I . J THEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, TRURSDAY, FEBRUARLY 26, 1931 Painting and 9% Paperlianging W. J. Richards and F. J. Spry are prepared to do any kind of decorating. No job too smali or tod large. Now is the time to get your work done before the busy season commences, prices right and work guaranteed satisfactory. We are agents for the Empire WallPapers which are better than ever and we will be pieased to cail with the sampie books at your home any time. Work will get prompt attention by telephoning W. J. RICHARDS Phone 41 - Church St. or F. J. SPRY Phone 427 - Bradshaw St. Bowmnanville Estimates given on al hinds af work. Just Ask For a Box of McCOY'S Cod Liver Extract Tablets Do you want to gain pounds of good solid flesh and at the same time increase your energY and vigor? One skinny woman gained 9 pounds li 20 days-her sldn is bewitching- free f rom PimPles - 60 tabiets 60 oents at druggists everYwhere-now you know how tg GAIN WEIGHT Magnesia Best for Gas on Stomnach If everything you eat turns to gas, and your stomacli Is a constant fer- ment o!f sourness and Acid Indiges- tion, it is almast a sure sign your stemadli needa an aikaline. Try a littie Bisurated Magnesia-powder or tabiets-after meals and note the anxazing prompt relief. This splen- did Magnesia preparation instantly neutralizes the excess acid, breaks up gas, stops the pain. sweetens the stemach and keeps digestion perfect. It lx the sa! e, certain, pleasant and convenient way to keep the stomach strong. Druggists everywliere sel 1t on a guarantee o! satisfaction or money baclc. LOSE FAT THIS WAY No) maiter how fat you are or how muei-h voit liste to get ont and walk ýa couple <of miles- If Von will take haif a teaspoon cf Krrichen Salis in a glass cf hot water e'.-ry morning for :W days- you wl"ill fut-I s,) good-so ecnergctic. and the urge for activitv wil l b se great that you will inhrncnsclv cnjoy a dailv walk cf several miiles--aud lose fat. WIuy will Kruschcn Saîts make this great change for thje better in m- it is niatural for you te ask. Bt-cause Kruscîxen is a hic-nil of the sx vitalizing salts Nature says vour body must have te keep every' organ, glanid and nerve in the body buoyantly Jîeathy. IN'hile you are losing fat von will be gaining inenrgyinenduranc-in ambition. Your skin will grow clearer, and your eyes will sparkle with thîe gnod health that Kruscluen lirings. The old arm chair wen't hold voix any adyou'IlIsîep like a top. Vou'l l ba fat. and probably livc years longer. FREE TRIAL OFFER If you have neyer tnied Krushen-try 1, ..o lat our expense. We have distributed a great niany epecial "GIANT' Packages ahjch roake It ea8Y for you !o Prove our claim for yourself. As sur dru.ist for the new -GIANT- 75c. Tbconsiste ofou' regular 75c. bottie together w.iih a.sparate trial bottle-eufficient for about one week. Open the trial boulie irt, put it to thse test. and then, i! sot entirely convinced SIat Kruechen does everything we diffinit tb do. thse euarboule ie tili as good as new. Take fi ack. VoYur druggist j, authorised te returs Wou 75c. îmmediately and wiabout question. ou have tried Kruschen free, ai our expense. Wbat could be farer? Manufactured by B. Griffith, Hughes, Ltd.. Man-chester. Enz. ar 1756). .Porters: McGiullvray Brai.. r r Instant - Fislrom GHI aite u & 44çIIY STOP 1 s Uth awhe or a big pain, ne F natter w t er I laoeà freinhsadac, nsMW SamttNy por"of aiwo. mnor fro. a oM4 ZUTOO TA8LETS wN xll wIt bln 10 éta mi usd ve-Yu Me -atum d amesur- 10. 0" mm. I Hon, W. C. Buckle ~\ CAIRAN f the Executivean World's Grain Exhibition and Con- ference, is the important posituon S occupi<ed by the Hon. W. C. i3u(-Ie, Minister of Agriculture forSak* chewan. Mr. Buckle is a native of Glon' s tershire, baving been 'ýorna a Robinswood Hill Farrm, Tuffley. on a farmstend occupied by his family for several generations. H-is edu- cation Ivas receivc'd at Sir Thomas Fich's Endowed School, Gloucester- sbire, and Brentford College, Lon- don, England. Coming to Canada in his 'teens, Mr, Buekle served bis farm appren- ticeship at Clanwilliam, Manitoba, In 1910 he moved to Tisdale in the famous Carrot River Valley district and engaged in farming near Sylvania. Tbree ycars later Mr. Buckle became engaged in business in Tisdaie, cf which town he was mayor for four years. In the meantime he added consîderably to bis farming operations, and in 1925 was elected to the Saskatchewan Legisiature te represent the Tisdale constituency. In 1927 Mr. Buckle disposed o! bis business and devoted bimseif en- tirely to farm operations. In 1929 he was again elected te the Provin- cial Legisiature. He joined the Government of Saskatchewan the saine year and took charge of the Departnient cf Agriculture. THE BIG PARADE Ail this happened in one day! A twenty-tliree-year-old boy came into aur office ta apply for a job. When we asked hlm about lis pres- ent occupation he said lie was a par- achute jumper. "I like the wark ail riglit," he add- ed, "but parachute Jumping isn't steady." I met a mather whose son is about ta graduate f ram college. What do you think he wants ta be? A bond salesman? A movie star? He wants ta be an archeologlst. A man named Valk died ini New York City. He claimed the distinct- ion o! having torn down more big buildings than any other man wlio ever lived. But he died witliout real- izing his ambition. He wanted ta live ta tear dawn the Waalwarth Building. Think o! it. Six million people walking daiiy througli the streets, each witli his separate home and de- sire. Who wauld ever imagine that one o! them was constantly saylng to hiniseif: "Oh, if I could only tear down the Wooiworth Building. That wouid crown my career." * 0 0 A man with a'noisy wif e and seven grcwn children disappeared f rom his home in Brooklyn, and was discaver- ed some montlis later in Hartford. Questianed as ta wiy lie le! t bis family, lie replied tliat he had done lis duty as a f ather and believed hirnself enttled te a little peace i hlx aid age. He had taken a Job as a niglit watchman in a deaf and dumb asylum. Why do I take up valuable white space ta set dawn these apparently unimiprtant and unrelated inci- dents? Because, my frlends, one o! the biggest and least expensive a!aill pleasures is reading the newspaper and marveling at the eternal f resh- ness and variety a! the human race. Let those wlia are billous rail at the "standarizatian of modern 11e." It lx true that many o! the things we eat and use are standarlzed, and living lx mudli simplifled in canse- quence. But have no fear that calor and interest will disappear out of the world. Every baby lias li hlm sanie littie spark that makes him different froni every ather. * 0 0 Life wiil be always amusing ta those wlio have sense enaugli te en- joy it. Practice the good and inex- pilnsive habit of being eternally en- tertained by your f ellaw human be- ings. Forget about yourself for a Uittie while every day, and enjoy the big parade. /,* -lj[tit Suýrvio 0F THE (gauabiata lpitwat iijxt GRANT FLEMING, U.. - ASSOCIATE SECRETARY CRIPPLED CHILDREN care will do a great deai ta, prevent serious crippllng. If such cases are A crlppled chld, ta the majority o! not under proper care, the resuits people, is a dliild who lx de!armed will be mucli mare serlous than they pliysicaliy, or wlio is without part a! would be had proper treatment been a 11mb. This is hardly a correct given. viewpoint because a chid whose body The damage ta organs a! the bady is daniaged or deficient in any way whlch cripples the child can, in very is a crippie. The child wha lias a niany cases, be prevented by safe- damaged lieart is just as mudli a guarding the dhild f rom sudh dis- crippie as lx the chid who has lost esses as nieasles and scariet fever an arm or a leg. which often leave permanent dam- Crippled children 'shouid have the age in their trail. by proper treat- extra attention which they require ment of conditions sucli as St. Vitus' on accaunt o! their handicap In or- Dance and disdliarging ears, and by der ta make 1f e as neariy normal as the correction o! such conditions as possible for tliem and ta guide their diseased tensils and teeth be!are educatian 50 that they may became they have a chance te do any dam- self-supporting adulte. age ta, the vital organs o! the body. Tuere is a generai wllingness, Questions concernlng Healtli, ad- Iwhlch lx altagether coninendable, ta, dressed ta the Ca.nadiaen Medical iighten the burden and ta brîgliten Association, 184 Coilege Street, Tor- the lives of those chlldren wha are onto, wlIl be answered personally by pliyslcally handlcapped. In this age, letter. despite ail the criticisme which are being heaped upon it. there exista, COURTESY more than in any previaus age. an appreclation that every child lias a "Courtesy, whetlier It lx merely the right ta a f air chance In the warid. superficiai sort that ls a matter a! Whlle it is true that the crlppied gaad pollcy. or the better kind that chlld should be helped, the siglit o! is prompted by true regard for such a dhid shauid not only be an others, la lie lubricant that reduces inspiration ta help hlm, but shouid the friction a! human association lead us ta determination ta heip ta and makes 111e essier and mare prevent any chlld f rom becoming pleasant. Acts o! true courtesy are crlppled. Do the most that can be neyer prenieditated. Tliey are as done for the crippled chlld, and lie natural as breathing. They are an wiil stili be liandlcapped in life's inherent part o! every fine cliarac- venture; f ar better wauid it have ter. They are the basis upan which been to have prevented the disabil- sudh a one perlonms ail ather acts. ity entirely. They rest upon a true consideration To a large extent, crlppiing may o! others and recognition o! an equal be prevented. Tuberculosis o! the riglit ta live and be happy. They pro- bones in dhiîdren is one cause whicli mate that end. Nor is true courtesy can be largely controlled by using at ail out o! place I business rela- only mik whldh la pasteurlzed, and ions. It ls perhaps mare necessary thus made safe and rendered f ree here than elsewhere. In business froni danger o! its carrying tuber- association, friction is greater and culosis ta the child. Another means there ls mare need for a lubricant. is by protectlng the Young dhild f ram Aside frani more pleasant associa- exposure ta, any case o! tuberculasis. tions, courtesy, de!ined as intereat Infantile Paralysie <Pollomyelltis) i the welare o! athers, lx a part o! ls one o! the common causes of crip- business service. It lx the tliing that pling. The treatment witli conval- causes one business man ta render niet eu before the paralysie de- ta, another more than lie is pald for veop so course. the best preven- dolng. It lx a potential element In tive measure, as such treatment will permanent business dealings. Upon usually prevent the paralysis and the It lx built the greatest business asset subsequent crippled condition. If the --continuons patronage." -Ca-oper- paralysis does develop, then proper ation. ORONO (From The News Feb. l9th.) MisRusk, Toronto, is visiting her' sitr. Mrs. F. Peate. Mr.Edwards. Manilla. visited lier aunt. Mrs. Ai!. Cliapusan. Mr. L). W. Rolph attended the Hardware Convention in Toronto. Mr. John N. Powers is making rapid recovery from lits recent iii- ness. Miss Editli Oliver, Bobcaygeon, and Mr. Walter Stiner, o! Arrowood, Aberta, are visitlng Mr. and Mrs. Neil Porter. Rev. F. B. Alinut, B. D., was the speaker at Park St. United Churchl on Sunday in the interests o! Upper Canada Bible Society. Mr. Carman Haw, who was cailed liere on account o! the illness and death o! his f ather, lias returned to lis school in New Ontario. Messrs. F. W. Bowen, M. P., E. J. Hammn, W. E. Davey and John Gxb- son attended the euchre and dance at Tyrone under auspices o! local L.O.L., Wednesday evening. Mr. Lavemne Cooper o! Northi Bay visited his father, Mr. George Coop- er. Whlle here, in company with Mr. Alex Henry, lie visited Mr. W. H. Henry and other f riends on the 6t.h Une. A large crowd attended the Valen- tine dance given by the Band Friday evening. There were two prize dances, the first being awarded ta Mr. William Davey and Mrs. J. R. Cooper for the oldest couple on the floor; the second prize "sptight dance" was won by Mr. Williams and Miss O. Davey. Masquerade Carnival Wednesday evening an Agricuiturai Park rink was one a! the most picturesque li recent years. There was a large at- tendance, surrounding towns being well represented, many appearing i costume. Mr. W. J. Riddell offiec- iated as carnival manager. costumed as a Roman soldier. Judges were Messrs. J. E. Richards and Ab. West. Harticultural Socety meeting on Monday was mucli enjoyed. Ater the usual business Mrs. Frank Hall, delegate te the Ontario Horticuitural Convention li Toronto, reported an interesting and instructive meeting. The slogan adapted is "Beautify your own grounds and so help to make Canada beautiful." The president, Mrs. O. W. Rolpli, who also attended the convention, brouglit ta, us glean- ings f rom other socleties. Persian Baini promotes daintiness, charm and beauty. It is l4nnivalled in its magicai effect on the skin. Swiftly absorbed by the tissues, it leaves nreyer a vestige of sticklness. Dellglitfully cool ta the skin. Stim- ulating and invigorating. Sa! tens and makes the hands flawlessly white. Subtly fragrant. Imparts youth and lovellness te the complex- ion. Persian BaIm lx the inevitable chice a! the womnan who cares. Young People's Society meeting1 opened with the slnglng o! "A Better Day lx Coming," after which Mr. Powell led in prayer. Milton Greeni delivered a reading; Miss Mary Wood( recited the first Psaim; topie wast taken by Rev. Sterling. "The Organ-1( ization a! the United Church." He1 sliawed that in these days of uneni-1 pioyment there are thase wha havei visions o! a better 4ay as fl! teen 1 hundred students are now attending Darlington Man Hurt universities affiliated with this great i and growing church, and hope to go Mr. A. H. Brent, weli known farm- out to do and to dare for the cause er o! Tyrone, was bruised and shook o! Jesus Christ. A very interesting up when the car in which lie was a talk on the Royal Family was givun passenger and which was driven by by Mr. Werry who deait especiaily his son, wvas clamaged when another with the idol of that grcat famiiy, car hit it on King Street last Friday. the Prince of Wales; Fred Yeo was Mr. Ercnt was taken to Dr. C. W. chairman in charge of the meeting; -blemon's office and was later aiiowed John Buckley. president, contributed 'to go to his home. Chie! Sydney a piano solo: and Raymond Chap-! Venton who investigated the acci- man and Neil Rainey gave a musical 1 dent stated that the lcy condition selection. all o! which was much en -_________________ joyed.1 CLARKE TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Appoint Poundkeepers and Fenceviewers A by-law to appoint Poundkeepers and Fenceviewers for 1931 was pass- ed February 3rd, as follows: Poundkeepers No. 1-Wm. Milligan No. 2--Spencer Burley No. 3-W. J. Hallowell No. 4--C. Carson No. 5-Thos. Robinson No. 6-G. M. Soper No. 7-R. H. Luxon No. 8-Halst. Coatham No. 9-Ira Thompson No. 10-F. Perrin No. 11-N. Andrews No. 12-H. Glenny No. 13-Peter Laing No. 14-W. J. Hall No. 15--Chas. Taylor No. 16--Geo. Cain No. 17-A. J. Bigelow Na. 18-J. Ransberry No. 19-R. L. Fuller No. 20-R. H. Brown No. 21-Lamne Bell No. 22-L. S. Robbins. Fenceviewems Sub. Div. No. 1-Fred Smith, Wil- liam Payne, J. A. Barrie. Sub. Div. No. 2-John Halmnes, Robert Martin, Wm. Stapieton. Sub. Div. No. 3--John Mlddleton, Ed. Dean, A. Turner. Sub. Div. No. 4--Sam Bryson, F. Falls, E. Quantril. Sub. Div. No. 5-M. C. Hall, H. J. Best, Gea. Morton. Sub. Div. No. 6--A. N. Robbins, E. Syers, W. Cornish. Sub. Div. No. 7-Robt. Allin. Robt. Ard, Ueo. Henderson. Sub. Div. No. 8--Harve Thompson, W. A. Hallowell, J. J. W. Stringer. Sub. Dlv. No. 9-F. HIII, A. Blew- ett, Robt. Moffat. That the duties ta be performed by the above. named and appalnted officers shail be such as are pravlded by Statute in that behalf and the By-Laws of this Municipallty. A. J. Staples, M. J. Holman, Clerk. Reeve. Sa! t comns and warts are ugiy. painful and irritatlng. Remove them quicly and surely with Douglas' Egyptian Liniment. It Testlfles for Itself.-Dr. Thom- as' Eclectric 011 needs no testimonial af its powers other than itself. Who- ever tries it f or couglis or colds, for cuts or contusions, for spralns or burns, for pains in the limbs or body, well know that the medicine proves itself and needs no guarantee. Thiis shows why this Qil is in general use. ROSS, AMES & GARTSHOI-4L CO. L'i'D. flowmanvllh' - On*. SOUR STOMAC H <U ST a tastelesa dose of Phillips' Milk of Magnesia in water. That is an aikali, effective, y et harmlcss. It bas been the standard anti-acid for 5Oyears among physicians ev-ery- where. One spoonful will neutralize st once many times its volume in acid. IL is the right way, the cîuick., Clasant and efficient way to kiil he excess acid. The stomxsch be-- camnes sweet, the pain departs. Yuu are happy again in five minutes. Don't depend on crude inethods. Employ the best a ytevobed inalth e ya of seac.i,. That is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. .Be sure to geL the genuine Pllip)sl MiIk of Magnesia pre- scribed hy physicians for 50 years in correcting excess acida. lcrneier--the genuine is al- ways a liquid. It cannot be niade in ta;let form. Look for the name Phillips'. It is always on the wrapper for vouir protectioni. Drugstores evervw~~heroe h ave the 50c bottles. Maie ln cana"a andisweter syrup " BINSO1NS GOlLDWEN SYRUIP1 af the road wau to blain for th0n crash. What Is the greatest power lin the world? Public opinion. What cre- ates Public Opinion?. Advertislng. Is it flot time that business men woke Up and reallzed that advertis- 1ing is flot an expense, but the cheap- est and quickest way of maklng a fortune? It Is flot advertislng that is costiy. It Is oblivlon.-Forbes. GI aTE NUISMN R Yu R qtI IDWA1WSBU1Ui (ROWNBRAND CORN SYRIJP The CANADA STARCH CO., Limlited MONTREAL -and no w*ho *ats breakfast" "Junior did worry me. It Swas hard to get him toeat any breakfast until 1 gave iihm Shredded Whet-and now he cannot get down te .... .... breakfast quick enough. He M: likes the crisp, crunchy Sshreds of baked whole wheat with plenty of milk over them. He is especially fondof ShreddedWheatwith hot milk on cold mornings." SHREDDED N.~ 111ECANADJAN SMRE-DDED WI4EAT COMPANYS LTDi PAGE NInE Resoive to keep happr and your joy sliall form an ivinoileht against diMeiulty-Hoien Ielr HERE COMES YOUR COAL Our truck in awaitlng you R lt. deUver te your baaement the kind of ooal that bundreda of families throughout tlisi. own bave fourniso ualafatoey. Yeu eau depend upon thia old-eO$Ubfhhed moal yard to f urniah atrlotly hlgh quaitr ooa) at'ail timea. Order now for prompt deilvey. -D. L & W. Scranton Coal - The Standard Anthracite Stove Coal . .. .... . ...... . ... s185 £tg . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 16.00 Chestaut ...............16.00 Pea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.50 Buckwheat ..............11.50 Nut Coke............................ 18.00 A dibcount of $1.00 per ton for euadi w!te baiowed from above pricea. McClellan & Co., Limited Phone là Bowmanville 1 1