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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Feb 1931, p. 6

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PAGE SIX TEE CANADIAN STATMAN, BOWM.ANVILLE. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1931 ENlNISKILLEN W. Middleton, harness mal Dowma.nville, late of Oshawa. Miss; Reva Mcdli spent the we end with Miss Lenore Bentham, renta. Miss Luella Stevens, Oshawa, sp Susday with lier parents, Mr.i Min. H. Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Sanderç Mis. Wm. Oke recently visited at Jas. Oke's, Clarke. Miss MarJorie Martyn. Harng Mr. C. A. Staintan, Oshawa, sp thse weekend at Mr. W. J. Staintoi Glad ta report Mrs. Pye is lmpr Ing slowiy alter ber recent illi Her sister. Miss Eva Souch, ism her. Mr. and Mrs. W. Smith and fa 11Y, Oshawa, spent Sunday with former's parents. Mr and Mrs. F. Smith. Mrs. W. Mark. Scugog Island,ï Mrs. Dave Harrison, Port Pei spent the weekend at Orr JeffrE and Mr. A. Brunt's. Our pastor. Rev. J. M. Whyte,v is chairman of the Presbytery. tended the meeting in Simcoe Str Church. Oshawa, on Thursday. Our village was saddened Thursday. Feb. 7th. by the death Mrs. John Siemon, who lias beer resident here for nearly 20 yearsa was very highly respected by al.1 funeral on Saturday was very lari ly attended. Interment was made Bethesda Cemetery. Mr. Siemona famnily have the sincere sYmpathy the community in the loss of ah ing wife and mother. JUNIOR FARMERS' MEETING Darlington Junior Farmersa Junior Institute wiil meet in Ham tan schaol hause on Tuesday, F 17th, at 8 p. m. Mr. John Bak Solina. will be the speaker. Mary Rundie. Clare Allun. Secretari Creophos Recommended for Stubborn Deep-Seated Coughs and Bronchitis Owing ta its antiseptie pro- perties Creophas is most val- nable in combating disease genms. Useful fon relief af distresslng niglit couglis and whooping cougi o! cbildnen. Large size boule $1.00 IKERLSAKE 'S THE DEPffNOABLt DAUQ &TOR Be Ready To make noom for aur new Spring cansignment af Wall Papen we are clearing out tise aider uines below cost. Buy naw and be ready for the Spring decoration campaign. Real Bargains in room lots or by tise raIl. J. W. Jewell Big 20 Bookitore Bowmanvlll. Start Your Decorating Early I am showing two f uIl unes ai the new 1931 Wall Papen at 10e per raIl and Up. Eveytiing ta suit every purse. job right and Price igist. P. HAYWARD Painter and Decoratar Phone 374r6 Tyrone ISALEM CADMUS PURPLE HILL aker. Pastor Rev. J. R. Trumpaur oc- Service was heid on Sunday marn- 1 Mr. Dan McTaggart is in Christ cupied thse pulpit on Sunday after- ing wth rather a small attendance.1 Street Hospital. reek- nomn. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin MountJay Miss Marion Jolinston recent Te- Sorry ta learn that Miss Doris spent Friday at HaYdon. VMated at her home here. Coilacatt le home frambighiscshool Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Philp andi vent owing to a bad cold. f anily and Miss Gladys Cobbledlck Mr. Fred Gibsan was in Lindai and Mis. W. E. Pallard is stili confined matored ta .Orano on Saturday. recently ta attend the funeral of h ta the bouse, and Miss Carnie Stepli- Mr. Wesley Gray and son Elma, aunt. monens ownis qite II.and Mr. Haward McMuJlen made a Mr. David Johnston has secured Mr. nTwi t l. business trip to Toronto an Fniday. bouse in Prince Albert where he ei Her many Salem friends will regret Miss Susie Hyland had charge af pects to move. )ton, ta hear that Mrs. colin Staples is ill pragram at League on Thursday Mr. Russel Steeleisbuslly.,engagt ýpent at the home of Mr. A. Staples, Or- night. It consisted of readings by maving his hay, wa.ect n s ana. Ail hope for a speedy recavery. Miss Chrystal Fallis and Lea Mc- farm in this cammunity. ýrv- Mr. and Mrs. Jixn Newman and Quade; a duet by Leanard Mils and Mr. John Toms suffered an ace ness. daughters visited Mr. and Mrs. F. Thomas Ridien; and an instrusmen- dent when lie slipped an the i( with Catar an Sunday. Pleased ta know tai by Miss Eyrma Bruce. doorstep, neceiving an ugly gashc Mrs. Newman bas recavered nicely the head. We are glad ta repart1 Fa-after lier recent illness. G OV is recavering. the MAPLEGROV In spite o! inclement weather thei W. was a goodly attendance at Betlh W.SOLINA Quite a number around here are Sunday Schaal. The supeintender and MisMBryssenngawk suff ering witli bad calds. Mns. Fred Toms. was unable taia rry, Ms .Ba isedn with Mrs. Ray Snowden and daughter tend awing ta illness. but the assisi eyi wit Pickering friends. Helen. Taronto. are visiting her par- ant. Mn. Sandy Moore, proved a vei Mr. H. E. Tink made a business ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Stevens. able substitute. Bruce Gibsan d( trip ta Toronto on Monday. Ray spent Sunday with his folks lighted the school witb a sala. Tt. who Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Rundie visited here. Sunday schaal's five-piece archesti at- Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Penfound. Osh- We welcorne Mr. and Mrs. Tankin -bas added mucli ta the musical prc ,reet awa. recently. and family. Oshawa, ta aur commun- gram. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Leask en- ity. they having purchased the last an tertained about 25 friends ta a pro- house built by Mr. Samuel Snowden. h 0f gressive Last Heir party last week. We also welcomr- Mrs. Twist, daugh- TYRONE n a Remember the Institute meeting ter~ Enid, and son Ernest to aur coin- and this Friday aftennoon in the S. S. munity, they having moved into the Churcli Service îiext Suindaya The roam. Rail caIl: "How ta make our. hause farmerly occupied by Mr. and 10.30 a. m. rge- homes mare attractive ta the Young Mns. Chas. Hone. le in people of taday." League meeting was heid an Wed- W. Middletan. harness make and Missionary pragram Sulicîay after- nesday evening. President apened Bowmanville. laite of Oshawa. y' 0f noan was in charge of Mrs. Roy the meeting: Bible reading. Ross Mr. and Mrs. Levi Brunt, Eni: loy- agad usieCassn a Martin: devotional tapic, Clifford killen. recently visited Mrs. Laur Lamnmsorid ialuns e Cass saeng a Swaîîow: minutes of last meeting Vutue. -the girls. telling of the work of thle rcad and adopted. lst vice presi- Mr. L. J. Goodman is busy install variaus departments of the churcli dent. Greta Munday, taak charge. ing a seed cleaning machine in hi G Misses Jessie Yellowlees and Bessie and reading was given by Corsina grist miii. Patterson favored with a vocal duet, Samis: topic. Ida Stevens: sala. Mrs. A number fram here attended th- ~nd Divsio metig ws eldFniayChai-lie White; reading. Mrs. Ross funeral of the laite Mns. John Slerr Feb evening in the Sunday School room.Sten:asotctstwshd. natEnsien 'e.Three new members were initiated. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Waodley, Edit] ýker. Mr. B. G. Stevens gave a splendid HAYDON and Joyce, Sundayed with Mr. an, report of the Grand Division meet- Mrs. Ernest Werry, Enniskillen. ies. ing in Toronto. Rail cali '«as ans- Mr. Fred Cowiing and son Fneddie, Miss Lama Haaper and Mr. Marie wered by clippings and jakes. Quar-i Purpie Hill, visited ait Mr. R. Mc- Hooper entertained a nurnber o -tette camprised of Messrs. Dennîs Neil's. their friends an Tuesd.ay evening. Pickard. Allan l3alsorî. Maurice Bak- Several f rom bere attended the Mr. David Noble lias returned t, - er and Bill Nicol favored with two oyster supper at Tyrone Wednesday bis home at Onono after spendini selections. evening. several weeks with bis sister, Mrn League meeting Monday evening Mr. Milton Slemon and sons Lloyd Jas. Stonie. was well attended and was in charge and Gardon spent Sunday ait Mrs. C. Mrs. Harold Skinner and Mnc of the 2nd Vice President, Mrs. Alan Johins, Hampton. Jas. Starey recently visited Miss Dor McKessock. Devotional period was Our deepest sympathy is extended othy Walker at the Western Has :n charge of Mr. Harold Shuttie- ta the family of the laite Mns. John pital. Toronto. warth; piano solo by Miss Gladys Siemon of Enniskiilen. Mrs. Win. MacDonald, Cobourg, i Yellawlees; missionary topic was Miss Elva Ferguson, Enniskiilen, visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs ably taken by Mrs. A. J. Balson: Mr. Bruce Montgomery, Sauina, vis- Willis Stewart. Glad ta repart Mrs readings were given by Mrs. R. J. ited ait Mr. E. Bradley's. Stewart impraving. McKessock. Messrs. Dennis Pickard Mn. and Mrs. Mervin Mountjoy, Women's Institute and Ladies' Ai( and Allan Balson: vocal duet by Cartwright. Mrs. Jalinston. Ta ranto, will meet in the vestry on Wednes Misses Helen Baker and Evelyn Tink. visited ait Mr. J. Crossman's. day. Feb. i8tb, at 2 p. m. Good proý Meeting closed witb the League League meeting Tuesday evenîng gram is being prepared. Benediction. was in charge of lst Vice President, Mrs. Colin Staples has returned t( Miss Myrtie Cawling; Bible reading, ber home ait Onono after spendini Ada Beech; tapie, "Pentecost and several weeks with Miss F. Virtuo HAMPTON the Natural Onder" was ably taken wha is stili confined ta lier bed. by Rev. J. R. Trumpour and was Missionary prognam was lield af tei Mr. Geo. Armour is visitîng Osh- mucli enjoyed by everyone; neadings the negular Sunday schoal session ar Iawa f riends. ly Mr. Ceeil Siemon and Mrs E. Sunday. with Mrs. R. Hadgson pre. IMn. Ross Trenoutb. Oshiawa, vis- Bradley; mouth argan sala by Eileen sidinlg. Program inciuded: Mission. Iited bis parents on Monday. Cowling: and a piano instrumental ary Talk by Mrs. Robt. Hodgson IMrs. Wilbent Craig and son David by Mrs. A. Hare. vocal duet. Mrs. Thea Down and Mis visîted in Toronto reeently. Good attendance at Sunday Scbol Lola Richards; reading. Mrs. S. Ti W. Middleton, liarness maker, an Sunday. Missionary program was Hoar. Bowmanville, late of Oshawa. given, in charge of Mrs. A. Hare; A sleigh load of aur Tuxis mem. Mn. Oscar Jamiesan, Bowmanville, chorus by Mrs. E. Bradley's cîass; bers went ta Hampton on Fniday ev- visited at Mn. C. W. Hastin'gs'. a letter was read f nom Mrs. E. Ed- enmng ta, the Boys' banquet. A lovel3 Mn. Tom Sykes of Toronto Uni- mands, a missianary in China. by evening was enJoyed by an. Suppei versity spent the weekend at home. Mrs. T. Mountjoy; reading by Ursul was provided by tise Young Peaple'. tmiMn. Ivan Stephens, Toronto, visit- McNeil: vocal duet was sweetly rend- League after which speeches wen( ed bis mothen, Mrs. W. G. Stepliens. ered by Misses Grace Trewin and enJoyed by Mr. John Jury. Bowman- Glad ta see Miss Helen Virtue able Ada Beecli; S. S. lesson was taken ville. and Mn. Ed. Clifford, Oshawa ta be bome again after lier recent by Cecil Siemon. The occasion was the beginning of illîness.- the bond selling eampaign. Hope tc -jMns. W. T. Perrett entertamned a exceed ail previaus records this yean, few friends at lier home on Friday BLACKSTOCK Tynane W. M. S. met ait the hiome evening. o___ f President Mrs. A. W. Clemens an J Mn an Mr. Lae Rbbis ad Gld t rearttisa Mis Dmp-Tliursday, Feb. 5tli, for their quar- Mr. nd rs.Lore Rbbis ad Gld t reorttha Mis DMP-tenly tea with a good attendance. It daugliter, Leskard, visited her sister, sey. w halias been i1, is able ta teach wsdcddt bev al' a Mrs. W. J. Virtue. again. owa er e ton seFeb.2tl.ogr a thre otie bobin" s agrat Mrs. F. W. Newell and infant son was then given by Mns. F. Wenry's spart these days. Whio could refuse have annlved home tram Bowmanville gap edn nKrab n suliprtt grl arie? Hospital. A. W. Annis; a paper "~The Deserts Glad ta repart Mn. Harold Aluin at Mrs. Abert Hooey and daughteî. and Oasis af Life", by Mns. (Rev.) home again and recovering nicely Miss Lila, have gone ta Toronto for Trumpour in lier usual veny efficient from bis necent operation in Toronto. the winten mantlis. manner; solo. -Sseeter as the Years Miss Ethel Stepliens is In Osliawa Mn. and Mrs. Melville Oniffin and Go By", Mrs. Jas. Dudley; mission- with lier brother, Mn. Roy Stephens, Mn. R. Weish spent Sunday witli Mr. any reading, -Mrs. Rush at the assisting in their moving inta an- and Mrs. J Wotten Brandi Meeting.' Mrs. R. Hadgson; othen bouse. Mn. Lawrence Mauntjoy, wlio bits Mrs. A. W. Ciemens then gave a very Mn. and Mrs. Cliarles Johins enter- been working in Toronto, is now em- fine talk on Japan, lst chapter of the tained a numben af friends at tlieir ployed on the Bank sta ff in Essex. study book, wbich ail found very in- home on Friday evening when an en- Mrs. John Farder -attended tbe teresting. Mrs. F. Werry's and Mns. joyable time was spent. funeral at Agincaunt of lier cousin R. Hodgson's groups served a very Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Wood, Orano, wbho was killed in a motor accident. dainty lunch and a social baîf-hour visited at Mn. J. L. Johins' an Sunday. Mrs. A. L. Bailey ententained a was mucb enjoyed. Miss Frankie Wood netumned with numben of Young people on Satur- On Wednesday evening, Feb. 4th, them ta lier home, owing ta ill day evening in hanor of Mr. Weir the Women's Institute az<d Ladies' heaitli. Swain. Aid held a very successfui oyster Ice barvest is well on the way at Mn. Cliarles Smith attended the supper in tbe Community Hall. Sup- tbe miii pond, and what a gaod ci-op banquet at the Royal York Hotel, per was served f nom 5 ta 8 P. m. with it is; beautifully thick and dlean as Toronto. given by the Holstein an abundance of oysters and other crystal. Mn. Gilbert Adcock and Mn. Breeders' Association. good thîngs. After the suppen a J splendid concert was given. Mrs. S. Kersey are the cutters. Young people of the Anglican Luthern Hooper. president, pnesided ini fAmong thse week's specils at Cliunch presented their play -Well, a very able manner. An autograpis Horn's Store is offered: 10 cakes gaod Did You Ever' at the Presbyterian quilt and woollen blanket was auc- Castile Soap 25c; Finest Corn Starcli Churcli, Nestieton, on Monday even- tioned off by Mn. Thea Slemon, En- 2 pkgs. 17c; Smoked Finnan Haddie ing and were entertained ait the niskillen. the buyer of the quilt be- 13c per lb.: Fîllets 18e per lb.; al home of Mn. and Mrs. S. McLaughlin. ing Mn. K. Squair of Salem. Blanket Boys' Heavy Rubbers clearing at On Tucsday evening. Feb. 3rd. the ivas pur-chased by Mn. Otto Virtue. cast. Higli Scisool held a skating party Tbe program consisted af selections We recail that Tuesday, Feb. lth, after whichi they '«ent ta tise schaal by Haydon Orchestra: vocal solos, was the birthday af Mn. Richard wliere a program was enJoyed and Mrs. John Baker. Sauina, accompan- 1Westaway. father of Mrs. J. .Clat- lunch served. Mrs. Fred Tai-vis and led by lier daugister, Miss Helen '«osthy.Mn.Westway as eacledN. Leslie Beacock wonfiseluc- akr1pan1uesMiss-aro inadM. John Jury gave reports fraiesdewstknby Msses f nom the Boys' Paliament. Tise F. Mountjoy andi Esther Strong, and Tliunsday Febi'uany. 19-Manjoriel 1 , ingiýngws led by Mn. Alec Me- tise negative by Misses Margaret Il. Collacott, will seil by public; iGiegoi' af Bowmanville. Dr. Best of Swain and Jean Byers. Mns. Percy auction On Lot 11, Con. 3. Darling- j Bowmanville made a few remarks VanCamp gave a papen on "Making ton, al of ber f arm stock, impie-1 and tise meeting was dismlssed wxilb the Best of Our Lives." A eantest merfts etc. Sale at 1.30 pam. See' Jthse benedictian prnounced by Rev. on Observation was won by group 2.'buis. Gea. Jackson and Son. Aue-! J. R. Bick, chairman o! the mîeeting. Attendance 40. tianeens. i HAMPTON C Hampton Womeu's Iuttute Hanmpton Women's Institute held an open meeting i the basement of tise church an Thursday evenlng, Feb. 5tis. The pnesldent, Mns. H. E. Rundie, presided aven the openlng1 exercises. Miss L. Reeves, canvener1 ia! cammittee on '-Lea.gue o! Na- tions" then took charge of tise pro- gra.m: Sevenai hymsns wene sung; vocal solo, Miss Lillian Jebson, "Land of Hope and Giony"; piano duet, Mns. C. J. Kerslake and Miss Nonie Hom, 'Camnades i Arms"; vocal sala, 7Miss Lillian Jebson, "When the Sun 1Goes Down". Tise speaker a! tise evening, Dr. J. B. Reynolds a! Port Hope. gave a very instructive and interesting address an the "League o! Nations." A lieanty vote of tlianks moved by Mns. F. J. Groat. seconded by Mns. H. E. Rundie, was extended ta Dr. Reynalds. The audience show- ed thein appreciation by a isearty ne- sponse. A f ew well cliosen wonds f ram Rev. J. R. Bick brouglit the pragram ta a close. Meeting closed by singing "God Bless aur Native Land." Attendance about 125. Lunch was served by tise ladies. Next meet- ing Mardi Stb; program in charge of Mrs. Cephas Johins and cammittee on 'Legisiation.' Hampton Congregatiônal Meeting Congregational meetings are some- times dry and uninteresting. Sucli was flot thse case witl tlie one beld at Hampton United Churcli Wednes- dily evening. Februany 3rd. with tise paston, Rev. J. R. Bick, in the chair. ,Reports, from tise vaniaus organiza- tions beld tise expectancy and atten- tion of thee members as tlie year's i wark was surveyed. With a membenship of 199, the total amount raised for local chureis purposes was $2036. A pleasing1 feature was tise increase aven lst year for the M. & M. Fund. the total being $662.t Sunday Sehool lias had good and growing attendance thraugli tise winter months, sometines reaching aven 165. witb faitisful teachers and officers. Amount naised by the sehool fan the missionany fund was $128. W. M. S. have worked enengetically ail year but have been handicapped by several remavals fnom the vicin-' ity. Tisey remitted $271 ta the brandi treasurer. Young Peoples Society sliowed how its members were quite alive and zealous. holding wel-attended meetings ini the winten and some open-air ones in the summen. They cantributed $90 to tise M. & M. Fund. A very Pleasing addition to tise chuncli this yean lias been the in- stalling o! hydra electrie ligltig. Sevenal membens danated tbe fix- tunes used in tise chuneli while a f ew contributions f nom tise S. S. classes cavened a lange amount a! tise otiser expenses. An interesting feature o! the even- ing was thse election of officens. Tisose appointed ta the session wene: Messrs. Thea. Salter, Fred G. Kers- lake. Wm. Wilbur, Gea. A. Bannon, F. J. Groat. Wm. White; ta the board of stewards: Messrs. Hilton Petens, Fred Corden. Harold Salten. C. W. Soucis, Jna. Colwell, Lewis Ai- lin. Selections from tise Victrola add- ed variety ta the evenlng's enjay- ment. CARD 0F THANKS The family o! tise late Mis. M. Deweil, Sauina. desire ta tisank tiseir many friends and neiglibons fan tise kindness and sYmpatisy extended ta tisem during the iilness and deatn o! tiseir mothen and for tise beautiful floral tributes. il PHONE 186 FOR FOOD M ake This Your Headquarters For S avings and Service, Too - ~ You save here, but at Z -. n o sacrifice in the ser-vice - you get. We pride our- selves on offering you the ~ maximum for» your money, not only in lower food costs but in coui'tesy as vell, forý we want you to enjoy shopping here. THESE PRICES PROVE YOU CAN SAVE ON YOUR GROCERIES HERE ±'rankford Peas. standard quality. 2 tins 15e Aylxner Comn 2 tins 25e Hand Picked Tomatoes, per tin, 10e Circle Pineapple, per tin 15e Fancy Grape Fruit, No. 2 tin 25e Deliciaus Chocolates, in fancy box. per lb. 34c Graham Flour, Corn Meal, Genm Wheat, or Oatmeal, 5 lbs. 25e Gald Medai Marmalade. 40 oz. jan 29e Easiflnst on Domestie Shortening, lb. 15e Rasedale Sausages, extra cisoice, lb. 25e 2 Tins Ping and 1 Tin Red Claverleaf Salmnon 79e White Fiali, lb. 13e B. C. Salman, lb. 16e Chieken Haddie, .per tin 2le Oystens, per ian 35e Speelal pnices in quantity ordens. - Canned Peas are due ta take a little rise In price so you'd better lay in a case. Read aur advt. each week. HARR Y A LUN, Grocer PHONE 186 BOVWMM<VnT= I I The Season 's Finest HALF PRICE This is the biggest sale of Men's and Boys' Winter Overcoats ever held in this town. SALE ENDS SATURDAy Men's $45 Overcoats Haif Price $22.50 Men's $40 Oveîrcoats- Haif Price $20.00 Men's $35 Overcoats- Haif Price $17-50 Meîu's $30 Oveî'coats- Haif Price $15.00 ,Men's $25 Oveu'coats --Haif Price $12.50 Men's Leatheu:- Wiîudbreakers, reg. $ 12.00, Haif Price $6.00 AI] Winteî Goods must go l'egaî'dless of price. Strictly Cash Sale Visit this store and save youî'self dollar~s. My pirices are loweî' than any store in town. Look at prices in my 'vindoms. S. G. Chartran Our 1931 Catalogue is now Reaciy SOME 0F THE OUTSTANDING MEATURES ARE: BRITSH GROWN ROSES, a very fine assortmet of Hybrl<! Teas, Perpetuals, Climbers and Polyanthas. Ail 60c each. $6.00 Der dozen. Standard Roses on Rugosa $1.50. VIKING RASPBERRIES, $10.50 Der 100. This new vaiety la very much in demand. Uprlght canes almost free from spines. Hardy and an abundant bearer. ROCK GARDEN PERENNIALS - Over fifty varleties, $20.00 Der 100. Thse above are only a few of thse good thinga lsted i our 50-page catalogue. We wIil be pleased to mil you a copy on requst. Brookdale Nurseries, Bowmanville Phone 7 LOCAL REFRESENTATIVS: J. R. Philp, Scugog Street. Elmer L. Wood, Church Street. Harry Allin, Corner King and Division Streets. M THZ CANADIAN STATROMM, BOVMANVnZj& IMMWAY, PMRUARY 12,1931 PAM Mx À

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