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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Feb 1931, p. 5

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMLANVILLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1931 WRIGLE i GOLDEN WEDDING 1 G .adMrs.Th Ail Point Hampton, e] To A BIG A quiet celebratior B y Ithe home of Mr. anc Bu H. Rowe, Hampton, Feb. 16th, in honorc wedding anniversary. ?~inson, Port Hope, offic master and chairman. ber of f riends and present and in the cc ening the following a read by Miss Normi Port Hope: rynHElong.Dear Mr. and Mrs. Rý 1-1-ating 0*ý 1We are here to celg the fiftleth anniversa: claor tape adied hf e, your Qolder help to keep esteem lt a very gres mouthfreshwe have the opportu: mout freh Iand wish to extend and breath to you both on this sweet-the suigar sup I casion. Those who pue me --Oy r that burns Up excess fat and keeps you keen and alert. WrIgley's la good and good for you. Cold weather Is a severe test f or any gas or où. Super Shel Qas vaporizes instantly and oui Zero Ois flow freely at 10w tem- perature. This of course, means quiclc startlng. Let us serve you. If you use Coal 011 for lighting your home, we have a message for you that wlll surely please. We are lmporting and can supply you with a wonderful quaity Coal 011, at the price of the ordnary grades. Give It a trial. BAJ4LETY8 PHONE 110 KING ST. EAT-I BOWMANVI LLE Decorating at Lowest Cost Therels no need of puttlng off decorating your home any longer. Rlght now we wilU supply the walI paper, paint and labor at the lowest prices obtainable for years. Don't put off. Do t now. Phone us to cail and see how littie It costs. Geo. Pritchard Palnter and Decorator (Over Statesmêan Office) Phone 489 Bowmanville Poultry Regulator "Makes Hans Lay Mort Eggs" ASK YOUR DEALER Write for Pratt* PouUtry Bock-Fre Pratt Food Co.. of CanaLimtd Guelph, Ont. ANNIVERBARY >5s. H. Rowe, elebrate n took place atj id Mrs. Thomas aon Monday of their ftftiethÉ .Mr. Ben Dick- iiated as Toast- r.A large nuin- relatives were ,urse of the ev- .ddress was ably a Dickinson of lowe- debrate wlth you .ry of your mar- m Weddlng. We mt pleasure that inity of doing so, 1congratulations smemorable oc- oknow you best, ie vouh mnot.Tt bas been the pleasure of ail of us Vo meet wlVh you in your home and ah- ways recelved a hearty welcome. During these fi! ty years of marrled hife you have seen many changes. We wlsh to show in some smail way the esteem and honor in whlch you are held by us and ask you Vo ac- cept these gif Vs as a token of love coupled with oun greatest desire that Divine Providence may spare your lives for many years. Hampton, Feb. 16, 1931 A pair of beautiful chairs were then presented to Mr. and Mrs. Rowe together wlth many congratulations and good wishes for their continued health and happiness. Mr. W. J. Inch of Weston also made a very suitable congratulatory address. In the afternoon many friends of Hampton and surrounding com- munity were in Vo offer their con- gratulations Vo the worthy couple who have reached this golden anni- versary of their married ie. TOWN 0F COBOURG TO SEPARATE FROM UNITED COUNTIES County Town Presents Bull to Ontario Legislature te With- draw from Counties Even at the cost of hosing its posi- tion as counties own, held for near- ly a century, Coboung's town council at a speclal meeting last week unan- imoushy voted Vo sepanate f nom the united counties of Northumberland and Durham. Figures presented by A. W. Young, town treasuren. backed by local fin- ancial experts, indicate that Cobourg lwill save $25,088.87 a year i taxes Iby becoming a sepanated town. Ac- jtion was forced council members point out by the f act that Cobourg's assessment for counties purposes was raised by Judge L. V. O'Connor, on appeal f nom counties council revalu- aion fnom $1,600,729 Vo $4,905,227.08 Application wUll be made o the Ontario Legisature, now sitting, asking that special egislation be passed which will permit Coboung's separation fnom the counties. The motion Vo separate fromn the counties was made by Councillor Morris Both, chairman o! the fin- ance commlttee, who is leading a movement in Eastern Ontario Vo fos- ter establishmnent of independent theatres that wiil feature British talking pictunes and films. Preparlng the bill for the legisla- tune is In the hands o!fP. M. Field, K. C., town solicitor, and the bill wilh be pnesented 'by F. J. McArthur, M.P.P., local member, who is also a new member o! the pivate buils comn- mittee. Port Hope Is alneady makig a bid for the honor of being the county town in the event o! this bill pass- ing the legislature. As yet Bowman- ville has noV made a move in this direction, but it would appear they have as much right Vo have the county offices hene as in Port Hope. Perhaps our own counicil has this question in mind and realizes what the movlng o! the Counties' offices Vo Bowmanville would mean. One tbing it would mean would be in- cneased population and the own would pnobably be the scene o! much building activlty if! the offices were removed Vo Bowmanville. ADVERTISING BY RADIO The average housebold possessing a radio set is being rapidly fed up with advertising by air-hot air for the most part. lI the present pos- ture of affairs it would nequire the services o! a switch-board operator o shif t from point to point on the dial Vo geV enough wortb-while en- tertainment to warrant use of leis- ure time i this way. It's no bettei on Sîînday either. Russia is manag- ing Vo put that day in the discard- the good old United States o! Amer- ica is doing its bit in the samne dir- ection, i 50 far as high-pressure . publicity by radio is concerned dur- ing the one day in the oo-heavy week when the mlnds of overwrought men and women, and cbildren too nieed more than ever before, ne- reation uncoiinected with so-callec? business". And it simply gets one's moat Vo bear, a! er a station an- jouncement from the republic, the nferior-complex echo of a consent- ng Canadian station. We saw wth deep concern th'e lod o! prlnted matter carried into 'anada f romn the United States with avish advertislng o! Anieiican pro- lucts-now we have this twenty-four 'our, seven days li the week radio ublicity. The wave-leng hs have een hogged by our f riends Vo the outh, and the air filled with their rade alks hence promoters o! Pro- luced-ln-Canada - Buy-in-Canada ,ommoditles have one more "deep -iver" Vto cross, or dam or dlvert, as ,,le case may be. Little wonder that thinklng Canadians are keen for re- lief thnough goverument act or the -ecovened common-sense o! radio- fol1k themselves.-The Natlon's Pro- ducts. Time is one thlng that can neyer be retrieved. One may lose and re-i gain a frlend; but hours that arei lost In Idleness can neyer be bnought 1 back to be used i gainful punsuits. Most caneers are made or marred i the hours after supper. GOODYEAR MAN weather was very damp and f oggy DECRIBES TRIP most of the time. TO OL COU TRY; Little Known About Canada TO O D CO NTRY Knowledge of Canada among the average men there seemed Vo be very Jack Cawood Pald Interesting Visit meagre. Some qiuestions asked me to FmousEngish andmrks were amusin'g and ridiculous. If our te amos Eglih Lndmr 1 Empire is to be what our leaders say The ollwin isthestoy o a ripthey want it Vo be, 1 believe an in- to England by Jack Cawood of the1 teniveEpr dsainiCm Goodyear staff v/ho returned recent- Paigu should be started. It wlll be a ly from a three months' holiday in h ard task Vo develop it if our know- the Old Land. This story of Jack's ledge.and impressions of each other visit appeared in the ast issue of te remain as they are today. Wingoot Clan. Goodyear heels could be seen on As several clan readers are natives shoes in the store windows, and of GeatBriain I houht heyGoo dyear tires were well and favour- might be interested in my Xmas trip aco ntatwith. nbdyIcaei to England. conanuryn Isale fr a I lef t Saint John on the Duchess Oadan the MoncIlare oCn of York on December 5th. The boat, ada onutea ntla practically new, carried 3,000 bags of Buanlesmst for the shlpping com- Xmasmai andappoxiatel 50 Panes ustbe unprofltable this time Xasmail and riaroimalyn5-of year as there were only 150 pas- pasenges. WeThrenacro as -sengers aboard wth 300 of a crew. eveo ntful. beuetpriencdyto days The weather was fairly good and 0f fog and aout two as.Eys 0fcom-the sea comparatlvely calm. We an- paraily rs ougneas. keeverything nved at Saint John on January lth. possil e wd. n oke vrbd On January l2th I was back Vo work interested Durlng the day garnes again and my travels of the past such as deck tennis, horse racing, five weeks but a memory. quoits, etc., were played on deck._______ Each evening was spent in ether playing bridge or attending a con- Your success and happiness lie in cert, movies. dancing. etc. There was you. External conditions are the also a well-equipped gymnasluni On accidents of life. The great endur- ]board. Each day passengers were lng reailties are love and service. tsupplied with the dally wireless news. Joy is the holy fire that keeps our purpose wanm and our intelligence Arrived Decemben 13t]1. aglow. IThere is mucb unemployment thene, pantlcularly li the North i the cotton, woollen and coal indus- tries. lI these districts extreme pov- erty is very apparent. Business le better in the south o! England, where new industries are springig up and new plants are being built. Business generally is noV veny good. Nobody seems Vo be woryig a great deal, and i some towns crowds of shoppers before Xmas made IV bard to beieve any depression did exlst. Fashions thene are much the same as here. Raincoats were very much i demand while 1 wus there as the' DR. CARL'S DISCOVERY STOPS GAS, CONSTIPATION lI his prIvate practloe. Dr. Carl Weschcke first penfected the simple mixture now known as Adlerika. Unlike most nemedies, Adlerika acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel and nemoves old poisons you would never belleve were i ytjr system. Stops GAS bloatig i 10 minutes! Relieves chronlc constipation i2 hours! Lot Adlenika give your stom- ach and bowels a REAL cleanlng and see how good you feel! IV willl surprise you! Jury & Loveil, Drug: lu"IE BiJIEZ&K «t -- tOsh a wa. 0 0 Taxes Era I F you have Iooked forward to fie- car ownerhip-wn a Series 8-50 MeLaughlin-Buick Straight Eight. Listing at $1290, it je a Straight Eight well witbin the. reach of almoat every motorigt. %&nd what an Eight! Wlith the hm- urious Silent - Shift Syncro - Meeh Tasmion ... and Torque Tube Drive. Witlu the 5meat McLaughlin- Buick Straight Eight Engine With the impressive beauty and graoeful hies made possible by a 114-inch wheehbase. And with beautiful., roomy inaulated Bodie. y Fisher 0f evry 100 buyers Of eighta in M augbiin-Buick's prioe field, U8 choose McLaughlin-Buicka; 42 <ivide their choie among 14 otiier caret If yen ponder this achievement, yen can corne tu but one deciion-that McLaughlin-Buick is a better auto- mobile, and a sounder moos-on luvestment. The GMÂC Plan d domod p.ym, ofe te.lowese finaci.g chargesinte Industry and te eh.GnSd Motors Owne Servie Policy protem y.oen during 'brekinw n'poad.L ~eS&raqld £i9kt b4 IKyG NU .UUN E A GE NE R ÀL MO0TO0R S V ÀL U 4 SR .. 4PRCE RANES... ALL Wl'T SYNCRO-MESH TRA1iSUMUM AM» TOlQ TUELDBUE 4 MOFFAT MOTOR SALES 88 SIIMCOE STREET NORTH Firs-t Showr*ng! IWe entered the Clyde on the night of December llth. In the monning passengers for Glasgow disembanked. We then lef t for Belfast. The scen- ery as we sailed down the Clyde was very beautiful. On the morning of December 13th we arrived i Liver- pool. Liverpool is just as busy as ever. Ships of ail descriptions were moving about or at anchor. 0f course, it was raining. It took about two hours to get ashore there is so nuch ned tape to go through, such as immigration of- ficiais, customs, baggage, etc. I ar- rived home about 1 p. m. Saturday, December l3th. The following Tuesday I caught the train known as the "Flying Scotsman" for London. 1V was a f ast train and compared favounably with any we have. It was radio equipped and of the central corridor type. I spent three days in London and neyer crammed so much into s0 short a time before. Working Vo schedule, and alded by London taxi- men, I saw the British Museumn, St. Paul's Cathedral, Westminster Ab- bey, Houses of Parliament, Tussaud's Waxworks, Canada House, Ontario Government Bldg., Tower of London, London Bridge. I was also into Self- ridge's and Harrod's stores. lI the evenings we managed to attend the Coliseum and His Majesty's Theatre. Saw Parilament in Session Canada House, by the way, 15 Can- ada's Headquarters i Great Britain, and is a very substantial and mod- ern building. 1V would take too much space o describe each one of these. Suffice it to say they were Vo me at any rate ahi that I have heard they were. Possibly the most in- pressive hour spent was an hour in the House of Commons in the Strangers' Gallery, while Parliament was i session. The Unknown Sol- dire's Tomb in Westminster Abbey wlll always nemain i my memory, too. It Is a plain, simple slab. but iV means a great deal. I also saw the Cenotaph, Horse Guards' Parade, The Admlralty, Government Build- ing, No. 1 Downing St., St. James' Palace, where the Prince of Wales lives. IV was here I saw the room where the Indian Conference was in progress. I also saw Buckingham Palace, the London home of the King. Lots of Fog While in London I also experlenc- ed one of the worst f ogs they have had li fllty years. At noon iV was exactly like midnight. Without any exaggeration at ail London is a big clty. Traffic is very dense. In the more congested parts street cars have been scrapped and busses sub- stltuted. There are thousands of busses in London. There seems Vo be one passing every second. As it was Just before Xmas aIl the stores wene crowded and everybody seemed o be dolng a rushing busi- ness. IMost of the balance of my time Iwas spent i vislting in Nottingham, the centre of England's lace indus- try; Doncaster, noted for its race course; Leeds, Bradford, Manchester, Otley and Halifax. England bas a very efficient trans- portation system. Busses now run Vo ail parts at reasonable rates, anid getting from one place Vo another in a minimum of time is a compara- tively simple matter. There are noV aâ many automobiles there as here. due I believe Vo the mucb bigher cost of operation. Li- censes are issued on a basis of $5.00 per horse power. Therc is no winter freeze-up there and on January 2nd farmers could be seen plougbing and worklng on the land. Easy to Get Foreign Stations Radios (wireless sets as they cal them) are .Iust as popular as here. Ahl broadacsting is controlled hrough the Brtish Broadcasting Co., who broadcast hrough three or four stations situated in different parts of the British Isles. I heard the New Year brought in by Big Ben and the Chimes f rom St. Paul's Cathedral. London. IV was amusing Vo hear the different foreign stations. In one evening we heard Paris, France; Toulouse, France; Madrid, Spain, Vienna, Austria; Berlin, Ger- many;, Prague, Czechoslovakla, and Karldenburg, Sweden. Much Unenuployment A ND NOW the new Majestic Super- 1-heterodyneModelswidelyheralded, are ready for delivery! Many added features . ..yet lower prices! 14ntire1y new superheterodyne circuit New type ""551"' tube that gives -even purer, more realistic reoeption. Equipped with eight Rogers A.C. Tubes ..Canada's longest-lived and finest performing radio tubes. There is only one thing for you to do. See for yourself the new Majestic Superheterodyne Modes... priced at $115,$149 and $185... now on diplay inou.r store. See this kitest Superheterodm Majestic Radio COMPIZIU with eight Rogers Tulbes, Indclufg' threo new "551" Screen.Coeid Tubes Au L. DARCH, King Street PAGE PM OSHAWA Ma-to BowmanvMll % .1 Y ~ New Superlheterodyne Mode1s . 0 with featuresl that give even finer Radio Reception

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