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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Feb 1931, p. 7

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, 'rHUR8DAY, PEBRUARY 26, 1931 AElE LOCAL and OTHERWISLI Miss Stedman spent the weekend ln Toronto. Miss Jean Bell, Toronto, was at home over the weekend. Mr. Frank Honeysett, Toronto, re- cently vsited Mr. C. M. Cawker. Miss Jessie Dawson, Toronto, spent the weekend at Mr. T. C. Jew- ell's. Mrs. Jas Garfatt and Mr. Jas Ab- raham, Brooklin, were in town Fr1- day. Mrs. A. Trewartha, Markham, Is visting her assit, Mrs. Ehi Wilson, iAberty Place. Miss Betty Chabot, Baltimore, Md., la visiting Miss Carnie Lathrope, Liberty Street. Bowmanville Business Directory ACCOUNTANT R. M. COTTON Auditlng - Accoanting Books wntten up dally, weekly or monthly. Manthiy and annual statement andl Incarne Tax Returns prepared.1 P. 0. Drawer E. Phones 611 & 32.1 AUCTIONEER Wm. Maw, Whitby If you should be thinking of h-old- ing an auction sale. of your Stock and Implements and would like ta bave the services of a real live auct- lancer, one wbo will get you good results, and a man who will bring buyers with him, Just cail up Will-: iam Maw, Whitby, Ont. AUTO PAINT SHOP1 Automobile Painting J. H. NEEDHAM Scales and Slcers Refinîshed. Dlivery wagons painted. Duco Work - Sign Painting General Enamelling. Phone 441 - Rear of Hydro Shap BLACKSMITHSI D. R. ALLDREAD - Skates Sharpcned- Acetylene Welding Horse Sboeing and General Blacksmithing - Woodworking - King Street E. Phone 506 GARAGES Garage and Service Station Batteries Changcd - Towlng and General Repairs an al makes a! cars. Acetylene Weldlng Supertest Oas and Oils - Accessories BROOKHAM and McMULLEN Phone 285 King St. W. BowmnviUle INSURANCE Fire Lif e C. H. DUDLEY DISTRICT AGENT TFE MANUFACTURERS' LIFE INSUBRANCE COMPANY Automobile Liability RESTAURANTS OLYMPIA CAPE Dowmanles Popular Eatlng Place Denlious Sandwiches - On toast wthout extra charge. Try our 40e meaL Ring Street E. Phone 5371 Mrs. Geo. Ingham, Peterboro, la visiting ber son, Mr. B. E. Ingbanx, M. A., Carlile Ave. Miss Parliament, Port Jefferson, Long Island, N. Y., is vlsitlng Mrs. Ray Dilllng, Church Street. Mr. T. S. Halgate is in Buffalo at- tending a directors' meeting of the Canadian Retail Coal Association. Mr. Clarence F'erguson, Toronto, visited with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ferguson, over 4fie *ïe; end. Mr. and Mrs. A. Plncb, baving sald their bouse on Lberty Place ta Mn. Prec Wght, nave moved to Oshawa. In "Maple Grove Reflections" in last week's paper by Mr. Chas. Ax- ford we stated Rev. C. A. Simpson lived at Brantford. It should be Brampton. R~YA L SAT. - MON. - TUES. FEB. 28 - MARCH 2 - 3 "MEN ON CALL" Storms at sea were nothing cam- pared ta the storm she raised in is' beart. With Edmund Lowe & Mae Clarke Matinee Saturday at 2.30 p. m. Silverware Night Every Tuesday WED. - THURS. - FRI. MARCH 4 - 5 - 6 Raifroaded! For a Crime She Didn't Commit ! Who wouldnI't thirst for revenge? PAIED The screen sensation f romi Bayard Veiller's Broadway bit, -"Wtbln the Law." Wth Robert Armstrong and Marie Prevost. Also sllxn Summerville. Eddie Gribbon and Pauline Garon in "Parlez Vous" and Cartoon. Matinee Wednesday at 4 p. m. It Costs Thousands to travel around the world, seeing ail the wonderful things, the odditles. beauties and historic points of ti intenesting globe. And it7 takes lots of tinîe. But it is the f orm of pleasure longed for by everyone. Wc al bave at some time or other wished that we could drap ail worry and wander care-free over the world. Now is your chance - trivel wth CAPTAIN J. MILTON STATE 1in THE IMPERIAL TRAVELOGUES "Around the Mediterranean" magnificelit Coored Vlewa, Movlng Pictures unlies and orchlds in Madeira; visit Portugal and Spai, the Pyrenees, Nice, Monte Calo, Mentone, Rome, Naples, yen- Ice, Florence, Siily, Constantinople, the Nile and Egypt, Northern Africa and the Holy Land. OPERA HOUSE, BOWMANVLLEL"" TUESDAY,, MARCH 3rd, 1931, Kt S p. m. 1- AMISFSION ? ETîmlufewli Ti1conm "le lt J=r7Ac Loveils. LOCAL and OTHERWISE Mn. and Mrs. Howard McClellan, Buffalo, N. Y., spent the weekend with bis parents, Mn. and Mrs. J. A. McClellan. Mn. and Mrs. Theadore Pishleigh and daughter Ruth, Oshawa, were weekend guests o! Mr. and Mns. N. S. Plunimer. Miss Ventress, Bobcaygeon, who was visltiag ber sister, Mrs. G. F. Purdy, Cburch St., returned home on Saturday. Miss Dorothy M. James and Miss Mary Nothway, Toronto University, vlsited the former's mothen, Mrs. N. S. B. James, on Sunday. Mr. and Mys. Sami W. Mason and sons Gary and John, Toronto, wene weekend guests o! bis parents, Mn. and Mrs. Geo. R. Mason. Mrs. A. N. Mitchell and Mrs. Her- bert TiIIey, Taronto, were guests o! the former's mother, Mrs. W. E. Tii- ley, Beecb Ave., on Thursday. Mr. Harry Beavis, Lakefield, Mn. Will Chistie, St. Catharines, wene guests o! their cousin, Mn. Gco. H. Bickell, King Street, on Tuesday. Mns. V R1. Oliver is acting as an- ganist o! St. John's Churcb in the absence o! Mns. J. A. Gunn wha is canlined ta ber home through illness. Mn. and Mns. J. E. Elliatt and their nepbcw, Mr. Norman Elliott, Oshawa, are attending the funeral o! the fonxner's brother nean Barrie. William Lyon Pbelps-There anc no bard and f ast rules for being happily mannied, except the applica- tion a! ordinary cammon sense and mutual consideratian. Mn. T. A. Dustan, President of Bowmanville Business Men's Assoc- iation, was in Toronta last week at- tending the Retail Merchants' As- sociation o! Ontario. Mrs. W. H. Argue bas been ap- pointed by the Public Library Board ta the position o! Librarian o! the Library succcedmng Mns. D. S. Mc- Gregor wha bas neslgned, ta take effect Marcb lst. Mr. M. W. Comstock, Dr. G. C. Bannycastie, Mn. Fred C. Hoar and Mn. John Baker lef t on Tuesday as representatives o! Palestine Chapter R. A. M., at the Grand Lodge. Royal Arch Masans, meeting in Niagara Falls. Rev. D. W. Best, D. D., Minister of St. Paul's United Chunch, le! t Mon- day ta attcnding the meeting o! the Executive Cammittee a! the Alliance a! Reformed Chunches throughout the Wonld, holding the Presbyterian system, wbich is betag held f nom February 24tb ta 26th at Washing- ton, D. C. Kingsway Nurseries, King Street East (Dr. Baldwin Place) are now looking thein best with a very at- tractive array a! flowcing plants and blooms that will delight the eyes and cheer the heants a! ail loyers o! the beautiful. Open for public in- spection every week day; Sundays f rom 2 ta 5 p. m. 9-1 AT TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Rev. E. Croesley Hunter Thursday, March 5th. Trinlty United Church, Bowmanvilfl Lecture by Rev. E. Croesley Hunter B. A.. of Carlton St. Unted Church, Toronto, entitied "Oberammergau- the place, tbe people and tbe play." The tbrillllng story o! this littie town bldden amld the Bavarlan Mts. that for thrcc centuries bas thrllled the warld by Its wonderful "Passion Play" and that last sulamer attract- ed nearly anc hall million people fram every corner of the world. The lecturer takes us to Oberammergau by way of Scotland, England, France and Switzerland, describes variaus scenes and shows beautiful colored sldes taken f rom actual photo- graphs. This will be the 48th time Mr. Hunter bas given this lecture in the leading churches of Ontario and Quebec to large and appreciative audiences. Admission 25c. SHERIDAN'S RIVALS Bowmanvlfle H. S. Studeute Assembly Hall Thursday aud Friday Februai-y 26th aud 27th ADBUSSION 35. IPlan mpensat at t.el Druga Mtort Mond&Y, lob. 23. et 4 p. m. COMING EVENTS Watch for date of postponed meeting of White Shleld Club. Reserve Tuesday, Marcb l7th, for St. Patrlck's night at St. Paul's. 111gb School Oratorical Contest on Tuesday, March 3rd, at 8 P. m. in the Assembly Hall. Admission free. Trmlity Mission Circle will hold Its regular meeting in tbe Ladies' Class Room on Tuesday, March 3rd, at 8 p. m. Reserve Thursday and Friday, Feb. 26tb and 2'th, for "Sheridani Rivais" Put on by Bowmanvllle HIgh1 School students. 6-4 Home-made Cooklng Sale and Af- ternoon Tea in St. John's Panish Hall I on Saturday, March i4th, at 3 p. m. under auspices o! Rebekah Lodge. 9-3w Reserve Thursday evening, March 5th, to bear lllustrated lecture by Rev. E. Crassley Hunter, Toronto,i under auspices of Trlnity Men's Bra- therhood. Thursday, Pcb. 26th, will be Lad-1 îes' Nlgbt, weather permitting, at Taylon's Arena. Ladies will be ad- mitted free. Sa bring your escont and skates. Reserve Tuesday, March 10th, for "Pollyanna", a comedy in four acts, to be presented by Oshawa talent unden auspices of gnoup 2 of Trlnity W. A. in Opera House, Bowmanville. The Afternoon Auxiiary af the W. M. S. will meet in Trinity school room on Tuesday, March 3rd, at 3 p. m. Prograrn in charge of Mns. W.i C. Ferguson and Mrs. C. W. Slemon's group.1 Don't miss the Women's Institute I Aternoon Tea and musical program,i etc., on Fniday, Feb. 27th, at 3 p. m. Each member is expected to bring at friend. Came andl see the table eti- quette demonstration. Admission 25c. The negular meeting of the Music Study Club will be held in St. Paui'sÉ Lecture Room on Wednesday, March 4th, at 8 p. m. Tbe study peniod, "Open Score and Transposition" will be given by Mr. Francis Sutton, Mus. Bac., F.C.C.O. An excellent program will be pnesented by the Oshawa Music Study Club. Floral Designa Firet cdace work for al occasions. Wreatbs, Sprays, Pllows, Brides' Bou- quets, etc. Also permanent Wreaths for the ceaietery la beautiful floral effect. KINGSWAY NURSERIES On Highway 2 streets east of Lberty St. Phone 144 Bowmanvlile Lost or Found LOST-Lady's gold wvnst watch, be- tween Bowmanville and Solina. Reward for return to Miss Mabel Chale, Bow- manville. 9-1* WATCH LOST - MWhite gold wrist watch losi Feb. 2let, between Publie Lib- rarv and Taylor's Rink. Reward for return to Dr. G. E. Reaman, Boys' Training School. 9-1w Wanted POSITION WANTEO-By married man on farn or for other' wark. Appiy to W. J. K. Stephens, Kingston I-ighway East, Bowmanville. Phone 111r23. 7tf WANTED-Robert Pawson la prepared ta repair boots, Slhoes and rubbers; neat job; aiadérate prices. Leave at Sidney Morris', Wellington Street, Bowmaanvllle. Phone 424. 7-46 Akrticles For Sale FOR SALE-Ail Eiectnlc Radios ln ex- change for pianos. Must be late modela. P. J. Mitchell, Bowaianville. Phone 105.1 COWS FOR BALE-One Jersey, aise one Jersey and Durham, both due ta re. new. T. W. Cawker, Bowmanville. 9-1il FOR SALE - General Purpose homek, good single or double; King Cultîvator lin gaod shape. Noble Metcalf, Maple Grave. Phone 477r31. -f FOR SALE-Baby buggy (straller) and lady's bicycle, alsa hooked mats. Appiyi ta Mrs. W. J. K. Stephens, Kingston Highway East, Bowmanville. Phone~ lllr23. 7tf, I4AY FOR SALE-About thirty tons la, stock on fanai %-mile east ai Newcastle' and 1% ailles north. Malte affer ta T. S. Jackson, 29 Ring St. East. Oshawa: M~one 1650. 9-2w. FOR SALE-Fumed oak upnlght piano, la gaod condition, cannot be told froai new; will oeil cheap for Cash; investigate quick; aise another lanaiahagaay finish. If you have the cash you con buy at juat about wholesale prices white the sale Is on. The Johns Piano Store, 80 Siaicae St. Northu, Oshawa. 9-2* To Let HOUSE TO RENT - I Hampton, s roame. Appiy ta Mrs. Jas. Jebeon, Htamp)ton. 9-3 i-bUSE TO RENT-Seve % rusais. wat- erworks. bath. eiectrlc llghte. iocated King & Ontario St., Bowmanvillie. Ap- piy A. A. Colwiii, Newcaatle. 5-tf FARM TO RENT - 97 acres splendid loamn at Oshawa ilarbour; good build- ings; fmli lloughlng done; new ceeds; 1,ossession April let. 1931. Apply ta G. D, Canant, Oshawa. 8-6w Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE-New 5-rooaied soiid brick lîouee on Welinigton St., aet conven- lances. Appiy ta Albert Hircock, Lib- rty St., Bowmanville. 4-tf HOUSE FOR SALE IN OSHAWA- New house, reRidlentll a st end, real 1bargain, six rooma. furnace, 9-piece bath, ,un-rnnm, French doors. garage; posses- sion March; $5000; $1000 down. For par- ticuears write R. A. E.Drawer B. Baw- manville. 8-3* FOR SALE-Brick cottage. sauth-west corner af Church and Ontario Streets, Bowmanvlile, six roams, ail modern con- veniences, good garden ani garage; newiy decorated and la excellent con- ilan; reaonably piced for Immediate sale. Apply ta Mrs. R. W. NichoIs. Courtice, or L. C. 31*101, solcitor. Bow- manville. 4-tf I4OISE FOR SALE-Beat builît ouse on Carlisle Avenue, talin oniy four tons of coke per winter for furuaoe and stove,I han dons. h the last four winrers; now I renting for $26 per month. three roomu and three Couet$ upsiaires ix rooms and hall including bedroom and bathroom downstair; clar dlvlded wlth coennt wall; garag and lien houoie. Terme eaY.I Appiy to C. N. Ruse, R. R L., Haut.n Ont. 38-dl)-amm Ueed cliing rlant inaifld at Ty- roxem NI. Amnpripared ta eie s.od gmin aitreaTyl&uw le.i0« BIRTHS BRANCH-In NJewcastle, at the home of Mrs. HerbertBrown, Feb. 2iet, 1931, ta Mr. and Mrs. Roy Branch, Newcastle, a son. JEBSON - In Bowmanvllle Hospital, on Thuraday, February 19til, 1931, ta Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jebson, a son. STAINTON-In Bowmanville llospltal. on Thursday, February 19th, 1931, ta Mr: and Mrs. Russell Stainton, Zion, a son.I DEATHS MOASE-In Unity, Sask., on Monday. Feb. 23rd, 1931. Helen Mitchell, widow of the late James Moase, In- her 7th year. Aunt of Mrs. T. W. Cawker. Bowmanville. Funeral front the homne af her son. Mr. Chas. Moase, 61 Victoria Ave. N., Lindsay, on F'riday, Feb. 27th. Inter- ment at Riverside Cemetery untîl sprtng, when final hurli will take place at Pleasant Point Cemetery, Mariposa. DICKEY - In Trenton, on Saturday, Feb. 2lst, 1931, James Harvey Dickey, beloved huasband of Ida Dickey, aged 69 years. HARLOCK-At Greenwood. Feb. 21st, 1931, Joseph Harlock, beloved husband af Anme Langniaid. aged 63 years. Inter- red at Oshawa- SMITH - Suddenly in Brookija. on Monday, February 23rd, 1931, Louisa Stewart, be]oved wlfe of W. L. Smith. Interred la Orono. ELLiOTT-At Edenvale. Ont., on Mon- day, February 23rd, 1931, Siephen Elliott, la hie 6th year. Brother of Mr. J. E. Elliott. Bownianville. McCULLOUGH-Suddenly at 190 Gren- adier Road, Toronto, early Thursday morntng, February 19th, 1931, William McCullougli, aged 76 years. DOYLE-At hie home, 18 Shannon St.,I Toronto, Friday, February 2th, Henry C. Doyle, beloved (husband of Sarah Ana Healey. Former resident of Bowmanville. BALLARD-At Winona, Mississippi, On Moaday, February 16th, 1931, Harriett Dunstan, beloved wif e of the late Harry B3allard. Niece of Mr. C. M. Cawker, Bowmanviile. H-ENLEV-At Toronto General Hospi- tal, Feb. 2lst, 1911, Mary Jane Coucb, widow of the late William Henley, aged 80 years. Daugbter of tbe late JO&. Couch, Tyrone. WOODGER-ln Bowmanville, on Fni- day, February 20th, 1931, Sarab Elizabeth Cole, widow of the late Rev. Frederick Woodger, aged 72 years. Interment at Betheeda Cemetery. HARGRAFT-On Thursday, Feb. lth, 1931, at his late residence, 62 Glen Road, Toronto, George Ross Hlargrait, ln his 76th year, ihusband of the late Rachel MacNachtan Hargraft, of Cobourg. ASHTON-At Lake Farm, Bradworthy, Devon. England, on Saturday, Feb. 7th, 19311. Samuel John Ashton, Esquire, agedl 84 years, alter a critical ilîness. Has 1 several relatives la Bowmanville and Darlington. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of Alexander Taylor wlîo passed away on Marcb let, 1923. Tis lonesome bere without you, There ls such a vacant place; Where we never bear your footsteps, Or see your smiling face. As we loved YOU, so we miss you,. In our memory you are near, Lov~ed, remnembered, longed for always, Bringing many a silent tear. -Wlte and Famlly. WOTTEN-In loving mernory of a dear liusijanu and father, Herman R. Wotten, wh ase way Feb. 28th, 1928. He bas takea his last tourney In Godes beautiful ship called "'Best", Away from is world of sorrow To a home of eternal rest. Fond were the ties that were brokea, Dear le the one that bas gone, Ia rn.ýemory we shall keep hlm, As long as thue years ral an. -Wif e and Daughter. Ha Ra BAIN & CGu' LIMITED IjNYESTMENT BANKERS of Toronto Annoimce the opening of an AGENCY IN BOWMANVILLE lu Knight's Insurance Office King and Silver Streets, under the SUPERVISION 0F N. B. ROBINSON Goverument, Municipal and Corporation Bond* Bought, Sold and Quoted. Enquiries Solicited Phone 13 Corbett's Wholesome Breadi 8c CASH - 9c CREDIT HOT CROSS BUNS during Lent 20c dozen. Try Corbett's Raisin Bread-nlcb in raisins-zestful la flavor. Hear more about this bread every Monday cvening at 9 o'ciock over Columbia Broadcasting System by the I'Tbree Bakers."' Wu P. CORBETT BAKER AND CONFECTIONER BOWMANILL A Womnan's Fancy Turns' To NewApparel in Spring You'll find it hard to limit your selection to just one of these New Spring Dresses as there are so many smarit ones for your choice. They are ail exquisitely fashioned and unquestionably charm- ing. They include printed crepes, georgettes, cantons, celenese and fiat crepes, ranging in price from $ 9395 New Season's Fabrics May we have the pleasure of introducing to you the season' s neWest dress materials in plain and figuned geor- gettes, rayons, printed silks, gloria crepes, figured chiffons. You will find many a suggestion for Spring costumes in our fabric section. Wabasso Cottons, splendid range, fast colors, 25c yd. up Peter Pan Prints, best quality, fxlom .............45C yd. Up Ladies' Neckwear - collars, cufs and vestees Spring OFFersk new Economy ini MEN!S WEAR1 Men's Worsted Suits, 2 pr. pants, at ..........$22.50 Young Men's Suits, 2 pr. pants, at .............$1 7.50 JXinior '~ n s 2 pr. pant8, at ...........$15.wO 'r,, t '- - 91 Meu's Winter Overcoats Clearing at About Half Price Couck, Johnston, & -Cryclermen I I 1 ., ýl tý, -l- ý , , ( -- dm i ý PAGU mviv

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