PAON TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1931 WETDURHAM IINVESTMENT BNESOE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY 1 AGENCY IN BOWMANVILLE (Continued f rom page 1) Specializlng i Government, Muni- The eletion of officers resulted as cialan _orortonBod follows: President-W. H. Carruth- H. R. Bain & Co. Lirnited, Invest- ers: lst Vice President-Russdl 0s- ment Bankers of Toronto, today an- borne; 2nd Vice President-Neil nounce in another colurnn the open- Mutton; Directors: Darlingtofl-Jflo. ing of an Agency in Bowmanville, in Baker, H. E. Tink, J. F. Osborne, L. Knight's Insurance Office, under the C. Snowden, W. J. S. Rickard, J. E. supervision of N. B. Robinson, who Allin, A. W. Annis, R. R. Stevens, bas represented the cornpany in this N. I. Metcalf. Chris Cox, M. M. Mun- district for some months. day, 0. F. Annis; Clarke-Howard Mr. H. R. Bain, the President, is Gibson and Robert Gray, with pow- well and favorably known and the er to add; Bowmanville - Alan cornpany enjoys an enviable reputa- Campbel, Oco. W. James, Col. L. T. tion in bankmng crcles. They are McLaugbiin. A. E. Beliman, W. Len. extensive buyers of Government, Elliott, E. P. Bradt, T. Wesley Caw- Municipal and Corporation Bonds ker and T. S Holgate; Lady Direct-I and are equipped to give the public ors-Mrs. W. H. Carruthers, Mrs. every service necessary to successfuî Neil Mutton, Mrs. Russell Osborne, i mvestmient. Mrs. John Spencer, Mrs. W. R. Strike______ Mrs. Alan Campbell, Mrs. M. J. El- liott, Mrs. G. F. Annis, Miss Marian CLEVER B. H. S. STUDENT Belman; Honorary Directors-Fred WINS SILVER MEDAL W. Bowen, M.P., W. J. Bragg, M.P.P., __ Dr. G. E. Reaman, Mayor M. J. El- Pauline Wagar, 14 year old daugh- lott, F. O. Mcllveen, I. G. Hefkey ter of Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Wagar, and A. J. Whalen; Auditors-Geo. E. Bowmanville, bas just been awarded Chase and Geo. L. Hall. a Silver Medal in the St. Nicholas At the conclusion o! the election League contests for boys and girls of officers the new president took the under 18 years. The prize-winning chair and ini a short address express- contribution which appears in the ed bis appreciation o! the honor ac- March number of St. Nicholas Maga- corded himn and assured them o! his zine f ollows: best efforts on the behalf o! the soc- Confliet iety during his terni o! office. He Where hilltops forni the east horizon hoped that wtb the co-operation o! f ar, the business mien o! Bowmanvllle A tree's bare anms the cimson sky- and the usual loyal backing o! the line bar- farmers the society would have a A lacy network silhouetted there new lease of useful 1f e which would Against the angry heavens' fiery be devoted to the fariners o! the dis- glare. trict and that even wthout the an- Like living, flowing lava rage the nual fair much good would be ac- clouds, complished. Wbile ail above in dark, forbidding shrouds A commttee composed o! the fol- The armies of the sky roll swiftly lowing was appointed to take charge on, of Field Crop Conipetitions: Russell Until the heralds of the suni turn Osborne, J. Baker, A. W. Annis and gra and wan, Geo. P. Annis. And vanish. Then in ragmng, restless A directors' meeting followed at hosts wich C. H. Mason was elected Sec- The wind king's armies, formed o! retary-Treasurer, salary le! t with cloudy ghosts, Executive and Secretary-Treasurer. Rush forward to the confliet, Swif t ExeutveComiteewilî consist as death, o! President, Vice Presidenit, Past Anbfre oeathlmmetno Presidents, Secretary-Treasurer, Col. rah. L. T Mcauglin nd eo.wIOf air or llght relieves the silence La. eag nadGo . vast. James. Then darts the lightning, and thel Society went on record as bemng in nain cornes fast;1 favor of holding a Comniunity Day The thunder roars, and springs ai i conjunction with the Bowmanville mighty wind Business Men's Association. Against the tree, and in its 972 Rexali Drug Stores IN CANADA (JELBRATE THEIR 2lst REXALL BIRTHDAY We. as your Rexaîl Drug store, offer you these and many more Bargains to celebrate this event: 25e Tooth Brush 35e Nail Brush Both for 39c 50e Bronchial Syrup 25e Meloids Both for 50c 25e Writing Pad 15e Envelopes Roth for 25c 19p1isi Prices This Month Onfly. Jury & Loveli Phone 78 When we test eyes it Is done properly. As a wearer of glasses, you know that there is nothing too good for your eyes - your most preclous possession. Accordingly you will be interested to know of the great care we exercise in sup- plying you with only the flnest. If you have not had a recent examination, we suggest that you corne in to sec us and let us care- fully test your eyes. The fact that you are wearing glasses is no reason for believing that they are best for your eyes, because the eyes, like every other organ in the human body, are undergoing a constant change. G. M. Bosnell OPTOMETRIST Office Over Flood's Store Port Hope Office Fours» WEDNESDAY each week 9.30 a. M. to 9.30 p. M. Toronto Office: 2143 Danforth Ave. branches twined, It shouts in wrath, and shakes in vengeance vile. The tree is fighting bravely ail the while; It bends to earth at every lurid flash, But upright is before the thunder's crash. The wind bas fought in vain to fl the tree That now stands stnaigbt in pide and ecstasy; So, bending low, with shoulders clothed in rain, Sweeps sullenly across the pluvial plain. It is a neal achievement for Paul- ine to gain this award, as there are competitors for the 40 nionthly prizes o! the St.' Nicholas League in evcry State in the Union as well as in 63 foreigu countries. Business Men's Association The Executive o! the Bowmanville Business Men's Association have adopted the happy idea o! holding their first meeting at a dinner to be beld at the Balmoral Hotel on Mon- day, March 2nd, at 6.30 p. ni. A bus- iness session will !ollow the dinner when plans will be discussed for holding the regular general nionthly meeting on Monday. March 9th, when Col. B. J. McCormick, Indus- trial Conimissioner of Oshawa will be the speaker. Membership Coni- mittee comprising C. T. Ross, chair- man, T. S. Holgate, W. C. Caverly. Frank Williams, C. H. Dudley and Geo. W. James, report niost gratif y-. ing results in their membership drive. Their objective is 100 mcm- bers before March 9th meeting. Fniends and tieighbours o! Mr. and Mrs. Alpha Plncb gathered at their home, 14 Liberty Place, last week to bid thern good-bye before their de- parture for Osbawa where they have purchased a residence at 22 Glad- stone Avenue. A very pleasant even-t ing was spent in wich stories o! the old times since Mn. and Mrs. Pincb had rcsided in Bownianville were told and musical selection wene also a feature o! the cvening. Towards midnight the host and bostess served an appetizing lunch and the guests left expressing their keen regrets at the departune f rom their îidst o! 50 lovcd neigbbours. USE THIS CLUBBING LIST The Canadian Statesman will be clubbed with any o! the !ollowing publications for 1931 at the follow- ing prices: Globe $650 Mail & Empire $650 Toronto Daily Star $6.501 Farmers Advocate $3.001 New Outlook $4.00 Christian Henald $450 Ladies' Home Journal $3.00 Saturday Evening Post $5.00 Family Hcrald and Weekly Star 33-00 Weekly Witness $400 Canadian Home Journal $3.00 Fanm & Dainy $2.50 Farmers' Sun $3.50 Canadian Magazine $3.00 McLcan's Magazine $400 Delincator 3O Canadian Countryman $300 Canadian Poultry Review $3.00 RAILWAY TIME TABLE Canacian National Railway (Standard Time) WEST BOUND EAST BOUND 9.50 a. in. 8.42 a. m. 1. 5 1'. , n I.15 p . in. 6. 4 91. in. 2.26 p . ni. 7.42 p. m 7.50 1). M. .1.51 p. ni. 12,21 a. m. 12.4f; a. m. Canadian Pacifie Railway (Standard Timp) WEST BOUND EAS;T BOUND 't 17 a. ni. D1 10.7 a. m 11 'l'~ fi ",11 p, in. *755 a. M 93a p. m. ' 2 11 p. ni. t ILI 20 a. in. P 717ri.m. 0 1 9S1.m. fl-fllly; Dnl exept Stnîlay; n.-Dally for p c n'r.i 10oand (rom Toron to. t-Dally for pointe west of Toronto. *The Newcastle Independent* THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26th, 1931 LEGION EXECUTIVE HAVE BUSY SESSION Plan for Annual Meeting and Election of Offleers to be HeId on March 6th. A meeting o! the Executive Coni- mittee of Canadian Legion was held Febnuary l7th, at 7.15. Members present wene R. M. Cotton, Presi- dent; W. J. Hoar, lst Vice President; T. Annison, Secretary; and T. Hami- ilton. executive. Smith Fenguson was unable to attend on account o! illness. An offer made to bring the John- ston Shows to Bowmanville and Newcastle to raise funds for relief purposes wvas discussed. In view of the other attractions, it was dccidedi to defer action. Action taken by Cobourg Branch in regard to Comrade Rutherford, V. C., was endorsed by Bowmanville Branch. Action of Departrnent in curtail- ing allowance for relief o! unemploy- ed veterans was taken up. Secre- tary was authorized to write Provin- cial Command advising that any ac- tion taken by thern to bave the f ull measure o! relief re-instated would be endorsed by this Branch. Next negular meeting which wlll take the forni of an annual meeting for the election o! officers and ex- ecutive will be held in S. O. E. Hall on Friday evening, March 6tb, at 8 p. ni. sharp. Ail members are urged to make a special effort to attend this meeting. NEWCASTLE 1MISS A. GRAHfAM SHOWERED Mrs E.C. oarhasbee viitig 1Some two hundred friends of Mr. retvs E. C. Har a bevstigClanence Turner and Miss Aileen relaive inKena1.Gnaham assembled at the palatial Mrs. Allen, Cobourg, is visiting ber'h oo!Mn. and Mrs. Stephenson, daughter, Mrs. W. H. Clemence, nwcastle, last Friday evening and Shaws. ipresented the youthful and channi- Mrs. Waterrnan, Rochester N. Y, ing bride-to-be with an address and is visiting ber niother. Mrs. bell, at shower o! miscellaneous articles. Mrs. John Rickard's. The gathering was one o! the larg- Miss B. Mclntosb, who is staying est ever seen in this neighborhood with Mrs. D. B. Simpson, in Toronto, and no otber bouse in the commun- spent the weekend with bier uncle, ity or many othen communities could Mr. Wellington Foster. so comfortably accommodate s0 Rev. and Mrs. J. Scott Howard many guests. The Lake Shore and feeingthepinh f te wterscac Brojwn's S. Sections were the most ity, as are many others, have close edao rprsne, u an e their bouse for a few weeks and gone and present from Newcastle, Orono) to Toronto. W.P.Ro- N fwtonle hesowrcon-, United Cburch - Rev. W .Rg table deluge of dainty, useful, lovely ers, B. A., Pastor. Sunday, March things for personal and household lst: il a. r.-Morning Worship; use and spoke volumes for the popu- 2.30 p. m.--Sunday School; 7 p. m.- larity o! the bride-eleet who is to be Evening Service. married this Saturday. Mr. Fred Mrs. Wilfred Mercer, Oshawa, is Couch. Township Councillon. officiat- visiting her several relatives here, cd as chainnian for the more formal Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hancock, Mr. and proceedings wbich were immediate- Mns. Fred Hancock, and Mr. and ly followed by an informaI dance un- Mrs. H. E. Hancock. der the general direction of Mr. Ray Mrs. Jas. 0. Riekard, Bowmanville, Brown. The younger fol1k danced,, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Clemence, Shaws, the more mature amused themselves and Mns. Geo. P. Rickard and Mrs. in various ways, and evenyone when W. D. Bragg, Newcastle, visited rela- the tume carne refreshed himselfand tives at Welcome last Friday. bis partner with the abundance ofI St.Geoge' Chrch- Rv. F. H. provisions. Ail feIt and many ex- St.Gerg'sChRt Sd R pressed thein grateful appreciation of Mason, M. A., Recor. utnday, the thoughtfulness and kindness of Manch lst, Second Sunday in Lent: il a. r.-Morning Frayer and Holy Mr. and Mrs. Stephenson in offerlng Communion; 2 p. mi-Sunday Sehool the use o! their home for the occas- 7 p.m.-venng Paye. ,ion and tbnowing the doors wide Mr. Vernon Robeson, for menly o! pn the Bank o! Commerce here, spent Qonyw -el-wîi JY±±Mr .AAU Âd. R-1 B. H. ~.NOTES IMoise prior to leaving forPar B. H S. OTE Sound to resume wonk as Teller o!f Another Literary meeting was heldThBakoCmeretr. February 23nd, the prograni being The Y. P. L. held a skating party presented by Forni M. The first at Bownianville rink last Thursday1 number was "O Canada", sung by evening and wound up witb refresh- the wbole sebool. Tben a solo was nients at the home o! the secretary,' given by Elinor Sykes, f ollowed by a Miss Lillian Clemence. This Wed- humorous Gennian play entitled "A nesday the League niembers will pat- Button." The cast included Marion ronize the Onono rink and finish Up Slemon, Yvonne Tighe, Alex Binks with lunch at the Newcastle Coni- and Donald Williams. For the Fonni munity Hall. song the stage represented a college' Adult Bible Class o! the United rooni wbere the pupils had gathered.i Chunch Sunday Sehool held its an- Phyllis Challis then gave a piano, nual meeting and election o! offlc- solo. A dance "Blue Again" was ers at the home o! Mn. and Mns. W. given by Hilda Brown, 'Yvonne Tlgbe, H. Cowan, North St., last Tuesday Madeline Veale and Elsie Caruthers. evening. Mn. Fred Grahami is presi- As tbey danced the rest o! the fonni dent o! the class and Miss I. Robin-i sang off stage. The dance contin- !son teacher. Rev. W. P. Rogers w asI ued and Donald Williamis came out' present and conducted the election on the platfonm and sang the chorus. o! officers. Prognani closed witb God Save the Will the ladies o! Newcastle United King. There was dancing until five Church keep in mind the next meet- o' dock. ing o! Women's Missionary Society The boys who passcd their signal- takes place on Monday, March 2nd, ens' test last Faîl. received their cen- 'at 3 p. ni in S. S. Rooni. The meet- tificates and $5.00 on Feb. 2th. ing will be particuiariy intenesting. These were presented by Principal: Study book on Japan will be taken L. W. iopeil up and a wonderful collection o! The inter-f on basketball games Japanese cunios will be on exhibit. arc now ln full swing. The keenest Don't f ail to be on baud. Everybody rivalny is shown by teanis competing made welcome. for frst pace.The "Unitrt" Class o! senior Sun- day sehool girls o! the United~ At Good Roads Convention Church, together with their teacher, Mrs. N. L. Riekard, and a number Mayor Milton J. Elllott and Road o! boy friends, motoned to Orono last Supeintendent A. H. Bickell are in Saturday evening and enjoyeda Toronto attending the Good Roads' skate at the Onono covened rink. Association Convention at the Royal Tom Spencer, Bownianville, Gordon York Hotel as representatives o! the Laking and Alfred Grahami, Newcas- town. Reeve W. H. Caruthers is ai- tlc, -took the whole party in their ne- 50 attending, but as representative of spective cars and brought theni saf e- the Counties Council in which he is ly home again. On their neturn to the Chainian o! the Roads and Newcastle tbey lunched at the Coni- Bridges Committee. munity Hall, held a sing song and passed a most agrecable hour. Will Take Evidence Mn. Normnni Irwln, wbich doubt- less is bis general practice, put bis Witb ail possible speed the Ontario aeroplane to a veny wise and practi-' Government is niovlng to relleve dis-. cal use one day last week when tress among fariers o! this province. carly in tbe forenoon he flew to The Agriculture Coninittee has ai- Newcastle, took on board Mn. W. E. ready begun its deliberations and Beman. Northern Spy king o! Dur- will likely function as an evidence- bai, and wblsked hlm off to bis taking inquiry body. Premier 'Henry large apple orchard near Wbltby I bas intimated that farmers o! dis- that he nilgbt inspeet the pruning tricts particularly bard bit by the operations going on In Mr. Inwln's depression period might be asked to orchard and give hlma some expert appean before the comîittee to state advlce on the purpose, general prin- their cases. Ail parties lu the House ciples and methods o! pruning. have agreed that the relie! o! agri- Having f easted hlm and otberwise culture is o! paramount importance expressed bis appreclation o! bis val- and no small part o! the present uable advice and service, the flylng, session will be devoted to considera- son o! the Spy klng's former pastor. tion o! measures aimed in that dir- sailed back wltb Mn. Beman and ection. landed hlm safely home again. 1 i LISTEN GIRLS! Many years ago an old New Eng- land lady wrote out the following list of toilet articles and advised ahl girls to acquire and use them: First-Sel-knowledge, a mirror showing the f on in the most per- f ect light. Second-Innocence, a white paint, beautiful, but easily soiled and re- quiring care to preserve its luster. Third-Modesty a rouge giving a delightful bloom to the cheeks. Fourth-Contentment, an infaîl- ible smoother o! wrinkles. Fifth-Truth, a salve rendering the lips sof t and delictous. Sixth--Gentleness. a cordilm, parting sweetness to, the voice. Seventb--Good humor, a universal beautifler. Bowmanville Women's Instue will meet on Friday, Feb. 27th n' the S. O. E. Hall. Meeting in charge of Mrs. F. C. Colmer's group. Val- entine program. Phone 186 FOR FOOD These items are attractive ln more ways than one. They are right at the top in quallty - yet bottom-most ln price. Shop here and shop thriftlly. TRIS IS PRUNE WE Special Quality Santa Clara Prunes: Large size..... Medium size Small size . . .. . . . . EEK 10e M. Olives.. . . . . Stuffed Olives ... . . .. .. .. . Choice Canned Pumpkin, large can Hand Picked Tomatoes, large can, P eas . . . . . .. . . . . Good Morning Marmalade, large jar .... Fairsex Toilet Soap .... ...... Jumbo Sweet Peas, fancy quallty...... Our Special Blend Tea... ........ FRESH VEGETABLES Caulifiowers - Spinach - Lettuce- .-15eClb. 2 lbs. 25c. .; 3 lbs. 25c. 3 botties 25c 2 botties 25e loc 10e 2 tins 25e --40e 6 bars 31c 2 for 35C .. . .50e lb. Celery HARR Y ALUIN, Grocer PHONE 186 BOWMALNVILLE '<u~GoO o ," 226 Rovan Opens New Store WITH A BANG 10 SPECIAL VALUES FOR THE OPENING WOMEN'S SHOES Variety of Women's Shoes in black patent and kid, with cuban heels, bought special- ly for Opening Spec- ial, aIl sizes, $1.98 CHILDREN'S SHOES Strap slippers, to clear at $1.19- $1.491 MEN'S OVERALLS with bib, Openirig Special MEN'S FINE SOX Special for Opening, regular 50e value 25c BOYS' BOOTS Ail sizes, Special foir Opening, to clear at $1.98 WORK PANTS Men's Work Pants, Special for Opening 98C ALL RUBBER FOOT WEAR at Haif Price I MEN'S SHOES Men's Oxfords and Boots, special for Op- ening, black and tan, ail sizes at $2.95 m WOMEN'S SHOES Women's high grade Shoes, regular $5.00, Special for Opening $2.95 MEN'S SHIRTS Men's fine broadcloth Shirts, special foi' Op- ening at 98C n The RED & WHITE Stores WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING SPECIALS FOR THUJRSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26th, 27th and 28th. Red & White SOUPS, assorted ...9c, or 2 for 17c 2 in 1 Shoe Polish, any color.. 2 for 23c Oxo Cubes, 4 cube tins 2 for 25c Gold Medal Sardines 2 for 35e Green Giant Peas t2s) 21c per tUn Falcon Sweet or Sour Mixed Pickles, 12 oz. 23c SALMON, Tiger Brand (red) ................25c Standard Quality No. 4 Peas (2s) 3 for 25e Star or Handy Ammonia 2 for 15e Pink Salmon. 1 lb. tins 17e Red & White Soups, any kind 2 for 21c Gold Medai Floor Wax 39e per tUn Cherries, Serv-us or Gold Medal R. P. (2s) 22C Clothes Pins 6 doz. 19e Palm Tree Soap 6 for 25e Serv-us Asparagus Tips, picnic size 25e per tUn Weston's Soda Biscuits, 15 oz. pkgs. 15e LEMONS, large size ..........................19c doz. Red & White Tea l's-57c; 1I 's-29e. Assoi-tcd Kisses 25e per Mb. Roasted Peanuts 17e per lb. Red & White Coficee 11"-9c; I2s27e PEACHES, Diamond Bar No. 2 squat tin, 2 for 29c Muttets, TIhe Sunshine Cereal 2 for 23e Chocolat e Coated Marshrnallow Biscuits 25e Mb. Libby's Sauer Kraut, (2'.,'s . le per tUn Red& White Stores Redem Sunw eatBscuit Coupons PHONE 599 WE DELIVER BOWMANVILLE DONT FORGET THE NEW ADDRESS Rovan's Opposite W. P. Corbett's Bakery King Street East, Bowmanville PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATPZMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26,1931 t . t t t 1 t 1. t d a t: a si e VI Monnua