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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Feb 1931, p. 6

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PAflIx rIXTECNDA TTSABWAVLE HRDY ERAY1,13 ffNFIELD Mr. Wilfred Heatlie, Treherne, Man., and Mr. 0. Heatlie, Wlck, have been visiting with relatives in this neigh- borhood .... .Mss Helen Pascoe, Wick, and Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Pascoe, Brook- lin, visited at Mr. L. C. Pascoe's .... Mr. and Mrs. A- Smith, Columbus, vtslted at Mr. Fred Smith's .... Mrs. Alex. Smith is confined ta her bed at Mr. F. Smith's. Hope she may soan b. out again ... . Mr. B. Powell, Osh- awa, visited at Mr. Lloyd Ferguson's ... Mr. Albert Niddery, Toronto, vis- Ited at Mr. J. Hepburf's. . .. Mr. J. Sepsic and Mrs. A. Hubbard have been under the doctar's care .... Mr. T. Henry intends baving Mr. G. Hambiy with bis portable sawinill ta prepare inaterial for is new barn .... It is re- ported that in some districts that the faruxers are doing without hired help this year an account of the poor re- turns for farmn produets. This district leSStijl optimistie as about 95 per cent. of farmers who engage help have tbein engaged for anotiier season. BLACKSTOCK Mrs. Eliza Marlow is visitng friends at Omcemee ...Ladies ai the Anglican and the United Church are holding the Annual Day ai Prayer in the UJnited Church an Friday, Feb. 20 at 2 p.m. Ail ladies are invited ta attend.... .The tenth anniversay of the faunding ai the W.M.S. ai the United Church was celebrated by having a tea and concert last week. The birth- day cake,' having ten candles, wvas cut by Mrs. Eliza Marlow, anc af the charter members. The concert by local talent was greatly enjoyed .... .W.M.S. meeting was held at the Towvn Hall on Wednesday aiternoon, in charge af the "White" graup, -,ith Mrs. Carl Wright, leader. Readng were gîven by Mrs. F. Stinson, Mrs. Cccil Hill and Mrs. Cecil Wright. A piano salo was well rendered by Mrs. Clarence Marlow. After the business, Mrs. Stinsan dismissed the mýeeting with prayer .... .Mrs. M. C. Sith and Bobbie were Sunday, visitars at Mr. A. Dever's .... .Mrs. H. Galbraith and Miss Violet Dever visited Mr. andMrs. Frank Stinsan recently ... . Mr. E. Har ris iast a valuable horse lastwek Miss M. Galbraith visited Mr. Orv.: Dever recentlY .... Miss Mary Parr en- tertained a number ai the young pea- pIe Tuesday eenng... .Mr. and Mrs. C. Marlaw spent Suinday evening at Mr. S. Swain's. TYRONE Mrs. Jabez Moore, Mr. Arthur Moare, Enniskillefl, recently vsited at Mr. Byron M0ore's ..r. George Sctt, Xaterford, spent a few days with a former schooI l chm, Mr. George Brooks.... Mr. Ted Hindson and Mr. Jim Milîson hiave returned after spending a few days in Toronto ...Our Young Peopi's League have accepted an invitation ta vsît Hamptan League on Fridav, Feb- muary 27th....... Churcli Service next Sunday at 7 pn Gldta re- port Mr. J. H. Muttan able t0 1w up again aiter being confined ta bis bed for a couple ai weeks .... On Thurs- day evening Solina young people visit- ed aur League. Meeting opened with the home president, Miss Grace Mac- Kay in the chair. After the opening exereises is Baker, Solina. took charge and the following splendid pro- sgrain as given: Devotional was given by Mrs. Alan McKessock; piano slM iss Ilene Balsamn reading, Miss Marion Melson; Mvrs. Rov L.angrnaid gave a splendid topic on a "Travelogue of Canada ;" selectian bv male quar- .~ L.tettc;pianio duet, 'Misses 1-elen Baker and Evelyn Tînk; rcadîng by Miss L. Dearborn .... Miss Susie VanCamp taak charge and contests were mnuch enjoyed. Lunch xas served and mieet- ing closed with election bsv male quartette and God Save the Kin.....< Miss Rena Farrell, Toronto, is spend-' ing a fcw days tvith lier parents, Mr.t and Mrs. Byron Farrell... .Mrs..Les- lie Brooks wishes to, thank the Wo- men's Institute and Ladies' Aid for the kind remembrance dîîring lier recent illness. ENNISKILLEN Mr. and Mes. Robert Hahl, lBurke- tan rccntly sisited Mes. Floy'd Page ... C.G.I.T. girls made a sisit iii Ty- rane gcoîîp on Saturday Fcb. 14tli andl were wehI cntetaincd.. . Glad ta report Mr. Jas. Stainton svas abletot spend a day sith bis daughter, Mes. Howard Stevens in the village... .Mr. and Mrs. N. Aldread, Toronto,, Mrs. J. Hoîtlcu. Oshawa, spent Sunday siîh thiîr si-.- ter, Mes . W. Swe-utman ..\Nis-es Els a and Doris Griffin, and Mcr. Jack Heroîl, Toronto, spent Sittdasv wili the< formers parenits, NIr. and I Nrs. Wm. Griffin. .....Mr. and Mcs. Stewart Rodman, Port Pecry, spent the week- tnd with thie latters parets, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. A'shton-...M. and 'NIrs. Hugh Annis, hDc. C. W. Semaon, how- manville, ai ihcir father's, Me. J. Sic- monu - Mc..%I. Fred Tamhlyn. Ocono, visited his inathier, Mrs. A. Tainblyn, whîa is ilI at Mers. H. J. Xerrry's.. Mr. and Nir-,. Ruîssell Griffin vistel at NIc. LioneGiffini's, Càtwright, oun Stîîida-y - - "Voien" lts tna SociciY meeting seas hl-d Wînsî,Fei). Il in thie bli.-ncrtt Pni-idiuit NI r-. IL Fecgiison iti charge opencd tIi- meeting xiii a liyuin and pra-er. M r-. R. Gibert îook thie devotional period; Mcs. N. Redpatli gave a ceading ail the uirge- (f prayer; Nrs. IL. Ashiton las oreil seih a -lo; M cs. R. Oruistoti (](-ait witli the firsi ehapter af the -tiiv <k1ook i(,ri Jahan sshîichItp roved sery hcîpflt. Plans svtre made for a St. Pautrick (tiýii i î I:rî i. 170Jî al«. t1it 1i- îtiim. -ru Fi i 2t!ý.. \ilil Ihe- laîhu,-- pi i-i i nil t ,-.i-t t i î111itting.... hIavihdi1-oi s- Niietini. q-i- i tl i i h i u iriliti-il l by -.-I i s ý la antd Vi-itua (ic-i:ri aiyiît ssa- om .:ftî r îllichi ill c,- tîcatuilthe I .oril-. îray ur. 1hruc-nihcnt \svCîcoiîit<l tht- s-iitti gpe-ople. ci-si - lent of ti-siilgh î-the 1(eiimchauc Bible readiing %via, t.<kî-îî lis Mr. C Slemnîî; toicuegis-i mi Nlis-Nis.Mvt (oiIng ; aftcc o-hichi uIh -tipi i 'la real goiî progralt. 'r,îtîk- l.thti visituirs s .i.xîri.I il lis-Nu N. 1a ton, and Rus. NIr.\VIi'ite c îiuo l)tliilf of the Enntisk'illutt leagiti- Soiciai part was iti charge oif issAîttii Oke. A hall h' oue svas spent iîî gaun ' al1 contests -aiter whichi a dainty- hitiehi %vas served toalal and theteiniîg closed iithi teNi7paI iîut-i11ii) lirs. John T. Siemon, Ennisklen The deatb of Pamela Mark, be- loved wvife af John T. Slemon af En- nlskillen, on Thursday, February 5th, 1931, marked the passing ai a de- voted wife, a lovmng mother, a faith- ful f riend, and a true Christian wa- man, who will be sadiy missed by iNorth Darlington community. Mrs. Blemon was born at Bowman- ville and hec gilIhood days were spent there. In December 1875, she was united inx macriage with John T. ?Siemon of Haydon, and for manY )years lived on the "Fleming Facm" at Haydon, where their family was raised. Deceased was an active member o! the Methodist Church at Haydan, and hec home was aiways open ta ministers ai the gospel and ta f riends near and far. Later, as a member ai the United Church at Enniskillen, she secved ber Master well and faithiully as long as heaith and strength pecmitted. During the last four years ber stcength and activities gcaduaily failed, but hec bright spirit and ber simple trust lxx hec Heavenly Father inspired ail wba visited hec. The funecal was nield an Satur- day, Feb. 7th, at Enniskillen United Church, and was largely attended by relatives and iciends. Hec pastar, Rev. J. M. Whyte, assisted by Rev. J. U. Robins o! Bowmanville, con- ducted the service, leaving ta the fiends and loved anes a message ai comfort and hope. Enniskillen Unit- ed Churcb chair led in the service of sang, une hymn sung "Nev- ec Further than Thy Ccoss" being a favorite o! deceased. The inter- ment took place at Bethesda Cem- tecy. The paîl beacers were Messrs. F. C. Orchard. W. H. Mooce, W J Staintan, and Howacd Stevens ai Enniskillen; Mr. W. J. S. Rundhe, 'Bowmanvlle; and Mr. Harry Ashton ai Haydon. The flocal tributes were beautiful, testifying ta the lave and cespect in which deceased was held, and in- cluded off eeings feom: Husband, Children, Grandchildren; Me. and Mes. Wm. Tcewin, Bowmanville; Me. and Mes. W. A. Bain, Toronto; Dr. and Mrs. G. M. Tcewin, Oshawa; Me. Thas. and Cecil Shemnon, Hay- don; Me. and Mes. Chas. Briggs, Toronto; Me. and Mes. Sulas Trewin, Haydon; Mes. Bella Siemon, Ottawa; Mr. Milton and Mes. Fannie Slemon, Haydon; Me. Paul E. Sleman. Wash- ington, D. C.; Me. and Mes. Samuel T. Slemon, Winnipeg, Man.; Me. and Mes. Will Siemon. Winnipeg. Man.; Mr. and Mes. Delbeet Lean. Wooster, Ohio; Misses Sadie and Laura Vie- tue, Toronto; Me. and Mes. R. S. Vietue, Oshawa; Bowmanville Hospi- tal Supt. Staff and Nurses; Bowman- vîie Rotary Club; Dr. and Mes. H. Ferguson. Enniskillen; Mr. and Mes. F. C. Vanstone, Bowmans-iile; Tor- onto Branch United Postal Empiay- ees ai Canada; Registeation Dept.. Toronto: Enniskillen W. M. S.; En- niskillen Choir; Enniskillen Bible Class and Ladies' Aid. Fhowec bearers were Messrs. Wil- fred Sanderson, Howaed Pye, Francis Weecy. Gardon Wercy. Adam Sharp, Harvey McGill. Roy McGill. Wm. Trewin Jr., Elmer Bradley, Theron MauntJoy, Arthur Beunt. Elmer Beech. Will Ashton, and Dr. H. Fer-' guson. Thase wha mourn the lass o! a faithful wife and laving mother in- clude the sarrawing Husband; three sons, De. C. W. Shemon, Bowman- ville, H. J. Slemon, Toronto, T. M Siemon, Enniskillen; and one daugh- tee, Mes. Hugb Annis, Ennisklllen. One son, Harold. predeceased hec eighteen years ago. One sister. Mes. Sulas Teewin, also survives. Hec pastor quoted at ber funeral the iailowing lUnes: Sleep on dear Mother, we would not wake thee, For trouble and sorcaw wauld daeken thy brow: How sweet is thy rest with the bleds warbling o'er thee. No trouble or trials can harm tbee naw. She bas gone ta ber rest, ber troub- les are over, She is free fram ahil sorrow and pain, And the ilus o! this lii e wbicb she patlently bore Shaîl neyer distress ber again. AUCTION SALES Tuesday, February 24th. - F. J. Clemens wili sell an Lot 7, Con. 3, East Whitby, the following: 20 new Milkees and Springers, 20 Yearling Durham Stockees, 5 Yearling Gradet Bulls; 6 gaod Work Harses. 1 paie Bay Geldings, 8 and 9 years. 1500 bs each, Grey Gelding. 6 yrs, 1600 lbs.; 4 Sows in pig. Cows are Hoisteins, Durhams. Ayrrîhires and part bred Jerseys. Sale at 1I a dock sharp. Teris: -é months* credit witlx inter- est at 7 'l per annum ta persans fur- nishing approved joint notes. Elmer Wiibur, auctioneer. SATURDAY, FEB RUARY 28tli, 1931 at 1.30 p. m. The undersigned bas recelved in- structions ta seli by public auction the follawing almost new Furniture: 4 Iran Beds. Springs and Matteess: 2 Dresser.s: 1 Baby Carniage: I large Congaleum Rug inewî; Ktchen Chairs; Happy Thought Range: Hausehald Sundries: Car Robes Buffalo Robes, etc. Also: 1 Buhhdag Wid Oat Separat- or- 2 Automobile Trailers; 1 Hand Cutting Straw Box; 1 Pony Trap with rubber wheels: 1 11-halp Seed Driil. Massey Harris; 1 Barieli Spray- îng Machine, hand power; i Daouble Mould Board Piough; I Double Wag- on, box and stock rack combitied: 1 Set ai Truck Wheels; 1 Set aofXag- I în Wheeis; 1 Cider Press: i Single Cutter: 1 disc, stiff toath Cultivator, IMassey Harris; 1 Land Roller; 1 Mower, flve foot eut; 1 Set Bob- sleighs; 1 Walklng Plough: 1 Horse. Sale will take plince at KINGSWAY NURSERIES (De. Baldwin Estate, opposite aid Agricutural Fi Grounds, 2 blacks <ast ai Llberty Street on Highway. Ternis: Cash. Theo. M. Siemnon, Auctloneec. I PURPLE HILL SALEM i Miss Vivian Johnston vsited at Mrs. D. Hooper, Orona, vissteda Çaesarea. with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cann on Mr. and Mrs. Melville Grfi Wednesday spent Sunday at Mr. J. Watten's. Glad ta report Mrs. Colin Staples, Orono, recavering nicely after bierr Sorry ta, report that Jean Toms Is recent illness.r ill. Hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Doidge enter-E Miss Vivian Jobnston, who bas tained a few frlends at a ValentineE spent some time in Taronto, has re- Euchre on Saturday evening. etN turned to her home again. Mr. Kenneth Werry attended Pet Several large rabbits have been erbaro Normal Schoal At Home on shot bere recently, some welghing at Friday and reports a splendid even- ieast 16 lbs. It is reported that these ing with an attendance ai nearlyt Irabbits are destraying the wheat 200. crap. Mr. and Mrs. Cornisb wish ta, We bave been informed that Mr. thank their many friends, neighbors David Jobnston is movlng ta Man- and relatives for their kindness and vers tawnship near Ballyduif lnstead sympatby sbown them during tbe of Prince Albert as reported last death of their son Wallace, and for week. the flowers from the cormmunity. t A number f rom this viclnitY at- The communlty was much grieved tended the Valentine supper and soc- ta learn of the sudden passing earlyt il evening ai the Shirley Women's last Sunday mornlng af the infantt Institute held at the home of Mrs. son of Mr. and Mrfis. Wrefard Car-1 A. Tripp on Wednesday and report a nisb. The funeral, which was priv- good time. ate, took place at 3 p. m. Manday1 ________f ram their home, Manvers Road, ta Bowmanville Cemetery. Deepest MAPLE GROVE sympatby is extended ta the bereav- _____ed parents. miss Vera Trimble, Peterbora Nor-c mal, spent the weekend at home.HA P OE miss Myrtie Law, Newcastle, spent EAPO the weekend wth Miss Vera Power. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Snowden mot- Miss Edith PB.scoe is visting wthc ored ta Peterbora on Saturday and Oshawa friends.à visited their daugbter Nellie. Miss Ethel Stephens spent Sunday Quite a number attended ber borne bere. Chester Power's sale an Tuesday af- Mr. G. A. Barron bas installed a ternoan, things selling very reasan- new electric radia. able. Mr. Lew Ruse, Long Branch, visit-E Mr. and Mrs. Norman Thicksan, ed bis brathers bere recently. Misses Eleanor and Kay Thickson, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Horn and Oshawa, visited their cousins, Mr. daughter Acy spent Monday in Tor- and Mrs. R. D. Trimble, an Sunday. onta. Sympathy ai this community is Mr. and Mrs. Ehs Pascae, Enfield, extended ta Mr. Wallace Dawney and visited at Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Coi- iamily in their sudden sad bereave- will's Jr. ment in the passing ai Mrs. Dawney Mrs. D. McDonald and son Archiet îcam pneumonia. visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. W 0 W. M. S. meeting was held on Horn on Sunday.1 Wednesday aiternoon, Feb. 4th, at Mc. L. T. Pascae, Misses Marjorieç the Parsonage. A very interesting and Edith, spent Sunday with1 programt was given, aiter which a soc renslx Ohaa ial time was enjoyed by ail. Pastor Miss Helen Virtue is visiting hierc Walfraim and bis wl! e praved mast aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. L. genial Ilost and hastess. Rabbins at Leskacd. The annual congregatianal meet- Messrs. Harcy and Peccy Cawlingt ing was held on Friday evening, Feb. spent Sunday at home with theirit 6th, in the hall. Reports icom the mother who is qulte ill.1 various organizations were satisfac- Miss Muriel Maare, Mr. and Mrs.j tory, the M. & M. Fund meeting W. Oke, Enniskîllen, vislted at Mr. their allocation and about $54 aver. C. W. Hastings on Sunday.t Prizes in the five younger classes in Mr. H. G. Pascoe and famlly, Zian,S the Sunday School wece also presen- Misses Ruth McKessock and Evelynp ted by the pastar. Aftec the officers Tink, Sauina. spent Sunday with Mrs.p ai the chucch had been appointed Thas. Pascoe. and ather business done, a social Reserve Wednesday evening. Feb. time was enjoyed. Mr. Wm. Laird, 25th, for the Aduit Bibe Class At delegate ta Winter school îcam S. S. Home in the basement af the church. gave two splendid reports. Everyone welcame. League meeting an Wecinesday ev- Mr. R. Westaway is visiting bis ening, Feb. llth, president in the daughter, Mrs. J. Clatworthy. He is choir. Meeting opened with a hymn; wonderiully smart and gets up town prayer by Edna Swallow; Bible read- every day in spite of his years. ing. Marion Snawden; devotional Mc. and Mes. J. L. Johns celebeat- tapie, Iva FoleY: al cepeated the ed with their iamily their forty-fith members Ideal. Edna Swallaw, 2nd wedding anniversary on Feb. lOth, at vice president, then took charge and the home of their daughter. Mes. H. the îoîîowing program was given: Salter. We extend congratulations. Reading, Dora Eames; solo. Leonard Seyeral fiends spent a pleasant Jennings; a very inteeesting topic evening at the home ai Me. and Mrs. an "The Christian Message in Jap- R. Avery on Fciday evening. Mr. W.I an" was given by Mrs. Ivison Mun- H. Ruse and Mc R Avery had a day; reading, Milton Graham-, duet. birthdlay dueing the week and the Jack Cator and William Laird; eead- evening was spent in their honor. ing, Malcolm Law; eeading. Ellen Monthiy meeting ai the Busy Bees Gixnblett; f ollowed by a short con- Class was heid at the homne ai Mrs. test. Meeting closed with the bene- H. Staintan on Wednesday evening, diction. February llth. After the business. an inteeesting Valentine peogram was given which was iollowed by a SOLINAValentine contest and games. A SOLINAdainty lunch was served by the hast- Mr îî Nr-, \il Nî~îîîjuy-jiless. Next meeting at the home of Mr. ian Kdrn,. siitc aM . ..\.and Mrs. J. R. Blck. iaiil, Kdrn, istedatNIr A L We congratulate Mr. and Mes. I'sse'.. .Mc..Johin Iaker, M.\rs. H. Thos. Rawe upon celebeating their F,. Tink and Mrs. R. J. M.\cKcssock Golden Wedding aninivecsacy at their \I ite(h M.\iss Edna Reynolds., Hlaioptooi home on Monday. Feb. l6th. A ...Mrs. Chiarle-, Langinai(h, Hampton, number ai itiends called during the visiteîh svithi friends ..Mr. andl Mc-. aiternoon ta offer congratulations J. T. Rundle visited Mr. and Mrs. and best wishes, and their family I Toinmv Scott ai KedIroni... .Mr. and connections, about 70 in number. Nfrs. Frank Orchiard, Eoi.i jî,.oined with them in the evening 5isitt(l ai Mr. Johin Baker'-...\iý when a jolly time was spent. IJe-.sie Cation is visiting Toronto W. C. T. U. meeting was held ai friend-,.... .Mr. Alfred Hogartlh, Hamnp- the home of Mrs. Silas Williams an ion, visited at 'Miss Nh\arv Hfogairtl1'- Thursday. Feb. 10th. President Miss ...Mr. Sinahe-. lias reiîirtied 11011k t(I L. Reeves presided. Meeting opened Dunbarton aiter a plca-.ant visit witli with a hymn and the Lord's Prayer. lier son, Mcr. jas. Sniales.... Ouir young Devotionai exercises were ably taken peoples chas-. are enterîaining Zion by Mes. J. T. Buens. It wns decided yong peaphe tibis Friday cvening. I that the coeresponding seceetaî-v is Iloped tiere will be a good atten- write about securing a set o! lanteen dance .... Ouir youing people' are plani- slides ta be put on at the Young ning to give their play "Tea Taper People's meeting same evening. Mrs . Tavetn" on Wednesday eveniîig, Mar. H. E. Rundie had charge ai the pro- -Bui. \Watch for particuhars next wetk. gram and some very good readings ... bouit 40 ladies werc present ai were given. Meeting closed with the tiie Wonieii'- Instittite nnîetiig lîttî Mizpah henediction. Next meeting n tht SStinday Scliooh roain on Fni- will be held in the S. S. Room on day afîcriîoon last wiil, Mrs. Cias. Tuesday, March 101h, when Dr. Fer- losvsain, tie presideni, presiding. Tlht gusan, Enniskillen. is expected ta que-.ion of otîr lnstitiîî exliiiing ai give an addeess on "Health and ù.,hîa%%a Fair w-as discu--.ed and it ea.Heeedity." îiscissed and iî was dctided tiat wî. Membees ai the 'Gleanees' Sunday coilpete. . .. h vas ahso decideîh ol ohd School Class met at the home ai Mr. anotliir lw-.i i leir parîx in tht .Son,- and Mes. W. G. White on Wednes- Hall on \Vdo-ua SlOî,1.2zu1î. day evening. it being the second clats AI-o t,., lias ,ior anîial inet îii- oi meeting ai the yeae. Mr. White .\îîril îo-teîd of May . Afier tlilt huîî-- started the good time off by com- i -,-, -.- ,roupî 4 tî,,k liargu ofjing for the girls wth the bobsleighs tilt jîrograili.'flic Rýoîl(al " IIowland eonveyed them safeiy ta bis cati w e mnake 011r.l 111,r(. ieai iractti%*e fîîr -urviigpol, -._ , 1 ,l.t1- NOTIC'E TO FARMERS a progressive spellîng mîatch %was mei- joycîl anîd îîect inig cIo-,til it hi thiî L-agiie Bcnledictioni...Our Pi i , nK ( have charge aifutheSiinda v c 11tiitî K RLS 4K ES C lurcli service at Hampton thîis Sunl- da...... Remember the Lost Helir paýrtsy THE O EPENOABLIE ORUO $TORE in the Sons I-all Wednesday cvening' 1Feb. 25th. h1ome. Meeting was inx charge ai ýVice President Miss Crace Hastings and opened with the singlng of the class hymn "Ail for Jesus" and the Lord's Prayer repeated inx unison. The secretary, Miss Lillian Jebson, read the minutes af the previaus meeting and other business was look- ed af ter. The remainder of the ev- ening was spent in lively games in whlch ail took part. Refreshments were served and boxes packed for the sick, after whlcb the meeting was dism!issed. March meeting is ta be held at the home af Mrs. H. Sal- ter on March Oth. COURTICE Miss Lyla Osborne, Toronto, spent the weekend at home. Miss Mabelle and Mr. Frank Wal- ter entertalned King St. Male Quar- tette and some other frlends on Bat- urday evenlng. The annual quilting bee of the W. M. S. on Thursday in the Sunday School room was a grand success. The ladies met in the forenoon and a sumptuous dinner was enjoyed caf- eteria style. In the afternoon five comforters were qullted and bound and a most enjoyable social time spent. Those who attended church on Sunday mornlng heard an excellent sermon on "The Christian in the World" by our pastor, Rev. H. C. Wolfraim. Inx the afternoon at the S. School session the Ladies' Bible Class had charge of the devotional exercises. Mrs. Esi Oke, president, was inx the chair, and prayers were offered by Mrs. Jno. Found and Mrs.I Blake Courtice. The lesson was read by the president and class respons- ively, arnd a beautiful piano solo was played by Mrs. Frank Worden. Frlday evening was the congrega- tional meeting. Quite a large crowd assembled at 6.30 p. m. when the ladies served a splendid supper wbich every one did ample justice ta. Afterwards our pastor, Rev. H. C. Wolfraim, called the people ta or- der and the meeting was opened witb singing and prayer and the bible lesson. An interestlng f eature of the program was a presentation ta the organist ofi the churcli, Miss Hazel Rundie, by the congregation. The address read by Miss Allie Wor- den was in Uines of poetry and at the proper time Miss Ada Annis pre- sented Miss Rundie with a purse aof gold. Miss Rundie replied in a few words thanking the friends and ex-t pressing ber surprise. The secretary, 1 Mr. Marshall, read the minutes oi last year and the reports of the dif- Fashionable Frocks * Plain Sillc Crepes* Printed Silk Crepes Misses', Womnen's Sizes SALE 0F WINDOW SHADE.S Standard size Window Shades, green and ceeam clatb maunted an good roihees; take advantage ai this t-xceedingly 10w peice, each LARGE BATH TOWELS Heas'ihy napped. unbleached Bath Towehs. naturai ground with red and blue stripes: size 22x46; big 50c value: each KIDDIES' STOCKINGS i-i rib Stockîngs, pure woal ce- inforced with cottan, peactlcally unshrlnkable; white and beige; sizes 4 ta 61/2; per pair $1O.95 Just the most adorable Silk Crepe Dresses you could imagine are being shown at Walker's. . . every one a new, cris p style . .. featuring the most advance d fashions for early Spring wear ... ail shades in plains and beau- tiful prints: outstanding value, $10.95 69C 35C 25c U NBLEACHED SHEETING 72-inch unbleached Sheetmng af exceptionaily good quality. good firm weave; regular 50e value; stock up at this price, per yard 39c GIRLS' JERSEY DRESSES Ail wool Jersey and Wool Crepe$2 9 Dresses, trimmed with ancy stitching and smocking; sizes 3 ta SCOTCH MADRAS Impoeted Scotch Madras, cream shade. 36 inches wide, guacanteed washable: regular 35e quality; sevet-al desirable patterns. per yd. FULL FASHIONED HOSIERY Our new "Lucky Seven," a pufle silk, full fashioned hose; com- pares favorably with any $1.50 on the market to-day; wonderful ran~ge of colors; per pair.................................................. PAY CASH AND BUY FOR LESS BOWMANVILLE 25c 98C YOUR FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE - i s~i' t. - 1 i TIIE CANADIAN STATTÀMAN, BOWMANVnM, TRURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19,1931 PAGE SIX jrý Power Farming Conlerence KEMP BROS. GARAGE BOWMANVILLE FRIDAY,_FEB. 2Oth Motion Pictures, Discussions and Mechanical Dernonstrations conducted by Specialists of Ford Motor Co. of Canada. Sessions: 10.30 - 12 noon; 2.35 - 3.30 p. m. Corne and leaî'n how to reduce your Farm costs and make farming more profitable. It can be done. Forget your prejudices and corne to Bowmanville to-morrow (Friday). COX MOTO R SALES Bond Street Oshawa ferent departments of church work been so plentiful in 1930, the reports were given. showxng a very successful sbowed that $4200 has been raîsed year, and althougfl money has flot for church work.

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