAI Pancake ilour 2 Pikgs.'29,e 'SPMCI, TII RROOM«S Eaeli29- < IIRISTIE I;'! 'J, i llf( . GRAHA~M WAFERS I \ ',3 9 !. s~. Waddefl ..3.50, Jno. Henry, road supt. and maintenance .......24.63 Council adJourned te meet Tues- day. March 3rd, 10 o'clock a. m. A. J. Staples, M. 3. H012=314 Clerk. Reeve. $2,164 Hospital Bill What is probabiy the hlghest hos- pital bill ever presented te any mun- lclPallty in Ontario, for one patient, was Placed before the Counties Councii at its first session. The bil was rendered by St. Joseph's Hospi- tal, Peterboro, and tetals $2,164, for a patient now dead, formerly resi- dent of Percy Township. Coumties Pension Board The Old Age Pensions Board for Northunmberland and Durham coun- ties this year was appointed at counties' council at Cobourg as fol- lows: J. F. B. Belford, ex M. P. P., Codrlngton; J. A Vance, Millbrook; T H. Knight, Bowmanvllle; James Smith of Haldimand Township; and George T. Hancock o! Port Hope. Mr. Vance has been secretary o! the Board since it was instltuted. Mr. Knight is also one of the original members. The three who have been replaced were C. H. Curtis of Wark- worth, O. C. Pomeroy of Castieton. and J. H. Davidson, this year's dep- uty reeve o! Cobourg.1 NORTH'UMBERLAND AND DURHAM Apple Growers Annual CONVENTION WilEbe beld in COMMUNITY HALL, NEWCASTLE Commenclng at 10 a. m. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1Sth, 1931 Special taiks on growing and marketing wlll be given by the f ollowlng prominent authorities: Prof essors J. E. Howtt andL L. Caesar of the Ontario Agricultural conee W. B. Somerset, Commissioner of Fruit and Vegetable Inqulry; Paul A. Fisher. Burlington; and W. P. Hodgetts of the Fruit Branch. Banquet at faon addressed by J. A. Carroll, Director Mar- kets Branch. Toronto. Everybody Welcome. Do net faü o beb present. W. E. RARE, E. A. SUMMERS, President. Secretary. TEM CANADIAN STATIM"x. BOIFUANVnLm TRUPRDAY, PMRUARY 12, 1931 ', P&M rom

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