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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Feb 1931, p. 7

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PAGE amUvE TEZ CANADIAN STATESMIAN, BOWMANVflLE, THURSDAY. PEERUARY 12, 1931 BAT. - MON.- TUES. FEBRUARY 14- 16 - 17 "WAY FOR A SAILOR" John Glber with Wallace Beery (better even than bis "Butch" in "The Big House"') JIm TuUy, Leila Hyasansd PoUy Moran (She's a Scream!) There is the smack of the sea in this roaring tale of carefree, flgbting sailormen and the girls they love in every port. And there's great drama, great tbrills, great romance, and in Oil- bert and Beery a great new team of friendly enemies. Matinee Saturday ai 2.30 p. m. Silverware Night Every Tuesday WED. - THURS. - FRI. FEBRUARY 18 19 20 a .0.Kn.A Modc.nn- oiRihn PolI.LRoy L- 8-11-11i PAUt STEIN Ad..bIa ofa Matinee Wednesday at 3 p. m. Corbett' s Bread Bread is the staff of life. so est more of it, and espec- ialIy our wholesome home-made Buttermilk Bread. This bread contains bet quslity Ingredients, llnet millIed flour, sud everythlng that goes 10 make the most nutritions food your fsmlily eau eat. BW u Pu CQRBETT BAKE Ail CONECTINER OWMAVfae LOCAL and OTHERWISK! STMP OUT VICOOUS 1 COMMUNSTIC PROPAGANDA Mr. C. B. Plant. Hastings, made aI business trip bere recently. (Continued fromn page 1) Miss E. E. Haycraf t spent the There are things we need and which weekend witb friends at Brooklin 'we do not produce. If Canada is te and Witby. develop and grow in a natural way Mrs. Stanten. Orono. la visiting it must trade and mix wtb other ber cousins, Mrs. W. H. Reid and nations. Miss Mulligan. 'II have in my possession the pass- Mr. and Mrs. Pbllp Tilley. Toron- port wbich brought my grandanother to. were guests of bis grandanother, and grandfather to the Unted States Mrs. W. E. Tllley, on Sunday. manY years ago wben it took tbree William Douglas, Port Hope, pas months to cross the ocean in a sail- ed away on Friday, Feb. 6th, in bis ing vesse!. To-day nu such distance 90th year. He was a native o! Clarke exsts. A fast New York ta Liver- township. pool boat makes the trip in five days. Wbat used to take days to cross the The World Day of Frayer will be ocean as news is as easîîy sent across beld in St. Andrew's Presbyterlan spacetoday as speaking to our next Church on Friday, February 20th, at door neighbour. Marconi on bis 3.30 o'clock. wireless ship in tbe Mediterranean Mrs. W. H. KeUlar and daugbter started machinery in Australia Bertha bave returned !rom Mountain tbousands o! miles away. Today the Grove where tbey attended the f un- world is a unit. It is coupled up and eral o! Mrs Kellar's father, Wilson Canada as a part of this unit must Short. 1 deal witb tbe world if it is te exist. Miss Mildred Lawrie. Toronto, wbo That is wby the l! e and business of attended the wedding o! her f riend. this vast country is affected to a Miss Edna Wallace, Oshawa, on Sat- 1 marked degree by world conditions. urday afternoon. spent the îveekend We talk o! the existing depression at home. but I amn not so sure wbether it is a Hugh Nind. son o! Rev. and Mrs. depression or not. We bave bad de- T. A. Nind, Port Ferry, formerly o! Pressions before. We bave analysed Bowmanville. had bis face badly cut thern all. We bave wondered what in a recent hockey match. 15 stitches arc the causes. Years ago depress- 'vere required. ions were caused, especially in tbe Mr. nd Ms. W H. ahnire- S. A. tbrough inefficient banking Mr. nd Ms, . H.Rahm re-systems. buît the depression today is turned home after spending five not througb any monetary condition. weeks in Toronto where Mrs. Rahm Values have been inflated, inventor- underwent a serious operation in tbe ies have to be liquidated andtI tat General Hospital. causes trouble. Wben the effeets Rev. H. B. Kenny. Consecon. le! t o! these things bave worn off once last week for London to spend a f ew again there will be good times. days witb friends before starting for "During the war," the speaker Florida wbere he will spend the re- continued. "the usual improvements mainder ou the winter. which would have been made from Capt. M. Isbister, Kingston.' In- year to year were left undone and at spector of Cadets, was guest of Mr. the close o! tbe war tbe expansion and Mrs. H. D. Wightman on FridaY hegan. Installment buying was or- and attended the boxing tournament gaiiized. and tis I consider une of at tbe Boys' Training School. the most unwise moves ever made. Rev. W. R. Arcber. B. A., Havelock. It not only mortgaged the future o! has received an invitation to becorne the buyer but alsu caused him to buy pastor of Regent St. Cburch. Lake- at inflated prices far out o! thse field, and Rev. F. A.. Kemp, o! Lake- value range of the goods be puel- field. bas received an invitation to cbased. This is not good for the in- Havelock and Trent River. dividual or for society as a wbole. Mrs. J. C. Cairns o! the Boys' What happened? Stocks were inflat- Training ScIsool staff. has received a ed. abnormal specualtions took plact cablegram f rom New Zealand assur- which resulted in certain collapse. ing ber o! the safety o! ber brother "Canada must be a close and com- and three sisters who reside near the ponent part o! the world, for it in devastated area o! Hawkes Bay. affected by world conditions. United States bas the greatest bearing or Canada. The two peoples are o! j COURTICE common race and the United States bas vast sums o! money invested in Mrs. W. R. Courtice visited Mrs Canadian industry. These monetary Frank Smitb, Osbawa, on Sunday. investments alone make the 111e o: Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. the two peoples almost inseparable. Ross Pearoe on the arrival of a son. The United States saw its greatest Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wight and dÏevelopinent before the age o! mach- family were Sunday guests o! Mr. inery. Thse great railway and road and Mrs. L. J. Courtice. building programs were carried out Mrs. S. S. Brooks returned home witb hand labor and thse population after spending a week in Toronto o! the countryr grew. Now witb a with ber daugbter. Mrs. Marsball vast population o! 123 millions of Soules. people, that labor, whlcb was im- Do not forget tbe annual quilting ported for band development is be- o! tbe W. M. S. on Tbursday. The ing dsplaced by maclunery and the ladies are invIted te brmng tbelr lunch country is faced wlth the necessity and corne in tbe forenoon so as te o!f fnding work or givmng thse dole to get the qults completed in good these unemployed. The accumula- trne. tion o! capital Is one o! thse big evils Services on Sunday were fairly o! the day. It is putting factories, well attended and our paster, Rev. companies and their executives and H. C. Wolraiin, preacbed two excel- staffs out of work. Business is get- lent sermons. Tis Friday evening ting centralized and the sinall busi- thse congregatiolial meeting will be ness man cannot retaliate against beld in the S. S. roorn. capital for thse latter can afford to on Frlday evening thse C. o. 1. T. seil below cost to put the smalal man were entertalned at the parsonage out o! business. by Mrs. (Rev.) H. C. Wolraim. Tbey In Russia be saw great peril.A beld their regulan meeting witb tbe near existence of slavery was appar- president, Miss Velma Gay, presid- ent in that vast country, langer tsan ing. The chapter f rom tbe study Canada, tbe U. S. and Mexico to- book. Japan, was taken by Miss Betli gether and peopled by more than 15E Gay. A piano solo by Miss Ada An- millions. Their five year plan nou fis was nicely played, and a reading in operation wil bave tIse greatest by Miss Louise Courtice. A short effect on Canada. Its people havE time was spent in sing-song. Ater- been divested o! every vestige of lib- Ixýards garnes were played and Mrs. erty and are f!orced te, do whatevei Wolfnaim served delilous refresh- thse governanent orders gettlng lese ments. A very happy evening was than tbey can live on. They werx spent. manufacturing goods whicb would sell cheaper than any in thse wonld cnlppling, by slavery. thse otber man- ufacturing countries o! the world AUCTION SALE Tis orced labor had been trled bc- fore and Isad always f aled and i MRS. CHESTER POWER would again. wll sel by public auction on "TIse Canadian people must corsE LOT 18, CON. 1, DARINGTON to tIsis conclusion," tIse speaker adti on ed. "'They must realize that the3 TUES AY, EB.i 71>* have to meet the conditions o! thE TUESD Y, F B. 1th . world markets or the world wll nci tbe f ollowing Farm Implements, buy Canadian made goods. 1 be- Housebold Furnlsbings, etc: Ileve th-at prices will core dowm Two-Horse Cultivater, Seed Dril, Set even more and will be lower than ir Harrows, Horse-Hoe, Mower, Horse tIse past 25 years and wages will de- Rake, 1-Horse Wagon, Rubber Tire crease also. It may be necessary t( Buggy, Steel Tire Buggy, 2 Set Sin- produce at less cost. It may meas gle Hanness, Cutter and Robe, About îess profits and less wages but it wil 5 tons Hay, Halrclotb Farlor Suite. eventually mean the meeting cl Extension Table. Sideboard. Bedroomn world market conditions and the Suites. Souvenir Cook Steve, and prospenity for this country. other articles too numerous te men- " e nteftr ra eu tion. IIsei h uueagetrtr Terms Cash. - Sale at 1.30 p. m. te the small farms wbere a fami13 WIllam Chala, Auctioneen. can grow what it needs and bavi enough to sell to purchase lothisi and tblngs that are needed from oui. aide ourcs.There ahould bh.i ly experienced lni ail fanm work, can drive ,e truck or car. Apply 10 Statesman Olice. i îg 7-1 w*. tt WANTED--Smai fire-proof office Safe, I ai about 36S tacrhs hightood condition. minimum o! taxation o! these small R. M. Cotton, Drawer E. Bowmnanviile. farms and citizenis should be en- Phones 32 and 611. 6-tf cçuraged te take to tbem for tbey PSTO WANTED-By marnied man wiil mean the stabilization o! the oui farn or for othor work. Apply 10 country. Canada bas the greatest W. J. K. Stephens, Kingston Highiway natural wealth in the world and a East, Bowmanville. Phone l11r23. 7tf very bigb intelligence and witIs these WANTED-RoI>eI-t Iawgan la prepared cornbined a great future lay aheadIto repair boots, shoes andi rubbens: neat if~~~~~~~~~ wol nre odtin r e.Jb oderate prioes. Leave at Sidney if worl marke conditorriar'.et.Vellington Street, Bowmnanville. In conclusion Mn. Carlisle stressed jPhonîe 424. 7-4 the dangers of thse Russian influence througbout thse world. It was bad. BOWMANVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARV but It must be cbecked. Atbelsrn neyer bas advanced to any marked .Xîuîlicatioîîs for Euie position oif ii. degree nor bas the placing o!fIsuman "ianran, at an initial yl-arly salary ot belngs on the animal basis as is ie- $400.00, may ho forwarded in writing to lng done in Russia today. Tbey may M. G.Gould, Spcretary. not later tbuun Moîîjay, Feb. 16th. 7-1 be temporanily successful but it can- not last. and it ts up to every one o! us to stamp out this viclous pro- Real Estate For Sale paganda wblcb Russia is to-day spneadlng across thse world In its war FARM FOR SALE-50 acres of landt, on civilization. 3 acres capable of cultivation, remaind- Dr.0. . Bnnyaste, n a abe 1r In bush andl îsature: good creek rua- Dr. . C Bonycstie Inan blening through the promises: north quarter but brie! addx.ess, moved aRniOSt of Lot 12,. tl Concession. Dariingtoii. bearty vote of tbanks to thse speaker For termes apply to Elgin Il. Mountjoy, fo hsspeni adrs, hilwa owmanvi'ie R. R. 6. 6-3 seconded by Mn. W. P. Corbett. FOR SALE-Brick cottage, south-west The next meeting o! the club is corner utf7hurch anti Ontario Striais, Ladies' Night and takes Place at tIse lowmntnville, six renîns, aili modern con- Boys' Training ScIsool on March OLIs, I eniences, good gtirdnantigage; IL ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~I wadnone yPeidnéa-îîi icorated andl Iniexcellent von- it wasannouned by relitionHar- rpanonabiy prie, (1 for immoîliate dy, who, on bebal! o! the club, al. Apiily 10 Mis, IL. W. Niîthois, warmly thanked Dr Reaman for bis CourIce or L. C. Masout, SolîltorB. w kind invitation. Boys o! thse school _________He.__________ wlll provide a program and a dance HOS OIAEFls ul os unes o!fLIse evening. The club will of coke per winten for furnace and slave, Ibe !avoned by hearlng Hon. W. G han done It the last four winters; now Martn, initero! ~licWelar* reuitiuig for $25 per mont.h:tiree roonis Martn, iniser f PulieWeiire.and titreselaset. upatairs, six roants andî hall including bedroont andl bathroom We are sornY to bean that Mn. Wm. downstairs; cellar dlvided with cernent iWllIard is W1. We trust h a waili garage and lien hanse. Ternms easy. speeily ccovn.-Pnt enn mSa. Apply ta C. N. Ruse, R. R L. Hamaptolu. sPeiYrcvr-otPrYSa. Ont. 35-tf 1 BIRTHS NEWEL.L-At Bowmanville Hospital, on Saturda.y, JanuarY l7th, to Rev. P. W. and Mrs. NewelI, of Blackstock, a son. Both doing well. MARRIAGES MOORCRAFT-RAB-At the home of the brides parents, Liberty Street. Bow- manville, by Rev. W. J. Todd, on Sat- urday, February >h, 1931, Evelyn May, daiighter of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Raby, I3ownianville. and H-erbert Wilson Moorcraft. youngest son of Mrs. Moor- craf t and the late John S. Morraft of Bow-manville. only, regular only, regular only, regular onfly, regular only, regular only, regular onfly, regular * Business Directory + ýj ACCOUNTANT a st it m f ie 6' to is 1s, id to M 5c M zt 'c b - iel n- Id ce il rE d' e3 Lo.k at Your Label The Statesman mailing list bas been corrected up te Feb. 8th. Look at your label and sec if your suh- scription has been crcditcd correct- ly. If flot, please advise the pub- Ilshers. Tbere are still some who bave so far negelcted ta pay for their paper for 1930. DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER Opens Office ln Bowmsnvllle Robert A. S. Colville, wbo bas practlsed as a Drugless Practitioner ini Hamilton, Orono and Toronto where be bad a private resident bospital, is now prepared to treat patients at bis residence, Liberty St. Nortb, Bowmnville. Phone 538. His metbod mainly consists of hlgb and 10w frequency Electric Cur- rents :-Auto-conclensation. Ozone- inhalations, Diathermy and DArson- val currents, Sinusoidal, Faradic and Galvanic, etc.: also Osteopathy. Chiropractic, Hydrotherapy and Massage. He bas successfully treated many chronic diseases. He treats ail dis- eases. sucb as: Diabetes. gangrene. hardening of the arteries, higb and low blood pressure, rheumatismn, neuritis. paralysis, beart diseases, leaking valves. etc.. epileptie lits, dis- cases of the eyes. ears. nose and throat and ailments peculiar to %vo men. Mr. Colville is of Scotch parentage, was a Sergeant in tbe Bombay Vol- unteer Rifles at the age of 16, was Supervisor of the Submarine Cable Office during tbe War. He was thse first man to, detect the location of the Emnden off thse Cocos Islands, wben the Australian Government was informed. thus being instru- mental in tbe capture of the German Cruiser. He believes be stands in line for an bereditary titie. His father and grand! ather beld high military ranks. He bolds letters of recoînmenda- tion f rom many prominent people, and is licensed by the Ontario Gov- èrnment. 7-1 IUnemployment Notice jAUl persons making application to the Town f or relief must apply in person to me at thse Police Office between tbe bours of 4 p. m. and 5 p. m. daily on Monday. Wednesday ,and Friday. No other applications will be considered. T. H Lockhart, 7-tf Cbairman of Relief Corn. Articles For Sale FOR SALE-one good cow, mast re- newed. Âpply Mrs. C. Johns, Hanmpton. Phone 382r4.. 6- lw FOR SALE - Battery mo-del Ra dio, 5 0tubes, real bargain. first lase condition. Phone 222. 7-1' ; AY FOR SALE - Large quantity of igood hay. ApplY Jas. McConnruchle, box 68, Bowxnanville. 72 FOR SALE-Radio completse- new bat- teries. Excellent set for country home. $35. F. J. Mitchell. Tel. 106. 5-t FOR SALE--Creani colored' baby car- niage. reversible ge-ars, in good condition, Lbargain for quick sale. Phone 477r11. 7-1 . FOR SALE-New 5-roomed solid brick habose on Wellington St., ail conven- i ences. Apply to Abert Hircocir, Lib- )erty st., Bowrnanville. 4-tf FOR SALE-Baby buggy (stroiler> and tlady's bicycle, also hooked rata. Appi; ato Mrs. W. J. K. Stephens, Kingston -Highway East. Blowmanviiie. Phone 111r23. 7-ti S PIANO FOR SALE - Upright plano, esoiid mahogany, very littie ueed, made in Philadeiphia, coat IWO; wili take $1N for piano and beach neariy ftî 1 of m- - good reasons for aeUlint. Avply to Tout Percy, box 425, Bownianvilie. 6-2 ALLIN-In Ioving memory of my lear __________________ daugtiten ael Two years havi îîassed biuE stIli nve miss Fnienils may think the wouna is healedlFoa eiu But they littie inow the sorrow iiiret clas work for ail occasions. That lies wlthin our hearts concealeil. Wreaths, Sprays, Pillows, Brides' Bau- Day by day my thoughts do wander Qea t.As emnn rah o To a grave not fer away the ceet.ry in beranenf t lra e fo r Where they laid my dear Mabel tecmtr nbatflfoa fet JusI two years ago to-day. KINGSWAV NURSERIES -S9adly misseil by mother, MMs. Thos. On Hilghway 2 etreeta eeet of Liberty St. Alin. and Sisters and Brother. Phone 144 Bowmanvile DEATHS SANDERCOCK-At Port Hope- Hospi- tai, Fctîruary 6th, 1931, John Sandercock, in his 8tlot yenr. Irterment at Wélcome Cemetery. SHORT-At 3lountain Grove, Ontario, Feb. î51h, 1931, Wilson Short, aged 72 years. Fathi-r of Mrs. W. Il. Kellar, P.owmanville. SWANcoTT-lIn Parlington, ont Tues- day. F.-bruairy 3rdl, 19a1, William Henry I;walett, ageîl 79 yparq. Interred at Orono ('em..tery. HAW-A1, Port Hol,,> Hospital, Febru- ary t, 1931, William IFaw. in his 67thJ yeai. lunwrai front resiîlene. 0ft'-Ir. Franîk tt . Oroin, to Orono i',ýmejterv. SL.EMON - At r.nniskilin. on Thurs- I day, Fiiruary 7;tli. 1931, Pamnela MaT.rk, lultilajfi of John S1I mon, a g'i 73 y'as 0montiîs Intîýrr-il ant 1floiheula BOUNSALL- (in Frîiay, 1,. h.61h, ut t h. St. 31chrilospiîtai, Toronto. Louis il tRou nsan l, irlovet h usltand of Ann ie Mec1enz te, a titifi er of Haludi. RviI- ILiim aifl G ,torgû. in b s Rth year. J EN NINGS-At P.owmanvill, IHospiîtal. oni Thursiay, February 5. 1931, Ienneti tanie.q, only iieloved son of Frank and lGrace li-niiings, agud 1 years, Il monUis, 26 iiays. I n tnrrvd a t i la nitoîi Ce metery. RUTHERFORD - At Newtonviln, at the rr-sit-nce of lier sist-,r, M.%rs. 'Wm., Feh. 6th. 1931, Ar- mina Gibutielcveti %-if, f thtiilate Charlts tt er75th sy,ar. Intermeiit ut Ni 't bat le Cernotery j IN MEMORIAM DILLING - la loving nîenry of ouri ,Il.. aif tt.and niother, «Mrs. A. Diiling, %wlto ias away on Febrîîary l4j1i, 1930. H-uaba-nti ant iramIly. RICE-iti oving memony of min itt,. iiaugliter, Beatrice Eloise, who dieîl on tiii 131h of Feh., 1930, aged Il years. 2 nionths. Away ont a heatttifu.l h c f God, By the valley of peacp Se tain. Some day, som, e lime. when our task ls ilone Wthll iîtcet our loved one there. O Mfotho r, Fathèr and Siqter. GRAHAM-Ili Ioving memory of M.%rs.1 L. T. Graham. who liassel tîwaY Feb. i 6th. 193n. We watcheîl ber sufer day by ilsy, It caused us biten grief. To see hen slowly pine away AXnd couid not give relief. rLong days and nights she hore the lanin. lI wait for cure, but ahlinb vain. But God hiniseit knew what was best, Ho took ber home and gave her rest. -Saily uissesi hy Iusbanul ani FamilW. BRIDGE LESSONS (Auction and CusUset> For f urther InforniatiOn phone il flowanil $35.00 at .........$2250 $25.00 at .........$1250 $32.50 at .........$21 .50 $27.50 at .........$1750 $26.50 at .........$16.50 $24.50 at .........$1550 $23.50 at .........$14.50 The above are up-to-date in style, but must be cleared before stock taking. Men's Leatherette Coats, $8.75 for ........$6% See our made to order Tuxedo Suits at ...$27.50 A SUBSTANTIAL REDUCTION IN ANY l- SUIT DURING STOCK-TAKING 9.m Couch, Johnston & Cryderman BABY CHICKS CD . CALDERS" World's officiai champion layers, English contest just ended. Write for price list, VICTORIA POULTRY PARM, Phone 566w, Port Hope, Ont. 6-4w Lost or Founci GLASSES LOST-Pair ýblack rimmied gasses ln Bownianvllle on Wednesday, F0±h. 4th. Finder please return to Mrm F. Winnacott, Lberty St. South, or leave at Statesfman Office, l3owmanville. 7-1 Wanted BOARDERS WANTED-Apply Blox 337, ilowmanville. 7 -21 New designs in Bridge Tallies at reduced prices. Jonteel Cream .......50e Jonteel Face Powder 50e Both for 5&c Jury & Loveli mhen we test eyes It 1, doue proffrly. SPECIAL SALE MEN'S OVERCOATS We have laid out for quick sale 10 Men's Overcoats at the following prices: MOUS! TO RENT--Sevr % uom. wat-1 erworkse, bath, eectric lighitz, iocated King & Ontario si-, Bowznanviis. Ap- ply A. A. Colwill. Newcaatie. 51-Ui For Sale or Reut HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT - On Carlisle Avenue,' hardwood floors, Prench doors, furnace and chicken bouse. Ap- ply Mrs. D. Brown, 13 Carlisle Ave. 7ti R. M. COTTON Auditiug - Accountlng Books written Up daily, weekly or monthly. Monthly and annual statement and Income Tax Returns prepared. P. 0. Drawer E. Phones 611 & 32. AUTO PAINT .SHOP Automobile Painting J. H. NEEDHAM Scales and Sicers Refinished. Delivery wagons pamnted. Duco Work - Sign Painting General Enamelling. Phione 441 - Rear of Hydro Shop DANCING Modern Dancing Lessons, PHONE 215 Classes starting Wednesday, February llth, at 8 p. m. INSURANCE Fire Lif e C. H. DUDLEY DISTRICT AGENT THE MANUFACTURERS' LIFE INSUREANCE COMPANY Automobile Liability Seed Cleaning Thle Seed CleaaIlng plant at the Boive' Training School la Prepared toa en ail kinds af grain. grass and Claver Se"d. Grain 5c per bushel. Claver snd Gras Seed 15c per buehel. Farmers are urgM to bring in their seed early ln order te avoid deiays in the spring. - 8-11 AUCTIONEER WM. Maw, Wiiitby If you should be thinklng of hold- ing an auction sale, of your Btock and Implements and would lke to have the services of a real liye sud- loneer, one who wlll get You good results, and a man who will bring buyers wlth him, just caD up WIDl- iam Maw, Wbitby, Ont. BLACKSMITHS D. R. ALLUBEA» - Skates sharpened - Acetylene Welding Horse Shoeing and Oeneral Blacksmlthlng -Woodworklng - KingStret B.Phone 506 GARAGES Garage and Service Station Batteries Charged - TowIng and General Repairs on ail maires of cars. Acetylene Welding Supertest Oas and Oils - Acoessorles BROOKRAM sud MeMIU.LEN Phone 285 King Si. W. BowmsawflI RESTAURANTS OLYMPIA CAME B3owmuvMfe's Popular Esting PhM Deliclous Sandwiches - On toast witbout extra charge. Try our 40e meal. King Street E. Phone 537

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