PAQ FOUR TUE C*XADZAN RrA1~IU~, DOWMAMVHLA, T!WRBDAY, RUARY 18. 1861 ILOCAL1 Be&& MZon Laymei Alf red Ayre was sel of the Mon iLaymen'î the. QMgnization meeti churck. Other office] Balson; Anson Balson GRaspeli, treasurer; au pell, executive member of Bowmanville, gave the. foundlng and histo man's Club. St. John's A.Y The regular fortnigh thse Anglican YoungP "stoniof St. Joh2n's Ch la the Parish Hall on with a large number pr il Carr, F.RB.S. SUPE horticulture at theB Shcisl, gave a fine ad remainiflg part O! the te have been given b: branch o! the A. Y. P. ta put in an appearar the menibers filled in with games and singir conclusion the Social0 ved a hot bean suppe Mason. president, Pre meeting. pemay Bank DePOI Despite local co -nunt f ionY on , NEWSllc"emar meeung Cf teuNcnLi jýý n 7th,1931; members ail peet, eee N. Green lni chair. n's Association Miueso! last meeting read and >Ieced resientadopted. 'sctesopieinti Communications received from tIg Associatonha Ontario Good Roads' Association, bin hld t heUnted Farmers and Dept. Public1 ers were: Jobn lghways stating they had received n, secretary; R. statement o! 1930 expenditure. Re-i nd Tracy Glas- evdadfl.i r.Ross Strike, evdad!ld an address on Prom Dept. of Public Highways re ory o! the Lay- convention. Road Supt. instructed to attend. Auditors presented their report and on motion auditors dlscharged Yr. P. A. and paid. On motion, Mrs. H. Brown and T. htly meeting o! Waite would receive support from People's Assoc- the Council till Feb. 21, 1931, afLer riurch was beld which matters re House o! Refuge LMonday niglit would be consdered. resent. George )erintendent o! Orders signed as follows: Boys' Training Toronto Stamp and Stencil ddress and the Co. dog tags 1$ 10.81 e program was Workmen's Compensat'n levy 7.28 by an Oshawa H. Parsons. printing 109.00 bA. who f ailed L. Mountjoy, cedar wood 9.00 ýnce. H-owever, W. A. VanCamp, Sec.-Treas. ri the program S. S. No 1 200.00 ing and at the W. Steele. janitor 25.00 committee ser- H-. Tliompson. services auditor 8.00 er. Miss Jane R. Ferguson, services auditor 8.00 resided at the Clerk. registration births, deaths. marriages. 12.00 Wettlaufer Bros. pulley for crusher 8.75 >sts Down W. D. Ferguson, Collector. 90.00 M. Griffin, wood for hall 32.50 ondltions the Council adlourned to meet Mon- deposit in the day. Mardi 2nd. 1931, at 2 p. m. penny Bank by students of the Bow- manville public schools at the close c 1930 was only a little less than at1 thse end o! the previous year. Tie comparative figures are on deposit December 3lst 1930. $3 ,479-54. and (M December 3lst. 1929. $3,580.15. Only 32%' 'o! Lie students o! Bow- manville schools are depositing in tile Penny Bank while neighboring municipalities like Osliawa. Whitby sud Newcastle aIl have mare than double the number o! depasitors per hundred than lias Bowmanville. The village o! Newcastle lias 87-, o0f its students learning the tLin!t habit byý depositing ini tie Penny Banik. HeIp the Public Library Public Library Board makes aný appeal ta the public ta give books of ail descriptions ta the Library to cut down the expense o! heavy pur- chases this year. IL was re'.eaîed i thse annual Library report t hat more than 80q,<fco the books read in Bow- manville are o! the fictian class and thus the appeal wiIl carry wti it urgent enquiries for this kind af readlng. Tiere are many in Bow- manville who have one or two and perhaps more books in fair condi- tion Iying around ticir homes and these would be a worthwhile service if Liey would hand tiese over ticth Library thus saving consider- able expense. Thc library lias a membership o! 552 whicli represents a large percentage o! the citizens o! the town. If every one of tiese meinbers would subscribe one book to the library it would have more new books than it is usual ta purchase in oune year. The giving o! these books, however is by no means cnfined to members o! the UibrarY but everyone can lielp with this worthy work. Scouts' Church Parade Forty niembers o! the Boy Scout and Cub Troops of Bowmanville un- der the command o! Scout Master Terry and Assistant Scoutmasters R McLeod and F. C. Conley, attend- ed divine worship at St. John's An- glican Churcli on Sunday mornlng. An impressive part o! the service uas.Lie trooping o! tlie colors at the sitar where they remnained during thse entire service. The rector, Rev. C. R. Spencer. preaclied a stlrring and most appropriate sermon for the occasion. Taking for is text lst Samuel, 17-40, "and lie took is staff in his hand, and chose him five maootli stones f rom the brook and put thein in a siephcrd's bag whlch ho had, even in a scrip." Tuis verse, tjis rector stated. was from the story et David and Goliath and those five amaîl stones plcked by David f rom thse brook bef ore lie went to battle witi the Philistine represented five thlngs whlch go to the making o! a good Scout. Wliat went Lo the mak- lng o! a good scout alsa went to the making o! a good citizen . The first stone represented FaiLli. the second Courage, the third Hope, tlie !ouith 7-raining, and Lhe fi! Lb !ntegrltY. Those who were faithful to these five principles made good scouts and consequently good citizens. B. H. S. NOTES senior Commercial presented their9 program on Wcdnesday. Pcb. 4Lb, for Lie tIterary Society. ALer Lie vice-president. Ada Allin, had called ter, ooteserderyandrneanLi caser scholto rery adWnnean-h minutes o! the lasL meeting, Lie pro- grami opened wti Lie wliole school singlng "0 Canada." Helen Argue thea sang "Somewhere a Voice is Callng." Tuis selection was follow- ed by a play "Tic Family Failing." The cast was: Agnes Dale, a faint- hearted. strong-minded widow-Hel- en McDonald; Btty Dale, Agnes Dale's meek daugiter-Marioii Leg- gott: Irene Mar'ks, Agnes Dale's bacielor sister-Leol i Miller; Dean 8111l, Lic Young omanager of Lie Dale farm-Gordon Adams; Cecile Bates. Betty's best fricnd-Eiîeen Todd: Phlip Craig, Mrs. Daîe's neigibour- Josephi Alexaunder; Norai, Lie Dale 'S ancient muid o! ail work-_Murl Henderson: Peter, another o! Dale's retainers--Roy Lunney. Tien "Ai Lonesome Lover" was sung by Lhe whole form. Tic program closedi viti God Save thc King. Boys' Basketbe.ll team Playcd Ca- bourg on Pcb. 4ti, ln B. H. S. gym.j Mr. Cunningham was referee. ScoreI was 22-16 in !avor a! Bowmanivllle. O)ilPcb. 6Lli. Lie Girls' Basketbali! teain played ticir last scieduled gaine witi Cobourg. Bth sides did soîne splendid playing. but isPit,' o! Lie good figit oui' girls put ui)> the score stood 32-24 in favor o! Ca-j bourg. Miss Bateman fromn Toronto University was referce. AlLter Lhej game lunch was served by tie Girls'l 4±tlc S Eoci[ety. Both spectators1 "É players danced until 10.15 P. im. W. Beacock, Clerk. MAPLE GROVE REFLECTIONS Instaflment No. 15 SDo You Recal- WHEN "Mil" Gibson. ýBilly" Frank, "Herb" Foley, and "Wes" Hancock were daily hikers on the Kingston Road going to B. H. S.? If a bit late for scliool they would line across the road and "liold up" Tom Perkins af Ebenezer, witli lis open buggy, also enrouLe ta B. H. S. and ail pile in muci La Lie disgust o! Tom? Thc boys all "made good". Mil is sill teaching sciool in Al- berta; Billy is preaciing in B. C.; Herb a minister in Bay o! Quinte; Wes planting people in com!ortable hiomes ireal estate) ini Winnipeg: Tom lias for many years practised dentistry in Toronto. WHEN our honorcd squir'e, Harveyl Burke, won his famous political bat- tLe over Colonel Cubitt and was elect- ed ta a seat in the Dominion Parlia- ment? He afLerwards esigned ta make way for Lie Honorable Edwamd Blake. wio represcnted Lie riding witi suci dignity and renown for many yeams. Mr. Burke was later appointed Sherifi. IL may be re- mcmbered that Miss Nellie Burke marricd Sir Sam Hughes, anc of Lie outstanding figures in Canadian a!- f airs and Minister o! Militia during Lie World War. jCHURCH HOCKEY LKAGUE wbich was organlzed last week got under way on Monday wth threel teains playlng at 7, 8 and 9 o'clock, in the order named. Garnes wl!! be played every Monday and Wednesday nights, and Saturday afternoons at 2, 3 and 4 o'clock. AUl churches in the town have teamis entered in the senior, intermediate and Junior ser- ies. The complete schedule, start- ing on Monday last, is as follows: Monday, February 16th St. Johins vs Trinity Jr. St. Josephs vs St. Pauls Sr. St. Johins vs Trinity Sr. Wednesday, February iSth. Saints vs St. Johins Inter. St. Pauls vs St. Johns Sr. St. Josephis vs St. Andrews Sr. Saturday, February 21st. Trmnity vs St. Pauls Jr. St. Johns vs St. Andrews Jr. Trinity B. vs Trinity A. Inter. Monday, February 23rd. Saints vs Trinity B. Inter St. Josephs vs St. Johins Sr. Trinity vs St. Andrews Sr. Wednesday, February 25th. St. Andrews vs St. Pauls Jr. St. Josephis vs Trinity Sr. St. Pauls vs St. Andrews Sr. Saturday, February 28th. Trinity vs St. Andrews Jr. Saints vs Trinity A. Inter. St. Johins vs Trinity B. Inter. Monday, March 2nd. St. Johns vs St. Pauls Jr. St. Pauls vs Trinity Sr. St. Johns vs St. Andrews Sr. SALEM LEAGUE Friday niglit, Fcbruary 13th, Lie Y. P. L. heîd its Valentine meeting. ,Mrs. Hloney. 2nd Vice. occupiedtlie chair and eacli officer supplied one number on the pragram. Bible lesson wis read by Mrs. Honey; Violin solo by Mr. C. Colîacott; Male Choir gave two selections; Mouth organ solo, Mr L. Stainton; Readings, Mrs. Wcl- ehi and Mr. K. Squair: Violin solo, Mr. Leslie Coombes; wlio kindly re- sponded witli an encore; Piano solo, Mr. L. Collacott. A contest was con- ducted by Mrs. L. Richards afLer which lunch was served. Meeting cîosed with the benediction." Sunday afternoon lasL at tlic usual hour Lie Y. P. L. was opened by President Mr'. S. Buttery afLer which, Mr. F. Cator led in prayer. Minutes o! last meeting werc read by Mr. K. Squaim in the absence o! Vice took charge. Bible Lesson, Mrs. L. Richards; Topic, Giving, prcpared by Miss Gil- bank and ead by Mrs. Irwin; Violîn solo, Mr. C. CollacoLt: Reading, Mrs. Darcli. Miss Rutledge and Mrs. L. Sq.uair. Meeting closed witi singing, Benediction. Dunn's Bulletin of Feb. l7tli. an- nounces the incorporation o! the Kingsway Nursery Company o! Bow- manville witi J. H. H. Jury as presi- dent. I CORBETT WILL HAVEI HOT + BUNS EVERY FRIDAY DURING LENT Order them ahead, buy thern frorn the delivery wagon or get them at the store . Wu P. CQRBETT BAKER AND CONFECTIONER BOWNANVILLE NOW IN OUR NEW STORE,--, SC.2Yr.yE 11<)'rt~t ~xîx ERIB Fieut 4 Rtibu EUS and ROLLED lb. 22o RUP-FLL CL RUN ORANGES PEAS riN 21c BUCKINGHAM CIGARETTES Pkg. 25e JOHNSON'S FLOOR WAX No. 1 Tin 39c A & P DOUGHNUTS-Fr.ah Daily Doz. 23c AVNT JEMIMKA PANCAKE FLOUR ZPkass.290c M«APLES SY]RUP Pue 1lOZ 29 LEMONS-Messina-Large Size Doz. 21c CABBAGE-Texaa ---3 b. 19c CALIFORIA N<EW GREEN C. G. L- T. DANQUVM MOTHEE8 mothers lighted their candies and NEWCASTLE AT 1IJ<fl'Y'CHTJfl lastly the daughters lighted their's f rom their mother's. while the moLli- WM SAF0 TO pIemg Eveat Atted.i by 1» - ers and daughters repeated the WOA' A80ITO Girls Woak Boad Secretary Is pledge. This ceremony over. the dif The Woman's Association of the ?" seaer ferent groups made whoopee when United Churcli beld Its February yells and songs. o! Mrs. John Douglas. Mrs. W. J. S. The most outstanding event o! the The toast to the mothers was pro- Rickard, lst Vice President. was in year for the Canadian Girls ini posed by Miss Marion Slemon and the chair in the absence o! Mrs. Training was held on Friday evening responded to by Mrs. C. J. Smale Percy .Hare who was in Toronto at- and took the form o! a Mother and while the toast to the leaders was tencling Lie Provincial Horticultural Daughter Banquet in Trinity Sunday proposed by Miss Alice Purdy and Covninr. rdGaa e School rooms. A sumptuous banquet was responded ta by Miss Jessie M -oneto.Ms rdGaa e was put on by tiose participating Pherson, Girls' Work Board Secret-predhatedeaendsclev Iand served by former C. G. I. T. ary for the Province. in the !orm o! ening under the auspices o!flier members under direction o! Mrs. J. an address in which the ideals o! Lhe grouP was successful beyond the group's expectations. The function W Bunner from prettily decorated C. G. I. T. were presented in a pleas- liad netted the sum o! $20.65 whicli tables. The color scheme being car- ing talk. tesceaytesrro h ru rie ou inLieC.G. . T coour ~ During the program Miss Helen Mrs. H. C. Allin, deposited with the blue and white, with yellow candles Mason recited Pauline Johnson's W. A. treasurer, Mrs. L. M. Fisher. and daffodils. Over 130 sat dowii "Canadian Born" while a quartette Mrs. Graham's group was the first to the supper which was a tempta- composed o! Misses Ada Clark, Mary this year to earn some money and ion for even the most slotliful o! ap- Birks. Evelyn Pickard and Helen tuom it in to the general treasury. petites. Pritchard gave a well rendered num- Rev. J. U. Robins. pastor of Trin- ber. A mast interesting meeting clos- Mrs. Clarence Allun. the newly ap- ity Churci, acted as toastmaster and ed 'with singing the C. G. I. T. pointed teînperance secretary read opened the program after the supper hymon and the Benediction. some clippings fram papers and per- with the toast to the King. This was ____ odicals in reference to the sale o! in- !ollowed by an impressive ceremony toxicants and tie present temperance o! lighting the candles in which the Miss Mariao Purdy. who is at- situation and called the attention o! toastmaster played the leading raIe.. tending Peterboro Normal. visitedthe meeting to the clamnorous de- The five leaders, Miss V. Sparga, lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. o'iand on the part of some people and Mrs. Elton Werry, Miss B. M. Sarg- Purdy. over Saturday and Sunday. jorganizations for the sale of beer bv ent. Miss Florence Werry and Miss the glass. Ruby Wltheridge ligited their can- Mr. J. H. H. Jury was again eleet- She also announced tlie musical dles from the cbairman's candle and ed a director of the Ontario Horti- comedy. "The Minister's Wifes New in turn lighted the candles on tihe cultural Society at the annual con- Bonnet."- ta be presented by the Y. tables. from whlch in turn the 1 vention held in Toronto last week. P. L. o! Part Hope United Church MADE IN ONTARIOS FINEST CREAMERIES TANOT OLD NEW. M. - 290 CHEES E lb__AC1G9U QUAKER QATS El .u(>11 PCKGE21 CORN GOLDEN CIIOTC'.3 TNS'1 29c AN EX(ýEPTION.'sL LENTEN VALUE'f à'% LA wÀ 4 TlmPink Z Tait 3t Thi's is TE.'. 1VEL:i at all A & P Store',. AUi A & P teas are imported direct froni plantations to our tea wsarehouses, with no middieman's profit.. That'a whs' A&P teas arr iow in price and superior in quaNty. F.'.710U'S1A & P NECTAR BRAND ASSAM AND *BEN D L~INIMA LfD .1 & P i.' the largest retailer of fiais in Canada. Freili deliveries. and an extensive vaafety of fresis and ,!-,ked tubl bas enabled A & P te buil up this tre- oi', second to none. &~TEN lISH SPECIALS FANCY NEW PACK CRICKEN FOR B4.nImG OR BOILING5,FI /7 WHITEFIS.iJ 'Xý lb. 13c SALMO~~V ierbright. flair b 3 FINNAN HADDIE lb. 13C FRESH ATLANTIC COD-Boiling Cuis lb. 13c STEAKS . ............. lb. 15c FANCY LARGE BLUEPOINT FOR STEWING OR FRYING Oysters îNT &490 <N'EST PEAMEALED BACK Bacon cP 28 CENTRE CUTS ANDl SLItED. 2ùEXTRA. LOOKC!!! S'E'ER BEFORE AT SI(t'l LOW PRiICES! WROASTS BONEL PORERRUSEorWING lb. 250 ACNS moked BY the Pi'eelb' BAOBreakfast- or SlireSdl 5 HA M , eoBraWhoie Han b. 2c FRESH CUTS YOUNG BOASTING PORK Shoulders Butts lb.200 mb. 16o ANUTiIER LENTEN SPECIAL-BRUNSWICK DONIESTIC Sardlines 5 Tins 24c CROWf' BRAND CORN NO. 5 TIN Syrup 2o.?290 31,@ CARROTS GEOWN BASKET 19 MORE REGULAR A &' P NUMBERS Encore Mayonnaise "jÂïAW 13c Encore Mayonnaise ' 43c Rid~eau Loaf Cheese lb. 35C Encore Mayonnaise 25c Navy Toilet Paper Roil 7c Pure Clover Honey TM 49c We Deliver-Extra Charge 10c. Phone No. 83 Meat Manager: G. McCoy. Grocery Manager: P. Williamts. KING STREET - isOWMAN VILLE Tuv i' OREiAT ALANTic & PAcI[Fic TiuACe. _______________________L1T.OF CANADA__________ i 18C M. 1b 17e Doz. 29. SIbm. 29,e ORANGE PEKOZ Mb. 71IL SULTANA BISCUITS BROWN lb. 29c CLASSIC CLEANSER - - - - Tin 8c EGGSACCPTE INEXCHANGE FOR 'MEIZCHANDISE OR CASH AT 1EG CETDI ALL A IL P STORES.' I Opposite W. P. Corbett's Bakery King Street East, Bowmanville BOOTS AND SHOES MEN'S CLOTHING MEN'S FURNISHINGS BETTER..VALUES TRAN EVER ROVAN'S TOMA TOES-Mexican-Fresh, Ripe, M. 19e "I under the Maiieaof the lcu y. P. L., on Momday eveulng. Pebrumiy 3U in the 8. 9. HEt". Mrs. J. A. Butler and Mrm. J. Rt. Fisher were named a commlttee/?to confer with the property committee of the church regardlng repairing the. church kitchen pump and seek per- mission to have It put ini working or- der. Mrs. Parnail reported that Wil- liam would give of his skill and ser- vices gratis provided some one would help him on equal terms. At the close of the business pro- ceedings, Mrs. N. L. Rickard gave a seasonable reading. a pretty allegory woven around the legends o! kindly St. Valentine. Mrs. L. M. Fisher and Miss Loreen Batty contributed a piano duet, followed by an instru- mental solo by Loreen as an encore. 7The concluding number was a vocal duet by Misses Muriel and Gladys Pollard accompanied by Mrs. Pol- lard. Mrs. J. W. Glenney's group ser- ved refreshments. EARN $6 TO $10 PER DAY Ambiticus, rellabie men wantsd et one.. Part time pay while training for Aviation Mechanici, Garage Work, DrlvIng, Bat. tery, Eiectric Acetylone Wolding, Hous. WlrIng, Inductral Eiectricity, Machinhat, Brickiaylng, Plastering, Drafting, Barber- Ing and Halrdreueing. Act qulck, get your application in naw. Write or oel for In- formation. DOMINION TRADE SCHOOLS, L.TD. Pastern Headquarteru. 79 Queen Woet, Toronto. Employmenit service-coant to cornet. 1 TIM CANADUN BrAluw9jim BOIFICANVILLIL 1 TIMRM&T, MMUART U. IM 1 NO. 1 TIS 39c , -. , -, .,ý, À FAM FOCM CEYLOIN
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