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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Feb 1931, p. 5

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PA« FmIV Tan CANADIM N STeUN, BOWMANVUHLE THURSDAY, FRUARY 12, 1931 NFeb. lth-at Newcastle, the Dur- COMMUNISM IS MAPLE GROVE EEFLECTIONS ham & Northumberland Appie rWowers' Convention banquet at TOPIC 0F ADDRESS ~ Instaliment No. 14 »onu. Good speakers. Scav. neit week'S issue. D. J. GisnC Vc AT ROTARY CLUB' Do You Recal- Pamadent. WHEN the popular "outside tai- Rotarian BIII Gilbert of Oshawa ent" at aur public entertainnients1 jtm j Gives Impassloned Acidress at included "Jini" Goard, witb bis flute IllatS!2 ndermningcombe and Luther Courtice, elo- IRe m t sr; TeUdriigIfuneo uinss from Bowmnanville; Dean' Commuxusm" was the subject of a: Pickell with bis fiddle; and Clara R h u lubn dscourse by Rotarian Wm.Liteon in sang. from Ebenezer; Neurtis- ciatGilbert, President of the Oshawa ! Frank and Minnie Law with their _____Lumber Company, at the weekly1humorous musical sketches, irom For Swif t Relief Ilere', luncheon of the Bowmanville Rotaryi Hampton? Something Ta rV orcl public school board, high 'home from Division wcre chased by school board and tawn oficials were a tramp? Thcy took to their beels Make no mx.tal:e t i ere is i guests of the club. and burst. breathless, into a neigh- I -rIily good renicdv fri .,i,:î jü i t-a muscles and the naine f tt xof more than grateful' Mr. Ibars bouse. Their bravery??? was -worker is JOI -h'ASE. Gilbert said in bis openirig remarks. tbe talk af the cammunity, especiallyi Ail Over the norlil people lue . tforrthe "for the invitation extended to speak when it was learned the trampws agony of Rhçuînatiin,.Neii, ýn bef ore your club. In the past. on tht le oii other than George Coates 71 thb Sca-itica-ai hln(l tgoodl.- many occasions on which 1 bave vis- his coat turned inside out.4 Just rub it in-- a.d rul} it in ý- 1- ited you, you have always given n-2~ WHEN Fred Axtord wielded tbe1 its a Splendid Peletratiîng nuliS such a warin weicome that the antic- bireh at "S. S. No. 6" and was very Joint-Ease and mlîen you ruh it in- ipation of another visit always is a popular with al bis schalars who .îway it goes-ri.rht ta the se-it of pain pleasure to me. I want to address remember him kindly to tbis day? ani agony-'Then ibiessed relici cornes my remarks today directly at your Perhaps one exception - One day spcedily. duty and my duty as Roarians Amos Bond refused to hold out bis1 Use it f reely for joints that are stiff, Wbat is the responsibility we take oný hand for a punishment which be f eit inflamed--swollcn or creaky-use it to ourseives for the privilege of con- he did not deserve. He put bis bands1 put youthful supplcoess ino joints that tributing each year our $25 ta the in his îockets and in spite 0if fran- arc growing aid. Rotary f unds? What responsibility 1 tic efforts af the teacher tbey could1 Use it for swolen knuckles-for sti do we take on ourselves wtb regard not be removed. A terrific struggle iieck-lameness--lumnbago and lame, to the things of this civilized world?" ensued and the younger scbolars .ching bak-it will neyer disappoint he asked. "We bave a distinct duty were scared stiff. Finally "Ame" wgs you. towards our own community and to ordered to leave tbe sehool and not Joint-Ease is miade in Canada and sold tbe citizensbip of ibis great Domin- returni til be would apologize to the wherever good medicines are sold--6O ion of Canada. Master. It proved to be Ame's last cents a generous tuba. First I would like to dwell on our day at sehool. He bas resided in civic duty. This duty is not a simple Manitoba for nigb on forty years. or easy matter to define fo on who Fred Axford vsted tbe old school does not give steady thought to the i ast summer wbile visiting bis bro- prbem n who only bas a shallow ther Charley, after an absence o! b or ti gknowledge of what is taking place. fWHEN CyalvnLntwsa al It is not f or tbe shallow thinker to traelleraln te ng'ws higbay ypass an opinion on a topic whicb he th bis two-wbeelted ig' igcay Lonly sees or scratches on the surface, wt i w-hee icryn at L westor does not thoroughiy probe into. the mail and an occasional passen- It is the Rotarian's duty to study ger, between Courtice and town? He civic conditions, conditions in Our drove a hicgb spirited horse wbich Cosrown community, ta bave the wiîî to sometimes got the better of bim, to cost helpthemn and not to criticize them. the hazard o! His MaJesty's mail. help Mr. Lent occupied the pulpit of our There's no need af putting off Wbat the warld needs today. he churcb very acceptably on many oc- decorating pour home any longer. added, is long range tbinking. We casions. are governed by a system wicb is a- Rlght now we wiil supply the British institution. I doulit if ever stitution witb centuries o! freedom wall paper, paint and labor at in the past bistory o! Canada there ani real liberty behind us. the lowest prices obtainable for was a time wben the country was be- The speaker was waxmly congrat- years.set with more divergent views than ulated at the conclusion af bis ad- tbe present time, many of tbemn dress wben Rotarian Fred Hoar in Don't put off. Do it now. superficial ta the well being of the gîowing terras paid tribute ta the in- Phone us ta eaUl and see how little country or tbe individual. Our flrst spiration given in this eniightening duty as citizens is ta do some af this address. It eota. long range tbinklng. We must re- Before the address President Her- member that we are folaowed by mie Brown weicomed tbe guests ta those wbo wiil guide the destiniez of the luncheon and introduced the pwer bas waned. Our efforts to Ellioti, In a short address, expressed day on bebalf ai citizensbip will have the pleasure of the caunicil and other Geo. Prit hard 'a eep effject an tbe governinent ai a bodies at being present at ibis an- generatian pet unborn. Do we want nual event. Too many ai aur citi- Paluter and Decorator ta barbour thougbts that wili uproat zens, be stated, do nat appreclate <Over Statesman Offie) British institutions? Have we any tbe tlxne and sacrifice given by pub- Phone 489 owmanville right ta, sap we are a firee country lic men in thee lnterest af the tawn, any more? There is a distinct differ- but it could be truly said ai thse Ro- ence between freedam and license al- tary Club tisaitbeir co-operation __________ -thougis the two are oiten played to-wtb the council had been very belp- ______________________gether taday. fui and he boped that thl.s situation CoId weather la a severe test for any gas or ail. Super Shel Ous vaporises lnstantlp and aur Zero OUs flow freely at 10w tem- perature. This af course., en quick startlng. Let us serve pou. If pou use Coal 011 for lighting pour home, we have a message for pou that wiil surely please. We are lmportlng and can supply you with a wonderful quallty Coal Cil, at the price af the ordnary grades. Give it a trial. PIIONE 110 KING 5T.EA5TcI BOWMANVI LLEÎ Comxnunism bas gained a tremen- dous and foreboding ioothald i Canada. Your chie! o! Police knows ibis, pour mayor knows ibis and wil tel pou of its lrnpending danger. We have an influence growlng In tise [country and comlng over the barder ta the sauih af us. htisl raislng Its mcnacing bcad here and everp- wisere. The only truc term wicb can be applIcd ta it is racketenring. We read in tthe dally press iaday tisai organized labor bas dcmandcd the resîgnation a! tise Chief ai Pol- ice ai Toronto. Tise question la, dld organizcd labor demand ibis. h have noiising againsi organized labor and I know ibat organlzcd labor did nat malete iis demand. i was uhe in- fluence tisai bas goiten inta argan-1 lzed labor. ibis aubile iuflucncc af whichIs hhave spoken. Ihislano use prating about tise vcrility o! Canad- ian manhood. Naw la tise tme ta deinonstrate I. If aur Britishs insti- tutions are ta be undermlned by mob thougisi then Ih la pour iault and mine. This la Canadian pear in Rotarp. Tise faci adds luster ta International Rotary. Tbis nation a! pautis, ibis gatisering a! communiies, af poung men free bp birthIs l taking its place i wald affaira and being recog- nized. The respanslbllity la greai. We, iRotary, have befare us tise dutp ta support ihose who gavern us and wiso educate us. The ilag tisai files aven us and many otiser people represeni centuries o! principle wbich bas upbcld tisai !lag and placcd where ila todap and will keep ih whcre h la is ntise eara ta corne. Are we ta endanger aur iistar- ical rigis and privileges bp letting Cammunism root Itself in our con- stitutional spstem and iaur Britishs institutions? Nol Our home, aur munlcipality, aur countrp and everp individual anc o! us la a Briish In- :11 A HEATED QUESTION ha pour heatlng system gvng pou fun satisfaction? If not, why not give us a eaUl and find ouitishe trouble? We give betier service ai ibis urne af tise pear when the rush la over. R, E. LOGAN Pnea: Shop 3£4W; Hanse 364.. BOWDIANVLEZ jE - - - - tise wli ta the cauncil ta keep ex-A penditures at a minimum this pear1 wtbout sacrificlng tise iawn's best interests and keeplng in mind the needs af tise future. Rotarian Tom Haigate favored the gatherlng with a fine aid Irish sosng whicis recelved thunderous appiause. Otiser guests present at thse gather- ing were Rotarion Ken Hodgett4 of « Port Hope, Rotanlan James T. Daiy of Port Hope and Rtarlan Col. B. J. McCormlck, Industrial Commission- er ai Oshawa. 'Try Magne8ia for IStomach Trouble 'To Neutralize Acldity and Fermenta- tion. Prevents Indigestion, Saur Gassy Stomaeh. People wha sufer f rom indigestion usuaily have tried pepsin, cisarcoal, soda and various digestive aida and got littie more tisan slight temporary relief-sometimes flot even thai. But before glving up ta, chronlo dyspepsia. jusi try the effect ai a lile Blaurated Magnesia-not tise ordinary commercial carbonate, ci- rate or miik, but pure Bisurated Magnesla wblch you can abtain f rom any drugglst in eitber powder or tablet f orm. Take a teaspoonful ai tise powder or four tablets witb a littie water af - ter yaur ncxt meal, and see what a difference this makes. i will in- stantly neutralize the dangerous, barmiul acid in the stomacis wblcb now causes pour food ta ferment and saur. maklng gas, wind, flatulence, iseatburn and tise bioated or heavy, lumpy feeling tisat seems to ioilow mosi everyiising you eat. Yau can enjoy pour meals wthout a fear a! indigestion, if BUY NQWI1 ¶ Not in many years have prices been SO 10W on a vast number of merchandise items as at present. 5 Not in many years has there been s uch an opportunity to get so much fori s0 ittie money. ¶ The thrifty are seeing the advantage of buying now while prices are 10W, knowing that these prices cannot remain at the present level very long. ¶ Buyers are eager to buy when they find bargains or hear of them. The mertehant who bas bargains and adver- tises them well, captures the buyers. BUYERS READ Tke Canacilan Statesman For Bargain News COUNTY ORANGE LODGE MET AT BLACKSTOCK FEB. 3. EnnsilMen Ils Awarded the Arthur HoUlday Effiency Trophy Annual meeting o! thse Caunty Or- ange Lodge ai West Durhsam was heid at Biackstock on February 3rd, witb County Master Ernest Hamm o! Orono presiding over a large attend-1 ance ai bretbren !rom 10 primary lodges. Encouraging reports receiv-l ed f rom al iodges in the County in- dicated the existence af flourishing conditions. An Invitation f rom Ca- bourg L. 0. L. 127 was received ta celebrate July 12th in that iawn and it is expected thai it will be accepted. The banquet tendered ta visiting brethren wvas catered ta by Pride ai Cartwright L. 0. B. A. 849 and the large number present certainly did justice ta tbe splendid repast. A feature af the evening was the pres- entation af the degree trophy donai- ed by Wor. Bro. Artbur Holliday ai Bowmanville ta Enniskillen L. 0. L. 141 for effilciency in secret and lec- ture work. Bras. Russell McLaugb- lin and Frank Dorland. who were tbe successiul contestants. received the trophy on bebali af thse lodge. The annual contests sponsored by War. Bro. Holiiday create lively cam- petition between variaus teams and we are proud ta say that we bave in West Durbam degree teams in many iodges wha eau confer the entire number ai degrees soleiy by memory, and witisout any assistance from rit- ual wbatever. C. Jouas Thornton, Ex-M. P. m Conunintp singlng led bp Bro. abi Leonard Jablin, with Miss Newell at abi the piano, kepi the audience in a 9 lUp mood. Past County Master thi Creightan Devitt acted as toasimas- An ter in bis usual competent manner. wli The toasts ta Tise King, Country, wil and Order were dulp drank and tisose no wha rendered very appropriate ad- ,dresses lncluded Rev. Bro. F. W. ' Neweil wbo re!erred ta, Canada's tics u wth tise Motbcrland, and Rev. Dr. Wittaker who has traveiled the en- tire lcngtis and breati af tise Domin- ion who delivered a masterful ad- dress on bis 20 pears' work among the nortisern papulabe ai the coun- try, the Eskimos. He also taid af bisi visita among the coal miners of Cape Breton. Otbexs wbo were cailed upon ta propose or reply ta toasta were Wor. Bras. Hamm, .wiso described ta, many non-members present the varions steps from primarp lodge taitise Bi- ennial Cauncil af the World where Orange delegates irom evcry Englisis speaking colony and country assem- ble. Stretching from West Durhsam in the casi ta Giengarrpi the west we are part af tise Orange jurisdic- tian ai Ontario East comprising over! 16,000 maIe aduli members spread over 25 county lodges and 373 prlm- arp ladges. War. Bro. C. J. Thornian, ex M. P. o! Orono, anc oi tise stalwart orange- men, and an actogenarian delivered anc a! bis usual lnterestlng addres-j ses. His experlences af manp pears in publieflic a!f aur country gives hlm many ciserished incidents ta re- laie. Bras. Abert Morton, Hartweil Lowcrp, Harold Walshs, W. E. Davcy, and Charles Brown, ail ai Orono, were otber visitors caled upon ta speak. Local breibren glvlng ad- dresses Included W. Bras. Jas. Bycrs, Stanford Swain, C. Devitt, Bari Dor- reil, Cecil Hil, Henry Thampson, W. A. VanCamp, Herbert Hoocy, Sam Jeffrep and atisers. i migisi be mentloned that Bra. George Brooks o! Tyrone Ladge 764, wba was !ormcrly a! Victoria Caun- ty, camlng f rom near Fenelon Fanis. attended bis fIrst county meeting here. Ris many pears ai member- ship In tise Orange Order proved ta bis hearers tisai be kncw bis subjecti well. Stressing anc of tise main branches ai tise order, i. c., caring for tise orpisans be remlndcd many young members preseni af the f aci tisai aur saclety maintains orpisan- ages in every province from New Westminster ta Chsarlottetown, spcaking especiaily o! Ontarla's mag- nificent institution at Richmond Hill. He considered tise maintenance af tisese homes a great credit ta tise ladges ai thecocuntp. Orange gatherings wiscrcver tisey may be neyer farget ta pay tribute ta the galant dead. Bro. Brooks in concludlng remlnded bis bearers o! aur past vow in dei ense a! tise mothenîand. Over 60,000 Orangemen from Canada alone, enlisted irom 1914 ta 1918 hItise Expeditlonarp Force. and ai tisese 6600 todap sleep amid tise popples in Flanders Fields. Todap we have some Orange Ladges compriscd solely of rciurned men. We bave lodges wisosc warrants were !ounded In tise dugauts of France and during tise war ycars Orange saldiers met I lodges ini a foreign country. The saciety bas a recard o! wilcista be proud and wblcis must be malntaincd by every loaa and patriotie protestant. Officers elected and re-elected are: County Maser-Ernest Hamm. Or-. ana; D. C. M.-Arthur Holllday. Bawmanviîie; Rec. Sec'.-Albent, Morion, Orono; Fin. Sec .--Cecll ~Robinson, Newtonville; Chaplain- RaypFerguson, Blacksiock; Mrhl -Ca.Brown; Treas.-R. Me- Laugblin and O. Hooep; Lect.-R. C. Hill; Audtrs-W E. Davey and Frank Dorland. Countp Mase a appainied deleffate ta rad ode Convention ai Kinguton In March. 1 1 m it t E LE Ci Brai mad grey wroi the on]1 the and pacl legic TI ed t Bow 0f t vice Brai pres that Wou2 new Corr (Da tior whii brai orgi thal ta estî the ser in awi i re. bot hal grii cep cex fau pai on air blo goi Bri B 1 :GIONARIES 0F OSHAWA PRESENT GAVEL AND BLOCK De-Presldent Aylett Makes Presen- tation on Behaif of Oshawa Braneh omrades ai tbe Bowmanville ancis ai the Canadian Leglon were ie tbe recipients ai a beautiful ýy granite block and a flneiy Dught gavel by tbeir comrades oi >Oshawa Branch wben a bus'load the latter came ta Bowmanville E'riday evening. The meeting was biggesi beld by the local brancis cthe Sons of England Hall was ,ked to, the doors by entbusiastic ionaires. he block and gavel were present- ;o, R. M. Cotton, President ai the ,'manville branch, at tbe opening lie meeting by James Aylett, lst e-president ai tbe Osbawa nch, wba read a brie! address of muetation and expressed tbe hope it tbe Bowmanville comrades uld bave every success with tbeir wbranch. Later in the evening nrades Ayieti and D. M. Douglas Ln. D.i gave short addresses men- sing in particular the good feeling âch bas existed between the two anches since the local brancb was -anlzed last August and boping ,t tbese relations would continue benefit bath branches. An inter- ing feature a! the meeting was eintroduction ta, thase present o! mon Kelly, naval veteran, whose rvices date back ta bis enlistment 1880 and a member a! tise Osh- va Brancis. Att the close ai the business ses- :n tbe local members served re- sbments and an enjoyable social ar was spent in whicb atonies ai ippenings in tbe trencises in the -m days a! tbe war were retold. The new gavel and block are ex- ,tionally isandsomne. Thse head ai te gavel is made in flve pieces, the mtre ai Canadian Maple. symbaliz- gtbe Canadian ExpeditionarY :rce. The outer covenlngs are in jr parts emblemnatlc a! the four arts ai thse service, under thse sea, -the sea, on thse land, and in tise x.The bandle la ai Engllsh Oak, nbolic ai thse British Navy. The ock is of solid grey granite, beauti- lly marked. On it is inscribed in Id "Presented ta thse Bowmanville ranch, No. 178, Canadian Leglon, E.S.L. by Osisawa Brancis No. 43V' WREN SI[LENCE 18 GOLDEN it la a f ar better tbing ta, say natis- ig at ail than ta vaice an opinion bout somethlng you lcnow nothlng bout. Cata sald: -'SpeakIng wltisaui linking lasbsootlng without ain." id speaklng when you do nat know rat ta tbink la like trylng ta shaat tisout aim and wlthout bullet. It ot only shows a lack ai Judgment, A Year Ago-- -Any of the smart 15 styles offered in this special smart Wash Frock Sale would have been big value and sold readily at $1.98 e. TODAY m We thought it a Scoop to 6>e a1>Ie to buy them ta sell very special for $1.49 But Ito Bring Crowds Tomorrow, We 1ve Priced New Victorian FRQCKS clice $ oo each BOWMIANVILLE FOR BICQER AND BETTER BARGAINS n u Business Announcement We, the undersigned, having completed al- terations to our Funeral Parlours, are in a position to give immediate service from this date. Phones: Office 58; House 523. Northcuti & Smith Successors to Alan Williams King St. West Bowznanville Not in years have such extreme values been offereui, and perhaps not again in years will such an opportunity corne'around. Our manufacturer took advantage of a lucky purcliase on the cotton market which enables us to offer you Wash Frocks at $1.00 each, made of f abrics until now used only in dresses that sold for two or three times the price. Four Attractive Victorian Dress Features 1. Each is a new exclusive Victorian style. 2. The moat wonderful new fabrics, soft and durable. 3. Guaranteed f ast color, vat dye, new design&. 4. Accurate sizes, 34 to 48, that fit correctly and made ini the new lengths. Nelson's Store i i I. .0 1 Is a Pennsyl- vania h ar d Icoal produced by the Phila- Reading Coal & Iron Company and is sold in ail sizes. We also handie Solvay Coke Where ta, buy these cail Henry Lathrope Phone 520 Bowmanvne FamousEADING Fprewefl la a specaIly preparcd large sire Pea Coal which Isla ln price and high in heat value. whlch is bad, but it also shows a For Sale lack of knowledge, which la worse. Peole sualy espct sienturnes of encyclopedla "The. Woid Book", persan because they can nevel, be elaborately leather bound ln art OraMt sure just how much or how littie he EverY home where there are ohildreu knows. The mnarathon talke on ehould have theeewondeful boset the other band. la seldom taken 1211s 1..than *lgtnal ple.e, 3"1 seriausly except as a serious menac may b. een at The. Stateaman OU..e or ta, peace and quietness. writeIV J ."1DTSW B. BowaiSalfle wALK A BLOCK A14D SAVE A LOT

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