~4U~b i~n ~tateman With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News Vol. 77 M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26th, 1931 $2.00 a Year in Advance 5c a Copy No. 9 United Counties Apple Growers ICLIAE"H SPIRIT 0F BOWMANVILLE"Il Rotary Club Entertained by Local Ptm -. Iiij* iLTIIVATE ""THE !5&R~rnUUVI ~1J lrJ~ btage .onventiofl at rNewcastleI ý 1 The uccess f the Rnwmgflville Business md upon rules, These are ail tise attitude o! Lss and prof os- net a President, iive committee. program. It is ss Men's Assec- mind o! an in- 1spiritual and m associated to- tiss comnmunity iness interests,- -o! sucis simple confidence, a! - te, eacis othor. courage and tise of each other ,rale when bosot and temptations ss dopressien. aanville Business ucts himsolf in sfellow citizons to beliove in his association. All Annual Convention has re- CONS IDER YOUR j Men's Asseciatien doos net dopei regulations or trade practices. cord attendance-Guelph' HOME TOWN FIRST incidentai. Tisis Association ist pro esorsspek o insctmind o! a greup o! lecal busine pro eor seakoninsctDr Frank Crane speaks out on thse sional mon. It is not an office, n, pests in apples-Presi- Developmient of Civic Nerve net a Secretary, flot an exoculi dent Hare presides. Work for yeur own tewn. not a monthly meeting, not ap _______Beautify it. Improve it. Mako it not anytising matorial. attractive. Tise annual convention e! tise Ner- Tise World War and tise Troaty of Tise Bowmanville Business thumiberland and Durhsam Apple Poace and tise Protective Tariff and I ation is not tise attitude o! m Growors' Association was held lu ail sucis things are important sub- dividual. It is tise combluod Newcastle Community Hall on Wed- jocts; but what's tise good off dean- etivle !agepo o nesday, Feb. l8tis. It was one o! tise îng up tise worîd unless you sweep metlvusofagupfmn most succoss!ul and certainly tise your own deorstep? gther for tise bettermont a! Il most largelý attended convention in Tue town wise main stroot la and for tise service o! tisoir busin tise twenty years' history o! tise As- dirty, sordid-looking, cluttored, un- and wisat la f ar more importante- sociatien. Many orcisardists and inviting, suffers mucis. Sucis a town tiings in their lives as trust, fruit and vegetable growers frem wants te bo cleaned, rocreatod, made econfrocsthrlyat outside of tisose United Counties,a hnofbats htpol i feinfrea telyly notably f rom Ontario and Prince a th ile o! beut. s ia epew and wisen occasion demands, co Edwad Cnnt is e addrese es nd Tise bost advertisement cf your encouraging and fortifying cl took a keen interest i h drse business la tise town you livo in. against tise breaklng down of moi and discussions. and incidentally i onsgtréputations, as well as1 the fine community isall and its ap- Imn. Makt yeur town talked o!. t with ail tise discouragoment ar pointments. wil tisss draw people. And Wisro tiat corne along with a business Mr. W. E. Haro. Cobourg, Presi- tise people corne, tisere la prosperity. dont o! tise Association, occupied tise It dees not take moey. It takos Amy mombor o! tise Bawma chair during ail sessions and proved someting tisat la scarcor. It takes Men's Asseciation wiso so condi hlrnseif a past master, alert and ef- cooperation. ' is business as te deny to is ficient, in tise cenduct o! business Get tegethor. Organize for civic J adt ssascao iergs and social meetings. eet eeo th ci* adt i soae herg t Tuere were soe twe isundrod, in- improveet ooo iecvic business abiiity destroys tise a. cluinga srinllu o!ladesat isenerve. cludng spinklng f ldies atthe Rid your town o! one eyesore a! ter morniug "Orcisard Improvement another. Cloan up tise vacant lots Conferenco." and well over tisree aud plant tisem lu gardons. Makoe a hundred at tise afternoan session. cluttorod yard a dlsgrace. Mako DURHAM COUNTY BOYS Pref. L. Caesar, and Prof. J. E. public opinion toisot for tiseowiso Howitt, O. A. C., Guelpis, were tise will not islp. Mr. Ewart J. Creoper, prominont morning speakers. Prof. Caesar It pays. It will promote law and hardware mercisant o! Owen Seund, spoke particularly o! two insect posts order. It will iselp lu tise educatlon and a native o! Darlingten Town- wiich are giving a lot e! trouble in o! your chidren. It will draw fac- sip, was elected Presidont o! tise some localities, tisat is tise Apple tories and othor business enterprises Ontario Retail Mrchants' Associa- Maggot and tise Bud Motis, and wth to your locality. tion at tise annual convention at tise tise aid e! pictures gave caref ul lu- Shf tlessness, untldiuess, dirt and Royal York Hotel, Toronto, last structions on tise best metheds o! selfishness, as shown lu your streeth week. controlling them. Full- directions will and buildings, react upon your Mr. Russell Nesbitt, K.C., M.P.P., be found on tise new spray calendars people. Toronto, received tise bigisest office wiich were available in linitod Sucis things makté your boys and lu tise gif t o! tise Orange Association quantities at tise meeting. But tise girls grow up hating tiseir home o! tise Queen City wisen ho was re- nuniber o! growers prosent so f ar ex- towhi. cently lectod Orange County Master ceeded ail expectations that thore Make your homne town a children's for Toronto. Mr. Nesbitt la a native wore net nearly enougis te go areund. IParadise, somneting tiseir memory o! Cartwright Township. Those wise were unablo to secure a iili lovlngly turn back to. Mr. Henry A. Rowland ivas recont- copy at tise convention may get one Make your home teWn ihappy. ly appointed by Toronto Council by applying to Prof. Caesar, Guelpis, It pays. Sprnedn fRvraeIoa or t th ContyAgrculura Rere-tion Hosptal yestorday. Fer tise sentatives, Mr. E. A. Summers. Port atsxyr M.Rwndh be Hope, or Mr. Walter Smiths, Brigh- Secretary and Business Manager eof tan. Tiese lna rsof.sii or voryx- TONGUE-TWISTIERS tise Department o! Healtis, City Hall,1 gooindreasn as Prof. Howott ex-and priar ta that was head o! its piainfod, he lnotwoenared ve y Acer palmatum aitoptrpureunt accCunting section for 16 years. Ho muci frm tse asttwoyeaS, iveNe! That is not Frenchs or even was baru lu Newcastle, and ivent tol full directions for spraying every- German. It la just one of t hoe Toron te 37 years ago. thing in tise fruit and vegetablo lino few ivords used by Mr. Artisur S. Mr. Franat L. Mason. a former througiseut tise season. Tise apple magget is isatcised !rom Baker at tise Horticultural Society Mayor o! Osisawa, and a native e! an egg deposited undor tise skin o! meeting on Monday iiight and Cartwvrighst Township, was this week the apple by a fiy. Tise magget i describes, se we are told, a shrub. elocted President e! Oshawa Cham- lageTisat was net by any means tise ber o! Commerce. lrenurnbers works tisrough and only one o! its klnd eitiser, for breaks down tise texture o! tise ap- words sucis as tisose flowed fast pie and rendors it quite unfit for hu- from tise tongue o! tisis landscape International Nlght at Rotary man consuniptiofi. A maggot affect- adnrlaigabwlee e e dpect nd insome stages easy greerRotn ewleedr- b aryClub weekly meeting iili ed appet ise 11 r, sp- porter inan oxisausted stato r-oensa hrce nF1 soegowre5C-ing te understand what it was ali fanuuua hratronPi ially in Norfolk County. have 10s about. Heî e are some o! tisette alorl otl.I heavily on shipinents whiicis ierer-sm fte wîîî be observed as "International fused because o! tise apple magget. otiser tongue-twisters used dur- Nigit' ivien tise club will have as its Prof. Casar explained !ully isow to ing tisat meeting by théiséeh0isnored guests citizens f rom tise rocognize tise fly and hew te guard man: Ciinensis argentea varie- town wiso will represent at least 15 against Its destructive work. gata. sabina tamarescefolia, vir- different nationalities. Tue speaker At a sumnmer orcisard demonstra- ginia glauca, communla siseica, o! tise evening will be Mr. John tion in Mr. A. A. Colwill's orcisard and occidentalis vervaeneana. Grudeif, B. A., barrîster e! Toronto, at Newcastle, Prof. Caosar !ound Mr. Baker states tisat they are aud a former Bulgarian. Tue ar- tisat tise flY wias at work lu a lim- Greek and tise ternis are used in ranging o! tise program and enter- ltod way and Instructed Mr.. Celwill tisis language se as to bie lucomn- tamrment is lu charge o! tise Inter- wisat te do to control it. -Mr. Col- mon witis iorticulturists ail over national Service Committee, Rotar- wifl at once set to work witis jais tise world. lans J. H. H. Jury. cisairman, G. E. sprayer te !ollow out Prof. Caesar's Reaman and D. R. Morrison. instructions and was qulte success!ul in stepping ts operations. Prof. Howett euioglzed tise spray service whiicis is available to ail who (., .~,jm & L A iili take advantage o! it, and ho C le rae iorieth Arnniversary again emphasized as ho isas on for- mer occasions tise three ossential factors o! effective spraylug. namnelyO f pe ig o D sc le C u h propor timing, tise rigist fungicides ___________ and insecticides and tisorougbnoss.I have preached tisis to you before' In commemoration o! tise 4th mýarkwhlch tisy fatisers have set." Prof. Howett said, and I proacis it anniversary o! tise building o! tiseTu tiese words, ho said, tisere is au again. Disciple Cisurcis in Bowmanville, niOW 1implicit direction given ta tise first _______ -St. Andrew's Presbyterlan Churcis. plantors o! Canaan ta fIx "land- - - . - -1 more than forty former memberso! marks", according to tise distribution MA .0-r-n1-7 1P.-ci u ua-cur - ;orppa u ue o! iselad t- tse evra-tnbessu cisurcis tiey built on Suuday last, In Tise Statesman o! Feb. l2tis, tise FebruarY 22nd. Tisé members ivore Làbrary Board advertised for a 110W couvened by Mr. J. H. H. Jury te Librarisu for tise Public Library sud iviom tise happy ides occurred tisat Mr. M. G. V. Gould. Secretsry. stat- tise fermer members would like te ed tisat 17 ansivers ivere recelved by gatiser interodcuhonhi mailandman moe i peson Ifoccasion. and altiseugis Mr. Jury isad yeu have snytising te sol. if you but a f!ew dsys te gatiser togetiser wsnt any article, or if yoii have lest tisis number, it was mest grati!ying or found anytising, follow tisat gold- te see so many turn out. Tise cisurcis on rule "nover beave until tomnorrow ivas filod for tise service. whiat you can de today" and insert Among tise former members o! tise an advt. in Tise Canadian Statosman Disciple Churcis wiso iere noticed at right away wiile it is on1 your mind. t ho service ivere: Mr. and Mrs. i Spencer Wood, Edwin Wood, Mrs. Cos Pdde s$3.00 D. J. Cisambers, Miss I. Randaîl, Coat PddlerMrs. J. B. Mitchell, Mr. sud Mrs. R. Witi tise formation o! tise Bow- M. Mitchell sud Murray, Mr. aud nianville Business Mon's Association Mrs. C. A. Jeisuston, Mr. and Mrs. sud tise detormination o! its nom- R. S. Vîrtue, Oshawva, Mrs. C. Lun- bers to see tisat eut o! towu con- ney sud Roy. Mrs. Frank Williams cerna selllug in tise toivu psy toivards sud Donald, Mrs. John Morris. Mrs. tise upkeep o! tise muulcipality tise C. Murdoff, Mr. sud Mrs. Thomas first offendor ivas stjmmanied last Porcy, Mr. sud Mrs. Harley Porcy, week bof ore Acting Police Mai- Mr. Ferrest Dilliug, Mrs. Wni. Lux- trato Alan Campbell whien ýateston, Mrs. Anthony Grant sud Mar- compauy ivas chsrged itis selling garet, Mr. aud Mrs. J. H. H. Jury. iithout a license. Tue compauy was John sud Chester Jury, Mrs. Jessie orderod te psy tise cots o! tise court Burk sud Sybil. Mrs. C. B. Kent, sud procure a license at a cost o! Mrs. Gillillan, Mr. snd Mrs. J. A. $30. Heuseivives can de a lot to- 1 Joisuston, Mr. sud Mrs. G. A. Cor- ivards eradlcatiug tisis growing nuis- don, Mrs. John G. Manning sud Ev- suce o!fisouse-to-holisO peddling by elyn, Mrs. Chas. Manning, Mr. and asking tise "bellringers'" te produce Mrs. Hsrold Wakelin, Mrs. W. Blake tiseir peddler's license. If tisey hsv- McMurtry, Mrs. Nornman Alisu, David en't eue phene Chie! o! Police Von- Morrison Sr., Mr. sud Mrs. D. R. ton to get on tiseir trail at onde. Morrison Jr., Mr. C. W. Jacoba, Mrs. __________Fred Neadsansd sou, sud otisers. Mr. Harry Rice of tise vel kueivu Rev. W. J. Todd, tise receutly n- hardware fin rio! Rice & CO., is ser- stalled minister o! St. Audrew's, a! - ousîyilîl at iis home wîtis ieart fered a idkly wlom e tiste visit- trouble. os n pkeo h ponae Mrs. Augus MeQuarrie isas re- action lu commeudable sud grateful turned homo a!ter a pleasatit visit ternis. Ho thon delivered a forceful at tise home a! Mn. sud Mrs. Thos., sermon f nom tise text, Proverbs 22: Kennedy, Mlllbrook. 128, "Removo nat tise nitlad families by lot. It was tise wiil o! Qed that every one sisould know bis aivu, sud that ail gaod means should be used te provout oucroacismouts sud tise dolng sud suffening o! wnong. When right is settled, care must be takon tisat it bo net sfter- ivards uusettled, sud tisat, if possible, ne occasion o! dispute may arise. Tisere ivas aise an express law to pesterity not to remove tisoso land- marks wiich ivere tisss fixed at firat, by whiicis a nian secrotly got tisat to himsel! iviicis ias bis uelgisbour's. Tisis, iitisout doubt, la a moral pro- cept. aud still bluding. sud to us it ferbida tise invading o! any man's rigist. sud takiug to ourselves that whiichis l not our aivu, by any fraud- slent arts or practices, as by f org- ing, concealing, destroying or alter- ing deedsansd iritinga (whiicis are aur land-marks, ta which appeals are muade). or by ahi! tlng isedges, meor-stones. sud boundanles. Tisougi tise land-marks ivere set by tise isaud e!mou, yet ho was a thiet sud a robber by tise law of God that remaved them. Those land-marks were also meaut te preveut tiese ow- iug a! discord amoug neigihors, sud doiug snythlug to occasion strif e sud lawvsuits. Havlug clearly explained tise uecesslty for setting up those land- marks iu tise land o! Canaan, tise preaciser sald ho was lalming tise right o! lif ting tise text out o! Its conuectian ta consider for a fe'w minutes some o! tise "land-marks' Iu aur day whiicis somo people, cou- sclously or uuconsciausly, are trylua to remove, sud fint o! ail ho iould mention "Famuly Religion." (Continued an page 3) e y ;s d d ie ýs w kg Id that is le! t la a sheil. The association me centinue eutwardly to function, because as yi there is no kuown substitute for the usi legitimate activities o! such a local trade groir but the anirnating spirit will be dead. One single member whe defaults on h ebligation, whetiser expressod or implied, te h fellew members destroys tisoreby the spiriti the association. How easily such a man coul by merely changing his attitude, stimulate Il association with tise absolute spirit o! succee One such man can deck iimself in tI tinsel o! glory o! wisatever small satisfacti: there may be lu thwartlug week alter wee intentionally or uniutentloually, the very bE offoerts o!fiis f ellow merchants and profession men.4 Yot, lu many progressive' commult business mon are so co-operating witis e& ether tisat business is constantly easior a 111e is growing rlcisor witi tise ripe friondsli and tise solid satisfaction of "playlngt game.'" Tise Bowmanville Business Men's Assc tation was net organized as a material thii It is spiritual. It is an attitude-the sirni attitude o! sportsmanship. Let's be sportsme HORTICULTURISTS, HOLD QUESTION BOX MEETING1 Local Experts Answer Many Quest- ions Concerning Fiowers. Shrubs, Plantsand Birds A most entisuslastlc "Question Box" meeting was held by mnembers e! tise Horticultural saciety lu tise Casundul Boom an Mouday niglit whisn four local experts lu various linos o!fisortlculttiial work wero cou- !ronted with a varioty of questions appertainlug te gardons aud birds. President T. A. Dustan opeued tise meeting and Mms. E. V. Scobeil of- f iciated as secrotary for the first time since her appolutmeut at tise annual metng cultural Sodiety 'Ca vontion lu Tor- onto was given very capably by jGeo. E. Carr, F.R.H.S., horticultural dir- ector o! tise Boys' Training Scisool, and a delegato f rom tise local club. Mr. Cari covered very diosely tise varlous evonts at tise meeting and outlined tise splendid tslks given by some outstanding mon. A talk a! rock gardons by Mr. Clarke partie- ularly lipressed Mr. Carr and ar- rangements have been made for Mr. ~Clarke ta give tisis tslk lu Bow- manville on May 29th. Ho read ex- cerpts !rom otiser addresses and ex- plained wisy tise Ontario Association wlthdrew Its membership !rom tise Dominion organisation. President Dustan added a !ew re- Smarks concerning tise convention and then proceoded te open tise question box wilci cantained a large nunaber o! questions o! general in- terest. Even to one wise is not a Imember o! tise sodlety tise evenlng proved intensely lnteresting sud a ivealtis o! useful knowledge was dis- tributed. Questions relating to roses, their care aüd tiseir roiationship toeaecis otiser ivere ivoîl answered by Mr. A. H. Fletcher o!f"Tise Rosery" whio knows more about roses than por- haps any other persan lu Bowmau- ville. Landscape gardonlng quest- ions ivere put at a f ast and f urious pace to Mr. Artisur S. Baker. F.R.H. S ., who was f ully prepared and gave some sound advice te tisose wiso tquestioned hlm. Mr. Carr answered -questions on plants, boti ndoor and 7outdoor. wisle Cisarles Bagneil was 1present ta spread good tidings about fbirds, tiseir bouses and habits. STise whole meeting whicis lastod 1close ta three isours was f!airly well Sattonded and President Dustan ex- fpressed tise hope tisat tise attend- ance would continue to grow at fut- ure meetings. Ho urged tisat tise membersip csmpaign be contlnued witisout a break and every effort be made ta, make tisis a record yesr lu 7tise iistory o! tise association. At tise conclusion Mr. J. Hl. H. Jury moved and Mr. G. Webster seconded a very isesrty voeoo! tbanks to Mr. tCsrr, Mr. Baker, Mr. Fletcher sud SMr. Bagnol for tieir kindness in t conducting tise question box. THE CHURCHES Trinlty United Cisuch-Rev. J. U. Robins, pastor. Sunday services: Preaciig at il s. m. sud 7 p. n. Sunday Scisool at 2.30 p. n St. Paul's Cisurcis - Rev. D. W. Best. D. D., Mfinister. il a. m.- Morniug Wensip; 7 p. m.-Evening Worshlp: 2.30 p. m.--Sunday Scisool. St. Andnew's Proabyterisu Churcis -Rov. W. J. Todd, Minister. Ser- vices on Sunday at ils..ni. sud 7 P. n. Ssbbatis Scisool at 2.30 p. mn. Tise ministen wlll preacis. St. Jahn's Anglican Churcis, Rev. C. R. Spencer, M. A., Roctor. Second Sunday lu Lent: Holy Communion sud Sermon by Rectar il a. n.; Childreu's Service sud Baptisn at 2.30 p. n.; Eveniug Frayer at 7 p. m., preacher, Rev. F. H. Mason, M. A.. rector o! Néwcastle sud Orano. LOWEB HYDRO RAI Proof of whether or noi ownershlp of the local bydr would be a paylng propositi as Bowmanvllle citizens are ed can be seen wlth the ai ment this week that the Pi Public Utflities Commission retirlng $10,553.91 in debeni year, are also making applic a reduction in rates. Port E over its system lun Septemi In addition to the surn wl be handed over to, the Hyc mission the manager of t Hope system announces1 commission has on hand $2 and above the amount wbick used for the retirement c. tures. They expect to get t reduction about May lst.1 to note such instances as t to note that a short timei awa. who purchased thei about the saine time as P( had a rate reduction. TheE purchase of the local Hydr is likely to corne up for conç in town council again ver, with the possibility that a be taken on the purchasea year. Speaker at Convention Inu Dr. G. E. Reaman, Super of Boys' Training School, Reaman were in Clevelar. last week attending the an] vention of International Cc Educational of Exceptional Besides belng one of tbý speakers on the program. man was chairman of the D Boy section. He also had t of being added-to the Exe represent Canada for thE year. Two years ago this a met ln Toronto and at th£ large delegation visited the WVest Durhan Takes or Through the lnterest ofj of public splrited citizens !ington and Bowmanvllle. Durham Agricultural Soclel become just a memory but tinue te carry on its good onducting field crop col, ncl educational campaigli hie farmrers of West Dur] he resumed general meetii Society held in the councl Mtturday afternoon more r cjuired number had en iic;aers enabling the socle ori. Although there WE arge number in attendai xho did attend wvere nonE society and Its future ivere discussed tien iviicis brougist 111e back to tise <Cantinued on page 3) rreely from every angle. George F. Society. Ho movod that tise Society' ______ Annis, tise retlring president. oc- carry on ts oducational work smong cupled tise chair and opened the tise farmors and tise zest feU lu lino. LADIES' LEGION AUXILIARY meeting. Secretary-troasurer Chas. If tise necessary backing is forth-ACETIV AIO TOO AW H. Mason read tise minutes o! tise comlug thero us llttle doubt tisat tise ACP NITTO OOHW last meeting se that tisose whio did West Durhani Agricuitural Society oai emeuWlAslta net attend would know whiat had will continue ta play as prominent TciMmesWHA"I isappeued. a part lu tise district as it bas play- Prowram at Rotary Hall Before it ivas declded to carry on od In years gone by. It was also Executive Cammlttee o! Ladles, considerable discussion took place dfitely decidod to isold field crop Axlayo aainLgo e and tise subject o! coutinuing or dis- competitions In f ah viseat and oats Februiary of9th, itu Peien tr. contînuîng tise socîety ivas thorougis- again this year. Tise following stat- V bRuOliver proihPei tBn iy gone Into. Sanie o! tise speakers 1od their intentions o! enterlng, John V R.Oie rsding. Plans $o advocsted tise closing down a! tise Baker, Russell Osborne, J. :P. Os complote tise arganization were dis- socîety rîglat away, clalming that borne, H. A. Pascoe, C. A. Blancisard, cussed adagneral meeting ar- tisere ivas little interest attached ta Tisas. Baker, O. Osborne. 25th. A invuiaionChasbrrceived tise society sinco tise Fail Fair was Tue desirability and advsntage a ro m 5h nIvttinwsrcle given up. Others contonded tisat holding Field Crop competîtuons was 1 I Oebsi a tteLdiesoxcia ev!ar mucis gond could came froi tise sec- strossed by several speakers lu viewahm bestatndaoclev- ioty even If tisere was no fair. Tuey o! tise Quinto Seed Fair belug held inglu Rotary Hall, Oshawa, Marcis stated that tise Field Crop Comiieti- lu Peterbara next montis sud at 2d Lambtou tranch ivili be pros- tionwasa geatbenfitto he om- owmnvile n 132.Duram ar-entA committee c-oprating iitis mty anshouldeat c tisuedconsd men anioûlu 93p ut ot vrsaffortOsisawvaBrandis have prepared a that tise co-aperatian iiti tise Boys' to'exiibit tiseir seed sud tisus got a Pragram. wortisy o! tise occasion. Training Scisoal Fair was also lu tise full sisare o! tise prizes at tisis su- best lnterests o! tise district. Some nual fair. Rewards in tise field crop testiled that tise co-operation wltis doitests are also ivol wortis strlvlug. CARI) 0F THANKS tise B. T. S. fair last year brought after, there belug seven prizes run- buyers for thousands o! barrels o! ning f rom $20 for flrst prize ta $4 ITise famlly o! tise late Mrs. Sarahi Durhsam County apples. for seventis. Rules recisire 12 en- E. Woadger desire to thauk tise Tue Society ivas shown U)tahave a trios in escis cîss. Make yaur ou-_ numerous frieudsansd ueigisbars for try at once iitis C. H. Mason. itise iny acts o! kiudness sud syn- balance lu tise bank a! mare thail 1 Ipathy extouded ta tisem durlng tiseir $450 sud tisis wauld bave ta bo ro-1 (Contmuued on page 10) bevemeut. (I , I I e 'S ine 5ucuebb 01 t1litc nuwilika iay yet ROAD PROBLEMS Mr. Blow from Provincial ial WERE DISCUSSED Headquarters Delivered IDarlington Road Superintendait Inspiring A d d r e s s on hisCaUs Special Meeting I Time" - Scouts Excel hs 1 On Thursday alternoon,. Feb. 19th, in Display of First Aid of Thos. H. Richards, Road Superin- I ad<& cu .s ld,~ tendent o! Darlington Township, met an Oh£EcotAt. he the Coundil and road foremen for a! es. generai discussion of the best ways No oly h ffcec but alsa the he ing season. Road Supt. Richards act- of Boy Scouts was ably demonstrat- on ed as chairman and called thse meet- e on Friday evening when, under e, given by Reeve Geo. P. Annis, DeP- talued the Rotary Club at a banquet est uty Reeve A. L. Pascoe and Council- and a display af scout art in St. ýnal lors C. A. Blanchard, C. M. Carruth- John's Parlsh Hall. The meal pro- ers, A. W. Axinis and Ex-Reeve SUlas vided by the boys and served by Williams. them wlth only the assistance of ties Mr. Richards outlined his duties as Scoutmaster Terry's wl! e. lef t noth- ch laid down by thse Department of ing wantlng. It lndicated a high ah Public Highways. A helpful discus- kuowledge lu the cullnary art gain- and sien on various topfics followod: On eci by thse boys Iu their scout work. ips dragging of roads by Mr. John At thse conclusion o! thse suppe thse Snowden; drainage by Mr. A. E. Os- Charlie Cawker presided at thse piano borne; financing by Mr. A. Millson; and the Toast to Tise King wus duly on snow f ences by Mr. R. Pisilp; on drank as the flag fluttered from thse soc- gravel boxes by Road Supt. rafters. This was follawed by com- A resolution was passed by the munlty singing led by Rotarlan Ross ng. road foromen. that a standard gravel strike. ple box, 9 feet long and 12 luches deep, Rotarian C. E. Rehder, chairman ien! be adepted. Road Supt. wlll pass i of the Boys' Work Commlttee of ,thse same on to Coundil. 1 Club, preslded over tise program. He It was a real get-together meeting 1first took tise opportuulty of intro- where everybody f elt free te express duciug the troop officiais to thse club, IES his opinions. It mlght be profitable Scoutmaster Terry, Assistant Scout- to make tisis an annual event. master F. C. Conley. and Cub Master )t public1 R. McLeod and Traop Leader Ned o system Rehder. [on as fari Port Hope 1. O. 0. F. Here Scoutmaster Torry then lutrodilo- conceru-1 Several car loads and a bus load ed tise speaker o! the evening. 1Mr. nnounce- of members o! Durhsam Lodge, No. Blow from Provincial Scout Head- lort Hope 78 I.O.O.F. of Port Hope journeyed quarters. Mr. Blow, who gave an en- i, besides to Bowmanville on Wednesday lat ligitening address on "Time", ad- ures this and paid a f raternal visit ta Florence dressed not oni3r bis remarks ta thse ction for Nightingale Lodge, No. 66. The pur- Scouts but to the Rotarlans as Weil. dope took poeo h istwst xepi h Tiere are many different kinds of Lber 1929. luîtlatory degree. A real good time tlme,"' he stated."Toeltiehr Ihlch wIll was had by ail and tise degree work vest time. the time ta go to bed, thse Ira Com- was ail that could be deslred. A time ta get up, bult this evenlug I arn the Port social isour arouud thse banquet table going ta treat time lu a gelioral that the wlth a deliclous lunch was ended manuer. Time, it bas beon said. 18 3000 ovor about midulght witis the slnging of an element, it bas been here f rom h1sbig o ae h ig the beginnlng and la penhaPs the ifdbelu odSv ts Kn.greatest a! al elements. I want ta thelr rate trace the advances o! time tbrough It is wel _____________ the ages. Time la tthe measurlng these and stick of aur existence. To go back ago Osh- NEW SUBSCRIBERS to the beginnlug, back into ths tone eir plant age. there was no track a! Urne kaPt ert 1pe, The great3r~lpoe por at all until a native of that time Who suj~ fance cf The 'ýtatesman lu ýe had prided blms»elf on> bis loaka wa ro System ~ drlnklng one day at a creek when sideration past few months has caused much thse rlppUing waters mrrd bis ry shortly favorable comment, together with f eatures ta hlm. Later he again siw vote will thse augmented local news service this picture of blmself when he had again this an been lu a combat and had sorne adthe addltional country corres- teeth knocked out. Thse second trne pondence, has already been mark- ise realized tisat he was not the sne ed by lucreasod popularity of tisis as he was at first. He had changed& Cleveand newspaper. Nearly every day new Time was making Its mark an him, subscrlbers are belng added ta our changlug bis features and groYlng inteden Ust, dmontratng hat ur f- is grizzly, beard. Once he realized rintndet litsdemostrtingtha ouref-that time was a substantial thlng ho and Mrs. forts to constanly improve The wanted te measure off time sud lu nual con.: Statesman are belug noted sud isis crudemaur aeth ls îuncll for received wth more thas sua~lu- dock. This was done by making a Chllren teestIn he hol comunty.rope aut o! grass and hung ta thse .e speii . eratyn the tie cmunt.daor o! bis cave. It was llghted aud Dl. Rpea- ti rtfigt h publishers gradually burned away. Ho took Delinquent to hear tise many coïn-endable note o! the amoiuut that burned each ectvn t ive advertislug of the local mer- the rppe by kuats inta four parts so ýe comlng chants, and the complete coverage that every tinie a knot f ell tathse tssoclatîon of the activities o! Bowmanville grouud another quarter a! a day waa at îm aand the surrounding communities. gane. That was the fIrst measure- eB. T. S. It was 5000 years B. C. that the next clock, was iseard o! sud a Chia- ese Emperar was respausible for thus. He made a water dlock, a bowl lu AgriultralSocety whlch water slowli' trlckled and as I n A giculura Socety reached tise varlous marks on thse sideof te bol itregistered -an e., hour and a slave would sound the n Re ewed Leae oFLif gong to announce the tluxe. _____________Inuthe 8th century B. C. thse frat sun dial was made but this bad ita a number turned ta the Provincial Department limîts, only being use! ul lu tise day io! Dar- o! Agriculture if tise soclety declded time. Iu thse 4th century B. C. yet the West. to cesse ta exist. This money could anather water dlock was inveuted, y will not be used lu field crop competîtions this time on a systera where the ;wlll con- and for tise encouragement o! tise water slowly rau out o! a bowl. Thon d werk of Junior Farmers who are f ast becom- as time progressed came the sand mpetitions ing tise backbone o! the rural cam- dlock on thse same principle as the ns among munity. The young farmers were egg timer today. In Roman turnes rham. At weUl organized, one member stated,: came more water dlocks, but the fLrst ing ef the and were taklng a keen lnterest lu dlock to strike the hours was a Pers- I roem on farmn problems lu general and ho Ian dlock luvented about 849 A. D. than the thought that lu fairness to them the1 This dlock had an isour baud sud as rolled as society sisould endeavour te help lit proceeded arouud tise dock It ty te car- Itisem by ofiering prizes for grain, would open a littIe doar each hour ere net a f ruit dispîsys and ploughlug matches and a number o! marbles would drap nce tisose at the B. T. S. Fair. tout on ta a gang and thus automat- . thse less It was John Baker, prominent ically souud the hour. .t, ý-i'l C7ýý