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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Feb 1931, p. 4

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'4 PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, F'EBRUARY 26. 1931 BOOST I Mr. and Mrs. J. McMaster, Osb- I Mr. anci Mr5. ±~. .L~.LVIUfUUI-L awa, spent the weekend with Mr. and ed wlth relatives m ~..,snawa uu ouu- Mrs. J. C. Knxght. day. Durhiam Oid Boys' Club of Toronto wM] meet on Tliursday evenmng, Feb- ruary 26th, at the residence of Mr. Russell Nesbitt, M.P.P., and Mrs. Nesbitt, 6 Conrad Ave., at 8 o'clock. Departmental Exams. The Minister of Education for On- taria lias announced that the annual departmefltal exammnations of 1931 wll commence on June l5th and conclude on June 30tli. The tme table bas been arranged so as ta en- croach upan the lust two weeks of schooi only, and s approximateiy the samie as that of iast year. IÀbrary Cannot Accept Books The Public Library Board apprec- iate the kindness of Bowmanville citizens wha are off ering aid fiction to the Library but cannot possibiy accept sanie, bath for lacli of roomn and because ail books received must be chosen by the Board. The notice in The Canadian Statesman was the resuit of a most unfortunate misun- derstanding. Dr. Parks Honored Dr. W. A. Parlis, formeriy o! Baw- manville and until recentiy Profess-ý or of Geolagy li the UnîVersitY Of Toronto, was appainted by the Board of Governors to represent the Rayal Ontario Museumi at the British Em- pire Trade Exhibition ta be heid at Buenos Aires, Argentina, March 14 to April 27. This is a signal hanar for Dr. Parks and is a recognition of Ida valuabie services ta the Museumn. Paterbore Man Injured crashing into the side of a truck- Joad of cattie at the western lilmits to the tawn, R. J. Dixon of Peter- bora sustained mninor injuries iast week. The accident occurred on the C. p. R. overhead bridge. Frank Symons a! Bawnanville was driving west with a load o! cattie, whie Dix- on was coming from the west and crashed into the side of the trucki. The accident was jnvestigated by Provincial Constable W. E. Smith and no charges were laid. China Wedding at Taunton 1 On Sunday, Feb. l5th, a few o! their imniediate relatives met at the, home o! Mn. and Mrs. Nrann Leach, Taunton, ta extend ta then i many happy returns on the anniver- sary o! their wedding day. Af ter a surnptuous dinner bad been served the bride and groom were presented wth pieces o! cut glass and silver in token a! the esteeni held by their frlends. Toronto, Oshawa, Newcas- tle, Hampton and Greenwaod were represented in the family reunion. Quick Results LOST - In BowmztnvilW.-ý pair ladys white golu rimmed glasses in case In- scnlbed "'Knox, Toronto." Reward for return to Statesrman office. 8-i This ciassi.fied advertisenient ap- peared in last week's issue o! The Statesman and before half o! the papers were off the press the glassesi were returned ta The Statesman of- fice by a subscriber. Just another littie proof that classified advertising li The Statesman pays big divi- dends and brings results. To Rebuild Church Plans have been started by C. C. Stenliause, Oshawa architect, an the proposed cburch ta be erected by the United Church congregation at Newtonville. This building wiil re- Place the one which was destroyed bY fine last fail when it was struck by ightnng ini about the last sevene electnical stan o! 1930. The pro- posed churcli will be about 38 by 60 feet in size and will cost in the nelghborliaod o! $15000 ta $18,000, Mr. Stenhause states. It will be a! qulte similar structure ta the one wbicli was destnoyed with, o! course, some modern improvements. t 15 ex[Pected that the plans on this building wll be neady for a tender os]! in about three weeks. Addregý- Local A. 1. P. A. à splendid ilUztrated address an bits work among the Eskimos li the Jamnes BaY district by the Rev. W. Waltofl o! Toronto was the feature of the negular meeting o! the Angli- Can 'Young People's Association in the parlsli Hall on Manda!' evening. There was a lange nuniben turned out ta hean this fine speaker and tbey were amply rewarded by liearing suci an eloquent address. The ian- tera slides were alsa much apprec- lated. Mr. Walton lias promised ta return ta Bowmanville on the firsti Sunda!' after Baster when lie willi preacli at bth marnlng and eveningI services and will also give a talli at the A. Y. P. A. next day. His next taik ta the yaung people wll be on his wank aMOngthe Indians. Badminton Exhibition The Badmiton Club was the mecca of evenyane initown wh a iI the least interest in badminton and i maxi! othens besides last week wliex tour o! tie mot outatandiig playens in Canada gave a splendid exhibition of the game that 15 now the nage in tawn. The players f rani Toronto were R. B. Buchanan, president of the Dominion Badminton Associa- tion; Seymour O'Hara, Secretary o! the Ontario Badminton Association; A. A. Ablett, Professional o! the Giranite Club o! Toronto; and P. iPeroival, now o! Toronto, but fonm- erly an outstandiig player o! Eng- land, being a ranklng amateur in that country. The exhibition con- slsted o! several sets o! singles and doubles and the players displayed a technique fan supenior ta any seen In the club as yet. At the conclus- ion o! the exhibition sanie local players, including L. W. Dippeli, W. R. Stnike, Stuart R. James and F. W. Todd, battled for a f ew minutes with the shuttlecack against these noteS P layr and conslderlng the odds mae an excellent sliowing. FOl- lowlng the badminton dlsplay a soc- il evenlflg was spent by the ni- bers o! the club, a feature o! whlch was the dance wth Mn. Snell at the piano. Under the convenersbiP o! Mr. M. A. Neal, Mrs. W. R. Stnike and Miss Hfelen Osbornie a tastY lunch was served siortlY before mid- night.i MAPLE GROVE REFLECTIONS Instaliment No. 16 Can You Recal- WHEN Mary Grace Jeffery (Mrs. Sam Rundie) and Emmna Munday <Mrs. Will Jeffery), attended the Ontario Ladies' Coilege at Wbitby? They bth înarried and settled in their home neighbanhaad, eacb rais- ing a fine !amily o! cbildren. WHEN Farmen Pethic was the "Onion King" o! the County? He grew theni by the ton and soid thern at a dollar a bushel. The aid cbap took great pride in bis "ingin patcb." WHEN Jack Stevens, True Power and Arthur Foley. with their shiny new top buggies, were weekly visitons at Ebenezer Cburcb on Sunday even- ing, there being some daubt as ta wbat was the attraction-the ser- mon, tbe chair, or the "after-meet- ings." "The aid scribe" with the goose quili was deligbted ta see "Whist- ling Jum" taking a hand in Maple Grave Reflections. Tbe aid scribe bas distinct necollectians o! those youtbflil visits o! Whistling Jini at Maple Grave-bis smiling face, bis auburn hair-as perfect as if lie bad just stepped out o! a mast exclusive Beauty Shop wbicb o! course did net exist in thase days. How preud bis f athen was a! him and alsao!flis sisters Etta and Sophia wlio se o! ten dellghted the natives with their musical selections. Just this to say for Whistling Jimn-it was bis racy articles in Statesman under "Do You Remember Wlien" that mnspired the Old Scribe te take up bis quili ta .clironicie the quaint characters and mnteresting events o! bis aid home 1neighbarhaad forty to ftfty years aga. Here's hoping whistling Jixn wili camne again. Wauld aiso like ta hear froni Dexten again and others wlio ,could linli ta those tales. Chanley ;Axford's mnemoirs are most interest- Iing but date bacli beyond aur kien. They sbould be kept on file as bis- toric records. COURTICE HOCKEY TEAMS A very fast game was played at the Bowmianville Arena at 8 p. ni. Febnuary 16tb, between two local teains when the Garbage Collectons clashed with the Fertilizer Spreaders. The game was as fast as any pro- fessional or intermediate game seen heneabauts for years. A goad crowd was present but mare are wanted at the next gamne with the date unde- cided as yet. '> The first period opened up slow with the boys a bit wary, but tbings livened up and the peniod ended witb G. C. one Up. The F. S. or farmers got going in the second f rame and made things merny for the other team. This per- iod was very even witb good nushing and passes. Score ended 2-2 in f av- or o! botli teanis. The third period was the !astest and mast exciting o! the ganie. There was good stick handling and Ipassing and too mnany lone rushes. The farmens seenied the betten in this f rame but one o! their best nien being off, last out. Score 4-3 in fav- or a! G. C. The next game is expected soon and the farmens are to wln this game witb a f ull teani. A very bad accident liappened nean the first wben "Hucli Balsani" and "Long Qear Brown" ran head an together. Bath were cut on the eye, Brown leaving the arena for the dactars when three stitches were put in. Garbage Cllectors - Goal, "Dug" Courtice; De! ense, Huck Balsani, Prof. Hopkins; Centre, Jack Gay; Wings, Harry Gay, Ken. Osborne; Subs, Sami Gay, ina. Wilkins. Fertilizer Spreaders - Goal, Bob Courtice; Dtefense, Gond. Brown, Bamney Muir: Centre, Archie Muir;, Wings, Simon Nichais, Glen Piekeil; Subs. Bill Wade, Chas. Wade. Wretcbed f rom Asthma. Strengtb o! body and vigor o! mind are in- evtably lmpaired by the visitations o! asthma. Who can live under the cloud o! recurrlng attaclis and keep body and mind at their full effic- iency? Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Astlima Remedy dissipates the cloud by re- movlng tbe cause. It daes relleve. It daes restare the sufferer ta normal bodlly trim and mental happlneSs. Goods Thaugli yau buy thern ready made they're full o! that lusciai.i, home-made fiavor You like li your cakes, pies and pastries- when you get theni lene. There are only f nesh goocis In oun sbap -made eacli day f or that day's sales-anid, o! course, wlien You want something speclal, on a large orden fan a party, caîl us and we will have it neady. PRICES REDUCED frni 25e ta Metropalitan Cakes, each Cherry and Chocolate Cakes, per doz. Plain Cut Cakes per doz. JeUy Rails each 20c 20c 15C 15e BREAD 8c CASI BowmfanviIe",! Bakery C. W. ACOBS, Proprietar PHONE 97 WHIE] Boost your town, boost your friend, Boost the church which you attend. Boost the street on whlcb yau're dweling, Boost the goods that yau are selling. Boost the people round about you. They caxi get along witbout you, But success will quiclier flnd thern. Baost for every forwand movemnent;, Boost for every new improvement. Boost the man for wham you labar, Boast the stranger and the neighbar. Cease to be a chranic knocker, Cease ta be a progress blocker, I yau'd make your town better, Boast it to a final letter. STARKVILLE A MILLION MILES 0F TRAVEL "Whoever you are, as you read this, CaPt. J. MIlton State Comlng Here Whatever your trouble or grief, Has.- Addressed Two Thousand I want you ta know and ta heed this, Audiences the World Over The day draweth near with relie f." ___ TliecomutitY xteds ympthy An interestlng pei'sonality, and a to the Haw brothers in the deatb of' Canadian Who bas addressed a their father, Mr. Wm. Haw. thousand Anierican and Englisb Miss Norma Hailowell is visitmng audiences since the war with travel- !riends in Toronto. ogues and lectures, visits Bowman- Mr. Edwin Ruthven recently visit- ville next Tuesday. ed bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. It was still as a very young man Ruthven, who have been in but are in 1899 that Capt. State embarked very mucb improved. upon a career of travel and miiitaryg Mr. Philip Stephens is getting adventure. Tbe long voyage f romi aiong niceiy a!ter breaking bis leg Canada ta South Mfrica was under-i whle deborning cattie at W. J. Hal- taken for the purpose of serving witb lowell's. the Canadian tzaops during the Mr. Eanl Haw s making prepara- Great Boer War. We catch glimpses tions to move to farm wbich he rent- of him as a mounted infantryman on ed f rom Mrs. Jas. Bayd near Kendal. the Southi African Veldt with tbe The new people wiii soon be mnov- Royal Canadian Dragoons, taking ing on the late Joseph Rutherford part in tbe capture o! Bloomfonteiii. farm. Johannesburg, and the surrender of Mrs. Sydney Lockbart is spending Pretoria. Later lie served with the a f ew days at her aunt's. Mrs. John Imnperial army in Africa, and after-1 McKaY. wards in India, Australasia and the Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Morton, 6th Far East. Line, spent Sunday at ber motber's, "Around the Mediterranean" s Mrs. John McKay. one af tlie most interesting and Pigeon brothers of Port Hope beautiful of bis Imperial Traveiog- spent a f ew days witb their cousin, ues. It is aîways popular because of Mr. Banl Haw. its wide geographlcal scope and bis- Mr. H-enry Haw, Toronto, visited torical range, fascinating, and de- bis brother, Mr- Banl Haw. cîdedîy an education in itself. Prom Mr. Carmiax Haw, Fort Francis, the balmy lslands of Madeira and lias retumned home. through tlie portais of the pillars of Sori'Y ta hear of ilness Of Mr5. Hercules, the arm chair tourist visits W. B. Langstaff of Kendal, formerly of Starkville. Her many f riends wish ber a speedy recovery. Miss Beatrice McKay spent the weekend in Newtonville at ber bro- tbrs. Bertha Reid, Toronto, spent l4I Sunday witb ber daugbter, Mrs. Wil- fred Wood. People of this section are very ac- tive and busy in mnany different oc- cupations of 1f e, the greatest of these is the fuel probiemn. Farmers are busy taking advantage of the beautifUl sleighing in order ta get in their wood supply and sarne already bave had the sawing machine and the buzz of the old circular saw is beard. Others have been busily en- gaged in putting in tbeir ice suPPly. Some wbo are mnaklng changes are rnaking preparatioli for moving. Ladies are looking over seed cata- logues. also tbinking of bouse decor- ations, spring coats, etc. This is a sure sîgn of approacbing spring. Last week was a week of prayer, but we tbink this week miust be a ,"Fearful" week as on Sunday we beard a very forceful sermon on "Fear, Faitb and Power" in the morning; then in the afternoon we beard anather sermon preaclied by a difi erent ministel', and the subject was,"Fear. Why Are Ye Sa Fearful?" < <S Mark 4 and 40. Again in the even- O I ing fram still another preacher was I delivered a good sermon and the subject again was "Fear."1 These WE TH ANK YOU. It bas tboughts prompted the verse or lit- by A & P IISt week. Your2 te pern at the begnning of this correspandelice. We bave been reading witli greatA EN interest o! late the different speechesP N made at the opening session o! Par- liament at Toronto and cuite agree____ witb Mr. W. E. N. Sinclair that the time bas came wben its the farmer who needs protection and help. Just thinli the big monied caflcel'ns have been f ed and fattened until they The nieat .' t' & p burst out inta banquets, bigh social for quahîe-and fou ail nev 111e and bigb ,LProtection while the than advertlsed... for A armr li te asic in- the bst cutS Of meIt famrWooperatesthb PE AMEALED COTTAGE dustry o! aur country can hardly get a decent living and are taxed be-R O L yond reasan. They get littie or no I O L prices for their produce which is the >fruits of bard labor and long tediaus HOLLY FABM BREAK] 1haurs botb in the cold and f rost o! winter and the heat o! sunimer. Is SA U SA ( it any wander there are sa many idle f arms, s0 mucb uneIfpl0yment, PE A' lE &LED BACK such lieavy depressiaxi, and even crime, when there s 50 much dis- crimination against the farmer and aa the farm industry, yet the big ban- SIE RCN quets and flourisli o! society stillSLEDO CN' continue. There is sometliing rad- jcally wrong somnewhere and it Win have ta be investigated.F I Wltli sa thoraugh a preparation at han a Mllr's Wormn Powders the Make Yeur Nearest A &1 maas Mio ll W e hîrnt o IbDrn suif er fro h agl es o! warfliS 15forE F ish DBuEPin' > unWie aondtculrab age frs s LRG Aa!'LEP unhidsie dcd tY a rth e ttack wormdsubseclways uhe atand l01 Wrsunted in its growthy ad it i aS 'n i *e meriul teit r tothe t s deFORI STEWI *structive parasites, especially when E lmA T T It can be done without dlfficulty. C I i Mr. a rry J.Dutch) Osborned spentBRemember ta ht yO posse a day at home this week foilowing in the world will be found at the the Kitchener-Oshawa Professiorial, day of' your death ta beiong ta sanie- game in Oshawa on Monday night1 one else; but what you are wlU be in which he was piayîng. yours forever.-Henry Van Dyke. Lovely China Delicious Oats in every package marked "-Chinaware" Q UAKIER OÀrs Coks in 2½/ minutes after the. water ol !GL~7'2 YEAIRS 160 This week your A & P Store gises usel over to the celeliraion of Founders' Week. We would like you, as a custotner, f0 Ienow sorre- thlng about the Ideals of servicetwhich we honor on this occasion. 4î - LIIU are thrce of the most important: th e "Srvice"-To HELP the custonser-to offcr suggestions-but never // 111 f0 Importue tf0 luy. To bc courteosîs under ail circumstanrs. /1 To elcome complal'sts as stepplng stones f0 better service J I K ,1 an d fa remember that the A çz P esutomer Is always right. 'P) l'of erv ce/ "Qtallt3"-To offer gooci sholescwne foot),, realizing the iraplortoisce O of q îality in foodisti'ffs. To sear-h thec marisets for the tI et. Te t~ ïx se r ic eather lose a sale tisai to sel) a pros'. xci that wo!d 1' torr" a customer's good-will and conflidenlce. To o'fer varlcty for everyt. I-alu"-T0 ask prices that are ft- r In relation to cost. To gl':e -. ~customers thee henit of sasing s rrssxl!n7 from the la"g" 's' --j >,e hich their patronage inalces possible. ON SUCHI IDEALS AS THESE A &- P HAS BUTLT A ST:ýUC- WHERE EOOMYRIJLS* TURE OF SERVICE TH.'ÂT !S APTORECIAT'ýD BY OV!*. 5,0C0,000OIÎOUSEW'IV'ES. ~ ~ ,~ Founders' lVcek is celebratcd by extra values to wbich y.u. 1),E ERS. %VW E E K..' attention is particiiîsrly invited. sbeen clearly demonstrated te, us that the pe ople of Ontario have appreciated the saving os. .! &)introduecci acceptance of this savlng bas enabled us ta reach a new hih r: insltabrend production. ,TOUR NEW LOW FULL 24-OUNCE, qOIREBREA À D RGU PRICE WRAPPED LOAr p ;iaru'ý lss spcîallv .selccted ver find them at hilgier prlces &~ P's advertislflg price is for BY TUE lb.2 EFAST SMALL LINKS a]& lb.200 lb. E 280 [RE CUTS, lb., 300. P Store Yoiir Headquartfm kLetxIiOfSesan. Spint d49. ;NC ORt FRYING' BOiLINC bG 'IJ'i b. 14ie LB. FILLE1£*-'Slb17 Eggs accepted lni exchange for merchandise or cash at aIl A & p stores. SPECIAL-A &P CHERRY l. 9 FRESII DAILY AT ALL A & P STORES A SPECIAL TREAT FOR ALL Jely Roils 2to25o Shortening, 1-lb. Print lc FANCY BLUE LOUE Rice .......... 4 Ibo. 23e THOMPSON'U EEBLEIS Raisins........... lb. 10c SPECIAL 5-STRING Brooma ........Each 27c EAGLE BRAND CONDENSED Milk ........... T in 17c A & P Coffees are guaranteed f0 be thte Flnest Grades GrOsnSpeci'5ITitis Weeli LB. C GCLOCK 31c A & Ps wiespred reutatin fo fineeggs is uc*c VRESH EXTRAS-EVERYC IN Do E GS EGG GARATE DART 5 OZ FRESH FIRSTS (IN CARTONS), DOZEN, 310.. 1.00E, DOZ., 29e FANCY SMOKED BREAKFAST BAC ON Sliced lb. 25e DynmE'm ib. 23e CHOICE QUALITY SUNSET BRAND-AN EXCEPTIONAL VALUE! T OMATOES 12NSîNs$1 .00 A RALFONDE.' WEKS P DK A N VERY FINEST QUA NDLBE EF THE LOWS RIE INMA'YERs 3NNO. 29 TELWS RCIMN ER S in ULDECr Aiol I CHOUKE POTC POTD One Prloe ýlb-.12c RIBThlcik or short lb.1 HASliai! or Whole M. 1190 SHOULDERS Vweuh lb. 15e BUTTS Very Lealb. IL9e No. %TMN, yonlàA LOMYT EIN USE PalMOliVe Soap, 6 CAKES 35c AT A VERT LOW PIRICE Pineapple citusimD 2 T'>NS'47c Libb's, Delmonte, or King of Hawaii. A Lenten Treat-at a Great Saving Sardines c""'»EI 2 TINs 27c McCORMICK'S CREAMY CIIOCOLATE Cookies .......... lb. 25c '; tl Lrgest Se)lng ilgh Grade Coffee hn tiie ivotd-ýrike C iiýi.ei r l'ia orite DOIKAR IN'~4 FRESH GREEN TEXAS SPINACH 3îb. 25" CALIFORNIA 5EEDLESS ORANGES Doz. 27u i LO'titi GRAPEVRUIT 4 for 27a FW (GREEN TEX %S CARDAGE 2 Ibn. 13o Meat Manaffer: G. McCoy. Groccry Manager: P. Williams. We Deiver-Extra Charge 10e. Phone Na. 83 RING STREET - BOWMANVILLE T"w , ETATLANTIC & PACIUJC TEA (¶u* _________ - ,~ - - -LIMTUF (ANADA~ its equaliy famous Monte Caria and other resorts. Beautiful and histor- ic scenes in Northern and Southern Itaiy, with Rame, Naples. Florence, Venice and Sicily entbrall an audi- ence with the magnificent colour, and prepare tbemn for the contrast with the even aider Civilizations o! Greece and her older colonies of Asia Minor and the islands, massive and brooding Egypt and the Nule' with modern Turkey and her cities o! today, and the coast o! Syria. Capt. State bas a fund o! interest- ing information to, give about every scene. In addition the moving pic- tures strongly suppiement many 0f the places to be visited. .--, 1 mmRmmwmcýý 1 TIN, 2le 1 1

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