PAUE TWO THE CANADIAN 8TAT~MAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1931 Tkree Local Ministers oF United Church to Make Pulpit Changes Rev. D. W. Best and Rev. J. U. Robins of Bowinanville and Rev. J. R. Trumpour of Tyrone Inform Oshawa Presbytery of Impending Changes - Presbytery Denounces Huge Consumption of Liquor in Ontario Bowmanville, Ontario. Reports of the year's activities as,'%vaste involved in the traffic in al- Phanes: Office 102; House 409. well as calîs ta ministers and re- coholic beverages, and would coin cjuests for pastoral changes were'nmend ta aur people the educational L. C. MASON, B. A. considered by the Oshawa Presby- policy of aur church in hier educa- Barrste. Slictor Noary tery of the United Church of Can- tional campaign among the young Loans - netns ada which held sessions in Simcoe People in our Sunday Schoals, also Street United Church, Oshawa, on It'le program of the department of B.wmanville- Next to RoyalThar Thursday, Feb. 12th. The sessions; Evangellsm and Social Service." Phone6: Office 688; House 553. openied on Thursday marning with; Iii a brie! discussion on the clause, - the chairman of the Presbytery, Rev.: it was pointed out by Rev. R. A. J. M. Whyte of Enniskillen. presid- Whattam that the number of liquar DENTAL ing. permits in force ini Ontario has in- More than flfty ministerial and îay creased fram 220,000 ta 400,000 in« DM. G. C. BONNYCASTLE delegates were present. A number three years, and that the cansump- Hoosiraduate in Dentistry, Toron- o! items relating ta changes and calls tion of liciuor had alsa shawn an in- to Unlversity. Graduate o! the Royal were referred ta the committee on crease. "If the law is complied with. Coflege of Dental Surgeons a! On- mnini.,ters and students. Among this drinking must be dane in the tario. Office: King St., Bowmanville. these were a caîl ta Rev. J. U. Rab- homes a! the province, and ta ,my OEcne phone 40; house phone 22. mns. a! Trinity Church. Bowmanville, mid this is a serious situation." he - X-Ray Bquipment in Office, ta Listowel. and a caîl from Trinity said. United Church ta Rev. E. F. Arm- Religiaus Education committee re- DR. J. C. DEVITT strong o! Listowel. Bath ministers parted a decrease in the number o! Asistaant: Dr. E. W. Sisson- have accepted the calîs. Rev. W.P. Sunday Schools froin 57 ta 53, one Graduate o! Royal Dental College, Fletcher o! Centre Street Church, of these being caused by the amal-s Toranto. Office: King Street East: Oshawa, Rev. J. R. Trumpaur o! Ty- gamation o! two Sunday Schaols ont Bowmanvllle. Office hours 9 a. m. rane circuit, and Rev. D. W. Best, the Pickering charge, and the other ta 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. D. D.. of St. Paul's Church, Bow- three due ta the cessation of one Phone 90. House phone 283. manville, were among those who Sunday Sehool in each of the Black- X-Ray Equipmnent in Office.« asked for changes in pastorates. stock. Newtonville and Scugag dis- ,tricts. The enrolment is 10,250,a __________________ -The statistical report read by Rev. decrease o! 168. An encauraging in- P. L. Jull a! Braaklin. secretary ofj crease in the number o! schaals us- the Presbytery, showed that the ing graded lessons was repoirted, and MEDICAL financial depression existing in the l was stated that training schools J. CLARK BELL country had effected the churches ta for teachers were held in alI districts M. 0., Ch. B.. F. R. C. S. <Edin.). D. P. H. some extent bath in membership and of the presbytery except Whitbyd (Sucesor o D. A S.Tiley) contributions. The total member- tawn and Whitby township. It was Abcesrt D.A .Tler- ship o! the United Churches in the ntdwt haueta uvyo Honas. Graduate in Medicine,.br Presbytery was shown as 10,084, a moembershipeand hrets w a sre-f deu University; Felhow o! the Royal decrease of 52 f rom ast year. Dur- cently cop nddh Kn t re an O~eg o the year 425 new members were piceSre hrhsi saa Ofe and ie hne:u8n9 tre. received by profession o! faith, an and was now contemplated by Trin- I Bowmaville. Ph2 onpem,6 89 p. increase a! 17 over 1929. and 5131 ity Church, Bowmanville.a OUc laur 2to P m. Sto 3 P~m.were received by certificate. an in- Other features o! the sessions were _____ _____ crease o! 82. There were 166 re- an inspiring address on the place o! moved by death, an increase o! 16, work among teen age boys in the ife i FUNERAL DIRECTOR and 824 remaved by certificate. anj o! the congregation delivered by Rev. J increase o! 510. Thislte iuej. M. Finîey, secretary o! the Nation- C FF. MORRIS Co. indicated a general removal of pop- al Boys' Work Board, and the dis- AU . Complete Motr or ulation f rom the Presbytery ta other cussion which surrounded the ques- H-orse Equipment. prsyeisbilterao o h ion o! women's rights ta election as i ( ~ ) All caîls promptîy decrease in the church's membership. latter question was passed on ta the f WI ' attended ta. The *number o! families under pas- members o! the Church Session. This a SPrivate Ambulance, torah aversight is 5573, a decrease o! executive for consideration and ta 10 and 34. not included in the familles number the presbytery. v Brach tors: 706, a decrease o! 29. The total A numbeir of il]uts~es numbr o!Persnswnderpastraled by the presbytery. one o! them P Orno& ecatl. oversight is given as 19,793, a de- expressed the deep appreciation and f crease o! 497. thanks o! the presbytery for the gen- j- During the year there were 269 erous, sacrificial spirit o! so many AUCTIONEER infant baptisms, a decrease o! 39; members in the meeting a! specialt and 90 adult baptisms, an increase appeals for the missionary work o! THEO M. SLEMON of 37; man-lages tatalhed 218, a drap the church during the past year. L Auctioneer of 40; while burials. which number- The secretary o! the presbytery Faim 'and House Sales a Specialty. ed 352. showed an increase of 18. was instructed ta write ta the official Ternis moderate. Enniskillen P. 0. The total raised for alh purposes board o! the Newtonville United Phone 197r3. 1-tf in the presbytery is $195.652. a de- Church. expressing sympathy with crease o! $17.380. It was pointed out them in the bass o! their fine church by Mr. Juhl, who presented the re- building by fire; confidence in the CHIBOPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS Port. that this figure did not show loyalty and sacrificial spirit o! the complete returns. and that the de- people; and the hope that in the near THEROPY crease would be considerably less- future they would have an adequatef DUBWIN E. STECKLEY than this amount when final returns plant in whichl ta carry on their Honor graduate o! Toronto à&Uege were in. For instance, on the date cuc ok o! Chiropractics will be in the Bow- this report was made up, returns f or cuc ok manville office Tuesday. Thursday the Missionar-Y and MaintenanceI and Saturdar evenlngs. Phone 141J. Fund totaled $40.009, a decrease o! IPUBLIC HEALTH NLJRSE'S Residential caUls made during fore- $913 from ast year, while returns al- RPRT SHOWS 34 CASES Mo.ready received since that date 0F COMMUNICABLE DISEASE brought the total up ta a consider -___ able increase over ast year. Mis. Gi. L. Martyn. Acting Publie CAETING A» TIRUCKING The amotmt reparted as raised for Health Nurse, Presents ail local purposes, excluding min- Monthly Report. Ail kinds ot Ca.rtng. Trucking aad insters' salaries, is $84.150, a de- Mo0Vlng; local and long ditanmoo. crease a! $16.392. Salaries paid The !ollowing report covers the Ph.n «0 MuARDtBvm m ministers totalled $51.765. a decrease wark o! the Acting Public Health Pho. U Qoso5t~.wiuwm.o! $1.412. Women's Missionary Soc Nurse during the month o! Febru- ieties raised $12.845. a decrease of ary, 1931: LANRYWNTD$38. Amount raised for conference No. a! homes visited 67 LANDY ANEDand presbytery funds was $921, a de- Na. o! individuals visited 155 Ail klnd.s of lauidry work dane prompt- crease o! $190; while the amount No. o! visits ta: lY, a&ti.factorly and at reasanable pice.. Write Pest Oâc. Box 12, or cail!Mrs.1 raised for ail other purposes. inciud- Prenatal cases 6 W. Marieraw, King Street East, Buw- ing hospitals. Bible Society. etc.. was Postnatal cases 4 miffyUePlha.. 478. '$5.962. an increase o! $1.565. Adult 12 IDebt Reduce<t Infant 16 ___________________________Pre-school 43 The valuation o! church buildings. Schooî 44 contents and sites, is given as si,- Acute communiciable diseases 34: 094300 a decrease o! $27.400. This vihooping Cough 32 SI A IN ~was due ta the loss o! Newtonville Scarlet Fever 2 S A I Gchurch by fire. Value o! manses and Miscellaneous Visita 8 atparsonages is $159.375, an increase Social Welfare 10 o$1.000; whiIe valuation o! furni- Not !ound1 IT YL R' RINK of 3a9es4x~ Yth o- Nao! Infant Welfare Con- grgtos s$450 nincrease of ferences held 4 BOWMANVILLE $1.080. Value o! other property is Total Attendance 49 With Orthophoie music $19.000, decrease o! $900. Total val- No. Infants 40 ue o! ahl church property is $1.287, No. Pre school 9 TUESDAY, THURSDAY 25, a decrease o! $26.220. Debt on School Report adchurcb property la $61.269, a de- No. o! visita ta achool 17 crease o! $27.721. almoat one-third Cassroom inspections 9 SATURDAY EVENINGS o! the debt being wiped off during Pupils inspected 294 Ad"n2c hlrnic the year. Treatments 14 Admadn 2c;Chldrn 5c A resolution was adopted unani- Dental de!ects terminated 4 Mously by the Presbytery concerning Exclusions 17 _______________________the amount o! liquor consumed by ,Jaundice 5 _______________________the people a! Ontario. The resolu- Suspected Whooping Cough 12 tion read: 'We deplore the amount Dr. Blrks gave reaction test for So! drinking among the people o! this diphtberma toxold ta 2 pupils and one J.~~~ ~ I-IU IIU rvnce, as revealed by aur govern- dose o! diphtheria toxoîd ta 18 pup- J. H R O ment statistics. and the tremendous wants POULTRY and APPLES at Fair Pricea Phones: Bowmanvlle-235 Toronto-Trlnlty 3949J Address: 274 Augusta Ave., Toronto. 46-tf Have Tour Eyes Examined Consult our Reglstered Optonitrist I. M. MITCHELL -Latet Method -- -Mode mtues R. M. Mitchell & Co. Drglb - -«ebt phione os SENIOR EDITOR'S CI{URCH RECORD <Prom The New Outlook) That vetteran publisher and church man, Mr. M. A. James, now senior editox- o! the Bowmanville States- man, celebrated his elghty-third birthdlay on January l4th. at the !amily home, Lamne Villa, Bowman-1 ville, and received many congratula- tions !rom near and far. He bas been in ill-bealth for some time. To hiîn bis church record is o! more importance than bis career as cdi- toi-, whicb %vas very auccessful. Not only did be occupy positions o! trust iii the local cburcb. but he wasaa member o! Albert College Board for twelve yeais, o! the Book and Pub- lishing House o! the Metbodist Cbuircl for- twelve yeairs. and four times was he'a member o! the Gen- eral Conference. Active in promot- ing the cause of temperance. he watt for years a member o! the Dominion Alliance Executive. He attcnded five Aniiual Conferences o! the Bible Chris;tian Cburch in England - at Exeter, Barnstaple. Holsworthy. Pen- zanto and Newport, Ile o! Wight- ahl naines associated with the histary o! that denomination, now in Can- ada a part o! aur United Church, and moon to become a constituent element in a united Engllsh Methodist Church. New outlook readers wlll wlsh Mr. James "llght at eventide." Mrs. G. L. Martyn, Actin.g Public Health Nurse. Over 18.000 books were clrculated through Cobourg Public Library in 1930. The membershlp is 274, ani 1 ncrease over the previous year. 1 Painting and Paperhanging W. J. Richards and F. J. Spry arc prepared to do any klnd of decorating. No job too small or too large. Now is the time to get your work donc bef are the busy season commences, prices right and work guaranteed satlsfactory. We are agents for the Empire Wallpapers which are better than ever and we wiIl be pleased to cal with the sample books at your home any time. Work wlll get prompt attention by telephonlng W. J. RICHARDS Phone 41 - Church St. or F. J. SPRY Phone 427 - Bradshaw St. Dowmanvillie Estimates given on all Llnds of work. LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.D. Barrister, Solicitor. Notary Monier ta ban on F'armi and Town prerty. Royal Bank Building. Bewmanvllle. Phone 351. W. RI. STIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Soliegt for Bank of Montreal M.mey ta Loan. Phone 91 Bowmanville. Ontario. W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Money ta Loan. Bonds for Sole. VERSATILE PUBLISHERS (Editorial in Toronto Globe) The men who publish the weekly newspapers of Ontario held their annual meeting in Toronto yester- day. This is one of the interesting and important gatherings of the year These men are, in a special sense. representative o! the districts from which they come. True, they appoint themselves as delegates to this con- vention, but that obviates a lot of heartburnings associated with the electible plan. The country publisher knows his readers-and with the excellent pap- ers now issued these should include the entire community. He is the re- corder of day-to-day event in the if e of the people of his neighbor- hood. He knows what . is going on. There is an old saying among news- PaPermen that every individual has1 a news item concealed about him if, if can only be gat at. In a town or village it is easier ta di.slodge these than in larger centres of population; easier ta run down a good story. At all events. that is a reasonable ex- planation of the newsy nature of the country paper. Publishing a country paper is a- mong the most interesting o! occu- pations ta which an enterprising andi versatile individual may turn his hand. Many owners are editors and printers as well. Should one seek in a rural newspaper ta sec the pub- lisher, the editor and the mechan- ical superintendent. he would note a strong îresemblance between the three. Hence variety in work is the spice of the country newspaperman's 111e. Drudgery does not enter into the business. 0f late there has been in the rural Press af this country a marked growth in the spirit of independence in Politics. This may be the result of two or more papers joining forces --quite a common practice nowadays in towns and smaller cities: but no doubt it is chiefly because a paper can better serve its community when urlfettered by party ties. Wihatever the reason the day of the hidebound Party paper seems ta be nearing an, end. Political cleavage is not suj rnarked mn Canada as it was a gener- ation ago, and newspaper readers welcomne independence of expression. The weekly newspaper is coming into its own again in many wvays. The job printing end benefits by an in- crease in local patronage. and, be- cause of fewer rivals in the f ield. the ;ubscription list is more imipressive than in the days when a camînunity felt obliged ta distribute its support among two or three publications. There are many privileges and ad- 'antages associated with the publish- ing of a country paper. It provîdes for a man of original thought an op- portunity ta express his opinions freely on important public events. 1 He is bis own master. Also, there is plenty of variety in alternating be- tween the writing of editorials, op- Evenmng rates on "Anyone" (station- to-station) catis begin ai 7 p.m. Nighî rates begivi ai 8.30 p.m. IltJW'c47P1f ce/f JJO]JE Docl8e Brothers present a new Do.dge Six andi a îîcw Dodge Eight-txe miost heautifuil, comfortaljle and aijie car, ini DoJ8e hîstory. = Lt contsn- ies ta ILe Do18e Brothers convic- thou tixat thie most important thung zil)out a inotor car is tixat it Lse a podiniotor car-sa desigried and so Il~Iiit of sotîîinaterials tliat it inay 1.1%t ti ami 1(1opCrate <lef)encaLly. ]J EPENDAB ILITY Tke nev' Dodge Six and Eight dcnsonstrate that it is possible ta ii- corporate in cars of Dodge quahrty at Dodse Brotiers traclitional prace- levels a of beauty, size and performance far Leyoncl anything that moclerate price lias previously cominanded. =The valuie representeti insihcars wilI be instantly ap- WM. J. CHALLIS, Dealer J. D. CARRUTHERS KING STREET EAST BOWMAN VILLE Red Indian Service Station Show Room Open Eveningsj Sales and Service A~ traI;ani aclvancerneni of radJ;onal exceIIcfMer NEW BEALrTY-SPARKLINC COLOR EAIRMONILS-EXQUISITE INTERIOaS -INCRE.ASED COMFORT-ARTII.LLRY WOOD WHEELS-.FINER l'ASTER PERFORMANCF-MONO-PIECE STEEL, BODIIS-INTERNAL 1fYDtAULIL1( BL>IKES-MANY OTHER REFINEMENTS (he.. Qodo. (a iremd Pried front $1400 to $1455. (virevhxeela ext2a) -. .-. 1410 ilettl J)ajlge J x.our mccheli rieed frni0 0 touta$1,30.o f3uaîntAs -tp( (vire .,hc-eI extra) . -. . $ 1 (D A Il lîrices f. o. 1). \N'itiîdior (, îtrî incui înlà standard factor.v equip.meîit ( frii,t acid 1 mr, ý-M N% J i\ N 1 U1 1 L 0 G E FOR CANADIA N S~ Mother and Anme had ahways been very chose ta one another. Wben Anneernarried and moved ta another city, each missed the other greatdy. 'But oe thing more than any other lias hehped to keep them close - the telephone. Every Friday evening Anne calhs ber mather by Long Distance ...alter 8.30 p.m. when the low night rates are in effect. During the week they bath keep menios of topics they wish ta discuss. Then there is no rime loat . . . and nothing forgotten. Wbat if they are 120 miles apart! The tehephone cannection is madie in about a minute - nearly ahways while Anne bolds the line. Their voices are just as clear as on local, andi the cost, after 8.30 1 PAUE TWO THS CANADMN STATUMLAN, BOWMANVHLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19,1931 erating the linotype. and turning out J. L. Westaway & Son, furniture his busines which bears the motte: apiece of artistic job printing. dealers of Port Hope, last week "Perfect Service ta Customers." The rhereforc a convention atteiided bY marced their 23rd anniversary in Statesman extends sincere congratu- h rin arys iand th imo-pure business. Mr. Westaway who started lations and expresses the hope that teournas o athsdctyhe ve een he bsns santv fHmtndad and bis lad may long be sparel jour alits f tis ity ave bee th buines isa n tiv of Ham tonto give that perfect service to thefr glad to welcome their moire versatile and has been signally successful inl customners in the hllside town. brethren of the towns and villages. 1